Advanced Abdominal & Navel Strengthening Kriya

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Advanced Abdominal & Navel Strengthening Kriya p.

1. Alternate Leg Lift. Come lying down flat on your back. Have the arms by the sides with the palms down. Have the hands underneath the buttocks if needed. Inhale and lift the left leg up to a 90 angle to the floor with the toe pointed to the ceiling. Exhale as you lower the leg down. Inhale and lift the right leg up to a 90 angle to the floor with the toe pointed to the ceiling. Exhale and lower the leg down. Long Slow Deep Breathing. 3 minutes. 2. Cross Crawl. Remain lying down flat on your back with the arms by the sides, palms flat against the floor. On the inhale, bring the left knee up to the chest and at the same time bring the right arm onto the ground down back and behind you in a kind of straight arm backstroke motion. Exhale yourself flat. Inhale with opposite arm and opposite leg. Continue, inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the nose concentrating the breaths energy at the navel point. 3 minutes. 3. Triangle Pose. Draw the knees up to the chest and rock yourself up. Slowly come standing up. Bring the feet approximately shoulder width apart, the feet creating a right angle to the plane of the body. Bend from the waist and place the hands on the floor. Hands are narrower than shoulder width apart. Have the thumb tips touching if possible. Elbows and knees are straight and the head is in line with the upper arms. Tilt the pelvis forward and push down through the shoulders, keeping equal weight on the hands and feet. Hold the position. Long Slow Deep Breathing. 3 minutes.

The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan 2008

Advanced Abdominal & Navel Strengthening Kriya p.2

4. Cobra Pose. Come lying down flat on the stomach. Bring the chin on the ground with the palms down on the floor underneath and slightly forward of the shoulders. Have the legs together, tops of the feet on the ground. Now inhale and raise the head up, chest up and now smoothly push yourself up. Make sure the arms are shoulder width apart, elbows a little bent, fingers pointing forward, shoulders rolled back and down, chest high and head back. The whole pelvic area is on the ground. You can be resting on the forearms, if it is more comfortable for you. Hold the position. Long Slow Deep Breathing. 2 minutes. 5. Yoga Crunch. Roll back over on the back. Bring knees up and have your feet flat against the floor. Make the hands into a basket by interlacing them and placing them behind the head. We are going to be doing a six-count movement both up and down. Lift the head off the ground and remember to just support the head with the hands; do not pull with the hands or arms. Tilt the pelvis so that the lower back is flat against the floor. Keep the lower back flat throughout the exercise. In this position, inhale slowly, exhale and slowly curl up tightening the abdominal muscles. Onetwo three four fivesix. Now inhale and slowly loosen the abdominal as you go back. Onetwothreefourfivesix. Keep the head up in both positions. This will help you keep the lower back flat against the floor. Continue, go slow and concentrate your breaths energy right at your navel point. Imagine as though you are breathing in and out through the navel. This will help you concentrate on this area of the body. 2 minutes.

The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan 2008

Advanced Abdominal & Navel Strengthening Kriya p.3

6. Stretch Pose. Lie flat on the back. Lift the upper back and shoulders off the ground, keeping the lower back flat against the surface. Bring the arms up over the trunk of the body with the hands about shoulder width apart. Lift the legs up with toes pointed away from the body and level with the eyes. Keep the heels lightly resting on the ground, if needed. Breath of Fire. 3 minutes. 7. Leg Thrusts. Remain lying on the back. Bring both knees to the chest. Have the arms by the sides with the palms down.Place the hands underneath the buttocks if needed. Inhale and thrust the left leg out so it is about 12 off the ground with the toe pointed away from the body. Exhale and switch legs. Use Powerful Deep Breaths. 2 minutes. 8. Bow Pose. Roll over on to your stomach. Reach back and catch the tops of the feet or the ankles with the hands. Push out with the shins and pull in with the arms keeping the elbows straight. Lift the chest and thighs off the ground. Head is up and back. Hold the position steady. Long Slow Deep Breathing. 2 minutes. 9. Rest On Stomach. Rest with normal breath on the stomach, arms by the sides with the head turned to the side. 1 minute.

TheTeachings of Yogi Bhajan 2008

Advanced Abdominal & Navel Strengthening Kriya p.4

10. Baby Pose Arms In Front. Push yourself up so that you are on the heels and place the forehead on the ground. Have the arms stretched out in front of the body on the ground with the hands shoulder width apart. Relax in this position with Normal Breath. 1 minute. 11. Camel Pose. Rise up out of the position and come up on to the knees. Reach back and place both hands on the heels. Arch the pelvis forward; keep the shoulders back and chest high. Either let the head fall all the way back or keep the chin on the chest. 12. Baby Pose. Push yourself up so that you are on the heels and place the forehead on the ground. Have the arms by the ankles with the palms up. Relax in this position with Normal Breath. 1 minute. 13. Deep Relaxation. Come out of position and rest on your back. Lie down flat, have the arms by the side palms up, with the eyes gently closed and the breath soft and normal. Have the knees up slightly for comfort, if needed. Benefits: This kriya will center, strengthen, and balance the energy at the navel point. Strong navel center energy gives you boundless energy and the ability to transform yourself at will. It is excellent for athletes, as it will help improve any performance in practice and in competition.

The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan 2008

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