Mary T. Hill Diary 1912
Mary T. Hill Diary 1912
Mary T. Hill Diary 1912
Hill Diary
January 1, Monday
This is indeed a beautiful Winter day. Everything covered with snow, was 15 below zero
early this morning. Papa returned from New York last night well but tired. George and
Charlotte dined with us. Walter went to Northcote this p.m.
{Travel Diary}
Vain is the Horse for safety
January 2, Tuesday
Very cold 15 below zero at 9 this a.m. We had cables yesterday from M. Tuck Lords
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Strathcona and Mount Stephen. Also a telegram from Mrs. Thorne Jim. and all the girls.
Just leared {learned?} it was 20 below zero early this a.m.
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January 3, Wednesday to a
Very cold this morning was 12 below at 9 a.m. I went in to see little Dorothy this
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morning, it is not decided yet whether she has a cold or whooping cough. Dr. Abbott is
ill. Mrs. Green at Mrs. Finchs is ill and Mrs. Finch not well.
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January 4, Thursday
Our coldest day. Very cold 37 below reported in early hours. 28 below at 1030 a.m.
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January 5, Friday
Very cold day. 37 below early this morning. Not above 15 below all day a wind too.
January 6, Saturday
Still very cold 20 below at breakfast time. Helena Driscoll and Harry Robbins married
this afternoon at 4 oclock. Her attendants [w…..] no maids her six brothers attended
January 7, Sunday
Still too cold for comfort. 31 below early today. 12 below at 1oclock p.m. Wrote to Mrs.
Lamborn today this afternoon. And to Ettor Clark who has a son born within a couple
January 8, Monday
Today is cold but as it was not below zero all day we thought it moderate in this cold
spell. I made a few calls on Mrs. Gotzian Mrs. Abbott Mrs. Farington.
1912, p.1
January 9, Tuesday
31 below zero in early hours. Very cold all day not above 10 below. Clara had 7 guests
to luncheon. Col. Clough called in the evening. Symphony Concert this evening on
account of the cold I stayed at home.
The coldest morning yet. 35 below at 7 a. m. A very cold day.
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January 13, Saturday
At last it is just above zero – yet the day is raw and cold. I seem to have a little cold and
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my bronchial tubes are excited.
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January 14, Sunday
7 above Zero this a.m. I am confined to my room again bronchitas [sic]. And could not
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go to Mass.
18 below this morning early. Grew cold yesterday afternoon. I feel better today. Mr. E.
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T. Nichols arrived this morning late. I hear little Louis has chicken pox.
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looking well. My cold or rather bronchitas [sic] has me pretty well in its grip.
Lamborn to day along directions to make it. Wrote to Mike to Marry M. and Ruth. I think
I am better. Mrs. Gotzian in to day.
January 18 Thursday
A pleasant day feeling some better beginning to prepare to go East. Katherine Abbott
took luncheon with us. A letter from James today.
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January 20, Saturday
5 below zero at breakfast time. I got out twice today - and feel the stronger for it. Mrs.
Furness came in today. Also Annabell McQuillan. Auntie came down.
New York. Arrived here 2 ½ hours late. Fine warm day. George Charlotte and Rachel
came in the late afternoon. Find all well here. Went out this evening to see Cathedral
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illumination it is fine!
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January 24, Wednesday to a
Colder to day. Telegraphed home to Maud yesterday. Wrote to Mr. Grob, Maud and
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Cragin. Mrs. Sam. Thorne called this evening.
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Mrs. Lamborn.
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New York. Papa and I went to Ruths to see the children - this morning. Ruth brought
little Anson over in the Afternoon. Muller Uri called. Papa went over to Washington D. C.
this afternoon.
and Ann Polk came to luncheon. Mrs. Upham came in the afternoon. Miss Ellen Tone
came to Tea. Dr. Turner came in the afternoon stayed to dinner and spent the evening.
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Watson and Mr. Dickerman were in at Tea time. Dr. Biggs called to see Rachel who has
a cold.
February 1, Thursday
Jeckyl [sic] Island. Warmer to day. Papa and I walked on the Beach and picked up
shells quite a bag full. After luncheon we drove the River Road and back via Beach. A
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fine afternoon. I feel rather tired after walk and drive.
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February 2, Friday to a
A fine morning. Wind came up in the afternoon. I feel in the evening that I have over
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done a little in some way and achy and stiff. As I have not been exercising so much this
winter. A letter from Walter from Long Beach Cal. And a letter from Maud.
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February 3, Saturday
Jeckyl [sic] Island. A bright cool morning at 11 a.m. only 48 on Mrs. Bakers porch. She
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is not well this winter. Girls not coming today they got far as Washington and Rachel not
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feeling well they left train and went to Mamies. In todays paper I notice it was 6 below
zero in St. Paul. Mr. Brown goes to Washington this afternoon to help girls on way here.
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February 4, Sunday
Jeckyl [sic] Island. A cloudy cold morning. Father Casagne of Brunswick celebrated
Mass at 630 rained a little N. W. wind. Wrote to Gertrude, Auntie and [ ]. Mr. Brown has
gone to Washington to bring Clara and Rachel on. Rachel is better Clara says. Sending
Postals to all the children. Telegram from Brown tells us this evening Clara and Rachel
are leaving Washington for Jeckyl [sic] due here 316 tomorrow.
February 5, Monday
Jeckyl [sic] Island. Colder this morning - 34 on our Porch- 37 on Club porch at 845.
Sending little Anson shells today. Cold winds. Mr. Brown and Girls arrived at 530 p. m.
tired of course, Rachel says she is much better. I am glad they are here.
February 6, Tuesday
Jeckyl [sic]. 39 this a. m. at 845 calm however – cloudy. Rachel up and looking rested.
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February 7, Wednesday
Quite cold. A letter from Dorothy and one from Ruth today.
February 8, Thursday
A rather cloudy day. Papa has been summoned to Washington and leaves us Saturday.
I went over to see Mrs. F. Baker today found her reclining on a sofa. She is not well this
February 9, Friday
Jeckyl [sic]. This is our warmest and most pleasant day since we came. In the morning
walked on the Beach with Mrs. Bryson of St. Louis. In the afternoon Papa and I went for
a drive to the south end of the Island and picked up such a lot of pretty shells. We saw a
large blue heron on Beach.
February 10, Saturday
Jeckyl [sic]. It is raining this morning. Mr. Macy took Papa all about on the island
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yesterday forenoon. Papa and Mr. Brown left us at 230 p. m. rained all afternoon and
evening. The [Bowens?] arrived today.
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February 11, Sunday
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Jeckyl [sic]. A cold morning - 32 and did not warm much all day. We went for a drive
and had to wrap up well. Saw a beautiful cardinal bird on River Road. To days paper
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reports very cold weather through Georgia and in Eastern states -heavy snow too 5
inches at Augusta Ga.
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Jeckyl [sic] Island. Some warmer this morning and sunny – 38 - at 8 a. m. This is
Lincolns birthday. Flag staff dressed. We had a fine drive in the afternoon. The electric
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lights were finally turned on, on the Roads this evening and what a difference light
makes. The Maceys have bought the Struthers house.
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in woods. Too windy and cold on Beach below 50 all day. Mr. Millbanks is here with a
Dr. and an other friend.
February 18, Sunday
Jeckyl [sic] Island. Rained again early this morning. As Father Casagne came over last
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evening we had mass at 630 this morning. Letter from Auntie yesterday saying she and
Frank were going East the 15th. A letter from Ruth to day.
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February 19, Monday
to a
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Jeckyl [sic] Island. Today has been a perfect day no wind. In the morning the the [sic]
Beach was alive with children there are 25 here. We drove in the afternoon. A letter
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from Maud. I sent a telegram to Charlotte and a birthday greeting to Mr. Shepard he will
be 84 tomorrow at Thomasville Ga.
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Jeckyl [sic]. This is what we are pleased to call Jeckyl [sic] Weather fine this morning. I
hear {crossed out: Mr.} Dr. and Mrs. Satherwaite are here (Maria Taylors sister). A
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letter from Auntie from New York. She and Fred are getting around the circle to N. J.
and to Washington D. C. Letter from Gertrude.
some when we were ready to go on we discovered the harness was broken and it
looked us if we had to walk in high wind from near St. Simons Island however the man
fixed the harness and the horses were quiet so we got home.
1912, p.6
February 22, Thursday
Jeckyl [sic]. This was cold morning although bright - and windy. The afternoon has been
fine. Dr. and Mrs. Satherwait left to day also Mrs. Bryson. I went to call on Mrs. F. Baker
this afternoon met a Judge Cravath of Brunswick Ga. There also Mrs. Bakers son a Mr.
Lake. Mrs. Marowitz and Miss Jones came over for coffee to day. A telegram from
Papa. He leaves New York today.
arrived only at 530 p. m. Having missed a morning connection at Jessop. The Kennedys
The Schaufflers and the Jollops arrived too. We have a good deal of rain.
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February 25, Sunday
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We had Mass this morning at 630. A Father Reis from Brunswick Ga. Later I went with
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George to hear the celebrated Presbyterian minister New York Rev Jowett. He is very
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eloquent and has a fine delivery. It was an intellectual discourse.
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some time and was 82. We got no mail for some reason. Not even papers. Mrs. Shrady
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gave a childrens party on her lawn and the Macys a house warming at old Struthers
house to day.
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Jeckyl [sic]. This morning is a great change only 50. Beautiful day yesterday at Mrs.
Macys we saw 4 pictures a Mr. Knight has painted here. He is a son of Ridgeway Knight
evidently an artist. A letter from Dorothy.
George went pheasant shooting. The Dabneys left this afternoon. A letter from Ruth
today. George took some Kodaks. Charlotte stayed in her room all day to day her sinas
[sic] trouble.
1912, p.7
March 1, Friday
Not as cold as yesterday nor as windy. A change of guests several have gone and as
many have come. Letters today from Mrs. Raguet Mrs. Finch and Katherine Abbott. Dr.
Egil Boeckman {Boeckmann} arrived this late afternoon. I went to Miss Maurices and
met Miss Martha Berry who was there from Rome Ga.
March 2, Saturday
Jeckyl [sic] Island. A bright day but very high wind from North could not walk on Beach.
This afternoon it was still very windy. We took Tea at Mrs. Laniers. These evenings are
remarkably bright moon light perfectly beautiful sky. Letter from Mrs. Gotzian.
March 3, Sunday
Jeckyl [sic] Island. A bright morning. Not up to 60 at 9 a. m. We were up to 630 Mass.
After breakfast Rachel and I went to see the birds gather for food at Mr. [Manra…] only
a few cardinal birds came. I think they saw us. George and Egil got their Coon last
night. A card from Walter he and Dorothy were at Santa Barbara on way to see Jim. A
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letter from Mrs. Upham.
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March 4, Monday to a
Jeckyl [sic] Island. A cloudy uncertain morning and forenoon. Mrs. Rebecca Riggs left
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today. Such a very high tide owing probably to full moon last night. A letter from papa
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March 5, Tuesday
Jeckyl [sic] Island. A cloudy and rainy day. We did Charlotte and I manage to walk to
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the Beach - and pay a few visits. George Charlotte and Egil go this late afternoon. We
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go tomorrow probably in the morning to Savanah [sic] and take train from there in
evening. George, Charlotte and Egil left at 5 p. m. Rachel decided to go with them.
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March 6, Wednesday
Jeckyl [sic] Island. Clara and I go over to Savanah [sic] this morning we take Seaboard
there for New York this evening avoiding the uncertain waiting at Talman. In Savanah
[sic] we went out to McAlpin plantation and through the city to a beautiful cemetery - to
the Cathedral which disappointed us. The Bishop was not at home. To the De Sota
March 7, Thursday
On Train. We left Savanah [sic] half an hour late last evening. This morning we a [sic]
one hour and fifty minutes late. Snow on ground all through Virginia. Still as late at
Washington and two hours late at Washington and two hours late arriving in New York.
Telegrams from papa Louis and George. Rachel well George says. Louis and family left
for California last evening.
March 8, Friday
New York. A dark morning and day. Girls in for luncheon. Little Anson came in this
morning. All well. Telegraphed papa last night. Wrote to him this morning. I am reading
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Victor Hugo’s Notre Dame for the first time and find the descriptions remarkably
March 9, Saturday
New York. Another cloudy day skys [sic] cleared between eleven and twelve a.m. and I
made the most of that time out of doors. I went over to see Mary H. Beard this morning.
She has grown much. Letters today from Dorothy Maud Jerome and Cortie also from
Rachel a note from Mrs. R. Thorne. Wrote to Rachel. Clara and I dined at Gertrudes.
March 11, Monday
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New York. A beautiful day. After doing an errand downtown went up to 105th Street to
Park conservatory and found a house full of lovely blossoms. Had a fine walk back. In
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the afternoon went to see some Gainsborough portraits. Mike and Gertrude came in
to a
after dinner.
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March 12, Tuesday
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New York. Rained all last night and all today. I took luncheon with Ruth in the evening.
Mike and Gertrude came in after dinner. Wrote to Auntie and to Mrs. Gotzian. A note
from Mamie today she says she is improving in health and that James and Mary are
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New York. This morning is not so dark. A letter from Papa which troubles me in regard
to Jim. Mrs. Upham comes today to spend two days with us - rained again this
afternoon. Wrote to papa this forenoon. We went over to see Ruths children this
New York. This has been a fine day. This forenoon Mrs. Upham and I went out to
Riverside Drive and later to Public Library. We saw an Exhibit of Prints - on 3rd floor.
Mrs. Upham had not seen the Bldg. before. This afternoon we called on Mrs. Cannon
and Mrs. Ethan Allan. Little Anson came over.
1912, p.9
March 16, Saturday
Telegram from papa stating Jim. Will be in St. Paul tomorrow from state Washington on
way home from {crossed out: Washington D. C.} California. Papa expects to come East
soon. Wrote to Dorothy. A parade today, did not see it. Selected books today for
[causu?] Sanatorium. Mrs. Upham went home today.
attended to by Dr. Tuttle this morning - and is all right.
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March 19, Tuesday
New York. This was a fine forenoon. I went for a drive and walk and went to Roosevelt
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Hospital to see Gertrude. She is there for some little treatment. I wrote to Mamie and to
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James today. A letter from Jim and one from Charlottes. Jims from Delmonte not
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pleasant news.
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Ruth have been arranging with Mr. [Baer] today to paint little Anson.
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New York. Truly equinoxial [sic] days. In the early hours of yesterday a thunderstorm.
This morning a snow storm. A very disagreeable and cold day. Jim arrived last night. I
had a talk with him this morning. He came back from California via Portland Or.
she took little Anson and we went down town. She had some errands to do. I received
lovely flowers from Mr. T. L. Schurmeier today. Mr. Jacacci dined with us and spent the
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two new pictures in dining room. Wrote to Charlotte to Maud to all her children and to
March 27, Wednesday
New York. We hear George and Rachel are improving. Mr. Jacacci came in to Tea
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stayed to dinner and spent the evening with Papa Ruth, Mrs. Beard Clara and I went to
the Opera ‘Butterfly’. Mrs. Beard was here for luncheon. I called on Theodore
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Schurmeier today. Gertrude was going out in wheeled chair.
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March 28, Thursday
New York. A dark morning. Clara and I were out early to go over to Convent Station to
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see Mother Xavier. We went for first time in Tube from 33rd St. to Hoboken and back
that way. We found Mother Xavier very well. She told me quite a little of her early
History that I had not heard before.
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March, 29 Friday
New York. Morning began rainy and hot. I went to see Dr. Weeks at 46 East 57th.
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Street. It is depressing to me to have to visit the Oculist. Took luncheon at Ruths. Ann
Traylor arrived from Europe to day and was there. Mr. Jacacci came in at Tea time. Jim
very stiffened with rheumatism. A telegram from Charlotte says Rachel sinas [sic] still
painful. Drs. decided George has typhoid fever too bad.
New York. A fair morning. Had to visit Dr. Weeks again and to go to Schmidts 11 East
42nd Street – Optician. Went over to see Gertrude. She is still at Roosevelt. Charlotte
telegraphs Georges case satisfactory to Doctors. Last nights late message told us
George had typhoid fever. Rachels sinas [sic] continues.
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April 1, Monday
We went yesterday to Manhattan Sacred Heart Convent to see Madame Sturgis found
her well and happy. We leave New York for home today called there by telegrams
telling us Rachel and George both have typhoid fever. I have managed to get my
glasses and Dr. Weeks will see me and see the glasses.
April 2, Tuesday
On Train. We reached Chicago few minutes late. Robert met us, Dr. Biggs is with us.
We reached St. Paul tonight nearly half an hour earlier than schedule time. Found
George very ill. Rachels case lighter.
April 3, Wednesday
St [sic] Paul. Weather perfectly beautiful. Cases of George and Rachel satisfactory to
Doctors. Of course they are both very ill. Everyone glad Dr. Biggs is here.
April 4, Thursday
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Holy Thursday. A perfect morning. I walked back from Mass at St. Lukes. Both patients
getting encouragingly - it is not time for improvement yet. Archbishop and Father
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Gibbons called today. Auntie was down. Dr. Ramsey called.
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April 5, Friday
St. Paul. Good Friday. George and Rachel have had good night. P. M. The day has
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gone by in a satisfactory way with the patients. Of course they are ill but Drs. satisfied.
April 6, Saturday
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A rainy, cold day. George and Charlotte had good nights and are having a good day. I
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try to think they are better. Quite a fall of snow this evening and hight [sic] cold wind.
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April 7, Sunday
Easter Day. Rachels night was not restful but today she has had some good rest and on
the whole George and she are considered better. A letter from Louis from Delmonte.
Telegrams from Maud, Mike and Mamie. This has been a beautiful Day.
April 8, Monday
A fine day. George much better. Rachel doing well. Had a little trial in connection with
her nurse. That is all righted. She had fair night. Weather finest which is fortunate. A
April 9, Tuesday
Another perfect morning. George has no temperature today and at eleven a.m. Rachel
had none so both are doing very well. Telegram from Papa saying he would be delayed
in New York a couple days yet. Letter today from Mr. Grob.
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us all last evening by getting up a fever yesterday. 104 {crossed out: degr.} he is better
this morning. 80 in shade this afternoon.
Very windy day. George and Rachel have another fair day. Dr. Bigg [sic] is planning to
go East tomorrow evening. Clara and I went to see the Dunbar this afternoon moving
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pictures very good to. I took Dr. Biggs for an auto drive later.
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April 14, Sunday to a
Rained last night. George does not feel just as bright this morning. Rachel had fair
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night. Maud Louis and children came home this morning. Dr. Biggs left this evening.
Papa took him to North Oaks in the afternoon on the way there was a storm.
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so well yesterday and to day The usual change of the disease no alarming symptoms
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George is not very comfortable or bright today yet, some better than yesterday. A
dreadful report of the Titanic on her first trip going down hit by iceberg.
A rather cold day. Georges temperature goes up still part of the time yet he gives no
uneasiness. Rachel doing well slowly. Todays papers filled by partial reports of sinking
of Titanic and about two thousand women and children are supposed to be saved.
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April 19, Friday
A fine morning. Rachel feeling quite bright. George better too - lower temperature and
had good night. Today papers confirm reports that Titanic went down Sunday about
Midnight carrying over one thousand souls. The survivors arrived last night - in New
well today.
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April 22, Monday
This has been a fine day and a good day for George and Rachel. They are talking much
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more nourishment now. Began to clean house today chandeliers – ect [sic]. Mittie Porter
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came down this afternoon. We took her home.
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April 23, Tuesday
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A changeable day. Busy all forenoon seeing to cleaning ect. [sic]. George and Rachel
doing well today eating much more. Afternoon Charlotte and I went to Dellwood. She to
see to many things. There was a rain storm on way out and high wind coming in.
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having the chandeliers cleaned this week an undertaking. Went to North Oaks this
afternoon and saw over 100 lambs. Mrs. Abbott and Rachel Abbott went with me.
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April 29, Monday
Beautiful morning. George and Rachel feeling comfortable today. Busy all day seeing to
cleaners. In the late afternoon went for a drive to Fort Snelling and back via Minnehaha.
May 1 - 2
May 3, Friday
Have been so busy all this week seeing to house cleaning that I have neglected daily
record. George and Rachel get out on Terrace now every day. Papa had a letter from
Jim today not gratifying either.
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May 4, Saturday
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Such an electric storm last evening. Very unseasonably hot today nearly 70 at 9 a.m.
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Windy and threatening. Even the oak are coming into leaf fruit trees in bloom. Invalids
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doing well. The country is charming so freshly green.
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May 5 - 6
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May 7, Tuesday
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This has been a fine morning. We have been very busy getting the Dining room and its
belongings cleaned. George is trying to walk today for the second time manages pretty
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well. Ruth telegraphs she will not come with the children as we expected.
May 8, Wednesday
A fine day. Rachel is improving any gaining she walks about some took her luncheon in
the library today. Papa telegraphs he arrived all right in New York found all well there.
George on my terrace today.
May 9, Thursday
Quite hot. We got down in to the Basement. So we are nearing close of house cleaning.
Had furs seen to today. Rachel got out for her first ride this forenoon. George is walking
about and gaining in weight.
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May 11, Saturday
Not so warm. Still busy rooting out through the Basement part of the house. Katherine
Abbott and I went for a drive it was cold and windy. Telegram from Gertrude that she
and Mike come about 20th.
Minnehaha beautiful. Rachel has taken cold so is miserable today. George was out
feels fine not strong certainly.
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May 14, Tuesday
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A delightful early morning. Clouded and rained by 11 a. m. rainy afternoon. Rachel feels
to a
some better. George gaining all the time over 6 lbs. {Crossed out: yesterday} last week.
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Lilacs blooming.
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blooming in great profusion. Papa and I dined at Mrs. Lamborns this evening met
Judges Hook Adams Mrs. A. Judge Smith ect [sic].
Cloudy cold morning beautiful afternoon. George and Charlotte left us this afternoon
after two months of illness for Dellwood he looking fine. Mike Gertrude and I went to
North Oaks to see the lilacs they are fine. Maud and the children moved to North Oaks
to day.
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May 20, Monday
A cold day. I am having the house cleaning finished up this week. We Mike, Gertrude
and Mr. Macpherson went out to Snelling and back via Minnehaha. Clara and Gertrude
had taken Norman and Georgina to Snelling earlier to see Sham Battle.
May 23, Thursday
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Very hot day for the season. Snow balls coming out fast. Papa sent entire forenoon in
Gallery having pictures rehung to make place for new picture. Mike Gertrude and
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Rachel have gone out to Mauds for three days.
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May 24, Friday
A delightful day rather warm. Busy all day seeing to grounds ect [sic]. A finishing up of
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renovation. Clara and I drove out via Fort and Minnehaha glorious evening. Papa and I
dined at Mrs. Eliotts.
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A beautiful day. Mike Gertrude and Rachel came in from North Oaks. They have been
there since Thursday with Maud. Louis celebrates his birth day to day (a postponed
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feast) had 9 boys out for the day. Papa and I went out for a drive in afternoon.
left for Northcote at 1030 p.m. I made some calls in the afternoon. On Mrs. Hale ect
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May 29, Wednesday
Katherine Abbott took luncheon with us today. In the afternoon she and I went over to
Dakota Co. and went up through Mendota and Bloomingdale back via Fort Snelling.
Saw remarkable rye fields some 6! feet high.
June 1, Saturday
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Cloudy this morning. No rain today and the evening seems to clear. Walter and Mike
spend all their time playing golf. Little Dorothy is very well indeed. Papa and I went to
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Dellwood this afternoon. Maud was there. It is Maudies 9th. birthday. Louis went West
to a
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June 2, Sunday
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A beautiful morning. Mike and Walter off after Mass to the links again. The girls are on a
picnic at North Oaks in the garden. Walter and Dorothy returned to Northcote this
afternoon. Maud went East to New York this evening.
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June 3, Monday
Rather cool day. Mike and Gertrude are spending today at Charlottes. I made some
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June 4, Tuesday
Quite cool to day. Our trees are being trimmed and treated. There seems to be much
the matter with them. Many trees are dead this year. Mike and Gertrude are back again.
June 5 -7
June 8, Saturday
Mr. Miller and Mr. Gray came home with Papa to dinner this evening. Papa says today
is his last day in the R. R. office. At five p. m. we went out to Dellwood.
June 9, Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Nichols arrived from the West last night. This afternoon we took them
out to North Oaks. Papa and they left for New York after dinner.
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June 10, Monday
I went out to North Oaks this morning for the day to have the rear {written in Louis hand:
“old”} house cleaned up.
June 12 - 14
June 16, Sunday
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Quite a cold day for the Season. 50 at 8 this a. m. I went out to Dellwood and took
luncheon at Charlottes today. Louis and Louis jr. leave for Montreal this evening. Maud,
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Maudie Jerome and Cortie left for Seattle at 1030 p. m.
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June 17, Monday
Another cold cloudy day more like Nov. than June - and yet new peas and plenty
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strawberries in market. A letter from Papa and one from Mike today. Republican
Convention to nominate a President in Chicago this week opens today.
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Preserving strawberries the sun process partially seems successful as to flavor and
shape. Wacouka [sic] sailed from Montreal this morning for St. Johns River. Mr. Thorne
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A telegram today tells me Yacht Wacouta reached St. Johns River all well. Wrote to
Papa to St. Johns River today.
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June 23, Sunday
Hot morning. Republican Convention adjourned yesterday in Chicago nominating Pres.
Taft on Republican Ticket and T. R. Roosevelt on Progressives!
Not so hot. 92 reported of yesterday. White Sisters of St. Frances came today with
beautiful work 223 East 45th. Street New York.
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June 27, Thursday
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Went to Dr. Lyons in the morning. Rachel not feeling well. We are going to North Oaks
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to Louis house this p.m.
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{June 28 – July 31 are blank in this diary. Entries below are from as second smaller
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diary. Each diary has an entry for June 27 and August 1.}
North Oaks. Clara, Rachel and I moved out here this afternoon. Found George
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Charlotte and the children here fishing. Quite hot. Telegram from Papa from St. Johns
River saying all well weather fine fishing good.
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North Oaks. A very hot day. Rachel does not feel very well. Wrote to Maude care
Roslyn Fuel Co. Lowman Bldg, Seattle Wash. A letter from her yesterday told us all her
family well and happy.
I went to town to Dentists to see Dr. Gilfillan ect [sic] . Got Miss [Murhey?] to come out.
Dr. Gilfillan came out. When I returned for luncheon found Rachel much better.
1912, p.20
July 1, Monday
North Oaks delightfully cool after yesterdays rain. Cyclone in Regina Sask. Sunday. And
an almost one at McCarrows Lake. I spent the day in the Gardens. Telegrams from
papa and Gertrude flowers from Mr. Mac and Dr. Egil.
July 2, Tuesday
North Oaks. A fine morning. Miss Bigelo\w and Miss Young Theodore Schurmeier, Mr.
Mac and Dr. Egil with Katherine Abbott dined with us last evening. Mary M sent doilies.
Georgiana made a pint of butter - Norman brought Cherries. Today is cool.
July 3, Wednesday
Went in to town to see about currant jelly. Had poor luck. Day very hot. In the evening
Geo. Charlotte Dr. Egil Geo. Finch and Nell came over. Telegram from Maud tells us
Louis jr [sic] killed 10! Salmon.
July 4, Thursday
al ers
An unusual Electric Storm this morning lasting from {crossed out: 8 oclock} 7 oclock to
quarter to eight furiously heavy rain little wind mercifully.
ric p
July 5, Friday
to a
is l P
Went in to town to see to preserving cherries. They came from Oregon and were in bad
condition. A very very hot day. 90 on N. side at 4 p.m. A heavy rain out here at North
H Hil
July 6, Saturday
ta .
North Oaks. Still very close and hot this morning. Mrs. Raguet will stay with girls in my
so y T
absence from North Oaks. George Charlotte the children and I leave on the Soo this
evening for Montreal to join Papa. Very hot.
ne ar
July 7, Sunday
We reached the Soo this a. m. last night come cooler this morning again hot and so
very dust. The day very hot. The ships going through the Locks quite a sight.
July 8, Monday
Montreal hot day 97. Last night was very hot and with the dust most trying. Arrived at
Montreal on time 8 a. m. Papa Mr. Thorne Louis met us. All well. We went Jaegers
bough [sic] some sweaters then went to Wacout [sic] found Mr. Dunwoodie and Louis jr
July 9, Tuesday
Quebec. I was ill last night but am able to go with party to Chateau Frontenac. I stayed
in all forenoon the rest went out to see old Quebec. In the afternoon we all went in an
Auto to Montmorency and St. Ann de Beaupre went in to church. Saw large crowds of
Pilgrims. A very hot day in 90s. {Continued on page for 1/3/12} July 9th. At Quebec.
Such a time as we had going to St. Ann De Beaupre. The Auto George was in with the
children had 4 blow outs then no more Tires so all had to pack in to ours to get back.
1912, p.21
George finished with Louise on Trolley. Wrote to Rachel, over {Continued on page for
1/4} to Ruth, to Mike to Jim. to Maud and to Gertie Horrigan. {Continued on page for
1/5} Telegram at Montreal saying Rachel better. Telegram at Quebec reporting Rachel
better hot weather continues at home.
a remarkably beautiful ride on a grand River such scenery, majestic. Saw a statue of
the Virgin in high up on Cape of Trinity - back to Tadcusac [sic] 3 p. m. {continued on
al ers
page for 1/6} Thursday July 11th. Papa found a message from Mr. Nicholas last night
telling him Jim sailed the 9th on [Cronprincessan?] Cecilia.
ric p
July 12, Friday
to a
is l P
Arrived at Father Point yesterday 7 p. m. Put off the Pilot then started for St. Johns
River Sag. Co. arrived today at St. Johns River at 11 a. m. Started up the river in
H Hil
Launch but finished last hour and half in canoes arrived at Camp 4 p. m.
At Camp on St. Johns River Canada. Temperature warm 60. A fine morning and how
so y T
beautiful the River here is. The house too is most comfortable and nicely furnished.
George Charlotte and papa each killed a salmon low water warmer Temperature has
ne ar
sent the Salmon up the River. {Continued on page for 1/7} July 13th. Salmon fishing
Camp Canada. Wrote to Clara and to Marry M. This house certainly is comfortable 7
bed rooms some large and 2 beds in them but the mosquitoes and flies. It is a beautiful
Rainy all day. We left the River St. John at 9 a. m. reached the mouth in canoes 12
miles at 11 a. m. As there had been a storm we could not cross the Bar so waited until 3
p. m. Even then it was rough but we got over and glad to reach Wacouta. Weather so
bad we got inside Anticosta [sic] {Anticosti} Island and lie still for night. And we canoed
down the river it rained part way. We made good time. Robert thoughtfully brought
along some food and prepared luch for us in R. Chambers house. It is cold here inside
Anticosta [sic] Island and lie still for night new moon. {continued on page for 1/9} July
14th. As we Canoed down the River it rained part way. We made good time. Robert
thoughtfully brought along some food and prepared lunch for us in R. Chambers house.
It is cold here inside Antecosa [sic] Island where we are spending the night. {continued
on page for 1/10} July 14th. Steam is turned on below. We all enjoyed the time at the
fishing Camp house found it most comfortable. George killed 4 salmon last evening
1912, p.22
Charlotte killed some too. Papa finished large puzzle. Continued on page for 1/11} Capt
Ward came over the Bar three times before he took us, it was rough very.
July 16, Tuesday
al ers
On Wacoouta. We left Gaspe early this morning and were in fog until 10 a. m. the rest
of the day was cloudy and rainy part of the time. In the evening we anchored near
ric p
Summer side for the night. to a
is l P
July 17, Wednesday
On Wacouta. A lovely bright morning. We reached Charlotte Town Prince Edward
H Hil
Island at 8.30 a. m. and went ashore for a walk and drive found a pretty old Town fine
Trees and got fresh strawberries for our luncheon. Met a man named Owen who had
lived in St. Paul fourteen years. {continued on page for 1/15} July 17th. We all enjoyed
ta .
Charlottetown. We went in to the Cathedral there a fine Gothic one and large. Good
so y T
roads – and picturesque situation. Potatoes in bloom now. We saw some flowers not
many. Wild daisies every where. {seems to continue on page for 1/16} Charlotte got
ne ar
Crochet Cotton I got Postals Norman a game George some Sweaters. We found a
telegram from Clara saying all well which is a blessing.
walk. The City is fine one in ever way. After luncheon we went back to Yacht. Received
a telegram from Clara that they are well and happy. {continued on page for 1/17} July
18th. 1912. We are fortunate in having a perfect day as to Weather for Halifax. They
seem to have every need provided for Y.M.C.A. Salvation Army Blds [sic] for the
afflicted Scientific Schools Churches many and large Government Blds {appears to
continue on page for 1/18} in plenty. Parks, Clubs ect. [sic] Dry Docks. The City is finely
situated and so picturesque to approach.
1912, p.23
Weather keeps us here at 6 p.m. We are still in Harbor near Halifax Hoping fog may lift.
We shall probably spent [sic] night here.
page fro 1/19} July 21st. I stayed in bed all day yesterday to keep comfortable as
possible. I thought it rough. Mrs. J. S. Kennedy sent us a basket of flowers. And a
al ers
basket of delicious Peaches. Hot house peaches. Raining to night in Torrents.
ric p
July 22, Monday to a
On Wacouta. On our way to Salem to spend the night. We did expect to go on to Sag
is l P
Harbor but the day has been rough sailing (fine Weather but ground swell) that we have
decided to take a rest in Harbor. None of us have been disturbed in the least for that we
H Hil
are Thankful. {continued on page for 1/20} July 22nd – 12. Aboard Wacouta. This has
been a bright fine day but Sea has been very rough after yesterdays Storm. However
We have all been well all day so do not complain it is George’s birthday his 41st.
ta .
so y T
rough very rough Seas and that continued until after 11 a. m. This afternoon fine to
present passing Newport. Arrived Sag Harbor just after 8 p.m. {continued on page for
1/21} July 23rd. What a rough rolling time We had from early morning. I staid [sic] below
until noon. This afternoon fine. We have seen to day the North Atlantic Squadron, 12
Battle Ships including the 3 new and largest. 18 Torpedo {continued on page for 1/22}
Boats and a Sub Marine. It took a long while to Salute them lowering the colors – each
1912, p.24
home. Pauline Emmet took luncheon with us at Ruths. {continued on page for 1/25}
Wrote to Rachel from Southampton.
Seabright N. J. Came out here to day with Georgiana to spend Sunday with Gertrude.
She has a comfortable house just on Plank Walk at Ocean Side. We drove to Golf Links
al ers
saw many pretty places on the way
ric p
July 28, Sunday to a
Seabright N. J. Went to Mass 9 oclock a Paulist celebrated and preached a good
is l P
sermon. Later on we drove through the different places along the coast. Saw great
crowds from the City. Thousands on Beaches bathing.
H Hil
Redbank. It is a pretty hot day. Mr. Jacacci spent evening here after dining.
so y T
New York. A pleasant morning rained a little last night. Gertrude and Mike came in to
day and went with George Charlotte and the children for a short cruise on Wacouta.
Egil telling of Clarence Freemans death on Monday. Papa and I leave for home
August 1, Thursday
Chicago. Arrived here on time and went directly to C. B. & Q. to car for St. Paul.
Pleasant day. River scenery as beautiful as ever. Arrived home 945 P.M. Found girls at
home in Town.
1912, p.25
August 1, Thursday
We came home this evening after a good interesting Cruise and a visit to Mamie and
Ruth and Gertrude sorry to find Rachel has been in bed since Sunday a situation
incident to Typhoid.
August 2 - 4
August 5, Monday
Mr. Chas Ramseys nephew called. I took him for a drive. He goes West tonight. Rachel
not yet allowed to sit up - it is trying.
August 6, Tuesday
George and Charlotte back in New York they will be home Sunday.
August 7, Wednesday
al ers
A letter from Mike tells me Gertrude took cold on Yacht so did not enjoy last part of it.
Rachel still confined to bed. Weather unfavorably damp and cloudy.
ric p
August 8, Thursday
to a
is l P
Yet dark and rainy. Rachel not well very nervous.
H Hil
August 9, Friday
Today still dark and rainy. Dr. Egil came in the afternoon. Clara went to Minneapolis
later. Wrote to Mike, Maud Mrs. Gotzian this forenoon to Mary M. this afternoon.
ta .
so y T
The day is better rather hot. Papa and I went to Dellwood in the afternoon. Annabel
McQuillan spent part of the afternoon with Rachel who does not gain much strength.
Quite hot. Annabel McQuillan and I went to North Oaks - and picked quite a lot of
flowers. And such loads as are there I never saw so many. In the evening I sent a
message to of greeting and love to Mamie tomorrow will be her birth day.
1912, p.26
August 15, Thursday
A cool perfect day. Papa went to Austin this morning to deliver an address to farmers of
Mower co. Mr. Wm. B. Dean went with him. Dr. Turner arrived Sunday and called here
today. Dr. Ramsey called this afternoon. They leave for trip to Europe Saturday
August 18, Sunday
al ers
A hot day. Louis arrived from the West today. Papa and Louis went to North Oaks this
p. m. I went for an airing to River. Rachel seems better some I to day.
ric p
August 19, Monday
to a
is l P
Our 45th. Anniversary messages and flowers a plenty. Greeting from old friends always
welcome We spent a quiet day. Papa bough me a ruby ring in the evening. I had before
H Hil
A bright pleasant day. Rachel and I drove in the country this forenoon nearly two hours -
so y T
this forenoon. She is improving in every way. Charlotte was in Town to day. I have
finished reading Cardinal Newmans Ward Life and Letters. Very interesting. He was an
ne ar
A lovely bright morning. Rachel out again to day. I busy about many things. Papa is
going East this evening.
1912, p.27
August 24, Saturday
North Oaks. A bight warm hot, morning. I slept very little last night. I must write to Walter
and to Mamie. Went to town in afternoon. Very hot 82 out here 87 in Town. Clara came
back with me. I have some bronchial trouble could not sleep last night at all
August 27, Tuesday
al ers
North Oaks. A beautiful morning. Dr. Biggs arrived last evening - spent the night and
went back to Minneapolis this forenoon. A telegram tells us Papa left New York
ric p
yesterday so he may return to night. George and the children came over this morning
to a
stayed to luncheon and returned to Dellwood.
is l P
August 28 – 30
H Hil
North Oaks. This is an unsettled day after very heavy rains Went to town. And attended
so y T
September 1, Sunday
North Oaks. A hot sultry morning. Last week was unsettled much damp sultry weather
and frequent heavy Rains. Roads are unusually muddy. Nell Finch came back with us. I
chanced to see Mrs. Uphan morning. George, Charlotte and children took luncheon with
us. Mr. and Mrs. R. Jackson drove out in afternoon. At 3 p. m. 85 in shade. Wrote to
James, Gertrude yesterday.
September 2, Monday
North Oaks. Yesterday was very hot about midnight wind changed and today is ideally
perfect in every way. Neither papa or I slept well last night. This years all flowers wild
and cultivated are blooming profusely
September 3, Tuesday
North Oaks. A warmer morning. I went in to Town to see to putting up some things. Red
Tomatoes for Soups plums ect. [sic]. Annabel McQuillan came out for the day and night.
A hot day in Town finished Mikes green Tie. I find it is the thirteenth since Feb.
1912, p.28
September 4, Wednesday
North Oaks. A warm rather cloudy morning In Town to make Green Tomato pickles ect.
[sic]. 92 in shade
September 5, Thursday
This is a hot day very. Last night was so hot, little rest. Charlotte and the children came
to spend the day. George and Mr. Al. Swaine went to Fair. 94 in Shade. We must go to
Town tomorrow. As Mauds servants are here to come out.
September 6, Friday
Not so hot indeed cool. And such relief. Busy preparing to leave Mauds house. We
came to Town from North Oaks. Weather moderating. George, Charlotte Mr. Al. Swain
and Dr. Egil leave for a hunt this morning.
September 7, Saturday
St. Paul. A better morning - cooler and got some sleep. Grew hot during the day. Rachel
al ers
and Clara saw Aeroplanes going up this forenoon near Fair grounds. Wrote to Gaspard
Farrer and to Mrs. S. Thorne to day.
ric p
September 8, Sunday
to a
is l P
A very hot morning. Clara and Rachel went out to Dellwood to spend the night with
Norman and Georgiana over 90 to day in shade very very hot. Wrote to Mrs. Gotzian
H Hil
September 9, Monday
ta .
so y T
Papa Went up the Road to Deliver addresses and will not return before Sunday.
1912, p.29
September 15, Sunday
Cloudy. Rachel went to Mass this morning and later She and Clara went to Dellwood.
Papa came home this morning. Very tired.
September 18, Wednesday
Papa went to Crookston this evening to make some addresses
al ers
September 19, Thursday
ric p
To day is perfect we went to North Oaks to a picnic luncheon spent the day out of doors
to a
mostly in the garden
is l P
September 20, Friday
H Hil
Today cool cloudy and damp. Charlotte came to Town took luncheon with us. Papa
returned from Crookston and Wadena to night, not so very tired.
ta .
Another dark cold damp day. Plants in grounds show effects of cold even looks like
frost. Busy sending away ferns today. Sir Philip Granville and his brother and a Mr.
ne ar
[sic]. Charlotte was in for luncheon. Rachel went home with her. In the Afternoon I took
Mrs. Wm. P. Warner for a drive. Col. Sturgis called in the evening.
1912, p.30
September 26, Thursday
There was frost last night and this morning in clod and dark. Very windy. Louis jr. spent
the After noon with us. He and his father left for Poplar Montana in the evening.
September 29, Sunday
A pleasant day quite warm. In the Afternoon Papa and [sic] went for a drive out toward
al ers
New Brighton. Maud and the children left this evening for Poplar Montana to see Indian
ric p
September 30, Monday
to a
is l P
Louis had some black hamburg [sic] grapes sent to me from state of Washington. I had
them mashed to day for Wine.
H Hil
October 1, Tuesday
Our grapes at North Oaks are not ripe as usual. After all the heat. I do not understand it.
ta .
Had some Concords crushed to day for wine. Mrs. Bush-Brown called to day. She lives
so y T
in Washington D. C.
ne ar
October 2, Wednesday
This is a Summer day 75 in North Window. Rachel and I took Charlotte home to
Dellwood to day foliage is turning rapidly. I have been down to the green houses to see
the preparations for analyzing soil it is interesting
October 3, Thursday
1912, p.31
October 6, Sunday
A dark threatening day. Clara has gone to Dellwood Charlotte is entertaining Pauline
Emmet. Have Written to Mr. G. Farrer Mrs. Taylor Ruth Mamie and Gertrude.
October 7 - 10
October 13, Sunday
This has been a perfect autumn day. The Avenue has been full of pedestrians all
al ers
afternoon. Having finished Homers Odyssey I am now reading Records of Later Life
Frances Ann Kemble. Wrote to Mike to day.
ric p
October 14, Monday
to a
is l P
Busy making and seeing to Wine.
H Hil
were in The Gallery and wished to see us. She ushered us in and such outlandish
names as she presented George, Mike and Gertrude disguised!
1912, p.32
October 20, Sunday
A dismal day so dark. Wrote letters and read ‘Secret Garden.’ Mike and the girls went
out to Louis. Mike left for Memphis this evening Gertrude remains longer.
October 24, Thursday
al ers
Cragin left to day. I have had two annoying days on his account. George and Charlotte
are here to spend the night.
ric p
October 25, Friday
to a
is l P
St [sic] Paul. Papa and I left home this evening. I was very tired after such a busy day.
Louis and Maud came to dinner to see us off.
H Hil
Blackstone reading and knitting. We left on 20th Century at 930 p. m. Such crowds as
so y T
take luncheon there. The Kelloggs were there on way home to St. Paul.
ne ar
went to Eleven o clock Mass. Gaspard Farrer arrived today. Mr. Bliss, Mr. J. Sterlings
friend called this afternoon. Mr. Jacacci called but did not stay long.
New York. Went to Madame Helene this forenoon. The weather is perfect. Ruth came in
to Town from Tuxedo. Spent the night here. Papa and Mr. Farrer spent the forenoon
here at the house. They went down town at noon. Mr. Farrer and Mr. J. Sterling dined
here this evening.
1912, p.33
October 30, Wednesday
Tuxed [sic] Park. This is a remarkably fine day. Ruth went to play golf in the forenoon so
I had a quiet morning to knit and read - doors and windows open all over. In the
afternoon we went for a drive far as Arden Station. Saw Mrs. Harrimans house up
inaccessibly high.
November 1, Friday
New York. All Saints Day. Gertrude and Maud arrived here this morning from St. Paul
This has been a rainy day. Maria Taylor came this afternoon with Maud. Ruth went back
to Tuxedo this afternoon. Letters from Clara and Rachel today.
al ers
November 2, Saturday
ric p
New York. A cold unpleasant day. Went down town with papa in the morning and did a
to a
little shopping in the afternoon. Maud and Maria ran in a few minutes evening. Mr.
is l P
Jacacci dined with us and spent the evening. Wrote to Mamie. Dr. Stewart came in the
H Hil
November 3, Sunday
New York. A cold day. Gertrude and I went to 11 oclock Mass. She came home with me
ta .
and staid [sic] all day. Mrs. Slade called. Mr. and Mrs. Nichols called in the afternoon.
so y T
Mr. Jacacci at luncheon. A Miss Smith called. Wrote to Charlotte, Rachel and James.
ne ar
November 4, Monday
Went to dress maker and looked about in some shops. Went to Clark and Weinbergs for
November 5, Tuesday
New York. Election Day. A perfect day as to Weather. Ruth came in from Tuxedo in
time for luncheon. Papa and I went to Knoedlers saw some pictures and took a little
drive in forenoon. I stayed at home rest of the day. Mr. Jacacci here for dinner. Anson
November 6, Wednesday
New York. Returns came early last evening. We knew Wilson was elected before bed
time. Anson and Ruth spent the night here. Gertrude Ruth Maud and I took luncheon at
Maria Taylors. Mr. Farrer came to say goodbye, he sails tomorrow at 10 a. m. Papa and
I dined at Dr. Stewarts. I went later to theatre with Mike Theodore Schurmeier and
Gertrude to see “Mile Stones.”
1912, p.34
November 7, Thursday
New York. A cloudy warm morning and a dark rainy day. Gertrude and I did some
shopping in forenoon. Mr. Jacacci was in to dinner. In the evening Mr. and Mrs. Miller
came at first I did not know her- that was stupid. Wrote to Charlotte and to Clara.
November 8, Friday
New York. A beautiful morning and rather mild. Went downtown with papa and on way
up did some shopping. Took luncheon at Gertrudes. Mrs. Carter and her daughters are
there. Maria Carter looks so delicate. Mrs. Dahlgren called poor woman. Dr. and Mrs.
Biggs Mr. and Mrs. Nichols and Mr. George Harris dined with us.
November 9, Saturday
New York. A little cloudy but so mild. Sun is coming out. Did a little looking about in
forenoon. Went down town with Gertrude in afternoon. Papa and I alone in the evening.
November 10, Sunday
al ers
New York. A bright fresh morning. Went to 84th. St. Church to 11 oclock Mass.
Gertrude and the Carters were there. After Mass saw Eilene Tone. She is going to
ric p
Washington as Secretary to a Mr. Adams. She is happy. Met Mrs. Slade. Mr. Jacacci
to a
here all day.
is l P
November 11, Monday
H Hil
New York. A fine day like perfect October. We are leaving for St. Paul at 4 p. m.
On train All day. We arrived at Chicago just on time. Mr. Miller met us and took us to
so y T
see new Burlington R. R. Offices. A large 15 Story Bldg 175/150. Rained nearly all day
snowed at Winona. Arrived home ahead of time this evening.
ne ar
St Paul. A fine day - busy putting things to rights - and went for a drive in afternoon.
Sister Clemintine left this evening on way to England and France with a Sister.
St Paul. An other fine day. Went down town with papa in forenoon. And for a drive with
Rachel later. Clara busy with last things before leaving. She, Charlotte and Helen Bunn
leave for New York this evening. Rachel called on Father Gibbons. Egil came in
November 16 – 18
1912, p.35
November 19, Tuesday
The most remarkably fine weather continues without interruption. So mild. Judge and
Mrs. Hood dined with us this evening and went with us to the Symphony Concert. Papa
went too. Louis’ Glacier Park Indians are at Land Show and were at Concert.
Exhibition of fruit and grains such apples!
al ers
November 22, Friday
A cloudy raw day. Papa and I went down to green houses to see the experiments of
ric p
analizing [sic] Soils ect. [sic] this morning. I made some calls in afternoon. All Louis
to a
children and Maud in for luncheon. Louis went to Chicago this evening.
is l P
November 23, Saturday
H Hil
The first flurry of snow last night. A second flurry this forenoon. Sun - shining at noon.
Turned cold in the afternoon. Papa at work this evening at a puzzle Mrs. Chas. Steele
sent him 25 Irving Street Whatami co. Arlington, Mass.
ta .
so y T
Tragedy. Mr. Howard James and Mr. S. Plechner were killed on White Bear Road just
near the Rice Street Road outside North Oaks. Helen Miss Mann and Mrs. Plechner
were in the car too but escaped injury. Howard tried to pass another car and went too
near edge and car….
A cloudy dismal day. Helen James Miss Mann and Mrs. Plechner were taken to Mauds
house last evening. Papa Rachel and I arrived there just after - about 530 the accident
occurred at 420 p. m.
1912, p.36
November 28, Thursday
Thanksgiving Day. We went to North Oaks to luncheon. Charlotte arrived home from
New York to day. Louis Maud and the Slades took dinner with us.
December 1, Sunday
A dark rainy day and quite warm an unusual 1st of December. Theodore Schurmeier
al ers
and the two Dorothys took luncheon with us. Mrs. Gotzian arrived yesterday. Wrote to
Clara and to Mary M.
ric p
December 2, Monday
to a
is l P
A dark day not cold. Louis family moved to Town to day. Maud glad to get in children
not so pleased. Norman has cold and throat trouble.
H Hil
December 3, Tuesday
A pleasant day. Busy about everything in forenoon. Went for a drive in the afternoon.
ta .
Saw Minnehaha: frozen. In the evening Dr. and Mrs. Ramsey came to dinner and went
so y T
December 4, Wednesday
Cloudy mild morning. Claras birthday also Mrs. Morrisons. Telegraphed Clara to New
December 5, Thursday
Quite a fall of snow this afternoon so soft it may not stay. Went to see Dr. Ramseys
December 6, Friday
First really cold morning 4 above zero.
December 7, Saturday
A mild morning 30 above - dark threatens snow or rain. Col. Clough called in the
evening. Louis and children went to North Oaks to spend Sunday.
1912, p.37
December 8, Sunday
Cold morning 4 above at 9 oclock bright sun shine. In the evening Papa and I went to
Charlottes. Wrote to Mike to Clara to Mrs. Lyman James and Mrs. Carter Also to Gertie
December 9, Monday
Beautiful morning not so cold 20 above. Mrs. Meany came in today. I am sorry I went
out this afternoon when Charlotte was here. Ones intentions miscarry some times.
December 11, Wednesday
al ers
A rather cold morning 4 above - at 830 milder later. Moderated later in day. {“Papa went
East this evening Wrote to Gertrude” – crossed out}
ric p
December 12, Thursday
to a
is l P
Coldest morning of the season. Zero in the morning. Thermometer rose to 20 above.
Wrote to Gertrude. Papa went East this evening. A very quiet evening reading Bryces
H Hil
South America.
A fine morning 20 above later in the day fine as an October day. Went to see Mrs. Ober
so y T
Schell to day. Went down to St. Marys in the afternoon it is sad to see the wreck of old
torn down St. Pauls church.
Raining this morning so quite warm and very slippery. Ed Holter has been out to
Helena. His mothers died the 5th. of this month. He spent today at Louis and was here
this afternoon. I wrote a note to Jim today telling him that we thought of him at this
1912, p.38
birthday which was the 1st {possibly “11st” with another 1 added in front as a correction}
of the month. An Elaborate feast!
went to Mauds to see childrens Christmas entertainment. Cortie was a success. In the
evening we dined at Mauds. Katherine Abbott and I went with them to see Warfield in
al ers
Peter Gunn.
ric p
December 21, Saturday to a
Shortest day of the year yet much happened! A beautiful day 10 above in the morning.
is l P
In the afternoon I went to Minneapolis to leave package at Aunties and at Mittie Porters
found Mittie is and has been ill since Thanksgiving. Hurried home to here at 5 p. m. to
H Hil
see Egil as he intended going away this evening. He will not go now.
Cold past below zero at 10 a. m. Louis has a cold. Dr. Egil and Rachel went to see
so y T
children Louis Norman Maudie Georgianna Jerome Cortie and little Dorothy here for
supper after Tree. Maud and Louis with Egil dined with us.
1912, p.39
December 27, Friday
A beautiful Day. Mrs. Boeckmann called so did Mr. Gotzian and Father Perigord. Girls,
Bertha Sturgis Father Peregord and Egil went to Mrs. Morrisons. Walter and Dorothys
left this evening for California Long Beach.
Road was very rough. Rachel spent the day and night at Charlottes at Dellwood.
al ers
December 30, Monday
A cloudy morning about 12 above. Sun came out about eleven a. m. Letter from
ric p
Gertrude this morning. to a
is l P
December 31, Tuesday
A beautiful day. In the morning busy all forenoon at house keepers little Nothings. In the
H Hil
afternoon Clara and I went to Minneapolis to Conrad Gotzians wedding. Married Miss
Nott. Rachel went to Dellwood to see old year out and new in.
ta .
Jun 6th
ne ar
To Mrs. McQuillan
To 30 [Doc?] 2800
1912, p.40
Mrs. Miller
91 Iglehart Street
Sarah Scrotvold
Beldvinville Wis.
(172 Farmington Ave.)
Mrs. McQuillan
41 Ashland Ave
Sept 8th to Mrs. McQuillan
Ladies Art Co.
Patch Quilts Patterns
St. Louis Mo.
Dr. H. A. Tomlinson
al ers
State Hospital Minn.
St. Peter
ric p
Parch A. to a
Mrs. R. A. Jackson 217
is l P
H Hil
533780 - Dr. Elliot
External use daily-
ta .
so y T
ne ar
NW. 23 rd.
To Matilda Laundress
Mother M. Xavier
1912, p.41
Address Telephone
A Book of
(Winnifred Gordon)
Room 415
Great Northern
R. R. Bldg.
St. Paul
Great Northern
{crossed out: R. R.} Railway
32 Nassau St.
New York
(E. T. Nichols)
al ers
ric p
Bessie La Paix to a
25 W. 30th. St.
is l P
Davis Primer
Trees and Birds
H Hil
Published by Himself
(Mrs. Martin Hobbins
Ten Strike Minn.
ta .
Woman to Whom
so y T
Insurance Expiration
Mr. Max Schellner
Mr. E. G. Grob
Jeckyl [sic] Island Club
Brunswick Ga.
Mr. Chas. A Dabney
1912, p.42
Cash Account – November
Knitting Teacher
al ers
Mrs. Diamam
518 West 151st.
ric p
Street to a
New York. N. Y.
is l P
Cash Account – December
H Hil
114 East 29th Street
ta .
G[..] Shop
Short knitting
1912, p.43