Catalytic Damage in Peroxide Bleaching: Tendering in Bleaching Due To Presence of Iron

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Catalytic damage in peroxide bleaching

The fabric sample shown below was composed of Warp: 150/40 viscose Weft: 30/2 combed cotton. The warp yarns have been broken in several spots, the break being exactly parallel to and along sections of the cotton weft. On the cotton back of the fabric the weft yarn running parallel to the broken areas was dyed lighter than normal. Tests showed that the light-dyed weft and the viscose warp in contact with the faulty weft were deteriorated chemically and the cotton yarns were very tender. This defect was attributed to the presence of oily weft yarn containing small amounts of iron from contact with machine bearings. In bleaching the iron acted as a catalyst, accelerating the oxidation and producing oxycellulose in the cotton weft and in the viscose warp yarn through direct contact. The viscose rayon yarns being much weaker when wet, and excessively tender in those sections, broke when the goods were finally finished.

Tendering in bleaching due to presence of iron

(Reference: Fabric Defects, J.B.Goldberg 1950.)

Natural cellulosic fibres contain varying concentrations of metals depending on their geographic origin. Two different samples of cotton from Turkey were analysed and found to contain very different concentrations of metals.

Metal impurities such as chromium, manganese, iron, cobalt, nickel, copper and zinc, can catalyse the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide in bleaching.

Even a small amount of 1 mg/l of iron in dissolved form increases the rate of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide tenfold. This exothermic reaction results in the formation of oxycellulose, and tendering of the cotton.

If relatively large particles of rust are present, which are liable to contain metallic iron, even large additions of stabiliser during peroxide bleaching cannot eliminate the danger of fibre tendering. The metal catalysts must be removed by some other method before bleaching.

Why not use a cheap, simple acid like oxalic acid?

Oxalic acid has limited ability to form a soluble metal complex with iron, but may create problems with almost insoluble calcium and magnesium salts.

The powerful demineralising action of NEARCHEL SA

NEARCHEL SA complexes and disperses alkaline earth and heavy metal ions in strongly acid and highly alkaline solutions.

No agent added

2 g/l NEARCHEL SA added

Suggested recipes Discontinuous alkaline demineralisation of woven cotton 1.5 - 30 g/l caustic soda100 % 0.5 - 4 ml/l NEARPON EMS 0.5 - 3 ml/l NEARCHEL SA Treat at 90 - 98 C for 40 60 min. at L.R. 1:4 1:20. Rinse hott Discontinuous acid demineralisation 0.5 - 5 ml/l NEARPON EMS 0.5 - 2 ml/l NEARCHEL SA Treat 20 30min at 30 50 C, L.R.: 4 : 1 - 20 : 1 Pad Batch Cold Acid Demineralisation Grey-state goods: all-cotton, linen, polyester/cotton 5 - 15 ml/l NEARCHEL SA 3 - 6 ml/l NEARPON MK-91 S 0 - 2 ml/l NEARFIL FAC Impregnate cold with pick-up of 100%. Batch: 2 - 12 hours. Hot rinse.

Pad Batch Combined Oxidative Desizing and Demineralisation 3 - 5 g/l 3 - 5 ml/l NEARSTABIL V NEARCHEL SA

25 - 40 g/l caustic soda 100 % 20 - 30 ml/l hydrogen peroxide 35 % 4 - 5 g/l 0 - 4 g/l NEARPON MK-91S sodium persulphate

Especially for fabrics containing difficult-to-remove starch sizes, (e.g. tapioca), PVA, CMC polyacrylate and starch derivative sizes

0.5 - 1 g/l NEARFIL FAC if necessary Pad impregnate cold, pick-up 100%. Batch: 6 - 24 hours. Hot rinse If fabric is to be subsequently bleached, less hydrogen peroxide will be necessary in bleaching.

Sequestering Power of NEARCHEL SA for Ca2+ ions

mg CaCO3 sequestered/1g of product 280 250 220 190 160 130 100 pH 9 pH 10 pH 11 pH12 212.5 225 212 200

solutions SA for Fe3+ ions Sequestering PowerpH of of NEARCHEL 700 mg Fe sequestered/1g of product 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 280 320 257 515 562 577

pH 6




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