Emergency Care in The Modern Healthcare Industry

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Emergency Care in the Modern Healthcare Industry Name Professor Course Date

EMERGENCY CARE IN THE MODERN HEALTH CARE INDUSTRY Introduction The modern healthcare industry has an extremely vital task, because it deals with the

health of the public. All health care facilities should strive to give the best services to all patients regardless of age, gender, and social class. All facilities should be equipped with professional staff to reduce the risks that may affect the lives of patients. The emergency care in the modern health care industry has been marked with uttermost challenges that limit service delivery. Changes in scope of the healthcare industry Any healthcare industry has objectives that aim at giving the best health care services at minimal costs. The current healthcare industry needs a number of changes to meet the proposed requirements. It is one of the industries where customers spend the largest percentage of their salaries. The worst part of the matter is that the costs will continue to rise regardless of who takes care of the expenses. The government and the private sector have not been able to do much to decrease the costs. The industry has well-established hospitals, high quality information technologies, effective pharmaceuticals, and attractive insurance cover, but the burden of quality healthcare falls on the consumers. The healthcare industry no longer meets the necessary requirements; it acts as a business. Single payers do not receive the same quality of services as those who get corporate controlled services. Single payers get excellent services to encourage the system; consequently, this factor makes the industry more of a business sector than a health providing sector. The modern healthcare industry focuses on increasing the amount of money collected for the services rather than on the quality of services needed. Healthcare services should be equal, regardless of the mode of payment. Healthcare industry changes over the past five years

EMERGENCY CARE IN THE MODERN HEALTH CARE INDUSTRY The healthcare industry has changed in the recent past because the people entrusted to provide the necessary service began to focus on the amount of money they get. The salaries given to healthcare providers are based on the number of patients they serve. This factor has poisoned the minds of the providers, and most of them started to focus on the amount of money they get for their services. The quality of their services has decreased, because their salaries are not based on the quality of services offered, but rather on the number of patients.

There have emerged a number of conflicts between the people who pay the bills and want to lower their insurance premiums, and those who assign the latter. Economic factors, which cannot be controlled by the providers, tend to force them to increase the costs; consequently, those who do not pay generous amounts are unable to receive quality treatment. The friction between the two bodies has decreased the quality of services that are provided in healthcare institutions. Many individuals engage in unhealthy behaviors and abuse of prescribed drugs. Many patients do no finish their doses; consequently, they complicate their disease, especially those with chronic diseases. Other individuals engage in unhealthy lifestyles, which affects their health. This behavior has lead to an increase in cases of chronic diseases and other health problems, thus increasing the expenditure in most institutions. Communication between pharmaceutical companies has declined; hence, the investigation of new and effective drugs has become less intense. Type of industry and determination of competitiveness and strength The healthcare industry is a fragmented industry, because it is made up of various sectors, such as hospitals, pharmaceuticals, information technologies, and insurance. These sectors work

EMERGENCY CARE IN THE MODERN HEALTH CARE INDUSTRY hand in hand to ensure that the public receive the required services. A portfolio analysis is efficient in determining the competitiveness and the strong points of the industry. They enable the industry to carry out its analysis through comparison. Portfolio matrices enable the industry to improve its services with the use of external data (Moseley, 2009). This ensures that the industry looks into its problems and manages the problems without the need to compare itself with other industries. The portfolio matrix is extremely efficient for businesses that have several units. It determines the priorities that should be given in each unit. It also assists in categorizing

the industry according to relative market share, which is an alternative to market strength; on the other hand, it also categorizes businesses according to market growth. Market attractiveness is the measure of the amount of potential profit pool that can be acquired from the market. It is a mode providing analytical analysis of the aggregate of the industry. Competitive strength measures the possibility of winning a generous portion of the profits in the industry. The healthcare industry is extremely competitive, because doctors strive to attract customers, while hospitals strive to attract funds. Doctors have the best strategy, since they offer faster services to patients; moreover, most of them provide free consultation services to market their services. Industry drivers for change Customer awareness is vital in any industry; therefore, industries should improve their services to attract an enormous number of customers. A lifestyle change is also one of the drivers that instigate changes, because people strive to get services that will not tamper with their health. Technology drives change in industries. It improves the facilities needed to offer the best service (Borkowski, 2005). Marketing innovation is categorized as a driver for change, since new services get into the market.

EMERGENCY CARE IN THE MODERN HEALTH CARE INDUSTRY Projections for the healthcare industry Readmission is a strategy used in many hospitals to make money. This is when patients come back for readmission after thirty days of treatment. A number of institutions do not offer quality services to patients so that they the latter come back. The Accountable Care Act will ensure that the trend stops within the next five years, because the hospitals that will continue

with the practice will face harsh penalties. The hospitals that will exceed the standard number of readmissions will not receive financial benefits. This will ensure proper treatment of patients, since the reduction of financial aid will increase the expenditures of the hospital, and in the end, salaries will decrease. Excessive treatment and unnecessary tests are also a way of increasing hospital profits. The Affordable Care Act will ensure that every hospital employs analytics that will optimize hospital systems. This procedure will guarantee professionalism in the healthcare industry. Every patient should collect data based on their medical report. The data will help establish the amount of reimbursement. The data will also enable patients to demand quality care of the best providers. Telehealth is an efficient method that will be used by providers to reach their patients via telecommunication machinery. Conclusion All industries have their own goals; however, the general aim is to make an enormous profit. The healthcare industry strives to provide the necessary service at minimal costs. Technology is also vital in the healthcare industry, because it helps attract patients. Many hospitals value the aid given to them by the government; therefore, to get benefits, they ensure that their patients receive the best care.

EMERGENCY CARE IN THE MODERN HEALTH CARE INDUSTRY References Borkowski, N. (2005). Organizational behavior in health care. Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. Page 380 Moseley, G. B. (2009). Managing health care business strategy. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett. Page 189.

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