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SWOT Analysis of Amway in Ghazipur City
Survey Project eport
Submitted to !"" #A$A%& S'(G$ P&!A(C$A) &('!"S'T*+ ,A&(P& In Partial Fulfillment of the requirement of the degree of #AC$")O O- #&S'("SS A%.'('STAT'O( Su/mitte0 #y1 &n0er the Supervision of Sarita Giri .rs2 (eetu Sin3h ##A '! Semester 4Assistant Professor5 oll (o2 16789967 :9;7 Technical "0ucation < esearch 'nstitute+ Post1Gra0uate Colle3e+ avin0rapuri Ghazipur 4&2P25 Pin1:==99; C"T'-'CAT" This is to certify that ohit >umar *a0av pursuing ##A 7 th Semester from this Institute has prepared the Research project report entitled .ar?et analysis an0 consumer preference for men@s fairness cream /ran0s in Ghazipur City in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of #achelor of #usiness A0ministration from !2#2S2 Purvanchal &niversity+ ,aunpur+ for the session of :9;:1:9;=2 This report is based on bonafied research undertaken by ohit >umar *a0av under my supervision during the course of fourth semester and fulfills the requirements of regulations relating to the nature and standard of #2#2A2 course of !2#2S2 Purvanchal &niversity2 I recommend that this research project report may be sent for evaluation. ahul Anan0 Sin3h .rs2 -ati Shaffat ssociate Professor ! "ead# ssistant Professor# $ept. of %usiness dministration $ept. of %usiness dministration %"C)AAT'O( I ohit >umar *a0av+ hereby declare that this research project report entitled .ar?et analysis an0 consumer preference for men@s fairness cream /ran0s in Ghazipur City has been prepared by me on the basis of survey done the course of my fourth semester of ##A proramme under the supervision of .rs2 -ati Shaffat+ T2"22'2+ P2 G2 Colle3e affiliate0 to !eer #aha0ur Sin3h Purvanchal &niversity2 This research project report is my bonafide &ork and has not been submitted in any university or Institute for the a&ard of any degree or diploma prior to the under mentioned date. I bear the entire responsibility of submission of this project report. ;9 th .ay :9;= ohit >umar *a0av ##A '! Semester %epartment of #usiness A0ministration Technical "0ucation < esearch 'nstitute P2G2 Colle3e Ghazipur '(%"A O- CO(T"(TS Preface ckno&ledgement C$APT" 1; Introduction to the topic 'bjective Importance Scope C$APT"1: Research (ethodology C$APT"1= $ata nalysis ! Interpretation C$APT"17 Finding ! Recommendations C$APT"16 )onclusion *imitation nne+ure , -uestionnaires . %ibliography P"-AC" The first real insight of an organi/ation for management student comes only during his preparation of project &ork because student first interacts &ith real practical &ork. This is first introduction to industry and its &orking. This project &ork synthesi/e the theoretical concept learn in the class room and its practical orientation in organi/ation. In my project I have studied the .ar?et analysis an0 consumer preference for men@s fairness cream /ran0s in Ghazipur City2 The First chapter deals &ith the introduction of the topic# It also describes the profile and history of Cosmetic 'n0ustry2 In first chapter I have mentioned institute. This chapter also describes the organi/ational structure of both the organi/ation. The objective and need of research is also mentioned in section of project &ork. The Second chapter deals &ith research methodology. The process of carrying out the &hole research problem is defined in it. It contains information about the objectives of the research# methods of data collection# sampling and sample design. Third chapter is data analysis and interpretation. This is the most important section of the project &ork. This section contains the analysis of all the data collected so far and they are interpreted to produce the final conclusion. It contains all the tables and charts &hich depicts the result. )hapter four contains the finding and recommendation of the research. This is based on the data analy/ed and interpreted in the previous chapter. This is the most important section of the research report for a report is evaluated on the validity ad correctness of findings. )hapter five depicted conclusion &hich concludes the &hole report# that is# gives a brief description of the process employed so far. nd later chapters contain bibliography. 0hich describes the list of sources from &here the matter and information is collected1 It contains the list of books# authors# &eb sites use etc. ohit >umar *a0av #2#2A2 '! Sem2 AC>(OW)"%G"."(T (any thanks to the 2od# &ho has sent me on this earth and by mercy of him# I &ould be able to accomplish this research. person &ho has al&ays encouraged me to&ards positive and used to say (othin3 can /e impossi/le if you are wor?in3 har0 with heart an0 soul2 The 0ord regard is very small for him and I don3t kno& &hat &ord &ill be appropriate for him# that person is my elder %rother .r2 Anan0 >ashyap
I e+press my deep sense of gratitude and regards to .rs2 (eetu Sin3h 4)ecturer+ %ept2 of mana3ement stu0ies+ T2"22'2+ P2G2 Colle3e affiliate0 to !eer #aha0ur Sin3h Purvanchal &niversity5 under &hose guidance I completed this project# I am thankful to her valuable guidance# gentle encouragement and pains she took in guiding me throughout the study. Some of my Friend# Simmi and Sweta &hose suggestion for Bwhat is i3ht or Wron3@ has sho&n my aim and objectives of life. gain# I heartily e+press my regard to all the above person mentioned and pray to the 2od B.ay live them lon3@2 ohit >umar *a0av ##A 7 th Sem2 m&ay is the largest direct selling company and manufacturer in the &orld that uses net&ork marketing to sell a variety of products# primarily in the health# beauty# and home care markets. m&ay &as founded in 4565 by 7ay 8an ndel and Richard $e8os. %ased in da# (ichigan# the company and family of companies under lticor reported sales gro&th of 9.:;# reaching <S= >.? billion for the year ending $ecember :4# 9@@5. Its product lines include home care products# personal care products# je&elry# electronics# Autrilite dietary supplements# &ater purifiers# air purifiers# insurance and cosmetics. In 9@@?# "ealth ! %eauty products accounted for nearly B@; of &orld&ide sales.
m&ay conducts business through a number of affiliated companies in more than ninety countries and territories around the &orld. It is ranked by Forbes as one of the largest private companies in the <nited States and by $eloitte as one of the largest retailers in the &orld. m&ay is more than an income opportunity or a company or products. It3s about putting people in control of their lives. It3s about connecting people to others &ho respect them# &ho share their goals and aspirations. It3s about supporting people in their achievements. m&ay is about people connecting people to a better &ay of life. m&ay has more than B@@@ employees &orld&ide. In addition# m&ay has more than :.B million Independent %usiness '&ners ,I%'s. around the &orld. In )hina# m&ay products are sold by m&ay sales representatives. !ision of Amway "elping people live better lives. Sho&ing &here the business &ishes to be in the future. .ission of Amway Through the partnering of $istributors# Cmployees# and the Founding Families and the support of quality products and service# &e offer all people the opportunity to achieve their goals through the m&ay Sales and (arketing Plan. %road over riding statement of purpose. To facilitate best business opportunities. To deliver highDquality products to semiDurban and urban homes in diverse areas of insurance# home tech# home care# personal care# cosmetics and &ellness. Goal of Amway The development of ne& business opportunities. To increase the companyEs role in relations to social responsibility. To provide e+cellent customer service. Community Services m&ay# its Independent %usiness '&ners and employees are involved in improving the communities in &hich they do business. m&ay are committed to serve their customers to fulfill their needs by focusing efforts on discovering and thereby meeting stated and unstated requirements. m&ay promote a culture of openness and mutual trust by interacting objectively and &ithout underlying personal interests. m&ay are committed to honor# encourage and support individuals and teams &ho contribute# through their behavior and actions# to the success of the organi/ation. Social responsi/ilities performe0 /y A.WA* 'ne by 'ne )ampaign for )hildren m&ay 'pportunity Foundation ,'F. Aational Project for the %lind T$" $'STO* O- A.WA* 0hat does the &ord m&ay mean1 m&ay is an abbreviation for Fmerican 0ayF and &as coined in 4565 by company founders# 7ay 8an ndel and Richard $e8os. Short# unique and easy to remember# m&ay has been registered as a corporate name and trademark ever since. In the follo&ing decades# m&ay )orporation successfully established itself as a leading multilevel marketing business# built on strong values and founding principles that continue to sustain our company today. The business is built on the simple integrity of helping people lead better lives. Today# m&ay is a multibillionDdollar international business representing freedom and opportunity to millions of people in more than >> countries and territories around the &orld. m&ay offer over : million %usiness '&ners the inspiration to gro& those businesses# and to &ork hard to provide ne& and better &ays for them to achieve their life goals. A Soli0 -oun0ation Rich $e8os and 7ay 8an ndelEs friendship actually began &ith a business proposition# &hen Rich struck a deal &ith 7ay for a ride to school for 96 cents a &eek fter high school they entered the military# but they planned to start a business together after separate tours of duty. friendship formed and became a business relationship that has lasted to this day. . The "arly *ears m&ay quickly outgre& its original facilities in the basements of Rich $e8osEs and 7ay 8an ndelEs homes. In its first full year of business# m&ayEs sales &ere more than half a million dollars. The %eca0e of Growth s vo&ed by 7ay 8an ndel the night of the 45B5 disaster# m&ay rebuilt the aerosol plant and &ent on. The EG@s began &ith sales of more than =4@@ million at estimated retail# and kept going strong. fter a lengthy investigation# the FT) verified that m&ay is a genuine business opportunity and not a Fpyramid.F The #illion1%ollar %eca0e The E>@s &ill be remembered for the first %illion $ollar Hear at estimated retail in 45>@. %uilding e+pansion at m&ay 0orld "eadquarters continued at breakneck speed as m&ay scrambled to keep pace &ith demand# opening its ne& cosmetics plant in da# (ichigan.
The (eCt Generation s carefully planned by Rich and 7ay# the second generation 8an ndel and $e8os families took the helm during the E 5@s. The Policy %oard &as formed and Steve 8an ndel and $ick $e8os succeeded their fathers as )hairman and President. $istributors &itnessed a similar trend# &ith the second generation of many distributor families taking on important leadership roles.
(ew $orizons In 9@@@# m&ay prepared for a ne& century and a ne& e+citing era. lmost 6@ years after m&ay began# the $e8os and 8an ndel families created a ne& structure to meet the challenges of this ne& century. parent company# lticor# &as established &ith subsidiaries m&ay# -ui+tar and ccess %usiness 2roupIthe latter to consolidate manufacturing and distribution for the enterprise. t the helm of lticor are Steve 8an ndel ,)hairman. and $oug $e8os ,President.# jointly holding the 'ffice of the )hief C+ecutive. Today each area of the business# including m&ay# has the freedom to build on its strengths. m&ay continues to be a leading company in the direct selling industry. Its fundamental principlesIfreedom# family# hope and re&ardIhold as true today as they did in the very beginning. m&ay continued to e+pand# reaching past the borders of the <S to offer the same opportunities in other countriesJ D ustralia D 45G4 D Curope and parts of sia D 45G? D 7apan D 45G5 D *atin merica D 45>6 D )hina D 4556 D frica D 455G D India D 455> D Russia D 9@@6 D 8ietnam DD 9@@> Awar0s s a corporate leader in promoting environmental a&areness and education# m&ay received the prestigious <nited Aations Cnvironment Programme chievement &ard in 45>5. )orporate )iti/enship &ard D 'n Aovember @># 9@@6# the <nited States )hamber of )ommerce a&arded lticor &ith the )orporate )iti/enship &ard in the category of International )ommunity Service for the 'ne by 'ne )ampaign for )hildren A.WA* '(%'A m&ay promotes individual entrepreneurship through its innovative direct selling approach of &orld class consumer products. m&ay India is the country3s leading direct selling F()2D company &hich manufactures and sells &orldDclass consumer products. Its business opportunity and all its products are covered by 4@@; (oney %ack 2uarantee. m&ay sources all its products from &ithin India# thereby providing stimulus to the local manufacturing industry. m&ay India is a &holly o&ned subsidiary of <S = G.9 billion m&ay )orporation# da# (ichigan# <S. Cstablished in 4556# m&ay India commenced its commercial operations in (ay 455> and has emerged as the largest $irect Selling F()2 )ompany. The )ompany is headquartered at the Aational )apital Region of India D Ae& $elhi. m&ay has invested in e+cess of <S = :6 million ,Rs. 464 crore. in India of thisK <S = B million ,Rs. 9B crore. is in the form of direct foreign investment. m&ay India has ?@@ full time employees and has generated indirect employment for 4#B6@ persons at all the contract manufacturer locations. The )ompany has provided income generating opportunity to over ?#6@#@@@ active independent m&ay %usiness '&ners. m&ay India provides free and unlimited training to all its distributors to help them gro& their business. m&ay India conducted over 95#@@@ training sessions during in the past 49Dmonths &ith an attendance of over 4.6 million m&ay %usiness '&ners and prospects. m&ay India recorded a sales turnover of over Rs. >@@ crore during 7anuary3@G L$ecember3@G. m&ay India is a member of the Indian $irect Selling ssociation ,I$S.. The I$S is an industry regulatory body# &ith several reputed international and Indian $irect Selling companies as members. m&ay India is also a member of the )onfederation of Indian Industries ,)II. and Federation of Indian )hambers of )ommerce ,FI))I.. In ten years of commercial operation# m&ay India has established a nationD&ide presence in over 496 offices and 66 city &arehouses and four regional mother &arehouses2 The distribution and home delivery net&ork set up &ith the support of independent logistics partners is spread across over :#@@@ locations. Amway Opportunity -oun0ation 4AO-5 m&ay 'pportunity Foundation ,'F. a registered nonDprofit organi/ation &hich looks after m&ay India3s )orporate Social Responsibility ,)SR.. m&ay distributors are also volunteers of 'F and they have enthusiastically participated in all 'F activities. 2lobally# m&ay3s )SR campaign is kno&n as the 'ne by 'ne )ampaign for )hildren.
Promotin3 -ree "nterprise an0 Self1"mployment m&ay has conducted several seminars on MCntrepreneurial $evelopment and $irect Selling3 in concert &ith the )onfederation of Indian Industries ,)II. and the ll India (anagement ssociation ,I(. on the benefits of organi/ed direct selling.
.em/er 1 '%SA 4'n0ian %irect Sellin3 Association5 m&ay India Cnterprises Pvt. *td. is a member of the India $irect Selling ssociation. The Indian $irect Selling ssociation is an association of companies engaged in the business of direct selling in India. Its members are of high national and international repute having set standards in delivering quality goods and in follo&ing ethical business practices. T".S &S"% '( A.WA* I%'N%'NICDIndependent %usiness '&nerNm&ay %usiness '&nerNm&ay Independent Cntrepreneur is a business partner of m&ay &ho is authori/ed to market and distribute products and services available from m&ay. $ifferent names are used in different markets. %istri/utor D an older term for I%'. P! D Point !alue is a value assigned to each product or service sold by m&ay. n I%'s monthly performance bonus bracket depends on total P8 in a month. #! D #usiness !olume is typically the &holesale cost of the product or service sold by m&ay. Performance bonuses are multiplied by the group3s total %8. Performance /onus Performance bonus is the monthly bonus paid by m&ay to I%'Es. The higher the P8# the greater the percentage earned. In Aorth merica the Performance bonus ranges from :; to 96;. In other markets it ranges from :; to 94;. In India it ranges from B;D94;. etail Profit Retail Profit is the markup earned by an I%' &hen they sell a product to a consumer# either personally or through an m&ay &ebsite. Recommended retail markup ranges from 9@;D:6;. Sponsor Sponsor is an I%' &ho refers ,sponsors. a ne& I%' to m&ay# although I%'Es do not get paid to sponsor. &pline is the term used to refer all the I%'s up in the line of sponsorship of an I%'. %own line $o&n line is the term used to refer all the I%'s do&n in the line of sponsorship of an I%'. They are collectively also kno&n as group. )e3 refers to a personally sponsored I%' and all of their do&n line. Silver Pro0ucer is an I%' &ho has reached the ma+imum bonus level for one month. Gol0 Pro0ucer is an I%' &ho has reached the ma+imum bonus level for three months. Platinum or 0irect is an I%' &ho has reached the ma+imum bonus level for si+ months. In Aorth merica Platinum is generating a minimum of appro+imately =:@#@@@ in sales volume per month. "meral0 a distributor &ith at least three legs generating Silver Producer volume for at least B months of a year. %iamon0 a distributor &ith at least si+ legs generating Silver Producer volume for at least B months of a year. 'n0epen0ent #usiness Owner 4'#O5 n I%' is# literally# an Independent %usiness '&nerJ an individual or individuals &ho o&n and operate their o&n business# &hich is po&ered by m&ay Aorth merica# formerly -ui+tar. I%'s are the )C's of their o&n businesses# and they make many of the same daily business decisions other business e+ecutives make. s independent business men and &omen# I%'s decide ho& active to be in their business# &hat products to sell and at &hat prices# &ho to sponsor# &hat hours to keep# and other important decisions. I%'s are independent contractorsK they are not employees of m&ay Aorth merica or m&ay )orporation. s independent business o&ners# I%'s are free to make decisions many others in business are not free to make. 'n0epen0ent #usiness Owners Association 'nternational 4'#OA'5 The '#OA' ,I%' International or Independent %usiness '&ners ssociation International. is a trade association representing Independent %usiness '&ners affiliated &ith m&ay Aorth merica# formerly -ui+tar. It is the primary advocacy organi/ation for I%'s in Aorth merica. trade association is an organi/ation of business people &ho share common interests or concerns# and &ho educate and represent their members. The I%'I ,or I%' International. is one e+ample. ole of the '#OA' #oar0 The I%'I %oard is the representative body of the ssociation acting on behalf of all I%'s. 0ith I%' input# support# and participation# the I%'I %oard listens to ideas# proposes improvements# and advises m&ay on the best &ay to move the business for&ard. 0orking closely &ith corporate staff# the %oard advises m&ay on every facet of the business# from products and promotions to operations and business guidelines# as it has for 6@ years. Together# they bring positive change to this business# to keep it moving for&ard and make certain the business is better for every generation. P"ST)" A(A)*S'S Political Political factors are ho& and to &hat degree a government intervenes in the economy. Specifically# political factors include areas such as ta+ policy# labour la&# environmental la&# trade restrictions# tariffs# and political stability. Furthermore# governments have great influence on the health# education# and infrastructure of a nation. 0ith the flo& of *iberali/ation in India many foreign companies have invested in India. Production base in India help m&ay for 2overnment allo&ances. Supportive for India3s entry into 0T'. "conomical Cconomical factors include economic gro&th# interest rates# e+change rates and the inflation rate. These factors have major impacts on ho& businesses operate and make decisions. *ocali/ation of production and ra& materials. '&n production plant in India. 6@; of ra& materials acquired itself from India. *ocali/ation of employees (ore than 9@@@ employees &ere Indians. Social Social factors include the cultural aspects and include health consciousness# population gro&th rate# age distribution# career attitudes and emphasis on safety. Trends in social factors affect the demand for a companyEs products and ho& that company operates. ctive involvement of community Financial and human support in areas of human services education# art# culture# etc. Invested = ? million for this purpose Technolo3ical Technological factors include technological aspects such as R!$ activity# automation# technology incentives and the rate of technological change. They can determine barriers to entry# minimum efficient production level and influence outsourcing decisions. Setup R!$ department Invested = 4.6 million $eveloped ne& and tailored products like &hitening make up for Indian &omen. )e3al *egal factors include discrimination la&# consumer la&# antitrust la&# employment la&# and health and safety la&. These factors can affect ho& a company operates# its costs# and the demand for its products. "nvironmental Cnvironmental factors include ecological and environmental aspects such as &eather# climate# and climate change# &hich may especially affect industries. Furthermore# gro&ing a&areness of the potential impacts of climate change is affecting ho& companies operate and the products they offer. m&ay products are 4@@; natural products# so they not affect our Cnvironment. m&ay recycle its &aste bottles ! containers PO%&CTS A(% S"!'C"S 'ver ?6@ unique# highDquality products carry the m&ay name in the areas of nutrition# &ellness# beauty and home# as &ell as commercial products and a variety of services ,from &hich 4@6 products are offered in India.. In addition# m&ay independent business o&ners in selected markets sell additional brandDname goods through local merchandise catalogues# plus a variety of services and educational products. ll products are backed by a customer satisfaction guarantee. (utrition an0 Wellness AutriliteO is the &orld3s leading brand of vitamin# mineral# and dietary supplements# gro&n harvested and processed on its o&n certified organic farms. Cosmetics 'ur skin is the out&ard appearance of &ho or &hat &e are # or &hat &e &ould like to be. %ut it is more than a simple cover. It is the largest organ of our body D a comple+ and dynamic system that is vital to our health and reflects it as &ell. ArtistryE rtistryO is one of the &orld3s top five largestDselling prestige brands of facial skin care and colour cosmetics. Attitu0eE ll products of ttitude contain Skin 8itali/ing )omple+ that synergistically combine to cleanse# Replenish ! (oisturi/e the skin making it soft ! supple. $ome Care m&ay3s "ome )are %rands provide complete cleaning systems that fit &ith everyone3s needs. Their versatile# effective product systems offer the features and benefits consumers &ant. Ao matter &hat your lifestyle# m&ay3s "ome )are products make light &ork of your cleaning chores. SAFE S> 2el/yme is IndiaEs only :DinD4 laundry detergent &hich pretreats# cleans and softens. )OCE *') "igh Suds is a multipurpose household liquid cleaner. %ish %ropsE $ish $rops is a concentrated hand dish&ashing liquid &ith a po&erful FTriadic $etergency SystemF. Personal Care m&ay Personal )are products have built global reputation based on their &orldDclass research and development. These products are designed to deliver the ultimate grooming e+perience and the confidence that lasts long. GlisterE 2lister Toothpaste is a revolutionary (ultiDction Toothpaste &ith Sylodent that offers seven benefits. PersonaE Persona Premium : in 4 Soap is a complete soap for the entire family promises refreshing confidence. SatiniGueE Satinique dvanced Range &ith unique )eramide Infusion System uses natureEs o&n rene&ing technology to rejuvenate# strengthen and protect your hair. %ynamiteE $ynamiteEs range of male grooming products# formulated internationally is designed to deliver the ultimate grooming e+perience. G<$E 2!" Range enriched &ith the goodness of 2lycerine and "oney# deeply nourishes and hydrates the skin for a healthy glo&. part from this m&ay also deals in ir purifiers and 0ater purifiers# 7e&ellery# Clectronics# ! Insurance products. .anufacturin3 Strate3y lmost all m&ay India products are manufactured in the country through third party contract manufacturers. 0ith the e+ception of )osmetics range ,rtistryP. and some products in Autrition and 0ellness category# all m&ay India products and bottles are manufactured in India. The products match m&ay3s global quality standards. They carry a tamperDproof seal and a M4@@; (oney %ack 2uaranteeE. If not completely satisfied &ith the product# the consumer can return it for a refund. m&ay products are environment friendly# and are not tested on animals. m&ay encourages the return of its used product bottles for reDcycling and to prevent their misuse. To bring the identified contract manufacturers3 production facilities and skills to international standard# m&ay has invested in e+cess of <S= ? million ,appro+. Rs. 4G crore.. The transfer of this stateDofDtheDart# &orldDclass technology# has been free of cost. SA)"S A(% .A>"T'(G P)A( The m&ay is private co operative organi/ation. The m&ay Sales and (arketing Plan put you in control# allo&ing you the fle+ibility to &ork &here and &hen you &ant# giving you time for family and friends as &ell as the opportunity to earn a good income. It adapts easily to your needs and ambitions# and gro&s &ith them# offering you all the personal support and assistance you require to become the %usiness '&ner you &ant to be. 0ith m&ay you are Connecte0 to the global leader in multilevel marketing# &ith over ?@ years of e+perience# Supporte0 by great products and people &ho &ill help you succeed# and finally 'n Control of your life. The m&ay Sales and (arketing Plan is a lo& risk# lo& startDup cost business opportunity that is open to everyone. It allo&s you to build your business through retailing products and sponsoring other people &ho# in turn# can retail products and offer the business opportunity to others. %y passing your sales and marketing kno&ledge to your developing team# you not only build your o&n business net&ork but also enable others to build one of their o&n. .ar?etin3 strate3y strategy is a plan of action designed to achieve the goals of the organi/ation. In creating a marketing strategy for the Super )oncentrated )leaning System# m&ay needed to set out the key objectives it &anted to achieve. The follo&ing objectives for the brand &ere setJ To increase distribute or profitability and productivity by providing a ne& and e+citing business opportunity To optimi/e consumer convenience and value through enhanced product differentiation &ith this e+clusive and revolutionary cleaning system To provide innovative and unique products to enhance the image of m&ay "ome )are. A (ew Strate3y of Amway greement &ith the government and company Resumed 'perations 2oods &ill be sold in retail outlets and through Sales Representatives Income of sales distributors &ill be based on direct selling done by them Same $istribution centers served as retail outlets for the company *ocali/ation of employees *ocali/ation of production and Ra& (aterial *ocali/ation of research and development Transparency and )redibility of company3s management SWOT A(A)*S'S O- A.WA* ST"(GT$ %ased on direct selling operations. "ence it can be home based business. Cvery can participate in business. It3s easy to get admission in m&ay &ith easy rout like intent. Training to staff. Functions are performed by I%'s. 'rgani/e meetings and events time to time. "ave good customer service system. %acked by a 4@@; )ustomer Product Refund Policy produce faith and reselling attitude in customers. -uality Products that Inspire )onfidence. lmost no risk of money as &orld class quality (inimal start up costs gives strong base to the initiation of business. So everyone can participate in business. The person &ho &ants do something can be make profit &ith investment of lo& cost. Products are easy to sell. business &ith national and international scope gives more opportunity to the costumers. The possibility of financial security and freedom of time to enjoy life. W"A>("SS (ore po&er to I%'s gives critical structure to organi/ation. Initially high entry cost leads to some&hat restrictions for business development. Rumors for direct selling operations. Focus shifted from selling products to recruiting. OPP&T&('T'"S Setup a manufacturing plant in all countries leads to better platform for company. Population of IA$I gives better opportunity to company to receive more profit. s the company name itself gives reliance and faith for the customer and buyer produce greater opportunity for marketing &hich leads to decrease in total e+penditure of company. T$"ATS Too much freedom to I%'s. )hange in government policy may affect to the profit and freedom of company. )ompetitors like 8'A# (RH QHK S<ARI$CR creates lot of competition in market &hich leads to strong marketing competition in market. &S" O- .). '( A.WA* .ulti1level mar?etin3 ,.).. is a marketing strategy in &hich the sales force is compensated not only for sales they personally generate# but also for the sales of others they recruit# creating a do&n line of distributors and a hierarchy of multiple levels of compensation. 'ther terms for (*( include networ? mar?etin3# 0irect sellin3# and referral mar?etin32 lthough the products and company are supposed to be marketed directly to consumers and potential business partners by means of relationship referrals and &ord of mouth marketing# critics have charged that most (*(s are pyramid schemes. (*( companies have been a frequent subject of criticism as &ell as the target of la&suits. )riticism has focused on their similarity to illegal pyramid schemes# priceDfi+ing of products# high initial startDup costs# emphasis on recruitment of lo&erDtiered salespeople over actual sales# encouraging if not requiring salespeople to purchase and use the companyEs products# potential e+ploitation of personal relationships &hich are used as ne& sales and recruiting targets# comple+ and sometimes e+aggerated compensation schemes# and cultDlike techniques &hich some groups use to enhance their membersE enthusiasm and devotion. Aot all (*( companies operate the same &ay# and (*( groups have persistently denied that their techniques are anything but legitimate business practices. m&ay use direct Selling model to sell its products ! services. For this m&ay offer membership to their potential customers. These members also act as agents for m&ay ! sell their products entirely on their &ish. m&ay provide points on each product sell to their I%' &hich further get converted into monetary terms. lso# these points have &orld&ide acceptance. To start the m&ay %usiness one needs to buy the m&ay %usiness Qit and be sponsored in the business by an already e+isting m&ay %usiness '&ner. $espite &hat you may have heard# starting an m&ay business doesnEt involve handing over large amounts of cash. 0ith your efforts and our kno&ledge# the m&ay opportunity can become everything from a means of earning a little e+tra cash to building an international business. 0here do you &ant to go1 #usiness >it11Price0 at sHH6 only CO(TO!"S* Pyrami0 Scheme Accusations m&ay has several times been accused of being a pyramid scheme. 45G5 FT) investigation in the <nited States ,see belo&.# a 455G %elgian court and a 9@@> court judgment in the <nited Qingdom all dismissed these claims. FTC Investigation In a 45G5 ruling# the Federal Trade )ommission found that m&ay does not qualify as a pyramid scheme since m&ay compensation system is based on retail sales to consumers# not payments for recruiting. It did# ho&ever# order m&ay to stop retail price fi+ing and allocating customers among distributors and prohibited the company from misrepresenting the amount of profit# earnings or sales its distributors are likely to achieve &ith the business. m&ay &as ordered to accompany any such statements &ith the actual averages per distributor# pointing out that more than half of the distributors do not make any money# &ith the average distributor making less than =4@@ per month. The order &as violated &ith a 45>B ad campaign# resulting in a =4@@#@@@ fine. Amway Andhra Pradesh (India) In September 9@@B# follo&ing a public complaint# ndhra Pradesh state police ,)I$. initiated raids and sei/ures against m&ay distributors in the state# and submitted a petition against them# claiming the company violated the Pri/e )hits and (oney )irculation Schemes ,banning. ct. They shut do&n all offices of firm m&ay# and rijit Saha &rites that F&ith it the fate of >@#@@@ distributors of the company has been indefinitely sealedF. The enforcement said that the business model of the company is illegal. The Reserve %ank of India ,R%I. had notified the police that m&ay in India may be violating certain la&s regarding a Fmoney circulation schemeF and the I% Times article &rites that Fsome say ... m&ay is really more about making money from recruiting people to become distributors# as opposed to selling products.FThe complaint &as initiated follo&ing a do&ry dispute bet&een a local man and his &ife# an m&ay distributor. Follo&ing a petition by m&ay# the state "igh )ourt issued an injunction against the )I$ and stated the ct did not prima facie apply# ho&ever after m&ay requested the )I$ petition be dismissed the "igh )ourt declared that if police allegations &ere true# m&ayEs Indian subsidiary &ould be in violation of the act and the investigation should continue. 'n ugust 4?# 9@@G the Supreme )ourt of India ordered the state police to complete the investigation against m&ay in B months. In 9@@># citing the "igh )ourt decision# the ndhra Pradesh state government enacted a ban on m&ay media advertisements. m&ay challenged the ban and in 7uly 9@@5 the P "igh )ourt refused a petition the ban should be enforced. s of 7une# 9@@5 the original 9@@B )I$ case &as still pending at the )hief (etropolitan (agistrate )ourt in "yderabad. Class Action Settlement 'n Aovember :# 9@4@# m&ay announced that it had agreed to pay =6B million D =:? million in cash and =99 million in products D to settle a class action that had been filed in Federal $istrict )ourt in )alifornia in 9@@G. The class action# &hich had been brought against -ui+tar and several of its topDlevel distributors# alleged fraud# racketeering# and that the defendants operated as an illegal pyramid scheme. 0hile noting that the settlement is not an admission of &rongdoing or liability# m&ay ackno&ledged that it had made changes to its business operations as a result of the la&suit. The settlement is subject to approval by the court# &hich is e+pected in early 9@44. The economic value of the settlement# including the changes m&ay made to its business model# totals =4@@ million. Cana0ian TaC Case In 45>:# m&ay pleaded guilty to criminal ta+ evasion and customs fraud in )anada# resulting in a fine of =96 million )$# the largest fine ever imposed in )anada at the time. In 45>5 the company settled the outstanding customs duties for =?6 million )$. In a 455? intervie&# m&ay coDfounder Rich $e8os stated that this incident had been his greatest Fmoral or spiritual challengeF# first in Fsoul searching as to &hether they had done anything &rongF and then for pleading guilty for technical reasons# despite believing they &ere innocent of the charges. $e8os stated he believed that the case had been motivated by Fpolitical reasonsF. 'AA )awsuit The Recording Industry ssociation of merica ,RI.# as part of its antiDpiracy efforts# sued m&ay and several distributors in 455B# alleging that copyrighted music &as used on Fhighly profitableF training videotapes. m&ay denied &rongdoing# blaming the case on a misunderstanding by distributors# and settled the case out of court for =5 million. In a related la&suit initiated by the distributors involved# the )ourt established that (ahaleel *ee *uster# &ho had been contracted to make the videotapes# had violated copyright &ithout the kno&ledge of three of the five of those distributors. Procter < Gam/le Some m&ay distributors &ere involved &ith an urban legend that the ,old. Procter ! 2amble service mark &as in fact a Satanic symbol or that the )C' of P!2 is himself a practicing Satanist. ,In some variants of the urban legend# it is also claimed that the )C' of Procter ! 2amble donated Fsatanic tithesF to the )hurch of Satan.. Procter ! 2amble alleged that several m&ay distributors &ere behind a resurgence of the urban legend in the 455@s and sued several independent m&ay distributors and the company for defamation and slander. The distributors had used m&ayEs mvo+ voice messaging service to send the rumor to their do&n line distributors in pril 4556. fter more than a decade of la&suits in multiple states# by 9@@: all allegations against m&ay and m&ay distributors had been dismissed. In 'ctober 9@@6 a <tah appeals court reversed part of the decision dismissing the case against the four m&ay distributors# and remanded it to the lo&er court for further proceedings. 'n 9@ (arch 9@@G# Procter ! 2amble &as a&arded =45.96( by a <.S. $istrict )ourt jury in Salt *ake )ity# in the la&suit against the four former m&ay distributors. 'n Aovember 9?# 9@@> the case &as officially settled. Amway &> In (ay 9@@G# the <Q $epartment of Trade and Industry ,$TI. accused m&ay and distributor organi/ations %ritt 0orld0ide and Aet&ork T&enty'ne <Q of Fobjectionable practicesF and petitioned to &ind up the companies. The case against m&ay &as dismissed in 9@@> on the condition that a full earnings disclosure is published publicly# no registration or rene&al fees are charged and that the sale of business support materials are prohibited. The case against Aet&ork 94 &as dismissed in 9@@5. Welcome to )ife 4Polan05 In 455G# m&ay Poland and Aet&ork T&enty'ne separately sued the makers of a Polish film 0elcome to *ife for defamation and copyright violations. The film &as banned &hile the suit proceeded# the first banning of a film in Poland since the fall of )ommunism. In 9@@4 Aet&ork 94 &on their case and the producers &ere ordered to remove the violating material. In 9@@: the producers &ere convicted of libel# order to pay a fine to a childrenEs charity and publish a public apology. Other 'ssues $ateline A%) report from 9@@? picked up the criticism against some m&ay distributor groups. m&ay subsequently published a &ebsite &ith a response to the $ateline report. Some m&ay distributor groups have been accused of using cultDlike tactics to attract ne& distributors and keep them involved and committed. llegations include resemblance to a %ig %rother organi/ation &ith paranoid attitude to insiders critical of the organi/ation# seminars and rallies resembling religious meetings and enormous involvement of distributors despite minimal incomes. n e+amination of the 45G5L45>@ ta+ records in the state of 0isconsin sho&ed that the $irect $istributors# comprising less than 4; of all distributors# reported a net loss of =54> on average. Sociologist $avid 2. %romley calls m&ay a quasiDreligious corporation having sectarian characteristics. %romley and Shupe vie& m&ay as preaching the 2ospel of Prosperity. Cconomists %hattacharya and (ehta propose an alternative economic e+planation to negative claims# concluding that distributorsE continued involvement despite minimal economic return results from social satisfaction compensating for less economic satisfaction. O#,"CT'!" The main purpose of the study is to kno& the S0'T of m&ay industries in gha/ipur. In the present competitive environment it is very crucial to every business firm to ensure satisfaction to its customers and made gro&th in business. ccording to one survey it &as found that it costs five times more to attract a ne& customer than to retain an e+isting customer. So &ith all these parameters taking into consideration one can say that it is very important to provide goods and services that satisfy customers needs or &ants irrespective of the industry or scale of the business in &hich a firm is operating. "ere the main purpose of the report is to kno& the various factors just like promotional activities# pricing strategy# easy to access and also R!$ that are very important in satisfying the customer3s needs and to kno& ho& companies are ensuring its gro&th. The e+pectations of customers are vary from one customer to the other customer. For e+ample some customers are only concerned about the services that they are getting in m&ay but at the same time there are some other customers &ho are very specific about the quality by m&ay products and some other parameters. It is very difficult to any business firm to satisfy all the e+pectations of all customers but there are some common factors that are essential to fulfill. The follo&ing are the objectives of the report To kno& about the m&ay in gha/ipur city. To study about the m&ay products and its services To study the promotional strategy ! effect on m&ay in gha/ipur. To find the e+tent of brand loyalty of consumers that e+ists among different m&ay products in gha/ipur. To identify ho& the brand building helps in meeting the customers3 e+pectations to meet their satisfaction and investment objectives. To study the influence of various aspects on buying behavior. These factors areJD 1 price I quality 1 %rand name ! others features. To study the S0'T analysis of m&ay products in gha/ipur. SCOP" The scope of this project is the study the product quality and gro&th of the company. It covers a &ide range analysis of the company that &hat kind of product quality services has been provided by the company# &hat are the qualities of products# &hat are the satisfaction level of the customer by the of the company# &orking and promotional process of the company# "o& the company satisfy the customer by its product. This study also shed light on the relationship of company &ith customers. The study also covers the behavioral pattern of company employees &ith the customer at the time of complains for any product and ho& they provide service to them and satisfaction according to choice of m&ay in 2ha/ipur. The response of the centre to&ards the customer also covered in this study. fter analysis the researcher comes to kno& that the customer response centre gives good response to each and every complaint and do its best of satisfy the customers by its service and products provided by the m&ay industries in 2ha/ipur. fter analysis the researcher comes to kno& that the recent technologies and gro&th rate of m&ay industries in 2ha/ipur. '.POTA(C" The importance of a project report is follo&ing. The study &ill help to kno& that &hat additional features ! &hat facilities should be increase. )ustomer is satisfied &ith the product and services provided by companies or he is dissatisfied. It helps in identify reason behind dissatisfactions. The importance of study is that it is helpful to make future policy of the company. It is important to create a ne& plan for products ! services in future &ith unique quality ! facilities that &ill be preferred by the customers. To kno& the factor behind purchase of m&ay products. To kno& the recent technologies and gro&th rate of m&ay industries in 2ha/ipur. "S"AC$ ."T$O%O)OG* ."T$O%O)OG* Research is a common language refers to a search of kno&ledge. Research is scientific ! systematic search for pertinent information on a pacific topic# infect research is an art of scientific investigation. Research methodology is a scientific &ay to solve research problem. It may be understood as a science of studying ho& research is doing scientifically. In it &e study various steps that are generally adopted by research by research in studying hair research problem it is necessary for researchers to kno& not only kno& research method techniques but also technology. The scope of esearch .etho0olo3y is wi0er than of research metho0s2 The research problem consists of series of closely related activities. t a times. The first step determines the native of the last step to be undertaken# &hy a research has been defined &hat data has been collected and &hat a particular methods have been adopted and a host of similar other questions are usually ans&ered &hen &e talk of research methodology concerning a research problem or study. The project is a study &here focus is on the follo&ing pointsJ esearch %esi3n research design is defined# as the specification of methods and procedures for acquiring the information needed. It is a plant or organi/ing frame&ork for doing the study and collecting the data. $esigning a research plan requires decision all the data sources# research approaches# Research instruments# sampling plan and contact methods. esearch 0esi3n is mainly of followin3 typesJ1 C+ploratory research $escriptive studies )asual studies "AP)OATO* "S"AC$ The major purposes of e+ploratory studies are the identification of problems# the more precise formulation of problems and the formulation of ne& alternative courses of action. The design of e+ploratory studies us characteri/ed by a great amount of fle+ibility and ad L hoc veracity. %"SC'PT'!" "S"AC$ $escriptive research in contrast to e+ploratory research is marked by the prior formulation of specific research -uestions. The investigator already kno&s a substantial amount about the research problem# perhaps as a Result of an e+ploratory study# before the project is initiatedK $escriptive research is also characteri/ed by a preplanned and structured design. CAS&A) O "A"'."(TA) "S"AC$ A casual 0esi3n investi3ates the cause an0 effect relationships /etween two or more varia/les2 The hypothesis is teste0 an0 the eCperiment is 0one2 There are followin3 types of casual 0esi3nsJ I. fter only design II. %efore after design III. %efore after &ith control group design I8. Four groups# si+ studies design 8. fter only &ith control group design 8I. )onsumer panel design P'.A* %ATA1 These data are collected first time as original data. The data is recorded as observed or encountered. Cssentially they are ra& materials. They may be combined# totaled but they have not e+tensively been statistically processed. For e+ample# data obtained by the peoples. S"CO(%A* %ATA- Sources of Secon0ary %ata 2 -ollowin3 are the main sources of secon0ary 0ataJ
P"'O% O- ST&%*J This study has been carried out for a ma+imum period of > &eeks. A"A O- ST&%*J The study is e+clusively done in the area of finance. It is a process requiring care# sophistication# e+perience# business judgment# and imagination for &hich there can be no mechanical substitutes. SA.P)'(G %"S'G(J The convenience sampling is done because any probability sampling procedure &ould require detailed information about the universe# &hich is not easily available further# it being an e+ploratory research. SA.P)" POC"%&"J In this study Rjudgmental sampling procedure is used. 7udgmental sampling is preferred because of some limitation and the comple+ity of the random sampling. rea sampling is used in combination &ith convenience sampling so as to collect the data from different regions of the city and to increase reliability. SA.P)'(G S'K"J The sampling si/e of the study is 4@@ users. ."T$O% O- T$" SA.P)'(GJ PO#A#')'T* SA.P)'(GJ It is also kno&n as random sampling. "ere# every item of the universe has an equal chance or probability of being chosen for sample. Probability sampling may be taken inform ofJ S'.P)" A(%O. SA.P)'(GJ simple random sample gives each member of the population an eGual chance of being chosen. It is not a hapha/ard sample as some people thinkS 'ne &ay of achieving a simple random sample is to number each element in the sampling frame ,e.g. give everyone on the Clectoral register a number. and then use random numbers to select the required sample .Random numbers can be obtained using your calculator# a spreadsheet# printed tables of random numbers# or by the more traditional methods of dra&ing slips of paper from a hat# tossing coins or rolling dice. Systematic an0om Samplin3 This is random sampling &ith a systemS From the sampling frame# a starting point is chosen at random# and thereafter at regular intervals. Stratifie0 an0om Samplin3 0ith stratified random sampling# the population is first divided into a number of parts or EstrataE according to some characteristic# chosen to be related to the major variables being studied. For this survey# the variable of interest is the citi/enEs attitude to the redevelopment scheme# and the stratification factor &ill be the values of the respondentsE homes. This factor &as chosen because it seems reasonable to suppose that it &ill be related to peopleEs attitudes. Cluster an0 area Samplin3 Cluster samplin3 is a sampling technique used &hen FnaturalF groupings are evident in a statistical population. It is often used in marketing research. In this technique# the total population is divided into these groups ,or clusters. and a sample of the groups is selected. Then the required information is collected from the elements &ithin each selected group. This may be done for every element in these groups or a sub sample of elements may be selected &ithin each of these groups. (on Pro/a/ility Samplin3 It is also kno&n as deliberate or purposive or judge mental sampling. In this type of sampling# every item in the universe does not have an equal# chance of being included in a sample. 't is of followin3 typeJ Convenience Samplin3 convenience sample chooses the individuals that are easiest to reach or sampling that is done easy. )onvenience sampling does not represent the entire population so it is considered bias. Luota Samplin3 In quota sampling the selection of the sample is made by the intervie&er# &ho has been given quotas to fill from specified subDgroups of the population. ,u03ment Samplin3 The sampling technique used here in probability T Random Sampling. The total sample si/e is B@ profiles. %ata CollectionJ D $ata is collected from various customers through personal interaction. Specific questionnaire is prepared for collecting data. $ata is collected &ith mere interaction and formal discussion &ith different respondents and &e collect data in -airness cream and face to face contact &ith the persons from &hom the information is to be obtained ,kno&n as informants.. The intervie&er asks them questions pertaining to the survey and collects the desired information. Thus# &e collect data about the &orking conditions of the &orkers of -airness creamK &e &orked at -airness cream contact the &orkers and obtain the information. The information obtained is first hand or original in character. %ATA CO))"CT'O( ."T$O% P'.A* S"CO(%A*
$irect personal Intervie& Indirect personal Intervie& Information from correspondents 2ovt. publication (ailed questionnaire Report )ommittees ! )ommissions -uestion filled by enumerators. Private Publication Published Sources Unpublished Sources -D 4D0hich brand of Fairness cream do you use1 Particular (o of respon0ent Percenta3e Garnier ?6 ?6; .e3low :9 :9; (ivia 4> 4>; -air < $an0some @6 @6; Other Total ;99 ;99M -D9D 0hat is the source of information for it1 Particular (o of respon0ent Percenta3e Television ?6 ?6; -rien0s an0 -amily :9 :9; "Cperts 4> 4>; (ewspaper @6 @6; Total ;99 ;99M -D:D 0hich brand have more variants1 Particular (o of respon0ent Percenta3e Garnier ?6 ?6; .e3low :9 :9; (ivia 4> 4>; -air < $an0some @6 @6; Other Total ;99 ;99M -D?D Is your fairness cream is easily available in 2ha/ipur city1 Particular (o of respon0ent Percenta3e Availa/le ?6 ?6; Poorly availa/le :9 :9; (ot availa/le 4> 4>; Total ;99 ;99M -.6. Rate these criteria according to your preference for purchasing the fairness cream# rate 4 for the most preferred and B for the least preferred1 Criteria Preference atin3 Price -ualityNvariants vailability Packaging Promotion scheme ImpactNCffect -DBD Is your prefer brand have any side effect on your face1 Particular (o of respon0ent Percenta3e *es ?6 ?6; (o :9 :9; Total ;99 ;99M -DGD 0hich fairness creams are more popular in male segments1 Particular (o of respon0ent Percenta3e Garnier ?6 ?6; .e3low :9 :9; (ivia 4> 4>; -air < $an0some @6 @6; Other Total ;99 ;99M -D>L $oes price affects your $ecision1 aDHes bDAo Particular (o of respon0ent Percenta3e *es ?6 ?6; (o :9 :9; Total ;99 ;99M -D5D $oes your fairness cream enhance your fair color1 Particular (o of respon0ent Percenta3e *es ?6 ?6; (o :9 :9; Total ;99 ;99M -D4@D $o you like your fairness cream brand advertisement1 Particular (o of respon0ent Percenta3e *es ?6 ?6; (o :9 :9; Total ;99 ;99M -D44D $oes your fairness cream advertisement influence you to buy the product1 Particular (o of respon0ent Percenta3e *es ?6 ?6; (o :9 :9; Total ;99 ;99M -.49. re you satisfied &ith your preferred fairness cream brand1 Particular (o of respon0ent Percenta3e Strongly satisfied ?6 ?6; Satisfied :9 :9; Aeither satisfied nor dissatisfied $issatisfied Strongly $issatisfied Total ;99 ;99M -'(%'(G 4. From the above the table researcher found that about :>; respondent said Fair ! *ovely# 9@; *akme perfect radiance# :9; 'lay Aatural &hite and 4@; 2arnier light brand is easily available in the 2ha/ipur market. 9. From the above the table researcher found that about ?>; respondent said Fair ! *ovely# 4@; *akme perfect radiance# :@; 'lay Aatural &hite and 49; 2arnier light brand is used by users in 2ha/ipur market. :. From the above the table researcher found that about B5; respondents are satisfied &ith price# 9@; are less satisfied and 44; are dissatisfied. ?. From the above table researcher found that about G>; respondent advertisements does play a vital role in selecting a brand and 99; don3t feel the advertisement do play a vital role in selecting a brand. 6. From the above table researcher found that about ?G; respondent said 'lay Aatural &hite# 46; *akme perfect radiance 9>; Fair ! lovely and 4@; 2arnier light fairness cream gives instant glo&. B. From the above the table researcher found that about 9@; respondent said fair ! lovely# 4:; *akme perfect radiance#4@; 'lay Aatural &hite and 6G; 2arnier light cream reduces dark spots. G. From the above the table researcher found that about 5; fair ! lovely#4>; *akme perfect radiance#95; 'lay Aatural &hite and ??; 2arnier light cream protects the skin from the darkening effects of the sun. >. From the above the table researcher found that about 44; respondents said Fair ! *ovely# 4@; *akme perfect radiance# 65; 'lay Aatural &hite and 9@; 2arnier light cream nourishes the skin from deep inside. 5. From the above the table researcher found that about 4@; respondent said Fair ! *ovely#96; *akme perfect radiance#?B; 'lay Total Cffect and 45; 2arnier light cream focuses on reducing the line# age spots and &rinkles on your face. 4@. From the above the table researcher found that about 49; respondent said Fair ! *ovely# 9@; *akme perfect radiance# 6?; 'lay Aatural &hite and 4?; 2arnier light cream has better quality. 44. From the above the table researcher found that about 4G; respondents said Fair ! *ovely# *akme perfect radiance 49;# 'lay Aatural &hite 9:; and 2arnier light ?>; cream has attractive packaging. 49. From the above the table researcher found that about )ompanies are better than other 6>;# Incentives and gifts 4@;# $iscount 4@;# Cmotional %asis 4@; and 9; )ultural %asis promotional offering by the fairness cream. CO(C)&S'O( m&ay is one of the largest direct selling company in the &orld. The main objectives of m&ay are to profit there distributers by eliminating the middlemen and provide the products to the distributers in cheaper price. The products of m&ay are &orld class product quality. They are made up of natural a thing that3s &hy they are good for health and environment. m&ay covers a &ide range of products from beauty care. "ealth care# to clothing# and daily use products etc. the products are costly as compared to other branded products available in market but if &e compare the quantity &hile using the products require less amount and thus can be used for longer time. Successful business today depends upon a companyEs ability to quickly adapt to changes in the marketplace. t m&ay# they pride it selves on kno&ledge of the dynamic net&orking market that is quickly becoming central to modern business. This kno&ledge# and its &illingness to act upon it# has enabled us to become one of the industryEs technological leaders. Through they continued pursuit of ne& product ideas# and by consistently refining our e+isting product line# they have become one of the top providers of cuttingDedge net&orking products in the global market. If youEre looking for high quality products and solid customer support at rockDbottom prices# then choosing m&ay really does make sense. )imitations of the esearch 4. This report covers &hole India gro&th of m&ay industries in gha/ipur# &hich is very difficult to get. 9. In a rapidly changing industry# analysis on one day or in one segment can change very quickly. The environmental changes are vital to be considered in order to assimilate the findings. :. Sometime the gap of communication &as come in bet&een the interaction. ?. The time available to conduct the study is littleK it being a &ide topic has a limited time. 6. *imited resources are available to collect the information about the m&ay industries in gha/ipur. B. n m&ay industry in gha/ipur is so much volatile and it is difficult to forecast anything about it. G. Some of the aspects may not be covered in my study# its gives kno&ledge about trading of m&ay industries in gha/ipur in small prospects and its challenges. >. Reforms allo&ed increased integration bet&een domestic and international markets# and created a need to manage risk. S&GG"ST'O( Trial packs should be used because customer must have to introduce the product. 'nce customer gets idea about product he comes to kno& advantages of products. The products should be cheap the home delivery system takes at least t&o days to deliver the products so the delivery should be instant. There must be multiple options for purchasing the products for distributers like online# tale and instant purchasing. In every city# the m&ay office should be situated in such a location so that it is in reach of all distributers. "CO.."(%AT'O( 4. To buy a fairness )ream after taking advise from Specialist or doctor or parlor. 9. Some suggested that the packaging the Fairness )ream should be ecoDfriendly. :. It is harmful &hen it considers more portion of bleach. ?. Some suggested that rather than using any outsider product the home made e+periment is considerable. 6. Some have fear of Skin dieses so they suggest that before buying any Fairness )ream &e should see the brand Image and its quality. B. Some advised to use the branded Fairness )ream. G. Some told that# (atural s?in is real #eautyU >. Some &ants faster result as in characteristics of Fairness )ream. 5. Some &ants Schemes in the Product. So drink more &ater and eat more fruits and vegetables &hich can reduce the demand of Fairness )ream and keeps the skin healthy# fair and da//ling. L&"ST'O((A'" %"A "SPO(%"(T+ (yself ohit >umar *a0av Pursuing %.%. at T.C.R.I. P.2. 2"VIP<R. I seek your responses and kind coDoperation for the purpose of successful of my survey project report. T$A(> *O& O$'T >&.A *A%A! #2#2A27 T$ S". T2"22'2 P2 G2 CO))"G" G$AK'P& (ameJNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOccupationNNNNNNNNNNNN222 A3eJNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN"0ucationNNNN22NNNNNNNNN A00ressJNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN'ncomeNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Gen0erJNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN2 -D 4D0hich brand of Fairness cream do you use1 aD2arnier bD(eglo& cDAivia dDFair ! "andsome eD'ther -D9D 0hat is the source of information for it1 aDTelevision bDFriends and Family cDC+perts dDAe&spaper -D:D 0hich brand have more variants1 aD2arnier bD(eglo& cDAivia dDFair ! "andsome eD 'ther -D?D Is your fairness cream is easily available in 2ha/ipur city1 aD vailable bD Poorly available cD Aot available -.6. Rate these criteria according to your preference for purchasing the fairness cream# rate 4 for the most preferred and B for the least preferred1 Criteria Preference atin3 Price -ualityNvariants vailability Packaging Promotion scheme ImpactNCffect -DBD Is your prefer brand have any side effect on your face1 aDHes bDAo -DGD 0hich fairness creams are more popular in male segments1 aD2arnier bD(eglo& cDAivia dDFair ! "andsome eD 'ther -D>L $oes price affects your $ecision1 aDHes bDAo -D5D $oes your fairness cream enhance your fair color1 aDHes bDAo -D4@D $o you like your fairness cream brand advertisement1 aDHes bDAo -D44D $oes your fairness cream advertisement influence you to buy the product1 aDHes bDAo -.49. re you satisfied &ith your preferred fairness cream brand1 aD Strongly satisfied bD Satisfied cD Aeither satisfied nor dissatisfied dD $issatisfied eD Strongly $issatisfied #'#)'OGAP$* #OO>S Ramas&amy Financial (anagement Qothari ).R. Research (ethodology (ithani $. (. (oney %anking ! International Trade '(T"("T &&&.fair ! &&& &&& &&& &&& &&& &&&.mediane& %A')*S < ,O&(A)S #usiness Worl0 #usiness To0ay The "conomic Times