Lesson Plan 1

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Lesson Plan

Teacher name: Monica Bors Level: Pre-Intermediate Lesson Length: 50 minutes Class: 9E Lesson Type: Grammar

Date: the 25th of May 2012

Lesson Title: Degrees of Comparison for Adjectives

Information about the class There are 24 teenage learners in the class. They have two fifty minutes lessons every week as part of their school curriculum. I have been teaching them for nearly a year. They use English My Love as their English course book. Main Aim By the end of the lesson the learners will have reviewed and provided controlled and freer practice of the degrees of comparison for adjectives. Subsidiary Aim By the end of the lesson the learners will have practised speaking. Personal Aim To reduce teacher language in whole class activities and provide more learner interaction. Materials (including source) Course book (English My Love), blackboard, chalk. Assumptions Learners have been taught the degrees of comparison for adjectives. Anticipated difficulties with tasks Solutions Learners may have more difficulty with the Spend more time on the controlled target language than anticipated. practice and clarification stage.

Declaration This lesson plan is my own work.


Stage Warm-up

Stage aim To break the ice

Lead in

Clarification stage

Procedure Ask learners to say a word in English. The teacher guides learners so that the word is a noun. Then learners are asked to add as many words as possible to describe the first word. The teacher guides them to add adjectives. To introduce the topic The teacher circles three adjectives from the adjectives given by learners pertaining to the three types of adjectives and asks learners to make sentences with the adjectives and the word. E.g. the word/noun is DOG and the adjectives are fat, beautiful, and bad. To review the degrees of Learners make sentences with the adjectives: fat, comparison for beautiful and bad and with the word/noun dog. adjectives

Interaction T-S

Time 5 mins


5 mins


10 mins

Practice Practice

To provide controlled Ask learners in pairs to write down the degrees S-S practice of comparison for the opposite adjectives: thin, disgusting, and good. To provide freer practice To correct answers Ask learners in pairs to write down the degrees T-S of comparison for the adjectives from exercise 4 at page 129 from their course book. learners Ask learners to read the degrees of comparison T-S for the adjectives from exercise 4 at page 129 and teacher helps as necessary.

10 mins

15 mins


5 mins


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