Brownfields Diamond Drilling Proposal Template
Brownfields Diamond Drilling Proposal Template
Brownfields Diamond Drilling Proposal Template
Complete your brownfields diamond drilling proposal using the following template.
Where questions are not relevant to your proposal, please mark N/A.
Upload the proposal with compulsory supporting documents and any additional supporting documents in the
online application.
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Round 15 - Geophysics and Drilling Collaborations program
Brownfields diamond drilling
Project title
Applicant (Company Name)
Granted exploration licence number(s) where
this proposal is to be undertaken
Proposed type of exploration program for
Brownfields diamond drilling
funding (brownfields diamond drilling)
Brief summary of program (exploration target,
total number of holes / metres to be drilled /
drilling type (diamond and pre-collars)
A. Amount of co-funding requested
Up to $150 000 for diamond drilling
(inclusive of GST)
B. Territory Supplier Incentive requested
Up to $10 000 (inclusive of GST)
C. Total Funding Amount being requested
(A + B) (inclusive of GST)
Proposed timeframes for commencement and
completion of program
Primary contact person
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1. Summary/Abstract
Summarise the program and its objectives. How will the program increase geological knowledge and develop
the resource potential of the area? (up to 300 words)
2. Location
a) Where is the proposed program located? (up to 100 words)
b) Insert map with coordinates showing proposed drilling program, with outcrop geology, tenement boundaries,
access infrastructure, and existing drilling of all types.
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3. Regional context (worth 5 points out of 100)
a) What is the geology within the project area in the context of the regional geological framework? (up to 300
b) What past exploration has occurred in the project area, for what commodities and/or styles of
mineralisation? (up to 300 words)
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4. Exploration concept (worth 20 points out of 100)
a) What is the economic deposit or conceptual model the exploration program will test; and how does it relate
to the existing understanding of the project area? (10/100 – up to 300 words)
b) How does the program have potential to increase exploration activity or resource development in the area?
(10/100 – up to 300 words)
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5. Proposed program (worth 55 points out of 100)
Proposed Pre-collar Pre- Diamond Diamond Core
Northing Easting Datum Zone Dip Azimuth EOH
Hole ID (from) collar (to) (from) (to) diameter
a) Where is the proposed drilling in relation to the Identified Resource and /or previous drilling; and what other
methods have tested the economic deposit or conceptual model so far? (20/100 – up to 200 words)
b) What enhanced geological information will be delivered (eg characterisation of target commodity(s),
mineral system or geological setting, age, mineralisation style, structural and stratigraphic relationships or
resolve depth to geophysical target)? (20/100 – up to 200 words)
c) What is the proposed core size, expected sample quality, expected core recovery? Note: non-diamond pre-
collars must account for less than half the proposed drill meterage. (5/100 – up to 200 words)
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d) List the proposed methods of analyses. Describe sampling and assay techniques, including any compositing
intervals, method of assay, elements to be analysed, and detection limits. Detail if downhole survey,
downhole geophysics, or other analytical techniques will be used (eg PIMA, petrology). Proposals which
include full suite of multi element analyses or other specialist data will be viewed favourably. (5/100 – up to
200 words)
Include map showing proposed drillhole locations with any Identified Resource shells, plus type and depth
of all drilling (if not already provided in Section 2).
Include predictive cross-sections; and/or geological plans showing Identified Resource shell (wireframes or
block model), existing pit / stopes or pit / stope design, geochemical, geophysical and/or geological targets
to be drilled with planned (and existing) drillhole traces.
Note: All images must be clear and decipherable, including scale and legends. Additional maps or plans not included in the
body of the project proposal may be included in ‘Other supporting documents’ in the GrantsNT application. Please zip
multiple files.
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6. Estimated costs (worth 5 points out of 100)
a) What co-funding amount are you requesting (50% of direct costs up to $150 000 for diamond drilling
programs, all inclusive of GST)? Do you have contractor quote to support your estimate? Please include
quote in supporting documents if applicable. (up to 50 words)
b) Provide estimate the direct program costs and the co- funding requested in table below or your own
$ Co-funded
Claimable cost Unit $ Cost $ Direct cost
per metre cost of drilling (includes work time)
drilling fluids
core orientation costs and consumables
core trays, markers
hire or use of downhole camera
downhole surveys
wireline logging
directional surveys done as part of drilling
mob / demob / inter-hole moves and stand-by (up
to $5000 combined)
site clearance Ineligible
fuel Ineligible
water haulage Ineligible
equipment hire and/or replacements Ineligible
personnel, land access, project management costs Ineligible
laboratory analysis or specific geoscientific Ineligible
other costs (travel, catering, camp costs) Ineligible
Total eligible costs $0.00
Note: See GDC Guidelines Appendix 5 for a full list of components that may be funded. Claimable costs exclude
all administration and project management costs, land access, personnel, laboratory analysis or specific geoscientific
analysis other than down hole surveys and wireline logging.
c) What co-funding amount are you requesting for the Territory Supplier Incentive (TSI) inclusive of GST? (up
to 50 per cent of additional costs capped at $10 000 inclusive of GST). Do you have contractor quote to
support your estimate? Please include quote in supporting documents if applicable. (up to 50 words)
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d) Provide estimate the TSI costs and the co- funding requested in table below.
Expected $ $ Co-funded
TSI claimable cost Unit $ Direct cost
contractor? Cost (50%)
per metre cost of drilling
(includes work time)
drilling waterbore to provide water for
hauling water for drilling if not included in
meterage rate
earth works for track, site, pad preparation
equipment hire
full geochemical analyses undertaken in a
laboratory in the NT
Total eligible costs $0.00
Note: See GDC Guidelines Appendix 6 for a full description of the incentive.
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7. Timeframes (worth 5 points out of 100)
a) What are the timeframes for the commencement and the completion of the field program? Discuss land
access issues, contractor availability and weather considerations. Identify risks for any potential delays in the
timeframes and ways to mitigate those risks (eg consider Covid-19 related delays). (up to 100 words)
b) Do you have a current authorised Mining Management Plan (MMP) or Environmental Management Plan
(EMP), or evidence of the status of an MMP/EMP awaiting authorisation? (up to 100 words)
b) What are the technical abilities, including qualifications and experience of staff involved in the program? (up to
100 words)
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9. Performance (worth 5 points out of 100)
a) What is your current exploration commitment in the Northern Territory across your tenement/s? Have you met
your covenant in the past two years? Do you have outstanding reporting? (up to 100 words)
b) What previous co-funding have you been awarded under the Geophysics and Drilling Collaborations Program
and did you complete the project/s? How will you mitigate the risks associated with previous withdrawn
projects? (up to 100 words)
4. Use your Organisation Profile to complete a separate online application for each project. Note:
Before clicking ‘Apply now’ change Profile to Organisation if your profile lists your name.
GIS files (MapInfo Tab / ESRI Shape) of drillhole collar locations (zip multiple files)
Corporate position documents. This may include the applicant’s debt, equity or cash position, or a
combination of these. The financial statement must be less than six months old and be accompanied by
acceptable evidence. Provide documents to support your business and financial Information. Examples
of acceptable evidence are bank statements, signed letter from an Australian bank manager or
independent accountant or a company’s independently verified quarterly financial report. Please do not
attach a full copy of the Company’s Annual Report (zip multiple files).
Any other relevant documents to support your application under ‘Other supporting documents’ with
your GrantsNT application (zip multiple files).
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