Newsletter - 10 September PDF

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Weekly newsletter of


Telephone: 5985 2864

Email Address:

Issue 28

10th September, 2015

Saturday 12th September
Tuesday 15th September
Friday 18th September

State Schools Spectacular

Art and Culture Festival
Parents & Friends Free Breakfast 8:15am
Last Day Term Three 2.30pm dismissal.

Term Four
Monday 5th October
School Concert

9.00am First Day Term Four

Date to be announced as soon as available.

Our planning for next year continues to unfold as our teachers collaborate on the grade structure that
will work best for our students in 2016. At this stage, we know we are looking at an overall enrolment
increase of approximately 10 students. To further support our planning processes, we are now eager
to know of any students/families that will be leaving us at the end of the year and moving to new
schools. We appreciate that sometimes parents might not be able to confirm this until later in the year;
however we seek your support by contacting the school ASAP if you are intending to leave
Tootgarook PS.

Last Week of Term 3

Its hard to believe that next week will be the last week of term 3. In addition to our regular Monday
morning assembly, we will have a final assembly to finish the term at around 2:10 on Friday 18th
September. Please note that students will be dismissed early at 2.30pm on Friday 18th
September at the conclusion of assembly.

Compulsory Hats
From the start of next term we will return to the wearing of a school approved hat. Our hat
green in colour and is designed to promote the protection of the neck and
ears as well as the face. Compulsory hats are a School Council Policy, which
will be strictly enforced.
Children who dont wear an approved hat will be required to stay in a
sheltered area during school recess times. NO BASEBALL HAT IS OR WILL BE
APPROVED. School hats with our school logo can be purchased from Beleza Uniform Shop
in Rosebud.

Tootgarook Community Market is on Saturday 26th September during

the Term Three School Holidays. Ms Waltons grade 3W are rostered but
more helpers are needed. Thankyou to Michelle George for offering to
assist on the day. If you can spare an hour or so please let the office know


Monday and Tuesday 14th and 15th September

The Hall, Tootgarook P.S

On Monday 14th of September the Class 3 students will be performing an Indonesian song at
Assembly, as part of the Art, Music and Cultural Festival. The students look
forward to seeing you there.
Could all Year 3 student's please be at their classroom at 8.45 on Monday
morning to get their costumes organised. If any parents are available to help
for 15 minutes at this time, it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks. Amanda Lee.
Monday after school and Tuesday morning, students artwork can be viewed in the hall. At this time
visitors can also cast their vote for the Peoples Choice Award.
On Tuesday, from 3:30pm to 4pm students artworks can be viewed and purchased for $2 each. This is
necessary to fund the prizes for the winner of each year level and the Peoples Choice Award. From
4pm to 5pm instrumental learners will be performing various musical pieces both individually and in
small groups. We hope to see you all there!!!

Congratulations to Bailey German, Sam Alesci-Bateman, Zack Williams and Isak

Young for being runners up Premiers in the Dandenong Baseball League Under 11's
Competition. Great effort for these first year baseballers to make it to the Grand
Final. Congratulations also goes to Isak Young, Boneo Braves MVP for the Under
11's final series.

Prep B - Mrs Bos Emily Walker for improvement in her writing. Keep up the great work when planning and
recording your sentences.
Prep R - Mrs. Read Jemma Underwood for working hard on improving your handwriting. Keep it up!
1H - Mrs Hughes - Baxta Penzo for being a quiet achiever. Baxta always demonstrates Integrity in all that
he does both inside and outside the classroom. Keep it up!
1P - Miss Perkins Aidan Gathercole for his improved growth in maths. Aidan has worked hard to learn
about money and always has a great attitude.
2B Mrs Baird Baxta Penzo for being a quiet achiever. Baxta always demonstrates Integrity in all that he
does both inside and outside the classroom. Keep it up!
2J Miss Kain Alisha Vassallo for her improved resilience and her wonderful, respectful attitude towards
her classmates.
3A Miss Arnold Paige Wood for the extra homework she is doing with her multiplication tables. Well
done. I know Ms Walton loves Knock out with you and your sister challenging us.
3W Ms Walton Leigh Rosowski - for his fabulous approach to his education. Leigh is a student who enjoys
learning new things and always tries his hardest. Well done Leigh.
Sophie Wood for the extra homework she is doing with her multiplication tables. Well
done. I know Ms Walton loves Knock out with you and your sister challenging us.
4S Miss Staley + Miss McGhee Jorja Burrowes - For being an exceptional role model who always follows
the RICH school values. We are lucky to have such a kind and caring friend in Year 4! Keep smiling, Jorja!
5Q Miss Quintin Bailey German I can see that you are trying very hard to contribute to class discussions
Bailey . Your volume and expression is improving and its fantastic to hear your point of view in our grade.
Keep it up!
6W - Miss Withers Keala Jacobson for her effort at the district athletics. Well done Keala you tried your
hardest and supported your peers. You displayed integrity and we were proud to take you to represent
Tootgarook Primary School.
Art / Craft Miss Davey Music - Mrs Young
Phys Ed Mr Kitchin Amity Bickley 4S- her outstanding attitude and participation on district athletics
day. Well done Amity!
Indonesian Prep Gr 3

Final arrangements are being made so come dressed in your teams colours join in the footy parade
and sing your clubs theme song. Look for the notice tomorrow (Friday) .

Last Wednesday the Grade 4s had a special incursion from Simon who is the CEO and
Founder of Save the Bees Australia and our local Bee
expert. Here is what
Niall Harbour and
Scott Wilson had to
say about the visit.
Simon came in as a
surprise to the Grade
4s, to teach us how
important bees are to
us, how they help us
survive and that there
are three different
types of Bees. There are the Drone Bees, Worker
Bees and the Queen Bees. We learnt about what
Bees do and how they do it. The part of the
incursion we loved the most was when we got to
see all of the different equipment that is used by
Bee Keepers. We also watched Simon light the
smoker with lavender outside and he showed us
how the honey extractor works.
If you have a Bee hive or swarm that needs to be removed
safely (not exterminated), contact Simon Mulvany on
0400882146 or visit or for more
information about Bees, what to do and how you can help.
If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would
have only four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination,
no more plants, no more animals, no more man. Albert Einstein

The District Athletics

On the 9th of September some of the 3/4/5/6s went to the District Athletics. We went there on the school bus
and we had to take two trips due to lots of kids going. Everyone put in lots of effort even when they didnt win
also no one was silly. When we set up the tent lots of people helped to put it up. The events were on two
separate ovals, unlike last time. The track events on the back oval and on the right oval the field events took
place. The events included sprints, relays, long distance running, shot put, discus, high jump, long jump and
hurdles. We had Ellie come 1st in the 800m, Obelia came 2nd in the 200m and Riley came 3rd in the 1500m.
Scott came 3rd in triple jump, Tom came 3rd in shot put and Mia came 1st in shot put. People who came 1st and
2nd go into the next division. Everyone who attended and participated did an excellent job and people still
participated if they had never done the event before. Thank you Miss Quintin, Miss Withers, and Mr. Kitchin
and all the people that helped out.

As you know, our school has been

participating in the Woolworths Earn &
Learn program. The program has now
finished for this year, so a big thanks to
everyone who supported our school. We're
now at the important stage of the program
where the Sticker Sheets are collected and
lodged as our Earn & Learn claim. We will
then be able to get new educational
equipment for our school. The more we
collect, the more we can redeem. So this
week, please send in your Woolworths Earn
& Learn Sticker Sheets and any loose Earn
& Learn stickers you may have. Remember
to check your handbag, the car glove box or
they may be stuck on the fridge. Every little
bit helps. Thanks again for all your support!

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