Advanced Terminology: General Terms Body References
Advanced Terminology: General Terms Body References
Advanced Terminology: General Terms Body References
General Terms
Migi Hidari Mae Ushiro Yoko Sumi Mawashi Zenshin Kotai Tai-Sabaki Bunkai Mawate Zanshin Tobi Okuri-ashi Ayumi-ashi Obi Morote Jiyu Kumite Gyakute (mi-gi) (hid-ar-ee) (may) (you-shiro) (yo-ko) (soo-me) (ma-washy) (zen-shin) (cor-tie) (tie-sa-bark-ee) (boonk-eye) (ma-what-aye) (zan-shin) (toe-be) (o-koo-ri ashy) (a-you-me ashy) (o-be) (more-ot-ay) (jew koo-mit-ay) (gya-ka-tay) Right Left Front Back Side Angle In a semi-circle Forward Backward Body Shifting Applications of Kata Turn Around Mental Alertness Jumping or Leaping Sliding step, shuffle Stepping (as when walking) Belt With Two Hands Free Fighting Grappling, wrestling, joint locking
Body References
Josokutei Haisoku Sokuto Kakato Kakuto Kasumi Seiken Empi Hiza Teisho Ude Gaiwan Naiwan Hara Uraken Kyosen Sakotsu (joe-sook-otay) (hi-sock-o) (so-koot-o) (ka-ka-toe) (ka-koo-toe) (ka-sue-me) (say-kan) (em-pee) (his-a) (tay-show) (oo-day) (guy-wan) (nigh-wan) (ha-ra) (oo-ra-ken) (kyu-o-sen) (sa-kot-sue) Ball of the foot Instep of foot (Top) Outside edge of foot Heel of Foot Bent Wrist Temple Fore Fist Elbow Knee Palm Heel Forearm Thumb Side of Forearm (outside) Finger Side of Forearm (inside) Abdomen Back Fist Solar Plexus Collar Bone
Mikazuki-Geri Uke Hiza Uke Kake-wake Uke Teisho Uke Sukui Uke (mika zoo-ki ge-ri oo-kay) (his-a oo-kay) (kar-key wa-key oo-kay) (tay-show oo-kay) (su-koo-ee oo-kay) Crescent Kick Used to Block Block Using Bent Knee Opening Block Palm Heel Block Scooping Block
Mikazuki-Geri Soto Mikazuki-Geri Hiza-Geri Ashi-Barai Fumikomi Ushiro Mawashi-Geri Kin-Geri Ke-age Kekomi Mawashi Hiza-Geri (mika zoo-ki ge-ri) (sot-oh mika zoo-ki ge-ri) (his-a ge-ri) (ashy bar-eye) (foo-me ko-me) (you-shiro ma-washy ge-ri) (kin ge-ri) (key-ar-gi) (kek-o-me) (ma-washy his-a ge-ri) Crescent Kick Outside Crescent Kick Kicking With Knee Leg Sweep Stamping Kick Hooking Kick Rising Groin Kick (top of foot) Snapping Kick Thrusting Kick Roundhouse Knee Kick
Kosa-Dachi Tsuru-Ashi-Dachi Heisoku-Dachi Renoji-Dachi (ko-sa dutch) (zoo-roo ashy dutch) (hi-sok-oo dutch) (ren-oji dutch) Crossed Feet Stance Crane Leg Stance Feet Together Stance L stance