Metagenomic Analysis of Size-Fractionated Picoplankton in A Marine Oxygen Minimum Zone
Metagenomic Analysis of Size-Fractionated Picoplankton in A Marine Oxygen Minimum Zone
Metagenomic Analysis of Size-Fractionated Picoplankton in A Marine Oxygen Minimum Zone
& 2014 International Society for Microbial Ecology All rights reserved 1751-7362/14
Metagenomic analysis of size-fractionated
picoplankton in a marine oxygen minimum zone
Sangita Ganesh1, Darren J Parris1, Edward F DeLong2,3 and Frank J Stewart1
School of Biology, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA; 2Department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Parsons Laboratory 48, Cambridge,
MA, USA and 3Center for Microbial Ecology: Research and Education, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Marine oxygen minimum zones (OMZs) support diverse microbial communities with roles in major
elemental cycles. It is unclear how the taxonomic composition and metabolism of OMZ
microorganisms vary between particle-associated and free-living size fractions. We used amplicon
(16S rRNA gene) and shotgun metagenome sequencing to compare microbial communities from
large (41.6 lm) and small (0.21.6 lm) filter size fractions along a depth gradient in the OMZ off
Chile. Despite steep vertical redox gradients, size fraction was a significantly stronger predictor of
community composition compared to depth. Phylogenetic diversity showed contrasting patterns,
decreasing towards the anoxic OMZ core in the small size fraction, but exhibiting maximal values
at these depths within the larger size fraction. Fraction-specific distributions were evident for key
OMZ taxa, including anammox planctomycetes, whose coding sequences were enriched up to
threefold in the 0.21.6 lm community. Functional gene composition also differed between
fractions, with the 41.6 lm community significantly enriched in genes mediating social
interactions, including motility, adhesion, cell-to-cell transfer, antibiotic resistance and mobile
element activity. Prokaryotic transposase genes were three to six fold more abundant in this
fraction, comprising up to 2% of protein-coding sequences, suggesting that particle surfaces may
act as hotbeds for transposition-based genome changes in marine microbes. Genes for nitric and
nitrous oxide reduction were also more abundant (three to seven fold) in the larger size fraction,
suggesting microniche partitioning of key denitrification steps. These results highlight an
important role for surface attachment in shaping community metabolic potential and genome
content in OMZ microorganisms.
The ISME Journal (2014) 8, 187211; doi:10.1038/ismej.2013.144; published online 12 September 2013
Subject Category: Microbial ecology and functional diversity of natural habitats
Keywords: Archaea; bacteria; microbial diversity; OMZ; oxycline; particle
Figure 1 OMZ bacterial community diversity revealed by 16S rRNA gene pyrosequencing. (a) PD as a function of water column depth
and dissolved oxygen concentration (left). Data points are mean values based on rarefaction of OTU counts at a standardized sequence
count (n 4996) per sample, with bars indicating 95% confidence intervals for the rarefied measurements. Data from both PCR
duplicates are combined for averaging. (b) Principle component analysis of community taxonomic relatedness, as quantified by the
weighted Unifrac metric. OMZ depths are circled. (c) Relative abundance of major bacterial divisions within the Ribosomal Database
Project (RDP) classification, as a percentage of total identifiable bacterial sequences. Colors and ordering of taxa match those in D.
Samples are labeled by depth and filter type, where p prefilter (41.6 mm), s Sterivex (0.21.6 mm). Duplicates in B and C reflect
duplicate PCR reactions. (d) Variation in the relative abundance of bacterial divisions between filter size fractions. Values are the base-10
logarithm of the odds ratio: the ratio of the odds a taxon occurs on the prefilter to the odds it occurs on the Sterivex. Positive values
indicate taxa that are more likely to occur on the prefilter. Values are based on counts pooled from all depths, with corrections for
differences in data set size. Panels c and d exclude divisions present in only one filter type and occupying less than 0.01% of total
bacterial sequences. Stars mark taxa whose relative abundance differed significantly between size fractions (Po0.05).
Oxygen conditions
Results and discussion The ETSP OMZ sample site near Iquique, Chile was
characterized by steep vertical gradients in dissolved
Attachment to suspended or sinking particles is a oxygen (Figure 1a), similar to what has been reported
major life history strategy for marine microorganisms previously for this region (Dalsgaard et al., 2012;
(Smith et al., 1992; Simon et al., 2002; Grossart, 2010) Stewart et al., 2012b; Ulloa et al., 2012).
and consequently has an important role in structur- The base of the photic zone (1% surface PAR)
ing community taxonomic composition and bio- occurred at B40 m, within the oxycline (B3070 m).
chemical activity (DeLong et al., 1993; Crump et al., Dissolved oxygen conditions at the time of sampling
1999). However, the patterns by which microbial decreased from B250 mM at the surface to below 5 mM
physiological traits are distributed between particle- through the OMZ core (B100400 m), before
associated and free-living communities are not well gradually increasing below 400 m to B60 mM at
understood for many ocean regions. Characterizing 1000 m. The oxygen sensor used here has resolution
particle-associated microbes may be especially in the micromolar oxygen range. However, recent
important in OMZs, where local particle maxima measurements with high-resolution (10 nM) switchable
have been positively related to both oxygen depletion trace oxygen sensors indicated that the ETSP OMZ
(Garfield et al., 1983; Whitmire et al., 2009) and core is anoxic, with oxygen below detection through-
microbial metabolic activity (Naqvi et al., 1993). out the OMZ core (Thamdrup et al., 2012). Our
This study presents the first metagenomic com- amplicon data sets therefore span the oxygenated
parison of microbial size fractions in a marine OMZ, photic zone and oxycline (5 and 32 m samples), the
and one of the first to examine community suboxic (o10 mM) upper OMZ (70 m), the anoxic OMZ
metabolic traits between size-fractionated marine core (110, 200, 320 m), and the oxic zone beneath the
Figure 2 Differences in the relative abundance of functional gene categories between microbial size fractions (filter type), summarized
across depths. Categories on the left are subsystems in the SEED classification, with the figure showing only subsystems comprising
40.1% of the total sequences matching SEED. Higher level classifications of each subsystem are listed on the right. Filled and unfilled
black bars reflect the relative abundance of prokaryotic sequence reads matching each category, normalized to the total number of
prokaryotic sequences matching SEED. Light gray bars reflect the base-10 logarithm of the odds ratio: the ratio of the odds a gene category
occurs on the prefilter to the odds it occurs on the Sterivex. Positive values indicate categories that are more likely to occur on the
prefilter. Values are based on counts pooled from all depths sampled for metagenomics (70, 110, 200 and 1000 m), with corrections for
differences in data set size. Categories whose relative abundance differed significantly between size fractions (Po0.05; baySeq) are
starred for analyses based on all four depths (filled stars) or only the OMZ depths (70, 110 and 200 m; open stars). Dendrogram (inset)
shows relatedness of individual samples based on SEED subsystem profiles, with samples labeled by depth and filter type (p prefilter,
s Sterivex). Numbers at nodes are probabilities based on multiscale bootstrap resampling (1000 replicates). X axis correlation
Figure 3 Relative abundance (a) and taxonomic representation (b) of sequences matching genes of key dissimilatory nitrogen and sulfur pathways. Abundance is calculated as read
count per gene per kilobase of gene length, and shown as a proportion of the abundance of the universal single-copy gene encoding RNA polymerase subunit B (rpoB). A value of 1
indicates gene abundance equal to that of rpoB. Taxonomic identifications are based on annotations of NCBI reference sequences identified as top matches (above bit score 50) in
BLASTX searches. See Methods for gene identifications. Stars mark genes whose abundance differed significantly between size fractions (Po0.05; baySeq) in an analysis of only the
OMZ depths (70, 110 and 200 m). Samples are labeled by depth and filter type, where p prefilter (41.6 mm), s Sterivex (0.21.6 mm). Taxonomic group Proteobacteria, gamma_S
indicates Gammaproteobacteria of the sulfur-oxidizing SUP05 clade (Walsh et al., 2009). Inset shows the base-10 logarithm of the odds ratio for each gene category: the ratio of the odds a
gene occurs on the prefilter to the odds it occurs on the Sterivex. Values are based on counts pooled across depths, with corrections for differences in data set size.
Size-fractionated metagenomics
S Ganesh et al
OMZ (1000 m). The metagenome samples focus on a study of the 0.22.7 mm fraction from a seasonal
subset of depths in the upper OMZ (70 m), OMZ core OMZ off British Columbia (Zaikova et al., 2010). In
(110, 200 m) and beneath the OMZ (1000 m). contrast, Stevens and Ulloa (2008), based on
These data sets likely also span a gradient in bulk libraries of cloned 16S sequences, identified a
particle load. Consistent with prior studies reporting peak in OTU diversity (multiple indices) at the
elevated particle concentrations within the ETSP ETSP OMZ within the 0.23 mm fraction, a pattern
OMZ (Pak et al., 1980; Whitmire et al., 2009), consistent with that observed for the prefilters in
particulate load, inferred indirectly here from beam our study. Similarly, elevated OTU richness in the
attenuation measurements, exhibited local maxima 0.21.6 mm fraction has been shown to coincide
within the upper photic zone (B15 m) and then with the zone of minimum oxygen concentration at
again within the OMZ core (B140 m), before tropical non-OMZ sites (Brown et al., 2009;
declining to a consistent minimum below the OMZ Kembel et al., 2011).
(Supplementary Figure S1). However, the size These studies consistently highlight a shift in
distribution and composition of particles contribut- microbial community complexity associated with
ing to the beam attenuation signal are not character- zones of low oxygen. For the ETSP OMZ, where
ized here. It therefore remains to be determined how oxygen declines to the nanomolar range, increasing
changes in bulk particle load relate to changes in the diversity in the OMZ core has been hypothesized to
abundance of the size-fractionated communities be linked to the use of a wider range of terminal
discussed in detail below. oxidants, compared with non-OMZ depths where
oxygen is the dominant electron acceptor (Stevens
and Ulloa, 2008). Conversely, Bryant et al. (2012)
Taxonomic diversity16S rRNA gene amplicons argue that niche diversity declines within the
Pyrosequencing of 16S rRNA gene amplicons revealed anoxic OMZ as niches linked with light and labile
a species-rich OMZ bacterial community whose organic matter utilization, which are more preva-
composition varied over depth and between size lent at the surface and oxycline, are lost. Our data
fractions. A total of 17 014 bacterial OTUs confirm that taxonomic diversity varies between
(97% similarity clusters) were recovered across all size fractions, with diversity elevated in larger size
samples, with per sample OTU counts ranging from fractions within the OMZ. Similarly, elevated OTU
658 to 2484 based on data set size (Supplementary richness in particle-associated compared with free-
Table S1). Despite relatively high numbers of living communities has been reported for other
sequences per sample (mean: 14 527), this analysis marine habitats (for example, Eloe et al., 2010),
did not capture the total OTU richness in each sample suggesting that higher diversity may be linked to an
(that is, no rarefaction curves approached saturation; increase in niche richness associated with micro-
Supplementary Figure S2), as anticipated for marine gradients in substrate availability and composition
bacterioplankton assemblages (Huber et al., 2007). on particles. However, this pattern is not observed
across all depths or ocean sites (for example,
OTU diversity with depth. OTU diversity patterns Figure 1a; Moeseneder et al., 2001; Ghiglione
varied with both depth and filter size fraction et al., 2007), suggesting a need for quantifying
(Figure 1, Supplementary Figures S2S4). For both niche availability in response to diverse para-
size fractions, PD, the total branch length connecting meters, notably the organic composition, abun-
all OTUs in the 16S rRNA gene phylogeny dance, and size distribution of particles,
(Faith, 1992), was shortest at the surface (5 m) combined with physical and chemical gradients
and increased within the oxycline (B3070 m) of the bulk water column.
(Figure 1a). However, PD of the two size fractions
differed within the OMZ. PD of Sterivex commu- Taxonomic composition. Bacterial taxonomic com-
nities decreased from the oxycline to the anoxic OMZ position varied markedly among samples. Vertical
core at 200 m, whereas PD of prefilter communities trends in the community composition of free-living
increased within the core (Figure 1a). PD trends bacteria in the ETSP OMZ have been reported
closely paralleled those of other alpha diversity previously (Stevens and Ulloa, 2008; Bryant et al.,
indices, including counts of observed OTUs and 2012) and agree broadly with those observed here.
Chao1 estimates (Supplementary Figure S3). We instead focus primarily on comparisons between
Vertical patterns of OMZ microbial diversity are size fractions. Figure 1d shows the odds of a given
not consistent among studies. A decline in PD from taxonomic division occurring in the prefilter frac-
the oxycline to anoxic depths, based on 16S rRNA tion relative to the Sterivex fraction, based on OTU
gene fragments from metagenomes, was observed counts pooled across depths. Of the 25 major
for the 0.21.6 mm size fraction across years and bacterial divisions identified in the amplicon ana-
seasons in the ETSP OMZ off Chile (Bryant et al., lysis, 15 were significantly over- or underrepre-
2012), suggesting temporal stability and a consis- sented in the prefilter fraction (Po0.05, baySeq).
tent decline in diversity within the OMZ free- A subset of these trends is discussed below.
living community. Low diversity associated with Alphaproteobacteria sequences were abundant in
suboxia was also reported in a gene fingerprinting both filter fractions but were consistently enriched
70 m pf 163 987 37 841 79.4 5.3 1.6 10.5 2.1 1.1 2823
70 m st 275 575 188 452 87.3 6.4 3.2 1.3 0.7 1.1 20 268
110 m pf 142 140 38 957 84.6 3.0 1.1 8.6 1.7 1.0 3190
110 m st 238 182 151 560 90.5 2.6 4.3 1.1 0.7 0.9 18 104
200 m pf 204 644 65 128 85.5 2.1 1.3 8.3 1.9 1.0 6081
200 m st 253 507 170 856 92.5 1.6 3.8 0.9 0.5 0.7 22 837
1000 m pf 209 778 31 332 72.1 3.4 1.1 21.3 1.4 0.7 2205
1000 m st 173 089 113 693 73.5 20.2 3.7 1.3 0.5 0.9 10 132
distinguish between prokaryote and eukaryote- this discrepancy between data types is unclear, but
derived viruses, it is possible that the prefilter may involve differences in the representation of
viruses originated from eukaryotes. In the following taxonomic groups between the Ribosomal Database
sections, we focus on protein-coding sequences of Project and NCBI-nr databases, in rRNA operon
prokaryotes. We first describe taxonomic patterns copy number among taxa, and in the phylogenetic
inferred from coding gene annotations in contrast to resolution between protein-coding and rRNA gene
those based on amplicon data, and then highlight fragments. Indeed, both the 16S and coding gene
functional categories involved with key OMZ data sets contained large numbers of sequences that
biogeochemical processes, as well as categories that could not be assigned to a bacterial phylum
differed notably between size fractions. (Supplementary Figure S5). Additional reference
sequences, including whole genomes of OMZ
Taxonomic compositionprotein-coding genes. microorganisms, will likely increase the probability
The taxonomic identities of bacterial protein-coding and accuracy of read assignment, and potentially
genes broadly reflected those inferred from 16S resolve differences between rRNA and coding gene-
rRNA gene amplicons, with important caveats. For based identifications. Until then, however, studies
this comparison, certain phylogenetic groups should account for the chance that community
detected in the amplicon data sets (Figure 1) composition shifts can be underestimated or mis-
were collapsed to higher taxonomic levels to interpreted when based on metagenome data.
match groupings based on protein-coding genes Protein-coding gene annotations can nonetheless
(Supplementary Figure S5). Analysis of 16S ampli- provide taxonomic insight by identifying groups not
cons from the four depths where metagenomes were well represented in 16S databases. For example, in
sampled (70, 110, 200 and 1000 m; all depths contrast to the amplicon data, which revealed
combined) revealed 10 major bacterial divisions an overall enrichment of Deltaproteobacteria on
(out of 20) that were at higher relative abundance on prefilters, coding sequences matching the ubiqui-
prefilters. Of these, nine also were enriched in tous deltaproteobacterial SAR324 cluster were 2 to
prefilters based on protein-coding data sets 12-fold more abundant on Sterivex filters compared
(Supplementary Figure S5). However, the magni- with prefilters (Supplementary Figure S8). Notably,
tude of this enrichment was markedly higher in SAR324-like reads peaked at 44% of total bacterial
comparisons using amplicon data (Supplementary coding reads in the Sterivex fraction at 1000 m,
Figure S5). For example, in the amplicon analysis, consistent with reports of the mesopelagic distribu-
the odds of detecting a deltaproteobacterial tion of this group (Wright et al., 1997). SAR324
sequence were 11-fold greater in the prefilter enrichment in the free-living fraction contrasts with
relative to the Sterivex fraction. In contrast, when recent genomic evidence indicating that this group
inferred from protein-coding sequences, these odds is adapted for a particle-associated lifestyle (Swan
were effectively equal between filter fractions (odds et al., 2011). However, this lineage also contains
ratio: 1.1). Similar patterns were evident for the chemoautotrophic members (Swan et al., 2011),
Planctomycetes, Spirochetes, Tenericutes and Epsi- which presumably would have less of a need to
lon- and Betaproteobacteria (Supplementary Figure attach to organic-rich particles.
S5C, F). On average, the major bacterial divisions Coding genes suggested that the archaeal commu-
were more evenly represented in the metagenome nity also differs markedly between size fractions
data (Simpsons E: 0.45 and 0.36 for prefilter and (Supplementary Figure S6). The Sterivex fraction
Sterivex, respectively) compared with the amplicon was enriched up to sixfold (mean 3.3) in reads
data (Simpsons E: 0.32 and 0.21 for prefilter and matching aerobic ammonia-oxidizing autotrophs of
Sterivex) (Supplementary Figure S5). The cause of the Thaumarchaeota, with the highest representation
Supplementary Information accompanies this paper on The ISME Journal website (