Chickenpox, Sting in Spring: Prescription
Chickenpox, Sting in Spring: Prescription
Chickenpox, Sting in Spring: Prescription
A chickenpox infection usually lasts about 5-10 days. The rash is the telltale indication of chickenpox. Other signs and symptoms, which may appear one to two days before the rash, include: l Fever l Loss of appetite l Headache l Tiredness and a general feeling of being unwell (malaise) Once the chickenpox rash appears, it goes through three phases: l Raised pink or red bumps (papules), which break out over several days l Fluid-filled blisters (vesicles), forming from the raised bumps over about one day before breaking and leaking
Start your morning with a glass of water with fresh lemon juice squeezed into it. Paradoxically, lemon juice helps to promote healthy alkalinity in your body. Almost instantly, you will feel calmer and better able to handle stress. Lemon juice also helps you to absorb minerals,so be sure to drink itwhen you take any nutritional supplements.
Chicken pox can be prenented by vaccine. Doctors recommend two doses of this shot for healthy children 12 months of age and older who have not had chickenpox.
l Crusts and scabs, which cover the
Iodine for IQ
rash can spread to cover the entire body, and lesions may form in the throat, eyes and mucous membranes of the urethra, anus and vagina. New spots continue to appear for several days.
How is it treated?
broken blisters and take several more days to heal New bumps continue to appear for several days. As a result, you may have all three stages of the rash bumps, blisters and scabbed lesions at the same time on the second day of the rash. Once infected, you can spread the virus for up to 48 hours before the rash appears, and you remain contagious until all spots crust over. The disease is generally mild in healthy children. In severe cases, the Most healthy children and adults need only home treatment for chickenpox. Home treatment includes resting and taking medicine to reduce fever and itching. You also can soak in oatmeal baths to help with itching. People with long-term diseases or other health problems may need more
food therapy
According to the World Health Organization, todays leading cause of dementia and brain failure is iodine deficiency. Low iodine levels trigger fatigue, depression and brain damage.Even in the early stages iodine deficiency can lower IQ by 15 points. Due to widespread ingestion of iodine blockers such as chlorinated fluoridated drinking water and soybean products, 43% of the population is at serious risk.
The study showed that drinking three or more cups of coffee daily, and eating chocolate each day, were each associated with more normal levels of ALT. When combined, they represented a 4050% lower lever of abnormal liver enzymes. Also drinking more coffee each day was associated with more normal AST levels. But researchers said these results need to be confirmed by further experimental and observational research. l
Eating chocolate and drinking 3 or more cups of coffee everyday can lower levels of two common enzymes that are the markers of liver diseases
Your polarity may be reversed! Causes include wearing a watch on your left wrist, exposure to electro-magnetic fields such as a clock radio beside your bed or working at a computer, dehydration, and iron or potassium deficiency. How do you correct your polarity? Drink a glass of water. Fold your arms in front of your chest. Press the pulse points of your wrists together so each hand is holding onto a forearm. Hold this position for 1-5 minutes until you feel a noticeable shift in your body.(It may feel like you are shorter or heavier or more bottom-heavy). You will notice a rise in your energy level after about 10 minutes.
| Dr Mohammad Sayem