Kundalini Yoga For Sex Energy Transformation
Kundalini Yoga For Sex Energy Transformation
Kundalini Yoga For Sex Energy Transformation
8. Completely relax for 5 minutes letting the energy circulate. Think of God and
God consciousness. Feel unlimited. Then, lying on your back, repeat out loud:
God and me, me and God, are one about 12 times, raising the pitch and volume
frequently. Inhale deeply, hold for 15 seconds, then exhale. Start the chant again
butvery powerfully, Chant loudly from the solar plexus. The eyes should be closed.
Do not feel shy. Inhale and exhale deeply eight times, then inhale holding the
breath in and raise both legs 90 for 15 seconds. Exhale and relax.
9. Sit in Sidhasana (perfect
pose), or Sukasan (easy pose).
Use the tip of the thumb and
the tip of the little finger of one
hand to close alternate nostrils.
Inhale through the left nostril,
Meditate at the base of the
spine and pull mul bhand. On
the inhale, think Sat, the
Truth; on the exhale vibrate
Nam, the Identity or Name.
Continue for 1 minute. Then
begin breath of fire in through
the left nostril, out through the
right for 1 minute. Without a
through the left nostril only,
10. Chant Ek Ong Kar Sat Nam Sat Nam Siri Wha Guru in the following
When chanting Sat Nam and Guru, applv and release mul bhand. Gradually
the mul bhand will become so strong and locked that it will be easy to hold
throughout the entire chant. Continue chanting for 6 minutes. Inhale - hold for 15
seconds. Relax or meditate.
In our culture, we are taught to view sex in terms of pleasure and reproduction. We are not
educated in the need for moderation in sex in order to maintain our health and nerve
balance. Sexual experience in the correct consciousness can give you the experience of God
and bliss, but before that can ever occur you must charge your sexual batteries and possess
a real potency. The seminal fluids produced in the male and female contain high
concentrations of minerals and elements that are crucial to proper nerve balance and brain
functioning. The sexual fluid is reabsorbed bv the body if it is allowed to mature. lts
essence, or ojas, is transported into the spinal fluid. Running your mind without the ojas is
like running a car without oil - you wear out quickly. About 90% of your sexual energy is
used to repair and rejuvenate the organs of the body. The normal span of potency for a yogi
is equal to the length of his life, In the United States, potency wanes even in the early
forties. This kriya will generate sexual energy and transmute it into ojas and healing force.
The first three exercises activate the sex chakra; then the navel point and lower spine.
Exercise 3 is especially effective for relieving tension and problems of the ovaries. Exercise
4 and 5 move the energy out of the digestive system. Exercise 7 distributes the energy from
the navel point above the solar plexus to the heart center. Exercise 9 uses pranayam to
completely open your psychic channels and move the kundalini energy all the way to the
highest chakras. Exercise 10 uses the Kundalini energy in the mantra to project the mind
into the infinity of the cosmos and beyond the normal earthly consciousness.