Victorian Essential Learning Standards: English - Standards Reading Writing Speaking and Listening
Victorian Essential Learning Standards: English - Standards Reading Writing Speaking and Listening
Victorian Essential Learning Standards: English - Standards Reading Writing Speaking and Listening
Dimensi n des!ripti n The Reading dimension involves students understanding, interpreting, critically analysing, reflecting upon, and enjoying written and visual, print and non-print texts. It encompasses reading and viewing a wide range of texts and media, including literary texts such as novels, short stories, poetry and plays as well as popular fiction and non-fiction works, newspapers and magazines, illustrations, posters and charts, film and television and the texts associated with information and communications technology. Reading involves active engagement with texts and the development of knowledge a out the relationship etween them and the contexts in which they are created. It also involves the development of knowledge a out a range of strategies for reading. #t %evel &, students match print and spoken text in their immediate environment. They recognise how sounds are represented alpha etically and identify some sound'letter relationships. They read aloud simple print and electronic texts that include some fre(uently used words and predominantly oral language structures. They read from left to right with return sweep, and from top to ottom. They use title, illustrations and knowledge of a text topic to predict meaning. They use context and information a out words, letters, com inations of letters and the sounds associated with them to make meaning, and use illustrations to extend meaning.
The Writing dimension involves students in the active process of conceiving, planning, composing, editing and pu lishing a range of texts including writing for print and electronic media and performance. !riting involves using appropriate language for particular purposes or occasions, oth formal and informal, to express and represent ideas, issues, arguments, events, experience, character, emotion and information and to reflect on such ideas. It involves the development of knowledge a out strategies for writing and the conventions of "tandard #ustralian $nglish. "tudents develop a metalanguage to discuss language conventions and use.
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#t %evel &, students write personal recounts and simple texts a out familiar topics to convey ideas or messages. In their writing, they use conventional letters, groups of letters, and simple punctuation such as full stops and capital letters. "tudents are aware of the sound system and the relationships etween letters and sounds in words when spelling. They form letters correctly, and use a range of writing implements and software.
#t %evel &, students use spoken language appropriately in a variety of classroom contexts. They ask and answer simple (uestions for information and clarification, contri ute relevant ideas during class or group discussion, and follow simple instructions. They listen to and produce rief spoken texts that deal with familiar ideas and information. They se(uence main events and ideas coherently in speech, and speak at an appropriate volume and pace for listeners) needs. They self-correct y rephrasing a statement or (uestion when meaning is not clear.
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This material is an extract from the Victorian Essential Learning Standards by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) Australia! "or more information #isit htt$%&&#els!#caa!#ic!edu!au!
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This material is an extract from the Victorian Essential Learning Standards by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) Australia! "or more information #isit htt$%&&#els!#caa!#ic!edu!au!
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#t %evel 0, students express creative and analytical responses to texts, themes and issues. They identify main issues in a topic and provide supporting detail and evidence for opinions. They critically evaluate the spoken language of others and select, prepare and present spoken texts for specific audiences and purposes. They use a variety of multimodal texts to support individual presentations in which they inform or persuade an audience. !hen listening to others, students ask clarifying (uestions and uild on the ideas of others. They identify key ideas and take notes. They show an awareness of the influence of audience on the construction and presentation of spoken texts, and of how situational and sociocultural factors affect audience responses.
1age 3 of 2
This material is an extract from the Victorian Essential Learning Standards by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) Australia! "or more information #isit htt$%&&#els!#caa!#ic!edu!au!
1age 2 of 2
This material is an extract from the Victorian Essential Learning Standards by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) Australia! "or more information #isit htt$%&&#els!#caa!#ic!edu!au!