Crysis 2 CommunityDedicatedServer Setup 1.9
Crysis 2 CommunityDedicatedServer Setup 1.9
Crysis 2 CommunityDedicatedServer Setup 1.9
Firstly please remember that this is not Crysis, nor is it Crysis Wars. There have been significant changes made to Crysis2, so please read this documentation carefully.
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Crysis2DedicatedServer.exe to the bin32 directory Dedicated.cfg to the root directory Crysis2_CommunityServer_Documentation.pdf to the support directory inside Crysis 2.
4. In Dedicated.cfg (in the root directory) you should have the following: o g_gamespy_unique_nick=#UNIQUE_NICK (#UNIQUE_NICK needs to be replaced with the name of the gamespy account your dedicated server will use) o g_gamespy_password=#PASSWORD (#PASSWORD needs to be replaced with the password of the gamespy account your dedicated server will use) o net_lobby_gamespy_online_port=XXXX (the port the server will use - 64200 by default. The client will attempt to use one of the ports in the range specified in the user manual, so it's best to avoid this range)
Note: You cannot use the same account details for the dedicated server and your client at the same time - you MUST create a separate account to use both concurrently.
Specifies the port to use for the GameSpy service. Note: this port must be unique for each dedicated server instance running on the same hardware box Name of server which must be compliant with EA naming conventions Binds to the correct network card. Note: must be entered on the command line (or in system.cfg) - not supported via in-game console
The following can be entered on the command line (with a '+' prefix), in server.cfg or via the in-game console: sv_maxplayers %slots% Sets the maximum number of players in a game. Note: our extensive testing shows that Assault plays best with 8 players sv_password %password% Set a password for the server password enclosed in quotes Note: blank passwords are supported on the command line via empty quotes () Note: use sv_password= to remove a password (i.e. put '=' after sv_password and then press return) using the in-game console http_password %password% Sets the password for the HTTP/XML-RPC server http_startserver port:%port% Start the HTTP/XML-RPC server on given port http_stopserver Stop the HTTP/XML-RPC server rcon_startserver port:%port% pass:%password% Start the rcon server on given port with given password rcon_stopserver Stop the rcon server g_gamespy_server_region %region% Set the region location for the dedicated server, as per the following regions: Europe = 65536 North America = 2 South America = 28 Asia = 53248 Oceania = 8192 Other = 32 So if you're a North American server operator, use g_gamespy_server_region 2
Not expected to be used given the additional command line parameter support.
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Custom level rotation files can be created easily with a LevelRotation.xml file, using either built-in or custom playlists and variants. Once the LevelRotation.xml file has been created (see examples below), place it in the root of the build (the same directory as dedicated.cfg). Note: If you do not intend to change a setting it doesnt need to be in the LevelRotation.xml file. Note: we have provided two example LevelRotation.xml files for you to play with; one is standard and the other custom, and examples are embedded below too
Secondly, using a custom playlist: <levelRotation name="Custom"> <!-- name can be 'Custom' or one of the inbuilt ones - 'TIA', 'IA', 'ASSAULT', 'CTF', 'CRASH', 'EXTRACTION' --> <ServerInfo> <Details name="Colin's Server" password="abc" motd="Welcome to the server" maxPlayers="8" imageUrl="http://fake.url/please/dont/go/here.jpg" /> <Variant name="Custom"> <!-- Can be: 'Standard', 'BeginnersPlayground', 'Pro', 'Solo', 'Vanilla', 'SingleLife', 'FastRounds' or 'Custom' - If custom, need to define list of options as shown below --> <Option setting="g_maxHealthMultiplier 1.0" /> <Option setting="g_mpRegenerationRate 1" /> <Option setting="g_friendlyfireratio 0.0" /> <Option setting="hud_radarTypeMP 1" /> <Option setting="g_mpHeadshotsOnly 0" /> <Option setting="g_allowCustomLoadouts 1" /> <Option setting="g_allowSuitPerks 1" /> <Option setting="g_allowTeamPerks 1" /> <Option setting="hud_dogtagsEnable 1" /> <Option setting="g_allowFatalityBonus 1" /> <Option setting="g_autoAssignTeams 1" /> <Option setting="g_modevarivar_proHud 0" /> C2MP Community Dedicated Server Setup.docx <!-- Multiplyer (default=1.0) --> <!-- 0=slow, 1=normal, 2=fast (default=1) --> <!-- fraction of damage dealt to friendlies - can go negative to deal damage back to the person firing (default=0.0) --> <!-- 0=off, 1=normal, 2=always on (default=1) --> <!-- 0=off, 1=only headshots (default=0) --> <!-- 0=no custom loadouts, 1=allow loadout (default=1) --> <!-- 0=no suit perks, 1=allow suit perks (default=1) --> <!-- 0=no team perks, 1=allow team perks (default=1) --> <!-- 0=disable dogtags, 1=enable dogtags (default=1) --> <!-- 0=disable fatality bonus,1=allow fatality bonus (default=1) --> <!-- 0=allow users to pick their team, 1=auto assign teams (default=1) --> <!-- 0=use normal hud, 1=use pro hud (default=0) --> Page 4
<Option setting="g_modevarivar_disableNanosuit 0" /> <!-- 0=use suit, 1=disable suit (default=0) --> <Option setting="g_modevarivar_disableKillCam 0" /> <!-- 0=allow killcam, 1=disable killcam (default=0) --> <Option setting="g_modevarivar_disableSpectatorCam 0" /> <!-- 0=allow spectator camera, 1=disable spectator camera (default=0) --> <Option setting="g_allowExplosives 1" /> <!-- 0=disable explosives,1=allow explosives (default=1) --> <Option setting="g_forceWeapon -1" /> <!-- -1=allow all weapons, otherwise this is the index of the weapon that all players will be given (default= -1) --> <Option setting="gl_time 45.0" /> <!-- Time spent in the lobby between games (default=45.0) --> <Option setting="g_gameRules_startTimerLength 15.0" /> <!-- Time from first player loading to the game starting (default=15.0) --> <Option setting="g_minplayerlimit 1" /> <!-- Number of required players for a game to start (default=6) --> </Variant> </ServerInfo>
<level name="Wars/cw2_alien_vessel" gameRules="InstantAction" /> <level name="Wars/cw2_alien_vessel_small" gameRules="TeamInstantAction" /> <level name="Wars/cw2_church" gameRules="Extraction" /> <level name="Wars/cw2_city_hall" gameRules="CaptureTheFlag" /> <level name="Wars/cw2_collided_buildings" gameRules="TeamInstantAction" /> <level name="Wars/cw2_cxp_liberty" gameRules="CaptureTheFlag" /> <level name="Wars/cw2_cxp_liberty_mil" gameRules="TeamInstantAction" /> <level name="Wars/cw2_cxp_liberty_statue" gameRules="CrashSite" /> <level name="Wars/cw2_downtown" gameRules="Extraction" /> <level name="Wars/cw2_lighthouse" gameRules="CaptureTheFlag" /> <level name="Wars/cw2_pier" gameRules="Assault" /> <level name="Wars/cw2_rooftop_gardens" gameRules="CrashSite" /> <level name="Wars/cw2_terminal" gameRules="InstantAction" /> </levelRotation> Note: In the line <Details name="Colin's Server" password="abc" motd="Welcome to the server" maxPlayers="8" />, maxPlayers can only be specified if levelRotation="Custom", and must be between 2 and 16 inclusive.
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Weapon Indices for g_forceWeapon (-1 means players choose weapons as normal): Index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Weapon Feline Cell Feline K-Volt Cell K-Volt SCAR Camo SCAR Desert SCAR Cell SCAR Grendel SCARAB Cell SCARAB DSG1 Gauss Index 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Weapon Gauss Cell Gauss Jackal Marshall Mk60 LTag Mike Cell Mike Nova Hammer Cell Hammer AY69 Revolver
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It's possible for you to set up a custom level rotation file, or change CVARs directly. g_timelimit g_scoreLimit g_minplayerlimit g_autoReviveTime g_roundlimit g_numLives g_maxHealthMultiplier g_mpRegenerationRate g_friendlyfireratio hud_radarTypeMP g_mpHeadshotsOnly g_autoAssignTeams gl_time g_gameRules_startTimerLength g_pinglimit g_pinglimittimer g_punishfriendlydeaths g_allowCustomLoadouts g_allowSuitPerks g_allowTeamPerks hud_dogtagsEnable g_allowFatalityBonus g_modevarivar_proHud g_modevarivar_disableNanosuit g_modevarivar_disableKillCam g_modevarivar_disableSpectatorCam g_allowExplosives g_forceWeapon gl_initialTime sv_maxPlayers g_tk_punish g_tk_punish_limit g_idlekicktime
All these CVARs may be set in the dedicated.cfg file, or in the LevelRotation.xml file. If they're specified in multiple places, dedicated.cfg takes priority, followed by LevelRotation.xml. For example, if you have:
sv_maxPlayers=10 in dedicated.cfg, and <Details name="Colin's Server" password="abc" motd="Welcome to the server" maxPlayers="8"/>
in LevelRotation.xml
Since dedicated.cfg takes priority, sv_maxPlayers would be 10. If it wasn't specified in dedicated.cfg the LevelRotation.xml setting of 8 would be applied.
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Full Name Instant Action Team Instant Action Capture The Flag Crash Site Assault Extraction
Note: If you're starting the server using the startplaylist command (below), there is no need to set the game rules as the server will use whatever is specified in the playlist Note: sv_gamerules accepts the full name, alias or alternate alias as a parameter INSTANT ACTION Free-for-all deathmatch where everyone is an enemy. Whoever scores the most kills within the time limit, wins. You'll need to push the Nanosuit to its limit swapping between armor mode and stealth as the action comes fast and heavy. TEAM INSTANT ACTION Two teams go head to head in this deathmatch mode. Your objective is to score more points than the opposing team within the time limit by eliminating as many opponents as you can. Utilize the power of the Nanosuit, and good teamwork, to win! CRASH SITE This team-based mode sees two teams fight for control of alien pods. Alien ships will launch pods at various locations. Secure and hold the alien pod sites to score points. Pods will expire over time so watch the skies and be ready to move on the next location! CAPTURE THE RELAY Two teams face off and try to capture one another's relays. Each team possesses a relay at their base which must be defended. To score you must capture your enemies relay and deliver it to your base. Use the Nanosuit tactically to armor up and defend your base, or take the stealth approach and sneak in to grab the enemy relay. EXTRACTION In this round-based mode one team must locate alien creatures called Ticks which are being guarded by the defending team, and bring them back to the extraction point where an escape helicopter awaits. Extracting a tick gives the team an energy upgrade to the Nanosuit which can be used tactically to capture the remaining ticks. There are two Ticks: an armor Tick and a stealth Tick ASSAULT An asymmetrical game mode where one team play equipped with Nanosuits, attempting to infiltrate the enemy stronghold and download the vital blueprints from terminals. The other team play as special force soldiers with brutal weaponry but without the dynamic abilities of the Nanosuit. Four rounds and only one life per-player per-round. The team that manages to download the most data across the rounds wins
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startplaylist<mode>__<modifier> - runs through all the maps of a particular mode and modifier Mode Assault Crash CTF Extraction IA TIA Solo X X X X Standard X X X X X X Pro X X X X X Classic X X X X X X X X SingleLife BeginnersPlayground FastRounds
e.g. startplaylist IA__BeginnersPlayground STANDARD Regular version of the game mode for players of any rank. Supported on all game modes BEGINNER'S PLAYGROUND This mode is tailored for newcomers to the game, with participants limited to those of rank 10 and under. Supported on Instant Action and Team Instant Action only PRO Pro mode allows hardened veterans to battle with reduced health, limited HUD and without support bonuses. Supported on Instant Action, Team Instant Action, Crash Site, Capture the Relay and Extraction only CLASSIC In Classic mode players battle it out as standard soldiers, without access to the power of the Nanosuit. Supported on Instant Action, Team Instant Action, Crash Site and Capture the Relay only FAST ROUNDS The Fast Rounds modifier will dramatically shorten the intermission time between rounds to keep the action moving. Supported on Team Instant Action only SOLO For individual players only. Squads are not allowed to participate. Supported on Team Instant Action, Extraction, Crash Site and Assault only SINGLE LIFE With the Single Life modifier active there are no respawns during rounds. Once players are killed they remain eliminated until a new round begins. This modifier brings tension and excitement to each round, so use tactics and the Nanosuit to achieve victory. Supported on Extraction only.
map <map> - start a map that you specify (see the table below; prefix all map names with "Wars/", e.g. Sanctuary is "Wars/cw2_church") gl_map <map> - switch to the specified map with rules set by gl_gamerules (will end the current game if one is in progress). gl_gamerules <mode> - as sv_gamerules but affects the next map in the playlist. g_timelimit<number> - sets the time limit for each round (in minutes, 0 = infinite time) g_scorelimit<number> - sets the score need to finish the round (0 = infinite score) C2MP Community Dedicated Server Setup.docx Page 9
gl_time<number> - sets the time between rounds (in seconds) gl_initialtime<number> - sets the time until a round starts when the minimum number of players join gl_StartGame - force start a game g_multiplayerDefault - enable multiplayer gameplay by default g_minplayerlimit<number> - sets the minimum number of players required to start the match g_autoReviveTime <time> - amount of time between spawns in seconds g_gameRules_startTimerLength <time> - amount of time spent in pre-game after loading a map g_numLives <number> - number of lives for life based game modes (Extraction & Assault only; 0 = infinite) Extraction defaults to 0 and Assault defaults to 1. gl_startgame - starts the server, ignoring the minimum number of players and initial time. status - shows the status of the running server (see FAQ at the end of this document for details) kick <name> - kicks the named player from the server sv_password <password> - sets the password on the server. Clients will be challenged for the password when trying to join. sv_servername <name> - the name as advertised in the client server browser. This only takes effect before a server starts a playlist/map. g_messageoftheday<message of the day> - used to display a message on the loading screen (maximum of 165 characters). See example screenshots at the end of the document. g_serverimageurl<URL to the server image> - should be 128x128, and either jpg or png (though png is preferred due to it supporting transparency). See example screenshots at the end of the document. g_pinglimit - Max ping a player can have before being kicked (0 = disabled) / Default: 0 g_pinglimittimer - Time after which a player will be kicked if they are over the specified ping limit / Default: 15 g_tk_punish - Turns on punishment for team kills / Default: 1 g_tk_punish_limit - Number of team kills user will be banned for / Default: 5 g_idlekicktime - Time to wait before kicking a player for being idle for too long (in seconds) / Default: 120 g_punishfriendlydeaths - The player gets punished by death when killing a friendly unit / Default: 1 g_quitOnNewDataFound (default: 1) - Close the server down if a new data patch is found on the web server g_quitNumRoundsWarning (default: 3) - Number of rounds to wait before closing the server down when a new data patch is available (only applicable if g_quitOnNewDataFound = 1) g_allowedDataPatchFailCount (default: 1) - Number of times downloading of data patch can fail before restarting the server (only applicable if g_quitOnNewDataFound = 1) g_shutdownMessageRepeatTime (default: 60.0f) - Frequency (in seconds) at which messages are sent out to clients warning them of server shutdown (only applicable if g_quitOnNewDataFound = 1) g_shutdownMessage (default: "Server shutdown in \1 rounds") - Server shutdown message (\1 will be replaced with the number of rounds remaining) g_dataRefreshFrequency (default: 1.0f) - How many hours to wait before refreshing data from web server (This applies to both the AntiCheatConfig and the DataPatch) log_IncludeTime - 0 = off (default), 1 = current time, 2 = relative time, 3 = current + relative time, 4 = absolute time in seconds since this mode was started log_tick - when not 0, writes tick log entry into the log file, every N seconds log_Verbosity - defines the verbosity level for log messages written to console. -1 = suppress all logs (including eAlways), 0 = suppress all logs (except eAlways), 1 = additional errors, 2 = additional warnings, 3 = additional messages, 4 = additional comments C2MP Community Dedicated Server Setup.docx Page 10
log_WriteToFile - toggle whether to write log to file (game.log) log_WriteToFileVerbosity - defines the verbosity level for log messages written to files. -1 = suppress all logs (including eAlways), 0 = suppress all logs (except eAlways), 1 = additional errors, 2 = additional warnings, 3 = additional messages, 4 = additional comments net_add_reserved_slot - adds user id and/or name to reserved slots list net_list_reserved_slot - displays reserved slots list net_log - logging level of network system net_remove_reserved_slot - removes user id and/or name to reserved slot list net_reserved_slot_system - turns reserved slot system on/off rcon_password - sets password for the RCON system rcon_startserver - starts a remote control server rcon_stopserver - stops a remote control server sv_bind - bind the server to a specific IP address sv_maxPlayers - maximum number of players allowed to join server sv_votingBanTime - the duration of the kickban in minutes sv_votingCooldown - voting cooldown sv_votingEnable - part of team member's votes needed for successful vote sv_votingRatio - part of player's votes needed for successful vote sv_votingTimeout - voting timeout
Nickname Downed Bird Parking Deck Sanctuary City Hall Impact Liberty Island Evac Zone Statue Wall Street Lighthouse Pier 17 Skyline
Level Name cw2_alien_vessel cw2_alien_vessel_small cw2_church cw2_city_hall cw2_collided_buildings cw2_cxp_liberty cw2_cxp_liberty_mil cw2_cxp_liberty_statue cw2_downtown cw2_lighthouse cw2_pier cw2_rooftop_gardens
InstantAction X X X X X X X X X X X
TeamInstantAction X X X X X X X X X X X
CrashSite X X X X
Assault X X X
CaptureTheRelay X X X X X
Extraction X X X
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DLC Maps: Nickname Park Avenue Transit Shipyard Compound DLC 2 Maps: Nickname 5th Avenue Chasm Plaza Prism Apartments Level Name cw2_bryantpark cw2_flooded_streets cw2_streets cw2_prism cw2_gould InstantAction X X X X X TeamInstantAction X X X X X CrashSite X X X X X Assault CaptureTheRelay X X X Extraction Level Name cw2_central_station cw2_subway cw2_tanker cw2_compound InstantAction X X X X TeamInstantAction X X X X CrashSite X X X X Assault CaptureTheRelay X X X Extraction X X
ProtectDedicated.xml contains a list of files/folders which should be the same between the client and server. If the client is found to have a different version of any of the files listed he will be kicked and banned from the server. This is to prevent clients from cheating by modifying assets locally to gain an unfair advantage. The XML file should contain a root node named protect and child nodes named add. The child nodes may contain the following attributes (file & folder are mutually exclusive): level (default=1): This indicates the importance of the file check, any files with a value greater than sv_cheatprotection cvar will be ignored. file: The path to the file to be checked (e.g. %GAME_FOLDER%/Scripts/Entities/actor/player.lua, %GAME_FOLDER% will be replaced with the path to the users game folder). folder: The path to a folder to be checked, all files within the folder are verified (e.g. %GAME_FOLDER%/Scripts/Entities/NanoSuit). recurse (default=1): To be used with the folder attribute, if recurse is set to 1 all subfolders will be checked as well recursively. C2MP Community Dedicated Server Setup.docx Page 12
Crysis 2 supports the same HTTP/XML-RPC protocol from Crysis and Crysis Wars. In order to get it functioning you would need to know the external IP address of the server machine. Once started, you can use a third party HTTP/XML-RPC client. Please note that any clients written for Crysis or Crysis Wars will not have knowledge of the levels and modes available in Crysis 2, but player administration should still be possible. There is no internally developed HTTP/XML-RPC client available at this time. Crysis 2 also supports the same rcon protocol from Crysis and Crysis Wars. In order to get it functioning you would need to know the external IP address of the server machine. Clients will be able to connect to the dedicated server by using the following command on their in-game console: rcon_connect addr:%external IP of the dedicated server% port:%port as specified on the dedicated server% pass:%password as specified on the dedicated server% Once connected, commands may be issued to the dedicated server by using the following command on their in-game console:rcon_command %command% where %command% is the remote command that they wish to execute on the dedicated server, e.g. rcon_command sv_maxplayers 8 Clients may disconnect from the rcon server by using the following command on their in-game console:rcon_disconnect
It is recommended to use the same port as defined in the dedicated.cfg file under net_lobby_gamespy_online_port Set the password with rcon_password = password in your dedicated.cfg
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Right click on the shortcut, click on properties and type in the following information at the end of the target line: [space]+http_startserver port:%port%
Make sure to use a different port than defined in the dedicated.cfg file under net_lobby_gamespy_online_port Set the password with http_password = password in your dedicated.cfg Now you can launch your external tool and connect with the details entered above
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The server will then respond with a string over text chat "Vote to kick <playername> initiated"
Usage (Server):
CVar Name sv_votingCooldown sv_votingRatio sv_votingTimeout sv_votingEnable sv_votingBanTime Value Type Time in seconds Fraction Time in seconds Integer Float Valid Values 1 - 9999999 0.0 - 1.0 1 - 9999999 1 - 9999999 0/1 1 9999999 /1 0.1 -0999999 Default Value 180 0.51 60 1 10 Comments Controls how soon the same player can initiate another vote The fraction of players that have to vote 'yes' in order for someone to be kicked Controls how long until the vote ends and the results acted upon Control whether kick voting is enabled on this server Time in minutes for which the user is kickbanned when kicked of the server by a vote
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Dedicated server host can now choose to ban people permanently or for specific periods of time. This ban will persist over server restarts.
There are four main commands to administer player bans ban <playername> - bans player for whatever the timeout is currently ban_timeout <minutes> - Sets the ban time. A time of 0 is permanent ban_remove <playername> - Removes the ban ban_status - Lists the currently banned players and times
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There are four commands used to administer the reserved slots system: net_reserved_slot_system <1 | 0> - turns the reserved slot system on/off net_add_reserved_slot <name> - adds the named player to the reserved slots system net_remove reserved_slot <name> - removes the named player from the reserved slots system net_list_reserved_slot - lists all players in the reserved slots system
All these commands must be entered on the server either directly, or via RCON or HTTP XML-RPC.
The system persists the reserved slots list to the file reservedslots.cfg in the root of the dedicated server instance (the location specified by -root on the command line). It is loaded and parsed regardless of whether the system is turned on or off, but is only acted upon when the system is on. If a lobby or game is full, and a reserved user tries to join, a non-reserved user will be kicked with the message "Kicked in favour of a priority user", and the reserved user will take their place. The reserved slots system works strictly with the players named in the list. If a reserved user creates a squad that includes non-reserved users, and there is insufficient space on the server for the entire squad, then the join will fail even for the reserved user as preserving the squad integrity is deemed more important. It is up to the server administrator to add squad members to the reserved slots list in order to allow them to join a full server, if desired. The reserved slots list is dynamic and can be changed at any point, even mid-game.
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N.B. you'll always see gamerules: unknown, max players as 16 and 0:00 time when in the lobby. When in the game you'll see something like this:
---------------------------------------Server Status: name: <nickname of the account used to start the dedi> ip: <host name> version: x.x.x.x level: Wars/cw2_rooftop_gardens gamerules: InstantAction players: 1/16 time remaining 9:57 ---------------------------------------Connection Status: <any players get listed here>
Q: I can't see my server in the client's game browser. I'm using the supplied LevelRotation.xml file...what's wrong? A: The LevelRotation.xml file supplied should work 'out of the box', but if you've edited it, please check that you've not inadvertently broken the XML formatting. The easiest way to check if the file is still valid is to open it in Internet Explorer - if it's a valid XML file, it'll be displayed. If you get errors about invalid characters, it's probably a white space issue (it's better to use spaces rather than tabs to indent the various sections). If the XML looks correct, please check that you've specified a valid map/mode/variant according to the tables in this document. Q: My dedicated server just shut down unexpectedly/crashed, when I launched the client - what happened?" A: Check the server.log which will be in the dedicated server root directory (specified with -root or the folder containing the Bin32 folder - see the instructions at the top of this document for details) If you see two lines near the end of the file like this: <14:14:38> We've lost our session, bailing <14:14:38> We've been signed out of gamespy, reason=78, bailing It means you've used the same credentials on both the client and the dedicated server.
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Q: I need to completely restrict the equipment available to experienced players with lots of achievements so that the playing-field is level for all players. Which settings are required for this? A: To get a level playing field you probably only need 2 cvars: g_allowCustomLoadouts=0 - will disable custom loadouts - i.e. players will not be able to create and use their own loadouts and will be stuck with the standard predefined ones g_allowSuitPerks=0 - will remove player perks Perks only need removing because they level up with experience, removing team perks can also be done but these don't level up so everyone will be on the same level either way. Removing the nanosuit is not recommended as it doesn't change with experience and is fundamental to the gameplay.
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