Employee Appraisal Form Non Executive
Employee Appraisal Form Non Executive
Employee Appraisal Form Non Executive
I$ Per o"al %uali!ie a"d &or' (abi! ()*+) (A) E-,elle"! . (/) 0ood 1 (C) Sa!i 2a,!ory 3 (#) Poor 4 To!al Poi"!
Fa,!or a"d #e ,rip!io" 4$ 5"o6led7e o2 &or' A) Outstanding knowledge of details and backgrounds. B) Very good knowledge and endeavors to acquire more. C) Good and adequate for normal requirements. D) nowledge is inadequate and makes no efforts to im!rove. 3$ Abili!y To Commu"i,a!e A) Outstanding" convincing and to t#e !oint. B) $sually e%!resses very well. C) &%!resses #imself'#erself well. D) (oor and ineffective. 1$ I"i!ia!i8e a"d E22e,!i8e"e A) )akes initiative and !roduce effective results. B) Occasionally needs instruction but #as t#e initiative to work #imself ' #erself. C) )akes some initiative but results !roduce are not effective. D) Does w#at is being told and no more. *actors and Descri!tion
+A) &%cellent -
+B) Good
+C) ,atisfactory
+D) (oor
)otal (oints
(A) E-,elle"! . 0
(/) 0ood 1
(#) Poor 4
To!al Poi"!
)otal (erformance
8 .;
9 :;< 8
Re ul!
Re ul!
Ca!e7ory S,ore Remar' A =* @ 4** E-,elle"! / <) A <= 0ood C <* A <) Sa!i 2a,!ory # ;) A <* # B ;. Poor 4$ Employee S!re"7!9
3$ Employee &ea'"e e
1$ I"di,a!e belo6 !9e area 69ere !9e employee "eed !o impro8e a"d u77e ! ,o" !ru,!i8e !ep 9e> 9e 9ould !a'e !o 2ur!9er 9i >9er pro7re a"d de8elopme"!C
.$ Comme"! by EmployeeC
EmployeeE Si7"a!ure
Re8ie6ed by (R dep!$
Appro8ed by M#
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