334 MCQ
334 MCQ
334 MCQ
The WHO, KKH Paediatrics and NUH Paediatrics age criteria for adolescence is: A. 10-19 years. B. 14-16 years. C. 17-19 years. D. 12-18 years. E. 11-21 years. Which one of the following statements about the Singaporean adolescent is CORRECT? A. Most Singaporean adolescents consult their family physicians for chronic medical conditions. B. Conduct and oppositional disorders are the most common mental health disorders of Singaporean adolescents. C. Alcoholic binges and abuse are not one of the common risk behaviours D. A poll by the Straits Times on 26th July 2007 showed the average age of sexual debut was 17 years. E. The 1993 SAF Smoking Survey showed the mean age at which smoking started was 15 years. About the typical behaviours in early adolescence which one of the following statements is CORRECT? A. Increased interest and curiosity about sex. B. Greater awareness and responsiveness to needs of others. C. There is increased argumentativeness and perception that everyone else is wrong. D. More interest in gaining approval of significant others. E. Increased exploration and experimentation in search for an identity. Which one of the following is a CORRECT developmental task for successful transition from childhood to adulthood? A. Continued dependence on parents/adults. B. Developing and accepting an idealistic body image. C. Increasing role of peer relationship to define their own sense of identity apart from that of their parents. D. Experiencing pressure to act in gender inappropriate ways. E. Decreasing need for self identity. Which one of the following facilitates resilience of adolescents to rebound from stressful circumstances or events? A. A traumatic, stormy relationship with an adult. B. Being an atheist. C. Highly competitive environment that encourages the survival of the fittest.
D. Family environment that gives freedom to do what the adolescent wants. E. Having emotional intelligence and the ability to cope with stress. 6. Which one of the following is LEAST likely to be regarded by the adolescent as engendering an adolescent friendly consultation? A. Shows respect to the adolescent as an individual with privileges and rights. B. Being able to negotiate the adolescents needs with the other adults expectations. C. Start speaking with the adolescent followed by separate sessions with parents (with consent of adolescent). D. Having a combined interview of the whole family to observe the dynamics of family interaction. E. Focussing on only one problem at a time. Which one of the following actions is LEAST likely to facilitate communication by being adolescent friendly? A. Use non verbal cues to acknowledge that you understand such as nodding or saying uh-huh. B. Use body position (e.g., lean forward) and attention to encourage the adolescent and signal your interest. C. When an adolescent looks down during consultation remind him not to be rude. D. Offer an email address for the adolescent to ask questions. E. Understand the culture and vocabulary of adolescents. The HEADSS Assessment is a: A. Traditional face-to-face interview with the adolescent and family members. B. A structured interview form. C. A web based assessment protocol. D. An interview instrument for finding out about issues in adolescents lives. E. A technique for establishing rapport with adolescents. Which one of the following situations is LEAST likely to be associated with increased suicide risk in the adolescent? A. Hopelessness of the situation. B. Detailed planning of suicide intention. C. Presence of depression associated with substance abuse and dependence. D. Being a Chinese or Indian and age between 15 to 19 years. E. Keeping a hammer in the drawer of the bedside cupboard.
10. The E in the HEADSS acronym is a reminder to explore history regarding: A. Environment at home. B. Education and Employment. C. Exercise activities. D. Experimenting with drugs. E. Enjoyment from sex. 11. Which one of the following situations poses a risk for tobacco, alcohol and substance addiction in adolescents? A. Childs father has recently died of heart attack. B. Secondary 3 student who repeated one year of school, and parents are unsure where he is most of the time. C. Parents complain that their child plays too much computer games but the school results are not affected. D. Child is shy and not outgoing, with no friends. E. Parents complain that their child listens to too much loud music. 12. Which one of the following should be of most concern when interviewing the parents for a child with addictive disorder? A. Family history of colon cancer. B. Sleeping well at night. C. Loss of interest in a favourite hobby. D. Gaining weight recently. E. Stress during examinations. 13. Which one of the following is CORRECT for what the acronyms stand for as brief screening tools for addiction? A. AOD stands for Any Other Disorders screened for comorbidity. B. CRAFFT stands for Car, Relax, Alone, Friends, Forget, Trouble. C. SOGS-RA stands for South Oregon Substance Abuse screening. D. MAGs stands for Mixed Alcohol and Gambling addiction screening. E. GA 20 stands for Gamblers Anonymous questionnaire. 14. In counselling an adolescent with substance use disorders and other addictions, which one of the following is CORRECT? A. Parents should come down hard and scold the child. B. Shaming the adolescent is effective. C. Use empathy, be interested, and avoid being naggy or judgmental. D. Accept that the person is too weak to change his own behaviour. E. Put down any resistance. . 15. Which one of the following statements on adolescent addiction is CORRECT? A. Compared to adults, addictive behaviour risk is relatively small for adolescents. B. Substance abuse in adolescents tends to be overdiagnosed so the full criteria should be met before labeling and starting treatment. C. The strategy of prevention lies with the schools and teachers. D. Warning signs of addiction include irritability or apathy, mood changes, poor self care, and weight loss. E. Family involvement is likely to be meddlesome.
16. As an adolescent mental disorder, which one of the following is classified as a transition disorder? A. Substance abuse. B. Pervasive developmental disorder. C. Attention deficit hypertensive disorder. D. Attachment disorder. E. Language and learning disorder. 17. As a behavioural problem in adolescence, which one of the following is classified as disruptive behaviour? A. Crying. B. Irritability. C. Acting out. D. Somatisation. E. Aggression. 18. About adolescent depression, which one of the following statements is CORRECT? A. Adolescent boys are twice as likely as girls to experience depression. B. Twenty percent of adolescent attendees at the Child Guidance Clinic have a mood disorder. C. Depressive moods may alternate over a period of hours or days. D. Unlike adult depression, adolescent depression is easy to diagnose. E. Most adolescent depressions are beyond the ability of family physicians to manage them successfully. 19. Which one of the following may draw attention to the presence of adolescent depression? A. Difficulty in making decisions. B. Temper. C. Excessive daytime sleepiness and fatigue. D. Episodes of memory loss. E. All of the above. 20. Which one of the following is LEAST useful in anger management? A. Change the way one thinks. B. Use logic on oneself to beat the anger. C. Express anger in an assertive manner. D. Finding what triggers the anger immediately. E. Deep breathing and relaxing imagery. 21. Which one of the following statements on the epidemiology of eating disorders is CORRECT? A. Eating disorders occur most commonly in adolescents and equally in both male and female. B. A 1997 study of Chinese Singaporean youths found that 80% of females wanted to be thinner. C. The main types of eating disorders are anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. D. Mortality for anorexia nervosa is high at 25%. E. The distinction between normal dieting and disordered eating is based on psychological factors. 22. Which one of the following diagnostic criteria for anorexia nervosa is CORRECT? A. Maintaining body weight above the minimum normal weight for age and height. B. Intense fear of losing weight or becoming underweight. C. Aware of the seriousness of current low body weight. D. Dysmenorrhoea occurs in postmenarchal females. E. Undue influence of body weight or shape on self evaluation.
23. Which one of the following diagnostic criteria for bulimia nervosa is CORRECT ? A. Recurrent episodes of eating that are controlled and not excessive. B. Associated alcohol and gambling addiction. C. Inappropriate compensatory behaviour to prevent weight gain such as self induced vomiting. D. Two episodes of binge eating are considered sufficient for diagnosis. E. Undue influence of body height on self evaluation. 24. Which one of the following is seen in anorexia nervosa? A. Tachycardia. B. Hypertension. C. Alopecia areata. D. Russells sign. E. Xanthelasma. 25. In which one of the following cases of eating disorder would you consider inpatient admission? A. Active suicidal plans. B. Weight decline in excess of 5 kg. C. Patients who suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder. D. On the third episode of binge eating. E. Family request. 26. Which one of the following is MOST likely to be part of normal puberty in the female? A. Breast development at 8 years . B. Menarche occurs at 9 years. C. Absence of menses by age 16 years in the presence of normal secondary sexual characteristics. D. Absence of breast development by age 14. E. Persistent oligomenorrhoea with intervals of up to six months in the early teens. 27. Which one of the following statements about delayed puberty in females is CORRECT? A. Absence of breast development by age 16 years. B. Onset of period before age 16.
C. Absent uterus or absent vagina can be a cause and such females usually have normal secondary sexual characteristics. D. Constitutional delay can be a cause which can be confirmed by a low FSH level. E. It is not associated with eating disorders. 28. Which one of the following statements about male sexual development is CORRECT? A. Male sexual development begins at average age of 10.6 years. B. The first ejaculation of a boy does not contain any sperms. C. Wet dreams are experienced by every boy. D. Size of penis has a bearing on virility. E. Median age for establishment of spermatogenesis is 13.4 years. 29. Which one of the following statements about sexuality is CORRECT? A. Sexual drives and behaviours increases dramatically during adolescence largely because of modern social values. B. The average age of initiation of intimate sexual behaviour among adolescence does not differ between countries and cultural groups. C. Homosexual explorations are frequent in early adolescence. D. Hormonal abnormalities are frequently found in young people with gender identity disorder. E. The raging hormones of puberty driving irresistible sexual urge during adolescence is a proven concept. 30. About irregular periods (both oligomenorrhoea and polymenorrhoea) which one of the following statements is CORRECT? A. Oligomenorrhoea and polymenorrhoea are usually ovulatory. B. Polycystic Ovarian Disease may be a cause of irregular periods. C. Oligomenorrhoea of up to 6 months between periods is normal in adolescence. D. That athletic training causes oligomenorrhea is a myth. E. Irregular periods are fairly common in the first 4 years after menarche.
_ Distance Learning Module FPSC No: 22 Function and Disability in Primary Care Answers to 30 MCQ Assessment Q1. Q2. Q3. Q4. Q5. Q6. Q7. Q8. Q9. Q10. E B B C D B D D E D Q11. Q12. Q13. Q14. Q15. Q16. Q17. Q18. Q19. Q20. B C C B B A C A B C Q21. Q22. Q23. Q24. Q25. Q26. Q27. Q28. Q29. Q30. D B C D C D A C B A Q1. Q2. Q3. Q4. Q5. Q6. Q7. Q8. Q9. Q10.
_ Distance Learning Module FPSC No: 23 Value of Vaccination Answers to 30 MCQ Assessment D A D B C B A D A E Q11. Q12. Q13. Q14. Q15. Q16. Q17. Q18. Q19. Q20. D A C E D C B B E E Q21. Q22. Q23. Q24. Q25. Q26. Q27. Q28. Q29. Q30. B A C A C C B B A E