Information and Communications University School of Humanities
Information and Communications University School of Humanities
Information and Communications University School of Humanities
Assignment No. 1
SIN: 1606182195
Diagram below show an example of a Work Breakdown Structure for a Wedding Project.
The OBS is therefore expanded to form what is known as the Work Package Responsibility
Matrix (Lester, 2006, p.43). A Responsibility Matrix (RM) is a tool used to define the authority
of an Individual in the project team. It shows the responsibility and authority of the project
team members.
The RM will show which person is responsible for each part of the Project and it is clear on
the levels of responsibility for example, it clearly states the relationships on particular task
amongst the team members. RMs provide a means for all participants in a project view their
responsibilities and agree on their assignments, and also define communication structure within
the project. They also help clarify the extend or type of authority exercised by each team
member of the project team in performing an activity in which two or more parties have
overlapping involvements, Larson and Gray (2011, p.117). These types of authority or
relationships may be categorised into Responsible, Accountable, Consulted and/or Informed
on that particular task or activity. Below is an example of a typical Responsibility Matrix.
Responsibility Matrix
Project name Further training of teachers for the purpose of improving the quality of
Date of update 25/04/2017
Person Emmanuel Simeon Esther Hara Davies External
Work Package Nyirenda Chungu Mulenga worker 1
Planning A,R R
Budget R A
Educational needs analysis A I I
Preparation of educational modules A I R
and implementation
Selection of teachers for pilot I R A
Preparation of tender A R R
documentation for ICT
Surveys of project effects A R I
Purchase realisation and A R R
assignment introduction
Project evaluation, final report R I I A
Figure 2: Work Package Responsibility Matrix (RM)
Types of responsibilities: A – Accountable; R – Responsible; C – Consulted; I - Informed
3. Activity Schedule
An activity schedule is a method of presenting the activities of a project in a logical sequence
and identifies any dependencies that exist amongst these activities within the framework of the
project. It is a project planning tool that is used for presenting and reviewing the activities of a
project. The schedule is created after WBS is completed and identifies the activities required
to produce the various project deliverables. The process of activity schedule creation starts with
an activity list. This is done after activity definitions for the work packages is completed. The
project manager who has experience in project planning will, from the list of activities, attach
attributes to each activity. Any predecessor activities, successor activities, or constraints should
be listed in the attributes along with descriptions and any other information about resources or
time that is needed for planning purpose. The project planning team will then create the activity
schedule following the steps stated below.
The steps involved in activity schedule preparation are:
1. List the main activities and assign to results
2. Break the main activities down into sub-activities and manageable tasks
3. Clarify the sequence and dependencies of the activities and tasks
4. Estimate the start-up, duration and completion of each activity and task
5. Identify process indicators or milestones by which you can measure project
6. Define the expertise required to undertake the activities and tasks
7. Allocate tasks among the project team
Gantt Chart is later developed after all of the information on an activity schedule is summarised
in graphical format. A Gantt Chart is one common way of graphically presenting activity
4. Gantt Charts
The Gantt chart follows completion of Project activity scheduling. Once the project
schedule is done, the Gantt chart is created to display progress of the project graphically. A
Gantt chart is one of the project planning tools and its main purpose is to communicate schedule
information of the project activities in visual picture. Gantt Charts are excellent visual aids and
their effectiveness can be enhanced by the use of different colours (Lock, 2007, p.187). Task
bars on a Gantt Chart view can be coloured to display similar tasks, a milestone or summary
task. These are generated horizontal bar charts with horizontal axis showing the total time span
of the project, broken down into individual tasks, each of which is represented by a horizontal
bar. The project duration traverses from left to right with the two ends showing the beginning
and completion of a particular task. To show dependencies of tasks in the project, arrows are
drawn from the end of the predecessor task to the start of the successor task. The vertical axis
shows the tasks that make up the project.
In summary, the Gantt Chart is made up of:
a horizontal time scale;
a vertical list of tasks;
a horizontal line or bar drawn to scale to represent the time needed to complete the activity.
From the Gantt chart a critical path will become clear through the total durations of the various
linked project paths. Below is a diagram showing an example of a Gantt chart.
Figure 3: Gantt Chart