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Project Reference: Title: Timing $it%in Co&rse: .tart Date: .

&0mission Deadline:

BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Art and Design (3D Design ! Core series "#P 'r () Term (*3) (+,$/c ,+t% #arc% (+,Development Deadline: Deadline 1 presentation: Assessment Dates: (,st April (+,,(2++pm #onda3 (nd 4&ne (+,(nd 4&ne &ntil ,5t% 4&ne (+,-

Designers in c%arge of project: #ar6 Add3 1 .elina De La #otte


Miskin Arts
7nits: Unit 6: Application, Exploration and Realisation in Art and Design Unit 9: Professional Practice in Art and Design Unit 51:3D Comp ter !odelling

Relevant Departmental 8otes: Assessment t"ro g"o t t"is co rse is essentiall# formati$e% designers can re&$isit criteria to arri$e at t"eir final assessment grades' (o r personal )log is regarded as part of #o r *or+ and *ill )e mar+ed accordingl#, alongside #o r s+etc")oo+ Evidence: 9rading criteria: ,"is *ill )e in t"e form of s+etc")oo+ *or+, final o tcomes, researc", p"otograp"s, )log&)oo+s -, m)lr. and *ritten proposals' Pass / !erit / Distinction are attaina)le' Unit 6 is do )le *eig"ted -01 credits. and Units 9 2 51 -11 credits.' 3ot" *ill )e graded as a pass, merit or distinction'

Englis% and #at%s: ,"is pro4ect *ill incl de f nctional s+ills in Englis" and !at"s' Please )ear in mind #o r ind str# re5 ires elo5 ent se of Englis" and acc rate se of fig res, to *"ic" end, t"e contin ing de$elopment of t"ese s+ills are firml# em)edded inside all #o r *or+' 8ote on cop3rig%t and plagiarism: ,"is process *ill re5 ire independent researc"' Cop#ing from t"e internet and additional so rces is not appropriate and $iolates cop#rig"t and *ill )e classed as plagiarism nless f ll# annotated and credited' (o m st ma+e #o r *or+ #o r o*n' 6e need to see t"at #o "a$e an nderstanding of t"e areas t"at #o "a$e researc"ed' Cop#ing *or+ directl# from A7( so rce *ill not )e tolerated' 8f #o 5 ote A7( existing material #o m st p t it in 5 otation mar+s and in )rac+ets, attri) te t"e so rce / a t"or' 9or example: :Cop3ing is c%eating; (Ro00ie #c9ovan) (+,3) #is6in T%eatre

9or a more in dept" anal#sis of *"at is re5 ired refer to t"e "#P Project Tas6 9rids on t"e follo*ing pages' T<E BR=E" ! (T=TLE 9or t"is assignment::'' -6rite #o r o*n )rief "ere;.

Professional Practice: Please )e a*are t"at #o *ill )e p tting professional practice into action *it"in !is+in Arts, *"ic" is a professional en$ironment in *"ic" #o are effecti$el# )eing gi$en t"e opport nit# to p )licl# test #o r s+ills and gain credita)le ind strial experience' 9lossar3 of terms: ,o aid in t"e de$elopment of #o r <design= $oca) lar# a f ll glossar# of terms *ill )e "anded o t at t"e )eginning of t"is assignment' 3rief 8>=d )# !arie !c?o$an !ar+ Add# 2 @elina De Aa !otte

Miskin Arts
>%at 3o& need to do: (in no partic&lar order 8?TE: referring to 3o&r 3D co&rse %and0oo6) follo$ t%e design c3cle) consistentl3 appl3ing notation in 3o&r jo&rnals) to address t%e follo$ing: ,2 Research i !"r#e$, i $e%e $e &'( se'ec&e$ re!ere ces, sh")i * i "+a&i+e %ers" a' &hi ,i * a $ crea&i+e $irec&i" ' Ba$ing identified #o r )rief, #o are to carr# o t personal researc" from context al so rces, sing )ot" primar# and secondar# so rces' Researc" and respond to so rces, s"o*ing clear consistent direction and intention, s"o*ing independence and inno$ati$e personal t"in+ing and creati$e direction2 -U i& ./01 (2 Sh") %erce%&i+e cri&ica' a%%recia&i" , #ee&i * &he 2rie! &hr"3*h a%%'(i * a 3 $ers&a $i * "! &he !ac&"rs &ha& i !'3e ce &he s%ecia'is#' 7egotiate and *or+ to a )rief )# identif#ing #o r target a dience or client, noting t"eir re5 irements and generating initial ideas, de$eloping a clear time&management plan' 9rom t"is de$elop sol tions for a negotiated )rief, de$eloping and extending #o r $is al lang age s+ills' A)o$e all s"o* initiati$e in selecting materials, e5 ipment and tec"ni5 es' Appl# #o r nderstanding of factors t"at infl ence #o r specialism in e$al ating #o r *or+ against t"e )rief. -U i& ./41 32 Sh") a i $i+i$3a' a%%r"ach &" s&r3c&3ri *, re+ie)i * a $ %rese &i * )"r, i a c"here & a $ c" si$ere$ !"r#a&' Experiment, de$elop and impro$e #o r concepts, *or+ing t"ro g" and nderstanding t"e design de$elopment c#cle' Comm nicate #o r ideas and intentions clearl# sing a range of media, materials and tec"ni5 es to de$elop #o r comm nication s+ills' @"o* an indi$id al approac" to str ct ring, re$ie*ing and presenting *or+ in a co"erent and considered format. -U i& ./51 -2 Pr"$3ce e!!ec&i+e a $ s,i'!3' "3&c"#es &ha& sh") a c" sis&e & 'e+e' "! , ")'e$*e, s,i'' a $ 3 $ers&a $i *' Re$ie* *or+ and de$elop o tcomes t"at "a$e infl enced #o r final design )# de$eloping and re$ie*ing #o r final *or+ in t"e form of a *ritten e$al ation of s ita)le lengt"' Prod ce an effecti$e and s+ilf l o tcome t"at s"o*s a consistent le$el of +no*ledge, s+ill and nderstanding. -U i& ./61 @2 Rea'ise a $ %rese & !i a' "3&c"#es &" #ee& a 2rie!' 9or t"e final deli$er# of #o r *or+ it is recommended t"at #o prod ce a Po*erPoint presentation s pported )# A3 design )oards, demonstrating final tec"nical and rendered $ie*s of #o r concept, t"at are s ita)le for client presentation and #o r portfolio' (o r final presentation -ex"i)ition. s"o ld clearl# reflect elements of #o r design process and final design' 8n all elements of #o r 4o rnal and final presentation, $er)al and $is al, tr# to tell a stor# comm nicating #o r ideas and intentions clearl# sing appropriate lang age and imager# -U i& ./71 E8hi2i&i" Brie! F"r &his %ar& "! &he 2rie! 2"&h (ear *r"3%s are re93ire$ &" )"r, &"*e&her i "r$er &" e8hi2i& &he !i a' #a:"r %r":ec& )"r, "! &he !i a' (ear s&3$e &s. As &here are " '( &hree )"r,i * )ee,s -i c'3$i * ("3r ha'! &er#1 !"r &his %r":ec& -!r"# 04&h;5<&h Ma( 4<061 a'' research, $esi* i$eas a $ $e+e'"%#e & ee$s &" 2e c"#%'e&e$ i &he !irs& ha'!. The sec" $ ha'! is $e+"&e$ e &ire'( &" e8hi2i&i" 23i'$ a $ i $i+i$3a' &ea# re+isi" s " &he 2r"ch3re, )e2si&e "r e8hi2i&i" $esi* . ,2 A a'(se h") 'e*a' re93ire#e &s a $ c" s&rai &s a!!ec& %r"!essi" a' ar&is&s, cra!&s %e"%'e a $ $esi* ers' @"o* #o r nderstanding of legal re5 irements relating to ex"i)ition' 9or example, cop#rig"t la*, intellect al propert# protection and DDA act, in relation to disa)led sers )eing a)le to mo$e ade5 atel# aro nd t"e ex"i)ition2 Also loo+ at t"e constraints of ex"i)iting in terms site restrictions, properties of materials% cost related iss es, constr ction and installation of t"e s"o* itself' (U i& =/0

2. Rec"r$ e8a#%'es "! ") sa!e )"r,i * %rac&ices i $e%e $e &'(. Bere #o need to e$idence #o r
a*areness of "ealt" and safet# in ) ilding t"e ex"i)ition' Also consider% safe "andling of materials% correct se of mac"iner# and e5 ipment% s per$ision re5 irements and ris+ assessments. -U i& =/41

3rief 8>=d )# !arie !c?o$an

!ar+ Add# 2 @elina De Aa !otte

Miskin Arts
32 A%%'( i !"r#e$ %r"!essi" a' %rac&ice i $e%e $e &'( i a ar& a $ $esi* 2rie!. 9or t"is tas+ #o need to s"o* #o r time management s+ills% effecti$e comm nication% commitment, team *or+ing s+ills, st dio space management and criticall# #o r presentation s+ills' 8n terms of t"e )rief, #o need to demonstrate "o* #o "a$e +ept to a client&led design )rief, de$eloping #o r proposal on t"is $er# doc ment and t"en s"o*ing "o* #o "a$e *or+ed as an indi$id al on t"is assignment' -U i& =/51 C"#%3&er M"$e''i * -2 De#" s&ra&e $i+erse , ")'e$*e a $ 3 $ers&a $i * "! as%ec&s "! c"#%3&er #"$e''i *, )"r,i * i $e%e $e &'( &" crea&e i#a*i a&i+e #"$e's, %rese &i * &he# i a ra *e "! !"r#a&s' 9or t"is tas+ #o need to set p t"e *or+ing en$ironment on ?oogle @+etc" p prior to commencing modelling and s"o* "o* to manage and na$igate t"at en$ironment d ring modelling' (o need to )ecome familiar *it" t"e coordinate s#stem, la#ers and ot"er elements, *"ic" s"o ld )e set prior to modelling' (o are enco raged to plan and set p #o r en$ironment to s it t"e specifics of t"e proposed model. (U i& 70/01 @2 De#" s&ra&e 3 $ers&a $i * "! &he a$+a &a*es a $ 'i#i&a&i" s "! &he $i!!ere & 5D e &i&ies, &""'s a $ &ech i93es e#%'"(e$ i c"#%3&er #"$e''i *. (o are as+ed to ) ild simple 3D o)4ects, "o* to edit, com)ine and cop# t"ese and "o* to se B""'ea "%era&i" s in order to constr ct complex 3D entities' (o also need to s"o* a*areness "! '"!&i *, re+"'+i * a $ $e!"r#i * tec"ni5 es and tools' -U i& 70/41 52 C" sis&e &'( a $ e!!ec&i+e'( 3se se'!;$e!i e$ 'i*h&i * a $ #a&eria's &" crea&e rea'is&ic "r crea&i+e'( re $ere$ c"#%3&er #"$e's. (o need to s"o* a*areness of different t#pes of lig"ts and t"eir specific 5 alities to effecti$el# en"ance model clarit# and render 5 alit#' (o s"o ld also learn to assign and edit materials in order to realisticall# render models' 8t is important to nderstand t"e different render modes and *"en and "o* to se t"em to t"eir ad$antage' -U i& 70/51 7. Use 'i*h&i * a $ re $eri * &" e ha ce c"#%3&er #"$e's. Bere #o need to demonstrate different t#pes of lig"ts, render modes and materials to en"ance comp ter models' E$idence t"at #o are a*are of t"e effects of lig"ting and material elements and "o* to alter integral components *it"in t"ese to ac"ie$e specific res lts' (U i& 70/61 A2 Re+ie) c"#%3&er #"$e's'Bere #o need to anal#se and e$al ate #o r *or+ practicall# and context all#, contin o sl# recording and commenting on #o r *or+, *or+ing met"ods and disc ssing t"e iss es s rro nding contemporar# practice' (o s"o ld also )e made a*are of t"e range of applications and formats for presenting comp ter models, as *ell as t"e 0D images generated from t"em' (o *ill )e as+ed to present #o r *or+ in a n m)er of different formats and arenas' (U i& 70/71 B2 Prese & ") c"#%3&er #"$e's' 9or t"is tas+ #o need to present #o r comp ter models in formats rele$ant to t"e )rief, ta+ing into consideration file formats, possi)le end sers and met"ods of comm nication t"ro g" online comm nication -, m)lr.. -U i& 70/.1
?at"ering Researc": Primar# C $isiting m se ms/galleries, 5 estionnaires, meeting professionals/designers 2 inter$ie*s' @econdar# C 8nternet researc" and li)rar#/)oo+s/4o rnals/for ms/)logs' ?enerating an idea: !ind map, mood )oards and t" m)nail s+etc"es' 6or+s"ops: Presentation tec"ni5 es: ,ec"nical dra*ing, pen rendering, foam )oard modelling and model ma+ing' 9inal De$elopment 9inal model, final Po*erPoint presentation, final digital presentation )oards -Dx PD9s., final e$al ation 2 final , m)lr'

3rief 8>=d )# !arie !c?o$an

!ar+ Add# 2 @elina De Aa !otte

Miskin Arts
>%en 3o& s&ccessf&ll3 complete t%is project 3o& $ill: 7nit 5: Application) Exploration and Realisation in Art and Design 1 3e a)le to carr# o t personal researc" from context al so rces 0 3e a)le to generate sol tions to a negotiated )rief 3 3e a)le to select and experiment safel# *it" specialist media, materials and tec"ni5 es D Understand factors *"en re$ie*ing *or+ and de$eloping o tcomes 5 3e a)le to realise and present final o tcomes to meet a )rief 7nit B: Professional Practice in Art and Design 1 Understand t"e legislation and professional constraints related to art, craft and design 0 3e a)le to o)ser$e "ealt" and safet# re5 irements 3 3e a)le to appl# professional practice in response to an art and design )rief 7nit @,: 3D Comp&ter #odelling 1 3e a)le to set p, manage an na$igate a comp ter model en$ironment 0 3e a)le to create 3D o)4ects and s rfaces 3 3e a)le to se lig"ting and rendering D Understand "o* to de$elop comp ter models'

3rief 8>=d )# !arie !c?o$an

!ar+ Add# 2 @elina De Aa !otte

"#P Project Tas6 9rids

Miskin Arts
7nit 5: Application) Exploration and Realisation in Art and Design =#P?RTA8T: T%e follo$ing are TA.C. (?rading and assessment criteria in 0old, tas+s in plain text) TA.C. To gain a Pass:
P,2 Carr3 o&t personal researc% from context&al so&rces2 Demonstrate a)ilit# to identif# possi)le so rce material rele$ant to t"e negotiated )rief and to carr# o t personal researc" from primar# and context al so rces' E$idence of selection from a $ariet# of primar#, context al and ot"er so rces' P(2 Develop sol&tions for a negotiated 0rief) developing and extending vis&al lang&age s6ills2 Constr ct a )rief *it" "elp from #o r t tor' ,"e )rief s"o ld incl de consideration of client/cons mer/a dience needs and limitations and constraints' E$idence #o r a)ilit# to identif#, select, record and refine #o r ideas'

TA.C. To gain a #erit:

#,2 Researc% and respond to so&rces) s%o$ing clear consistent and direction and intention2 E$idence #o r a)ilit# to researc" di$erse information s"o*ing s+ilf l $is al recording from *"ic" to identif# and select ideas' #(2 .%o$ initiative in selecting and &sing materials) eD&ipment and tec%niD&es) appl3ing &nderstanding of t%e factors t%at infl&ence t%e specialism in eval&ating $or6 against t%e 0rief2 Prod ce a caref ll# planned )rief *it" a clear str ct re s"o*ing a time plan, recognition of deadlines, and a detailed anal#sis of t"e re5 irements of #o r )rief and an nderstanding of specialist needs and constraints' @"o* initiati$e *"en selecting, exploring and sing materials' Demonstrate creati$e explorator# s+ills in t"e se of specialist materials and e5 ipment'

TA.C. To gain a Distinction:

D,2 Researc% informed) independentl3 selected references) s%o$ing innovative personal t%in6ing and creative direction2 8ndependentl#, de$elop a "ig"l# c"allenging personal )rief *it" creati$e direction and informed reference material' D(2 .%o$ perceptive critical appreciation) meeting t%e 0rief t%ro&g% appl3ing an &nderstanding of t%e factors t%at infl&ence t%e specialism2 @"o* reso rcef lness and critical appreciation, sop"istication and discrimination )# s#nt"esising #o r nderstanding of specialist media, materials, tec"ni5 es and processes' E$idence a "ig" le$el of s+ill in #o r se of specialist $is al lang age in response to t"e re5 irements of #o r )rief *it" in&dept" nderstanding of factors t"at infl ence t"e specialism' E$idence t"e a)ilit# to s#nt"esise #o r +no*ledge, s+ills and nderstanding t"ro g" creating and presenting $is all# exciting, "ig"&5 alit# final *or+' E$idence informed anal#sis of #o r so rces for t"e p rpose of creating exciting and imaginati$e ideas'

P32 .elect and experiment safel3 $it% specialist media) materials and tec%niD&es to develop vis&al comm&nication s6ills2 Prod ce a range of annotated experimental trials, test pieces,

#32 .%o$ an individ&al approac% to str&ct&ring) revie$ing and presenting $or6 in a co%erent and considered format2 Prod ce plans for presentations, in$estigating

3rief 8>=d )# !arie !c?o$an

!ar+ Add# 2 @elina De Aa !otte

Miskin Arts
printo ts, $ideo clips, models and ot"er media explorations' @elect and e$al ate #o r se of appropriate media materials and tec"ni5 es, *"ic" mig"t incl de *ritten or recorded e$al ations' Demonstrate an nderstanding of rele$ant legislation and potential ris+s to "ealt" and safet# *it"in t"e specialist area' Present e$idence s"o*ing "o* media and met"od in $is al recording can )e sed to comm nicate specific information' Consider t"e needs of different a diences )# presenting a range of $is al st dies *"ic" incl de plans, pro4ections, patterns and la#o t dra*ings' P-2 Revie$ $or6 and develop o&tcomes2 Present e$idence of #o r a)ilit# to anal#se and refine #o r design ideas to meet t"e re5 irements of #o r )rief' @"o* experimental trials and notes or recorded e$idence of comments re$ie*ing t"e 5 alities of different ideas and reasons for #o r decisions' @tate t"e infl ence of context al and c lt ral factors, *"ic" mig"t )e gat"ered t"ro g" recorded disc ssions, essa#s, notes and annotated images' P@2 Realise and present final o&tcomes to meet a 0rief2 Prod ce e$idence to s pport #o r planning and demonstrate a se5 ential de$elopment from initial intention t"ro g" to o tcome' Prod ce, present and e$al ate #o r final *or+' #-2 Prod&ce effective and s6ilf&l o&tcomes t%at s%o$ a consistent level of 6no$ledge) s6ill and &nderstanding2 @"o* a co"erent presentation of an effecti$e idea' E$idence of a consistent le$el of +no*ledge of t"e rele$ant specialist $ocational factors' and collating t"e needs of different a diences to de$elop a range of presentation met"ods' @"o* t"e effecti$eness of #o r presentations )# taping comments and collating and anal#Eing information from planned 5 estionnaires'

3rief 8>=d )# !arie !c?o$an

!ar+ Add# 2 @elina De Aa !otte

Miskin Arts
7nit B: Professional Practice in Art and Design =#P?RTA8T: T%e follo$ing are TA.C. (?rading and assessment criteria in 0old, tas+s in plain text)
TA.C. To gain a Pass: P,2 Examine %o$ legal reD&irements and constraints affect professional artists) crafts people and designers2 Researc" into t"e impact of legal re5 irements on practitioners' Examine different t#pes of legislation and constraints and prod ce a straig"tfor*ard list' @"o* some nderstanding of "o* t"ese impact on art, craft and design' TA.C. To gain a #erit: #,2 Eval&ate %o$ legal reD&irements and constraints affect professional artists) crafts people and designers2 E$al ate "o* legal re5 irements and constraints affect professional artists, crafts people and designers' Demonstrate an a*areness of t"e *a#s in *"ic" art, craft and design artefacts are affected )# legislation' Examples selected and disc ssed *ill s"o* a considered nderstanding of t"e effects of legal re5 irements and constraints' P(2 Appl3 safe $or6ing practice $%en creating art) craft or design $or6 Ris+ assessments *ill )e simplistic and listed' @afe *or+ing practices *ill )e sed and listed also' 6ill in$ol$e completing specific CF@BB data s"eets for t"e materials #o intend to se in #o r practical *or+' #(2 Record examples of o$n safe $or6ing practices effectivel32 Doc ment and record #o r o*n application of "ealt" and safet# g idelines and legislation2 D(2 Record examples of o$n safe $or6ing practices independentl32 Demonstrate independence and clarit# in identif#ing and responding to "ealt" and safet# re5 irements' Records *ill )e clear and informed and *ill artic late "o* #o r nderstanding of safe *or+ing practices infl enced #o r c"oice of tas+s and materials' 8nformation a)o t materials, processes and tec"ni5 es *ill )e collated and presented independentl#' P32 Demonstrate professional $or6ing practice $%en creating $or6 in response to a 0rief2 Professional *or+ing practices need to )e o)ser$ed, *it" a )asic le$el of comm nication' ,"e practical *or+ prod ced *ill meet t"e re5 irements of t"e )rief' #32 Appl3 considered professional practice effectivel3 in an art and design 0rief2 Professional *or+ing practices *ill )e defined clearl# in $ario s stages of t"e pro4ect, and #o *ill manage #o r personal *or+ effecti$el#' 8deas and stages *it"in t"e )rief *ill )e D32 Appl3 informed professional practice independentl3 in an art and design 0rief2 @"o* independent professional *or+ing practice' 6or+ing met"ods *ill )e 4 stified and )e s"o*n to s pport t"e prod ction of t"e final TA.C. To gain a Distinction: D,2 Anal3se %o$ legal reD&irements and constraints affect professional artists) crafts people and designers2 Demonstrate an in&dept" nderstanding of t"e effects of legal re5 irements and constraints t"ro g" a detailed anal#sis 2 8dentif# examples to s pport an informed st d#' ,"e effects *ill )e *ell doc mented and comm nicated effecti$el#'

3rief 8>=d )# !arie !c?o$an

!ar+ Add# 2 @elina De Aa !otte

Miskin Arts
Researc" nderta+en in response to feed)ac+ *ill s"o* appreciation of "o* t"e information can )e sed 2 ' doc mented clearl# and referenced to appropriate aspects of professional practice' ' o tcome' Comm nication *it" clients/peers *ill )e managed effecti$el# and recorded in a concise and co"erent manner' ,ime management *ill )e e$idenced in realising t"e )rief' Practical *or+ *ill )e co"erent and f ll# realise t"e )rief' Demonstrate a "ig" le$el of sop"istication in managing t"e prod ction of #o r practical *or+'

7nit @,: 3D Comp&ter #odelling =#P?RTA8T: T%e follo$ing are TA.C. (?rading and assessment criteria in 0old, tas+s in plain text) TA.C. To gain a Pass:
P,2 .et &p) manage and navigate a comp&ter model environment2 @"o* #o are competent *it" tools and controls t"at set p and c"ange t"e position of t"e point of $ie*, and are a)le to manage all of t"ese effecti$el#' E$idence ma# )e generated t"ro g" *itness statements' P(2 Create 3D o0jects &sing tools and commands2 Create 3D o)4ects sing appropriate tools and commands' Demonstrate a*areness of t"e different o)4ect properties and )e a)le to *or+ *it" t"ese to edit entities' Recognise tool icons and descri)e t"eir

TA.C. To gain a #erit:

#,2 Effectivel3 and competentl3 manage t%e modelling environment and prod&ce complex and acc&rate 3D comp&ter models2 Demonstrate competent control of t"e tools and settings t"at infl ence and control t"e *or+ing en$ironment of modelling programmes' @"o* confidence in t"e prod ction of complex, creati$e and acc rate comp ter models' #(2 Demonstrate &nderstanding of t%e advantages and limitations of t%e different 3D entities) tools and tec%niD&es emplo3ed in comp&ter modelling2 Use t"e appropriate tools, tec"ni5 es and model entities to demonstrate #o r nderstanding of t"e limitations and ad$antages of partic lar elements' Artic late in presentations or disc ssions *it" t tors *"# #o "a$e emplo#ed certain tec"ni5 es in #o r

TA.C. To gain a Distinction:

D,2 Demonstrate diverse 6no$ledge and &nderstanding of aspects of comp&ter modelling) $or6ing independentl3 to create imaginative models) presenting t%em in a range of formats2 Present an extensi$e )od# of *or+ res lting from largel# independent and self&initiated *or+' Demonstrate extensi$e +no*ledge, and a "ig" degree of competenc# in all areas of comp ter modelling and presenting finis"ed *or+'

3rief 8>=d )# !arie !c?o$an

!ar+ Add# 2 @elina De Aa !otte

Miskin Arts
f nctions' model *or+, and re4ected ot"ers'

P32 #odif3 and edit 3D solids and s&rfaces2 7eed to edit and modif# 3D solids and s rfaces'

#32 Consistentl3 and effectivel3 &se self* defined lig%ting and materials to create realistic or creativel3 rendered comp&ter models2 Consistentl# and effecti$el# se t"e feat res associated *it" lig"ting and material properties to en"ance #o r models d ring rendering'

P-2 7se lig%ting and rendering to en%ance comp&ter models2 7eed to se different t#pes of lig"ts, render modes and materials to en"ance comp ter models' @"o* e$idence #o are a*are of t"e effects of lig"ting and material elements and "o* to alter integral components *it"in t"ese to ac"ie$e specific res lts' P@2 Revie$ comp&ter models2 Re$ie* #o r *or+ing met"ods and *or+ in relation to t"at of ot"ers' @"o* a*areness of t"e different arenas for s"o*ing comp ter models and t"at #o nderstand and are a)le to *or+ in t"e format-s. associated *it" t"ese' P52 Present o$n comp&ter models2 Present #o r comp ter models in formats rele$ant to t"e )rief, ta+ing into consideration file formats, possi)le end sers and met"ods of comm nication t"ro g" online comm nication'

3rief 8>=d )# !arie !c?o$an

!ar+ Add# 2 @elina De Aa !otte

"#P Project Assessment 9rids

Miskin Arts

3rief 8>=d )# !arie !c?o$an

!ar+ Add# 2 @elina De Aa !otte

Miskin Arts

3rief 8>=d )# !arie !c?o$an

!ar+ Add# 2 @elina De Aa !otte

Miskin Arts

3rief 8>=d )# !arie !c?o$an

!ar+ Add# 2 @elina De Aa !otte

Miskin Arts

3rief 8>=d )# !arie !c?o$an

!ar+ Add# 2 @elina De Aa !otte

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