Overworld, Middleworld and Underworld

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The document discusses the existence of 9 parallel universes or realms that exist at different vibrational frequencies. Ancient humans were able to visit these realms through meditation and spirit travel.

The document describes there being 3 realms with lower vibrational energies than the human realm, and 5 realms with higher vibrational energies. Angels come from the 7th realm, while guardian angels/dragons come from the 9th realm.

Angels originate in the 7th realm but can choose to move to the 9th realm to offer lifetime service. Those who don't will remain in the 7th realm. Spiritual guides visit from the 7th realm.

Overworld, Middleworld, Underworld and the Nine Realms of life

From the nothingless, out of potential came a thought, the thought created the void from which within the universe came into existence much like the yolk of an egg inside a sea of albumin. As the thought grew, the universe expanded and was guided by the laws of energy that were created by the thought, in effect nine Universes were born simultaneously, each one a part of the whole but existing within their own bands of energetic vibrations, invisible to each other but engaged and part of the whole. In 779 years from now human scientists will discover the technology that will allow them to see these different vibrational Universes, although there are other intelligent beings in the human universe that have been visiting these other realms right now as I write this. Human mystics and Shamans have been able to send their energetic selves to these other universes for a very long time, and Earth has and is, been visited regularly by beings from the nine realms (universes). There are 3 Realms with lower vibrational energy than the Human realm, with 5 realms operating at higher energetic energys.

Angels come from the 7th vibrational realm, there are laws of nature which restrict the ability of beings to raise or lower their energetic thoughts to visit other realms beyond a certain level. Guardian Angels/Dragons come from the 9th vibrational realm, while Spiritual guides and Spiritual guardians visit the Earthly realm from the 7th vibrational realm. Angels/Dragons originate on the 7th Realm, but when chosen to offer service will move to the 9th Realm from where they will then exist able to live for the life of the Universe itself, those Angels/Dragons who are not ready or choose not to offer such dedicated service to beings in the other realms will continue to live out their lives in the 7th Realm/Universe where they may volunteer for short durations to provide guidance to the creatures from any of the other realms. These realms are not steps to heaven, and are only higher due to their existence in the higher energies. Although the 6th realm consists of more spiritual energies than in any other realm, this is due to the banding that exists in the energetic wave lengths, much like the gravity of Saturn has sorted different materials into bands in the rings of Saturn, then the laws that govern the energies of the universe has also banded energies that are able to provide the stability that allow a realm/universe to develop.

Spiritual energy flows through all the realms, much like the effects of gravity that also percolates throughout all the 9 realms, the Spiritual energy is the original thought that created the void that precluded the expansion of the UNIVERSE of multiples. The 6th realm is where the Universal Cosmic mind exists, the Great Spirit, the ONE which percolates through to us all, and to all realms. The thought of creation exists within the laws that it created to shape the wholeness of the universe, it has no control over this without de-creating the physical Universe and the end of all nine Realms and the beings that have come into existence each with the thought/spiritual energy flowing through each and every being in all realms, this is what is referred to as Spirit, Chi (Qi) or life force, ALL the energies of the nine realms can be referred to as part of the Spiritual/thought energy of the ONE, and are made available to be used for the growth and development of all beings of all the realms without exception, including the energies of the 6th realm. Human consciousness exists in the most part in a non-local state within the human realm, but can and does also touch all the realms as a natural course of things. Humans that live amongst the natural world and its natural energies are more tuned into this condition and find themselves

more sensitive to the energies of other realms and the visitors from these realms. There are eight other Earths, each sharing the same space in the whole Universe, but each existing on different wavelengths, this applies to all matter in the Universe, so the planetary systems of the Pleiades also have another eight shadow selves each existing in a different realm at a different energy level and so on.

Dimensions of the Human Universe

There are seven dimensions in the human Universe, three that are physical, (length, breadth, height) three are electromagnetic in nature and one is a high energy dimension which contains the Psychic energys, this last dimension is shared universally across all the nine universes of the whole and is used to communicate and for some species even psychic travel. Across all the nine Universes there are 12 distinct dimensions which have their particular nature. Consciousness has developed in all the 3 electro-magnetic dimensions that are affiliated to the human universe, these are generally referred to in the western world as The Underworld, The Overworld, The Middleworld, there are other names that

have been given by different human cultures and the inhabitants of these worlds have their own multitude of names. These worlds are to all intents and purposes worlds with no end. Because these worlds are electro-magnetic in nature humans and other life-forms are able to visit and create as well as interact with the inhabitants of these worlds, in general neither can cause direct harm to each other, but can and on occasion draw upon each others energies to survive. If an inhabitant of the Otherworlds becomes stranded in the human world or universe, it has to survive by finding a source of electro-magnetic energy that it can absorb, this may mean leaching energy from a living creature, this is purely a survival action and not a direct attack on the life-form itself. The Otherworld (Underworld, Overworld or Middleworld) creature will move from host to host if it debilitates the energy from a life form too much. Ideally the energy creature will usually want to return to its own dimension/world, this can be helped by the many trained and experienced humans who have the skills and abilities to help these creatures return to their worlds by performing certain actions, on occasion an Otherworld life form may refuse to return to its natural habitat because of its own requirements to explore our universe/world, but to remain it must of course feast off the energy of living creatures in this world, a balance must

be struck between providing this Otherworld creature with its wants but seeking assurances from IT, that it will not seek to bring harm. This also happens in reverse, the energy persona of a human may visit or journey to one of the electro-magnetic realms and become stuck there or wish to remain there, over time this human energy will begin to learn how to draw life sustaining energy to keep it intact, while in the human world, the human in question will begin to become unearthed they may be lethargic, distant to those around them and unable to focus at all on spiritual growth as well as other physical manifestations of ill health.

Stone Builders
The spectrum of energies in the wholeness of the Universe is vast, there are some energies that have a persistent nature in that once they are generated they do not disperse or convert but because of their generation and interaction with the solids of the universe they remain in place almost as if glued or attracted, this may be because all energy wavelengths are in a small way alive in that they have a lifespan and a desire to survive and grow, like a flame that will attempt to continue to survive by looking for more substance it can consume to remain in existence, energy at all levels will attempt to extend their existence.

Humans refer to certain energies as the subtle energies, these are the energies that are generated with more of a consciousness than most, this is because they are created/emanated/radiated from complex life-forms, be it organic or crystalline. These are the energies that the ancient Stone builders understood so well, these energies resonate and imbue each other (organic, crystalline) with properties that bring an enhancement to their being, through health/longer existence. Humans in particular have evolved to manipulate these energies directly through thought manifestation as well as utilising the crystalline life-forms referred to crystals. It is because organic life forms contain within themselves minerals of crystalline matter without which they could not survive, a symbiosis of crystal and human, in much the same way that humans (and all organic life-forms) have symbiotic relationships with bacteria and fungi. The ancient Stone builders would seek out stone/rock that contain a certain quantity/quality or type of crystalline structures within the rock and these would be used for purposes to either generate, amplify or direct the subtle energies of the Earth itself for the overall benefit for all. The remains of the Stone constructions around the world are of course what was left after the final construction before the changes promoted by greed and the power of metal to feed that greed stopped further building, using Stone to enhance the environment, intention to

obtain a result and images to shape energy has been in use for so long that the evidence has been weathered away in most cases. It was once understood that all are connected, all life depends on the matrix of life to provide a food chain that will provide sustenance for all. For life to prosper, life must be encouraged to prosper in all its vast diversity of small to large, ancients understood also that life depends on the energies of the Universe, from the warming spectrum of the Sun to the gentle bathing of the Moon. The unseen energies that are felt, the subtle energies are also recognised to be a vital component that life interacts with as it is understood, ALL are part of the ONE Universe that everything interacts with all, subtle energies that can enhance or debilitate life of the planet are concerned with their own existence but can be directed by human endeavours to enhance not only the subtle energies themselves but all life on the Earth, this was the goal of the ancient Stone builders. Building for permanence for shaping and directing the subtle energies of the Universe, Stone builders around the globe, would use their own Knowledge to shape and direct, or as in the Pyramid structures to gather, enhance and generate additional subtle energies.

Over time the ancient knowledge was forgotten as physical domination was quicker and easier for short term gain, greed and self began to exceed the once common understanding that we are all ONE, the natural endeavours of sharing to bring forth further growth in all life which would bring additional bounty to all, fell to the wayside as greed developed alongside the new ways of living. Balance is what is missing from the natural order, the understanding that balance brings further growth in life, life in all its multitude of forms need to have a balanced environment, an environment that is persistent for its survival, be it from the Otherworlds or from the Human world. To begin to understand further the ONEness of the universe, to find ways that you can bring balance to your environment, our world, our Universe, then a way of thinking and seeing has to be developed, this thinking generates thoughts, thoughts are energies which merge into the great matrix of life where they can affect the greater good, a raindrop can join with many raindrops to produce a deluge that can shape the land. Recognise what you can be, aim for this high position, bring the desire of your heart to bear on the need for balance in your life and this will spill over in to bringing balance around you, this is your raindrop, join with us and let us become a deluge to shape the world. www.artofmodernwizardry.org

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