The document provides guidance on how to write an effective resume including essential sections like contact information, objective, education, work experience, and references. It recommends customizing the resume for each job and having others review it before sending to employers.
The document provides guidance on how to write an effective resume including essential sections like contact information, objective, education, work experience, and references. It recommends customizing the resume for each job and having others review it before sending to employers.
The document provides guidance on how to write an effective resume including essential sections like contact information, objective, education, work experience, and references. It recommends customizing the resume for each job and having others review it before sending to employers.
The document provides guidance on how to write an effective resume including essential sections like contact information, objective, education, work experience, and references. It recommends customizing the resume for each job and having others review it before sending to employers.
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Your Guide to Resume Writing
How to Prepare an Effective Resume
1. Resume Essentials Before you write, take time to do a self-assessment on paper. Outline your skills and abilities as well as your work experience and extracurricular activities. !is will make it easier to prepare a t!orou"! resume. 2. The Content of Your Resume Name, address, telephone, e-mail address, we site address #ll your contact information s!ould "o at t!e top of your resume. #void nicknames. $se a permanent address. $se your parents% address, a friend%s address, or t!e address you plan to use after "raduation. $se a permanent telep!one number and include t!e area code. &f you !ave an answerin" mac!ine, record a neutral "reetin". #dd your e-mail address. 'any employers will find it useful. ()ote* +!oose an e-mail address t!at sounds professional., &nclude your web site address only if t!e web pa"e reflects your professional ambitions. !"e#ti$e or %ummar& #n ob-ective tells potential employers t!e sort of work you%re !opin" to do. Be specific about t!e -ob you want. .or example* o obtain an entry-level position wit!in a financial institution re/uirin" stron" analytical and or"ani0ational skills. ailor your ob-ective to eac! employer you tar"et1every -ob you seek. Edu#ation )ew "raduates wit!out a lot of work experience s!ould list t!eir educational information first. #lumni can list it after t!e work experience section. 2our most recent educational information is listed first. &nclude your de"ree (#.3., B.3., B.#., etc.,, ma-or, institution attended, minor1concentration. #dd your "rade point avera"e (4P#, if it is !i"!er t!an 5.6. 'ention academic !onors. Wor' E(perien#e Briefly "ive t!e employer an overview of work t!at !as tau"!t you skills. $se a#tion words to describe your -ob duties. &nclude your work experience in reverse c!ronolo"ical order7t!at is, put your last -ob first and work backward to your first, relevant -ob. &nclude* itle of position, )ame of or"ani0ation 8ocation of work (town, state, 9ates of employment 9escribe your work responsibilities wit! emp!asis on spe#ifi# s'ills and ac!ievements. !ther information # staff member at your career services office can advise you on ot!er information to add to your resume. 2ou may want to add* :ey or special skills or competencies, 8eaders!ip experience in volunteer or"ani0ations, Participation in sports. Referen#es #sk people if t!ey are willin" to serve as references before you "ive t!eir names to a potential employer. 9o not include your reference information on your resume. 2ou may note at t!e bottom of your resume* ;References furnis!ed on re/uest.; ). Resume Che#'up 2ou%ve written your resume. &t%s time to !ave it reviewed and criti/ued by a career counselor. 2ou can also take t!e followin" steps to ensure /uality* Content* Run a spell c!eck on your computer before anyone sees your resume. 4et a friend (an En"lis! ma-or would do nicely, to do a "rammar review. #sk anot!er friend to proofread. !e more people w!o see your resume, t!e more likely t!at misspelled words and awkward p!rases will be seen (and corrected,. +esign* !ese tips will make your resume easier to read and1or scan into an employer%s data base. $se w!ite or off-w!ite paper. $se <-=1>- x ==-inc! paper. Print on one side of t!e paper. $se a font si0e of =6 to =? points. $se nondecorative typefaces. +!oose one typeface and stick to it. #void italics, script, and underlined words. 9o not use !ori0ontal or vertical lines, "rap!ics, or s!adin". 9o not fold or staple your resume. &f you must mail your resume, put it in a lar"e envelope. @!at Employers @ant Employers say t!ey are impressed by -ob candidates w!o !ave excellent communication skills, "ood "roomin" !abits, and relevant work experience. Employers say t!ey want trustwort!y new !ires w!o can move ri"!t in, "et alon" wit! t!eir co-workers, and "et t!e -ob done wit!out !avin" to be babied at eac! step. Top 1, -ualities Emplo&ers %ee' =. +ommunication skills (verbal and written, >. Honesty1inte"rity 5. eamwork skills (works well wit! ot!ers, ?. &nterpersonal skills (relates well to ot!ers, A. 'otivation1initiative B. 3tron" work et!ic C. #nalytical skills <. .lexibility1adaptability D. +omputer skills =6. 3elf-confidence New .ire %'ills !ese are t!e top seven skills employers look for in new !ires. =. &nterpersonal >. eamwork 5. Eerbal communication ?. #nalytical A. +omputer B. @ritten communication C. 8eaders!ip