Somebody-Anybody-Something-Anything - Somewhere-Anywhere
Somebody-Anybody-Something-Anything - Somewhere-Anywhere
Somebody-Anybody-Something-Anything - Somewhere-Anywhere
E- are used to refer to pla"e. e use so#e$od%& so#eone& so#ething and so#e'here in (OSITI)E SENTEN*ES. E+. There is so#e$od% "r%ing. So#ething happened to hi# at the part%. ,et-s go so#e'here this afternoon. e use an%$od%& an%one& an%thing and an%'here in NEGATI)ES SENTEN*ES and in /0ESTIONS. There isn-t an%$od% in the par1. It-s 2er% "old.
Is there an%one in the li$rar%3 I "an-t see #% 'allet an%'here. NOBODY #eans not an%$od%. NOTHING #eans not an%thing. NO ONE #eans not an%one. NO HE!E #eans not an%'here. e use nothing& no$od%& no one and no'here 'ith the 2er$ in the affir#ati2e for#. I dran1 nothing at the part%.4 No$od% got hurt in the a""ident.4There is no'here to go. 4 e "an use 5else6 after so#e$od%& so#ething& an%$od% et". E+. ,et-s as1 so#e$od% else. e "an also use an ad7e"ti2e after so#e$od%& so#ething& an%$od% et". I found so#ething strange. !EMEMBE!. All these 'ords are singular. e don-t sa%8 There are so#e$od% outside 'aiting.
9ill in the $lan1s in the senten"es 'ith so#e$od%& so#ething& so#e'here& an%$od%& an%thing& an%'here& no$od%& nothing or no'here. Mat"h the senten"es to the pi"tures. 1.- . smells good in the kitchen. What is it? Mum has just made some delicious cookies. 2.-Why is Harry crying? . has just told him he is dismissed. 3.- He has lost all his money and has . to go. 4.- Bill needed some in ormation or his school !roject. He searched the "nternet #ut ound .. . $.- He had to #uild the house #y himsel . . hel!ed him. %.- &here is . knocking at the door. 'an you go and see (ho it is? ).- &he dentist told *ack there (asn+t .. (rong (ith his teeth. ,.- -id the detecti.e ind . that hel!ed him sol.e the crime? /o0 he ound .. . 1.- &ed is looking or his riend #ut can+t ind him .. . 12.- He got #ored #ecause there (as . interesting on &3. 11.- . has told me that 4ick and Beth are getting married ne5t (eek. 12.- "t (as .ery dark and he could see . so he lit a candle. 13.- &his is the #est restaurant in to(n. 6ou (on+t ind #etter ood . else. 14.- &im looks .ery sad. He must #e (orried a#out .. . 1$.- 7re you going on holiday ne5t summer? 6es0 (e (ant to go . near a #each (here (e can sun#athe. 1%.- &he !hone rang se.eral times #ut .. ans(ered it. 1).- -id they ind . at the clothes sho!? 8isa #ought . #ut &ina didn+t ind . that she liked. 1,.-Bo#+s riend is dea . 9he can+t hear .. " you (ant to s!eak to her0 you must use sign language.
SOMEBODY-ANYBODY- are used to refer to people. SOMETHING-ANYTHING- are used to refer to things. SOME HE!E-ANY HE!E- are used to refer to pla"e. e use so#e$od%& so#eone& so#ething and so#e'here in (OSITI)E SENTEN*ES. E+. There is so#e$od% "r%ing. So#ething happened to hi# at the part%. ,et-s go so#e'here this afternoon. e use an%$od%& an%one& an%thing and an%'here in NEGATI)ES SENTEN*ES and in /0ESTIONS. There isn-t an%$od% in the par1. It-s 2er% "old.
Is there an%one in the li$rar%3 I "an-t see #% 'allet an%'here. NOBODY #eans not an%$od%. NOTHING #eans not an%thing. NO ONE #eans not an%one. NO HE!E #eans not an%'here. e use nothing& no$od%& no one and no'here 'ith the 2er$ in the affir#ati2e for#. I dran1 nothing at the part%.4 No$od% got hurt in the a""ident.4There is no'here to go. 4 e "an use 5else6 after so#e$od%& so#ething& an%$od% et". E+. ,et-s as1 so#e$od% else. e "an also use an ad7e"ti2e after so#e$od%& so#ething& an%$od% et". I found so#ething strange. !EMEMBE!. All these 'ords are singular. e don-t sa%8 There are so#e$od% outside 'aiting.
9ill in the $lan1s in the senten"es 'ith so#e$od%& so#ething& so#e'here& an%$od%& an%thing& an%'here& no$od%& nothing or no'here. Mat"h the senten"es to the pi"tures. 1.- . smells good in the kitchen. What is it? Mum has just made some delicious cookies. 2.-Why is Harry crying? . has just told him he is dismissed. 3.- He has lost all his money and has . to go. 4.- Bill needed some in ormation or his school !roject. He searched the "nternet #ut ound .. . $.- He had to #uild the house #y himsel . . hel!ed him. %.- &here is . knocking at the door. 'an you go and see (ho it is? ).- &he dentist told *ack there (asn+t .. (rong (ith his teeth. ,.- -id the detecti.e ind . that hel!ed him sol.e the crime? /o0 he ound .. . 1.- &ed is looking or his riend #ut can+t ind him .. . 12.- He got #ored #ecause there (as . interesting on &3. 11.- . has told me that 4ick and Beth are getting married ne5t (eek. 12.- "t (as .ery dark and he could see . so he lit a candle. 13.- &his is the #est restaurant in to(n. 6ou (on+t ind #etter ood . else. 14.- &im looks .ery sad. He must #e (orried a#out .. . 1$.- 7re you going on holiday ne5t summer? 6es0 (e (ant to go . near a #each (here (e can sun#athe. 1%.- &he !hone rang se.eral times #ut .. ans(ered it. 1).- -id they ind . at the clothes sho!? 8isa #ought . #ut &ina didn+t ind . that she liked. 1,.-Bo#+s riend is dea . 9he can+t hear .. " you (ant to s!eak to her0 you must use sign language.
SOMEBODY-ANYBODY- are used to refer to people. SOMETHING-ANYTHING- are used to refer to things. SOME HE!E-ANY HE!E- are used to refer to pla"e. e use so#e$od%& so#eone& so#ething and so#e'here in (OSITI)E SENTEN*ES. E+. There is so#e$od% "r%ing. So#ething happened to hi# at the part%. ,et-s go so#e'here this afternoon. e use an%$od%& an%one& an%thing and an%'here in NEGATI)ES SENTEN*ES and in /0ESTIONS. There isn-t an%$od% in the par1. It-s 2er% "old.
Is there an%one in the li$rar%3 I "an-t see #% 'allet an%'here. NOBODY #eans not an%$od%. NOTHING #eans not an%thing. NO ONE #eans not an%one. NO HE!E #eans not an%'here. e use nothing& no$od%& no one and no'here 'ith the 2er$ in the affir#ati2e for#. I dran1 nothing at the part%.4 No$od% got hurt in the a""ident.4There is no'here to go. 4 e "an use 5else6 after so#e$od%& so#ething& an%$od% et". E+. ,et-s as1 so#e$od% else. e "an also use an ad7e"ti2e after so#e$od%& so#ething& an%$od% et". I found so#ething strange. !EMEMBE!. All these 'ords are singular. e don-t sa%8 There are so#e$od% outside 'aiting.
9ill in the $lan1s in the senten"es 'ith so#e$od%& so#ething& so#e'here& an%$od%& an%thing& an%'here& no$od%& nothing or no'here. Mat"h the senten"es to the pi"tures. 1.- Something smells good in the kitchen. What is it? Mum has just made some delicious cookies. 2.-Why is Harry crying? Somebody has just told him he is dismissed. 3.- He has lost all his money and has nowhere to go. 4.- Bill needed some in ormation or his school !roject. He searched the "nternet #ut ound nothing. $.- He had to #uild the house #y himsel . Nobody hel!ed him. %.- &here is somebody knocking at the door. 'an you go and see (ho it is? ).- &he dentist told *ack there (asn+t anything (rong (ith his teeth. ,.- -id the detecti.e ind anything that hel!ed him sol.e the crime? /o0 he ound nothing. 1.- &ed is looking or his riend #ut can+t ind him anywhere. 12.- He got #ored #ecause there (as nothing interesting on &3. 11.- Somebody has told me that 4ick and Beth are getting married ne5t (eek. 12.- "t (as .ery dark and he could see nothing so he lit a candle. 13.- &his is the #est restaurant in to(n. 6ou (on+t ind #etter ood anywhere else. 14.- &im looks .ery sad. He must #e (orried a#out something. 1$.- 7re you going on holiday ne5t summer? 6es0 (e (ant to go somewhere near a #each (here (e can sun#athe. 1%.- &he !hone rang se.eral times #ut nobody ans(ered it. 1).- -id they ind anything at the clothes sho!? 8isa #ought something #ut &ina didn+t ind anything that she liked. 1,.-Bo#+s riend is dea . 9he can+t hear anything " you (ant to s!eak to her0 you must use sign language.