Challenge Initiative Games
Challenge Initiative Games
Challenge Initiative Games
WHAT ARE INITIATIVE GAMES? If a game is too easy or if you have other motives, you
can vary the skills of the participants by not allowing
some to talk, by blindfolding, by not allowing the use of
Initiative games are fun, cooperative, challenging
various limbs, etc. You also can create a story line to
games in which the group is confronted with a specific
go with the game.
problem to solve. In Exploring we use initiative games
for two reasons: The games demonstrate and teach See the reference list if you are interested in getting
leadership skills to Advisors, which helps to promote more games. Happy playing!
the growth of Explorers; and the games demonstrate a
process of thinking about experiences that helps
Explorers learn and become responsible citizens. TRUST CIRCLE
Here are a few suggestions. Begin by clearly explain-
The group forms a tight circle with six to 10 people
ing the game. Make sure the rules are understood,
standing shoulder to shoulder with arms out and palms
including that everyone must complete the activity for
up. One person stands in the middle with arms folded
the group to be successful.
over chest and eyes closed. This person then falls in
Don’t offer ideas for solving the problem. Stand back any direction, keeping the body stiff. The group’s
and let the group work and play with it even if the group responsibility is to catch the falling person and push the
has a difficult time. Don’t interfere unless something is person gently upright.
unsafe or the group has fallen apart.
There should always be more than one person catch-
Reflect on the activity. Spend a few minutes afterward ing. After a few tries, the center person can direct the
talking about what the participants learned. This is group to take a step backward and try again.
most effective when you use the principles of reflection
discussed in the Explorer Leader Handbook (page
A-9). Talk about how effectively and efficiently they PEOPLE PENDULUM
accomplished the task and how well they got along
with each other. Ask open-ended questions to help the Form two parallel lines with at least 10 people in each
group talk about the issues. Don’t be judgmental. In line. Each person in one line faces someone in the
asking questions, first help the participants focus on other line with about two feet between them. The two
what happened, then ask them to decide if what people standing side by side in the center of one line
happened was good or bad. Finally, ask them to set place a sturdy pole on their outside shoulders, with
some goals for the future. their counterparts in the line across from them shoul-
dering the other end of the poles. In other words, there
The best impact that initiative games can have on will be two poles, one shouldered by each facing pair in
your post program is for you to use the initiative games the center. These poles should be strong enough to
leadership style and the reflective methods in your support group participants who stand on them.
post program. While initiative games are fun and
meaningful lessons can be learned, a lasting impact One group participant is hoisted onto each pole. They
will be achieved only by using the principles behind the face each other and hold hands or wrists. When they
games in the complete post program. As an adult are ready, they let go of each other and fall back into
leader, you help the youth learn to make decisions and the arms of the remaining people in the row on each
solve problems in everything you do in Exploring. side. It is important that the people falling stay very stiff
Teach them the skills they need and let them do it. As and either hold onto their pant legs or fold their arms
someone once said: “Train them and trust them!” Use across their chest. It also is important that the catchers
reflection during and after post activities and experi- catch the people in “trust-fall style,” alternating arms
ences to help the youth learn. Get them in the habit of down the row with the people across from them and
thinking and sharing together as a group. standing very close together. Another method is to
grasp wrists with the person across from you. It is
important when using this method that the catchers
give a little as they catch the person.