Introducing and Classifying Food Listening To The Tape

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School year: 2012/2013 Date: 11.12.2012.

Subject: English language Lesson plan: 28 Class: V a,b (the fifth year of primary school and the fourth year of learning English language) Class time: 45 minutes Teacher: Adelaida Hamzi Teaching unit: Introducing and classifying food
Listening to the tape Type of lesson: Revision of learnt and presentation of new material

Sources: Dip in 5 student's book, Dip in 5activity book, Dip in 5teacher's book, corrected tests Aims and goals:
- to revise previously learnt material -to introduce and practise words related to food -to speak about different food and its importance -to practice stating what we like and do not like -to practice students writing skills

Teaching methods:
- conversation - writing - questions-answers -audio-lingual -task based method -a project

Class management:
Frontal work Individual work Pair work

Correlation with other school subjects: Correlation with Bosnian language: Grammar section:
Verb to be, Prepositions; Social studies: Rooms within a house; Telling the time, Food

Teaching aids, materials and equipment: Dip in 5 students books and workbooks, chalk,
blackboard, notebooks, a CD player and a CD, flashcards and a poster related to the topic, a clock

Procedure: Introductory part, main part and final part

Additional plan: None.

SCHEME OF THE LESSON DEVELOPMENT Introductory part: (app. 6 minutes)

Teacher greets students and writes the lesson into the class book. Teacher asks students to prepare their homework for checking. Teacher checks students work and invites two students to read their work to the rest of the class Teacher invites three students to come in front and rep the song Dorians homework for the rest of the class. Teacher asks the students additional questions related to learnt texts and language structures, and evaluates their knowledge giving full explanation for each given mark.

Main part: (app. 35 minutes)

Teacher explains to students that they are going to learn some new words related to food that will extend their vocabulary and practice how to express what they like or do not like. Teacher encourages students to name some food in English and write them on the board if they know any. Teacher asks students to open their books on p 58 and look at the pictures given there. Teacher introduces new words and invites students to repeat them after him/her. Teacher writes new words on the board for students to copy into their notebooks. Teacher asks students to work in pairs and do exercise 2 given in their books, e.g. to copy the words into two boxes. Teacher checks the answers with the class. Teacher asks students to work individually and do exercise 7, given on p 59. Teacher checks the answers with the class. Teacher discusses with the class how to express likes or dislikes in English, giving examples as well as rules for students to copy into their notebooks. Teacher divides the class into groups and asks students to do exercise 8, e.g. to ask two friends what they like and to mark their answers in the given table. Teacher invites three students to read their results to the rest of the class. Teacher asks students to work individually and do exercise 9, e.g. circle and write what they like.

Final part: (app. 14 minutes)

Teacher asks students to work in pairs and do the project on food, e.g. to cut or draw some pictures of food and stick them into their notebooks under three different sections, for example lunch, dinner and breakfast. While students do their task teacher moves round the class and monitors their work, giving help if needed and asking questions about the project in order to checks students comprehension.

Homework: Students should do exercises given in their workbooks on p 50 and 52 in order to practise the use of learnt words and present simple tense.

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