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Team Management Assignment: by Harshini Maddi-3511210464 Sathish Kumar-3511210457

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By Harshini Maddi-3511210464 Sathish Kumar-3511210457

Team Building Activity With Leadership Quality A team comprises a group of people or animals linked in a common purpose. Teams are especially appropriate for conducting tasks that are high in complexity and have many interdependent subtasks.

Blind wine Waiter 1. Introduce this as a light-hearted activity that will improve communication across teams. 2. Divide the group into teams of 6 and ask each team to elect a leader. 3. Hand out blindfolds to all team members other than the leader, instruct all team members other than the leader to put on their blindfold. 4. Ask the team leader to take a seat somewhere close to his/her team and ask him/her to sit on her hands.

5. For each team, position one bottle of wine, one wineglass and one corkscrew in various locations around the room. Take care to ensure that nothing is positioned where it might easily fall or break (eg make sure the wine bottle(s) and glass (es) are placed on the floor against a wall, or in the centre of a table). 6. Tell all participants that their task is to find a bottle of wine, a corkscrew and a wine glass, open the bottle and pour their leader a glass of wine. 7. Tell the participants the rules: - the team leader cannot move from his/her position and cannot use their hands Frost Bite 1. Introduce this as a task that requires effective verbal communication and planning. 2. Explain the scenario that the teams are arctic explorers who have been caught in bad weather and need to erect a tent to gain shelter. 3. Then explain that, as a result of the severe weather conditions, the team's leader is suffering from frost bite in both hands and is unable to help physically in the erection of the tent. Meanwhile the rest of the team is suffering from snow blindness and as a result cannot see. 4. State that each team has approximately 45 minutes to build the tent with all but the team leader blindfolded and that the

team leader can only assist the rest of the team verbally. Also state that you will be rotating the leadership so that every participant has a chance to lead Catch the Tail of the Dragon 1.Divide the group into two teams. Make them fall in line and the person at the front of the line will be the head and the person at the back of the line will be the tail. The rest will be the body. 2.The head must catch the tail of the other dragon without breaking the line. While the body must protect the tail Tennis Ball Acquaintace 1. Participants should get in circle and take turns introducing themselves. 2. After everyone is introduced, one person begins to throw one of the tennis balls to another in the circle. That person throws it to another, etc. 3. The leader then introduces another tennis ball into the circle. The ball should be thrown in the same pattern around the circle (same person it was thrown to in #2). 4. A third tennis ball can be added if the group is large. Instruct the group to try and go faster without dropping the ball. 5. When the group is throwing and catching without a problem, add the different textured or shaped ball to the circle. Participants will have a hard time catching and throwing this different ball.

6. Let the group continue until they tire of the activity or the balls are all dropped. PROCESSING: Discuss how the different ball caused problems. How did communication and cooperation change within the group? How did you accommodate the different ball? What does this say to our group? What did you learn from this activity? How can you apply this to other situations? Blindfolded leader 1. Everyone gets in a line and puts their hands on the shoulders of the person in front of them. 2. Everyone except the first person in line closes their eyes. The first person who is the leader leads everyone around, and the group has to communicate and work as a team to avoid obstacles. Evolution 1. This game is based around Rock/Paper/Scissors (R-P-S). 2. Everyone starts out as an egg. Meet up with another egg and play R-P-S, winner evolves to a chicken and the loser stays an egg. Game continues the same with R-P-S being played between two members of the same species, the winner evolving and the loser devolving one stage. 3. Egg squat around on the floor saying egg. Chicken stand upright and flap your wings like a chicken. Dinosaur use your arms to make a big dinosaur mouth, moving them up and down.

Superhero put one arm up like youre flying away Supreme Being cross your arms like youre all high and mighty. 4. One a supreme being beats another supreme being, they must play the leader of the game, you, and if they beat you they are out of the game, if they lose, they must beat another supreme being before challenging you again. If a supreme being loses to a staff member, they cannot evolve any lower, even if they lose to another supreme being. Blind kickball This is one of those "trust" games that you can finish up with a short Bible study on faith. The game is simple and would work with any group of 18+. The rules are the same as kickball (3 outs/inning, foul balls, force outs, etc.). The twist is that the students play with a partner and one is blindfolded. At bat, the seeing player kicks the ball, but the blind player runs the bases. The seeing player can run alongside and coach, but may not touch the runner. In the field, the seeing player can catch or stop the ball, but not throw or tag a runner. They CAN, however, touch their own blind partner to guide them to throw the ball or lead them to tag the runner. Players alternate being blindfolded each inning. This game is HILARIOUS to watch! (We had an audience at the public park where we were playing.)

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