Instrumentatio and Cap 1

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The Process Flow Diagram

The Process Flow Diagram (PFD) is a specialized document that graphically depicts the key elements of an entire facility or process; but due to that specialization, you may never have seen or used' one. It is, nonetheless, a keystone to the organized early development of any complex process and a valuable record of that process for strategic planning. They are invaluable project scope definition tools. These schematic representations are used by corporate managers, strategic planners, process designers and even regulatory agencies because they de al with the larger, macro information: "this much raw material is converted to this much product using this energy in these forms", all on a few neat and tidy drawing sheets and tables. In this chapter we will tend to refer to PFDs in a project or specific process context, but they are used as much to record the function of an entire plant in a concise manner appropriate for purposes that don't require piping and control details. A PFD is the fundamental representation of a process that schematically depicts the conversion of raw materials into finished products without delving into the details of how that conversion occurs. It defines the flow of material and utilities such as water and electric power; it defines the basic functional relationships between major pie ces of equipment. The PFD defines the capability of a system by listing minimum, normal and maximum conditions. They inelude ranges of flow, pressure, temperature, and possibly sorne other defining parameter for that process. PFDs are closely associated with material balances which are used to determine the raw material s and utilities needed to achieve a desired result or product. A material balance is also referred to as a mass balance. PFDs can provide or infer information related to an energy balance as well; as it relates to utilities needed to perform the materials conversion. A material balance in mass units is preferred; engineering calculations at this macro level are typically done in mass units rather than engineering units, that is, pounds per hour rather than gallons per minute. The material balance starts with a mass calculation performed for a number of conditions; minimum, probably a few "normal" and then maximum conditions. The drawing that ends up as the PFD records the results of those calculations which then serves to define the amount of product a product or facility will produce and the resources and utilities that are needed to achieve that desired result. These calculations don't address the specifics or pipe sizing, or process measurements or controls; instead they focus on how to achieve the end results without addressing the minutia of each step.

Project design teams use PFDs during this developmental stage to document the design options under study. Strategic planners and managers use PFDs to define the capabilities of their facility. Feasibility studies and scope definition work use PFDs prior to commencing detailed designs. PFDs are not only associated with new construction. Within an operating facility, a plant-wide design group and site management may use PFDs to document the requirements to produce different products or use different recipes and to provide a framework for facility optimization in support of production changes. There is no gene rally accepted industry standard available to aid in developing the PFD. ISA-5.l does define how instrumentation can be depicted on a PFD. A typical PFD shows the product manufactured or treated by the plant, the raw materials necessary for that product, the by-products produced by the process, the waste material s that must be disposed of, the basic process pressures, temperatures, and flows needed to produce the product, and the major equipment needed. The important piping runs are shown, but piping is not normally sized on a PFD, and auxiliary and utility piping are not shown. A written description of the process may also be included, if only to emphasize certain critical characteristics of the process. Most PFDs show a minimum of equipment or control detail, while others may include more. These two design approaches are discussed below.

Minimum Detall Approach

For a PFD to be most effective in schematically representing the critical details of a process in the least amount of room, the entire process should be shown in as little space as practical. Only the major process steps are depicted. The intent is to simply show that a change has or will be made to a material or that a product has been modified rather than the minutiae of how that change was made. It can be something of a challenge to determine what should be shown on a PFD, but remember the PFD is a big picture schematic; there will always be a P&ID made to flesh out the details. One should err on the side of removing detail from a PFD. The PFD content is mostly driven by the customer for the document. It is more in the realm of the process engineer and senior management, and less the playground of the control system design team. To this end, little or no line sizing is provided, there is very little process control shown on a PFD, since this information is not critical to the material balance. Remember that for most projects, process control components are not a significant cost component in

the overall budget. Valves and transmitters are usually significantly less costly than an associated pressure vessel. Details will be shown later on the P&IDs and other project documents. P&IDs will be discussed in detail in Chapter 2. So, what gets shown on a minimum detail PFD? As stated before, the process steps that convert the material from one form to another are generally shown, and the details of that conversion are tabularized in sorne way, refer to Figure 1-1. A PFD doesn't normally show a flow or pressure control point because these don't change the mass balance. It may, however, show where two streams combine or split to make a third, or possibly where there is a significant utility demando A successful rule of thumb is to show detail on equipment only if That information has a material balance impact. There is a significant utility impact. There is a custody transfer point (ownership transfer point). Information needed to further define process equipment when the detail design is implemented. Special equipment. In practical terms, "special" here probably means "having a significant cost impact on the project." If the information is needed to reach a critical project decision, it may be important enough to show on the PFD.

Additional Detail Approach

Plant design teams and plant owners may want PFDs to exceed the minimal detail macro approach by including design details that otherwise would only appear on P&IDs. These teams and owners might involve the process control engineers early in the project to gain insight into the cost and implementation challenges of the decisions being contemplated. Those decisions, or the plans that come out of them, might be documented on a PFD if they are seen to be extraordinary, or in other words, costly. There are thereby varying levels of involvement by control system designers in the development of the PFD. The PFD might include design details such as major measurement points, control methods, sorne control valves, and sorne process analyzers. The PFD may be used as a guide, or perhaps even the first steps, in the development of the P&IDs. Details will then be duplicated on the P&IDs and other project documents. A single PFD may contain enough information for several P&IDs. One rule of thumb is that a single PFD may contain enough information to develop up to 10 P&IDs!

The purpose of the PFD is to define the design of the process. Figure 1-1 is an example of a minimum detail PFD, albeit an overly simple one that only shows a tiny pie ce of a much larger process. Completion of a PFD is frequently the starting point of the detailed engineering of any process.










A PFD is most likely to be developed in several steps. The plant owner may develop a preliminary PFD for their "thinking document" to establish the proposed process or a process change for considerabon. The plant owner may also, or instead, elect to use other methods such as a written description to define the process scope. See Figure 1-2, Process Description. In either form, this information is used to establish the initial design criteria for the proposed process or process change. The PFD, or other conceptual information, is normally reviewed by the owner's process design team and the engineering contractor's process engineers and planning team before detailed design commences. The review is to ensure that two criteria have been met: l. There is enough information on the PFD to support development of the P&IDs by all the detailed design disciplines. The decision that "enough"

information is presented is probably best left to the design entity or entities that will use the PFD. 2. Material balance information is present to support, with the experience of the project design and purchasing teams, the identification and specification of "long lead" equipment.
Process Description Plant 001 Knockout Drum D-OOl
- The inlet gas, which consists of mixed petroleum liquids and vapors, originates in various sections of the plant and is piped to the knockout drum, D-001, where Iiquids and vapors are separated by expansion and a slow-down of velocity. - The mixed petroleum liquids are pumped to the separator and vapors are routed to the fiare. - The incoming material is normally 10% condensate, but under some conditions, condensables may be reduced substantially. - The wet gas will vary in temperature from a low of 90F to a high of 180F.

Long Lead

"Long lead" is a term used to describe equipment or components that take a long time to procure, design, fabricate and ship. In other words, it is equipment that has to be purchased early in the project. The criteria for "long lead" should be defined by the construction management or purchasing groups, since it changes between industries and projects. A long lead item might be one that will consume one-third of the construction schedule between issue of the specification for bid and delivery to the site. If the equipment needs an atypicallength of time for installation, it may also be appropriate to call it long lead regardless of the length of the procurement cycle.

The Early Design Effort

The owner may put a lot of effort and invest a great deal of time, money and expertise in a project before any PFD is developed. The following is a simplified look at the early steps the owner or any design team might take. A project may start with a gleam in someone's eye or a voice in the middle of the night: "We could sell a lot more product if we had a new, more efficient plant. We could sell a new product like soap, paint, sodium bicarbonate, tissue, toluene di-isocyanate, or computer chips provided we could produce it in a cost-effective way by using a new process, new materials, different techniques or even an entirely new plant. We could make our product better, or cheaper. We need to reduce pollution, or have fewer by-products. We could make our product more profitable with higher quality." The gleam in the eye or the voice in the night is then turned over to a group of experienced personnel for further development. If the proposed project is a new plant, the group will include company managers and specialists such as consultants, engineers, real esta te advisors, pur-


chasing managers, marketing teams, sales experts, and other support personnel. As the concepts mature, the group will evolve into teams developing, at the least, a general size and location for the plant, a marketing plan for the product, and a financial plan to establish and control costs. A preliminary process is then defined with a PFD, and the source and costs of the raw materials are determined. If all this information is favorable, company executives may decide to proceed with the concept. This conceptual plan, grounded in part by the process defined by the PFDs might specify that the plant be located where raw materials, electricity, water and a suitable labor force are available. The economic portion of the plan will have the costs defined based in a general way on the content of the PFDs as well as the experience of the management and designers with cost escalation calculated for the project's duration. The economic plan will include the production yield forecasts as well as the planned cost of the raw materials, combined and massaged to provide a unit cost and margin for the units of product soldo Ultimately, the project will be able to estimate the return on investment (ROl) for the project, which hopefully will be aboye the company threshold for new projects. If the ROl is below the company threshold, the project is simply not going to be approved. Planning continues after the decision is made to proceed with the project. N ext, the executive team secures the necessary land, and a set of scope definition documents is completed. While individual equipment sizing is not part of a PFD, experience and technical acumen can estimate the amount of land needed by the process shown. This The Design Team information serves as the starting point for the detailed engineering. When this VN'heiler"a cntractor develops the,deign,or it is done in-house, thework is done by an engneering team, consisting of many specialty groups. A typinitial work is done by the owner prior .ical team.will be led by a p~oject engineer or engineering manager and it rnight, to involvement by a detailed design qJnsist of thefollowing design groups: . team, the initial or preliminary PFD, Precess and other process descriptions Preject developed by the owner is included in these scope documents. Many owners Process tontrol Sttuctural use independent engineering contraeMechanical fiquipment Vessels tors for the detailed engineering. Other firms have in-house capabilities The design team is a part of the total. organization necessary to manage the design and staff and prefer to do the detailed and consuuoon of a facility. One common term for the scope of the total organiengineering design themselves. The zation is EPC: Engineering - Procurement - Construction. Some owners hire con"who" is not important. The process of tractors for some or al! of the three parts, Vithile others handle all three themselves. figuring out what to do, how to do it, The owner's project manager has overall control of the project The project manager may also have additional staff to handle other functions, such as cost engiwhat it will cost and the confidence neering, estimaticn and legal. Contradors may also use a project manager to conthat it will achieve the production and trol their portion of the project, if they have responsibilities other than engineering. cost objectives are "what's important."

Chapter 1: The Process Flow Diagram

When an independent engineering contractor is to be used, the owner will use scope documents such as their PFD to aid in securing the contractor's services through competitive bidding or sorne other selection processes.

PFD Details

The PFD should use symbols and letter designations to identiy the equipment on the PFD. It is not necessaIy to add much detail, as previously discussed. A simple line sketch or even a box will serve to show a piece of equipment. For instance, a heat exchanger can be shown as a simple line representation of a main process flow and a heat transfer medium flow, without implying a particular type of exchanger. For a PFD, the only information needed is that a piece of equipment transfers heat at that point, rather than showing the specific transfer mechanism. Sorne projects might identify equipment by using the Symbol Mnemonics shown in Figure 1-3. This particular owner used the letters VSSL for vessels, Figure 1-3: PFD Effuipment Symbols
Subgroup: Process Symbol Name: Vessel Symbol Mnemonic: VSSL Description: A vessel or separator. Internal details may be
shown to indicate type of vessel. Can also be used as a pressurized vessel in either a vertical or horizontal arrangement.

Subgroup: Process Symbol Name: Distillation Tower Symbol Mnemonic: DlWR Description: A packed or trayed distillation tower used for
separation. Packing or trays may be shown to indicate type of distillation tower.

Subgroup: Storage Symbol Name: Atmospheric Tank Symbol Mnemonic: ATNK Description: A tank for material stored under atmospheric

Subgroup: NI A Symbol Name: Exchanger Symbol Mnemonic: XCHG Description: Heat transfer equipment. An alternative
symbol is depicted.



Instrumentation and Control SystemsDocumentation

D1WR for distillation towers, ATNK for atmospheric tank, and XCHG for exchanger. Other projects might use a single letler for identification, such as C for columns, T for tanks, D for drums, V for vessels, E for heat exchangers and coolers. We know of more than one project that counter intuitively used G for pumps. Their logic was that pumps are rated in gallons per minute units and they already used P for "pressure vessels". The point here is that people will use terms and symbols with which they are comfortable; our only interest is that they use the same terminology everywhere and that they provide a legend explaining the method. While there are many variations of the letlers and symbols used, it is very important to be consistent throughout a project, and almost as important to use symbols familiar to those who will use them. Process flow data and conditions are tabularized on the PFD. These conditions define the "design" conditions, but-since it is important to the equipment sizing - in addition to normal or operating conditions, the maximum and minimum conditions will be provided as well. Remember, since the PFD is tied closely to the material balance, mas s flow units are normally used. Basic pressure and temperature conditions may be provided as well. The mass flow units will be converted to engineering units during the detail designo There are two common ways to show the process conditions. One is to provide a set of numbers along the Ene connecting equipment using a standard format, possibly three conditions with slashes for delimiters such as: flow/pressure/temperature. Units are not normally provided to conserve space. The units are standardized and are explained on the legend sheet. The flow conditions are those upon which the project will be based; the conditions on the PFD will eventually become part of the equipment specifications, frequently after the mass units are converted to more common engineering units. Another useful way to document process conditions is to use a keyed tableo A numbered symbol- frequently a diamond with an internal number - is added aboye a line or piece of equipment on the drawing. Atable is then provided along the top or botlom of the PFD listing the process conditions for that numbered symbol. This approach has the advantage of simplifying the addition of process conditions, and makes it a bit easier to maintain the data in the tableo

As discussed earlier in this chapter, sorne engineering contractors or plant

owners include more information on PFDs than the minimum. This should be agreed upon between the owner and the con tractor before the documents are prepared. Arguably, when there is pressure to add more detail to the PFDs, it may well be time to redirect the design effort to P&IDs. Sorne projects may show basic measurement and controls information on a PFD beca use they deem it important to understanding the process shown on the PFD. We don't encourage this approach, but it happens; only very simple, easily recognizable and simple symbols are used.

Batch Processing

Plants Vary

Batch processing plants may contain equipment useGlin different ways, in sequences - often for many different batches or products at one time, or at different times. The PFD defines a continuous process very efficienth. Batch processing, however, may require additional definition. A batch process subjects a fixed quantity of material (a batch) to one or more process steps in one or more pieces of equipment. The process takes place in a set of equipment defined in ANSI/ISA-88.00.01-~01O, Batch Control Port 7: Models and Terminology as a process cell. The process cell may be used to make a single product or many products. There are two further choices if the cell is making many producs. 11Ie cell may use different raw materials vvith different process pararnetrs and either use the same equipment or, altematively, use different equipment Many pr{)Ce15c S ells have the capability to process mere than one batch of the same, or different, products concurrently. A single PFD~an define one process. In batch processing the PFD is often supplernented by a recipe, due to the complexity. Recipes contan five categories of information, as indicated in Rgure 1-4, and are specific for the end producto
e.. C'(c e

Figure 1-4: Recipe Contents



Header Equipment Requirements Procedure Formula Other information

Administrative information and a process summary Information about the specific equipment necessary to make a batch or a specific part of the batch Defines the strategy for carrying out a process Describes recipe process inputs, process parameters, and process outputs Product safety, regulatory, and other information that doesn't fit in the other categories

Figure 1-4 is from the book written by Jlm Parshalland Larry Lamb. Applying 588, Batch Control from a User's Perspedive (ResearchTrianglePark,NC: ISA,2000) page 48. The book contains the definition of a control recipe: ''A control recipe is used to creare a single specific batch.... control recipes unique to individual batches allow product tracing or genealogy to occuf.' ANSIjISA-S.06:01-2G07 Fundional Requirements Documenrotion for Control 5oftwareApp1catons alscprocides insight on this subject.

Engineering designers and owners may use the PFD as a first step in designing the measurement and control system. Important process monitoring and control requirements are then captured as they become known during design development. In this situation, the process design team may indicate where various process variables are to be measured. For example, a circle with a single letter P inside might be used to signify that the pressure at this point is important to the process and should be measured. Likewise, the use of F for flow, L for level, or T for temperature in a circle would indicate where these variables should be measured. Everyone involved should understand that the process measurement and control points shown on a PFD are by no means the only points, they are just notable points identified during project scope development. Many more process measurement points and control points will be defined later and shown on a P&ID.

Instrumentation and Control Systems Documentation

Sorne designers or owners might elect to show expensive process control system components on the PFD. For example, an in-line process chromatograph may appear on the PFD, due as much to its cost as its importance to the overall process. Measurement and control points required for regulatory reasons or to standardize metrics across different facilities within the same organization may be added to ensure that the detailed design team includes them in the final project. Project teams may elect to define process variable sensing points, controllers and control valves even more stylistically than that on a P&ID since PFDs are intended to provide a canvas for the broad-brush "artistry" or possibly the shorthand of the process engineers. Remember, though, that the detail required for a complete process control design should be left to the P&ID. The PFD for our simulated project is shown as Figure 1-1 and a word description of the process is shown as Figure 1-2. No symbols are shown on our sample PFD; showing no instrumentation symbols is a more common approach, by far. Simple symbols without numbers are sometimes shown on PFDs to describe process control devices. A very simple continuous process has been chosen for our discussion; the rest of design documents for the process (and, by extension, the plant) will be developed in the following chapters. The PFD in Figure 1-1 shows there is a flow in the process line, stream number (1), of 10,000 pounds/hour of wet gas with a temperature between 90F and 180F and a pressure of 20 psi. The variation in temperature is caused by process changes upstream of this PFD. Note that only a stream number, (1), (2) or (3) identifies the pipelines. Nothing has been included on line size, material of construction, or pressure class (ANSI 150, ANSI 300, etc.) for any of the piping. Notice that there are no symbols or data shown for the pump driver (an electric motor, most often); only the equipment number, G-005, identifies the pump. This minimalist approach is appropriate at this point since many detailed design decisions will follow after the PFD is agreed upon. Restating points raised earlier, one might see driver details if the driver met other uniqueness criteria such as long lead or high cost, or if the driver was part of a different process cycle, such as a pump driven by a steam turbine. The wet gas goes into D-001, the Knockout (KO) Drum, where the liquid condenses out of the wet gas stream as the gas expands and cools. The liquid is pumped to a separator (on another PFD) where the water and process liquid are separated. Stream number (2) shows that pump G-005 has a discharge pressure of 50 psi. The pumped liquid has a specific gravity of 0.9 at 60F. The pump has a capacity of 1,000 pounds/hour and the temperature of the degassed material varies between 70F and 170F.



The light ends or gases, flowing at 9,000 poundslhour and shown as stream number (3), are piped to a flare, which is shown on another PFD. The pressure needed to move this quantity of gas to the flare is 4 psi. From this simple simulated PFD we have enough information to start development of the P&ID. To the project design team, the PFD becomes less important as the P&ID develops and the process temperatures, pressures, and flow rates are used to develop design criteria. However, if the PFD is kept current as the project develops, it may be used to familiarize contractor and owner personnel with the process. It is usually far easier to understand the basics of a process from a PFD than from the P&IDs.

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