Use Cases
Use Cases
Use Cases
Use case name: Create an account Associated Figure: <figure number> Scope: System Primary actor: SECAM Administrator Stakeholders and interests: All the administrators of SECAM. An administrator wants to create an account for a customer (customer: U ic ECS staff and Security !ersonnel". Preconditions: #his $rimary actor has to be logged on at the SECAM facilities through a SECAM website Post conditions: #he customer%s $ersonnel information will be sa ed to the SECAM database. #he system will send an email containing default $assword and username to the customer. Functional Requirements: <functional re&uirement number> Main Success Scenarios: '. clic( manage accounts tab ). clic( create account button *. fill in the form +. clic( sa e button ,. clic( yes button of the $o$ u$ message Extensions: ,a.if the form is incom$lete- the actor will remain in the form $age with incom$lete im$ortant fields highlighted in red. .e$eat */ + and , ,b. confirming the sa e action by clic(ing 0no1 to the $o$ u$ message will cause the system to remain in the same form $age if the user does not want to create an account anymore/ then the actor will clic( the cancel button Use case name: Edit an account Associated Figure: <figure number> Scope: System Primary Actor: SECAM administrator Stakeholders and interests: All administrators of SECAM. An administrator wants to edit an account of a customer. Preconditions: #his actor has to be logged on at the SECAM facilities through a SECAM website and a customer wants to change his or her $ersonal information Post conditions: #he changes on the customer%s account will be sa ed to the SECAM database Functional Requirements: <functional re&uirement number> Main Success Scenarios: '. Clic( manage accounts tab ). Clic( customer accounts lin( *. Clic( on the account lin( you want to modify +. Clic( edit button at the bottom of form containing the customer%s information ,. Ma(e changes on the fields re&uested by the customer
2. Clic( sa e button 3. Clic( 0yes1 button on the $o$ u$ message Extensions: 3a. if an administrator lea es some of the form fields incom$lete/ then he or she will be notified by the system- the system will not transition to a different $age and incom$lete fields will be highlighted in red. .e$eat ste$ 2 and se en Use case name: 4elete an account Associated figure: <figure number> Scope: System Primary actor: SECAM Administrator Stakeholders and interests: All SECAM administrators. #he customer wants SECAM administrator to delete their account from SECAM database Preconditions: An administrator is logged on at the SECAM facilities. A customer no longer wants to use SECAM ser ices. Post conditions: #he customer%s account will be deleted from the SECAM database Functional Requirements: <functional re&uirement number> Main Success scenarios: '. Clic( manage accounts tab ). Clic( customer accounts lin( *. Clic( on the account name you want to delete +. Clic( delete account button ,. Clic( 0yes1 button of the $o$ u$ message dis$layed Use case name: 4eacti ate an account Associated figure: <figure number> Scope: System Primary actor: SECAM administrator Stakeholders and interests: All SECAM administrators. An administrator wants to deacti ate an account for a customer. Preconditions: An administrator is logged on at the SECAM facilities. #he customer bridged the contract. Post conditions: #he customer%s account will a$$ear on the deacti ated accounts list lin(. #he system will send an email to the customer notifying the customer that their account has been deacti ated and they should contact SECAM for more information. Functional Requirements: <re&uirement number> Main Success scenarios: '. Clic( manage accounts tab ). Customer accounts lin( *. Clic( on the account of interest +. Clic( deacti ate account ,. Clic( 0yes1 button of the $o$ u$ message dis$layed
Use case name: .enew an account Associated figure: <figure number> Scope: System Primary actor: SECAM administrator Stakeholders and interests: All SECAM administrators. An administrator wants to acti ate5renew a customer%s account Preconditions: An administrator is logged on at SECAM facilities. A customer re&uests for an account renewal Post conditions: #he system resets the account username and $assword. #he system also sends an email consisting of the username and $assword Functional Requirement: <functional re&uirement number> Main Success scenarios: '. Clic( manage accounts tab ). Clic( deacti ated accounts lin( *. Clic( on the account you want to renew +. Clic( acti ate button ,. Clic( yes button of the $o$ u$ message dis$layed Use case name: 6iewing a li e streaming ideo Associated figure: <figure number> Scope: System Primary actor: Cam$us Security !ersonnel Stakeholders and interests: A security $ersonnel wants to iew a li e streaming ideo of a certain room Preconditions: A cam$us security $ersonnel is logged on his or her SECAM account. Post conditions: A streaming ideo is dis$layed Functional Requirement: <functional re&uirement number> Main success scenarios: '. Clic( a lin( of green flagged room ). Clic( $lay button Use case name: Account management Associated figure: <figure number> Scope: System Primary actor: Cam$us Security !ersonnel Stakeholders and interests: A security $ersonnel wants to change his or her username and $assword Preconditions: A security $ersonnel logs into her or his SECAM account for the first time after creating an account Post conditions: #he new username and $assword is sa ed to the SECAM database. A security $ersonnel is successfully logged into the system. Message is dis$layed notifying the security $ersonnel of successful change of $assword and username. Functional Requirement: <functional re&uirement number> Main success scenarios: '. Enter the U.7 for SECAM ). Enter the username and $assword $ro ided in the email
*. Clic( login button +. Enter new username and $assword ,. Enter same $assword as in +. 2. Clic( login 3. Select a security &uestion 8. !ro ide the answer of the selected &uestion Extensions: 2a. 9f the two $asswords entered in + and , do not match/ the system will not transition from this $age and $assword field will be highlighted in red 3a. .e$eat 3 and 8 for two times selecting different &uestions est cases Use case reference: create an account est case name: customers% $ersonal information est case date: est case phase: blac( bo: testing est case purposes: #o ma(e sure the customer%s information can be retrie ed from the database without errors. #o ma(e sure the system generates and sends an email containing the correct username and $assword. #o ma(e sure the system dis$lays the created account under customer account est case function: est case input: customer%s first name/ surname/ birth date/ com$any name/ com$any email est case expected output: the created account must be dis$layed under customer accounts the correct customer%s $ersonal information must be dis$layed the email generated by the system must be dis$layed on the customer%s email when he5she logs into his or her email account est case procedure: assuming an administrator is logged on at SECAM facilities '. Clic( manage accounts tab ). Clic( create account button *. ;ill in the form with dummy data(email must be of an administrator" +. Clic( sa e ,. Clic( yes button of the dis$layed $o$ u$ message 2. Clic( customer accounts (does the newly created account a$$ear in the list<" 3. Clic( on the newly created account (does the newly created account ha e the correct $ersonal information<" 8. 7ogin into your email account (does the message from SECAM a$$ear in your inbo:<" est case documented results: Use case reference: edit an account est case name: Modifications in the account information est case date:
est case phase: blac( bo: testing est case purpose: to ma(e sure changes made in an account will sa ed to the database est case function: est case input: dummy $ersonal information est case expected output: any changes made in the account must be reflected in the dis$layed account est case procedure: assuming an administrator is logged on and there is an account to modify '. Clic( mange accounts ). Clic( customer accounts *. Clic( on a lin( of an account to modify +. Clic( edit ,. Ma(e changes in the dis$layed $ersonal information 2. Clic( sa e button 3. Clic( yes button of the $o$ u$ message dis$layed 8. Clic( customer accounts =. Clic( on the name of the account you modified est case documented results: Use case reference: delete an account est case name: account deletion est case date: est case phase: blac( bo: testing est case purpose: #o ma(e sure the deleted account does not a$$ear on the customer accounts list #o ma(e sure the login fails on a deleted account est case function: est case input: none est case expected output: #he deleted account must not a$$ear under customer accounts #he login for this account must fail est case procedure: assuming an administrator is logged on at SECAM facilities and there is a dummy account to delete '. Clic( manage accounts ). Clic( customer accounts *. Clic( on the name of the account you wish to delete +. Clic( delete button ,. Clic( yes button on the $o$ u$ message dis$layed 2. Clic( customer accounts (does the account you >ust deleted a$$ear on the customer accounts list<" 3. 7ogin using the deleted account%s username and $assword (does the system log you in<" est case documented results: Use case reference: deacti ate an account est case name: free?e account
est case date: est case phase: blac( bo: testing est case purposes: #o ma(e sure the deacti ate account does not a$$ear customer accounts list #o erity that the deacti ated account is dis$layed in the deacti ated accounts list #o ma(e sure that the system generates and sends an email notifying the customer of his or her deacti ated account #o ma(e the system re>ects the credentials of a deacti ated account est case function: est case input: none est case expected output: #he deacti ated account must be dis$layed on the deacti ated account list A deacti ated must not a$$ear on the customer accounts list #he generated email must a$$ear on the customer%s email account #he system must re>ect username and $assword for this deacti ated account est case procedure: assuming an administrator is logged on and there is a dummy account to deacti ate '. Clic( manage accounts tab ). Clic( customer accounts *. Clic( on the account you want to deacti ate +. Clic( deacti ate account ,. Clic( yes button of the $o$ u$ message dis$layed 2. Clic( customer accounts (does the deacti ated account a$$ear on the acti e accounts list<" 3. Clic( manage accounts tab 8. Clic( deacti ated accounts lin( (does the name of the account you >ust deacti ated a$$ear on the list of deacti ated accounts<" =. 7og out '@. 7ogin using a correct username and $assword of the deacti ated account (does the system re>ects the credentials<" ''. A$en new browser window and login into email account (does the notification of your deacti ated account a$$ear in your inbo:<" est case documented results: Use case reference: renew an account est case name: acti ate account est case date: est case phase: blac( bo: testing est case purpose: #o ma(e sure the customer%s $ersonal information and account $ermissions has not changed since the account free?e #o ensure that the customer has access to their account again #o ma(e sure the renewed account is dis$layed on the list of acti e accounts and does not a$$ear on the list of deacti ated accounts est case function:
est case input: none est case expected outputs: #he renewed account must be isible on the list of acti e accounts 9t must also disa$$ear in the list of deacti ated accounts #he acti ated account must contain correct customer%s $ersonal information #he system must grant access to the account if the correct credentials for this account are $ro ided est case procedure: assuming an administrator is logged on and there is dummy deacti ated account '. Clic( manage accounts tab ). Clic( deacti ated accounts lin( *. Clic( on the account you want to renew5acti ate +. Clic( renew button ,. Clic( deacti ated accounts lin( (does the name of renewed account a$$ear on the list of the deacti ated accounts<" 2. Clic( customer accounts (does the name of the renewed accounts a$$ear on the list of acti e accounts<" 3. Clic( on the name of the account you >ust renewed (is the customer%s $ersonal information correct<" 8. 7og out =. 7ogin using the correct renewed account%s username and $assword (does the system gi e you access to your renewed account<" est case documented results: Use case reference: iewing a li e streaming ideo (not sure what to test in this use case. Any ideas" est case name: multi$le li e ideos est case date: est case phase: blac( bo: testing est case purpose: to ma(e sure a security $ersonnel can switch between two streaming ideos without system errors est case function: est case input: none est case expected output: the system must dis$lay one ideo after the other or in multi$le browser tabs without delay or errors est case procedure: assuming a security $ersonnel is logged on and there are ideos streaming '. Clic( a lin( of a green flagged room ). Clic( $lay button (does the ideo $lay without delay<" *. Clic( sto$ button +. Clic( a different lin( of a green flagged room ,. Clic( $lay button (does the ideo $lay without delay<" est case documented results:
Assignment of asks
6i(ram and #ubego '. .efactoring of Use Cases into s$ecified format tem$late created by 6i(ram ). #est Cases Britten to meet Use Case .e&uirements/ #est cases must be s$ecific in format s$ecified by 4a id *. #est Schedule: '. #he se&uence/ ordering and dates outlined (wee(s days" the $rocess in ol ed in running these test cases ). #his also includes $hases of testing/ e:am$les include: '. User 9nterface testing ). 9n$ut testing *. bac(end testing +. blac( bo: testing ,. white bo: testing 2. 9nternal testing 3. Acce$tance testing #est Case ;ormat: '. Use Case reference: <use case name or use case number> ). #est case Came:<e.g entering characters in the date of birth field or any name that is self e:$lanatory> *. #est case 4ate: <date of e:ecution after the associated module is com$lete> +. #est case !hase: <as in ) abo e> ,. #est case !ur$ose: <why<> 2. #est case ;unction: <s$ecific function after Saturday> 3. #est case 9n$ut:<e:$ected and une:$ected> 8. #est case e:$ected Aut$ut: <as re&uired by the functional re&uirement> =. #est case !rocedure: <ste$s leading to the beha ior of the system> '@. #est case 4ocumented .esult: <for later>