Marketing Research Project On Consumer Behaviour Towards Reebok Footewar

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Marketing Research Project On Consumer Behaviour towards REEBOK FOOTEWAR

u!mitted !"# Waseem akaram Masters of Business Administration PMCC GGSIP University Ro$$ no# %%

u!mittedto# prof. Neha

I hereby declare that this Pro ect !eport titled &Business Research Project on Consumer Behaviour towards REEBOK FOOTEWAR submitted to the 'e(artment o) Business tudies" PMCC #GGSIP University$ is a record of ori%inal &or' done by me under the %uidance of (ro) *eha. (he information and data %iven in the report is authentic to the best of my 'no&led%e. (his Pro ect !eport is not submitted to any other university or institution for the a&ard of any de%ree" diploma or fello&ship or published any time before.

+ Waseem akaram

(his is to certify that the pro ect entitled &Business Research Project on Consumer Behaviour towards ree!ok )ootwear, submitted by Waseem akaram" student of Masters of Business Administration #MBA$ ) PMCC #GGSIP University$ is a record of &or' done under my supervision. (his is also to certify that this report is an ori%inal pro ect submitted as a part of the curriculum and no unfair means li'e copyin% have been used for its completion. All references have been duly ac'no&led%ed.

(ro)- *eha Facu$t"

It %ives me immense pleasure to be associated &ith this pro ect. (he pro ect &as a oyous learnin% process. (he presentation of the report in the &ay re*uired has been made possible by the &ay of contribution of various people. +irst of all" I &ould li'e to e,press my %ratitude to Miss. Neha for her 'ind help and encoura%ement. I am very than'ful to her for her advice" assistance" and constant support throu%hout the preparation of this report. I &ould li'e to than' all my beloved teachers for their support and confidence in me. I &ould also li'e to e,press my deep %ratitude to all the respondents &hose response &as of utmost importance for the pro ect.

) Waseem akaram

S.N-. /. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. /8. // /0. /1 /2. /3. 'ec$aration Certi)icate Acknow$edgement E0ecutive ummar" Com(an" Pro)i$e Motivation Basic o)tware (irac" termino$og" T"(es o) o)tware (irac" Research design Findings And Ana$"sis Recommendations Conc$usion 9imitations Bi!$iogra(h" Anne0ure (-PIC PAG. N-. .i/ .ii/ .iii/ 1 2+3 % 4 5 6+7 18+16 17+28 21 22 23 2:+25

(his mar'etin% research pro ect report has been &ritten 'eepin% in mind the Indian operations of reebo' Inc. 9 the %lobal sports shoe %iant. It aims first" at analysin% the sports shoe industry of India and findin% a place in it for reebo'. (he pro ect report be%ins &ith a brief overvie& of the product cate%ory bein% dealt &ith" namely premium *uality sports shoes. It also d&ells briefly on the history of the company and its current position and activities. (he pro ect moves on to the cru, of the matter 9 the mar'etin% plan to be follo&ed by reebo' in India. +irstly" the ob ectives behind this plan and the core strate%y are stated. (he pro ect report then %oes on to the customer analysis section. (he customer base is identified and various se%ments are pointed out. :arious criteria and factors have been ta'en into consideration &hile se%mentin% the mar'et. ;e have also tried to ascertain &hy customers buy these products" ho& they choose" and &hat factors matter most &hen ma'in% their decisions. (he last fe& pa%es of this mar'etin% research pro ect deal &ith the various &ays in &hich the recommendations" once implemented" can be monitored and controlled.

*ike ;ndia 9td- is India<s lar%est foot&ear company. reebo' first established itself in India in /71/ and commenced manufacturin% shoes in Batana%ar in /714. (he company has its =ead*uarters in >ol'ata and manufactures over 11 million pairs per year in five plants located in Batana%ar #;est Ben%al$" +aridabad #=aryana$" Ban%alore #>arnata'a$" Patna #Bihar$" =osur #(amil Nadu$. It secures its leather supply from t&o tanneries in Mo'ameh%hat #Bihar$ and Batana%ar #;est Ben%al$. It has a distribution net&or' of over /"388 retail stores and 05 &holesale depots provide e,cellent access to consumers and &holesale customers throu%hout India.

!esearch comprise definin% and redefinin% problems" formulatin% hypothesis or su%%ested solutions? collectin%" or%ani@in% and evaluatin% data? ma'in% deductions and reachin% conclusions? and at last carefully testin% the conclusions to determine &hether they fit the formulatin% =ypothesis. In short" the search for >no&led%e throu%h -b ective and Systematic method of findin% solutions to a problem is !esearch. RE EARC< OB=ECT;>E (o study the tastes" preferences" and buyin% behavior of consumers in case of foot&ear of reebo'. (o recommend strate%ies to reebo' to increase sales. (he main ob ectives of this study areA S;-( analysis of the product sold. Comparative study &ith the competitors. RE EARC< 'E ;?* (BP. -+ !.S.A!C=A)Cescriptive research Cescriptive research includes Surveys and fact)findin% en*uiries of different 'inds. (he main characteristic of this method is that the researcher has no control over the variables? he can only report &hat has happened or &hat is happenin%. CA(A S-U!C.S (here are t&o types of data. Source of primary data for the present study is collected throu%h *uestionnaire and ans&ered by consumers of

shoes. (he secondary data is collected from ournals" boo's and throu%h Internet search. P!IMA!B CA(A (he data that is collected first hand by someone specifically for the purpose of facilitatin% the study is 'no&n as primary data. So in this research the data is collected from respondents throu%h *uestionnaire. S.C-NCA!B CA(A +or the company information I had used secondary data li'e brochures" &eb site of the company etc. (he Method used by me is Survey Method as the research done is Cescriptive !esearch. !.S.A!C= INS(!UM.N(S Selected instrument for Cata Duestionnaire. Collection for -nline survey is

@AE T;O**A;RE 'E ;?* FORMA9AT;O* Under this method" list of *uestions pertainin% to the survey are prepared consumers of shoes. Duestionnaire has structured type *uestions as &ell as unstructured type *uestions. Structured ob ective type *uestions are prepared for the respondents &ith fi,ed response cate%ories. Some of the *uestions are of multiple)choice type. (he *uestions have more than one alternative. (BP.S -+ DU.S(I-N INCEUC.CA Close ended DU.S(I-NS ;hich has only t&o ans&ers FBesG or FNoGH MUE(IPE. C=-IC. DU.S(I-NS ;here respondent is offered more than t&o choices. IMP-!(ANC. SCAE. A scale that rates the importance of some attribute. !A(ING SCAE. A scale that rates some attribute li'e from Fhi%hly satisfied G to Fhi%hly unsatisfiedG or Fvery inefficientG to Fvery efficientG

AMP9;*? A*;T ;ho is to be surveyedH (he mar'etin% researcher must define the tar%et population that &ill be sampled. (he sample Unit ta'en by meA 38 respondents of different a%e %roup" different %ender and different profession. AMP9E ;BE Consumers of shoes" 38 nos CA(A P!-C.SSING M.(=-C-E-GB #i$ -nce the primary data have been collected" #ii$ (abulation 9 brin% similar data to%ether and totallin% them in meanin%ful cate%ories. #iii$ Duestionnaires are edited. #iv$ (he collected data are placed into an order. CO*C9A ;O* WA 'RAW* BA E' O* T<E AR>EC F;*';*? +inally recommendation &as made to improve the sales strate%y of Ni'e shoes to increase the sales volume. 9;M;TAT;O* OF RE EARC< (he collected data are placed into an order. Percenta%es of respondents ans&ered similarly are calculated and placed in a table. Cue to limited time period and constrained &or'in% hours for most of the respondents" the ans&ers at times &ere va%ue enou%h to be i%nored.


/3)08 08)03 03)18

33 44I 13 04I : 6I


Male +emal e

3% 58I 1% 18I

@1- Are "ou !rand conscious o) )ootwearD

Bes No

35 52I 13 04I

@2- ;) "ou are going to !u" a (air o) s(orts shoesE which !rand wou$d "ou $ike to chooseD

Ni'e Adidas Puma !eebo' -ther

28 28I 6 /4I 11 00I 4 /0I % /8I

@3- Which is the most im(ortant e$ement when "ou se$ect )ootwearD

Brand Duality Price Pac'a%in% Comfort Personality -ther

26 0/I 33 03I 17 /2I 2 /I :8 18I 18 5I 2 /I

@:- Are "ou !rand $o"a$ to an" !rand !e$ow in terms o) )ootwear in the s(ortswear industr"D
Ni'e Adidas Puma !eebo' !e%ularly s&itch to other brands -ther 1% 18I % /8I 6 /4I : 6I 13 04I % /8I

@%- What are the main )actors i) "ou switch to !u" the )ootwear o) another !randD

Duality Price Innovation Advertisement -ther

:: 26I 2% 05I 1: /3I 4 5I 2 0I

@4- <ave "ou !ought an" )ootwear in)$uenced !" an" wa"s o) marketing or !randing (rogramsD
Bes No 14 10I 3: 46I

@5- Whi$e !u"ingE do "ou consider environment )riend$iness in )ootwearD

Bes No

1% 18I 3% 58I

a sca$e o) 1 to %E how wou$d "ou rate *ike )ootwear on the !asis o) )o$$owing (arametersD Price
1 2 3 4 5 3 6% 9 18% 1 38% 9 1 38% 9 0 0%

/ 0 1 2 3 3 4I 8 8I 7 /6I 22 22I 14 10I


/ 0 1 2 3

3 4I 5 /2I 7 /6I 22 22I 7 /6I


52I of the people are brand conscious &hile purchasin% shoes for themselves" &hereas 04I do not consider brand name as a decidin% factor for buyin% shoes. ;hen the respondents &ere as'ed about their brand preference" 28I said that they prefer Ni'e" /4I preferred Adidas" 00I preferred Puma" /0I &ent &ith !eebo' and remainin% /8I said that they &ould prefer other brands. (his means that most of the people prefer buyin% Ni'e shoes. (he decidin% factors for buyin% shoes for people are mainly comfort" *uality and brand name" &hereas" pac'a%in% and personality do not matter to people. 18I of the respondents are brand loyal to Ni'e" 04I people re%ularly shift to other brands of shoes. (his means that lar%er number of people prefer Ni'e over other brands.


reebo' is a very competitive or%ani@ation. Phil >ni%ht #+ounder and C.-$ is often *uoted as sayin% that JBusiness is &ar &ithout bullets.J Ni'e has a healthy disli'e of its competitors. reebo' has no factories. It does not tie up cash in buildin%s and manufacturin% &or'ers. reebo' is a %lobal brand. It is the number one sports brand in the ;orld. Its famous JS&ooshJ is instantly reco%ni@able" and Phil >ni%ht even has it tattooed on his an'le. WEAK*E E

(he or%ani@ation does have a diversified ran%e of sports products. =o&ever" the income of the business is still heavily dependent upon its share of the foot&ear mar'et. (he retail sector is very price sensitive. reebo' does have its o&n retailer in Ni'e (o&n. =o&ever" most of its income is derived from sellin% into retailers.

OPPORTA*;T;E Product development offers reebo' many opportunities. (here is also the opportunity to develop products such as sport &ear" sun%lasses and e&ellery. Such hi%h value items do tend to have associated &ith them" hi%h profits. (he business could also be developed internationally" buildin% upon its stron% %lobal brand reco%nition.. T<REAT Ni'e is e,posed to the international nature of trade. (he mar'et for sports shoes and %arments is very competitive. (he model developed by Phil >ni%ht in his Stamford Business School

days #hi%h value branded product manufactured at a lo& cost$ is no& commonly used and to an e,tent is no lon%er a basis for sustainable competitive advanta%e.. As discussed above in &ea'nesses" the retail sector is becomin% price competitive. (his ultimately means that consumers are

@uestionnaire on *ike )ootwear

A%e /3)08 08)03 03)18 Gender Male +emale D/. Are you brand conscious of foot&earH Bes No

D0. If you are %oin% to buy a pair of sports shoes" &hich brand &ould you li'e to chooseH Ni'e Adidas Puma !eebo' -therA

D1. ;hich is the most important element &hen you select foot&earH Brand Duality Price Pac'a%in% Comfort Personality -therA D2. Are you brand loyal to any brand belo& in terms of foot&ear in the sports&ear industryH Ni'e Adidas Puma !eebo' !e%ularly s&itch to other brands -therA D3. ;hat are the main factors if you s&itch to buy the foot&ear of another brandH Duality

Price Innovation Advertisement -therA D4. =ave you bou%ht any foot&ear influenced by any &ays of mar'etin% or brandin% pro%ramsH Bes No

D5. ;hile buyin%" do you consider environment friendliness in foot&earH Bes No D6. Co you 'no& Ni'e is offerin% personali@ed or customi@ed foot&earH Bes No D7. =ave you bou%ht any customi@ed or personali@ed foot&earH Bes No D/8. If you are %oin% to buy a pair of customi@ed foot&ear" &hich brand &ill you chooseH Ni'e Adidas Puma !eebo' -therA

Belo& are some statements of peopleKs buyin% behaviour to&ards the foot&ear. Please chec' the one bo, that best indicates ho& &ell the statement describes you personally. Stron%ly Stron%ly A%ree Indifferent Cisa%ree A%ree Cisa%ree /. I li'e to buy costly shoes 0. I prefer to buy shoes &hich are li'ed by my family and friends

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