Quantitative Aptitude Section: 20 Cents

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1. Two pencils costs 8 cents, then 5 pencils cost how m ch Sol! " pencils 8 cents #$ 1 pencil % cents The&e'o&e 5 pencils cost # 5 ( % # ") cents ". A wo&* is +one ,- two people in "% min. one o' them c.n +o this wo&* . lonelin %) min. how m ch time &e/ i&e+ to +o the s.me wo&* 'o& the secon+ pe&son. Sol! 0A123 c.n +o the wo&* in # 14"% min. A .lone c.n +o the s.me wo&* in # 14%) min. 2 .lone c.n +o the s.me wo&* in # 0A1235s 6 A5s # 14"% 6 14%) # 147) The&e'o&e, , c.n +o the s.me wo&* in # 7) min 8.A c.& is 'ille+ with 'o & .n+ h.l' 9.llons o' oil 'o& ' ll &o n+ t&ip. : el is t.*en 14% 9.llon mo&e in 9oin9 th.n comin9. ;h.t is the ' el cons me+ in comin9 p< Sol 2e'o&e the t&ip, c.& is 'ille+ with # % = 9.llon o' oil >et ?@5 ,e the / .ntit- o' ' el cons me+ 'o& the t&ip in one +i&ection The ' el cons me+ while 9oin9 # @ 1 A The ' el cons me+ while comin9 # @ The&e'o&e, the ' el cons me+ 'o& the t&ip # 0@ 1 A3 1 @ # % = "@ 1 A # % = #$ "@ # % = B A #$ "@ # % A #$ @# ". .pp&oC The&e'o&e the ' el cons me+ while comin9 # " 9.llon %. >ow tempe&.t &e .t the ni9ht in . cit- is 148 mo&e th.n 14" hi9h .s hi9he& tempe&.t &e in . +.-. S m o' the low tempe&.t &e .n+ hi9hest temp. is 1)) +e9&ees. Then wh.t is the low temp< Sol! %) +e9.

5. A pe&son, who +eci+e+ to 9o to wee*en+ t&ip sho l+ not eCcee+ 8 ho &s +&iDin9 in . +.-. ADe&.9e spee+ o' 'o&w.&+ Eo &ne- is %) m4h. D e to t&.''ic in S n+.-s, the &et &n Eo &ne- .De&.9e spee+ is 8) m4h. Fow '.& he c.n select . picnic spot< .3 1") miles ,3 2etween 1") .n+ 1%) miles c3 17) miles Answe&! 1") miles 7. A s.lespe&son m ltiplie+ . n m,e& .n+ 9ot the .nswe& 8, inste.+ o' th.t n m,e& +iDi+e+ ,- 8.;h.t is the .nswe& he .ct .ll- h.s to 9et< Sol! 01483 (1 ( 8 # 8, so n m,e& # 1 DiDi+e+ ,- 8 Answe&! 148. G. A ship st.&te+ '&om po&t .n+ moDin9 with I miles pe& ho & .n+ .nothe& ship st.&te+ '&om > .n+ moDin9 with F miles pe& ho &. At which pl.ce these two ships meet< HBBBBHBBBBHBBBBHBBBBHBBBBHBBBBH po&t I F I J K >

Sol! Answe& is ,etween I .n+ J .n+ close to J o& 0>(I(F340F1I3 8. A , il+in9 with hei9ht D sh.+ow p to I. A nei9h,o& , il+in9 with wh.t hei9ht sh.+ows C 'eet. HBBBBHBBBBHBBBBHBBBBHBBBBHBBBBHBBBBH A 2 C D E : I F Sol! 2 :t. o& CD4I L. A pe&son w.s 'ine+ 'o& eCcee+in9 the spee+ limit ,- 1)mph. Anothe& pe&son w.s .lso 'ine+ 'o& eCcee+in9 the s.me spee+ limit ,- twice the s.me. I' the secon+ pe&son w.s t&.Delin9 .t . spee+ o' 85 mph, 'in+ the spee+ limit. Sol! >et ?C5 ,e the spee+ limit

Pe&son ?A5 w.s 'ine+ 'o& eCcee+in9 the spee+ limit ,- # 1)mph Pe&son ?25 w.s 'ine+ 'o& eCcee+in9 the spee+ limit ,- # twice o' ?A5 # "(1)mph#")mph 9iDen th.t the secon+ pe&son w.s t&.Delin9 .t the spee+ o' 85mph #$ 85mph 6 ")mph # 15mph The&e'o&e the spee+ limit is #15 mph 1).A , s st.&te+ '&om , s st.n+ .t 8.)).m, .n+ .'te& 8) min tes st.-in9 .t +estin.tion, it &et &ne+ ,.c* to the , s st.n+. The +estin.tion is "G miles '&om the , s st.n+. The spee+ o' the , s is 18mph. In &et &n Eo &ne- , s t&.Dels with 5)M '.st spee+. At wh.t time it &et &ns to the , s st.n+< Sol! 11.)).m 11.In . miCt &e, N is " p.&ts S is 1 p.&t. In o&+e& to m.*e S to "5M o' the miCt &e, how m ch & is to ,e .++e+< Sol! One P.&t 1". ;in+ 'lows 17) miles in 88) min, 'o& 8) miles how m ch time &e/ i&e+. Sol! 18. ;ith %45 ' ll t.n* Dehicle t&.Dels 1" miles, with 148 ' ll t.n* how m ch +ist.nce t&.Dels Sol! 0 5 miles 3 1%. Two t&ees .&e the&e. One 9&ows .t 845 o' the othe& in % -e.&s, tot.l 9&owth o' t&ees is 8 't. wh.t 9&owth will sm.lle& t&ee will h.De in " -e.&s Sol! 0 O " 't. 3 15. A sto&m will moDe with . Delocit- o' tow.&+s the cente& in ho &s, .t the s.me &.te how m ch '.& will it moDe in h&s. Sol! 0 , t the .nswe& is 848 o& " "48 3

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