Green Belt Study Guide
Green Belt Study Guide
Green Belt Study Guide
TECHNIQUES - Waza (wah-zah) Empi (em-pee) - (or Hiji) Elbow Gyakutsuki (gyah-koo-dzoo-kee) Reverse, or back-hand punch Gyakutsuki No Tsukomi (gyah-koo-dzoo-kee no dzoo-koh-mee) Lunging reverse, or back-hand punch Haeshu (hah-ee-shoo) Open, back of the hand strike Haito (h-eye-toh) Ridge hand Ippon Kenzuki (ee-poh-n ken-zoo-kee) One-finger knuckle strike Ippon Nukite (ee-poh-n noo-kee-teh) One-finger spear-hand Junzuki (joon-zoo-kee) Stepping front-hand punch Junzuki No Tsukomi (joon-zoo-kee no dzoo-koh-mee) Stepping front-hand lunging punch Kette Gyakutsuki (gyah-koo-dzoo-kee) Front Kick with Reverse, or back-hand punch Kette Junzuki (joon-zoo-kee) Front kick with stepping front-hand punch Kette Junzuki No Tsukomi (joon-zoo-kee no dzoo-koh-mee) Front kick with stepping front-hand lunging punch Nihon Nukite (nee-han noo-kee-teh) Two-finger spear-hand Seiken (sayee-keh-n) Fist Shote (shoh-tah) Heel of the hand Shuto (shoo-toh) Knife edge of the hand Tate (tah-teh) Vertical-fist (or vertical-hand) Tetsui (teh-dzoo-ee) Hammer fist Tsuki (dsoo-kee) Fist Strike, Punch Uraken (oor-ah-keh-n) Back-fist Yohan Nukite (yoh-hah-n noo-kee-teh) Spear-hand (four fingers) BLOCKS - Uke (oo-keh) Empi Uke (em-pee oo-keh) Elbow block Gedan Uke (geh-dah-n oo-keh) Low block Jodan Uke (joh-dah-n oo-keh) High block Juji Uke (joo-jee oo-keh) X Block, arms crossed at the wrists Kakae Uke (ka-kayee oo-keh) Circular, pulling block, emphasizing the shote, or heal of the hand Moroto Uke (moh-roh-toh oo-keh) Double forearm block arms crossed Soto Uke (soh-toh oo-keh) Inside-to-outside (soto) block, chudan level Shuto Uke (shoo-toh oo-keh) Knife-edge of the hand block Tae Uke (tah uke) Hands closed with one arm in hikite and opposite arm across chest Tetsui Uke teh-dzoo-ee oo-keh) Hammer-fist block Tsuki (dsoo-kee) Fist strike, punch Uchi Uke (oo-chee oo-keh) Outside-to-inside front forearm block Ude Uke (oo-deh oo-keh) Outside-to-inside back forearm block STANCES - Dachi (dah-chee) Hachiji Dachi (hah-chee-jee dah-chee) Ready Stance Gyakutsuki Dachie (gyah-koo-dzoo-kee dah-chee) Reverse-punch stance Gyakutsuki No Tsukomi Dachi (gyah-koo-dzoo-kee no dzoo-koh-mee dah-chee) Lunging reverse punch stance Heikou Dachi (hayee-koh-oo dah-chee) Parallel (heikou) stance Heisoku Dachi (hayee-so-koo dah-chee) Narrow stance (heels and toes together) Kokutsu Dachi (koh-koots dah-chee) Rearward lunging stance (sometimes called Gyakutsuki No Tsukomi Dachi) Mahanmi Neko Ashi Dachi (mah-han-mee neh-koh ah-shee dah-chee) Profile (or half-view) cat-leg stance
Musubi Dachi (moo-soo-bee dah-chee) Attention stance Neko Ashi Dachi (neh-koh ah-shee dah-chee) Cat (neko)-Leg stance Neko Dachi (neh-koh dah-chee) Cat stance No Tsukomi Dachi (no dzoo-koh-mee dah-chee) Forward lunging stance Seishan Dachi (sayee-shah-n dah-chee) Hourglass stance (tate Seishan Dachi) Sheiko Dachi (shayee-koh dah-chee) Open Stance Shomen Neko Ashi Dachi (shoh-meh-n neh-koh ah-shee dah-chee) Front cat leg stance Zenkutsu Dachi (zeh-n-koots dah-chee) Forward fighting stance, knees bent KICKS - Geri (geh-ree) Fumikomi Geri (foo-mee-ko-mee geh-ree) Stomping kick (usually executed as Gedan Yoko Geri) Haku Geri (hah-koo geh-ree) Inward crescent kick (striking surface: usually the instep-to-pad of the foot) haku (hah-koo) to sweep, to brush, to gather up Mae Geri (mah-eh geh-ree) Front (mae) snap kick Maewashi Geri (mah-eh-wah-shee geh-ree) Roundhouse kick Mae Haku Geri (mah-eh hah-koo geh-ree) Outward crescent kick (striking surface: Ashi Sokuto: knifeedge of foot) Mae Maewashi Geri (mah-eh mah-eh-wah-shee geh-ree) Front snap kick, followed by roundhouse kick Mae Tobi Geri (mah-eh toh-bee geh-ree) Flying front kick (usually executed with Kekome - thrust) Ushiro Geri (oo-shee-roh geh-ree) Back, or rearward kick (striking surface: Heel of the foot) Yoko Geri (yoh-koh geh-ree) Side (yoko) Kick (striking surface: Ashi Sokuto see mae haku geri) Yoko Tobi Geri (yoh-koh toh-bee geh-ree) Flying side kick COMMANDS Hajime (hah-jee-meh ) Begin, start Kiotsuke (kee-oh-t-soo-keh) Attention Kirittsu (kee-reets) Stand quickly Maewatte (mah-eh-wah-t-teh) Turn Matte (mah-t-teh) Stop Mokuso (moh-koo-soh) Meditation Nao Rei (nah-oh reh-ee) Recover to attention stance prepare to bow Otagai Ni Rei (oh-tah-g-eye nee rayee) Bow to your fellow classmates Rei (rayee) To bow Seiza (sayee-zah) Sit traditionally, in the Zazen, or kneeling position Seiretsu (sayee-reh-ts) Line up (traditionally, right to left, by rank) Sempai (seh-m-p-eye) Senior student Sempai Ni Rei (seh-m-p-eye nee rayee) Bow to the senior student or students Sensei Ni Rei (she-n-sayee nee rayee) Bow to your instructor (black belt) Shomen Ni Rei (shoh-meh-n nee rayee) Bow to the front (of the dojo) Tachi Rei (tah-chee rayee) Standing bow Yame (yah-meh) Recover, return Yoi (yoh-ee) Open to Ready position (usually from musubi dachi to hac hiji dachi) Yudansha Ni Rei (yoo-dah-n-shah nee rayee) Bow to a particular, or all, black belts under the ranks of Yudansha (black belt) ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY Ashi (ah-shee) Foot (also leg) Ashi Barai (ah-shee bah-r-eye) Foot sweep Ashi Sokuto (ah-shee soh-koo-toh) Outer edge (knife edge) of the foot Barai (bah-r-eye) Sweep, parry Bunkai (boon-k-eye) (Practical application) The practice of applying specific techniques to real situations Chudan (chu-dah-n) (middle) Mid-area of the body from the waist to the shoulders
Dan (dah-n) Degree, level or grade. Commonly used as a suffix following the numbered rank of a black belt (example: Yon Dan) Dojo (doh-joh) (Way place) A hall or place in which one seeks spiritual enlightenment. Usually used in reference to traditional martial arts training halls or schools Gedan (geh-dah-n) Lower area of the body from the hips down Gi (gee) More formally termed, Do Gi the term given to the uniform worn by practitioners of traditional Japanese martial arts Hanshi (hah-n-shee) Master Instructor Hidari (hee-dah-ree) Left hand side Hikite (hee-kee-teh) Pulling hand Ippon (ee-poh-n) One long thing, one version Jodan (joh-dah-n) (High) Upper area of the body from the neck up Kaegi (kah-eh-gee) Term used to describe the snap of a hand or kicking technique, when recoiled Kamae (kah-mah-eh) Ready position of the hands Karate (kah-rah-teh) Empty hand Karateka (kah-rah-the-kah) Karate practitioner Kekome (keh-koh-meh) Term used to describe a thrust, or thrusting movement of a particular technique Ki (kee) Ffrom the Chinese, Chi The term used to describe the life force present and flowing in all living things. Energy. Kiai (kee-eye) (Harmonious energy) Focused, concentrated life force, given form in sound Kihon (kee-hah-n) Basic/elementary Kime (kee-mah) Focus; Mental, physical, or spiritual Kumite (koo-mee-teh) (Sometimes termed, gumite) Free fighting, or sparring Migi (mee-gee) Right hand side Mudansah (moo-dah-n-shah) Martial arts term used to define all students under the rank of yudansha (black belt) Obi (oh-bee) Sash or belt Ryu (ryoo) (Current, flow, style) Usually used in reference to particular schools or styles of classical martial arts Sensei (she-n-sayee) Instructor Taisabaki (t-eye-sah-bah-kee) One-ness of movement (usually implied in training with one or more partners) Wado (wah-doh) The way of peace and harmony. The formal name given to the style of karate fathered by Meijin Hironori Ohtsuka Yudansha (yoo-dah-n-shah) Black belt student Zanshin (zah-n-sheen) The state of pure and heightened mental, physical and spiritual awareness Zenkutsu (zeh-n-koots) Bend forward REQUIRED KATAS (kah-tah) Ippon Katas (ee-poh-n kah-tah) Numbers 1-12 (ichi ju ni) First Basic Kata - Kihon Kata Ichi (kee-hah-n kah-tah echee) Second Basic Kata - Kihon Kata Ni (kee-hah-n kah-tah knee) Pinan Nidan (pee-nah-n neh-dah-n) (pinan harmonious or flowing movement) Pinan Shodan (pee-nah-n sho-dahn) Pinan Sandan (pee-nah-n sahn-dahn) Pinan Yondan (pee-nah-n yon-dahn) Kiso Kumite Kata (kiso koo-mee-teh kah-tah) Attack/Defense 1-6 (ichi-roku) Kiso Kumite Kata (kiso koo-mee-teh kah-tah) Attack/Defense 7-11 (shichi ju ichi) Omoto Kata - (oo-moo-too kah-tah) Heavenly Kata Kihon Kumite Katas One & Two Ipponme & Nihonme HISTORIES Know the history of Master Ohtsuka Know the history of Shihan Cecil Patterson
MISC. INFORMATION Mr. John Patterson is the son of Shihan Cecil Patterson and the current President of the USEWF. Know the SENIOR SYSTEM, weapons on body, Dojo Kun
Senior System: When you have a question, ask someone at your rank. If they dont have the answer, then ask someone one rank above you. If they dont have the answer, then ask the rank above them. Continue to do this until you get the answer. Correct Way to Breathe: In through nose, out through mouth. 4/4 in, 3/4 out. Weapons on Body: 9 2 hands 2 elbows 2 feet 2 knees Head Dojo Kun first part Karate 3 important components of a technique: Speed, Power & Balance