Counterintelligence Analysis and Production
Counterintelligence Analysis and Production
Counterintelligence Analysis and Production
Chapter 5
Analysis and production is the heart of intelligence. No matter what
quality and quantity of information is gathered, it does absolutely no good
if the information is not turned into intelligence and disseminated to the
commander in time for him to use it in the decisionmaking process. The
same is doubly true of CI. CI agents, interrogators, and MDCI analysts
work in teams to gather information, process it into intelligence, put it into
products usable at all levels, and disseminate it in time to keep our
commanders decision time inside the decision time required by an
CI analysis and production is focused on three well-defined FIS activities:
HUMINT, SIGINT, and IMINT. The process of countering each of these
disciplines involves a threat assessment, vulnerability assessment,
development of countermeasures options, countermeasures
implementation, and countermeasures evaluation. These are referred to
as the five-step CI process. (See Section II through Section V of
Appendix B.) But they are more than that.
While each step is a product, it is also a process. Each step can
stand alone, yet each depends upon the other for validity. Once
begun, the five-step CI process becomes cyclic. The cyclic process
does not end, for within each step is the requirement for continuous
updating of the CI database. This is necessitated by any new
information reflecting change in either the FIS posture, the friendly
posture, or both.
Because FIS activities involve collection, analysis, and production and
are themselves multidisciplined, efforts to counter FIS activities will
likewise be multidisciplined and will require collection, analysis, and
production in order to be successful. The analyst will be able to
produce a truly multidisciplined product only if collection is productive.
Collection is a single discipline function and the attendant initial
analysis is likewise a single discipline. The fusion and refined analysis
of individual disciplines occurs at various echelons of command,
specifically the ACE at theater, corps, and division and at the Army CI
Center, 902d Ml Group, Fort Meade, MD.
CI analysis is by no means exclusive to Army agencies, but is a crucial
activity of DOD. CI analysis is performed at the Defense Intelligence
FM 34-60
Agency (DIA), as well as other federal agencies such as the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA), FBI, and the National CI Center. CI analysis
must be performed by highly trained, experienced, and skilled analysts
using the latest technology and modern methods of planning and directing,
processing, producing, and disseminating.
HUMINT analysis focuses not only upon the FIS entity or entities operating
in the area but also upon the intelligence product most likely being
developed through their collection activities. The analytical effort should
attempt to identify the FIS HUMINT cycle (collection, analysis, production,
targeting) and FIS personalities. To produce a complete product, the
MDCI analyst may need access to considerable data and require significant
resources. The MDCI analyst will require collection in the areas of
subversion, espionage, sabotage, terrorism, and other HUMINT supported
activities. Collection of friendly data is also required to substantiate
analytical findings and recommendations. Consistent with time, mission,
and availability of resources, efforts must be made to provide an analytical
product that identifies FIS efforts.
SIGINT like C-HUMINT focuses upon the FIS entities which can collect on
friendly forces. It also focuses on the intelligence which is most likely being
collected. Also like C-HUMINT and C-IMINT, any C-SIGINT analysis effort
should be fully automated (data storage, sorting, and filing). The MDCI
analyst requires SIGINT data collection to support vulnerability assessment
and countermeasures evaluation. Validation of vulnerabilities (data
capturable by FIS SIGINT) and the effectiveness of implemented
countermeasures (a before and after comparison of electromagnetic
signatures and data) will be nearly impossible without active and timely
collection as a prerequisite to analysis. The MDCI analyst requires a
comprehensive, relational database consisting of FIS SIGINT systems,
installations, methodology, and associated SIGINT cycle data. In addition,
all friendly C-E systems and user unit identification must be readily
available, as well as a library of countermeasures and a history of those
previously implemented countermeasures and results. Ideally, the MDCI
analyst should, at any given time, be able to forecast FIS SIGINT activity.
However, such predictions must rely upon other CI, interrogator, SIGINT,
and IMINT collection as well as access to adjacent friendly unit CI files.
Information on FIS SIGINT must be readily accessible from intelligence
elements higher as well as lower in echelon than the supported command.
IMINT requires the analyst to have an indepth knowledge of the supported
commanders plans, intentions, and proposed AO as far in advance of
commitment as possible. The analyst must have access to all available
data and intelligence on FIS IMINT methodology, systems, and processing
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as well as indepth information on commercial satellite systems and their
availability to the foreign consumer. The analyst attempts to define the
specific imagery platform deployed against US Forces and the cycle
involved (time based) from time of imaging through analysis to targeting.
Knowledge of FIS intelligence cycle to targeting is critical in developing
countermeasures to defeat, destroy, or deceive FIS IMINT. For
ground-based HUMINT oriented IMINT (video cassette recorders [VCRs],
cameras, host nation curiosity, news media organizations) the CI team will
be required to collect the data for the analyst. This type of information
cannot be reasonably considered to exist in any current database.
Traditional FIS IMINT data is readily available and should not require any
CI collection effort. However, collection to support CI (overflights of friendly
forces by friendly forces) during identified, critical, and IMINT vulnerable
times will validate other CI findings and justify countermeasures. This
collection will be of immense value to the analyst and the supported
commander in determining what, if anything, FIS imagery has captured. It
must be done within the established or accepted FIS activity cycle.
The CI analyst uses the tools and skills identified in this chapter and in
FM 34-3. The intelligence analyst focuses on how we see the opposition;
the MDCI analyst focuses on this and how the opposition sees us. The
MDCI analyst must also focus on how to counter the oppositions collection
efforts. Where the intelligence analyst is a subject matter expert on the
opposition, the MDCI analyst, in addition to having an indepth
understanding and expertise on foreign intelligence collection capabilities,
must have a good working knowledge of our own force. The CI analysis
assets of the ACE must be fully integrated into the ASAS as well as the
single-source C-HUMINT processor. They require access to all-source
data that is applicable to CI analytical products.
The principles and techniques identified in FM 34-3 apply equally in CI
analysis. This chapter focuses specifically on the application of analysis on
CI matters.
The CI and C-HUMINT multidiscipline assets of the ACE are under the
staff supervision of the G2 at theater, corps, and division levels. Theater
ACE staffing is provided from the operations battalion of the theater MI
brigade. Corps ACE staffing is provided from the corps MI brigade
headquarters and operations battalion. Division ACE staffing is provided
by personnel assigned to the headquarters company of the divisional MI
battalion. In addition to CI personnel, an all-source mix of single discipline
analysts is sometimes required for interpretation to produce the CI
analytical products required by the commander at each echelon. CI
products are also critical to the function of the G3 OPSEC and deception
cells as well.
FM 34-60
The CI mission is a diverse and all-encompassing CI analytical effort.
MDCI analysts perform the following functions:
Analyze the multidiscipline intelligence collection threat targeted against
friendly forces.
Assess opposition intelligence collection threat vulnerabilities and
susceptibilities to friendly deception efforts.
Support friendly vulnerability assessment.
Develop, evaluate, and recommend countermeasures to the
commander. These countermeasures reduce, eliminate, or take
advantage of friendly force vulnerabilities.
Support rear operations by identifying collection threats to rear area
units and installations, to include low-level agents responsible for
sabotage and subversion.
Nominate targets for exploitation, neutralization, or destruction.
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C-SIGINT analysis includes
Analyzing and assessing foreign SIGINT collection capabilities and
Comparing opposition collection systems capabilities against
friendly targets.
Identifying, analyzing, and assessing friendly electronic patterns
and signatures.
Analyzing friendly vulnerabilities against foreign SIGINT collection
Recommending countermeasures and deception.
Nominating enemy SIGINT targets for exploitation, neutralization, or
C-IMINT analysis includes
Analyzing and assessing adversary imagery collection capabilities
and activities, to include ground, air, and space systems. Threat
systems include anything from hand-held cameras to satellite
platforms, or fixed or rotary-wing aircraft and unmanned aerial
vehicles (UAVs). The assessment should include adversary
access to commercial satellite imagery and the ability to properly
analyze the imagery.
Measuring enemy collection systems against friendly targets.
Identifying, analyzing, and assessing friendly patterns, signatures,
and vulnerabilities for subsequent development and
recommendation of countermeasures and deception.
Nominating opposition IMINT systems for exploitation,
neutralization, or destruction.
Other intelligence support to CI analysis cannot be conducted without the
support of all three intelligence disciplinesHUMINT, SIGINT, and IMINT.
These disciplines collect critical information on adversary collection,
analysis, and dissemination systems. Analysts extract information from the
all-source database within the ACE to determine adversary collection
capabilities and operations. These systems, coincidentally, collect a great
deal of intelligence on friendly forces. This intelligence is vital in evaluating
friendly profiles and thereby determining their vulnerabilities. If the situation
warrants, we can task friendly collection systems to specifically collect
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information on friendly forces for the MDCI analysts through the collection
management team.
The CI mission mandates a wide range of functions and tasks that are
accomplished in peace and at all intensities of conflict. CI operational
activities perform such functions as investigations, operations, and
collection. Their products are of great value to the MDCI analyst. MDCI
analysts work with CI teams and the collection management team in the
ACE, and maintain rapport with operational CI and interrogation personnel
in the AO in order to obtain information from all echelons.
FM 34-60
when the identity, capability, location, and intentions of the target are
known. Key considerations in nominating targets for exploitation include
Friendly forces ability to deceive, control, or manipulate the target.
Neutralization or destruction which is not possible or practical.
Exploitation which will benefit friendly forces.
Benefits to the friendly force which outweigh neutralization or
Targets should be neutralized when the opposition elements or resources
are known and located by the friendly force, and can be rendered
ineffective. Actions taken to neutralize targets can be offensive or
defensive measures which prevent the opposition from achieving its
objective. Usually, destruction or elimination of these targets is neither
possible nor practical.
Key considerations in nominating targets for neutralization include
Friendly forces inability to destroy or eliminate the target.
Knowledge or ability to know the targets location, identity, capability,
and intentions.
Friendly operational activities and resources targeted by the opposition.
Ability of friendly forces to neutralize the target.
Targets which may be considered for neutralization are
Targets which can be effectively jammed.
Targets which can be isolated from their objectives through the use of
physical obstacles, including barriers, friendly maneuver, and
Known opposition collectors against which friendly force
countermeasures can be implemented.
Countermeasures developed to neutralize a target are specific measures in
addition to OPSEC measures. This may include moving a tactical
operations center (TOC) during a known window of advantage; working
with the G4 to redesignate main supply routes based on a known threat;
and recommending barrier locations to engineers. Remember, nominating
targets for destruction or elimination is almost always preferable to
FM 34-60
nominating targets for neutralization or recommending actions to neutralize
targetsprovided destruction of the target is practical.
Destruction or elimination of targets. These targets are battalion size or
smaller, which the friendly force can destroy or render combat ineffective or
render intelligence collection ineffective. Usually, the identity, capability,
intentions, and locations are known. Targets which may be recommended
for destruction include
Bases of airborne reconnaissance units.
Hostile intelligence services operatives, saboteurs, and terrorists.
Base camps for opposition unconventional warfare forces either in
friendly or opposition territory.
FM 34-60
CI analysis products convey the essence of the CI analysis to the
commander and staff and higher, lower, and adjacent units. MDCI analysts
prepare C-HUMINT, C-SIGINT, and C-IMINT products that become the
analytical tools used to produce collective CI products. CI products also
provide OPSEC or deception planners critical information required for their
operations. Among these products are rear operations IPB; MDCI
summaries (MDCISUMs); CI threat assessments; CI situation overlays; and
CI estimates.
In every operation, someone has to watch the back door. That someone is
the MDCI analyst. Working in the rear CP or the combat service support
CP, the MDCI analyst works through the steps of the IPB process taking a
slightly different approach than his counterparts in the main CP. Specific
responsibilities follow:
MDCI analysts use maps at a scale of 1:50,000 or larger (1:25,000
scale or town plans at 1:12,500 scale are even better). This scale
permits them to obtain the resolution needed to precisely locate and
evaluate terrain suitable for Level I or II threats.
MDCI analysts identify the most probable area for a small threat
insertion of perhaps 6 to 10 personnel. They also identify a Level III
threat. Insertion of a Level III threat in the rear area would most likely
take place as a cross-forward line of own troops (FLOT) operation.
Close coordination with ACE analysts ensures the inclusion of IPB
products to predict this threat.
Divisional analysts are concerned with the division rear area up to the
brigade rear area.
Corps analysts would concentrate on the corps rear area down through
the division rear area.
EAC ACE is concerned with the communications zone down through
the corps rear area.
FORSCOM J2 is responsible for CONUS rear operations IPB.
During peacetime, the MDCI analyst builds an extensive database for each
potential area in which threat intelligence collectors or battalion size or
smaller units might operate. He analyzes this intelligence base in detail to
determine the impact of enemy, weather, and terrain on operations and
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presents it in graphic form. The analysis has the added ingredient of
assisting in the assessment of friendly COAs from the enemys perspective.
Graphics assist the commander in identifying targets as they enter the
battle area. Because rear operations IPB targets consist of small units or
threat intelligence collection resources, these targets are not as prominent
as those viewed in the all-source products. However, the process still
generates HVTs and HPTs. Additionally, rear operations IPB assists in
determining friendly HVTs and HPTs from the enemys perspective. These
are the friendly critical nodes or clusters susceptible to enemy collection or
hostile action that are deemed critical to successful operations.
Rear operations IPB and IPB threat evaluation use the same analytical
techniquetemplating. Rear operations IPB templates are similar to IPB
templates in the main battlefield area. They provide a comparative
intelligence database for integrating threat intelligence collection activities
and small unit operations with the weather and terrain for a specific area.
This enables the MDCI analyst to graphically portray enemy intelligence
collection and small unit capabilities; depict probable COAs both before and
during the battle; and confirm or refute predictions.
Both rear operations IPB templates and IPB templates are dynamic and
require continual review. Not only do they portray enemy intelligence
elements and small unit characteristics but they also seek to graphically
portray named areas of interest (NAIs). Like the IPB process, rear
operations IPB develops and employs doctrinal, situational, and event
templates, and matrices that focus on intelligence collection and identifying
which COA an adversary will execute. These COA models are products
the staff will use to portray the threat in the decisionmaking and targeting
MDCI analysts develop and maintain templates throughout the IPB process
and provide the basis for collection and further CI analysis. The analysts
ultimate goal is the nomination of targets for exploitation, neutralization,
suppression, harassment, and destruction. For more information on IPB,
see FM 34-130.
The MDCISUM is a graphic portrayal of the current situation from a CI point
of view. The MDCI analyst uses the MDCISUM to show known adversary
collection units, as well as Levels I and II threats within the friendly area.
The MDCISUM is a periodic report usually covering a 12-hour period. It
shows friendly targets identified as adversary objectives during the
specified timeframe as shown in Figure 5-1. The MDCI analyst includes a
clear, concise legend on each MDCISUM showing the time period, map
reference, and symbols identifying friendly and adversary information. As
the MDCI analyst identifies a friendly critical node, element, or resource as
FM 34-60
an adversary combat or intelligence collection target, he puts a box around
it and labels it with a T number. The legend explains whether the T is
A combat intelligence target.
A source and time confirmation.
An adversary resource or element that will attack or collect against the
target in the future.
The expected timeframe for the adversary to exploit the target.
The MDCISUM incorporates rear operations IPB products and individual
and specific products to the extent they are relevant to the MDCISUM
reporting period. The MDCISUM might portray the following information:
Satellite or tactical reconnaissance patterns over the friendly area.
Sweeps by enemy side looking airborne radar (SLAR) or EA air
platforms to the full extent of their maximum ranges.
Suspected landing zones or drop zones which will be used by an
enemy element in the rear area.
Area or unit which has received unusual enemy jamming.
Movement of an enemy mobile SIGINT site forward along with a
graphic description of the direction and depth of its targeting.
Location of an operational enemy agent or sabotage net.
Last known location of threat special operations forces.
The MDCI analyst retains copies of the MDCISUM to provide a historical
database for future use; to use the preparation of CI threat assessments;
and to update the CI estimate. The MDCISUM usually accompanies the
graphic intelligence summary prepared by the ACE. This allows
commanders to view them simultaneously. The MDCISUM, like the graphic
intelligence summary, is an extremely valuable tool. It gives the
commander critical information in a concise, graphic manner.
FM 34-60
FM 34-60
A quick overview of significant activity during the reporting period.
An assessment of the intelligence damage.
A projected assessment of enemy activity for the next reporting period.
Target nominations.
The CI threat assessment is a valuable means for providing peacetime
assessment to commanders, activities, or operations shown in Figure 5-2.
This assessment also satisfies the NATO requirement for a CI summary
The CI situation overlay is a composite of the functional area overlay
prepared by the subject matter experts assigned to perform CI analysis.
The CI situation overlay incorporates the most important information from
each of the other overlays. The functional area overlay serves as the
working overlay, while the CI overlay is the master and serves as the
briefing overlay. It should be ready for briefings at all times. Ordinarily, the
senior MDCI analyst is responsible for maintaining the overlay; however,
its preparation is a collective effort of all members of the CI team.
The CI estimate is a composite study containing information from each
functional area pertaining to a specified contingency area. It is a dynamic
document prepared during peacetime and refined and updated
continuously. The CI estimate addresses all friendly AOs with the strongest
emphasis on the rear area. The rear operations IPB process is tied to the
development of the CI estimate. Types of information contained in these
estimates vary depending on the contingency area. They generally contain
discussions on friendly deployment (including friendly critical nodes) and
enemy intelligence collection capabilities and operations (such as sabotage
or unconventional warfare). The following are examples of information
found in an estimate:
CONUS base.
Major supply routes.
Rail lines.
Points of entry.
Air and sea lanes.
Air points of departure and sea points of departure.
Staging areas.
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Maneuver areas.
Host nation support and nature of resistance in any US AO.
Assessment of threats to the logistic system.
Enemy multidiscipline collection capabilities.
Level I or II threats.
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FM 34-60
FM 34-60