Lesson Plan: Texts. Recall Details by Answering Simple
Lesson Plan: Texts. Recall Details by Answering Simple
Lesson Plan: Texts. Recall Details by Answering Simple
Subject: Class: Level: Date/ Day: %ime: %heme: %o.ic: English 3 Proton Intermediate 2 !uly 2"#"/ $onday &'"" P$( #"'""P$ )orld *+ ,no-ledge /nimals
0ocused s1ill: Listening and s.ea1ing Integrated s1ill: )riting Curriculum S.eci+ication:
1.6 Obtain information from texts listened to in relation to main ideas, specific details and sequence.
1.6.1 Listen to and understand simple texts. 1.6.2 Listen to simple text and recall details by answering simple Wh questions.
Educational em.hases:
i' ii'
Language content: 6ouns3 animals 4 -h 7uestions %eaching aids: slide sho-4 video Previous 1no-ledge: Students might have learned about animals /ntici.ated .roblems: i' Students may not understand ne- -ords
Learning outcomes: 8y the end o+ the lesson4 .u.ils -ill be able to: i' ii' iii' Listen and understand sim.le te9t such as riddles ans-ers at least : out o+ ; 7uestions correctly in .ractice stage describe .ictures correctly in one sentence
TEACHING-LEARNING ACTIVITY 3%eacher chec1s students attendance 3%eacher as1s students 7uestions
o+ the animals that you can +ind in a +arm? %erms: =ocabulary antlers4 cla-s4 +ins4
3%eacher .rojects some animal body .art on the screen 3%eacher as1s students the -hich animals .art is sho-n 3%eacher as1s students -hat the terms call ( teacher guides students -henever .ossible' 3%eacher -rites on -hiteboard (6ouns3 and as1s students i+ there is any di++icult -ords 3%eacher gives +e- e9am.les to students random name to -rite the names o+ the animal according to its .arts on the -hiteboard according to the .ictures sho-n to them'
+ur4 gills4 hooves4 horns4 .a-s4 scales4 shells4 s.ots4 stri.es4 tentacles4 tus1s4 -ings
3%eacher as1s students to divide into grou.s o+ @ or : .eo.le' 3 %eacher distribute tas1 sheets to each grou. and they are to com.lete the tas1 in #" minutes ( students are to co.y the ans-ers in e9ercises boo1 3%eacher monitors all grou.s 3%eacher chec1s ans-ers in class and as1s each
grou. to give out ans-ers' 3%eacher distributes another set o+ tas1 sheet to 3 %o chec1 students everyone ( students need to describe the .icture using the animal .arts in sentences' 3 %eacher calls out volunteers to give out ans-ers' s1ills in -riting
Closure 2: minutes5
3%eacher as1s students to .ass u. their boo1 animal 3%eacher recall bac1 -hat they have learned 3%eacher concludes the lesson
3%o recall -hat students have learned 3 %o signal the lesson has ended