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Stop Motion Puppet Construction 1st Edition: The Mummy (C) Mauricio Paragua All Rights Reserved

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Stop Motion Puppet Construction 1st Edition

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The Mummy (C) Mauricio Paragua all rights reserved
*Contributors: Neil Hughes, Shelley Smith
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Equiment
!.0 "#teri#l $e%ie&
'.0 (rm#ture)*uet +esign
,.0 Ch#r#cter design)Sculture
-.0 .o#m /#te0 #nd mold1m#2ing
3.0 *uet e0#mles 4to be #dded5
6.0 In7orm#ti%e boo2s on *uet1m#2ing. 4to be #dded5
8.0 Conclusion
1.0 Introduction:
9his document is b#sic#lly # distill#tion o7 our 2no&ledge #nd e0eriences o7 designing #nd
constructing sto motion uets. :e h#%e been m#2ing uets no& 7or se%er#l ye#rs in # %#riety
o7 &#ys &ith di77erent m#teri#ls #nd the one rule o7 sto1motion uet construction, i7 you #rdon
the cliche, is th#t there #re no rules. 9here isn;t # right or &rong &#y to do things, #nd you le#rn
something ne& e#ch time you m#2e # uet. 9he m#2ing o7 # good uet is #n #rt in itsel7 #nd #
most re&#rding #sect o7 sto1motion . 9his beginner guide &ill run through b#sic #rm#ture #nd
uet design #nd construction through to more comle0 uets #nd rocesses. :e h#%e included
se%er#l hotos o7 7inished uets using di77erent techniques #nd #lso some shots o7 uets under
.0 E!uipment: Some e!uipment normally used in ma"in# different puppets
St#nley)Hobby <ni7e 1 $olling in
Soldering Iron 1 Hot =lue gun
>ice 1 Scre&dri%ers
:ood s#& 1 "et#l &or2ing 7iles 4sm#ll %#riety5
Sunbe#m mi01m#ster 1 +igit#l &eighing b#l#nce 4.1 decim#l5
Needle nose liers 1 =ood sh#r #ir o7 7#bric only scissors
*#int ?rushes 1 Sculting tools
*ins Electric drill
Sm#ll h#c2s#& 1 <itchen @%en
(irbrush 1 +uct t#e
?elt s#nder 1 .o#m l#te0 inAection gun
(llen 2ey 1 >ise gri liers
"et#l t#s o%en thermometer, #nd # room thermometer
H#ir dryer 1 +ouble boiler or me#t grinder 47or mi0ing cl#ys5
(ssorted bo&ls #nd s#tul#s 1 disos#ble brushes, lots o7 emty l#stic cont#iners
S$.0 Material %e&iew: Some materials I use to 'uild( or help 'uild puppets from
*l#sticene ( colored cl#y used in m#2ing cl#y sto1motion uets 4Cl#ym#tion5 "#ny di77erent
br#nds m#de using %#rying rocesses, &ell 2no&n br#nds used by ro7ession#ls include >#n (2en
4>inton Studios5, H#rbutts 4(#rdm#n5.
*ottery Cl#y Common ottery cl#y c#n be used in bedding do&n scults 7or mold c#sting. ?ruce
?ic27ord uses common cl#y mi0ed &ith #int igments #nd %eget#ble oil 7or cl#ym#tion inste#d o7
<le#n <l#y (n oil b#sed sculting cl#y th#t does not dry out &hen e0osed to #ir, e0cellent 7or
m#2ing molds 7or th#t re#son. (%#il#ble in the BS,C#n#d# #nd (ustr#li#, not sure &here else.
*olymer cl#ys
eg. Sculey, Suer Sculey,Sculey III Sculey .le0, .imo
*olymer cl#ys &hich #re thermosetting l#stics &hich go h#rd &hen b#2ed in the o%en. Sculey is #
good gener#l urose cl#y &hich is &hite, Sculey III is colored #nd h#s # l#rge color r#nge. Suer
Sculey &hen b#2ed h#s # more cer#mic 7inish, &hile Sculey .le0 is still 7le0ible #7ter b#2ing #nd
c#n be used #s uet h#nds etc.
.ibergl#ss resin #nd gl#ss m#tting C#n be used 7or # %#riety o7 di77erent uses in m#2ing uets
7rom #rm#ture comonents to uet body #rts. (lso c#n be used to m#2e the A#c2et mold o7 #
silicon mold.
Eo0y utty ( t&o #rt utty th#t cures in #bout 10 minutes #nd is e0tremely strong. It c#n be
drilled , 7iled , s#&ed #7ter curing. 9#2es on the #e#r#nce o7 stone. (nother n#me is *roo0y, #lso
c#lled met#l eo0y It o7ten cont#ins met#l 7ilings.. I use this #lmost e0clusi%ely no& in &ire
#rm#ture construction.
(luminum sculting &ire 1.,mm C !mm :ire used in m#2ing uet #rm#tures. !mm di#meter
length is good 7or legs #nd torso sections &hile the 1.,mm di#meter length is good 7or #rms. 9i*
t#2e se%er#l lengths o7 1.,mm &ire #nd 7i0 one end in # %ice #nd 7i0 the other end into the chuc2 o7
# drill. :hile 2eeing # tension on the &ire use the drill to &ind the &ire together. 9he 7inished &ire
is stronger but resist#nt to bre#2#ge #nd c#n t&ist 7or nec2 #nd &rist sections. 9here #re more th#n
t&o siDes #%#il#ble, &e use %ery tiny &ire 41)!2E5 7or h#nds #nd 7ingers, #nd h#%e used 1)'E 7or
&#ists. It deends on the siDe #nd bul2 o7 the uet. remember to comens#te 7or the bul2 o7 the
7o#m, it cre#tes # gre#t de#l o7 resist#nce on the &ire. your #rm#ture should be # little too sti77
be7ore the 7o#m goes on. Fou c#n #lso use solder &ire 7or 7ingers but it c#n bre#2.
(luminum Sculting mesh Comes in di77erent mesh siDes, li2e #rm#ture &ire, this mesh c#n be used
in #rm#ture construction to #dd strength to cl#y sh#es. It m#y be &r#ed #round # &ire limb to
gi%e something 7or the cl#y to 2ey on to. >ery 7ine mesh c#n #lso be used 7or b#c2ing h#ts, sc#r%es,
clothing, #nd other ros th#t need to #nim#te yet rem#in so7t #t the s#me time.
"iner#l @il)/inseed @il Bsed s#ringly #nd #lied &ith # so7t sti77 brush, it smooths out sm#ll
imer7ections in your scult to gi%e th#t smooth 4:inton5 loo2. ?#by oil #lso &or2s 7or this, is more
&idely #%#il#ble #nd 7#r less e0ensi%e.
"iner#l 9urentine (lso used 7or smoothing cl#y scults #nd in #rticul#r Sculey. ( common
sol%ent 7or cle#ning #int brushes, or thinning en#mel #ints etc. I7 you c#n use # regul#r household
#int thinner, do. ItGs much less to0ic. ne%er use too much o7 these on your cl#y, the sur7#ce &ill get
%ery mushy.
Cle#r 7ood cling &r# Bse to co%er oened cl#y to re%ent dust #nd 7#bric 7ibres stic2ing to cl#y
#lso co%er scult &ith &r# &hen not in use. *our melted cl#y onto &r# to cool.
?#by &ies Bse to 2ee h#nds cle#n &hile sculting or #nim#ting #rticul#rly &hen ch#nging
colors, nothing is more 7rustr#ting &hen the &rong color is #ccident#lly smudged onto to your nice
cle#n scult.
Eo0y #dhesi%e 4, min. %#riety5 .#st setting glued &hich is gre#t 7or #ny gener#l urose use &here
# strong bond is required. Bsed in (rm#ture construction bec#use it glues met#l to met#l. 9his is the
only glue &hich c#n be used on styro7o#m.
?#ls# &ood glue (s the n#me suggests, 7or gluing ?#ls# &ood.
?#ls# &ood 4di77erent siDes5 ( light&eight 7ine gr#in &ood used to m#2e #rm#ture #rts etc. 9hinner
stoc2 c#n be cut &ith # hobby 2ni7e.
Styro7o#m (lso used 7or house insul#tion, not the ebbly &hite tye but the h#rd solid colored ones.
C#n be cut, c#r%ed &ith # hobby 2ni7e, r#sed, s#nded 4&e#r dust m#s2, dust is to0ic5. Bsed to bloc2
out # uet to gi%e h#rd l#ces to gr#s 7or #nim#tion, &hen the rest o7 the uet is going to be
bloc2ed out in uholstery 7o#m. not suit#ble 7or 7o#m l#te0, it c#nnot be b#2ed, it melts. &e #lso
m#2e lots o7 set ieces out o7 this, itGs light, che#, #nd t#2es #int &ell. m#y only be glued &ith
residenti#l styro7o#m c#ul2ing, or ,1min cle#r eo0y. #ll other glues melt the 7o#m.
(luminum stoc2 ?loc2s o7 #luminum #re #%#il#ble #t met#l suerm#r2ets. ItGs so7t enough to drill in
# drill ress, cut on # b#nd s#&, #nd grind &ith # belt s#nder. Bse it 7or hi #nd chest bloc2s in #
&ire #rm#ture uet. +rill holes 7or the &ires to go in, then holes on the sur7#ce 7or set scre&s.
Sur7#ce holes #re t#ed to cre#te thre#ds 7or the set scre&s. Fou c#n #lso drill # hole in the middle
o7 the bloc2 #nd thre#d it to cre#te # l#ce to mount # 7lying rig. Bse #luminum bloc2s 7or 7oot
bloc2s #nd you c#n drill #nd t# # hole 7or # tie1do&n.
*>( glue ( glue 7or &ood #nd #er c#n be &#tered do&n #nd brushed onto 7#bric to sti77en it. It
dries tr#ns#rent, but shiny.
(crylic #nd En#mel #ints (crylic #ints #re used 7or m#ny things, &#ter soluble, but &ill
e%entu#lly &rec2 your #intbrush #s dried #int #ccumul#tes on the brush. (crylic #int is mi0ed
&ith *ros1#ide l#te0 #dhesi%e ,0),0 7or #inting 7o#m l#te0 uets. 9his is tric2y, you need to #dd
some &#ter #nd ne%er let the brush e%en st#rt to dry out. FouGll go through 2 or ! brushes to #int #
uet but the bond is e0cellent. i7 your uets #re stic2y #7ter #inting, brushing them &ith # bit
o7 corn st#rch)corn 7lour ,b#by o&der or t#lc &ill t#2e the stic2iness #&#y. rub e0cess 7lour o77
&ith your 7ingers. +onGt use regul#r 7lourH
En#mel #ints gi%e better met#llic colors #nd #re %ery good 7or #inting gl#ss be#ds 7or eyes. 9i*
l#ce eye be#d on the end o7 # toothic2 #nd l#ce toothic2 in # drill chuc2, then #int the uil
&hile the drill is rot#ting. 9his &ill roduce # nice er7ect circle dot 7or the uil.
?olts #nd &ing1nuts >#rious lengths o7 bolts #nd &ing1nuts c#n be used 7or tie1do&ns #nd #lso #s
cl#ms 7or 7o#m l#te0 molds. :ith molds it is # good ide# to #lso use l#rge &#shers to re%ent too
much stress being l#ced on the mold.
=l#ss or l#stic or &ooden be#ds *er7ect 7or eyes #s # in c#n be l#ced in the hole &hile #nim#ting
to mo%e the eye. 9ry to get the brilli#nt &hite be#ds 7or eyes. :ooden be#ds m#y be glued &ith
eo0y to &ire #rm#tures to m#2e # sot to gr#s the uet. .or e0#mle, on the uer #rm, it &ill
re%ent the #rm 7rom bending #bo%e the elbo& #nd &ill gi%e you # 7irmer sot to hold 7or #nim#tion
so you donGt crush the 7o#m.
Silicone rubber ( condens#tion cured rubber olymer. Bsed more #nd more in uet construction
inste#d o7 tr#dition#l 7o#m l#te0. Commonly used to m#2e molds, is 7le0ible #nd %ery he#t resist#nt
u to 200 oC #7ter curing. <no&n 7or its #bility to %ery #ccur#te c#ture e%en the tiniest sur7#ce
det#ils o7 # scult. E0ensi%e. there #re hundreds o7 di77erent tyes, so youGll need to 7ind #
reut#ble sulier &ho c#n hel you decide the best tye 7or your #lic#tion, &hether it be #
uet or # mold.
.o#m /#te0. 9he tr#dition#l medium 7or m#2ing sto1motion uets #nd still &idely used tod#y.
?#sed on n#tur#l l#te0 rubber it is # tric2y multi1comonent system th#t &ill t#2e # 7e& #ttemts to
get the h#ng o7 m#2ing. Is r#ther e0ensi%e. 9he t&o most common br#nds #re ?urm#n C ="
7o#m. I h#%e used both #nd re7er =". =" 7o#m comes &ith e0cellent instructions #nd # gre#t
&ebsite #s &ell #s # toll17ree number to c#ll their suort st#77 i7 you get stuc2.
?rushing /#te0 Bsed to mi0 &ith #crylic #ints 7or 7le0ible #int, c#n #lso be used &ith cotton
7ibers in the buildu method o7 uet m#2ing eg. S2eletons in $#y H#rryh#usenGs EI#son C 9he
(rgon#utsE. I h#%e used brushing l#te0 7or 7o#m l#te0 #7ter I r#n out o7 l#te0 b#se #nd it &or2ed
7ine, but it deends on the qu#lity o7 the brushing l#te0. I #lso use brushing l#te0 to 7i0 u te#rs #nd
holes in 7o#m l#te0 uets.
Icy1ole stic2s)&ooden co77ee stir stic2s =ener#l mi0ing uses, #nd #lso #s # #lette 2ni7e &hen
#lying thic2ened silicone rubbers
S#nd #er Comes in %#rious gr#des 7rom rough to smooth. Bsed 7or m#ny things eg. Cle#ning u
?#ls# &ood or 7ibergl#ss comonents.
9&o #rt eo0y resin 9here #re m#ny di77erent eo0y resins on the m#r2et &ith di77erent setting
times #nd colors #nd strength. I use # , min 7#st setting resin 7or m#2ing #rm#ture comonents #nd
ros. It e%en comes in # double syringe tye contr#tion so you ne%er h#%e to &orry #bout getting
the right #mounts.
$#re E#rth "#gnets Strong m#gnets used #s tie1do&ns during #nim#tion. :ill not &or2 on
#luminumH youGll need to h#%e steel in the 7oot o7 your uet.
(luminum 7oil "#ny gener#l urose uses 7or ros #nd uets. C#n be used to bul2 u #rts o7
the uets so less 7o#m c#n be used. #lso &or2s &ell under steel eo0y.
C#sting l#ster 4eg. Bltr#c#l !05 9he #re #lso other tyes o7 c#sting l#ster but this is the most
&idely used &hen m#2ing 7o#m l#te0 molds. It is che# #nd sets %ery strong. I suggest using
7ibergl#ss, ?url# or sis#l 7ibers #s rein7orcing to re%ent bre#2#ge. "olds need to be thoroughly
dried in the o%en be7ore use on l#te0 or it &ill c#use le#2ing in the 7o#m &hen he#t cured.
Bholstery 7o#m ( yello&ish sti77 7o#m used to stu77 out your so7#. (%#il#ble #t some 7#bric stores.
( little goes # long &#y since you donGt need much to build u # uet. Bsed 7or bul2ing out #
uet &hen youGre not going to be c#sting it in l#te0. 9his tye o7 uet requires no seci#l tools
or equiment, it c#n be done in your home. Iust l#yer on the uholstery 7o#m, using 7#bric glue or
cont#ct cement to glue it to the #rm#ture. 9hen trim it &ith scissors till itGs the sh#e you &#nt. 9he
uet c#n then be dressed in 7#bric or le#ther. 9his tye o7 uet c#nnot be #inted. He#ds #nd
h#nds should be m#de o7 sculey or some other subst#nce.
"#gic scult (%#il#ble #t t#0idermy shos. 9his is # che# t&o1#rt eo0y tye sculting
comound. It cures slo&ly so you c#n &or2 &ith it 7or # &hile, #nd it sets %ery h#rd. 9he roortion
o7 h#rdener #nd resin m#y be #dAusted i7 you &#nt it to set # bit 7#ster, but it gener#lly t#2es 2 1 '
hours to set u. ItGs # bit stic2y to &or2 &ith #nd t#2es r#ctice but the ne0t d#y you c#n s#nd #nd
drill it. It &or2s gre#t 7or he#ds. Bse some &#ter #nd your 7ingers to smooth it out be7ore it cures.
9ot#lly non1to0ic.
.#bric)le#ther Bsed to dress # uet. I7 you #re shooting on # digit#l c#mer#, the 7#bric needs to be
tested under c#mer# to m#2e sure it doesnGt EringE 4c#use inter7erence #nd buDDing in the icture5.
Bse 7#bric &ith # sm#ll gr#in. 2nitted 7#bric is better th#n &o%en 7#bric since it &ill stretch #round
thin #rms #nd legs #nd round tummies, #nd it doesnGt 7r#y #s b#dly. .#bric m#y be se&n or glued
into l#ce, but se&ing loo2s better #nd stitches c#n be remo%ed i7 you m#2e # mist#2e or &#nt to get
inside your uet 7or # re#ir or to #tt#ch # rig. +et#ils li2e oc2ets #nd trim #re glued on &ith
cont#ct cement or #n industri#l shoe re#ir tye cement. Bse lots o7 %entil#tion or youGll get diDDy
quic2ly. /e#ther m#y be se&n or glued #nd c#n be stretched #nd molded #round the sh#e o7 your
uet. +onGt m#2e the clothes too loose or they &ill o during the #nim#tion. Fou c#n stu77 loose
bits &ith cotton b#lls so they donGt mo%e on you during # shot.
).0 *rmature/Puppet +esi#n:
9his is the most imort#nt #rt o7 m#2ing # Sto1motion uet. ?#d l#nning #nd design o7 your
uet #t this st#ge &ill result in # di77icult uet to #nim#te #nd b#d #nim#tion. Eseci#lly 7or the
beginner i7 your uet is oorly designed then you m#y be ut o77 7rom Sto1motion #ltogether #s
being too h#rd so I c#nGt stress this #sect o7 the construction more.
9he Story bo#rd is &here you &or2 out #ll the #ctions your uet &ill need to do, &#l2ing,
Iuming, t#l2ing, 7lyingJ (ny #ction th#t the uet is going to er7orm th#t could im#ct its design
should be t#2en into consider#tion 7or e0#mle i7 the uet is going to 7ly then you &ill need to
h#%e some l#ce to #tt#ch &ires or rigs. I7 the uet is going to t#l2, then you need to 7igure out
ho& you &ill do the li sync etc.
(rm#tures #re the s2eleton o7 the uet. 9hey suort it #nd en#ble it to be #nim#ted e77ecti%ely.
(n #rm#ture should be strong enough to suort the uetGs &eight but not to hinder its mo%ement.
9he #rm#ture needs to be sti77 enough to mo%e #nd suort the bul2 o7 the 7o#m #nd clothing on the
uet. +onGt m#2e the mist#2e o7 m#2ing # er7ect #rm#ture only to h#%e it s#g &hen the uet is
7o#med out. ItGs better to err on the side o7 too sti77 until you get the h#ng o7 it.
(rm#tures #re norm#lly m#de o7 #luminum sculture &ire, in the c#se o7 simle #rm#tures or
intric#tely built b#ll C soc2et #rm#tures th#t c#n be %ery recise #nd %ery e0ensi%e. @ther
m#teri#ls c#n be used #s long #s the uet &ill be #ble to be #nim#ted.
I h#%e used both , #nd re7er the b#ll C soc2et m#chined #rm#tures &hich re#listic#lly simul#te
hum#n mo%ement 4#ssuming your uet is hum#noid5. :ire #rm#tures c#n be sringy #nd you
tend to h#%e to bend the #rm#ture slightly more th#n you need, to #llo& 7or the sring b#c2 e77ect.
=ood #luminum sculture &ire is retty Ede#dE #nd is the best choice 7or # beginner. Ho&e%er, the
m#in oint to m#2e on this issue is th#t &ire #rm#tures #re de7initely &or2#ble, #nd the beginner
should not &orry #bout le#rning #ll the m#chining techniques emloyed in m#2ing b#ll C soc2et
#rm#tures but r#ther gr#b some &ire #nd liers #nd get stuc2 into it. 9he 7ollo&ing hoto is o7 #
b#sic &ire #rm#ture m#de &ith sculture &ire #nd eo0y utty.
Ho& &ill my uet st#nd uJ 9his is re#lly critic#l. I7 your uet doesnGt st#nd u &ell #nd secure
you &ill be 7ighting # losing b#ttle &hen #nim#ting #nd the end result &ill be dis#ointing.
9here #re se%er#l &#ys o7 securing your uet. ( simle &#y is &ith # in through the 7oot into the
7loor o7 the set. 9his is o2#y i7 you h#%e # cl#y uet &here the in is e#sily co%ered #nd &ill do #s
long #s the uet doesnGt mo%e #bout # lot. @7 course your set &ill h#%e to be so7t &ood or
styro7o#m, or e%en 7o#m core.
( 9ie1do&n is # de%ice to 7#sten # 7oot to the 7loor. It is usu#lly #tt#ched to the uet 7rom
underne#th the set 7loor #nd is usu#lly # bolt, but I h#%e he#rd o7 &ire #lso being used. I7 the uet
only h#s &ire in its 7eet, # %ery thin str#nd o7 &ire m#y be thre#ded through the 7o#m or cl#y in the
bottom o7 the 7oot, hoo2ed o%er the &ire inside, #nd b#c2 out through the bottom. youGll need t&o
tiny holes in the set 7or the t&o &ire ends, then t&ist the &ire together under the set 7loor. 9his is
good only i7 the uet is st#ying in l#ce 7or # &hile, itGs too h#rd to do i7 the uet is &#l2ing.
9he do&nside to tie do&ns is th#t you h#%e to drill holes in the 7loor o7 your set #nd hide the holes
#7ter&#rds. I &ill discuss di77erent tie do&ns l#ter during uet e0#mles.
$#re e#rth m#gnets #re %ery good, eseci#lly i7 you donGt &#nt #nnoying holes in the set 7loor.
9hese m#gnets #re #%#il#ble through seci#lty shos. "#gnets #re used # lot in industry to remo%e
7erric #rticles during rocesses #nd come in di77erent siDes #nd strengths. 9he m#gnets should be
strong enough to hold the uet 7oot but not too strong #s to hinder the #nim#tion. (lso the
uetGs 7oot needs to h#%e steel in the 7oot or it &onGt be m#gnetiDed. 9he 7loor o7 the set &ill #lso
need to h#%e # thin sheet o7 steel so the m#gnet &ill stic2 to the underside o7 the set 7loor. :#ll#ce
in the (#rdm#n 7ilm E9he :rong 9rousersE, is #ble to &#l2 u # %entil#tion sh#7t #nd #round to the
inside o7 the sh#7t bec#use o7 m#gnets.
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