By Joseph Pereira: How Effective Is The Combination of Your Main Product and Ancillary Texts?

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How effective is the combination of your main

product and ancillary texts?

By Joseph Pereira
How have you created a brand
identity across your documentary,
advert and article?
Similar images

The purpose of the main product and ancillary task was so that the link together clearly and can
be effective over various media platforms. I believe that it is very important to create synergy to
establish the brands identity. For my ancillary tasks I created a documentary poster advert
and a radio advert.

I strongly feel that we have created a sense of brand identity across my documentary and
ancillary tasks. I have done this through using similar images throughout both the main product
and ancillary tasks.
{insert photo of dan from documentary and photo of dan from ancilery task}

These are both similar images that I used in my main product and ancillary tasks. I have taken the
advert photo from my actual footage that I captured during the filming process of production. I
felt that it would make more sense and give the brand a stronger feel if I use a photo from actual
footage that I gathered to use as the main image for the advert.
{Insert final advert photo}

It also reinforces the conventions of our genre that we are trying to convey to our target audience.
If the audience has seen our documentary first 5 min entry then they will be able to identify the
similar images as put an educated link together between these two different production tasks.
How have you created a brand
identity across your documentary,
advert and article?
I tried to use as similar colours through my advert to the colours seen in the video so the same connotations are signified
through each product. I was unsure about the colour to use for my title Tribes, so for this I carried out some audience
feedback and came to the conclusion that I a crisp white title would be the best to represent my documentary.

I think that colour plays a strong part in how we created a brand identity for our documentary. An example is the way I
used the white writing in the documentary poster because it symbolises the patriotic colours from the England flag which
is in the background. Furthermore it allows the audience to make the link the England flag and football.

The use of high key lighting was seen in the documentary with the interview scene because it foreshadows and builds
suspense for the scenes to follow.
How have you created a brand
identity across your documentary,
advert and article?
The wording that was used in the documentary is very complex and developed
vocabulary to express that even though our documentary is comparing the
attributes of tribes and football fans there is still a lot of good research and
planning behind this unusual contrast. On the other hand he wording on my
poster advert is very shot, basic and to the point because when viewing
posters people do not always have time to analyse and take in the nature and
conventions of it. So I feel that I have created a brand identity from this
through the images that I used, the colours scheme, wording be it complex or
simple and the keeping a recurring theme.

The implications that are given of tribes is down to the tone of voice that is
used in our introduction to set the mood and the scene for the audience. This
means that the tone has to be engaging for both people interested in football
and anthropology. If you have the correct tone of voice it can also make the
representation of each aspect of the documentary feel more real and gives
the audience a more developed view on the similar mannerisms and
behaviours football fans and ancient tribes had. This would be called a voice
over which we had throughout the whole of our documentary.
How have you created a brand
identity across your documentary,
advert and article?
The style has been kept the same the whole way through, I have made
sure that when I was making my ancillary tasks I used as much of my
resources that I already had because then their will be synergy and
flow throughout my production tasks and can create a whole brand
identity for my documentary. If the concept/ style is not kept fairly
similar then it can cause confusion for the audience connoting that the
brand identity is in fact quiet weak and that I have not used my
production tasks effectively to create a stable representation.

By creating this sense of brand identity it allowed me to show the

relationship of football and tribes through the use of semantic codes in
the documentary and in the advert. In the advert it would be things like
the colour and image of the England flag in the background sitting
behind the face with tribal face paint on , overlapping each other
connoting that there is elements of them where they each are similar.
How do you think your advert design
will sell the documentary to the
I think the actual design and all the visuals are the unique selling point to our target audience as
when they see the eye catching advert they will stop to engage with it and be drawn in to see
what it is about and when it will be being broadcasted. There is also recognisable visuals in the
poster which are present in the documentary clip we produced so if our target audience have
already seen this then they will already recognise the documentary , meaning a successful
brand identity has been created.

The audience that properly engage with my advert will tend to be people who have common
interests. This could be interests in football or anthropology or just common curiosity but it
means people with interests of our hybrid genre will be most likely engage and also appreciate
the advert for its design and content. Also my documentary is very unique so the concept of a
documentary portraying the similarities in tribal and football hooligan behaviours may intrigue
a larger target audience and an audience with unconventional interests for our hybrid genre.

The theorist Blumler & Katz have a theory which suggests that audiences use the media for
different reasons. I feel that my targeted audience would use our documentary for escape
because it gives them a whole different perspective on how past tribes behaved and how our
modern day tribes do now. It provides an entertainment function as they will be engaged and
entertained by the information leaving them to feel satisfied. Lastly it presents them with the
function on education and information as they may be learning something new about football or
tribes that they didn't know before as being informed of a new perspective.
How do you think your radio advert will
sell the documentary to the
At the start of my radio advert I used the actual opening voice over
from our documentary as a little radio snippet for the listeners
then I go into talking about tribes and when it will be showing.
The tone from the opening voice over is very engaging and will
captivate the audience.

Young and Rubicam have a theory on audience classification and

that an advertising agency suggests all audiences can be
classified by their different personalities. From this I would say
the radio advert would sell to the explorer from the audience
categories because they need new experiences and like discovery
which is exactly what our documentary offers and from the radio
add the gather that. It is also conveyed through the tone of voice
and pace of the radio ad that there will be interesting and
information that is new for the explorers to discover.
What elements of your advert and
radio ad communicate the genre of the
documentary and the style of the doc?
The visuals in my advert clearly convey to the audience the genre of
my documentary and the style through the different images that I
have used. The England flag in the background shows elements of
sports and the face paint portrays elements of tribes/gangs.

As one task is a radio ad there is no visuals to communicate the

genre of our documentary so I made sure I used the correct
wording, tone of voice and also the background audio. I made sure
that I used quite an instrumental sounding audio to create elements
of tension but also to create a tribal feel to the radio advert.

The way in which I constructed each of my ancillary tasks was

planned out to be as relevant to my documentary. I had to make
sure I had the key elements that I showed the conventions of my
hybrid genre.
What are your strengths / weaknesses
of your 3 products?
Main product- I created a very gripping documentary clip; good quality actual
footage at a football game; good interview information; clearly portrays the genre.
Advert- Eye catching; conventional documentary advert; used photo from the filming
stage as the main photo.
Radio ad- It has a conventional documentary , tribal audio in the background;
Powerful voice over at the start.

Main product- I feel that we should have done some reconstruction of footage or
even of achieve footage, because this would have expanded our variety of styles
of footage used.
Advert - Possibly could have tried to used more relatable images to football to
portray it a bit clearer.
Radio ad- It lacked the same tone of voice as the voice over that I used at the
beginning. It could have been a bit clearer as I stuttered and was not as confident
when I read the script.

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