Responsibility Matrix

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Responsibility Matrix

What is the Responsibility matrix and what is its purpose

When planning a project it is necessary to assign the work on the project to the project team so that there will be one person responsible for each part of the project and it is clear who performs the work, with whom it should be consulted, and who is to be informed of this activity. The responsibility matrix is a tool used to define the powers of individual project team members for various parts of project works (work packages). In professional literature, it is referred to as RAM (Responsibility Assignment Matrix) or RACI matrix, according to the English abbreviated names of responsibility relations. We break down the project into work packages when preparing the WBS (Work Breakdown Structure see WBS form) breakdown of work. For the sake of comprehensibility, we translated an RACI matrix to Czech. The following basic relations are distinguished: A Accountable: Person authorised to approve the outcome of the concerned activities. Outputs from each activity (work package, areas) are subject to approval by the person who is actually responsible for it. Each activity must only be approved by one person. It is an error if this type of responsibility is not assigned or if the responsibility for a specific area is assigned to multiple persons, and it usually results in a situation when no one is responsible for the concerned matter, or everyone thinks the work will be done by someone else. On the other hand a situation when no one is responsible for the concerned work does not lead to any result either. In English A Accountable. R Responsible: Person tasked with the performance of the concerned activities. It is the member of the team who is authorised to perform or responsible for performance of those activities. There may be several persons with this relationship in one package. At the same time it is possible to combine R Responsible and A Accountable. In English R Responsible C Consulted: Person with whom the progress of work shall be consulted. It is usually a person closely related to this area despite not being responsible for it, an expert in the given field who may be invited to consult key aspects. There may be several persons with this relationship in one package. In English C Consulted. I Informed: Person kept informed of the progress and outcomes from the concerned area. These are in particular those team members who need to be familiar with the progress of work. The way of "informing" should be set within the communication plan (regular reports, meetings, etc.). There may be several persons with this relationship in one package. In English I Informed.

When is the document prepared

The responsibility matrix is used to link work packages or outputs and project team members. Therefore it is suitable to prepare it during planning following the appointment of the project team and work breakdown (deconstruction). It is

necessary to keep it up-to-date during the project in reaction to changes to the team or the planned activity so that it provides true information about who is performing individual work and is responsible for it.

Who participates in the preparation process

Project manager when appointing the team and planning activities. They use this structure as it is a suitable tool for making and keeping track of clear responsibilities in the team.

When is the document used

We will use the responsibility matrix each time we need to determine who is to be responsible, accountable, consulted or informed about the project output.

Process of preparing the document

1. Fill in the project heading. 2. Enter work packages, i.e. outputs from the WBS (Work Breakdown Structure work breakdown (see WBS form) or key activities under the project as the case may be, in the first column. 3. Enter the names of project team members in the first line. 4. Using abbreviations, enter the responsibilities of individual team members in relation to each work package in the matrix.

Example of a completed form

Project name Date of update Person Work package Planning Budget Further training of teachers for the purpose of improving the quality of teaching 25/05/2012 Jan Novk A, R R R I R R P R R I A Petra Nekonen R A I Marie Krsn Karel Velik External worker 1

Educational needs analysis A Preparation of educational modules and implementation A Selection of teachers for pilot training I Preparation of tender documentation for ICT A Surveys of project effects A Purchase realisation and assignment introduction A Project evaluation, final report R Types of responsibilities:


A Accountable; R Responsible; C Consulted; I - Informed

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