Mary T. Hill Diary, 1911

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Mary T.

Hill Diary

January 1, Sunday
Sunday and New Years Day. Cloudy, cold a slight snow falling. We had quite a little
gathering last evening to greet the coming of the fair new year. Major and Mrs. Sturgis,
Mr. T. L. Schurmeier George and Nellie Finch Mr. Macpherson Dr. Egil Boeckmann
George and Clarlotte Louis and Maud Walter and Dorothy. It being Egils birthday -
ridiculous gifts for him. A Bran pie and Punch & Judy given by Maud and Mr.
Schurmeier. Supper, songs and good wishes.

January 2, Monday

Cold today at zero from morning until evening had been lower and got colder in the

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evening. Rachel and I went for a drive and airing nearly to Minneapolis- and took little

Dorothy and Beth Barrows with us. In the afternoon George Charlotte, Major and Mrs.
Sturgis, Louis and Maud and Egil came in and played pool. Papa and Clara beginning

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a large puzzle in the evening.
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January 3, Tuesday
Very cold day. Was 26 below at at [sic] 830 a. m. 9 below was the warmest today. A
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wonderful sunset. Yesterday we saw the most brilliant sun dogs. Today Mrs. Lee was
82 years. We gave her a surprise party and luncheon. Mrs. Prince, Mrs. Morgan Fanny
Prince, Mrs. Willis Maud and Charlotte were here. Father Gibbons called this afternoon.
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Wrote to Gertrude yesterday.

January 4, Wednesday
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Cold, very! but I made a few visits on very old friends. Mrs. Edmund Rice, Mrs. J. B.

Rice ect. Papa left for New York this evening. George and Charlotte dined here.

January 5, Thursday
Still cold. Snowed some all afternoon. Having heard that Dr. and Mrs. Smith (Chas E.)
had been ill I went to inquire for them and found the Dr. preparing to go to Honululu [sic]

for the winter. Dr. Egil sent us some ptarmigans and Rachel had a few in to dine with


January 6, Friday
Not so cold about zero this morning - a little more snow. Walter went back to Northcote
last evening. A telegram tells me papa arrived in New York today. I spent a busy
forenoon in storeroom selecting and putting in order.

January 7, Saturday
I went over to Home of the Friendless this morning to see Mrs. Schell. She is a brave
cheerful industrious woman. Then I went in to see Mrs. Morrison found her well: for her.

1911, p.1
January 8, Sunday
Windy but not cold. Wrote several letters this afternoon. In the evening we dined at

January 9, Monday
This evening Charlotte gave a dinner dance to nearly thirty. They danced in the newly
floored Basement room. Louis and Maud certainly enjoy dancing.

January 10, Tuesday

I have been neglecting this book. There has been little to write of. I have been trying to
pay some visits before leaving for the winter. Mittie Porter is here to stay the night she
went with us to the Symphony Concert this evening.

January 11, Wednesday

Cold new morning. No temptation to stay out long - plenty snow, some falls frequently.

Today is 3rd anniversary of Walters and Dorothys wedding. They gave a dinner and

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dance this evening - at which Mr. Seiler showed he could dance and caper. As

tomorrow will be Dorothys birth day all greeted her at mid night.

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January 12, Thursday
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A dark snowy morning- 6 above zero. We went to luncheon at Mrs. Furness. Mrs.
Upham and Mrs. Lamborn were there to meet Miss Ninanger {Nininger?} - later I went
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to Visitation Convent and to a Tea at Mrs. F. P. Shephards. Clara spent an hour with
Mrs. Morison.
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January 13, Friday

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Zero this a.m. 9 oclock. Cold and raw all day slight snow fall. In the afternoon we went
to the Opera Tales of Hoffman. I liked the music.
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January 14, Saturday


5 below zero this morning at 845. I received a letter from Miss Barrus this morning from
Sanfransisco [sic] telling me Mary M and all were well. They are not settled there.

January 15, Sunday


Quite cold zero. Telegram from papa telling me he will meet me in New York Thursday.
Dr. and Mrs. Ramsey Walter and Dorothy and Egil Boeckman {Boeckmann} took supper

with us this evening. Major Wilson called. I went out to say goodbye to Good Shepherd

January 16, Monday

A cloudy mild day. Busy all day preparing to leave tomorrow for New York. Maud gives
a Masque Ball tonight. I went to see Mrs. C. W. Bunn this afternoon.

1911, p.2
January 17, Tuesday
A lovely morning. Mauds Ball a great success. Costumes varied and pretty many well
carried out. I thought Mr. Jackson the very best an Arab. Rachel and I leave tonight for
New York.

January 18, Wednesday

Chicago. We arrived here on the Burlington half an hour late and went to the
Blackstone, it is a new and very up to date Hotel. A great improvement on the
Auditorium Annex. It is a fine day. We left for New York on 20th Century Train N.Y.C.

January 19, Thursday

New York. We arrived here about half an hour late this morning and found papa here
he had returned from Washington last night. Weather fine here this afternoon we went
over to see little Anson found he had grown much in eight months.

January 20, Friday

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New York. I went downtown with Papa this morning. I thought Broadway quiet at 11

a.m. Papa came up town early - and spent the late afternoon finishing a puzzle. The

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day is mild. I went for quite a walk. Dr. Turner called today. He lectures in Brooklyn
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January 21, Saturday
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New York. A cloudy damp morning rained earlier. Papa went to Dr. Weeks and
returned here. He left at four p. m. for St. Paul. Wrote to Clara today. Little Anson
came over to visit us this afternoon.
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January 22, Sunday

New York. Quite a fall of snow on the ground this morning. And it is colder. We went
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to 10 oclock Mass and took luncheon at Gertrudes. Rachel and Gertrude went to an
Afternoon Concert. Jim. Mike and Gertrude dined with us. Mr. R. Gordon died

yesterday in New Rochelle.

January 23, Monday

New York. A beautiful morning. I sent a telegram of condolence to Mr. Chas W.

Gordon this morning. Maria Taylor called today looking very well and pretty. Rachel
not well this evening so I dined alone as Jim. did not come home. Mike and Gertrude

came in and we taught Mike ‘Hearts’.

January 24, Tuesday

New York. A beautiful morning. Walter, Dorothy and little Dorothy arrived on the Penn
R. R. an hour late. Little D. looking as fresh as a rose. A telegram from Maud to day
telling that She and Louis are starting for Seattle summoned by illness of Ethel Clarks
baby. I went over to Ruths to witness the meeting of little Anson and little Dorothy. She
walked up to him and kissed him then he returned the greeting in same way. They were
beautiful together.

1911, p.3
January 25, Wednesday
New York. A beautiful morning enjoyed a good walk. Neither Rachel nor Gertrude well
today. So we did not go to the Opera Loengrin [sic]. Maria Taylor telephoned me this
afternoon that she was going to Warrenton Vir. to stay a few days with Mrs. Taylor. I
wrote to Papa to Maud and to Mittie Porter this evening.

January 26, Thursday

New York. A cloudy rainy day and so dark. Spent forenoon down at A. Maynards
{written above: 40-42 W. 23rd. St.} learning to shape little Sweater. In the afternoon we
went over to Gertrudes, little Anson came to visit little Dorothy. Dr. Turner came in the
evening and dined with us he is over here to lecture in Brooklyn. Gertrude not well

January 27, Friday

New York. A dark wet morning. At ten a.m. I took little Dorothy for a drive through Park

and out Riverside Drive. Mrs. Dalhgren called this afternoon. Letter from Clara today

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telling Mitties mother Mrs. Johnson is seriously ill. Maud telegraphs from Seattle that

Ethel Clarks baby who has been ill is not likely to live many days. To day has been very

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dark. Mr. and Mrs. Seyler in the city.
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January 28, Saturday
New York. Still windy this morning. At ten a.m. sun came out so very blue a blue sky
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one seldom seems. The Seylors sailed today on the Gen. Grant. Walter and Dorothy
entertained them last evening. I took little Dorothy for a drive this morning. We dined at
Ruthes [sic] this evening. A letter from Charlotte today - tells me papa is well.
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January 29, Sunday

New York. Cloudy again today dark this afternoon. Ruth brought little Anson in and
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Walter, Dorothy little Dorothy, Gertrude and Mike with a Mr. Tracy came too at Tea time
the babies had a happy time together. This evening the Beards the Gavins and the

Walter Hills dined with us. Jim. did not favor us with his company.

January 30, Monday

New York. A changeable morning. Windy. I went out with little Dorothy, I walked back

from 90th. Street by that time it was a high wind. As I passed Mr. Thornes he was
coming in from a drive he has been ill. I went in with him and and [sic] stayed awhile.

He told me of Mr. John M. Wings experience out at Rochester Minn. He has promise of
health now it seems.

January 31, Tuesday

New York. Windy and cold. Took little Dorothy to drive and later took her mother to the
Metropolitan Museum for the rest of the forenoon. Took luncheon at Gertrudes and met
Mrs. Elnore Swain. We talked Stan. Morrison and his marriage. Called on Mrs. Geo.
Clark and Mrs. Lamont, met Mrs. Gen. F Baker at Mrs. L. Dorothy dined with us. I went
to Ruths it is her birthday.

1911, p.4
February 1, Wednesday
New York. A cold clear morning. Dorothy and I spent most of the forenoon at the
Museum of Natural History. There was a disastrous explosion of dynamite at noon
today down near the water many killed all down Town shaken up and terrified much
glass broken in Office and the Bldgs. We went to the Opera this evening it was

February 2, Thursday
New York. A dark wet morning. I went downtown to A. Maynards about my knitting.
Maria Taylor took luncheon with us. Jim. was at home rather stiffened up for the
evening. Mike Gertrude, Walter and Dorothy came in for the evening. Dr. Biggs was
here to day and yesterday for a few minutes - to see Rachel.

February 3, Friday

New York. Was bright early this a. m. clouded over at 1030 a. m. A little snow fell. I

wrote to papa last evening. A cold disagreeable afternoon. This evening Mike,

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Gertrude Walter and Dorothy dined with us. Jim. played puzzles we cards. Telegram

from Maud to day Ethels baby still alive.

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February 4, Saturday
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New York. Spent forenoon at the Museum of Natural History with Walter and Dorothy.
Took a long walk in the Park in the Afternoon with Gertrude - met Maria Taylor and her
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boy Curzon. In the evening we dined with Gertrude. Water and Dorothy went to the
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February 5, Sunday
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New York. A clear cold windy day. Went to ten oclock Mass. Mike Gertrude Walter
Dorothy and Rachel went to Buzzards Bay in Jims Auto. I took luncheon at Ruths
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afterwards, Anson, Ruth little Anson and I went for a drive as far as Woodlawn. We
came back via the new drive way. The Concourse I think it is called - the new way to

the Bronx. Wrote to Papa and to Dr. Barrus also to Mr. Toomey.

February 6, Monday
New York. Spent forenoon arranging and providing for trip and stay at Jeckyl Island.

Began to snow at noon continued all afternoon. I took luncheon and spent afternoon at
Ruths, the babes Anson and Dorothy spent afternoon together and had a fine time. We

dined at Gertrudes and went with them Walter and Dorothy to the Theatre Trelawny of
the Wells.

February 7, Tuesday
New York. Snowed all last night. Clara and Katherine arrived only an hour late this
morning 950. We feared they might be detained longer by storm. Ethel Clarks baby
died this morning Louis telegraphed me. Walter and Dorothy dined with us this evening.

1911, p.5
February 8, Wednesday
New York. A dull cloudy morning - not cold. I have been busy all forenoon answering
notes and finishing up preparations for our trip south. Little Dorothy spent the afternoon
with us. Mr. Baker, Maria Taylor Mark Reeves and Anson called. We went to the
Opera Tosca Katherine enjoyed it exceedingly.

February 9, Thursday
On Train. We left via of the Penn R. R. for Jeckyl Island Club - going for the first time
through the tunnels. The new Penn Station is fine certainly. Mr. and Mrs. Sard and Mr.
Pruyn jr. and John Dalrymple of St. Paul on the train. Received letters from Maud,
Sam. and a telegram from papa before we left at 1116 a. m.

February 10, Friday

Jekyl Island. We arrived just on time this forenoon. We had a comfortable trip South

although the car was very cold last night. There are few guests here yet. The Hayes

(Mr. and Mrs. Brook) The Vail family – Mr. and Mrs. Billings Lord and Lady Decus on

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their wedding Trip at the Gould house Mrs. Goodyear, Mrs. Baker. The Maurices Dr.

and Mrs. Register with the Hayes. Dr. and Mrs. Merrill are not here.

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February 11, Saturday
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Jekyl Island. A cloudy threatening day but not unpleasant. We walked to the Beach
and took a drive in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thorne
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arrived today. Mrs. Thorne is Mr. Bonds niece. Mr. and Mrs. Bourne and two daughters
arrived also. Senator Aldrich and family are here in the Morgan Apartment. Wrote to
Papa “ “ {ditto marks indicate “wrote to”} Clara this morning and to Frazers.
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Katherine is delighted with Jekyl.

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February 12, Sunday

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Jekyl Island. No Mass to day. Cloudy morning following some rain last night. After
breakfast I wrote to Papa to Gertrude to Charlotte and to Sam. We all walked to the

Beach before luncheon. The afternoon cleared and we went for a long drive it was a fine
afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Scrymser arrived today. Senator Aldrcih introduced himself as
I went over to breakfast this morning.

February 13, Monday

Jeckyl Island. This morning was foggy and cold everything wet before noon began to

clear the afternoon was perfect. Katherine Abbott and I went for a drive we picked up
many shells on the southern end of the Island toward Cumberland Island. Mrs. J.
Peirpont Morgan and Wright arrived today. Full moon to night and the sky was
singularly beautiful at 730 p. m. the entire canopy flocked with white clouds rather small
in the bluest sky. I wrote to Ruth, Norman, Louis and Mrs. Lee.

February 14, Tuesday

Jekyl Island. This had been a very beautiful day - forenoon was hot but afternoon was
perfect. I heard birds today. Wrote to Clara this morning. Mrs. Porter arrived today
Mrs. Hegeman comes Friday. We went for a long drive this afternoon. A letter from

1911, p.6
Papa yesterday he is busy making addresses in the interest of reciprosity one in
Minneapolis Thursday. Telegraphed for box of apples.

February 15, Wednesday

Jekyl Island. This morning after early brightness threatened change and storm and then
at 10 a. m. cleared grew hot and bright. The afternoon now pleasant. Wrote to papa
today. Received a letter from Gertrude this evening. It seems Walter has gone home -
leaving Dorothy and baby at Gertrudes.

February 16, Thursday

Jekyl Island. This has been a cold threatening day. So windy too. The beach was
almost deserted today. Mr. Lanier, Miss Denny Miss Kittie Lawrence Miss Rett and
some others came today. Yesterday a Miss Jennings party of four. Rachel and I went
for a drive - in the woods found some sheter [sic] there. I finished reading Lady Duff

Gordons Letters from Egypt - in the 60s. Pathetic reading interesting too.

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February 17, Friday

Jekyl Island. This has been rather a pleasant day morning especially. This afternoon

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was windy foggy over Ocean. The evening very thick fog. Wrote to Gertrude and to
to a
Ethel Clark. St. Paul paper give is news of Judge Jaggards death in the Bermuda
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Islands. A letter today from Dr. Barrus that troubles me.
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February 18, Saturday

Jekyl Island. A perfect day after such a heavy fog last night. Spent about an hour this
morning on the beach searching for shells. Mrs. F. Baker called this morning looking
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very well. I went for a long drive this afternoon with Mrs. J. P. Morgan and a Miss Rhett.
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Afterwards I went to Tea to Mrs. Morgans appartment [sic] we sat on her veranda and
watched a beautiful sunset.
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February 19, Sunday


Jeckyl Island. We saw the Sun rise this morning as we were up for half past six Mass.
Father Cassagne came over from Brunswick last evening. He likens the Island to the
Garden of Edin [sic]. This has been a perfect day, but the cloudy dull sunset does not
promise well. I spent over an hour on the Beach this morning picked up a few shells. I

wrote to Maud and to Mrs. Schell.


February 20, Monday

Jekyl Island. This has been a changeable day rained a little this morning. Threatened a
storm later clouds passed away. Wind came up in afternoon temperature went down -
and yet we enjoyed walk to Beach and stroll on the Beach and drive this afternoon in
woods. Saw so many buzzards and flocks of ducks. Letters from papa, Ruth and Clara
- also from Mauds children. Read the play of the Piper today and would like to see it -
and finished reading Mollie make believe – it is an original idea.

1911, p.7
February 21, Tuesday
Jekyl Island. This was a cold morning for here - 42 at 8 a. m. had been 40. But, bright
and beautiful. The day has been fine. Katherine and I took a four mile walk to Beach
and on it picked up some pretty shells. I wrote a long letter to Papa, also to Clara. We
drove for an hour and three quarters - it was fine. The Gould family and guests came to
day a Mrs. Coycandal and-

February 22, Wednesday

Jekyl Island. This was a cold morning only 37 when I went out at 8 a. m. had been
down to 34 in the night. Continued cool all day was but 50 in shade at one p. m. letters
[sic] today from Papa Charlotte and Dorothy. I fear Papa is lonely he writes so often.
The day has been sunny I walked to and on Beach and we drove in afternoon and went
to Mrs. Porters to Tea. I wrote to Ruth and to Jim. Washingtons birthday is celebrated
as usual with flags and colors. Mrs. Kennedy, the Schaufflers, and the Robert De

Forests arrived today.

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February 23, Thursday

Jekyl Island. 40 at 8 a. m. 50 at noon. Not so cold today and very pleasant. Even here

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one has a few calls to make. We took Tea with Mrs. Morgan. I had a pleasant call at
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Mrs. Bakers and at Mr. Maurices. Wrote to papa last night and to Clara, Mittie Porter
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and to Mrs. Morrison. As we were driving on the Oglethorpe Road to day we saw an
Eagle and its nest. Met a Miss Hope to day she is a friend of Mr. Jacacci.
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February 24, Friday

Jekyl Island. Today is some warmer not much. There was a golf Tournament this
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forenoon of 12 gentlemen M. Vail won the cup- I called on Mrs. Aldrich, Mrs. Bourne
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and Miss Denny. Mr. Lanier has a little cold. It was quite windy as we drove this
afternoon. Wrote to Charlotte today. Received an ‘artistic’ label for my summer fruit
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productions from Mike and Gertrude. Sent postal cards. Found out that Joshua led the
children of Israel in to the promised land. Dr. Schauffler gave me the information.

February 25, Saturday

Jekyl Island. A warmer and perfect day. Wrote to Papa and to Mike and Gertrude to
the letter an acknowledgement of the illuminated label I received yesterday for jellies

preserves ect. [sic]. There was a ladies putting contest this morning. Rachel
unexpectedly won first prize. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart and Mr. Mrs. [sic] R Thorne left today.

I went for a drive with Mrs. Kennedy this afternoon and to Tea there. A letter from
Georgiana today. Rachel had a letter from Mittie Porter. Rev. Mr. Schoeffler
{Schauffler} gave us an interesting talk on modern Constantinople this evening.

February 26, Sunday

Jekyl Island. A cool misty morning. A dull sunrise. We were up early to 630 Mass. This
is Charlottes birthday. I sent her a telegram and wrote to her and to Louis this morning.
Later went to the Beach and spent more than an hour along its sands – picked up some
shells for little Dorothy. We drove on the Beach this afternoon. Mr. Lanier, Mrs. Trinne

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Miss Denny, and Kitty Lawrence came in for coffee after luncheon. Katherine Abbott
wrote papa to day. Letters from papa, Mrs. Gotzian. Mrs. Lee.

February 27, Monday

Jekyl Island. A warm rather misty day. Very like yesterday. Wrote to Dr. Hill and to Dr.
Barrus. Spent good portion of forenoon on Beach and found some pretty shells. A
letter from Ruth no news. We drove in the afternoon. Mr. Lanier is not well today. We
read a little knit a little spend most of the time out of doors. The days go by the quickly.
A postal from Mrs. Upham from Madeira.

February 28, Tuesday

Jekyl Island. New Moon. A warm rather misty morning. Received a telegram from
Clara early this morning saying that she heard I thought it not worth while to com for so
short a stay. I answered at once that was from my standpoint and I would be sorry if

she did not come. Wrote to Papa to Aunt Emma and to Ruth. Mr. Lanier is about again

today - usual walk and drove with Mrs. Bourne this afternoon. A little reading and some

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knitting fills in the day.

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March 1, Wednesday to a
Jekyl Island. Ash Wednesday. A warm morning and hot day. The little black flies are
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bad to today. Letters from Papa, Maud and Clara. Wrote to Walter and to Auntie
Phelps this morning. Tennis Tournament all day today. The drive on the Beach was
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not free from flies. We have not had any clear atmosphere this week.

March 2, Thursday
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Jekyl Island. A fine day, cooler and wind enough to blow away the flies. I walked on
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the Beach this morning to the Oglethorpe Road and back a six mile walk and was not
tired this forenoon. Mrs. Morgan took a drive with me this afternoon afterwards she and
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Miss Blythe took tea with us. Mrs. Holmes and Miss Hageman came in for coffee after
luncheon. A gentlemans golf tournament going on today. Wrote to Maud. Packed and

sent shells to Dorothy this evening.

March 3, Friday
Jekyl Island. This has been a perfect day. Cool but sunny and so clear. Was 53 at 8 a.

m. We drove in the forenoon and Rachel and Katherine took some Kodaks [sic]. A little
letter from Louis. Letters from Papa and from Dorothy. Wrote to Papa and to Cortie

this morning. Senator Aldrich won the Golf Tournament to day. We are wondering if
Clara will come tomorrow.

March 4, Saturday
Jekyl Island. A misty day. Quite warm and flies annoying. I thought it might be
possible that Clara would come on to days Boat she did not. We had some freedom
from flies on our drive on the beach this afternoon. I wrote to Dorothy to Charlotte and
to Mrs. Schell today. Letter from Ruth, Mike and Mrs. C. W. Bunn. I am quite interest
in Jones History of Georgia. Mike sent Kodaks [sic] to Mrs. Porter.

1911, p.9
March 5, Sunday
Jekyl Island. A windy rather cool morning. We were up early to 630 Mass. After
breakfast I wrote to Papa to Ruth and to Clara. Senator Aldrich took a number of
guests to Cumberland Island to day they left at 11 a. m. and are expected back for
dinner. The wind has blown away the flies. We drove through the Woods today.
Letters today from Dr. Hill and Mittie Potter news of Mary in Mitties letter.

March 6, Monday
Jekyl Island. A very foggy morning. Sun came out forenoon hot 80 in shade for awhile.
Mr. Lanier Mrs. Tenure, Miss Deny Kitty Lawrence and Elizabeth Tenure left this
afternoon. Dr. Starr and family went this forenoon. Senator Aldrich Mrs. Aldrich and
their son left early today. Mrs. Kennedy went with me for a drive we found it pleasant
flies not troublesome. Dr and Mrs. Schoeffler came in with Mrs. Kennedy to Tea. Girls
went to Mrs. Goulds to Tea. A letter from Gertrude. Wrote to Mike and to Dr. Hill.

March 7, Tuesday

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Jekyl Island. This has been a changable [sic] day - hot this morning and cool, quite cold

this afternoon. At eight this morning I went to Mr. Maurices to see the birds gather for

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food he scatters. A red squirrel got there first and kept all the birds but one cardinal
to a
away. I wrote to Papa and Gertrude. A letter from Dr. Barrus from Lamanda Park
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California. Rachel not well today.
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March 8, Wednesday
Jekyl Island. A very cloudy morning. Mrs. Morgan and Mrs. Blythe left this morning.
Flies were very bad early but wind soon came up and drove them off. Letters today
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from Clara Papa Auntie Phelps and little Jerome. Wrote to Dr. Clara Barrus to Laurada
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Park. Mrs. Jenkins and party left today. As I went to luncheon today I saw string 18
golden pheasant being photographed. Seven had shot them. Marjory Bourne shot 2.
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Miss Rhett came over to coffee.


March 9, Thursday
Jekyl Island. A cloudy cold morning. Temperature at 8 oclock 46. No flies. Wrote to
Papa and to Clara. Little letters from Georgiana. A letter from Walter written from the
farmers standpoint. Rachel feels better today. I am progressing with 1st. Vol. of Jones

History of Georgia. I see by St. Paul paper, old Dr. Wm. Mayo died this week aged 92.

March 10, Friday

Jekyl Island. A rather warm morning. So hot at Beach I did not linger there. Wrote to
Auntie Phelps. No letter for me today. Papas report 26,000 Troops being sent to
Mexican border. St. Paul paper tells us that Mr. Howard Elliot will remain with N. P. We
are glad. So many shell on the Beach this afternoon. Called on Mrs. Porter Mrs. Baker,
Mrs. E. Gould and Mrs. R. DeForest. This is a hot evening.

March 11, Saturday

Jekyl Island. Another hot morning 64 at 8 oclock. Wrote to Papa to New York. Went to
the Beach and found many pretty shells. So many came in yesterday the most I have

1911, p.10
ever seen. A letter from Papa today. Mr. and Mrs. Gould, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor and Mrs.
Coykendal took coffee with us over here today. The DeForests and the Dabneys of
Boston left today. The Maurices came in to Tea.

March 12, Sunday

Jekyl Island. 70 at 8 a. m. This morning very foggy. As we went over to Mass at 630
one could see little. Wrote to Charlotte and to Clara. Found many pretty shells on
Beach this morning. A letter from Charlotte and a postal card from Mrs. Upham from
Saville. Wind came up afternoon cool driving. The Edwin Goulds left this evening at

March 13, Monday

Jekyl Island. We are about ready to go. We leave tomorrow at 145 p. m. Mrs.
Kennedy Dr. and Mrs. Schauffler left today. I have been over to see Mrs. Goodyear.

She showed me an old cannonball she picked up here she says it feel from a tree. To

day has been very warm - about 80. How I shall miss the Beach and the out of doors

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life here.

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March 14, Tuesday to a
We had a cool morning today rather gray fir Jeckyl Island. We left at 145 everyone at
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Pier to see us off. Mr. Deleno, Mrs. Wadsworth Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoppin and Mrs.
Holmes of Pittsburg left with us. We had a wait of nearly an hour at Thalman. Mr.
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Delano and Mrs. Wadsworth lost their hand baggage. It was put on a train going South
by mistake.
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March 15, Wednesday

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On Train all day. Quite a comfortable trip North - and clean too little dust. Katherine left
us at Washington. To add to our satisfaction we were just on time. Papa and Mike met
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us at Station. Papa arrived in New York yesterday morning.


March 16, Thursday

New York. Last evening the weather suddenly changed to cold and very windy and
from rain to snow. Today is cold and high wind about the worst day of the winter they
say. Shocking to us we had 80 at Jeckyl Island last Monday. A letter from Mr. R. J. Hill

to day a letter from Dr. Amen inclosed [sic]. I went to see little Anson today his first
question was where Dorothy.

March 17, Friday

New York. This is a fine day for the St. Patrick parade or anything else. Green is the
color everywhere today. The parade is to be conducted on stricter principles then
formerly and much more orderly in consequence. Letters from Dorothy and Katherine
Abbott. Wrote to Charlotte.

1911, p.11
March 18, Saturday
New York. Another mild day. Went over to Ruths to Luncheon. Jim is better today but
not free from rheumatism. Ann Trailor sailed today. We expected Mr. Baker to dinner,
he will come tomorrow. Wrote to Katherine today.

March 19, Sunday

New York. A delightful morning. I walked up to eleven which Mass - during Mass it
clouded here and was raining slightly as we came out. Saw Pauline and Granville
Emmet on our way home. After luncheon Anson, Ruth and little Anson came over. A
wet afternoon. Wrote to Dorothy. Clara and Rachel took luncheon at Laniers.

March 20, Monday

New York. A beautiful morning I went downtown with papa, later on way back went to
Barclay Street to Benzegis, and into old St. Peters Church. It is said the walls are

cracking. In the afternoon Clara and I went for a dine out Riverside we had not gone far

when a tornado drove us on to a side street for shelter we were glad to get back in to

al ers
the Park and home.

ric p
March 21, Tuesday to a
New York. Another fine morning, beautiful sky. Muller Uri came to see the old painting
is l P
from the Bishop of Savanah [sic] Ga. and stayed to luncheon. In the Afternoon Rachel
and I went to the dress maker. I would rather do most anything else. Papa, Jim. and
H Hil

Clara went out to dinner so Rachel and I had a very quiet evening.

March 22, Wednesday

ta .

New York. Quite hot this morning. Took a long walk. Papa went over to Washington
so y T

on the one oclock train. We (Clara, Rachel, Mary Trailor and I) went to the Opera in the
evening. Cavalleria Rusticana and Pagliacci lastly Russian Dancers. Their dancing is
ne ar

perfection and marvelous.


March 23, Thursday

New York. Cool morning, cold; and Windy. Went down Town to Book store and later
took good walk. Mary Trailor and Gertrude took luncheon with us. Clara and I went to
the Grovenor {Grosvenor?} to call on Mrs. Nichols (E.T.) and then we went to see Mr.

Jacacci and found him better. Mike and Gertrude with Mary T. dined and spent

March 24, Friday

New York. Cold last night. Bright this morning. I have just read how to live on 24 hours
a day. Arnold Bennett. It is good advice. We all took luncheon at Gertrudes. I spent
an hour at Madame Helenes this forenoon. Went for a walk this afternoon it was too
windy for pleasure.

1911, p.12
March 25, Saturday
New York . Warmer. Went to Mrs. S. Thornes to hear some Piano Music - met Mrs.
Cass Gilbert there Left silk balls at Weavers to day. Papa and Katherine Abbott came
over from Washington this afternoon. Mamie sent over Photo of her house.

March 26, Sunday- New York

New York. A beautiful morning and day. Heard an unusual sermon on morals at
Jesuite [sic] church. Wrote to Charlotte. Anson Ruth and little Anson came over in the
afternoon. Mark Reeves called in the evening. A terrible fire yesterday 140 lives lost
down Washington Square West Shirt Factory.

March 27, Monday

New York. A changeable [sic] day. Went to see Dr. Bull this forenoon. Took a long
walk in afternoon. While we were at dinner there was a heavy hail storm. Jim. is

suffering from rheumatism. Mary Trailor started for Richmond this evening when she

got to the Penn. Station she learned a Tornado had interrupted trains on the R. R.

al ers
around Philadelphia.

ric p
March 28, Tuesday to a
New York. A changeable [sic] day- quite windy. Katherine and I walked an hour this p.
is l P
m. We learned yesterday that Dorothys Annie had died at St. Josephs Hospital after an
operation. She was a good woman. Miss Denny took luncheon with us to day. At
H Hil

dinner Jim. proposed that Katherine he and I go to the Circus so we went. Bailey and
ta .

March 29, Wednesday

so y T

New York. A pleasant morning. I went down town with papa. Saw the Bldg.
Washington Place Waist draped for the 140 lost there in a fire last Saturday. Papa left
ne ar

for St. Paul today- Mrs. Skidmore took luncheon with us (Julie Dousman). A storm
came up at 5 p. m.

March 30, Thursday

New York. A changeable morning. I went up to Park green houses and walked back.
We took luncheon at Ruths. Girls all went to Opera Mattinee [sic]. I stay awhile with

little Anson. Then went home for a quiet afternoon. In the evening read Fernols Broad
Highway. Jim. stiffened up with rheumatism.

March 31, Friday

New York. A windy cool morning a quiet for me. Went to dress maker and Optician in
the morning, took a walk and read some. The Broad Highway a disappointing book to it
had been so heralded. A letter from George Slade.

April 1, Saturday
New York. A beautiful morning. I took Katherine Abbott to see the Cathedral and to the
Natural History Museum. We saw Mr. Joseph Choates portrait there Painted by the
“Russian Princess.” Katherine left us after luncheon to go to Bryn Mayr [sic] for a week.

1911, p.13
We dined at Gertrudes and played cards after dinner. Wrote to Mrs. Gotzian and to

April 2, Sunday
New York. Bright morning, cold and windy - disagreeable walking. Wrote to Marjorie
Barrows this morning. Mr. Jacacci came in this afternoon looking well. Anson, Ruth
and little Anson came over. This is their ninth anniversary. Wrote to Papa, to George
Slade Maudie and James N. B.

April 3, Monday
New York. A cold morning. We with Alice Maywards to see about starting an afghan.
This afternoon read Burroughs Green Alaska find it interesting. Mike and Gertrude
dined with us. And he played cinch. I learned today that Mother Xavier has been ill.

April 4, Tuesday

New York. A cloudy threatening morning. Spent forenoon going down to A. Maynards

al ers
and doing some other errands. Walked up Town. Turned to heavy rain in afternoon.

Wrote to Dr. Clara Barrus, Mrs. Verplank Nellie and Charlotte.

ric p
April 5, Wednesday
to a
is l P
New York. I expected to go over to Convent Station today but weather prevented. So
Gertrude and I went downtown and selected Wedding presents for Edith Wann, Marjorie
H Hil

Barrows and Mrs. E. N. Sanders jr. Mr. Dickman and Mrs. Simpson came to see the
pictures. Wrote to Katherine Abbott Walter and notes to Mr. Toomey and Mr. Hutchins.
ta .

April 6, Thursday
so y T

New York. A bright morning. And a warm Spring like day. Mr. Dickerman brought a
Proff to see the pictures he is called an expert and does not think of the old picture from
ne ar

Savanah [sic]. Miss Lily Bliss called to day. A letter from Charlotte. Maria Taylor called

April 7, Friday
New York. This morning slightly cloudy. Gertrude and I went out to Convent Station.
Found Mother Xavier has been very ill. She is better but weak we saw her for but a few

minutes. The afternoon very pleasant. Wrote to Auntie and a note to Gertrude Harris.
Finished reading John Burroughs Green Alaska and some other sketches.

April 8, Saturday
New York. A cloudy threatening day. Very dark in the afternoon. After a walk went to
see little Anson - he is progressing. A letter from Mrs. Upham from Cairo Egypt. She
had had a fine trip thus far.

April 9, Sunday
New York. A bright day after snow in early morning. I went to eight oclock Mass at
Jesuite [sic] Church. And later to eleven oclock Mass Palm Sunday celebrated there

1911, p.14
solemnly. Music fine. In afternoon Anson Ruth and little Anson came. It is Ansons idea
of Sunday to visit grandma. Mr. Lanier came in.

April 10, Monday

New York. A beautiful day. Spent forenoon looking about for necessary Seasonable
things. Ruth and I had nice walk in Park. Mike and Gertrude came over in evening.
Telegram from papa indicates he will not be here for few days. Dr. Biggs talked to me
this evening about Rachel.

April 11, Tuesday

New York. Fine morning- Ordered a Wrap this morning. And went to Milliners
yesterday. Such a relief to be done with such - for a time. Began Peacock afghan
today - learned the stitch yesterday and Saturday.

April 12, Wednesday

Mr. Jacacci came in the afternoon and stayed to dinner went with Clara to Tenebre

al ers
Service at Jesuite [sic] church.

ric p
April 13, Wednesday to a
A pleasant day. Mass at St. Ignatius Church. In the Afternoon did some errands. This
is l P
will be a great week for us. Telegraphed papa today.
H Hil

April 14, Thursday

New York. Went down Town to attend to a few errands. Had early luncheon and went
to the three hours service at the Jesuite [sic] Church. It is an impressive Service. Jim
ta .

went over this evening to a place to take {in between lines: 42nd St 81 up 6th. Ave}
so y T

treatment for rheumatism.

ne ar

April 15, Saturday

New York. A threatening morning. Mass at the Jesuites [sic] with other ceremonies of

the day very long. A telegram and letter from papa. Took quite a walk in Park with Ruth
saw little Anson there.

April 16, Sunday


New York. Easter day. Very changeable [sic] but not discouraging. Walked to and
from church. Anson, Ruth and little Anson cane in the Afternoon. They Mike,

Gertrude, Grenville and Pauline Emmmet dined with us.

April 17, Monday

New York. Up early this beautiful morning. After doing some errands took the train and
went to Convent Station to see Mother Xavier found her so much better and stronger
than a week ago remarkable for past 86. Called on Mrs. Baker found her well.

April 18, Tuesday

New York. A perfect day. Busy all forenoon preparing to leave. Mike, Gertrude and
Rachel left at 5 p. m. for Hot Springs Va. going to the Homestead. Rachel not at all well

1911, p.15
and looking badly. Jim returned from his treatment for rheumatism looking poorly. We
are pained today to read that Dr. C. S. Bull died suddenly

April 19, Wednesday

New York. Cloudy morning. Went this forenoon to see Mr. and Mrs. S. Thorne did not
see him he will call later. Called on Pauline and Mrs. Slade neither at home - yesterday
afternoon went with Mr. Jacacci to see Mrs. Schuyler Van Rensaler - had a pleasant
visit. Mr. S. Thorne called this p. m. he does not look well. Anson and Ruth dined with
us. Telegram from Rachel this forenoon.

April 20, Thursday

New York. Rained all last evening. Dr. Biggs called last evening. We are leaving for
home today and do not mind the rain. Writing to Rachel.

April 21, Friday

al ers
St Paul. arrived home this evening on Burlington. Papa and George Slade met us We

found Louis Maud and Charlotte at the house.

ric p
April 22, Saturday
to a
is l P
H Hil

April 23, Sunday

St Paul. George and Charlotte left for the Coast this a. m. at 915. Taking Elenore Wann
and Nellie Finch with them.
ta .
so y T

April 24, Monday

Very busy putting things to rights. Went out to see the two Dorothys found the little one
ne ar

at home took her for a drive.


April 25, Tuesday

St Paul. This morning comes a telegram telling us of the death of Mr. F. B. Clarke at
Portland Ore.

April 26-27

April 28, Friday

So busy at home this week that I know little of what is going on outside. This evening
we went to Schiffield [sic] Choir concert and felt disappointed. Went out to the Island at
White Bear to see the Bunns.

April 29, Saturday

St Paul. A cloudy warm morning. Dorothy and Miss Wood came to luncheon today.
Mrs. Furness her daughters and Miss Helen Bunn left for Europe this evening. Papa
and I went out to see little Dorothy this afternoon.

1911, p.16
April 30, Sunday
St Paul. A cloudy cool morning. After Mass I went to Mr. E. H. Baileys to see Miss
Rosie Clark - found her pretty well. Mr. F. B. Clark’s funeral was conducted by Knights
Templer [sic] at Masonic Temple this afternoon. Many old friends attended. Mr. John
Carroll took luncheon with us.

May 1, Monday
Quite a cold morning. We began to clean the Hall today - it is a large undertaking.
Louis went West last night. A telegram from Charlotte from Seattle- to day telling us
Mary M had gone to Victoria with them. Mr. George B. Harris was in town yesterday
dined with us.

May 2, Tuesday

Cold morning and day- Mrs. Geo. R. Finch went with me for a drive today. Clara had a

rehearsal of French play here last night. Walter was in town yesterday went back to

al ers
Northcote last night. Rachel returned to New York from Virginia Hot Springs today.

ric p
May 3, Wednesday to a
is l P
May 4, Thursday
H Hil

Busy in the house these days. This evening we went with Maud to see Historical
Pageant of Minnesota it was surprisingly well put on.
ta .

May 5, Friday
so y T

ne ar

May 6, Saturday
Papa went East this evening. Cragan went with him.

May 7, Sunday
A hot morning, after Mass we went to Dorothys. The two Dorothys walked back seven
blocks with us the little one keeping up a continual chatter all the way.

May 8, Monday

Very busy on the second floor endeavoring to finish up the cleaning there. We drove up
to Minneapolis in the afternoon stopping at Mrs. Markoes saw Mrs. Prince and Frannie
P. there went on to call on Mittie Porter.

May 9, Tuesday
Another hot day clouds promised rain but only a few drops fell. Grace Watson called
this afternoon. I took her back to the Hospital in the later afternoon. George and
Charlotte returned this afternoon. They and Dorothy dined with us. Dorothy went to
Northcote last night for the Summer.

1911, p.17
May 10, Wednesday
Still hot. Last night was very windy and wind continues today. Wrote to Papa this

May 11, Thursday

Plodding on with house cleaning work have gotten to Basement. This evening we went
to Mrs. E. N. Saunders reception to Edward and his bride. She is really beautiful.

May 12, Friday

This is such a perfect day day [sic]. Very busy all forenoon. Auntie came in the
afternoon to stay a few days. She looks poorly. I spent the late afternoon at Mrs.
Eberharts reception. The Sunbeam Band called there in a body.

May 13, Saturday

This morning was pleasant. Wind came up in the afternoon. We went out to North

Oaks found the lilacs in profuse bloom but everywhere so dusty and quite hot.

al ers
May 14, Sunday

ric p
A fine rain last night so all nature smiles this morning. Father Gibbons does not seem
to a
well. Fred came to take luncheon with his mother here - later I took them for a drive to
is l P
Snelling Minneapolis, The Boulevard and Lakes on to Minneapolis. Country fine after
H Hil

May 15, Monday

Cloudy and rained several times today. Clara and I took supper at Mrs. Jacksons last
ta .

night evening. Katherine and Bertha Sturgis were there. We went out for Mrs. Reguet
so y T

this afternoon. She is spending the night here. Dave Morrison called after dinner.
ne ar

May 16, Tuesday

Still very warm and threatening everything looks so fresh after rain. Took Mrs. Raguet

home after-breakfast.

May 17, Wednesday

90 today in shade. Received such a nice letter from Jim this morning. I am happy to

know he is so much better. This afternoon I received a letter from papa. All are
reported well.

May 18, Thursday

Not so hot today quite but so very windy. I am having the furs put away today. Since a
machine has been designed for whipping furs it is difficult to get any one willing to do it
by hand.

May 19, Friday

Louis W. and Louis birth day. One 39 and the other 9 years old. Auntie and I went out
to luncheon. Louis W. returned from the coast to-day. Walter and Minnie Oaks are at
Mauds until Sunday.

1911, p.18
May 20, Saturday
A cloudy threatening day- quite warm. Took Auntie home after a ten days visit - much
improved in looks. A telegram today tells me papa will return tomorrow. Major Wilson,
Mr. Macpherson and Katherine Abbott dined with us.

May 21, Sunday

A cooler rainy morning. Archbishop Ireland to preach at St. Lukes today and confirm a
class this afternoon. Wrote to Rachel and to Gertrude this morning. This is the 61st.
anniversary of my arrival in St. Paul 1850.

May 22, Monday

Quite a wet day and so warm. Rained heavy showers in the afternoon. Papa returned
from New York last night looking well. I spent last evening alone but entertained myself

reading the “Prodigal Judge.”

al ers
May 23, Tuesday

Still quite warm although cooler than last week. Busy in gardening as well as inside it is

ric p
almost discouraging to never find any one to voluntarily do just what should be done as
to a
it should be done.
is l P
May 24, Wednesday
H Hil

Quite warm. Maud Maria Taylor and Charlotte with Nell Finch and the children took
luncheon here today. Walter came to town this morning looking well rather
disheartened at weeds. Wrote to Jim. Ruth, Gertrude Ruth. Papa and I went to
ta .

Dellwood and North Oaks yesterday.

so y T

May 25, Thursday

ne ar

Walter came this morning in time for breakfast full of fears on account of weeds at
Northcote. To day

May 26, Friday

We are having very hot weather 90 today. Clara, Bertha Sturgis and Annabel McQuillan
went to Minneapolis this evening to see Bernhardt.

May 27, Saturday


A cloudy wet forenoon not so hot, much cooler. This afternoon we went to see
Bernhardt it was a mistake she has lost her voice and presence. Louis went East this
evening. He Maud and Maria Taylor dined with us.

May 28, Sunday

A cloudy pleasant day. Mr. Gaspard Farrer arrived here last night at 1030 looking well.
Papa and Mr. Farrer went to the Range this evening. They may go further.

1911, p.19
May 29, Monday
As perfect as day is given to anyone anywhere. Busy all forenoon in Basement. Went
to Minneapolis in the afternoon to call on Mrs. Anson Jackson and to see Mrs. Mittie

May 30, Tuesday

A cloudy day some rain. Papa and Mr. Farrer returned last evening. I saw Clara
McQuillan this morning and took Mrs. McQuillan for a drive. George and Charlotte
dined with us this evening.

May 31, Wednesday

A beautiful day. A letter from Mike also one from Dorothy. This forenoon Mr. Gaspard
Farrer is out playing golf with Theodore Schurmeier. Mr. and Mrs. Barrows called this
evening. They are going to Northcote Friday. George Slade had Dr. Rogers operate on

his elbow today.

al ers
June 1, Thursday

Quite warm and threatens rain. Clara and I went to Mauds to picnic luncheon it is

ric p
Maudies 9th. birthday. The cut worms are destroying much that is planted. A letter
to a
from Rachel to day complains of the heat at Kerhonkson.
is l P
June 2, Friday
H Hil

This morning we heard of Mr. Cortland M. Taylors death suddenly at Seattle at 130 this
a. m. This afternoon Mr. Gaspard Farrer came home early and I took him for a drive.
Charlotte and George came into spend the night with us. Maud and Maria dined with us
ta .

and left at 130 a. m. for Seattle.

so y T

June 3, Saturday
ne ar

Last night was stormy with heavy rain and hail. Today is muggy storm is not over. I
went to visit Mrs. Schell this forenoon Charlotte went home on 150 p. m. train.

June 4, Sunday
A warm hot morning. Between 9 and 10 a. m. quite a storm came the afternoon
cleared. Papa, Mr. Gaspard, Farrer and I went for a drive out Lexington far as old stock

yards and in via Cleveland Ave. The fields look fine. Papa and Mr. Farrer left for
Chicago in the evening. I sent a cable to Lord Mount Stephen tomorrow will be his birth

day 82?

June 5, Monday
A hot morning. Walter is in town today. Wrote to Ruth yesterday.

June 6, Tuesday
Mrs. Prince Mrs. Morgan and Miss Fanny Prince called today. Lena left this morning.
Mrs. Farrelly came.

1911, p.20
June 7, Wednesday
Today I fixed some more fruit for Marmalade grapefruit, oranges, and lemons. Last was
allowed to burn. We went out to North Oaks this later afternoon (Papa and I).

June 8, Thursday
This is a hot day 87 and so humid made Pine Apple jam today. Papa and I went out to
Dellwood this late afternoon. Charlotte had a strange {end of entry}

June 9, Friday
Very hot day 93, made Pine Apple jam. Drove out to Deerwood and to North Oaks.
Cemetery looks charming.

June 10, Saturday

A fine day not so hot. Prof Von Heiss spent the day here. In the evening we drove to

Snelling to Minnehaha and back a beautiful night. Wrote to Mike and to Ruth.

al ers
June 11, Sunday

Rather Cloudy and not so warm. Papa left for New York and for the fishing trip later this

ric p
evening. to a
is l P
June 12, Monday
H Hil

June 13, Tuesday

ta .
so y T

June 14, Wednesday

Busy for a week endeavoring to manage without a cook - and to day seeing to papas
ne ar

fishing trunk things. I went out to Dellwood with Charlotte to spend the night.

Newspaper clipping between pages

Mr. Jeffery Farnol
Mr. Farnol author of “The Broad Highway,” is a little man, but strongly built and athletic.
His steady, dark eyes regard you wisely from behind his specatacles and apparently do

not miss anything interest that may be going foreward. He is a Warwickshire man, but
left Shakespeare’s county early in boyhood to settle in Kent. He has traveled much.

“The Broad Highway” was written in America but the woods and fields and the village
life of his own native land hold the strongest place in his affections.

June 15, Thursday

A cool cloudy morning. Charlottes Garden looks charming now all flowers doing the
very best. Theodore Schurmeier spent the night at Charlottes we had a game of cinch.
Clara is busy studying architecture.

1911, p.21
June 16, Friday
This is a sultry wet day. Went to the Dentists this morning on way up town stopped at
Mrs. Morisons found her pretty well.

June 17, Saturday

A hot day. Busy putting Linen Closet to rights ect. [sic]. Charlotte in to luncheon. In
afternoon took Anabel {Annabel} McQuillan to drive. Louis left for Montreal in evening.
Maud, Maria, Nell and George Finch for Souix [sic] City to buy a horse. Papa and Jim
went to Kerhonkson to day leave for Montreal. Papa leaves New York for Montreal this
p. m.

June 18, Sunday

A hot morning. Walter, Dorothy and little Dorothy down for the day from Northcote. We
all went out to Dellwood for luncheon. Walter and family returned to Northcote this

evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson were at Charlottes.

al ers
June 19, Monday

This has been a hot day 88 in shade in evening we drive out to Fort and back a round

ric p
about way. We took the Finches with us.
to a
is l P
June 20, Tuesday
A very hot day 90 in shade, in evening we drove out to Dellwood found Mr. Mac, Maud
H Hil

and Maria there. Mrs. Lee took luncheon with us today. Ed and Violet Young went with
ta .

June 21, Wednesday

so y T

Another hot day. Wrote to papa and to Gertrude. Left 22 Towels at Good Shepards to
be marked today. In the evening we went in auto to Minnehaha and via Boulevard to
ne ar

Lakes and in to Minneapolis. Maud and Maria Taylor went to Rochester this a. m. with
Walter and Minnie Oaks on his account.

June 22, Thursday

A very hot day 90 at noon. Today we celebrate that 50 years ago the 1st. Minn Reg of
Vols. left St. Paul. I presented a duplicate of the old Regimental flag. And crowned

Capt. King the 1st volunteer with laurel. There was a parade in afternoon - and
Steamboat ride on River. A letter from papa from Quebec. A fine display of fireworks

after Patriotic addresses at Auditorium. Thermometer went up to 96.

June 23, Friday

This morning hotter than yesterday. 90 at noon- 95 later. We begin to feel the effects
of the whole weeks heat. Maud telephones Dr. Mayo does not know what ails Walter
Oakes. They will operate to find out if possible. Tonight went down to Afton in Auto
seeking cool breezes.

1911, p.22
June 24, Saturday
Another very hot morning. Last night was hot! This evenings paper gives an account of
an electric storm with a cloud burst at Minneapolis much damage done. We had only
slight shower. Thermometer went down for an hour then rose again. In the evening we
drive in direction of new [sic] Brighton and saw grain field beaten down by storm.

June 25, Sunday

Last night was very uncomfortable sultry, and hot no air stirring. Hot to day near 90.
Discouraging word from Rochester yesterday in regard to Walter Oakes. Dr. Mayo will
not operate and does not promise much. Wrote to Papa to Rachel and to Gertrude.

June 26, Monday


June 27, Tuesday

Thermometers only 51 this a. m. A great change. Busy all forenoon putting up

al ers
rasberries [sic] and going to currants small fruits poor this season. Maud Maria George

and Charlotte returned from Rochester this evening in time for dinner. Poor George a

ric p
wreck with head ache. discouraging news from Walter Oakes.
to a
is l P
June 28, Wednesday
Only 50 this a. m. cold last night. George is better. This is circus day after seeing
H Hil

parade the Dellwood family went home (The Slades). Finished my currant jely [sic] this
morning and helped prepare a luncheon for fourteen in honor of Grace Prince
Chemidlen from Mexico. Mrs. Prince her 5 daughters a grand daughter and old friends.
ta .
so y T

June 29, Thursday

Windy early morning. Warmer today a snowstorm, west of the Soo yesterday. Snow
ne ar

fell in Duluth yesterday - not much. Letters from Rachel and from Ruth Yesterday.
Clara and I took luncheon with Maud at North Oaks. All the children so very well. Later

we went to Mrs. Morgans Tea. Theodore Schurmeier came back with us to dinner.

June 30, Friday

Very hot day above 90 in shade. Took Mrs. Lee for a drive. Wrote to Papa and sent

him a telegram. Wrote to Mike and to Mrs. Carter. Was 96! today at 4 p. m. and 92! at
7 p. m. Walter Oakes Mrs. Walter O Mr. and Mrs. Oakes and Preston Oakes passed

through St. Paul to night on way to Seattle from Rochester.

July 1, Saturday
84 at 9 a. m. This is my 65th. birth-day. Charlotte sent me a very fine photo of Norman
and Georgiana. Mr. Mcpherson sent lovely American Beauty roses. Mike and Gertrude
a nice telegram. Telegram from Ruth and flowers. Baskets of flowers from Fred Phelps
and one from the McQuillans.

1911, p.23
July 2, Sunday
96. Dorothy and little Dorothy came this morning to spend some days. Walter came
today. I should have said they came yesterday. We took luncheon at Charlottes. Maria
and Maud were there. Heat oppressive.

July 3, Monday
98 this p. m. A hot sun shine shower yesterday which eventually lowered the
temperature 10 degrees. This evening we went to see the Minneapolis chaining of the
Lakes celebration illumination. Such crowds and such heat we were glad to get away
from it. However it was fine.

July 4, Tuesday
94 and humid. Heat continues the morning rained and was cooler for a time but the
mercury went up as we were going to Dellwood the streets were torrid. We spend the

night there.

al ers
July 5, Wednesday

Last night was very trying sultry hot and continual thunder for a long while heat lightning

ric p
little rain. George did manage to set off some of his fireworks and sent up many
to a
balloons. Charlotte rode in with us this morning.
is l P
July 6, Thursday
H Hil

At last a fine Summer day it has been delightful. We went to Mrs. Bunns on Manatou
Island for luncheon and spent the afternoon. We got word this morning that the Boats
on the St. John N. River collided - interfering with mail. All well there fishing fine.
ta .
so y T

July 7, Friday
Cool morning drew up a sheet for the first time in many nights. The heat has been
ne ar

general. We went to Minneapolis. I to see Dr. Hill Clara to visit Stanley Hall and we
both went to Mrs. Shulls Reception.

July 8, Saturday
94 at 3 p. m. Another very hot day. Maud and Maria in this forenoon. Cortie has
tonsilititas [sic] - but is comfortable – normal temperature. After dinner We took Dorothy

and Katherine Abbott and went to Dellwood of it was a beautiful moon light night. A
telegram from papa today.

July 9, Sunday
A sultry morning. Cloudy and rained a little in the forenoon. Dorothy and little Dorothy
are going to Mrs. Barrows for the day. Walter has gone to Browning. In the evening I
took Nellie Finch and Dr. and Mrs. Abbott for an auto ride via Fort Snelling.

July 10, Monday

Cool cloudy showery morning. Cleared in the forenoon. Charlotte in this morning. She
invited Mary Markoe and Grace Chemidlin out to luncheon. I took them out and spent
part of the afternoon.

1911, p.24
July 11, Tuesday
Clara not well this week. We came home via North Oaks from Charlottes yesterday.
Cortie still ill. Took Mother Clementine and Sister de Chantal to Dr. Egil Boeckmanns
office up to the house and for a drive later.

July 12, Wednesday

Weather fine this week so far. We dined at Louis this evening he came home this
morning. Cortie is better. Joe Lee buried today. A horse named Kim acted badly all
the afternoon.

July 13, Thursday

Maud and Maria Taylor in this forenoon. Maria goes to Duluth today. Clara and I went
to Charlottes to dinner. Dorothy not well so she stayed at home. A telegram from Papa

tells me Mamie sailed yesterday.

al ers
July 14, Friday

Perfectly delightful weather - these days I have severe neuralgia or some such

ric p
annoyance. Charlotte and the children in for luncheon afterwards I went with Charlotte
to a
to select [material/mantinal?] to take to Sister Mary for Ruth.
is l P
July 15, Saturday
H Hil

A delightful Summer day. Pap and James N. B. arrived last evening both well. Papa
looking particularly well. I am suffering from ear ache neuralgia probably. The two
Dorothys left us this afternoon going to Northcote. A letter from Mrs. Gotzian today from
ta .

Melroze Sanitarium.
so y T

July 16, Sunday

ne ar

A cool lovely morning - ear ache less - feeling rather used up. James spending day at
Minnetonka. Wrote to Mike and to Rachel to Mrs. Upham and Mrs. Gotzian. Papa and

Clara have been out to Louis. Cortie is still ill.

July 17, Monday

A perfect day my neuralgia is less This afternoon I called on Mrs. Weide, Mrs. Schmidt,

Mrs. Kellogg, Mrs. Chas. Thompson and Mrs. E. N. Saunders. Georgiana is spending
a couple days with us. Cortie is better.

July 18, Tuesday

A dark threatening morning - turned to a rainy day. Georgiana went home after
luncheon. James N. B. at Minnetonka.

July 19, Wednesday

This week all lovely weather. Papa and I went out to Dellwood in the Afternoon. I made
some calls first. Brought in apples from Charlottes orchard.

1911, p.25
July 20, Thursday
Another very fine day. We went out to North Oaks in the late afternoon saw Cortie who
is much better no one else at home. Fields and gardens a pleasure to see. Mittie came
down yesterday to spend a few days.

July 21, Friday

Some warmer busied myself around all forenoon. Clara and Mittie went to Fenlia to
stay until tomorrow. Wrote to Rachel.

July 22, Saturday

Pleasantly warm. Wrote to Ruth. In the afternoon Papa and I went out to Charlottes.
She Mittie and Clara came back with us. This is George Slades birthday he is off on the
R. R.

July 23, Sunday

A cloudy day cool - rained considerably after one this a. m. Wrote to Mary M. this

al ers
morning. Papa and I went out to North Oaks to see the children. Maud went to

Frontenac yesterday to be home tonight.

ric p
July 24, Monday
to a
is l P
A cold morning 46 and windy at 8 a. m. was cold all day and high wind we went in the
afternoon to near St. Croix and back via Stillwater Road. it was quite a cold ride but the
H Hil

cornfields and the cut stacked grain was good to look on.

July 25, Tuesday

ta .

Some warmer this morning. It is Normans birth day. 9 years old today. Clara and I
so y T

went out and took luncheon at Charlottes. Maud and her children there. With a Canopy
Tent Box of tools and set of garden Tools Norman had a very happy day.
ne ar

July 26, Wednesday


Warmer. Charlotte came in and took luncheon with us and we all went out to spend
Afternoon with Mrs. Markoe. Later Papa and I went out to North Oaks found Cortie
down stairs.

July 27, Thursday

Warmer, windy and cloudy.

July 28, Friday

We were invited to dine at Mrs. Chas. W. Bunns this evening but declined as papa does
not like Autoing in the dark. We drove out to Dellwood this afternoon.

July 29, Saturday

Rather a hot day. Clara took Joe off on a picnic and did not return until later in the

1911, p.26
July 30, Sunday
A hot day 92 in the afternoon. We went to Charlottes for luncheon. And returned via
North Oaks. Charlotte quite anxious about her chauffeurs wife who was taken to Sty.
Josephs Hospital last night to be operated on.

July 31, Monday

A cloudy rather wet day. Tabors wife operated on today. A serious case Dr. Rogers
thinks. George and Charlotte stayed in to night it was storming. Mr. Bruce Sanborn
called this evening. Papa went to Chicago this evening. Mittie Porter and Margaret left
for New York to-night.

August 1, Tuesday
A dark changeable day. Maud came in this afternoon to dine at Mrs. Jacksons. Tabors
wife doing fairly well. Clara and Theodore Schurmeier were going to dine with Mrs.

Wann. I went to Charlottes - a fine night.

al ers
August 2, Wednesday

A beautiful morning. Papa came back from Chicago this morning. Papa and I went up

ric p
to Northcote this evening. to a
is l P
August 3, Thursday
Raining this morning. We arrived at Northcote at 9 this a. m. Breakfasted on Train.
H Hil

Dorothy and Walter met us. Such mud! Found all well. Mary R. Squires there and two
Lohrs. Such a fine vegetable garden too wet for me to see fields.
ta .

August 4, Friday
so y T

Arrived home from Northcote at 7 this a. m. Rained last night and yesterday all the way
back. The Lohrs left us at Breckingridge. This is a fine day here. Letters from Rachel
ne ar

and Jim. Put up blue berries this forenoon.


August 5, Saturday
A bright warm day. The Abbott girls Clara and went to North Oaks and picked flowers
and viewed the apples in orchard.

August 6, Sunday
A dark rainy morning. James arrived from Seattle this morning. Mr. John Carroll here

today. Charlotte and Children in to Mass this a. m. Bishop Carroll of Helena at St.
Lukes today.

August 7, Monday
Louis came back from West to day. Cloudy and cool. Quite a storm last night. Clara
and I went to Charlottes to luncheon today. Florence Winter was there. George,
Theodore Schurmeier Conradine Carlotte [sic] dined with us they and Clara went to
Theatre to see Mrs. Fiske.

1911, p.27
August 8, Tuesday
Quite a hot day. Father Gibbons brought Bishop Carroll of Helena to call. Mrs. Weide
and Mrs. Chas. E. Smith called. Papa and I dined at Mauds. Gov. Eberhardt here
waiting for Papa on our return. Clara dined at Ed. Youngs.

August 9, Wednesday
Quite hot. Clara not well today. Put up Peaches today just one case of California not
very fine. Cook preserved yellow tomatoes yesterday.

August 10, Thursday

Maria Taylor came with Curzon to spend the night. A dark day Mrs. Uphham and Grace
came in for few moments to we had just heard they were in this Country.

August 11, Friday

This morning comes a telegram telling us Ruth has a daughter born last night and that

mother and child are doing well. Papa and I went to Dellwood late in the afternoon

al ers
found George suffering from lumbago.

ric p
August 12, Saturday to a
This has been a warm, beautiful day. I have been very busy all day preparing to leave
is l P
for New York tomorrow. Papa and I went to North Oaks met a Rev. Mr. Chrystler there.
H Hil

August 13, Sunday

A busy Sunday. After Mass I found Mrs. Upham at her Sisters on Goodrich Ave. I am
sorry to see her in such trouble and showing the effect of worry as she does. The
ta .

Bunns and the Jacksons came in to say goodbye as Clara and I leave for Now York this
so y T

ne ar

August 14, Monday

Chicago. We arrived here on time this morning. Went to the Black Stone Hotel a

marvel of perfection and cleanliness for Chicago. We were made to accept their
hospitality complimentary. It was hot as we left the City, might cooled off.

August 15, Tuesday


New York. We arrived here just on time. Mike and Anson met us. Anson took us
directly to see Ruth and the new daughter - a nice good looking baby nearly five days

old. Ruth doing well. We found Gertrude at 8 E. 65th. Street well. It is a hot and
stormy day.

August 16 Wednesday
New York. Had good night rest. Cooled off after heavy rain and electric storm. Today
is more pleasant and found Ruth doing well to day. Clara has gone to Southampton on
the 350 train p. m.

1911, p.28
August 17, Thursday
A very hot day. Went in to see Ruth in forenoon. Wrote to Papa. Went to inquire about
silk woven curtains. Mosquitoes and heat kept me awake all night. Wrote to Auntie.
Dined on the roof in comfort and read Clementine the Glorious.

August 18, Friday

A hot morning. Went over to see Ruth found her rooms comfortably cool. Anson going
to Southampton to see little Anson today. Wrote to Jim. and to Charlotte. Went to see
Jennie Durham yesterday did not see her. We are going for a cruise on the Wacouta
tomorrow forenoon.

August 19, Saturday

Wacouta. Gertrude Mike and I sailed from New York on Wacouta at one p. m. On our
way to Southampton. We spend night at New London where Capt. Weeds son is ill of

typhoid fever. Glorious day. A telgram from papa this morning our 44th anniversary.

al ers
August 20, Sunday

Wacouta. We arrived at Roses Grove a few miles from Southampton at 830 this a. m.

ric p
We started on our way at five this a. m. from New London. Went to Mass at
to a
Southampton. Cardinal Gibbons preached. An archbishop of Detroit was on Altar. I
is l P
had some conversation with the Cardinal later. We leave here at six this p. m. Found
Rachel pretty well.
H Hil

August 21, Monday

Aboard Wacouta. We went to Port at New York this forenoon at 1130 and Clara went to
ta .

see Dr. Stewart to consult him on account of the stiffness to the muscles of her neck.
so y T

We took luncheon at 8 E. 65th St. Gertrude was there. Mike returned from golf links at
8 last evening. We went to Plaza to see Ruth and little Anson. And returned to yacht at
ne ar

4 p. m. This has been a perfect day.


August 22, Tuesday

Aboard Wacouta. We spent part of last night at New London left early this a. m.
anchored at Black Island at ten a. m. went ashore took a drive. This afternoon we
anchored at West Chop and took Maria Taylor on for the night. Poor Maria looks

hunted. Later we went ashore at Edgartown and called at Mrs. George B. Young house
in memory of her - a cloudy evening – and misty.

August 23, Wednesday

Wacouta. We spent the night at Edgartown. Today is James N. B. Hills 18th birthday.
Sent him a telegram last evening. Isabella Taylor birthday too her 15th. Maria T left us
at 930 a. m. Point Judith sent us below gave me a miserable afternoon. After five p. m.
all was serene and we were happy again. Cloudy evening very dark night. Got to
Homstead Bay at 11 p. m. spent night there. Wrote to Papa. Telegraphed Rachel.

1911, p.29
August 24, Thursday
Wacouta. Partly cloudy morning. We got back to N Y. at noon for rest of party. Rachel,
Gertrude Mittie and Margaret came aboard little after noon. I wrote to Charlotte and
telegraphed papa and James N. B. Hill from New London in the evening. Rained this
afternoon and evening. Rachel look well for her and reports Ruth and all well.

August 25, Friday

New London. Aboard Wacouta. Cloudy morning. We went ashore at Hotel Griswold
and took a walk - this forenoon in the Town of Groton Conn. After luncheon we went on
to Watch hill - water became rather rough. We expected Mike at 530 p. m. he has not
come – yet - at- 630. Mike came aboard this evening before eight brought me telegram
from Maud telling me Walter Oaks died yesterday at Seattle.

August 26, Saturday

Wacouta. We left New London last evening and spent latter part of night at Hamsted

Bay. Started early this a. m. Judith Point very rough indeed whole day so rough we are

al ers
going in to Edgertown for Shelter. We shall not get to Salem as we expected tomorrow.

All the others went ashore at Edgetown this late afternoon and visited Tea room and

ric p
Enid Yandells Studio saw a
is l P
August 27, Sunday
Wacouta Yacht. At four this morning the Capt ran out about let miles to find such a
H Hil

rough prospect that he returned here. I hope to tomorrow may be better.

August 28, Monday

ta .

On Yacht. Weather cleared at 2 p. m. We put in to New Bedford in a fog as thick

so y T

weather continues. I shall be glad to get back on land. Arrived at Woods Hole at 3 p.
m. Mike Gertrude Mittie and Rachel left to go to Boston and Profile House White Mts.
ne ar

Clara and I decided to go back to New York on Yacht.


August 29, Tuesday

(New Bedford) We had a very rough trip from Woods Hole all they [sic] to New London
but Clara and I stayed on deck refusing dinner until 945 p. m. We were glad to anchor
in quiet water at New London at 1045. Today is changeable cold wet, windy – rough.

We arrived back in New York today at 4 p. m. Found Ruth well also baby.

August 30, Wednesday – August 31, Thursday


September 1, Friday
It has rained ever since our return and nearly a week before until to day. It is good to
see sun shine. Papa arrived well this morning. Wrote to Mittie.

September 2, Saturday
Papa and I left at noon on Wacouta. Neither Clara nor Jim cared to come with us. We
had fine sailing to Gardeners Island where we anchored for the night.

1911, p.30
September 3, Sunday
Wacouta. This morning at nine we went ashore at Sag Harbor. In an Auto, we started
for Southampton and then began to inquire for Ansons house found we were at East
Hampton 13 miles from Southampton. I finally arrived on time for ten thirty Mass.

September 4, Monday
Wacouta. New Bedford labor day town [agog?] in bunting. We anchored at Newport
last night from 1015. We enjoyed seeing little Anson yesterday and lunched with Ans at
Shamrock Golf Club. Saw Pauline and a Mr. Griswold at Mass. I took Ans. Overcoat
for my wrap by mistake. We have been through New Bedford and Fair Haven in an
Auto. We landed at Posts Island Club. Saw High School immense Ball Park, Cottages
School, John large important Church, Library and Home of H. H. Rogers. All this
among his gifts to Fair Haven two other large Bldgs.

September 5, Tuesday

al ers
New York. Arrived back here this morning at eight oclock. Fine weather stayed with us

all the Time. Last night was gloriously bright. Letters from Rachel and from Mike. Ruth

ric p
and baby very well. to a
is l P
September 6, Wednesday
Maria Taylor is in Town today. Jane Colt is with. To her surprise Walter Taylor
H Hil

marriage of yesterday in Montreal to Mrs. Morgan is in todays papers. Poor Maria!

Letter from Charlotte.
ta .

September 7, Thursday
so y T

Cloudy forenoon. Went to Dentist today A Dr. L. H. Abel 40 - E. 41st street. Maria
Taylor took Luncheon with us. Nellie Finch can in to Tea and next with us to see Ruth
ne ar

and the Baby. I selected Jims cup for the baby.


September 8, Friday
New York. A cloudy morning. Ruth baby Christened this forenoon at eleven. Jim.
Godfather. I am Godmother. She is called Mary Hill Beard. Father Casey baptized her
at St. Ignatius Church. Anson, Papa Ruth and Clara were present. We leave for home


September 9, Saturday
This is a very cloudy day. Ruth came over to luncheon so we leave New York feeling
she is around again. We leave at 4 p. m. on 20th Century Papa, Clara, and I.

September 10, Sunday

On Train. Burlington R. R. Last night was cold and foggy. We arrived at Chicago 20
minutes late. Mr. Meller met us. And we reached our car 3 minutes ahead of leaving
time. Today is hot. Poor Clara has a trying time with her stiff neck. Reached home at
10 p. m.

1911, p.31
September 11, Monday
St Paul [sic]. Such an electric storm as broke at 5 this a. m. At eight oclock very dark
and still raining Forenoon cleared for a time. I went to St. Josephs Hospital to see
Dorothy found her looking well. Maud and Louis are still West. Charlotte and George
are away on chicken hunt.

September 12, Tuesday

Grapes coming in now. They are not as fine as I expected. So many loose ones and
small bunches. Making grape juice today. Cloudy day rained some. Went for short
drive was surprised to see how foliage is changing.

September 13, Wednesday

A cloudy day. Starting grape jelly Went to North Oaks to see children - found them all
well. Norman and Georgina were here for luncheon both very well.

September 14, Thursday

al ers
Cloudy day little rain. Went to St. Josephs Hospital this a. m. to see Dorothy found her

looking well. George and Charlotte home today. Finished grape jelly.

ric p
September 15, Friday
to a
is l P
Quite hot today. All family home now. George and Charlotte came Wednesday Louis
came yesterday and Maud came this morning. After luncheon I went to Minneapolis.
H Hil

Dorothy left the Hospital this evening and returned to Northcote.

September 16, Saturday

ta .

Papas 73rd birthday a fine morning rather hot day. George Charlotte Louis Maud, Mrs.
so y T

Upham F. L. Schurmeier and Katherine Abbott joined us at dinner. Papa had many
telegrams and flowers. Gen Morgan died this afternoon of one weeks illness.
ne ar

September 17, Sunday


A cloudy unpleasant day. I felt wretchedly all day. Clara went home with Charlotte and
Grace Bigelow to Dellwood. Quite a wind storm in late afternoon..

September 18, Monday


A fine day. Busy at home all forenoon. In the afternoon went to St. Lukes Hospital to
visit Ada Murphy who has been operated on the second time. Went to see Anabel [sic]

McQuillan and there took Mrs. Lee out to Fort Snelling and Minnehaha she had not
seen either the place thirty years!

September 19, Tuesday

A perfect day. Gen Morgan was buried at Cathedral today. Military Funeral.
Archbishop Ireland spoke and officiated. Dr. Stewart arrived this evening. He goes to
Rochester Minn [sic] to see Mayos Work.

September 20, Wednesday

A delightful day. Papa and Dr. Stewart burn the late hours light.

1911, p.32
September 21, Thursday
Fine day. As Charlotte can not plan to use some grapes for juice I am making some for
her children. Dr. Stewart left us this afternoon for Rochester. Col. Sturgis Mrs. Sturgis
George and Charlotte with Mr. Macpherson dine with us this evening.

September 22, Friday

A very windy day and threatening but few drops of rain making Tomato ketchup. Went
to see Mrs. Prince and Mrs. Morgan. Mrs. Prince indisposed. Louis went West again
this evening. To Glacier Park that wonderful scenery.

September 23, Saturday

An uncertain sky this morning. Papa was not well last night, in the night. Clara goes to
Charlottes for over Sunday. Papa goes to Northcote over Sunday leaving me Monarch

of all I servey [sic] in this domicile.

al ers
September 24, Sunday

A cloudy cold morning.

ric p
September 25, Monday
to a
is l P
Rachel came home tonight. Not looking very well. Walter, Dorothy and little Dorothy
came to visit us today for a week. Mrs. Porter will spend the night.
H Hil

September 26, Tuesday

Dr. Turner came today to spend four days with us. Rained all day today.
ta .
so y T

September 27, Wednesday

This is a fine day. This afternoon I took Dr. Turner for a long Auto ride. This evening
ne ar

Dr. Schaefer and Dr. Moynahan dined with us.


September 28, Thursday

Raining again to day. Dr. Turner and Rachel went out to Dellwood in a storm today.
Rachel to stay there awhile. Sam. and Mary M. arrived this morning. Mary will stay
with us while Sam goes to Boston and back.

September 29, Friday


A cloudy day. Dr. Turner left us this forenoon. I have been busy this week with grapes.
This afternoon I went to North Oaks. And picked loads of flowers. Mary M. and I went
to Good Shepherds today about work.

September 30, Saturday

A dark threatening morning. I went downtown to Shop for Mary and out to Sister’s
about her work. After luncheon Maud Mary and I went to North Oaks as rain came
down Mary and I returned, on way in we saw a wild fire. Dairy man Andersons house
all afire while he and his wife too an injured child to Hospital. Hard luck!

1911, p.33
October 1, Sunday
A cheerless wet day. Very quiet as Clara and I are much alone. Dorothy and little
Dorothy leave in Northcote at five p.m.

October 2, Monday
A chilly day. I went out to Dellwood, Rachel was not well. Katherine Abbott staying out
there too. James N. B. Hill entered Harvard college today. Sam telegraphed us.

October 3, Tuesday
Not a pleasant day. Only Mrs. R. Jackson called. Windy and heavy rain.

October 4, Wednesday
Rather a pleasant day. Such a wind and rain storm last night. There has been a report

that papa contracted bad cold on his trip fortunately it is not true. Made some visits

today called on Mrs. Chas. Thompson.

al ers
October 5, Thursday

ric p
This is another Wet day and cold. Jessie Greene married this evening in such a down
to a
pour and high wind. I fell into to [sic] a puddle of water as I was going on to the
is l P
reception was not hurt fortunately. Grace Bigelow left this evening
H Hil

October 6, Friday
Dark, cold and uncertain Weather. In the afternoon I ventured forth to make some
neighborhood visits. John Upham and Miss Dorothy Farmington came to call us of their
ta .

engagement very happy of course

so y T

October 7, Saturday
ne ar

At last the Sun shines this morning. After leaving Mary M. at Dentists I went to
Minneapolis. A fine day indeed. Poor Rachel is in a bad way certainly she is extremely

unstrung nervously this evening.

October 8, Sunday
Mary and I went to St. Marys Church yesterday afternoon. It looked home like to me.

This morning we went to St. Josephs. Charlotte spent Friday and last night here.

October 9, Monday
This is George and Charlottes tenth anniversary. Tins will be contributed for the
occasion. I went out in the afternoon. The girls spend the night there. Papa would go
but I thought he needed rest.

October 10, Tuesday

I shall spend to day out of doors as the sun shines. Just as I was ready to got to
Manitou Island Uncle Phelps arrived and went with me to the Island. And to Bald Eagle
Lake to see Mr. Buffs dahlias, quite a sight; then we went to Charlottes for luncheon.
Mary M went to Minnetonka this afternoon

1911, p.34
October 11, Wednesday
Another dark day. I telegraphed Sam last evening to come for Mary. As she is anxious
and for other reasons he replies he will come immediately. Papa is in Peoria Ill. to day
delivering address to Bankers Association will return tomorrow. Rachel came back from
Dellwood today.

October 12, Thursday

A [“telegram” – crossed out] Telephone from Minneapolis tells us Sam. on way. I shall
go to Minneapolis this afternoon to meet Mary M. and bring her back. Papa arrived this
morning. Tired of course

October 13, Friday

Still dark rainy weather. No Indian Summer yet this month. Sam. has arrived. Mary M

took luncheon at Mrs. Schultz with Louise Pomeroy to day. Clara and I took luncheon

at Mrs. Peets on Island to so Mrs. Lamborn. Sam. and Mary M left this evening for New

al ers

ric p
October 14, Saturday to a
Such a dark threatening day. Letters from Gertrude and Dorothy to day. Rachel seems
is l P
some better. Papa goes East to Washington to night. Too bad so much R R. traveling
comes at this time - for him.
H Hil

October 15, Sunday

A cloudy foggy morning. Not cold but so wet. Rachel and I went to Charlottes at
ta .

Dellwood for luncheon. About 3 p. m. a storm threatened so we left for home rained
so y T

some as we came but more heavily later.

ne ar

October 16, Monday

Such a dark morning after steady rain all night cleared some between 10 and 12 a.m.

but afternoon again darkened and rain in torrents all evening. Mrs. Morrison told me
today that Stan has a son- born to [sic] yesterday or today. Telegram that Papa is in
Washington D. C. and well.

October 17, Tuesday

Rather pleasant day- cloudy in evening. Charlotte came in to town today suffering from

her sinus frontal trouble. Mrs. Morrison and Mrs. Lamborn took luncheon with us we all
enjoyed their visit.

October 18, Wednesday

A dark rainy day. Charlotte some better but must stay in for treatment. Maud is
suffering from the same trouble. Dr. Egil Beckman [sic – Boeckmann] treating both.
George Finch Nellie Finch - Mr. Macpherson Theodore Schurmeier George and
Charlotte dined with us this evening.

1911, p.35
October 19, Thursday
40 above this a. m. A blight day; colder but we are all thankful for sunshine. Rachel
Jerome and I went to North Oaks and picked a bushel basket of beautiful flowers.
Dorothy and Walter in town today. Maud and family moved to town Monday.

October 20, Friday

Papa returned from Washington D. C. last night: very tired . Sam. took Mary over from
New York last Monday to Mamis house and he returned to New York same night.
Charlotte went up to her house this afternoon - some better.

October 21, Saturday

A dark cold day. Busy all forenoon. In the afternoon we went to Jappy Land benefit of
News boys. In the evening papa went to Bankers dinner. Letter from Ruth today. I
wrote to her tonight.

October 22, Sunday

al ers
A dark wet day. Lord and Lady Hindlip arrived this morning to stay couple days. They

tell us of Lord Northcotes death. A dark disagreeable day.

ric p
October 23, Monday
to a
is l P
Windy and cold but bright. I took Lady Hindlip to the Fort, Minnehaha the Boulevard
Drive and through Minneapolis.
H Hil

October 24, Tuesday

A very unpromising morning. And dark afternoon. The Hindlips left this evening. We
ta .

went to the Farrar Concert Edmund Clement sang with her, he is as pleasing as she
so y T

artistically. Frank La Forge accompanist an unusual concert.

ne ar

October 25, Wednesday

Bright and cool. President Taft came today. This evening the President was received

enthusiastically at the Auditorium and spoke of Peace and arbitration. A fine

representative audience.

October 26, Thursday


A fine morning. We took Jerome and Cortie down Town with us. Louis telegraphed that
Maud was comfortable after the little operation today at Rochester. We went to

Margaret McLarens coming out this afternoon.

October 27, Friday

A beautiful morning and day. I took Mrs. Chas. Thompson out this morning. She goes
to Californian leaving tonight. I was surprised to learn that she is 75 years old. Went to
Mrs. Ames this afternoon to Alices coming out.

October 28, Saturday

Charlotte and Norman in today. Dr. Egil took Norman to his first Football game today.
Little Louis and Maudie went to Rochester today to see their mother. A fine day.

1911, p.36
October 29, Sunday
A bright beautiful day. In the afternoon Papa and I went to North Oaks and to Dellwood.
Pleasant Lake is really filling up a fact I feared might not occur. Wrote to Maudie Mary
M. and Gertrude also Dr. Stewart.

October 30, Monday

At 8 a. m. 25. A cold morning and fine day. Again looking for a cook - it is
discouraging. About as soon as one can be dependable on she goes. Selma decides
to return to New York.

October 31, Tuesday

24 above at 715 this a. m. A fine day. Papa went to Northcote this evening. Louis
children had a fine time tonight observing All halloween.

November 1, Wednesday

al ers
All Saints Day. Only 22 above at 815 this a. m. and such a cold North Wind. Papa

{“went” – crossed out} returned from Northcote this evening. The first symphony

ric p
Concert to night. It was surprisingly good. Orchestra fine. Martin sang finely a large
to a
is l P
November 2, Thursday
H Hil

All souls day. This forenoon for a while was sunny and pleasant.

November 3, Friday
ta .

It has been cold everyday this week down to 16 above. A light snow this evening first of
so y T

this season. Went out to Mrs. Berryhills reception this afternoon had to search for her
house in the woods.
ne ar

November 4, Saturday

A cloudy morning warmer. Sun came out in afternoon. We went to Foot Ball game with
Dr. Egil to see Minnesota beat Chicago 30-0. I have never seen so large a crowd any
where. Sam. called in late afternoon just from Washington D.C.

November 5, Sunday
Cold, raw cloudy. Papa and I went to Dellwood this afternoon. Papa left for New York

this evening. Louis went to Rochester this morning and from there goes on to New York
meets papa in Chicago tomorrow.

November 6, Monday
Not a pleasant day - raining and raw. George and Charlotte here for to day and to
night. {crossed out: A delight}

November 7, Tuesday
A cloudy day. Busy all forenoon making mince meat. And as today is my day at home
not out at all. A telegram from Jim telling me he is going to the Hospital Wednesday.

1911, p.37
November 8, Wednesday
Another dull day we have little else this Season. A telegram from papa and a letter from
Jim telling one he is going in to the Presbyterian Hospital Dr. Elliott will attend him.

November 9, Thursday
Jim goes to the Hospital today. Dark weather and cold wet all day today.

November 10, Friday

Bright morning cold but pleasant. This afternoon I took Sister Cleste [sic] of Mother
Xaviers Order to the Cemetery and later through the Good Shepherds House. She had
not seen a Magdelin Sister before and was delighted.

November 11, Saturday

A [sic] appalling morning no footing for man or beast. A cold rain fell early today; that

froze into to a glare of smooth ice. The streets filled with horses down and disabled

al ers
Autos - chains were positively necessary - on the tires. In the afternoon we to the

children to the [Remer’s?] George, Charlotte and the children stayed in last night.

ric p
November 12, Sunday
to a
is l P
7 above zero at 830 a. m. A cold morning some snow. Last night was almost an
unparelled [sic] night in severity for the Season. Only 3 above early this morning.
H Hil

November 13, Monday

3 above this morning a very cold day. Snow.
ta .
so y T

November 14, Tuesday

4 above zero - morning. Walter and Dorothy in town at the St. Paul. A letter from Papa
ne ar

today telling me of Jim. Telegrams say he is doing well. A note and telephone
message from Maud.

November 15, Wednesday

4 above Zero at 8 this a.m. Charlotte moved in to town yesterday. We went to
Symphony Concert last night. It was fine.

November 16, Thursday


Snowing all day. Not cold. Louis returned from East bringing Mr. Nichols. Maud came
home from Rochester this morning looking very well.

November 17, Friday

7 inches of snow fell yesterday. We received a telegram today telling us Wilfred H. Hill
has pneumonia at Burlington Iowa at Mercy Hospital. We sent a message to Uncle

1911, p.38
November 18, Saturday
Cold but bright so sunny. From todays report we fear that Wilfred has a slim chance of
recovery. Dr. Ramsey tells me Wilfreds heart is not sound.

November 19, Sunday

Cloudy - at zero this early morning. Clara and I went to the dedication of St. Ambrose
Church for the Italians this morning. Discouraging report from Wilfreds Dr. Fleming.
Louis and Mr. Nichols left for Chicago after dinning here. Clarabel McQuillan died at
445 p. m.

November 20, Monday

A cloudy morning snowing again. We have a telegram this morning telling Wilfred H.
Hill died at midnight at Mercy Hospital Burlington Ia.

November 21, Tuesday

Got word from Burlington Iowa today that Wilfred received my message a little before he

al ers
died and that it pleased him. A telegram from his brother today.

ric p
November 22, Wednesday to a
In bed with a cold since Monday night. Wrote Aunt Emma today - also to Jim. who is
is l P
recovering well and wrote a note to Mr. W. W. Baldwin who was so kind as to write me
of Wilfreds last hours.
H Hil

November 23, Thursday

Still in my room got up for dinner and I am much better.
ta .
so y T

November 24, Friday

A bright day. I am up in the forenoon today almost myself again.
ne ar

November 25, Saturday



November 26, Sunday

Papa went west this morning.

November 27, Monday


We are having cold weather.

November 28, Tuesday

A cold morning. We went to a Requiem Mass for Father McNulty today he is dead a
year. We wet to symphony concert this evening it was a cold evening

November 29, Wednesday

Bright and pleasant. Mrs. Weyerhauser died this morning it seven - after a long illness.

1911, p.39
November 30, Thursday
We had all the children here at luncheon. Papa and I dined at Louis.

December 1, Friday
Feeling badly so gave up today.

December 2, Saturday
Staying in bed. Jim arrived from New York this morning.

December 3, Sunday

December 4, Monday
Jim goes West this evening. It seem soon to take so long a R. R. trip after being in

Hospital. I am still in my room.

al ers
December 5, Tuesday

Charlotte and Gertrude went up to the Lawler Pillsbury Wedding today. Mark Reeves is

ric p
at Louis. to a
is l P
December 6 - 7
H Hil

December 8, Friday
This is the 3rd dark day. And so damp.
ta .
so y T

December 9, Saturday
This is a beautiful day. Felt obliged to go to the Dentist he excused me and I took a
ne ar

delightful drive to River and feel much improved although bronchial tubes are still

December 10, Sunday

Rained last night and rained all day to day. A dark dismal day. Gertrude and Clara
went East last evening. John Upham and Dorothy Farington were married yesterday. I

was sorry not to be able to attend the wedding.


December 11, Monday

A fine morning. Went far as River before noon. Little Dorothy was with me also Cortie.
I feel better for the outing. Telegram from Clara all well in New York.

December 12, Tuesday

Another fine morning. Up in time to go downtown with papa. Went as far as river and
enjoyed the sunny air. I think I am overcoming the bronchial difficulty. Mrs. Upham and
Gertrude came in today.

1911, p.40
December 13, Wednesday
So dark and misty in forenoon had to stay in. Went out in afternoon took Mrs. Finch
quite busy in morning seeing to several things. Letter from James today. Not at all

December 14, Thursday

A warm wet day. Papa and I went by the Land Show in the morning. A remarkable
show of the produce of the soil. Wrote to James and to Mike.

December 15, Friday

Colder but not severe. Went out twice today and feel better and stronger. Charlotte
took her children to Dellwood today as she thinks they have whooping cough.

December 16, Saturday


al ers
December 17, Sunday

They now think Maudie and Cortie have whooping cough.

ric p
December 18 – 19
to a
is l P
H Hil

December 20, Wednesday

We have had fine weather all this week not cold, but, it is getting dusty. I am stronger
but still indisposed get out everyday however.
ta .
so y T

December 21 – 23
ne ar

December 24, Sunday


Christmas Eve. As Louis and Charlottes children have whooping cough Christmas
festivities are interfered with. Little Dorothy our only child at tree. She made most of
her presents. The Jacksons Louis Maud George Charlotte and Jim. dined with us.
Walter and Dorothy took luncheon with us.

December 25, Monday


6 above zero this a. m. at 9 oclock - yesterday and today beautiful days. Jim. is so well
gained 20 lbs in three weeks trip West! We are glad today to hear Dr. Chas Mayo is
doing well after second operation in New York. Papa went to North Oaks today with

December 26, Tuesday

Little Dorothy birthday, “Three years old today” as she says. She spent most of the day
with us. Symphony concert this evening, I did not attend: Read Nancy Stair at home

1911, p.41
December 27, Wednesday
Cold 2 {crossed out: above} below zero at 9 this a. m. Rachel and I went for a sleigh
ride this forenoon. A beautiful winter morning. I am feeling stronger. Papa and Jim. left
for New York last evening. Jim 20 lbs the heavier for his trip to the Coast.

December 28, Thursday

Colder today. Was 8 below in Minneapolis today. A letter from Mamie this morning.
Also one from Katie Renny. I wrote to Mrs. Lamborn today to Hornblende Kenneth Sqr.
Pa. Cortie seems to be better from reports.

December 29. Friday

Quite cold - but not the cold predicted. George Charlotte Egil and Katherine Abbott
here for luncheon and to play backgammon after wards. Annabel McQuillan was I went
to Minnehaha it is nearly all frozen up.

December 30, Saturday

al ers
Very mild this morning and snowing. Went down to select gift for Helena Driscoll cold

and chose a fine old style mahogony [sic] Table. Silver gifts are over done too

ric p
numerous. Archbishop Ireland and Father Baldwin called this afternoon.
to a
is l P
December 31, Sunday
Heavy snow today Not at all cold. Annabel McQuillan and Charlotte took luncheon with
H Hil

us. After Mass today Rachel and I went to see the Visitation Sisters. The last day of
the year. I have just been meeting telegrams to absent children. And some friends.
ta .

{on Memoranda Pages}

so y T

Jan. 1911
Jan 5th to
ne ar

Mrs. McQuillan
to December 30th 37.75

Pd 40.00- 2.25 over

Jan. 16th to 14th -
Have not returned the follow

ing calls-
Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Dahlgren

Mrs. S. Thorne –
Maria Taylor and
Pauline Emmett intend
to call on Mrs. Louie
Schulze Millbank -

Jan 16th.
To Sarah to 14th.

1911, p.42
May 24th. to
Mrs. McQuillan

Mrs. L. Farrington (John)

P. O. Box 42
Peham Hieghts N. Y.
(Tel. 2117 B. or R.Y
Pullam Exchange.)
Mr. Robert H. Davis of
C. P. Dalton & Co.
31 W 23rd. Street
N. Y.
Mrs. McQuillan

411 Ashland

Dr. H. A. Tomlinson

al ers
St [sic] Peter State Hospital

St. Peter Minn.

ric p
{on page for August- Cash}
to a
is l P
Jime 26th
to Mrs. Farrelly 10.00
H Hil

June 27th
to which Mrs. McQuillan
ta .

to date & one over

so y T

{on page for October Cash}

ne ar

Katherine Abbott
1310 - Twentieth Street

Washington D. C.

{on page for November Cash}

Ladies Art Co.

H. M. Brockstadt

St. Louis, Mo.

Mrs. McQuillan
359 Selby Ave.
Sarah Scotvold {crossed out: 244 Virginia Ave.}
172 Farington Ave.
(Beldenville, Wis)

{on page for December Cash}

Mrs. Miller {crossed out: 624 Olive St.}
91 Iglehart Street

1911, p.43

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