University of Cambridge International Examinations General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level
University of Cambridge International Examinations General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level
University of Cambridge International Examinations General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level
October/November 2011 1 hour Multiple Choice Answer Sheet Soft clean eraser Soft pencil (type B or HB is recommended)
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READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Write in soft pencil. Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid. Write your name, Centre number and candidate number on the Answer Sheet in the spaces provided unless this has been done for you. There are forty questions on this paper. Answer all questions. For each question there are four possible answers A, B, C and D. Choose the one you consider correct and record your choice in soft pencil on the separate Answer Sheet. Read the instructions on the Answer Sheet very carefully. Each correct answer will score one mark. A mark will not be deducted for a wrong answer. Any rough working should be done in this booklet.
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2 1 A human cheek cell and a spongy mesophyll cell from a leaf are examined under a microscope. Which structures are seen in both cells? A B C D 2 cell membrane, nucleus and cytoplasm cell wall, cell membrane and nucleus cytoplasm, cell wall and cell membrane nucleus, cytoplasm and cell wall
Which process needs energy from respiration? A B C D movement of carbon dioxide into the alveoli movement of oxygen into red blood cells uptake of glucose by cells in the villi uptake of water by root hair cells
The mass of a cube of fresh potato is found. It is then placed in a test-tube containing a dilute solution of sucrose. After an hour, its mass has increased. Which process has occurred and what has happened to the concentration of the sucrose in the solution in the test-tube? process A B C D active transport active transport osmosis osmosis sucrose concentration decreased increased decreased increased
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3 4 The photomicrograph shows a transverse section of a leaf. Where does carbon dioxide enter the leaf?
Two test-tubes, P and Q, were set up each containing a solution of red hydrogen carbonate indicator. Hydrogen carbonate indicator turns yellow when the carbon dioxide concentration increases and turns purple if the carbon dioxide concentration decreases. An aquatic plant was placed into tubes P and Q. Tube P was uncovered, tube Q was covered with a black lightproof cover. The tubes were left in a warm room in sunlight for four hours.
tube P
tube Q
What would be the colour of the hydrogen carbonate indicator in the two tubes after four hours? tube P A B C D purple purple red yellow tube Q red yellow yellow red
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rate of photosynthesis
rate of photosynthesis
0 temperature / C
0 temperature / C
rate of photosynthesis
rate of photosynthesis
0 temperature / C
0 temperature / C
Which cells conduct water into the leaf and which cells conduct sugars out of the leaf? conduct water A B C D P Q Q R conduct sugars Q P R Q
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direction of movement
Which row describes the condition of the muscles at P, Q, R and S? P A B C D 9 contracted contracted relaxed relaxed Q relaxed relaxed contracted contracted R contracted relaxed contracted relaxed S relaxed contracted relaxed contracted
The photomicrograph shows human blood. Which component cannot function effectively if a persons diet lacks iron? A B
D magnification 1000
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6 10 Which chemical elements are found in carbohydrates, fats and proteins? carbohydrates A B C D carbon, hydrogen and oxygen carbon, hydrogen and oxygen carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen fats carbon, hydrogen and oxygen carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen carbon, hydrogen and oxygen carbon, hydrogen and oxygen proteins carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen carbon, hydrogen and oxygen carbon, hydrogen and oxygen carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen
11 The diagram shows two plant cells, X and Y, drawn to different scales.
Samples of the contents of X and Y were tested for nutrients. What results are expected? X Benedicts reagent A B C D + + iodine in potassium iodide solution + + Benedicts reagent + + Y iodine in potassium iodide solution + + key = negative result + = positive result
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7 12 Which blood vessel carries absorbed food material from the small intestine to the liver? A B C D coronary artery hepatic portal vein pulmonary artery renal vein
13 The diagram shows an experiment on amylase. Each beaker contains water at the temperature shown.
90 C
35 C
20 C
10 C
starch solution
amylase solution
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8 14 What are the products of anaerobic respiration in humans and in yeast? humans A B C D ethanol ethanol and carbon dioxide lactic acid lactic acid and carbon dioxide yeast lactic acid lactic acid and carbon dioxide ethanol and carbon dioxide ethanol
15 The diagram shows the ribs and some of the muscles used in breathing.
vertebrae sternum breathing out external intercostals lung X Y diaphragm
Which muscles relax in moving from position X to position Y? diaphragm A B C D no no yes yes external intercostals no yes no yes
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What could be the first organs found in the directions 1 and 2? 1 A B C D heart intestine kidney lung 2 brain liver heart heart
17 The diagram represents the heart and some major blood vessels.
lungs R S P
Which are possible blood pressures (in kPa) for the vessels shown on the diagram? P A B C D 1 4 16 16 Q 4 16 2 4 R 2 2 4 1 S 16 1 1 2
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blood to patient
What are the parts labelled X, Y and Z? bubble trap A B C D X Y Y Z roller pump Y X Z Y water bath for temperature control Z Z X X
19 What helps heat retention in the human body? A B C D actively secreting sweat glands dilated skin blood vessels fat in and under the skin relaxed hair erector muscles
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11 20 The table shows the composition of inspired and expired air. inspired air % carbon dioxide oxygen nitrogen and inert gases What are the likely percentages at X and Y? X A B C D 0.04 4.04 20.04 83.96 Y 83.96 79.96 63.96 0.04 0.04 20 79.96 expired air % X 16 Y
3 2
Which labels show where the muscle that straightens the hinge joint is attached? A 1 and 2 B 3 and 4 C 4 and 5 D 4 and 6
22 Foods can be made by treating milk in different ways. 1 2 3 Bacteria are added. The milk is acidified. The milk proteins are coagulated.
Which processes occur in both cheese and yoghurt production? A 1, 2 and 3 B 1 and 2 only C 1 and 3 only D 2 and 3 only
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12 23 Two containers, X and Y, were filled with equal amounts of dough mixture for making bread. The mixture in Y had yeast in it. The containers were then left in a warm place for two hours. The diagram shows their appearance after this time.
container X
container Y
Which substance produced by the yeast causes the difference between containers X and Y? A B C D alcohol carbon dioxide lactic acid oxygen
24 Why is a producer so called? A B C D It produces carbohydrates. It produces carbon dioxide. It produces energy. It produces oxygen.
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P retina Q R
Which pair of structures focus light rays onto the retina? A P and Q B P and R C Q and R D Q and S
26 Which part of the central nervous system controls the bodys water balance? A B C D cerebellum cerebrum hypothalamus medulla
27 How does adrenaline affect glucose uptake by muscle cells and carbohydrate conversion by liver cells? glucose uptake A B C D decreases decreases increases increases carbohydrate conversion glucose to glycogen glycogen to glucose glucose to glycogen glycogen to glucose
28 What is a major effect of nicotine in tobacco smoke? A B C D It causes lung cancer. It destroys cilia in the trachea. It increases mucus production in the trachea. It increases the desire to smoke.
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In a food chain, grass is eaten by cows. The cows have insects living on their skin. The insects are eaten by birds. Which is the pyramid of mass and which is the pyramid of numbers in this food chain? pyramid of mass A B C D 1 1 3 3 pyramid of numbers 3 4 1 2
30 Which row shows a disease and the organism that causes it? disease A B C D AIDS AIDS malaria syphilis organism that causes it bacterium insect insect bacterium
31 What is not a result of changing the size of the holes in fishing nets? smaller holes A B C D bigger fish are caught many fish reproduce before they are caught more fish are caught smaller fish are caught larger holes small fish pass through the net most fish do not reproduce fewer fish are caught larger fish are caught
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suitable temperature B
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16 34 A recessive homozygote is crossed with a heterozygote of the same gene. What will be the phenotypes of the F1 generation? A B C D all dominant 75 % dominant 50 % dominant 25 % dominant 25 % recessive 50 % recessive 50 % heterozygous 25 % recessive
35 A child has blood group O. Which couple could be the parents of this child? blood group of father A B C D A AB O AB blood group of mother B B AB A
36 Which process is used to produce insulin commercially? A B C D extracting glycogen from the liver to stimulate production of insulin extracting insulin from the pancreas of human volunteers inserting a bacterial gene into a persons pancreas cells inserting the human insulin gene into a bacterium
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17 37 New plants may be grown from groups of cells that are taken from other plants. The diagram shows part of plant X. From which structure will cell samples grow into new plants that are genetically identical to plant X?
38 What is a major advantage of feeding breast milk rather than milk made up from milk powder to a baby? A B C D It contains a higher percentage of calcium for growth of the babys bones. It contains all the carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins needed by the baby. It contains antibodies from the mother, which protect the baby from infectious diseases. It contains less protein, sugar and fat, which prevent the baby from becoming obese.
39 On which date is a woman most likely to ovulate if the first day of menstrual loss was 1 February? A B C D 5 February 14 February 28 February 1 March
40 Two heterozygotes are crossed. Some of the offspring show the recessive characteristic. What is the probability that one of these offspring that shows the recessive characteristic is homozygous? A 0.00 B 0.25 C 0.50 D 1.00
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