Question 2: How Effective Is Your Combination of Your Main Product and Ancillary Texts?
Question 2: How Effective Is Your Combination of Your Main Product and Ancillary Texts?
Question 2: How Effective Is Your Combination of Your Main Product and Ancillary Texts?
As a group we decided to create a documentary on house music. To go along with the documentary we created both a newspaper advert for Channel 4 and a radio advert to promote our documentary. It was important to ensure that all three products linked together and represented each other in different ways. Radio Advert During the production of the radio advert for the documentary, we had to link it with the documentary; this was only possible through the use of audio. It was important that we considered the music bed that we were going to use for the advert. We decided to use a popular, house music tune that was in the charts at the time. This is similar to what we done in the documentary as we decided to use tracks for both that would appeal to our target audience and be catchy and entertaining. In our radio advert we also used relevant, short sound clips from our documentary, creating a clear like between the two texts. These short clips were mixed with our voice over. The voice over that we selected presented our documentary perfectly, we used a very upbeat, lively voice which links directly to the style and themes in our documentary. Similar, to how I edited the documentary, I also edited the radio advert with a fast paced style, making it more interesting and ensuring that it flowed. It mentions the different interviewees from the documentary in the radio ad as well linking the two texts together, this is important because it needs to inform the listener what will be appearing in the documentary. As well as this, the radio advert included, the channel date, time and tittle of the documentary, all of which appear in our poster creating a clear link between the two ancillary texts for the documentary.
Newspaper Advertisement During the production of the newspaper advert for the documentary, we had to link it together with the documentary and also the radio advert. The first thing we linked together was the colour; this was easy as the colour scheme of the documentary surrounded very vibrant and purple colours. So when we created the poster we used a specific blend of purple using the eye-drop tool. We also included a rainbow design on the record player, these colours link with the colours that are used in our lower third tittles in the documentary. We also linked the text by using the font that was in the documentary for our tittle screens, we used this font for the title Produxions on the poster. This style of font we used is called DiscoNight, however for the rest of the font we used a si milar style of text to existing Channel 4 news paper adverts. This was also used on the record label on our newspaper advert, the logo is a house and two quaver notes with the Produxions title above it. We used this on all our lower third tittles in our documentary and also our first
main tittle. As well as this, we linked the channel we would publish the documentary on, as channel four is the most popular channel for our target audience. Channel 4 was also mentioned in the radio advert as well as the date, time and tittle, creating a clear link between the two ancillary texts. Documentary
Radio Advert
Newspaper Advertisement