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Turbina de Gas GT24 y GT26 Alstom

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Our world has an ever-growing appetite for energy balanced by an increasing concern for the environment. Alstom delivers the clean power solutions that utilities and industries need to meet these increasing challenges. From gas turbines or entire turnkey power plants and to industrial solutions, our versatile technology is proven to lower generation costs, reduce emissions, and provide unmatched operational reliability and exibility. Through more than 70 years of innovation, Alstom has established a track record of quality, safety, and responsiveness to local market needs. Clean power for a changing world!

Key facts

70 years of innovation 90 locations 200 turnkey power plants 1,500 gas turbine professionals worldwide


Alstom GT24/GT26 deliver the versatility and performance needed to meet dynamically changing power requirements.

GT24/GT26 gas turbines Unparalleled performance, maximum return

Power producers around the world are constantly striving to save fuel, reduce operating costs and deliver reliable, cleaner power. Alstoms high performing advanced class GT24/GT26 gas turbines deliver the high efciency, exceptional availability and lower environmental impact they need to meet these challenging requirements and have been proven through Alstoms decades of operating experience. Alstoms GT24/GT26 advanced class gas turbines are exceptionally well suited to deliver against increasing energy challenges, with demonstrated superior operating versatility, and a track record of providing maximum returns for customers. As one of the most reliable gas turbine solutions on the market with more than 5 million red hours and 87,000 starts the Alstom gas turbines GT24 (for 60Hz applications) and GT26 (for 50Hz) offer proven performance and exibility. The GT24/GT26 turbines reduce emissions by delivering high efciency at conventional ring temperatures. This is made possible by an advanced design featuring annular combustors, welded rotors and Alstoms unique sequential combustion technology. These advanced class gas turbines are the industrys most versatile when it comes to handling wide uctuations in fuel composition. They are equally versatile in operating modes, with the ability to switch between modes while online, allowing power providers to optimise for performance or maintenance costs to meet individual requirements.


How Alstom is helping you

Clean Power,

Our Power generation offering is based on a deep understanding of power markets and our customers needs. It is organised around three levers to maximise the return of assets over their entire lifecycle.


It takes competitive assets to keep electricity affordable. We enable power companies to compete successfully in the marketplace and provide affordable electricity to consumers. We help you reduce the cost of electricity through:


Clean generation is one way of demonstrating environmental responsibility. Another is lowering resource usage, visual impact and noise pollution. In both cases, we can help you meet or exceed regulations and environmental standards. That is why Alstom innovates in the following areas:


Intermittent power generation is a growing challenge of energy security, as is maintaining an aging installed base and adapting it to changing market conditions. We help you tackle both issues so that you can enjoy dependable operations with:

Efficiency improvements CAPEX reduction / scaling up Capacity Factor increase (renewable) Lead time reduction Competitive O&M Competitive financing

Renewable portfolio Natural resource optimisation Pollutants control (SOx, NOx, PM, mercury) CO2 emission reduction & CCS Land use, visual impact and noise Water intensity reduction & recyclability

Maintainability and outage time reduction Operational and fuel flexibility Lifetime extension and power uplift Designs and service for improved availability and reliability Climate packages Energy storage


Clear Solutions

meet the challenges of energy sustainability

































1 in 5
people globally lack electricity.

A 20%
rise of the global energy-related carbon dioxide emissions could happen by 2035.

Only 20%
of renewable energies in global electricity generation.


High efciency, proven

Key benets
Alstoms high preforming advanced class gas turbines have demonstrated superior versatility worldwide, providing maximum returns to customers.


Operational versatility

The GT24/GT26 gives power providers unmatched operational versatility, with the unique ability to switch online between two operational modes Performance Optimisation for higher output and efciency or Maintenance Cost Optimisation for up to 30% longer operational intervals between scheduled inspections. This versatility allows customers to weigh performance against plant maintenance costs as power demand shifts.

Load range efciency

Alstom GT24/GT26 gas turbines offer best in class all-round efciency at nearly constant levels from 100% to 80% load and high efciency below 80% load.

Gas fuel exibility

The GT24/GT26 turbines produce NOx emission well below 15vppm at 15% O2, and can deliver these low emissions at low part loads as well.

Low emissions

Alstoms innovative and robust sequential combustion design offers the best in industry versatility to support a wide range of gas variations, including Liqueed Natural Gas (LNG).

Start-up times, ramp rates

Fuel oil capability

Alstom advanced class gas turbines offer industry standard 30-minute hot start-up and non-spinning reserve capability delivering 500MW in just 10 minutes for a KA24-2 conguration respectively 350MW for a KA26-1 conguration.

To allow power producers the exibility to react to demands of the grid or fuel supply, the GT24/GT26 offer the capability of burning fuel oil in the event of a fuel gas supply shortage, managing the switchover without power interruption.

Superior hot/cold performance

High availability

The GT24/GT26 can operate in ambient temperatures as high as 55C and as low as -30C to meet a diverse range of operating environments.

Alstom GT24/GT26 gas turbines have posted availability, reliability and service factor performance that meet or exceed class averages, proven over more than 5million operating hours.


availability, lower environmental impact

A smart idea, powerfully delivered
Alstom technology a superior solution
For more than 50 years, Alstom has been developing and perfecting an alternative design, and has been the rst to introduce sequential combustion technology. In addition, the GT24/GT26 gas turbines feature Industry-leading annular EV burners that create a contactless ame, detached from the hardware, reducing maintenance Compressors and LP-turbines that feature high-efciency 3D blade proles for high all-round performance Multiple variable guide vanes for better turn down capabilities Solid welded rotor that reduces maintenance time and improves availability

By injecting fuel into two combustion systems in series, it is possible to increase output and cycle efciency without signicantly increasing the emissions at full and part load, since the ring temperature in the rst combustor can be kept relatively low, and the second combustor does not make a substantial contribution to the level of engine NOx emissions. As a result of these innovations, Alstom has enabled power providers to deliver more cost-effective, reliable energy with lower environmental impact.

The Alstom GT24/GT26 offer the ultimate in versatility, performance and emission reduction to meet todays dynamic energy needs.



Industry-leading burners
1st-stage EV combustor
The EV combustor has an annular burner arrangement. The GT24/GT26 gas turbines are tted with retractable EV burners. Compared with other combustor arrangements, the annular combustor distributes the hot gas, circumferentially, at a much more uniform temperature. Radial temperature uniformity is accomplished by pre-mixing compressor air with the fuel in the EV burner, and by the absence of lm cooling in the convection-cooled combustor walls. This produces a single, uniform ame ring in the free space of the EV combustion zone. A key benet is that the ame has no contact with the walls of the burner. These design features distinguish the EV combustor signicantly from other combustion systems.
Combustion air Spray evaporation Vortex breakdown

Lean Premix Gas Rich Premix Gas Premix Gas

Lean Premix Gas injection holes


Flame front

Sequential combustion design comprises two combustor-turbines in series, where the exhaust gases from the rst turbine feed the combustor of the second. An efcient 22-stage subsonic compressor feeds combustion air into the rst combustor. Fuel is mixed with the high-pressure air and burns in the rst combustor the annular EV combustor. The hot gases drive the single-stage high-pressure turbine.

Unlike conventional turbines, fuel is then injected into a second burner set and spontaneously ignites in the following annular combustion zone, the SEV (Sequential EV) combustor, thereby reheating the air and further expanding it through four low-pressure turbine stages. The temperature of the EV combustor is maintained at a nearly constant level, resulting in lower NOx emissions and cleaner power.



performance begins at the core

A unique design that delivers higher performance and lower emissions across the entire load range to meet customer needs.

2nd-stage SEV combustor

In the annular SEV combustor, the combustion process is repeated. The SEV combustor contains SEV burners distributed in a ring, followed by an annular combustion zone surrounded by convection cooled walls. Exhaust gas from the high-pressure turbine enters the SEV combustor through the diffuser area. Combustion temperature uniformity in the SEV, as in the EV, is achieved by the uniform premixing of fuel with air in a swirling ow with high mixing intensity. Each SEV burner contains four delta-shaped vortex generators on each burner wall in order to form four pairs of vortices in the combustion air. Fuel is then injected through an air-cooled fuel lance, distributed with four jets into the vortex pairs such that it forms a perfect fuel/air mixture prior to combustion. The fuel jet is surrounded

by cool carrier-air that delays spontaneous ignition until the fuel/air mixture has reached the combustion zone. Here, the mixture ignites spontaneously and, as in the EV combustion, occurs in a single, stable ame ring. The EV and SEV do not require any parts replacement prior to the replacement of other hot gas components. This mechanical simplicity determines the high reliability and availability of the GT24/GT26 design.

2nd-stage SEV combustor


Innovative technology for today

Pioneer in its class


A proven history of performance and versatility

The versatility engineered into the GT24/GT26 gas turbines is a direct result of Alstoms long history of innovation and experience meeting changing market demands. Alstom is a pioneer in operational exibility and leads the industry in turndown capabilities with the low load concept, which means that the plant can be parked at 11% (GT24) and 20% (GT26) combined-cycle load during periods of low demand with all components fully online. Efciency of the plant stays virtually constant from 100% down to 80% load and can operate at low load operation point with low NOx emissions to meet todays increasing need for exible and environmentally friendly gas power solutions. This gas turbine technology has been proven by over 15 years operating experience with more than 5million operating hours and more than 87,000 starts across a eet of more than 141units worldwide.

Balancing cost and performance

In addition to load range exibility, Alstoms gas turbines deliver the unique ability to switch online between two operational modes Power Optimisation for higher performance or Maintenance Cost Optimisation for up to 30% more operation time between scheduled inspections. By improving availability and lowering scheduled maintenance costs, this unique benet offers power providers unmatched ability to balance changing power needs with cost efciency.


and tomorrow

Research and Development

Combining leading technology and practical design to meet changing power demands
Commitment to innovation
Alstoms unwavering commitment to innovation is backed by the nearly 1,500 gas power plant engineering, research and development professionals in nearly 90 countries. Alstom also maintains working relationships with more than 30universities around the world, including Oxford, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Lausanne and engineering institutes in China, India and Russia. This demonstrated commitment enables Alstom to deliver products featuring leading edge design, unmatched performance and versatility, and a complete set of services that enhance plant performance, reduce life-cycle costs, and minimise environmental impact.

The Alstom Power Plant

Customers benet from Alstoms real-world validation and development facility in Birr, Switzerland. This working gas power plant, which is connected to the Swiss power grid, gives Alstom the opportunity to validate technologies and components in a working environment, under real service conditions. The result is an assurance that customers receive the highest quality, most innovative, versatile and reliable products proven in real-world conditions.


Alstom GT24 and GT26 deliver the right technology, the right performance and the right versatility to meet diverse and rapidly changing clean power needs around the world.

The Alstom power train

Seamless integration

Power train arrangements

Alstom has extensive experience with both single and multi-shaft power train arrangements, in all types of operating regimes from base load to daily start and stop.

1 Steam turbine

Alstom steam turbines offer HP turbine shrink-ring design for sustained efciency and welded rotor design for fast start-up and low maintenance Single-bearing design for compact arrangement Single axial and lateral-exhaust designs also available for lower foundations and lower rst costs

3 Gas turbine

Alstom gas turbines the core of any combined-cycle plant

4 Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG)

Alstoms range of HRSGs provides Both drum type and once-through technology Optimised cold-end

2 Turbogenerator

Alstom turbogenerators demonstrate high efciency, reliability and availability with low maintenance requirements. According to plant size and arrangement, both air-cooled TOPAIR and hydrogen-cooled TOPGAS generators are available.

Performance for maximised combined-cycle efciency High thermal exibility for fast start-up Highly modularised design for fast site erection

Alstom engineers have optimised our power trains for both hot and cold end performance, creating maximum combinedcycle efciency and versatility.

Innovative approach, powerful advantages

1 2

Optimised design

4 3

The process at a glance

1 Compressed air
Compressed air is fed into the EV burner, creating a homogeneous, lean fuel/air mixture. The vortex ow, induced by the shape ofthe burner, breaks down at the EV burner exit into the combustion zone, forming a central recirculation zone.

4 Vortex generators

Vortex generators in the SEV burner enhance the mixing process, while carrier air, injected with the fuel at the SEV fuel lance, delays spontaneous ignition until the mixture enters the annular SEV combustion chamber.

2 Mixture

The mixture ignites to form a single, low-temperature ame ring. The inner recirculation zone stabilises the ame in the free space within the combustion zone, avoiding contact with the burner wall.

5 Ignition

Ignition occurs when the fuel reaches self-ignition temperature in the free space of the SEV combustor. The hot gas then continues its path into the low-pressure turbine.

3 Hot exhaust gas

The hot exhaust gas low in oxygen content, exits the rst combustor and moves through the high-pressure turbine stage before entering the SEVburner.


Sequential combustion applications

A combined-cycle power plant is an efcient and environmentally sound way to generate electrical power. Alstoms GT24 and GT26, with their sequential combustion design, provide optimum exhaust temperatures for combined-cycle use. The two combustors in the GT24/GT26 sustain high efciency and low emissions at part-load operation through control of the inlet air ow by four rows of variable guide vanes. By maintaining a nearly constant thermodynamic quality of the sequential combustion combined-cycle, the GT24/GT26 combined-cycle offers high efciency over the operational load range, with virtually constant efciency between 100% and 80% combined-cycle power plant load. This maximises the long-term value of GT24/GT26 power plants by signicantly broadening their operating exibility a key success factor for todays competitive power generation market.

Repowering with sequential combustion gas turbines

To respond to the most critical requirements of modern power generation systems low generating costs, greater fuel mix capabilities, operational exibility and minimum environmental impact, Alstom has developed a hybrid plant concept combining conventional steam plants with the GT24/GT26. These plants combine operating and dispatching exibility with continuous fuel optimisation, low O&M costs and moderate capital investment. The concept also enables extraordinary design exibility by integrating high performance sequential combustion gas turbine technology with a wide range of existing or new conventional steam power plants.


Delivering prot worldwide

Proven with more than 140 units, more than 5 million red hours and 87,000 starts.


The rst GT26 single-shaft power plant Contact Energy in New Zealand is the owner of an Alstom turnkey 360MW combined-cycle power plant, featuring the GT26 sequential combustion gas turbine. Taranaki is arranged in a single-shaft conguration and represents the rst standardised reference plant solution with the GT26. This triple-pressure reheat combined-cycle plant has been in continuous base load operation since July 1998.


Efciency increase by 20% Alstom won a contract with Spains ACS Group to provide a new GT24 gas turbine to replace the existing gas turbines and to retrot the steam turbine at the existing El Sauz gas-red power plant, which has been operating since then in Queretaro, one of Mexicos most industrialised states. This new contract will add 25 years to El Sauz combined-cycle power plant and boost its efciency by 20%.

Lake Road, Connecticut (USA)

792 MW combined-cycle generating facility based on 3 GT24 gas turbines The units have exhibited good starting reliability and high availabilities during operation. The combined-cycle generating facility features dual fuel exibility that utilises natural gas as the primary combustion source and distillate fuel oil as a backup. The plant entered commercial operations in May 2002.


First use of upgraded GT26 turbine First use of upgraded GT26 turbine. In consortium with Sumitomo Corporation of Japan, Alstom will build the 850MW combined-cycle Block 2 power. The power plant will contribute to EGATs plans to increase Thailands capacity by 55,000MW by 2030, whilst minimising carbon dioxide emissions. The plant will be the rst power plant in the world to feature Alstoms upgraded GT26 gas turbine, which offers greater operational exibility, reliability and availability, resulting in improved efciency with lower emissions.


Providing equipment and service Alstoms ability to provide both equipment and plant services is demonstrated in the new Carrington Power gas-red power station, near Manchester. Alstom will supply 2 GT26 gas turbines and other key components, and has been awarded a 16-year service agreement to maintain the equipment once the plant in operation. The plant is scheduled for completion in 2016 and will be capable of supplying power to about a million homes.


Co-generation for desalination In 2007 Alstom was awarded a full turnkey EPC contract for the largest newly constructed independent water and power project in the UAE. Based on the GT26 gas turbine, this 2,000MW and 130 MIGD* hybrid desalination plant used multi-effect reverse osmosis technologies to become one of the best performing power plants in the world proving highly efcient in minimising both gas consumption and CO2 emissions.

*MIGD = Million Imperial Gallons per Day


Partnership throughout the plants lifecycle

In-depth service portfolio combined with broad experience
In todays power generation and industrial markets, plant owners and operators seek to establish long-term cooperation with major Original Equipment Manufacturers. They look for partners who are willing and able to develop exible solutions that will increase production efciency and reduce emissions throughout the lifetime of their equipment. As part of Alstoms commitment to providing complete plant services for optimal performance, we are dedicated to supporting you to cost-effectively maintain your gas turbine and combined-cycle (GT/CC) power plants. Our exible and customised expert services cover solutions at all stages of the plant lifecycle or if requested simply on single components including: Parts Reconditioning & repairs Technical expertise & operational support Field service Performance improvements Service contracts Services on other OEM gas turbines

Service contracts
Alstoms service contracts are tailored to meet all your operational, maintenance and support requirements. Whether you prefer a Long Term Agreement (LTA) or an Operation & Maintenance (O&M) contract, with Alstoms comprehensive, yet exible agreements, you can be sure of a win-win situation.

Partnerships for performance

Long-term agreements are based on framework contracts that dene prices and conditions in advance. Besides offering preferential conditions for high quality parts and services, the LTA reduces administrative efforts and simplies planning. The scope of services and equipment covered, as well as the contract duration and risk sharing, can be adapted perfectly to your needs. LTAs offer many immediate advantages: Fixed preferential prices for parts and services Flexible scope to suit operative strategy Extendable scope to include almost any aspect of plant operations

Alstoms operation and maintenance contracts let plant owners devise completely new management strategies by outsourcing risks and responsibilities.

Mitigate risks Leverage Alstoms extensive experience in plant asset management Can be adapted to suit your business strategy

Alstoms O&M contracts are fee-based agreements that:

Plant Support Center Expert support around-the-clock

Alstoms Plant Support Center (PSC) offers fast and comprehensive technical support solutions to keep plants competitive. Besides remote monitoring and diagnostic services, the PSC provides 24/7 operation support and direct access to a global network of technical experts who assist in troubleshooting, assessment and re-commissioning and analyse equipment trends. Besides practical experience, our plant operation experts rely on comprehensive and proprietary knowledge management tools. If required, they can also call in Alstom experts with specic engineering know-how and eet-wide experience to assist with operational support or more detailed investigations.


Alstom is a global leader in the world of power generation, power transmission and rail infrastructure and sets the benchmark for innovative and environmentally friendly technologies.

Power generation

Alstom builds the fastest train and the highest capacity automated metro in the world, provides turnkey integrated power plant solutions and associated services for a wide variety of energy sources, including hydro, nuclear, gas, coal, wind, solar thermal, geothermal and ocean energies. Alstom offers a wide range of solutions for power transmission, with a focus on smart grids.

Power generation
Alstom Power offers solutions which allow their customers to generate reliable, competitive and eco-friendly power. Alstom has the industrys most comprehensive portfolio of thermal technologies coal, gas, oil and nuclear and holds leading positions in turnkey power plants, power generation services and air quality control systems. It is also a pioneer in carbon capture technologies. Alstom offers the most comprehensive range of renewable power generation solutions today: hydro power, wind power, geothermal, biomass and solar. With ocean energies, we are developing solutions for tomorrow. Alstom is one of the world leaders in hydro power, the largest source of renewable energy on the planet.

Electrical grid

Rail transport

TPWR/PROSOL/GT2426/EN/9.2013/CHE/1669 ALSTOM 2013. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No representation or warranty is given or should be relied on that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and commercial circumstances. It is provided without liability and is subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited. Photo credits: ALSTOM 2013. All rights reserved. Printed on environmentally friendly paper. A PDF version of this brochure is available at: www.alstom.com


Alstom Power Brown Boveri Str. 7 5401 Baden Switzerland

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