Mary T. Hill Diary 1896
Mary T. Hill Diary 1896
Mary T. Hill Diary 1896
Hill Diary
January 1 – March 2
March 3, Tuesday
Such a windy day dust blinding. Annie Nellie and I went to Mr. Ellers Office in regard to
settlement of {inserted above: “mothers”} estate.
March 4, Wednesday
Snow and blowing but not cold. Gertrudes 13th. birth day. Mary most anxious until I got
a scrap book for her to give Gertrude. Papa and Louis left on Milwaukee road for New
York. Letters from Walter and Charlotte.
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March 5, Thursday
Blustery East wind. So disagreeable I did not go out at all. Harriet Tighe and Helen
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Driscoll came in after Whist lesson with Clara - (Pauls) Conrad Gotzians Birth day.
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Rachel better.
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March 6, Friday
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mild [sic] morning. Snow melting. Ruth took Mary M. to Minneapolis to see Mamie and
found James still troubled with bronchial cold. Mr. Farvelle and Miss Weir brought two
young men a Mr. Romain and Mr. Mon Teigen to see Gallery. We went to hear Albini
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March 7, Saturday
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Pleasant and bright not very cold. Mamie came down and spent afternoon. James
Nathan recovering form bronchial cold. We are quite lonely Jim gone to Williston. Ruth
to Minneapolis. No word from Papa and Louis yet. Carrie Schurmeier came in this
March 8, Sunday
delightful [sic] weather a perfect day. Wrote to Papa to {crossed out: Louis} Charlotte
and Walter also to Mrs. John J. Barker congratulating on arrival of daughter. Mamie and
James came down to spend night. Mrs. Sawyer is better in Santa Barbara. I saw
message from there.
March 9, Monday
mild [sic] and fine. Went to Minneapolis and saw many open doors children out as in
Summer. Saw Mrs. Sabin at the West Hotel. Letters from Mrs. Upham and Charlotte.
Dan Hand tells me he will marry next month. Dr. Day died yesterday evening at 7
oclock. Mr. Eaton has been ill since last Thursday.
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Snowing. Not at all cold. Snowed nearly all day. Wrote to Louis. Received letters from
Walter and Charlotte from Albermarle Hotel. Samuel there too. Grace and Horace dined
with us. Mamie came from Stillwater and spent the night here. James is better. Jim.
returned from Williston.
storm East yesterday. Jim came back from Duluth this evening. We went to Lecture on
Algiers in the evening. Mamie came for night. Mary has little cold.
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March 13, Friday
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Colder than yesterday but bright. Telegraphed papa thinking he would sail to morrow.
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He will not sail until Wednesday on St. Paul. Mr. Eaton is very ill. Called on Mrs.
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Wheelock. Jim went to farm to day.
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sails. Jim. went West this evening. Letters from Louis and Charlotte.
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A mild bright morning. Snowed a little about five oclock. Went over to ask for Mr. Eaton
found him better. Wrote to Papa to Louis and to Walter. Wrote Steamer letters to papa
and Louis too. Very quiet day so few at home. Father Gibbons preached a good sermon
on envy. On Text “Is thy eye evil because I am good.”
A cloudy mild morning. Painters began to day in Louis room. Telegram from papa
saying mild Scarlet fever in Peebles school three case. Pauline down to day. Charlotte
well but has been exposed. Papa and Louis will sail tomorrow. Mr. Ferguson left this
evening to stay in New York during Paulines illness. Mr. Kelly quite ill Dr. Smith says.
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March 18, Wednesday
A pleasant bright morning. Papa and Louis sail to day on Steamer St. Paul. Telegram
from papa said he was well Charlotte coming home with Samuel as Scarlet fever
interrupted school. Pauline not very ill. Telegram from Sam. saying they sailed.
Telegram from Jim from Seattle. Found Mr. Kelly very weak but improving. Mamie K.
coming. Heard Paderewski in evening. Never heard such piano music before.
seemed happy. Wrote to papa to London called on Mrs. Borup.
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March 20, Friday
A windy disagreeable day such dust as blew the air full and sore throats a result. Annie
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in the kitchen has tonsitas [sic]. Rachel a very sore throat so that it was late at night
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before all were attended too [sic]. Charlotte arrived this morning looking well. Had to call
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in Mr. Brodie to urge old Mr. Tanches to make his men do better and quicker work.
Taking advantage of present small family. I am having walls of Claras Rachels Ruths
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Cloudy. Air still filled with dust. Poor Charlotte awakened at three this morning nervous
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and thought she was nauseated purely imagination and nervousness. Dr. Smith finds
Annie {inserted above: kitchen} worse tonsilita [sic]. Rachels throat [not?] sore a simply
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cold and the dust. Wish I knew what weather papa is having to day. 3rd. day out. Very
windy afternoon girls came home from St. Marys glad to get to shelter. Telephone from
Mortimer Schiff came down from West Superior. Jim still absent. Wrote to papa and to
Walter. Samual and Mamie came down to dinner. Mr. Grover came in the evening. So
did Father Caillet. Mr. Grover talked interesting on religion. Doubts many things.
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Windy and cloudy morning. As day advanced wind increased until air was so full of fine
dust that all distance was obscured. House fill with dust through closed doors and
windows as if open. Pipes for hot water burst in mans room in Basement under Music
room. Third giving way of hot water pipes this winter. Although water has not been too
hot [ ] cold.
A beautiful day delightful air. Charlotte so worse throat some easier. Auntie came down.
Busy all day getting Jims and Louis rooms in order after painters. Letter from Walter
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saying case of measles in School asking had he had it. Jim returned this evening from
the Coast.
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March 27, Friday
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A cloudy windy morning. Charlotte better. Mamie and children down for afternoon. Rain
in afternoon. Went to Schubert Club Seibert Concert. Wrote to Walter. Such an electric
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shock one vivid flash of lightning and such a near clap of thunder. At this Season and
time when the wind howls as at present how glad I am that Papa and Louis are not on
the Ocean.
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A pleasant {crossed out: day} morning rained in the afternoon. Wrote to Papa. Mr. and
Mrs. Shepard return from South both well. Mrs. Brodie died at Rochester to night.
A pleasant morning but began to rain in afternoon. Auntie came down we went to call on
Mrs. Shepard. In the evening went to Mr. Brodies and stayed with his children until he
came back from Rochester. Cable from papa. He will sail 4th April on New York.
April 1, Wednesday
Such a night as last nigh was. The heaviest fall of snow of the winter over six inches.
Not so very cold. Sir Stafford Northcote arrived this morning. A very rough day and
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snowed off and on all day. Arch Bishop Ireland called in the evening to see Sir Stafford.
Dan Hand came in to urge us to go on to his wedding.
April 2, Thursday
A very bright day but cold. A telegram from Mrs. Upham saying Gertrude Burbank
Harris had arrived this morning. In afternoon I went out to Mrs. Brodies funeral. Samuel
gave Sir Stafford Northcote a dinner at the Club in Minneapolis in the evening. Mr.
Nichols and Walter arrived this morning both very well. Walter so happy to get home
and every one just as happy to see him.
April 3, Friday
A pleasant bright morning. Cabled Papa to Browns Hotel London. In the evening Mr.
Upham Mr. Merriam Samuel and Mamie dined here with Sir Stafford and Mr. Nichols.
Walter and Mary enjoying driving about although roads are very bad. Mollie brought
James down to stay while Mamie and Samuel to West. Sir Donald and party passed
through town to day they called in forenoon.
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April 4, Saturday
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A beautiful morning every one well. Sir Stafford remained in writing until luncheon time.
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At two oclock Mr. Nichols and he said good bye and went to the Office. They left at 430
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p.m. for the Coast. Jim drove out to the farm. Last evening I had such a strange spell
just after dinner I was so faint and ill that I had to lie down for a while revived after a
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while however.
April 5, Sunday
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Easter Day. A perfect day. The Morton children Breakfasted with us and after wards
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hunted eggs. After luncheon the the [sic] Dahlgren little ones came and hunted colored
eggs – to their delight. I wrote to Mrs. Dahlgren. Called on Mamie Kelly found Mr. Kelly
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very weak yet. Wrote to Mr. Tighe. Jim out at North Oaks.
April 6, Monday
A beautiful morning. Took Walter to have photographs taken. He Charlotte and
Gertrude and Rachel went to farm. Jim came in with large bag of ducks. Children came
back delighted with their day. Mr. Clark and Egbert called in evening. Jim left for East to
April 7, Tuesday
A windy rather cold morning. Cable came early this morning from Lady Northcote sang
Lady Mount Stephen improving excelently [sic] she has been quite ill. A telegram from
Samuel saying all well at Spokane having a food trip. Mrs. Eaton tells me Mrs. [Belote?]
died quite suddenly in Minneapolis yesterday. Mrs. Griswold quite ill cancer removed.
Charlotte, Ruth Walter and I leave for New York on evening train to meet papa.
April 8, Wednesday
Chicago. A raw cold cloudy day. Mr. Campbell met us at Station and took to Lake Shore
Train at 1030 a. m. this forenoon. Dan Hands wedding day. I sent him a telegram to 539
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Telephone Bldg Pittsburg. Weather fine all day since leaving Chicago. Wrote a few lines
to Clara. Walter is writing in a diary I see.
April 9, Thursday
Albermarle Hotel. On Train of Lake Shore Mich. S. going to New York. 145 p. m. arrived
just on time. Jim met us at the Station. We do not know whether Steamer New York will
arrive Friday or Saturday. Weather pleasant went to see Prisoner of Zenda in the
evening. Walter greatly interested. Jim dined at Mrs. Thornes with Will T. Wrote to
Stephen. Mother is dead a year to-day. How much the dead carry away from us.
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April 11, Saturday
New York Albermarle. A delightful morning. At 7 a. m. received a telegram telling us the
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New York will be in at 10.30. Steamer did not land passengers until noon. Papa and
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Louis look very well. Had a rough time part of the way. Soon as we got back to Hotel
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Walter ran over to Mrs. Cannon to go the Circus with George. He came back at five
saying it was fine. Papa was surprised to hear of Lady Mount Stephens death thinking
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her better.
New York. A most perfect morning. Ruth Charlotte Walter and I went to High Mass at
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the Cathedral – met Miss West as we were going in. In the afternoon Mrs. Cannon took
me for a drive miles beyond the Park. Mr. Cannon took papa. I called on Mrs. Krech at
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34 Gramercy Park. Streets and Park filled with people mostly walking or riding wheels.
Spring is very late here.
luncheon and the train went back manfully. Louis and Ruth went home at one to-day.
Charlotte to School. Papa Jim and I dined at Mr. Cannons. Letter from Clara tells me
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Such a very hot day. Oppressively hot. After going to Tailors with papa went up to the
School and took lunch with Miss Peebles. Mrs. Ethan Allen called in afternoon.
Charlotte and Pauline spent afternoon with me. Went to Drive in Park with Mrs. Cannon.
Papa out very late.
New York. An yet another very hot day. Was ill all last night and stayed in bed until noon
felt better. Mrs. Cannon came in. Good news from Louis. No fever and he feels better.
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Mrs. Lamborn Mrs. Krech and little Alvin and Shepard called. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad
called. We called on Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baker found him better. Also on Sir Stafford
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Northcote. Cooler this evening.
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April 18,Saturday
Evening on train for Montreal. Left New York at 6.25 p.m. This has been a hot day 89 in
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shade. Day Wilder and Miss Mitchell sailed in Saule. Sir Stafford Sailed on Etruria. We
saw him off. Mr. J. K. Tod called. Charlotte came to Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad on this
Train. A Mr. Fitch of Quebec. No word from Louis today.
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morning after the great heat of New York the sight of ice on the River and some remains
of snow refreshing. Went to Mass to St. Patricks. Did not see Lady Smith until luncheon
time. She has not been well. In the evening Mr. Angus and Maud and Sir William Van
Horn and Lady Van Horn dined with us. A Luncheon a Japanese gentleman. Telegram
from home Louis sitting up to day.
seems so cheerful and orderly. Looked in at new St. Peters church seems quite finished
very large. Went and lunched at Mrs. Angus met Edith Wanklin Maud and Peggie. Mrs.
Angus quite infirm from Rhumatism [sic]. Saw such beautiful orchids in bloom in their
conservatory. In the evening Mr. and Mrs. Drummond and Mr. and Mrs. Cloosan dined
with us at Sir Donalds. We left on Soo R. R. at 9.10 in Sir William V. Horn car. Papa bag
left behind.
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April 22, Wednesday
St. Paul. Arrived this morning. Papa some more comfortable not much better however
as he is bilous [sic]. Found Louis better weak and in need of cautious care. All the
others well. Samuel Mamie and James came on car at Minneapolis.
Jim. went out to see Bicycle Race at the Auditorium.
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April 25, Saturday
A mild pleasant morning. Cloudy afternoon rainy at 4 p.m. with electric accompaniment.
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Mamie Samuel and James came down. Louis seems pretty comfortable was out for
to a
walk again to day. Papas cough holds on but he is some better. He is out and about. In
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the evening fearfully [sic] wind storm.
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April 26 – August 4
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August 5, Wednesday
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August 6, Thursday
Mrs. Southworth. Old Lady. Mrs. Winstons Aunt lives at Williams Town with Dr. Hopkins
her son in law her with The [ ] Ayers. Mrs. Storey the old lady at our Table. Lowell
family. The Shalavoux. Bills of New York Mrs. York. Mrs. and Miss James. Mrs. Skully
and child her sisters Misses Reece.
August 7, Friday
All this week has bee unusually hot day and night. And as yet no sign of abatement of
its heat.
August 8, Saturday
At 2 a. m. 84 in my room. Papa Clara Rachel Gertrude and I left home at 815 a.m. for
Duluth. Air on the way became cooler and fresher until 1.45 p. m. when we boarded the
North Land and then the atmosphere was delightful. A large passenger list. Several St.
Paul people. Mr. Mrs. and Miss J. Stees. Mrs. Mrs. and E Rogers. Mrs. T. Brennan. Last
night was oppressively hot. Storms all about us. We noticed houses blown over at Sand
Stone [sic] and Hinkly [sic].
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August 9, Sunday
Aboard the North Land. This is a glorious morning. Such a good night sleep. All so well
this day. Bishop Dowling of Ontario is the old Clergyman. Wrote to Charlotte and to
Mamie form the Soo. Weather hot there but now we are out on the lake temperature is
North Land. Arrived in Buffalo just on time. Mr. Farrington met us. We saw Mr. F. B.
Clarke and Egbert in Buffalo. Mr. C. went as far as Rochester with us. We left on
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Empire State Express and arrived in New York at 1030_ p. m. Went to Albermarle. Hot
hot the night was in New York. Although floors up on corner and large rooms with many
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windows no air strong and such excessively hot temperature certainly 90 or more.
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August 12, Wednesday
New York. Another very hot day but better air. We left on [Gall?] River Boat Priscilla for
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Boston. And the boat was hot too except out on deck. The cabins too hot to stay in. The
Dinning room crowded and hot. 800 passengers all to eat. Most uncomfortable night.
Still we were glad to get away from New York and towards the Ocean cooler air. Rachel
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Boston Mass. We reached here at 8.30 a.m. Much more comfortable atmosphere
although yet hot. Rachel feeling so badly not able to eat much of anything. Clara better.
Clara and I walked about a little found fine posters. We leave this afternoon {inserted: at
2-30} for Manchester by the Sea. Arrived at Manchester at the Masconomo House at
330 p.m.
rooms but we like the looks of surroundings very much. Fine Beach and spacious
grounds neighborhood most favored every way nearly all available ground taken up by
Summer houses fine ones. Papa and I drove over to Magnolia to day did not like looks
of Hotels and location there nearly as well as here. Papa and Clara go to Winter Harbor
this evening.
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and to find the Catholic Church – found it. Gertrude took her first Sea bath this forenoon
and liked it. Wrote to Walter to Mamie and to Charlotte.
attractive here – and the Beach so much better. Yesterday we learned that Josephine
Boardmans family are all here at the Dana Cottage.
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August 18, Tuesday
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A cloudy day. Papa came back from Winter Harbor this morning. He tells us Clara was
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not well at all Sunday and Monday. We received a letter from her this morning but it was
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written before her indisposition evidently. This afternoon we drove over to Gloucester. A
fine drive and a very interesting city of active industry. Smell very fishy but then one
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must put up with that. It is very hilly. Many are building Summer homes there near the
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Manchester by the Sea Mass. Masconomo House. We went to Boston with papa called
on Mr. Casson and went through the new Public Library. Quite a storm came up so that
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darkness interfered with seeing frescoes well. Papa went over to New York at three
oclock. We went from Youngs Hotel to Faneuil Hall. Got a poster for Gertrude on way to
Station and back to Manchester. Mrs. Boardman (Josephines mother) called. Letters
from Charlotte and Mamie. So our 29th anniversary passed.
A beautiful day. In the afternoon went over to the Essex Co. Club House. (Golf and Polo
Club) There was music there and a congregation [of?] nearly all the Cottage residents
about here. Met Josephine and Florence Boardman there. Afterwards we drove around
the Point and saw some beautiful views and such pretty houses on fine sites.
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Another fine day. We spent forenoon on Beach and took a walk about the Village in
afternoon. Telegram from Papa says he will stay in New York until Monday. The girls
are getting so fond of this place they are sorry to leave it all.
August 25, Tuesday
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Manchester by the Sea. Masconomo House. A perfect day. We are wishing we might
take the Beach and waves home with us. This afternoon we drove over to Magnolia and
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came back through the Essex Woods and over to [Corrono?] Point where the [sic] are
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many Cottages one Hotel or Inn which is closed. We are preparing to leave for Boston.
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August 26, Wednesday
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Boston. Youngs Hotel. We arrived here about ten a.m. a perfect day spent morning
looking through Old State House and Old South Church. After luncheon we drove in to
Bunker Hill Monument on the way seeing old Copps Hill Cemetery and grave of Cotton
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Mather and then out to Cambridge looked through Memorial Hall saw Longfellows
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House and Tree Washington first took Command of Troops. We drove through Mount
Auburn Cemetery left at 930 p.m. for Winter Harbor.
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Winter Harbor Maine. A very foggy morning arrived at Mount Desert at 645 a. m.
George Cannon met us at [ ] with Mr. Cannons Yacht. Egret and even in the fog we
came over to Grind Stone in an hour and a quarter. We found such a warm welcome
that we did not [ ] the day. Took a drive picked wild flowers. The Moores all came over
to welcome us. Mrs. Cannon gave a dance to Clara in the evening. Decorations music
refreshments toilettes and all much like a fashionable dance anywhere. Rained all night.
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August 29, Saturday
{words at top of page cut off, may be Grind Stone?} P. O. Winter Harbor. Such a
delightful morning. All up early. Mr. Moore Mrs. Cannon Clara and I went with Mr. and
Mrs. Tuck to see them off on Train at Mount Desert. Then we went over to Bar Harbor
Mr. Moore too us to lunch at Spouls. We drove about to see the beautiful [farms?] and
fine views. Called on Mr. and Mrs. Gurney found them and the Miss Scott at home. Mr.
Gurney took us through such a beautiful grounds flower fruit and vegetable gardens.
Such a view. Home on Egret at 7 p. m.
fine views of interest. Saw a house where Hawthorne spent a Summer. Stopped at a
Mrs. Browns and got Dough nuts cake apples and milk.
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August 31, Monday
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Grind Stone. A beautiful morning. We went Mrs. Cannon George Harvie Gertrude and I
to a
fishing. Deep Sea fishing had good luck we all caught fish. Rock cod cod and haddock.
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Such beautiful large fish. Gertrude got ill I managed pretty well. After noon made few
calls received some and drove to Mill Stream to get fine view of Grind Stone and
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surrounding country. Left Grind Stone on Egret at 7 p.m. for Mount Desert.
September 1, Tuesday
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Portland Maine. 8 a.m. Left Mount Desert last evening at 945. We came over in the
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Egret in the rain. We feared fog might delay our starting but weather favored us and we
bid adiew [sic] to Mrs. Cannon Mrs. Curtis and Clara after a most delightful visit of five
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days at Grind Stone Neck arrived in Montreal at 8 p. m. and left at 13.30 p. m. Grand
Trunk enjoyed passing through so much beautiful country. The Valleys are so peaceful
looking. Rachel did not feel very well. Gertrude got on pretty well.
September 2, Wednesday
Toronto Canada. 8 a.m. Many of the passenger [sic] took breakfast at Hamilton. This is
not the smoothest Road I have been over quite rough last night. The farms we see in
passing look well. So much corn and many orchards. Trees loaded with fruit of many
colors. We are getting impatient to reach home. Three nights are many on a train.
Rachel is better to day. This has been quite a hot afternoon. We are just getting in to
Chicago at 950 40- minutes late but in time to be transferred to our train.
September 3, Thursday
St. Paul. Arrived here at 3 p.m. Papa and Walter met us. Streets filled with Veterans at
the Encampment. Found all well at home and fine weather. City [very?] generally
decorated with bunting and electric lights.
September 4, Friday
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A rainy day. Too bad for the poor old veterans in Tents. Louis went for a hunt with Mr.
Moore and part of Chicago. I drove out to see Camp Mason. Thousands found shelter in
the tents.
September 5, Saturday
A cloudy day and warm. Took Walter to see about school necessities. Streets look
quieter many of the G. A. R. gone. Went over to Reception given to Miss Newport found
it crowded. Jim went to Montana for a week.
September 6, Sunday
A cloudy foggy warm morning. Went to early Mass. Samuel Mamie and children came
to spend their 8th anniversary. Girls and Samuel and Mamie went to hear Arch Bishop
Irelands Patriots sermon following the G. A. R. encampment. I am sorry to have missed
hearing it.
September 7, Monday
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A warm morning went down town with Gertrude. In the Afternoon was busy in the house
began to get hoarser and hoarser until by bed time I felt badly. Alice Robertson was in
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Town for a few days. She took dinner here. Mr. V. Robertson called for her. Papa went
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to Minneapolis to Miller dinner. Walter went to farm.
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September 8, Tuesday
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In bed all day. Dr. calls indisposition influenza and bronchitas [sic]. Emma Gotzian took
luncheon with the girls also a Miss Clark of St. Cloud.
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September 9, Wednesday
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Still in bed but some easier weather bad rainy. Mrs. Upham [in?] came I and talked of
Gertrudes baby.
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A rainy morning. I shall get up to day although I do not feel very bright. Wrote to Clara.
Letter from Clara.
Arrived home after leaving Rachel and Ruth with Miss Peebles. Found all at home well.
Louis away on business. Walter fine.
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October 16 – December 31
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