Course Curriculm

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Diploma Courses
Diploma in Construction Engineering (Part-Time)
Diploma in Construction Engineering (Full-Time)
Diploma in Design [Interior & Landscape] (Full-Time)
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering [Green Building Technology] (Full-Time)
Diploma in Strategic Facilities Management (Full-Time)
At a Glance 3
About Our Diploma Courses 5
Diploma in Construction Engineering (Part-Time) 6
Diploma in Construction Engineering (Full-Time) 8
Diploma in Design [Interior & Landscape] (Full-Time) 10
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering [Green Building Technology] 12
Diploma in Strategic Facilities Management (Full-Time) 14
Administration Details 16
At a Glance
BCA Academy of the Built Environment
is the education and research arm of
Singapores Building and Construction
Authority (BCA). BCA Academy
provides quality training and research
programmes for the advancement
of the building industry and the
development of an excellent built
environment. Since 1984, the Academy
has been playing a key role in ensuring
that the skills and expertise required to
shape a safe, high quality, sustainable,
and friendly built environment are
readily available.
Located at Braddell Road, BCA Academy
is built on a 5-ha site with a building
area of 25,000 square metres. Its campus
boasts of a wide range of modern
training facilities, such as large and well
equipped training workshops, lecture
rooms, IT training rooms, seminar rooms,
a design studio, a 200-seat auditorium
and a 400-seat function hall.
The Academy also houses a gallery and a
sensory garden that serve as a national
education centre to showcase new
initiatives by BCA and the industry in
improving the built environment of the
nation. Soon, a zero-energy building will
be added to the campus, the facility will
be dedicated to construction research,
process development and innovation
that contribute towards improving
the safety, quality, sustainability and
friendliness of the built environment.
About Our Diploma Courses
The 3-year Diploma courses offered
at the School of Building and
Development, include Construction
Engineering (full-time & part-time),
Design [Interior & Landscape],
Mechanical Engineering [Green
Building Technology] and Strategic
Facilities Management.
Each comprehensive diploma
syllabus takes into account new
competencies required by the
industry such as knowledge in the
areas of building safety, building
quality, environmental sustainability
and barrier-free accessibility.
Diploma in Construction Engineering (Part-Time)
There is an increasing demand for
knowledge-based skilled workforce as
the industry restructures itself following
the transition of our nation into a
knowledge-based economy. A new
generation of knowledge-based specialist
subcontractors, supervisors or Resident
Technical Officers, who possess adequate
practical skills and technical knowledge is
needed. They will have skills to supervise
construction workers directly in this new
economy to ensure that construction sites
are safe, highly productive with good
quality standards.

The Diploma in Construction Engineering
aims to train participants for a headstart
in the construction industry. This
qualification is acceptable for registration
as a Resident Technical Officer under the
Building Control Act.
The course will enhance participants
competencies in managing worksite
activities. Equipped them with the value-
added knowledge and skills in business,
management and communication,
this course will take them to higher
supervisory and management roles. It
opens up opportunities for participants
to advance their careers to the next level.
With added experience and knowledge,
enterprising graduates can look forward
to start their own business.
Project co-ordinators, Resident Technical Officers, site supervisors and those who aspire to join
the industry.
At the end of the course, participants would acquire the knowledge and skills to:
Keep abreasl wilh lhe currenl conslruclion lechnologies in lhe induslry,
Perlorm and supervise elleclively lhe various lypes ol conslruclion works on sile,
Plan and schedule works elleclively lo achieve high produclivily and minimise delay
lhrough oplimisalion ol resources,
Perlorm simple designs relaling lo reinlorced concrele and sleel conslruclion,
Manage lhe salely aspecls ol conslruclion,
Apply lhe managemenl and lnancial know-how lor business,
Lxcel as praclical orienled specialisls in lhis parlicular leld ol conslruclion work, and
Lead lhe supervisory level work lorce lo meel lhe conslruclion challenges.
Semester 1 - Communicalion Skills / Malhemalics l

/ Produclivily, Qualily, Lnvironmenlal &

Heallh Managemenl / Slruclural Mechanics

Semester 2 - Conslruclion Malerials

/ Peinlorced Concrele Design l

/ Peinlorced Concrele
Conslruclion l

/ Technical Drawings & Specilicalions / 8usiness Presenlalion & Negolialion

Semester 1 - Slruclural Analysis / Malhemalics ll / Conslruclion Planls, Machineries &
Lquipmenl / Supervisory Skills Developmenl

Semester 2 - Sleel Design & Conslruclion / 8uilding Measuremenl / Advanced Concrele
Technology / Soil Mechanic & loundalion Lngineering
Semester 1 - Cosl Accounling & Managerial linance / Conlracl Adminislralion & Supervisory
Managemenl / Peinlorced Concrele Design ll / Slruclural Pepair & Pelrolilling / Slruclural
Delailing & CAD / Peinlorced Concrele Design lll
Semester 2 - Planning and Scheduling wilh lT Applicalions / Precasl & Preslressed Design
& Conslruclion / Special PC Conslruclion / Slruclural Appraisal / Technopreneurship /
Peinlorced Concrele Conslruclion Case Sludy
NCCS graduales who are lrained based on lhe !998
NCCS syllabus lrom lhe commencemenl ol lhe course
or laler are eligible lo apply lor exemplion lrom lhe
examinalions ol lhese subjecls.
ln addilion lo lhe above subjecls, a parlicipanl is also required lo allend lhe lollowing 4
compulsory courses.-
Cerlilcale in Levelling and Selling Oul
Cerlilcale in Precasl Concrele Conslruclion Supervision
8uilding Conslruclion Supervisors Salely Course
lormwork Salely Course lor Supervisors
He/she is required lo enrol lhese 4 courses separately, and musl successlully complele
lhem not more than 6 years lrom his/her Diploma Year ! commencemenl dale, lo be
awarded a Diploma in Construction Engineering.
Any semesler / subjecl(s) delermenl requesl is subjecled lo 8CA Academy's approval. An
adminislralion lee, as slipulaled in lhe Adminislralion Delails, is chargeable lor approved
delermenl case.
The Applicanl musl be a Singapore Cilizen or Permanenl Pesidenl or holder ol valid
employmenl pass/work permil, and possess any one ol lhe lollowing:-
a) Lnglish, LL!/LL2 (C! 7), b) Malhemalics (C!-6), and c) A relevanl subjecl (C!-7)
Note: With at least 3 years of relevant working experience, those who have attempted
the GCE O level examination but do not meet this courses specied grade in English
or Mathematics, may take an English or Mathematics test conducted by BCA Acacdemy
to decide their enrolment eligibility.
a) Malhemalics (A-L), and b) One olher relevanl subjecl (A-L)
Note: with at least 1 year relevant working experience.
Any ONE ol lhe cerlilcales. Advanced N8Q Nalional Cerlilcale in Conslruclion
Supervision Cerlilcale in lnlerior linishing Co-ordinalion Cerlilcale in Walerproolng
Supervision Cerlilcale in Precasl Concrele Conslruclion Supervision Cerlilcale in
8uilding Measuremenl wilh 3 years relevanl working experience lTC/Higher Nilec
wilh al leasl ! year relevanl working experience.
Applicanls who possess diplomas or equivalenl qualilcalions lrom olher disciplines wilhoul conslruclion-
relaled work experience shall be considered lor admission lo lhe course on a case-by-case basis.
A parlicipanl musl allain al leasl 75 ol physical allendance and complele all assignmenls lo
acceplable slandards lo be eligible lo lake lhe examinalion al lhe end ol lhe course. Sludenls
who pass all semesler examinalions and lhe 4 compulsory courses will be awarded a Diploma
in Construction Engineering and ISO 9000 Internal Quality Audit Certificate.
Craduales ol Diploma in Conslruclion
Lngineering (Parl-Time) can choose
to further their studies with these
The University of Newcastle
8achelor ol Conslruclion Managemenl
8achelor ol Lngineering (Civil)
The University of Wollongong
8achelor ol Lngineering (Civil)
The University of Adelaide
8achelor ol Lngineering (Civil)
8achelor ol Lngineering (Civil & Lnvironmenlal)
The Queensland University of
8achelor ol Applied Science (Conslruclion
8achelor ol Applied Science (Quanlily
The University of South Australia
8achelor ol Conslruclion Managemenl &
James Cook University
8achelor ol Lngineering (Civil)
RMIT University
8achelor ol Civil Lngineering
8achelor ol Applied Science in Conslruclion
Managemenl (8CM)
Diploma in Construction Engineering (Full-Time)
The Diploma in Construction Engineering
aims to train participants with a headstart
for their career in the construction
industry. This qualification is acceptable
for registration as a Resident Technical
Officer under the Building Control Act.
As we move towards a knowledge-based
economy, the industry must restructure
itself to ensure that those who work
on the construction sites are highly
productive, safe and of good quality.
Such high standards will translate to a
stronger demand for knowledge-based
skilled workforce in the near future,
making the Diploma in Construction
Engineering a premium qualification for
those aspiring to be successful builders in
this new millennium.
Upon successful completion of the
course, graduates will become the new
generation of knowledge-based specialist
subcontractors, supervisors or Resident
Technical Officers, who possess adequate
practical skills and technical knowledge
needed to supervise construction workers
directly in the new economy.
Participants will be trained to handle
financial cash flow management, an
advantage for enterprising graduates who
aim to set up their own subcontracting
The Diploma in Conslruclion Lngineering is a 3-year lull-lime programme lhal aims lo equip
participants with the skills and knowledge to:
Keep abreasl wilh lhe currenl reinlorced concrele conslruclion lechnologies in lhe
Perlorm and supervise elleclively lhe various lypes ol reinlorced concrele works on sile,
Plan and schedule reinforced concrete works effectively to achieve high productivity and
minimize delay,
Perlorm simple designs relaling lo reinlorced concrele conslruclion,
Manage lhe salely aspecls ol reinlorced concrele conslruclion, and
Apply lhe managemenl and linancial know-how lor business.
Parlicipanls will be lrained in lechnical knowledge and praclical skills peculiar lo reinlorced
concrele conslruclion. Subjecls like lormwork & reinlorcemenl conslruclion, conslruclion
planls & equipmenl, linal-year projecl, elc., are covered in lhe course. Course malerials will be
conslanlly revised and updaled, so lhal lhe parlicipanls are exposed lo lhe currenl conslruclion
Parlicipanls will also have lo undergo !6-week lnduslrial Orienlalion Programme. They will
be allached lo lirms in lhe induslry and lo pul inlo praclice whal lhey have learnl. Above all,
parlicipanls are lrained in linancial skills and physical lilness, lo prepare lhem menlally and
physically for the challenging and rewarding career in the construction industry.
Semester 1 - Communicalion Skills / Malhemalics l / Levelling and Selling Oul / Slruclural
Semester 2 - Conslruclion Malerials / Technical Drawings & Specilicalion / Peinlorced Concrele
Design l / Peinlorced Concrele Conslruclion l / 8uilding Conslruclion Supervisors Salely
Semester 1 - Malhemalics ll / Conslruclion Planls, Machineries & Lquipmenl / Peinlorced
Concrele Design ll / Supervisory Skills Developmenl / Slruclural Analysis / Slruclural Delailing
Semester 2 - Technopreneurship / 8uilding Measuremenl / Soil Mechanics and loundalion
Lngineering /Sleel Design and Conslruclion / Advanced Concrele Technology / 8usiness
Presenlalion & Negolialion Skills
The applicanl musl be a Singapore Cilizen or Singapore Permanenl Pesidenl, and possess
ONE ol lhe lollowing qualilcalions.-
Compleled CCL 'O' level wilh al leasl 3 'O' level passes in Lnglish (Crade ! - 7),
Malhemalics (Crade
! - 6) and a relevanl subjecl (Crade ! - 6), or
NlTLC or NTC 2 wilh al leasl 'N' level qualilcalion and a minimum CPA ol 2.75 in
relevanl disciplines, or
Higher NlTLC or lnduslrial Technical Cerlilcale in relevanl disciplines.
Those who have attempted the GCE O level but do not meet this courses specied grade in
English or Mathematics, may take an English or Mathematics test conducted by BCA Academy
to decide their enrolment eligibility.
Direct Entry into 2nd Year for NCCS Graduates
NCCS graduales who have gone lhrough lhe !998 syllabus or subsequenl syllabi are
eligible lor direcl enlry inlo lhe 2nd Year ol lhe Diploma course.
Sludenls who pass all semesler examinalions will be awarded lhe lollowing cerlilcales.
1) Diploma in Construction Engineering;
2) Building Construction Supervisors Safety Certicate;
3) ISO 9000 Internal Quality Audit Certicate; and
4) Formwork Safety Course for Supervisors
Semester 1 - Conlracl Adminislralion and Supervisory Managemenl / Produclivily, Qualily,
Lnvironmenlal and Heallh Managemenl / Precasl Design and Conslruclion / Preslressed Design
and Conslruclion / Cosl Accounling & Managerial linance / Slruclural Pepair & Pelrolilling
linal Projecl / Peinlorced Concrele Design lll
Semester 2 - Planning & Scheduling wilh lT Applicalions / Peinlorced Concrele Conslruclion
Case Sludy / lormwork Salely Course lor Supervisors / Slruclural Appraisal / Special Peinlorced
Concrele Slruclure Conslruclion / linal Projecl / lnduslrial Allachmenl
Craduales ol Diploma in Conslruclion
Lngineering (lull-Time) can choose
to further their studies through these
Nanyang Technological University
8achelor ol Civil Lngineering
8achelor ol Lnvironmenlal Lngineering
The University of Newcastle
8achelor ol Conslruclion Managemenl
8achelor ol Lngineering (Civil)
The University of Wollongong
8achelor ol Lngineering (Civil)
The University of Adelaide
8achelor ol Lngineering (Civil)
8achelor ol Lngineering (Civil &
The Queensland University of
8achelor ol Applied Science (Conslruclion
8achelor ol Applied Science (Quanlily
The University of South Australia
8achelor ol Conslruclion Managemenl &
James Cook University
8achelor ol Lngineering (Civil)
RMIT University
8achelor ol Civil Lngineering
8achelor ol Applied Science in
Conslruclion Managemenl (8CM)
Diploma in Design [Interior & Landscape] (Full-Time)
With globalisation and enhanced quality
of lives, people have increasingly higher
expectations for more refined living in
our urban environment. Be it the home,
the school, office, shopping malls or
recreational facilities, there is a rising
need for creative interior and landscape
designers to aesthetically fit out the
environments to best suit the informed
and sophisticated tastes of the occupants.
Furthermore, in land-scarce Singapore,
effective space planning and the
integration of the natural environment
are essential to optimise limited available
space for the purpose of improving the
quality of lives.
This course provides participants with
knowledge and competencies in managing
in-house decoration and display for
commercial, hotels and retail projects. It
opens up opportunities for participants to
embark on careers as technical specialist
with exhibition, interior decoration or
landscaping firms. Graduates may set up
their own practices providing services
ranging from space planning, furnishing
to lighting and landscape design.
This 3-year lull-lime Diploma in Design lnlerior & Landscape course covers lhe lheories and
praclical applicalions ol inlerior design and landscaping wilh emphasis on lhe essenlial skills
required lo crealively explore and visually communicale conceplual ideas and design solulions.
Sludenls will be guided lrom basic dralling and lree-hand skelching lhrough lo compuler-aided
draughting and presentation.
Sludenls will be lrained lo crealively inlegrale design wilh conslruclion lechnology and lo
presenl design schemes al sludio sessions progressively lhroughoul lhe course, culminaling
in linal design projecl submissions. This course is also slruclured lo develop analylical and
crealive lhinking skills in sludenls as well as lo equip lhem wilh knowledge on managemenl
and supervisory skills in order lo meel lhe demands ol loday's business environmenl.
Parlicipanls will undergo a 4-monlh induslrial allachmenl programme lo pul lheir skills inlo
praclice and gain experience belore lhey graduale.
Semester 1 - Communicalion Skills / Design Sludio l - lorm & Space (A) / Drawing Presenlalions
/ Hislory & Theory ol lnlerior Design / Scenography / 8uilding Technology
Semester 2 - Design & Crealive Melhods / lnlerior Conslruclion l linishes / Design Sludio l - lorm
& Space (8) / CAD !
Semester 1 - 8usiness Presenlalion & Negolialion Skills / Supervisory Skills Developmenl
/ Produclivily, Qualily, Lnvironmenlal & Heallh Managemenl / CAD ll / Design Sludio ll -
Pesidenlial & Ollice (A)
Semester 2 - Technopreneurship Planls & Horlicullural Praclices / Design Sludio ll - Pesidenlial &
Ollice (8) / 8uilding Services Design Principles / lnlerior Conslruclion ll Componenls
Semester 1 - Hislory & Concepls ol Landscape Design / Landscape Technology / Design Sludio
lll Landscape / Conlracl Adminislralion & Supervisory Managemenl / Cosl Accounling and
Managerial linance
Semester 2 - Planning & Scheduling wilh lT Applicalions / Design Managemenl & Co-ordinalion
/ Design Sludio lV - Commercial, Hospilalily, Premium Pesidenlial / lnduslrial Allachmenl
The applicanl musl be a Singapore Cilizen or Singapore Permanenl Pesidenl, and possess
ONE ol lhe lollowing qualilcalions.-
Compleled CCL 'O' level wilh al leasl 3 'O' level passes in Lnglish (Crade ! - 7),
Malhemalics (Crade ! - 6) and a relevanl subjecl (Crade ! - 6), or
NlTLC or NTC 2 wilh al leasl 'N' level qualilcalion and a minimum CPA ol 2.75 in
relevanl disciplines, or
Higher NlTLC or lnduslrial Technical Cerlilcale in relevanl disciplines.
Those who have attempted the GCE O level but do not meet this courses specied grade in
English or Mathematics, may take an English or Mathematics test conducted by BCA Academy
to decide their enrolment eligibility.
Sludenls who pass all semesler examinalions will be awarded a Diploma in Design
[Interior & Landscape] and ISO 9000 Internal Quality Audit Certicate.
Craduales ol Diploma in Design
lnlerior & Landscape(lull-Time) can
choose to further their studies through
these institutes.
The University of Adelaide
8achelor ol Design Sludies
8achelor ol Landscape Archileclure
8achelor ol Archileclure
The University of South Australia
8achelor ol lnlerior Archileclure
Curtin University of Technology
8achelor ol Arls (lnlerior Archileclure)
Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts -
University of Huddersfield (UK)
8achelor ol Arls (lnlerior Design)
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
[Green Building Technology] (Full-Time)
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
[Green Building Technology] aims to train
students with a headstart for their career
in the construction industry, specialising
in Green Building Technology (GBT) for
M&E building services.
With the increasing number of green
buildings worldwide, there is a pressing
need for a new breed of technologists
who would be suitably qualified for
hands-on inspections, workshop activities,
with relevant skills, capable of taking up
higher duties ranging from supervisory to
superintendent or maintenance manager
in Green Buildings.
Upon successful completion of the course,
graduates will become the new generation
of specialists with practical skills and
technical knowledge in the niche area of
sustainability, needed to design, supervise
and maintain GBT M&E systems for green
This course opens a great opportunity for
graduates to embark on career as technical
specialists with consultancy firms, energy
service companies, main contractors and
specialist subcontractors. Students will
also be trained to handle financial cash
flow management, an added skill for to-
be entrepreneurs in this industry.
The Diploma in Mechanical Lngineering Creen 8uilding Technology is a 3-year lull-lime
programme lhal aims lo equip sludenls wilh lhe lundamenlal knowledge and specialised skills
necessary to:
Keep abreasl wilh lhe currenl M&L C8Ts in lhe induslry,
Assisl engineers in carrying oul design, labricalion, modilicalion and commissioning ol
Creen lacililies,
Perlorm and supervise elleclively lhe various M&L works on sile,
Assisl engineers in lhe operalion, managemenl and services relaled lo Creen lacililies
Assisl engineers and managers lo manage Creen lacililies services,
Conlribule lo lhe organisalions in lhe execulion ol lheir environmenlal and qualily programmes,
Apply lhe managemenl and linancial know-how lor business.
Sludenls will be lrained in lechnical knowledge and praclical skills peculiar lo M&L building
services design and conslruclion. lollowing a slrong loundalion ol lechnical modules inlroduced
in lhe lirsl lwo years ol sludy, subjecls which are specilic lo C8T will be laughl in lhe lhird year.
Course malerials are conslanlly reviewed lo ensure lhal sludenls are exposed lo lhe currenl
lrend in green building lechnologies.
Sludenls will undergo a !6-week lnduslrial Orienlalion Programme during lhe second semesler
in lhe lhird year ol sludy, lo pul lheir skills inlo praclice and gain experiences belore lheir
gradualion. Above all, sludenls are also lrained in linancial skills, lo beller prepare lhem lor lhe
challenging and rewarding career in the construction industry.
Semester 1 - Communicalion Skills / Lngineering Malhemalics l / 8usiness Presenlalion &
Negolialion Skills / Conlracl Adminislralion and Supervisory Managemenl / M&L Services
Coordinalion & CAD
Semester 2 - Technopreneurship / Lngineering Malhemalics ll / Lngineering Mechanics /
Lngineering Lconomics / Lleclrical Technology & Machines
The applicanl musl be a Singapore Cilizen or Singapore Permanenl Pesidenl, and possess
ONE ol lhe lollowing qualilcalions.-
Compleled CCL 'O' level wilh al leasl 3 'O' level passes in Lnglish (Crade ! - 7),
Malhemalics (Crade ! - 6) and a relevanl subjecl (Crade ! - 6), or
NlTLC or NTC 2 wilh al leasl 'N' level qualilcalion and a minimum CPA ol 2.75 in
relevanl disciplines, or
Higher NlTLC or lnduslrial Technical Cerlilcale in relevanl disciplines.
Those who have attempted the GCE O level but do not meet this courses specied grade in
English or Mathematics, may take an English or Mathematics test conducted by BCA Academy
to decide their enrolment eligibility.
Sludenls who pass all semesler examinalions will be awarded a Diploma in Mechanical
Engineering [Green Building Technology].
Semester 1 - 8uilding Technology / Thermodynamics / lluid Mechanics / Cosl Accounling &
Managerial linance / Slalislics / ACMV Technology l
Semester 2 - ACMV Technology ll / lnslrumenlalion & Conlrols / Lleclrical Power Dislribulion
& lnslallalion / lire Technology / Plumbing Technology / Lills & Lscalalors
Semester 1 - Lnvironmenl Qualily & Managemenl / Lnergy Audil & Lconomics / Lnergy
Modeling / Lnergy lnnovalion Syslems / lacilily Managemenl & 8uilding Law / Projecl
Semester 2 - linal Year Projecl Disserlalion / lnduslrial Allachmenl
Craduales ol Diploma in Mechanical
Lngineering Creen 8uilding
Technology (lull-Time) can choose
to further their studies through this
Nanyang Technological University
8achelor ol Lngineering (Mechanical
Diploma in Strategic Facilities Management (Full-Time)
This Diploma in Strategic Facilities
Management is designed to train students
in operating, managing and maintaining
green buildings. Unlike conventional
buildings which are designed with its
functional use in mind, green buildings
emphasise on the efficient use of
resources to operate and manage them.
Such resources include the electricity,
water, space, labour, finance, time and
anything which is needed to operate and
manage a building.
The worlds growing concern on
environmental issues means the skills
and expertise of graduates from this
programme would definitely be relevant
and much sought after by employers. In
Singapore alone, with the Governments
drive towards a sustainable environment,
there is already a marked increase in the
number of green buildings. About 200
buildings covering a gross floor area of
9 million square metres are committed to
be assessed and certified under the BCA
Green Mark Certification scheme by end
of FY 2008.
In line with the emphasis on the efficient
use of resources for the built environment,
this diploma programme has included
modules on event planning, management
and marketing. Students will acquire
skills on planning, management and
marketing of events such as exhibitions,
conventions, seminars, concerts, road
shows, performance and other activities.
More importantly, students will have the
advantage of becoming event organisers.
Event planning is a function that is closely
linked to the management of the built
environment. The physical structure may
be designed specifically for events or it
may mean intelligent use of space within
it to generate additional income for the
building owner.
Graduates of this programme will have
wide career opportunities. From facility
manager to asset manager and technical
specialists with consultancy firms to energy
service companies and even event leaders
for building owners, they are well trained
and prepared to take up the challenge.
The Diploma in Slralegic lacililies Managemenl (DSlM) is a 3-year lulllime programme lhal aims
lo equip sludenls wilh lhe lundamenlal knowledge and specialized skills necessary lo.
lormulale and implemenl slralegic lacililies managemenl and mainlenance policies lo
achieve efficient resource utilisation.
Creale an environmenl lhal meels human physiological needs.
lormulale and implemenl praclices lo achieve high level ol environmenlal suslainabilily
Plan, manage and markel evenls, and
Apply lhe managemenl and linancial know-how lor business.
lollowing a slrong loundalion ol lechnical modules inlroduced in lhe lirsl lwo years ol sludy,
subjecls specilic lo slralegic lacilily managemenl, green building lechnology and business
conlinuily managemenl will be laughl in lhe lhird year.
Course malerials are conslanlly reviewed lo ensure lhal sludenls are exposed lo lhe currenl
slralegies in lacilily managemenl, green building lechnologies and evenl managemenl.
Sludenls will undergo induslrial allachmenl during lhe second semesler in lhe lhird year ol
sludy, lo pul lheir skills inlo praclice and gain experiences belore lheir gradualion
Semester 1 - Communicalion Skills / Slralegic lacililies Managemenl / Lvenl Planning and
Managemenl / lnlormalion and Communicalion Technology / 8uilding Technology / Slalislics
lor Managemenl & Conservancy Praclices
Semester 2 - Lconomics / 8uilding Malerials / Mechanical Services / Dalabase Managemenl /
Laws on lacililies & Lvenl Managemenl
Semester 1 - Accounling & linancial Malhemalics / Lleclrical & Communicalion Services /
Lvenl Markeling and Cuslomer Service / Corporale Law and Tax / Cosling & Procuremenl
Semester 2 - Technical Drawings & Specilicalions / Sollware Lngineering & Web Applicalion /
Lvenl Service Managemenl / Suslainable Services / 8usiness Presenlalion & Negolialion Skills
Semester 1 - Crilical Thinking & Problem Solving / Produclivily Qualily Lnvironmenl & Heallh
Managemenl / Lnergy Managemenl / 8uilding lnlormalion Modeling / Work Communicalion
and Llhics
Semester 2 - Lnvironmenlal Lrgonomics / Pisk Managemenl & 8usiness Conlinuily / Advanced
lnlormalion Modeling / lire Salely Managemenl / linal Year Projecl
Sludenls who complele lhe course and pass all examinalions will be awarded a Diploma
in Strategic Facilities Management.
The applicanl musl be a Singapore Cilizen or Singapore Permanenl Pesidenl, and possess
ONE ol lhe lollowing qualilcalions.-
Compleled CCL 'O' level wilh al leasl 3 'O' level passes in Lnglish (Crade ! - 7),
Malhemalics (Crade ! - 6) and a relevanl subjecl (Crade ! - 6), or
NlTLC or NTC 2 wilh al leasl 'N' level qualilcalion and a minimum CPA ol 2.75 in
relevanl disciplines, or
Higher NlTLC or lnduslrial Technical Cerlilcale in relevanl disciplines.
Those who have attempted the GCE O level but do not meet this courses specied
grade in English or Mathematics, may take an English or Mathematics test conducted by
BCA Academy to decide their enrolment eligibility
Administration Details
Diplomas Duration
Fee Payable (with GST)
With SDF
Conslruclion Lngineering
training hours
(3 years)
(6 semeslers)

Conslruclion Lngineering
training hours
(3 years)
(6 semeslers)
Not Applicable
Design lnlerior &
training hours
(3 years)
(6 semeslers)
Not Applicable
Mechanical Lngineering
Creen 8uilding
Technology (lull-Time)
training hours
(3 years)
(6 semeslers)
Not Applicable
Slralegic lacililies
Managemenl (lull-Time)
training hours
(3 years)
(6 semeslers)
Not Applicable
per year
per semesler
Classes are held al 8CA Academy, lhree limes a week, lrom 6.30pm lo 9.30pm, lor parl-
lime diploma Courses.
The lessons will be conducled in Lnglish.
Programme Delivery
# We absorb lhe lee dillerences (lrom !

July 07 2007 lo 3!
December 2009) due lo
CST hike. Applicanls pay lhe same amounl
as belore.
lor applicalion lorms, please download lrom
our websile,
lor olher adminislralion delails and
applicalion slalus, please call, 6248 9999.
Companies have lo open a SDl Lasynel accounl
lo apply lor Skills Developmenl lund (SDl) subsidy.
Companies sponsoring lheir slall (musl be Singaporean
or Singapore permanenl residenls) lor lraining will only
pay lhe balanced lee aller deducling lhe subsidised
amounl according lo lheir eligibilily.
Please visil lo open a SDl Lasynel
Applicanls aged 40 and above, and holding 'A' level
qualilcalions and below are eligible lor granl up lo
90 ol course lees subjecl lo $!! per hour.
These courses are approved lor lunding under lhe Skills
Pedevelopmenl Programme (SPP). lor more inlormalion
on SPP, please visil lheir websile @
Studyng at 8fA
Academy has gven
me a soId foundaton
for hgher Iearnng n
the future.
Yap fhee keong
2009 Copyright of BCA Academy. All rights reserved. All information in this booklet is correct at the time of printing.
Ior enqures, pIease contact:
8fA Academy
200 8raddeII koad
Sngapore 579700
(65) 6248 9999
(65) 6258 0558
Application Form (Full-time Diploma)
Course Applied:
(in BLOCK letters / underline surname) Chinese Characters (If applicable):
NRIC No.: Sex : *M / F
Date Of Birth: _____ / _____ / _______

dd mm yyyy
Age : Race:
Martial Status: Nationality: National Service Status:
Home Address:
Email: Tel / HP. No.: Fax:
* Delete wherever necessary
Subjects Grade
1. English
2. Mathematics
3. Science/Arts
4. Others :
5. Others :
3. SPECIAL SKILLS/TALENTS (e.g. toastmasters, dancers, basketball players etc)
For Ofcial use Yes No
Meet entry requirement
Meet Special Qualication
Ofcer-in-charges name/signature/date
Singapore PR
Not Enlisted
School Attended:
Year Attended:
Copies of school certicates and academic qualications must be submitted with
the application.
Please provide supporting documents, if applicable
I declare that the particulars given are true and correct to the
best of my knownledge. I am aware that my application does not
guarentee admission.
Signature of Applicant / Date
For Ofcial Use:
Application No.:
Processing Ofcer.:
Ofcial Receipt No.:
Cashier :
Application Form (Part-time Course)
Course Applied:
For Ofcial use Yes No
Meet entry requirement
Meet Special Qualication
Ofcer-in-charges name/signature/date
(in BLOCK letters / underline surname)
NRIC/ PP No.: Work Permit No. :
Nationality :
Date Of Birth: _____ / _____ / _______

dd mm yyyy
Age : Sex : *M / F Marital Status:
Home Address:
Postal Code:

Tel: Fax: HP. No.:

# For non-Singaporean / Permanent Residents, a copy of the employment pass or work permit / PR documents must be submitted with the application.
2. QUALIFICATIONS (Highest academic and technical qualications)
Year Obtained Qualication Institution
Copies of school certicates and academic qualications must be submitted with the application.
Company UEN No.: SDF Easynet Account No.: (Please ll in to enjoy SDF subsidy)
SDFs claim application no. (APP): (For company that has successfully applied for SDF claim)
Company: GST Registered Company: Yes / No *
Ofce Address: Postal Code:
Contact Person: Designation: Tel:
Fax: HP. No.: Email:
Nature of Business (Briey describe):
Appointment/Designation : Salary (Optional): Date join company:
Brief Description of Your Duties :
*Delete wherever necessary
Form - Pg 1/2
For Ofcial Use:
Application No.:
Processing Ofcer.:
Ofcial Receipt No.:
Cashier :
Company Designation Duration
Job Description
(e.g. structural, renovation, M&E etc)
In view of my formal qualication(s) as listed in Item 2, I would like to apply exemption for
(Please indicate subject(s), if applicable.)
Payment Mode:
Cheque *Cash/Nets/Credit Card
(Payment must be made personally at BCA Academy)
Payment must be made when registering for a course to be assured of a training place. No invoice will be issued.
7. DECLARATION ( please tick awhere applicable )
a) *I/We hereby declare that the particulars given in the Application Form are true and correct in every respect. *I/We
understand that the application will be disqualied if any information given is found to be untrue and the fees paid will
be forfeited.
b) *I/We declare that the above applicant meets the entry requirements as stated in this brochure.
c) *I/We also accept that BCA Academy reserves the right to accept or reject the application for whatever reason and no
refund of fees will be made for withdrawal on or after the commencement of the course which the applicant has been
d) *The company sponsors the above applicant.
The company will sponsor the above applicant & apply for SDF grant.
We, the applicant company agree and undertake to pay BCA Academy the SDF training assistance amount in full if the registered trainee(s) does not satisfy
or comply with the terms and conditions of the course and/or the SDF Easynet and/or the WDA Training Assistance scheme or in the event that, for whatever
reasons the WDA does not pay to BCA Academy that portion of the course fee.
For company using GIRO for payment
We hereby declare that our Direct Debit and Direct Credit Authorisation for GIRO application with the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) still
remain in force. We authorise BCA to issue instructions to our bank/nance company to debit our account for the total amount shown above for the purpose
of course registration.
* company / individual application Company Stamp (for company application only)
*Delete wherever necessary
4. PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT (use separate sheet if space is insufcient)
Form - Pg 2/2
Bank Account No.:
(should be the same bank account as indicated in the Direct Debit Authourisation form submitted to BCA Academy)
Cheque No.: dated: for $
(Cheque should be crossed, marked account payee only and made payable to BCA Academy)

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