Int13 Group Presentation For Finance Assignment-2

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Finance Group Project

Happyville Elementary Rural K-6 Building in Southern Minnesota

Jon Graff, Sarah Morrison, Gideon Ogbeide, & Jon Wilson

Classroom FTEs

780 total students K-6 K- 105 students= 5 sections (21) 1st grade-115 students= 5 sections (23) 2nd grade- 110 students=5 sections (22) 3rd grade-125 students=5 sections (25) 4th grade- 102 students= 4 sections (26) 5th grade-113 students= 5 sections (23) 6th grade- 110 students= 4 sections (27)

33 FTE classroom teachers

Additional FTEs

P.E. x 2 (students have P.E. 2 times per week for 50 minutes) Music x 1 (students have music one time per week for 50 minutes) Art x 1 (students have art one time per week for 50 minutes) Media x 1 (students have media one time per week for 50 minutes) 0.5 band (will be offered to 5th and 6th grade) 0.5 GT (will support 95%ile students and above) 1 Reading Coach (support core and supplemental reading instruction and utilization of data)

Total FTEs 40

Compensatory Aid: $160,000 -- 1 English Language Learner Para ($15,000) -- 1 Intervention para ($15,000) -- 2 Intervention teachers ($80,000) -- (K-1, 2-3) -- 1 Math Coach ($50,000) -- Support core and supplemental math instruction and data

ELL and Title One

ELL: $80,000
$40,000 x 2 teachers

Title I: $40,000

Staff Development
Total Allotment: $40,000

AVID Elementary Implementation $18,245 o AVID Elementary Membership Fee $2,420 o AVID District Leadership Training $3,600 o 2 day AVID Summer Institute $8,300 o AVID Site Visit Days $3,925
*based off of projected AVID Elementary program costs 2013-2014 (

Quarterly AVID Collaboration Days for grade level leaders $3,500 Reading Curriculum Review $13,000 Individual Staff Requests $5,255

Classroom Supplies and Materials

Classroom Supplies and Materials Budget = $120,000
Percent Allotted Amount School Administration $9,996 Elementary General Education 5,124 Art 4.27 2.01 8.33%

Keyboarding 1,812 Gifted/Talented 984 .82 1.51

English Language Learners 1,716

Library 3,732


Classroom Supplies and Materials

Percent Allotted Amount Staff Development $2,532 2.11%

Graduation Standards - Testing 6,024

Technology 7.03 Secretarial/Counseling 8,436



Health Services 240 Kindergarten through 6th Grade $8,784 each Total $120,000 7.32 each .20

Site Capital Allocation

Site Capital Allocation - $15,000 Percent Allotted Amount

School Administration
$414 Art 1.10 Keyboarding .50 English Language Learners 252 Library 7.89 Music 2.76 Instrumental Music 414 1,183.50 75 165



Site Capital Allocation

Percent Allotted Amount 3.50% each Kindergarten through 6th Grade $525

*These amounts are based on the St. James Northside Elementary School current percentage allocation for each designated categories. Changes were made to some of the categories to fit our Elementary School.

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