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Nvidia drivers in Windows Vista works in SLI mode - error Can't flip buffers.

to solve this problem you need download patch 1.10 or 1.207 and start revolt with command line switch -sli. Best results I have with this setting: re-volt patch 1.207 resolution 1024x768, 32 bit compatibility mode Windows 98/Me TRY with right click on revolt icon on your desktop properties -> destination: write -sli after the path apply and launch,press space when acclaim appears you should be able to arrive to menu if you use a mobile keyboard,do not edit moving controls or if you do it, dont use arrows (try 4 example wasd) My friend was trying the previous steps but still got the flip buffer-error. He reinstalled it on c:\ without any spaces in the foldername and got it to work. Just another tip ;) 1. update to 1.207 2. change revolt.exr compatibility to 98/2000 and run as admin 3. make shoutcut and add -sli in target 4. run the game.
My Tutorial: Use Win 98 compatibility mode and run as admin. When it stops loading the game, press space button. Now the menu loads and you can change the settings you want. Start a Game. It stops loading again. Go into the task manager. Once the task manager is open, you will see the "can't flip display buffers" message. Click ok. Go back to the Game and it should work.

Ok, it's a bit complicated.. but better than nothing Have fun! I found this on another site and figured it would be helpful to anyone still trying to get Revolt to run in Vista. First of all make sure the installation path for the game has NO spaces in it, so if it's anywhere in Program Files, that's no good. I put mine in C:\Revolt. Then right click on the shortcut for the game, go to Properties and then the Shortcut tab on top. Then add a space then -sli at the end of the Target so it looks like this: "C:\Revolt\revolt.exe -sli"

I tried it without any compatibility mode and worked fine for me so try that, if not then experiment with the Windows XP or Windows 98 compatibility modes. Worked for me, hopefully works for everyone else too. Enjoy! Hello all, I tried the following and it works fine: 123456Install the re-volt patch 1.207 Copy the entire content to your re-volt folder (my one is c:\revolt). Create a shortcut to the revolt executable. Insert "-sli" on the "destination" line. Click the compatibility tab and select "windows 98". Select "run as administrator"

That's all. Ciao. Massimo Hello all,

I tried the following and it works fine:

1- Install the re-volt patch 1.207 2- Copy the entire content to your re-volt folder (my one is c:\revolt). 3- Create a shortcut to the revolt executable. 4- Insert "-sli" on the "destination" line. 5- Click the compatibility tab and select "windows 98". 6- Select "run as administrator"

That's all.

Ciao. Massimo

Good News Re-Volt Fans! It's working for me now My Tutorial: Use Win 98 compatibility mode and run as admin. When it stops loading the game, press space button. Now the menu loads and you can change the settings you want. Start a Game. It stops loading again. Go into the task manager. Once the task manager is open, you will see the "can't flip display buffers" message.

Click ok. Go back to the Game and it should work.

Ok, it's a bit complicated.. but better than nothing Have fun!

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