Dimensions 1. The Usefulness of Tensor s T he r udiments of vector analysis ar e familiar to near ly ever yone in the physical and engineering sciences. Tensor analysis, however, still verges on the esoteric. This circumstance is unfortunate, for tensors provide a mathematical tool of great simplicity, power, and elegance. This circumstance is likewise unnecessary, for a proper exposition of vectors may be extended almost effortlessly to include tensors. At the same time, tensor notation enhances the utility of vector analysis and divests the latter from all of the ritual abracadabra which cannot fail to mystify the student who has not yet succumbed to habit. In some branches of physics and mathematics, tensors become indispensable. The general relativity theory would be virtually impossible to formulate without tensor theory. Indeed, so much has been made of the intimate relation between general relativity and tensor analysis that it is widely supposed that tensors have little application save in that theory. However, the fact is that all of classical and relativistic dynamics and electromagnetism are best formulated in tensor notation, and differential geometry is the mathematical application par excellence. The common denominator of these disciplines is their essentially geometric nature. An indication of the variety and utility of tensors may be had from a mere sampling of quantities representable as tensors of various orders: potential functions, lengths, curvatures, velocities, forces, stresses, the electromagnetic field, infinitesimal volumes, and so forth. The versatility of tensors may be judged by the fact that they are not limited to Cartesian coordinate systems nor to two or three dimensions. The power of a tensor equation is that it is true for all coordinate systems if it is true for one. The virtues of a knowledge of tensor analysis are clearly manifold. Let us develop the essentials of the subject by proceeding from simple and concrete considerations to the more general and abstract formulation. 2. Vector s in a Car tesian Coor dinate System A plane vector is familiar ly defined as a di r ected l i ne segment. It has a prescribed length and a prescribed direction. Different vectors have either different lengths or different directions. To state a length and a direction, therefore, is to specify a simple plane vector. More commonly, a vector is defined implicitly by stating the signed projections which it has on the axes of a rectangular Cartesian coordinate system (see Fig. 1). Such numbers are called the components of the vector. Chapt er 1: Tensor s i n Rect i l i near Coor di nat es i n Two Di mensi ons 4 Figure 1 In Fig. 1, the horizontal axis of the Cartesian system is indicated as the vertical axis as The Cartesian coordinates measured parallel to these axes are designated as and respectively. The superscripts 1 and 2 are thus identifying indices, not to be confused with exponents. (Should it be necessary to consider the square of for example, this will be indicated as The index notation is an almost universal convention in tensor analysis because of its generality, its ready extension to any number of dimensions, and its special convenience in indicating sums over indexed quantities. If we employ the index notation, we may then write the coordi nates of poi nt as or, for short, where is understood to have one of the values 1 or 2. Similarly, the point B has coordinates Hence the directed projections upon the axes equal to and line segment AB has These equations may be written Hence we will refer to the vector as It is clear that the values of the components of a plane vector are independent of a translation of the origin of any Cartesian coordinate system to which they are referred (see Fig. 2). That is to say, the directed line segment may be placed anywhere in the plane without changing the values of its projections upon the coordinate axes. This means that if the coordinates themselves undergo a transformation of the form (2.1) from the original system to a new system it is still true that 2. Vect or s i n a Cart esi an Coordi nat e Syst em 5 Figure 2 where are the components referred to the new axes. Fig. 2 shows the effect of the transformation (2.1); the origin of coordinates at O is removed to the new origin of coordinates whose coordinates in the original system are We say, therefore, that the Cartesian components of a plane vector are invariant to a translation of the origin. We have shown thus far that a plane vector referred to a Cartesian coordinate system is defined by its components which are such that (1) each component is equal to the difference of the corresponding Cartesian coordinates of its end-points and (2) the components of the vector are invariant to a translation of the origin. It should be here remarked that neither of these results is true in general. The difference of the coordinates of two points is usually not a vector in more general coordinate systems, and in such systems a relocation of the origin will entail a change in the components of a vector. The reasons for this will become clear as we refine and generalize the rather unsophisticated definition of a vector which we have thus far used. Ex. (2.1) On a map showing wind velocities as directed line segments having in various localities the local direction of the wind and having respective lengths equal to the wind speed on an appropriate scale, we superpose a Cartesian axis system with positive axis to the east and positive axis to the north. In such a reference system, find the components of a wind velocity if the wind is (a) out of the SW at 10 miles per hour; (b) from the NNE at 25 miles per hour; (c) from N of W at 20 miles per hour. Chapt er 1: Tensors i n Rect i l i near Coordi nat es i n Two Di mensi ons 6 Ans. (Hint: ) Ex. (2.2) (a) What relation have the vectors and where a is any positive number? (b) What is the relation between and if a is an arbitrary negative number? Ans. and are parallel. and are antiparallel. 3. The Effect of a Rotation of Axes A s we have seen, the Car tesian components of a plane vector ar e invar iant to a translation of the origin. Without loss of generality, therefore, we may place the origin of Cartesian coordinates at the initial point of any vector. The projections of the vector upon the coordinate axes through this origin are then the components of the vector. Clearly, they are also the Cartesian coordinates of the end point of the vector. Such a vector is thus called a position vector inasmuch as it locates the end point of the vector. Consider a position vector, such as the directed line segment in Fig. 3. In a Cartesian coordinate system with axes and it has components If, however, we generate a new Cartesian coordinate system by rotating the axes about the origin , then the new components become the projections of upon the rotated axes and These are obviously not equal to the components except in the special instances when being any positive or negative integer or zero. In general, therefore, the Cartesian components of a plane vector are not invariant to a rotation of coordinate axes; the components change in a determinate way. We may express this by saying that the vector is covariant with the coordinates during a rotation of axes. Let us consider more explicitly the relations in Figure 3 between the components in the old system and the components in the new system. In both coordinate systems, the coordinates of the origin are (0 , 0). On the other hand, the coordinates of the point P are in the original system, in the new system. Since the components of the vector in each system are equal to the signed differences of the coordinates of the end points, the vector will have components which are numerically equal to whereas in the new coordinate system it becomes the vector whose components are numerically equal to Hence transforms into in exactly the same manner as transforms into and conversely. Let us see what this transformation is. 3. The Ef f ect of a Rot at i on of Axes 7 In general, we may write, (3.1) Calling and noting that we have (3.2) We may therefore conclude that the components of the vector transform according to the equations (3.3) when the coordinates are transformed according to equations (3.2). We may note in passing that a second rotation, by an angle will recover the original coordinates and components. Hence (3.4) as may be verified by solving equations (3.3) for and Figure 3 Chapt er 1: Tensors i n Rect i l i near Coordi nat es i n Two Di mensi ons 8 Ex. (3.1) Using equation (3.2), determine how Cartesian coordinates transform under a rotation of (a) (b) (c) (d) Ans. Ex. (3.2) ( ) What do the coordinates of the point (3, 2) become under the transformations of exercise (3.1)? Ans. ( ) What do the components of the vector (3, 2) become under the same transformation? Ans. Same as in ( ). Ex (3.3) Determine the inverse of equations ( 3.3 ) by solving them for and Ans. Equations (3.4). Ex (3.4) Find the transformations inverse to those of Ex. (3.1). Ans. ; Ex. (3.5) The determinant is called the Jacobi an of the transformation (a) What is the Jacobian of the transformation (3.2)? (b) Of its inverse? (c) Of the transformation (3.1)? 4. Cont ravari ant Obl i que Rect i l i near Coordi nat e Syst ems 9 Figure 4 Ans. We will have frequent occasion to use the Jacobian in some form in what follows. We have now seen that in Car tesian coor dinates the components of a plane vector are invariant to a translation of the origin but covariant with the coordinates under a rotation of the axes. We may describe these results in another way by saying that to define a plane vector one must both give the components of the vector and, aside from the location of the origin, identify the coordinate system in which these are the components. Thus a vector may be equally well defined in any one coordinate system as in any other; a vector transcends definition in any particular coordinate system. In the sense that every given Cartesian vector may be defined in any Cartesian coordinate system, a vector is independent of coordinate system. Relations between vectors such as equality, proportionality, etc. therefore express coordinate-free relations. 4. Contr avar iant Oblique Rectilinear Coor dinate Systems W e have consider ed the effect upon the components of a vector of a r otation of Cartesian axes. Now let us generalize our coordinate systems to include oblique rectilinear coordinates. There are two ways to carry out the proposed generalization. We will consider one of these ways in this section, the second way in the next section, and the relation between them in the section after that. Let the straight lines and intersect at , not necessarily perpendicularly, as in Fig. 4. Consider the point . Through , draw lines parallel to the axes, intersecting at a distance from and at a distance from . Then are the oblique rectilinear contr avar iant coor dinates of the point . We define the contr avar iant components of a vector to be the difference of the corresponding coordinates of the endpoints and . The position vector evidently has contravariant components which are identical with the oblique contravariant coordinates of . Chapt er 1: Tensors i n Rect i l i near Coordi nat es i n Two Di mensi ons 10 Figure 5 Let us consider how the oblique contravariant coordinates of a point transform on going to a new pair of oblique axes through the same origin. In Figure 5, a point has contravariant coordinates and in an oblique rectilinear coordinate system whose axes are and In a new coordinate system whose axes are and the coordinate of is the length of the line segment . From the point drop the perpendicular onto Since the angle the length of is Now through draw perpendicular to and through draw parallel to and hence perpendicular to In the triangle , the angle is and the side is Hence Further, the angle is equal to and the side is Hence Since is a rectangle by construction, . Therefore (4.1) where (4.2)* The quantities which appear in equations (4.1) and (4.2) are denoted collectively as * The significance of the dots is solely that of position indicators, showing that in this particular instance the superscript is the f i r st index and the subscript is the second. We will have occasions elsewhere to consider a set of quantities in which the superscript is evidently the 4. Cont ravari ant Obl i que Rect i l i near Coordi nat e Syst ems 11 Observe that when equations (4.1) and (4.3) reduce to equations (3.2) for rotated rectangular coordinate systems. Ex. (4.1) Show that Eqs. (4.1) and (4.3) reduce to Eq. (3.2) for simple rotations of Cartesian axes. (Hint: take
Ex. (4.2) (a) Show that the transformation (4.1) may also be written as (4.3) (b) Show that when both sets of axes are orthogonal, this equation reduces to the first of equations (3.2). Ex. (4.3) (a) Show that the transformation (4.4) may also be written as (4.4) (Hint: Use the relations (b) Show that when both sets of axes are orthogonal, this equation reduces to the second of equations (3.2). Ex. (4.4) Show that when equations (4.7) and (4.8) reduce to equations (3.1). Ex. (4.5) Determine the transformations (4.1) and (4.4) when Ans. second index and the subscript the f i r st. This is not a mere picayune notational device with which to burden the novice. It is found to be a necessary means for distinguishing order of indices when that order is significant. For example, it is virtually universal practice to display the in a square array called a matr i x. By convention, the f i r st i ndex denotes r ow, the second col umn. In the matrices and the first index again denotes row, the second column, but in this case the indices themselves serve as position indicators and no dots are needed. Later, as familiarity crystallizes into habit, the dots may be omitted. Chapter 1: Tensors i n Recti l i near Coordi nates i n Two Di mensi ons 12 Figure 6 Hence Note: Though the final expression is identical with that given for in Ex. (3.1), it must be remembered that there the coordinates were Cartesian, here oblique. The content of the two expressions is therefore altogether different. Ex. (4.6) (a) Use the transformations of Ex. (4.5) to find the coordinates and for the point (b) Construct and label the axes of the two coordinate systems of Ex. (4.5). Mark the point of part (a), using for this purpose the coordinates (c) By the appropriate geometric construction, determine the coordinates Do they appear to have the values computed in (a)? 4. Contravariant Obl ique Rectilinear Coordinate Systems 13 Ans. (a) For (b), (c), see Figure 6. Ex. (4.7) Show that the inverse transformations to equations (4.1) and (4.3) are (4.5) (4.6) (Hint: Consider the axes and to be first given and axes and to be gotten by rotations through the angles and ) Ex. (4.8) Determine the transformations (4.7) and (4. 8) between the axis systems of Ex. (4.5). Ans. Ex. (4.9) Use the transformations of the preceding Exercise to find the coordinates and for the point whose coordinates are Are your results those of Ex. (4.6)? Ex. (4.10) By solving equations (4.1) and (4.3) simultaneously for and show that the inverse transformations may also be written as (4.7) (4.8) Show that equations (4.11) and (4.12) are equivalent to (4.9) and (4.10), respectively. (Hint: Show that by replacing by and by Then Chapter 1: Tensors i n Recti l i near Coordi nates i n Two Di mensi ons 14 Ex. (4.11) (a) Show that the Jacobian of the transformation defined by equations (4.1) and (4.3) is (Hint: Use the identity derived in the preceding Exercise.) (b) From part (a), determine what values of and are impermissible for any geometrically meaningful transformation of coordinates. (c) What is the condition for a pure rotation of axes, whether oblique or rectangular? What, then, is the value of the Jacobian for a purely rotational transformation? Ans. Ex. (4.12) Construct graphically the contravariant vectors whose components with respect to axes making an angle are Equations (4.2) and (4.5) offer occasion to intr oduce a notational convention which represents a characteristic feature of tensorial notation and, in addition, a most advantageous economy. Using the index notation, the two equations may be written collectively as (4.9) where it is understood that has the range of values since we are considering two dimensions. We abbreviate this equation to (4.10) by the familiar summation symbol The summed-over index j is called a dummy index, umbral index, or summation index to distinguish it from the free index . It is evident that both summation index and free index have the range 1 to 2 . In dimensions they would, of course, range from 1 to . Clearly, a summation index may be replaced by any other summation index without affecting the expression; just as clearly, this is not in general true of a free index. We now introduce the very useful summation convention, whereby any r epeated index appear ing once as a subscr ipt and once as a super scr ipt is to be summed over fr om 1 to , wher e is the number of dimensions. Thus we may write equation (4.10) in the still simpler form 4. Cont ravari ant Obl i que Rect i l i near Coordi nat e Syst ems 15 (4.11) the summation over being tacitly understood since it appears as a subscript in and in the same term as a superscript on the Admittedly, the notational economy in this simple instance is not particularly great. It becomes substantial, however, in terms where several dummy indices appear and in spaces of several or many dimensions. We shall make use of the summation convention hereafter. To avoid possible confusion, it is to be understood that no summation index may appear more than once as a subscript nor more than once as a superscript in any term. Ex. (4.13) Write out in full the explicit equations expressed in index notation as: (a) (b) Assume that the range of each index is Ans. Ex. (4.14) Repeat Ex. (4.13) assuming a range (1, 2, 3) for each index. (Is the utility of the summation convention more apparent now?) Ex. (4.15) Find the coefficients when Ans. Ex. (4.16) Evaluate the Jacobian of the transformation in Ex. (4.15). Use Ex. (4.11) to verify your answer. Ans. Ex. (4.17) Find the transformation of contravariant coordinates from Cartesian coordinates to oblique coordinates where the axis coincides with the axis and the axis makes an angle with the axis. Ans. Ex. (4.18) Consider a vector whose magnitude is and which makes an angle with the axis. (a) Show that its contravariant Cartesian components are (b) Show that under the transformation of Ex. (4.17) its components become Does this suggest cir- cumstances when oblique coordinates may be advantageous? Chapter 1: Tensors i n Recti l i near Coordi nates i n Two Di mensi ons 16 We may now say how the components of a vector tr ansfor m under a transformation from one oblique contravariant rectilinear coordinate system to a new system We need only recall that transforms into in exactly the same manner as transforms into From equation (4.11), therefore, it is evident that (4.12) where, as before, the are given by (4.3) and (4.6). Ex. (4.19) Write out explicitly the matrix of coefficients in equation (4.16). Observe the convention of the footnote on p. 13. Ans. (4.13) 5. Covar iant Oblique Rectilinear Coor dinate Systems W e have seen how, by equations (4.12), we may compute fr om the components of a vector in one rectilinear coordinate system its components in another coordinate system when the coordinate transformation between the two rectilinear systems is known. Implicit in this fundamental procedure is the very method of defining coordinates: it has been done, as in Fig. 4, by drawing through any point straight lines parallel to the axes and then measuring their intercepts on the axes. There is, however, a different way of defining the coordinates of , a way which has an equal claim upon our consideration. Again, consider coordinate axes and as in Fig. 7. Let be any point whose coordinates are to be determined. From drop perpendiculars and onto and Their intercepts, and , are the coordinates and of the Figure 7 5. Covari ant Obl i que Rect i l i near Coordi nat e Syst ems 17 point P. To distinguish the coordinates so defined from those defined in the previous way, they have been given inferior indices. They are called covar iant coor dinates and (The former, designated by superior indices, have been called the contr avar iant coor dinates and The relation between the covariant and contravariant coordinates of any point P is easily derived. Thus, in Fig. 7, let PC be drawn parallel to and PD parallel to These line segments are then equal to and respectively. Hence it is obvious from Fig. 7 that (5.1) By solving this set of equations for and we obtain the inverse transformation (5.2) Ex. (5.1) Find the covariant coordinates of the point whose contravariant coordinates are when (Hint: apply equations (5.1)). Illustrate by a graphical construction. Ans. Ex. (5.2) Find the contravariant coordinates of the point whose covariant coordinates are when Ans. Figure 8 Chapt er 1: Tensors i n Rect i l i near Coordi nat es i n Two Di mensi ons 18 Let us now der ive the equations of transfor mation by which the covar iant coordinates in a new rectilinear coordinate system may be found from the covariant coordinates in a given system. Thus, in Fig. 8, the point P has coordinates and relative to the original coordinate axes and through the origin In a new coordinate system in which is the new axis, however, the covariant coordinate of P is Hence PC is perpendicular to PB is perpendicular to and PA is perpendicular to Now let PF be an extension of CP; draw AF parallel to and therefore perpendicular to CF. From A drop the perpendicular AE It is onto the perpendicular AH onto PB, and the perpendicular AD onto then clear that the angle APB is equal to and the angle APF is equal to Now since AECF and AHBD are rectangles, it is evident that (5.3) and But HA =AP sin and AF =AP so that AP = or HA Substituting for HA and AF from equations (5.3), we have However, from Fig. 8 it is clear that so that Therefore, we obtain at last the desired relation (5.4) Similarly, we can show (Appendix 1.2) that (5.5) Ex. (5.3) Show that the transformations given in equations (5.4) and (5.5) may also be written as (5.6) (5.7) (Hint: Use the relations and 5. Covari ant Obl i que Rect i l i near Coordi nat e Syst ems 19 Ex. (5.4) With the aid of the Table below, determine the transformation of coordinates for the system of axes as shown in Fig. 9. Ans. Ex. (5.5) Using only the values for the entries in the Table below, verify the remaining entries without referring to a table of trigonometric functions. Angle Sine 3/5 12/13 63/65 8/17 817/1105 220/221 Figure 9 Chapt er 1: Tensors i n Rect i l i near Coordi nat es i n Two Di mensi ons 20 Ex. (5.6) Show by solving equations (5.4) and (5.5) simultaneously for and and by making use of the results of Ex. (4.11) that the inverse of the transformation of covariant coordinates is (5.8) , (5.9) . Ex. (5.7) Show that the Jacobian of the transformation expressed in equations (5.4) and (5.5) is where is the same as in Ex. (4.11). Ex. (5.8) Write out explicitly the matrix of coefficients in equation (5.11) below. (Use the first index to indicate row, second index to indicate column, as noted in 4). Ans. (5.10) Ex. (5.9) Evaluate the Jacobian of the transformation derived in Ex. (5.4). Verify your answer by making use of Ex. (5.7). Ans. Ex. (5.10) Find the transformation of covariant coordinates from Cartesian coordinates to oblique covariant coordinates where the axis coincides with the axis and the axis makes an angle with the axis. Ans. Ex. (5.11) Consider the vector of Ex. (4.18). (a) Show that its covariant components in the Cartesian coordinate system are (b) Show that under the transformation of Ex. (5.10) its covariant components become Equations (5.4) and (5.5) ar e the equations of tr ansfor mation of covar iant rectilinear coordinates. We have seen, however, that a position vector with components transform exactly as the rectilinear covariant coordinates. 6. The Rel ati on Between Contravari ant and Covari ant Transformati ons 21 Therefore (5.11) is the equation of transformation of a covar iant vector when the rectilinear covariant coordinates are transformed from to The coefficients are those given in equations (5.4) and (5.5) (or in Ex. (5.8)). Equation (5.11) is the covariant analogue of equation (4.16) for contravariant vectors and equations (5.4) and (5.5) are analogous to equations (4.1) and (4.4). The difference between contravariant and covariant vectors in the plane may be delineated to some degree by observing that if a component of a contravariant vector is zero, this shows that the vector is parallel to the other axis; on the other hand, if a covariant component is zero, this shows that there is no perpendicular projection upon that axis, i.e., that the vector is perpendicular to that axis. 6. The Relation Between Contr avar iant and Covar iant Tr ansfor mations W e have seen that in any plane r ectilinear coor dinate system we may give to any point P a set of contravariant or covariant coordinates. These coordinates are at the same time the components of the position vector from the origin to the point P. If one and the same vector can be represented in two ways, there must exist some close relation between the two representations and between their respective laws of transformation. Let us see what this is. We begin by forming the quantity Using equations (4.16) and (5.11), we find that A substitution of the values for and from equations (4.17) and (5.10) yields the results (6.1) and (6.2) From the answer to Ex. (4.11) we see that (6.3) Combining this with equation (6.1), we summarize these results in the formula (6.4) We see, therefore, that by the definition of inverse, the covariant transformation is the inverse of the contravariant transformation. With the results given in equation (6.4), we can now observe that the quantity is Chapt er 1: Tensors i n Rect i l i near Coordi nat es i n Two Di mensi ons 22 Figure 10 Since it has the same value in the new coordinate system as in the old, and indeed has the same value in every rectilinear coordinate system, it is called an invar iant. We may readily interpret it when is the position vector of the point Then In an orthogonal Cartesian coordinates system where is the distance of P from the origin O. Since this invariant is the same in every coordinate system, its value and its meaning are the same in all. We thus see that is the length, or magnitude, of the position vector whose rectilinear contravariant components are We write this as Similarly, is the length or magnitude of the vector whose contravariant components are Therefore we have shown that where the covariant components of the vector whose contravariant components are are to be found by an equation analogous to (5.1), namely (6.5) Clearly, when i.e., when the axes are orthogonal, there is no difference in the values of the respective covariant and contravariant vector components. 6. The Rel at i on Bet ween Cont ravari ant and Covari ant Transf ormat i ons 23 Ex. (6.1) Show by direct geometric proof that (Hint: Use Fig. 10 to calculate as the square of the hypotenuse of triangles and . Thus Therefore and Hence from triangle we have whereas from triangle we have Adding the two expressions for gives Therefore, as required, Ex. (6.2) By solving equations (6.5), show that (6.6) Chapter 1: Tensors i n Recti l i near Coordi nates i n Two Di mensi ons 24 Ex. (6.3) Find the magnitudes of the following vectors: Ans. (a) 17; (b) 25. (Hint: see Ex. (6.4)); (c) 7 (Hint: use Eq. (6.5)). Ex. (6.4) Show that (6.7) (Hint: use equation (6.6)). 7. Changes of Scale W e have defined a plane vector to be a dir ected line segment. The pr ojections of the directed line segment upon rectilinear axes are the components of the vector.* If the components are orthogonal projections, the vector is a covariant vector. The transformations which the components undergo when the directed line segment is projected upon a new set of rectilinear (but not necessarily rectangular!) axes have been found in terms of the orientation of the new axes with respect to the old. At the same time, the vector is invariant to a translation of the origin. In addition to arbitrary change of origin and independent rotation of axes, one other kind of transformation is possible, namely, a change of scale. Thus, suppose that new units along the axis are equal to 1 former unit along the axis. (Note that the index on the scale factor is parenthesized to indicate that it is not a vector index.) Then the coordinate of a point on the axis will be times as great in the new coordinates as in the old. To express this most conveniently, we first set (7.1) (Clearly, the index does not satisfy the conditions of the summation convention.) We then have new coordinates which are given by (7.2) Written out, this is simply A similar transformation (7.3) may be applied to covariant rectilinear coordinates. Our language reflects the fact that we think not only of the line segment, but also of the components * by means of which we identify the line segment, as constituting the vector. 7. Changes of Scal e 25 For fullest generality, let us determine the combined effect of a change of axes followed by a change of scale. The change of axes is effected by equation (4.14) as (4.14) The so found are substituted into equation (7.2), yielding (7.4) We see that a single transformation (7.5) can effect both changes simultaneously; written out, the coefficients of the transformation (7.5) are (7.6) where they have been arranged as a matrix. Let us note that the order of operations is not immaterial. Had we first applied a scale change, then a change of axes, the result would have been (7.7) The transformation now has the matrix (7.8) This is clearly not the same as equation (7.6). In equation (7.6), each row has a common whereas in equation (7.8) each column has a common The transformations (7.6) and (7.8) are now quite general. By them, we may effect any change of axes and any change of scale in whatever order may be desired. Ex. (7.1) (a) Show that (b) Show that Ex. (7.2) (a) Derive the transformation matrix for a transformation of covariant coordinates with changes of scale following rotation of axes. (b) Derive the transformation matrix for a transformation of covariant coordinates with change of scale preceding rotation of axes. Chapt er 1: Tensors i n Rect i l i near Coordi nat es i n Two Di mensi ons 26 Ans. Ex. (7.3) Show that (Hint: use the fact that covariant and contravariant transformations with respect to the same sets of axes are mutual inverses, their Jacobians therefore reciprocals.) 8. Inter pr etation of an Ar bitr ar y Tr ansfor mation Matr ix I t is of quite as much inter est to consider the conver se pr oblem: Given a reversible transformation to what change of axes and changes of scale does it correspond? Since the coefficients of the transformation do not, by themselves, indicate whether it is covariant or contravariant, we shall have to specify. For the purposes of illustration, let us consider a contravariant transformation of coordinates. From equation (7.6) it is clear that the ratio is independent of the scale factors In other words, we need not know or in order to derive the result that (8.1) 8. Int erpret at i on of an Arbi t rary Transf ormat i on Mat r i x 27 In a like manner, we can readily show that (8.2) (Note that and depend upon as well as the ) Since it is assumed that the and are known, the angles and may be found. The only ambiguity is in the quadrants of and However, any particular choice of quadrants may be tested, for and This determines the quadrant of a similar procedure determines the quadrant of We complete the analysis by noting from equation (7.6) that or (8.3) Ex. (8.1) Determine the effect of the transformation upon the contravariant rectilinear coordinates if Assume that scale changes follow rotation of axes. (Hint: use equations (8.1), (8.2), and (8.3).) Ans. Ex. (8.2) From Ex. (7.2a) show that for a covariant transformation of coordinates (8.4a) (8.4b) when the scale changes follow the rotation of axes. For a geometric derivation of similar results, see Appendix 1.3. Chapter 1: Tensors i n Recti l i near Coordi nates i n Two Di mensi ons 28 Ex. (8.3) From equation (7.8) show that etc. Hence show that it is necessary to know both the matrix of coefficients and the angle between the new axes, in order to interpret the transformation when the change of scale precedes the rotation of axes. Ex. (8.4) From Ex. (7.2b) show that etc. We may summar ize our r esults thus far by obser ving that for a given change of axes followed by a change of scale, the general contravariant and covariant transformations may be written may be written as (8.5) and We therefore see that the matrix whose elements are the product of the matrices (8.5), is From equations (6.4) we see that this is simply When no changes of scale occur, i.e., when the right hand side is simply To achieve this result more generally, we associate to any contravariant transformation that covariant transformation which is its inverse. Then we must have (8.6) Conversely, to any covar iant tr ansfor mation ther e is associated a contr avar iant tr ansfor mation which is its inver se. Ex. (8.5) Determine the relation between contravariant and covariant coordinates following a change of scale. (Hint: apply a scale change to equations (5.1) and (5.2) and make use of equations (8.6).) 8. Int erpret at i on of an Arbi t rary Transf ormat i on Mat r i x 29 Ans. (8.7) (8.8) Ex. (8.6) From equation (8.1) show that (8.9) (Hint: Use the relation and the formula for the tangent of the sum of two angles.) See Appendix 1.3 for a geometric derivation of the same result. Ex. (8.7) From equation (8.2), show that (8.10) (Hint: use a method similar to that in Ex. (8.6).) For a geometric derivation, see Appendix 1.3. Ex. (8.8) Show that the covariant and contravariant components of a vector are related by the equations (8.11) (8.12) (Hint: use equations (8.7), (8.8), and the definition of a vector.) Ex. (8.9) Show that the equation implies that (Hint: apply equations (8.11) and (8.12) to the original vectors.) Chapt er 1: Tensors i n Rect i l i near Coordi nat es i n Two Di mensi ons 30 9. The Definition of a Vector in Rectilinear Coor dinates L et us now summar ize our pr evious analysis by saying that a plane vector may be defined in a particular rectilinear coordinate system as a pair of components which relate to the components of the same vector in any other rectilinear coordinate system by the same linear homogeneous transformation with constant coefficients as the transformation of coordinates themselves. Suppose that the latter is Then the components of the vector in the coordinate system become in terms of the components in the coordinate system. The intimate relation of the transformation of vectors to the transformation of coordinates may be displayed explicitly by noting that (9.1) We may then write the vector transformation as (9.2) Thi s i s by def i ni ti on both the necessar y and the suf f i ci ent condi ti on that two pai r s of number s consti tute the components of a contr avar i ant vector i n two coor di nate systems and Hence equation (9.2) may be used to determine what the components will be in any other rectilinear coordinate system or it may be used to test whether or not two number-pairs can be the components of the same vector in two given coordinate systems. The definition is more often used in the former mode than in the latter. The transformation law for covariant vectors may be similarly obtained. Since the covariant transformation of rectilinear coordinates is the inverse of the contravariant transformation, and since (9.3) the law of transformation for covariant vectors must be (9.4) The equations (9.2) and (9.4) in effect define contravariant and covariant vectors, respectively. Vector s ar e evi dentl y or der ed sets of number s i .e., components whi ch obey the appr opr i ate tr ansf or mati on l aw under r ever si bl e tr ansf or mati ons of coor di nates. The general forms (9.2) and (9.4) clearly apply not only when the transformation of coordinates is linear, as between rectilinear systems, but also when 10. The Addi t i on of Vect ors 31 more general transformations are considered. It is therefore on account of this future usefulness rather than any present necessity that the equations (9.2) and (9.4) are adopted as the defining relations for vectors. Note as well that equations (9.2) and (9.4) also permit non-homogeneous linear transformations (i.e., linear transformations which include additive constants). In other words, in rectilinear coordinates, the vector components are independent of location. Ex. (9.1) Are ( -5, 8) the components of the vector in a coordinate system ? Ex. (9.2) What are the components of the vector ( -5, 8) in a new coordinate system related to the original by the transformation ? Ans. Ex. (9.3) (a) What are the components of the vector in a new coordinate system? (b) Of the vector ?(c) Of the vector ? (d) Of the vector ? Ans. 10. The Addition of Vector s C onsider two vector s and . Since they ar e vector s, they satisfy the relations and Adding their left and right sides, respectively, we have Chapt er 1: Tensors i n Rect i l i near Coordi nat es i n Two Di mensi ons 32 Figure 11 Clearly, the sum satisfies the vector transformation law and is therefore itself a vector. This sum has a simple interpretation. Thus, let From Fig. 11 it is obvious that is the diagonal of the parallelogram whose adjacent sides are the vectors , lying along and of length , and lying the axis and of length . along Since a rectilinear transformation could change the axes and therewith the components but would not alter the magnitudes or directions of or it is clear that this interpretation of the vector sum is entirely general. It is known as the par allelogr am law: The sum of two contravariant vectors is the diagonal of the parallelogram whose two adjacent sides are the given vectors. Since in rectilinear coordinates, the location of the vector is arbitrary, it is common practice to add vectors by a geometric construction whereby the vector is translated so as to lie along AC. Any number of vectors may then be added in this head-to-tail fashion, the resultant being the single vector extending from the initial point of the first to the end point of the last. It should be clearly understood, however, that such a procedure is defined only in rectilinear systems and does not hold in the more general curvilinear coordinate systems to be considered later. We note that the difference is simply the sum of and As in ordinary algebraic subtraction, vector subtraction is thus a special case of addition. 10. The Addi t i on of Vect ors 33 Figure 12 Figure 13 The parallelogram law also holds for covariant vectors, as may be seen in Fig. 12, where the vectors are and Change of axes will not alter the geometric relationships. Ex. (10.1) (a) A man can paddle a canoe 3 miles per hour in still water. If he paddles directly across a stream whose current is 4 miles per hour, what are the components of the canoes velocity vector? Take downstream to be in the direction of the positive axis and across the stream to be in the direction of the positive axis. (b) What is the magnitude of the velocity? (c) The direction? (d) Draw the appropriate vector diagram. Ans. (a) (b) 5 miles per hour (c) Chapt er 1: Tensors i n Rect i l i near Coordi nat es i n Two Di mensi ons 34 Ex. (10.2) If the man wished to arrive at a point directly across from his starting point, at what speed and in what direction would he need to paddle? Ans. His still-water velocity must be such that when added to the stream velocity it yields a resultant velocity vector with zero component. Thus Hence his speed (the magnitude of his velocity vector) must be and his direction relative to the axis must be at an angle 11. The Inner Pr oduct of Vector s C onsider the vectors and They transform according to the respective laws and Then the sum indicated by (11.1) evidently has the same value in both coordinate systems and is therefore an invariant. It is called the inner pr oduct of and Since its meaning and value do not depend upon the coordinate system used, we will choose the coordinate system which best serves our convenience. For this purpose, consider a Cartesian system as in Fig. 14 with axis lying along the direction of the vector The components of must therefore be where is the magnitude of On the other hand, the components of are evidently where is the magnitude of and is the angle between and Hence the inner product has the value (11.2) 11. The Inner Product of Vect ors 35 Figure 14 Figure 15 Since each of the factors on the right is independent of scale changes or rotations of the axes, we may state as a general rule that the inner product of a covariant and a contravariant vector is the product of their magnitudes times the cosine of the angle between them. When and are the same vector, and the result is evidently the square of the magnitude of the vector. We have already seen this in the special case of the position vector. On the other hand, when Hence if we can infer that the vectors are orthogonal. Chapt er 1: Tensors i n Rect i l i near Coordi nat es i n Two Di mensi ons 36 Ex. (11.1) (a) Show from equation (11.2) that (b) Prove the same result by using equations (6.5) and (6.6). Ex. (11.2) Derive the cosine law of plane trigonometry. Ans. Let and be the sides of a plane triangle , as in Figure 15. Then evidently, because the triangle is a closed figure, and by virtue of the parallelogram rule for the addition of plane vectors, Hence, by Ex. (8.9), Multiplying the respective left hand sides and the corresponding right hand sides, we have Then, since this becomes the law of cosines. Ex. (11.3) Show that is posi ti ve def i ni te, i.e., that the equality holding only if Ans. Since where is the angle between the axis and the axis, and since we must have it follows that, if and are of the same sign, provided However, if then The parallel argument if and are of opposite sign is obvious. Only if therefore, is 12. Poi nt s and Li nes 37 Figure 16 Ex. (11.4) In a Cartesian coordinates system, find the angle between the following vectors, using equation (11.2): Ans. Ex. (11.5) Determine the component of so that will be perpendicular to in a Cartesian coordinate system. Ex. (11.6) Prove that is orthogonal to 12. Points and Lines O ur r esults thus far may be given a simple but useful application. In Fig.16, let and be rectilinear axes and let L be any line in the plane. The covariant vector is orthogonal to L and the position vector locates any point P on L. Consider the invariant where d is the magnitude of and is the magnitude of It is clear that Chapt er 1: Tensors i n Rect i l i near Coordi nat es i n Two Di mensi ons 38 Hence (12.1) For fixed this is the equation of the line . Therefore, is identified by the components of which are thus known as the line var iables, just as the are known as the point var iables. The meaning of is obvious: it is the distance of the origin from the nearest point on the line . The proof is trivially simple if one takes the point to coincide with the point . Then The line may be readily identified by locating its intercepts on the and axes. The exceptional case arises when passes through the origin. Then the equation becomes Ex. (12.1) Equation (12.1) represents the line through the end point of and perpendicular to it. Show that if is replaced by where is any finite real number different from zero, then equation (12.1) will become(12.2) (What interpretation has ? See Ex. (2.2).) Ex. (12.2) From equation (12.1) show that the vector is orthogonal to the vector (Hint: replace by ) Ex. (12.3) From equation (12.2) show that if is a unit vector then represents the perpendicular distance of the line from the origin. How does one interpret the case ? Ex. (12.4) Interpret the equation of the straight line in a Cartesian coordinate system. Ans. The straight line of slope whose minimum distance from the origin is 2 units. Ex. (12.5) Interpret the equation of the straight line in a rectilinear system where Ans. Same as in Ex. (12.4). Ex. (12.6) Interpret the equation of the straight line in a rectilinear system where Ans. Same as in Ex. (12.4). 13. The Def i ni t i on of Tensors 39 Figure 17 Ex. (12.7) Draw a single figure showing a common axis, the several axes of Exs. (12.4, 5, 6), and the line given in each. Place by each intercept the value of the non-zero coordinate. Ans. Fig. 17. Ex. (12.8) Express the condition for parallelism of two lines in terms of their respective vectors and Ans. where is a real number. Ex. (12.9) Show that the distance between two parallel lines is The symmetry between point coor dinates and line coor dinates may be exhibited further by considering once more the equation When is fixed and the are allowed to assume all consistent sets of values, this is the equation of the line L, the different values of identifying the different points on the line. On the other hand, if the values of are held fixed and the allowed to assume all consistent sets of values, this is the equation of the point P, the different values of identifying all lines through the point. 13. The Definition of Tensor s W e have seen that if we ar e given two vector s and their sum and difference are also vectors. The same may be said of their covariant forms. Let us now consider the result of multiplying the vectors and Since and Chapt er 1: Tensors i n Rect i l i near Coordi nat es i n Two Di mensi ons 40 the several products of the form (13.1) transform in a manner which is an obvious and direct generalization of the transformation law for contravariant vectors. The number of such products is four in two dimensions; more generally, it is in dimensions. A set of quantities which transforms according to equation (13.1) when the variables undergo a transformation is called a contr avar iant tensor of the second r ank. Lest the example be misleading, let it be clearly understood that such a set of quantities constitutes a tensor whether or not they are the product of two contravariant vectors such as and Satisfaction of the condition is by definition both the necessary and the sufficient condition that the constitute a second rank contravariant tensor. In analogous fashion, one may consider the product to define a prototype second rank covariant tensor By such a procedure we may be led to the general definition that a covariant tensor of the second rank is a set of 4 (or ) quantities whose transformation under a transformation of coordinates is according to the rule (13.2) Again, this is both a necessary and a sufficient condition. It may be applied as a recipe for determining the components in a new system of coordinates when the components in the old system are given; or it may be used as a test to see whether sets of components in old and new coordinate systems are those of the same tensor. A third possibility, one which did not arise with the sum and difference of two vectors, is that of defining a mixed tensor of the second rank, once covariant, once contravariant. By taking as a prototype, one can show in a similar straightforward fashion that the equation of transformation for a mixed tensor of the second rank is (13.3) One particularly useful and interesting mixed tensor of the second rank is the Kronecker delta, for its transformed values are 13. The Def i ni t i on of Tensors 41 It is thus one of the few tensors whose components have identically the same values in different coordinate systems. The definitions of tensors of the second rank bring out for the first time thus far the fact that the rank is equal to the number of free indices. This therefore implies that a vector may be considered to be a tensor of the first rank, an invariant a tensor of the zeroth rank. It should now be apparent that tensors of higher rank may also be defined. Thus a tensor of rank having components in two dimensions (or components in dimensions), is a set of quantities which transform according to the rule that (13.4) where the total number of indices of all kinds is . If of the indices are superscripts and of the indices subscripts the tensor is said to be -fold contravariant and -fold covariant. Evidently there may be types of tensors of rank , from wholly contravariant to wholly covariant We need only the definition (13.4) to prove an important theorem about tensors known as the Quotient Law. The quotient law states that: If the pr oduct of any indexed system with a tensor whose components ar e ar bitr ar y is known to be a tensor , then the or iginal system must be a tensor of the appr opr iate r ank and type. To prove this theorem, we start with the fact that a system times an arbitrary tensor is known to be a tensor That is, (13.5) Since this is true in a new coordinate system, we have also that But since we have Chapt er 1: Tensors i n Rect i l i near Coordi nat es i n Two Di mensi ons 42 If the components of are entirely arbitrary and if the transformation of coordinates is reversible, then this equation can be true if and only if But this is precisely the equation of transformation of a tensor Satisfying the tensor transformation is both the necessary and sufficient condition that a system be a tensor. Hence is a tensor of the kind and rank indicated by the full set of indices. Note that the product in equation (13.5) may include contracted products. Note further that the tensor must have arbitrary components, else the argument either breaks down or is qualified in some way. We shall make a number of important applications of the Quotient Law in future developments. Tensors of the second and higher rank offer a possibility not afforded by vectors and invariants, namely symmetries or antisymmetries with respect to indices. Thus, consider a second rank covariant tensor of which it is true that (13.6) Such a tensor is said to be a tensor symmetric in and . One of the most important features of such symmetry is the fact that it is preserved under transformation to any new coordinate system. Thus Symmetry is therefore independent of coordinate system. Similarly, symmetry may be defined for a second rank contravariant tensor Tensors of higher rank may possess similar symmetries in some or all of their contravariant or covariant indices, respectively. It should be noted, however, that symmetry between covariant and contravariant indices is not defined, for it would not be independent of coordinate systems. By analogy with the definition of a symmetric tensor, we may define an antisymmetr ic tensor as one for which it is true that (13.7) or Again, antisymmetry is a property independent of coordinate system. The proof is exactly the same as for symmetry. It should be recognized that symmetry or antisymmetry reduces the number of independent components of a tensor. Thus, a symmetric covariant tensor of the second rank has only three distinct components: and in two 13. The Def i ni t i on of Tensors 43 dimensions. By comparison, an antisymmetric second rank covariant tensor has only one non-zero component, apart from sign, namely The same is true of contravariant second rank tensors. Clearly, tensors antisymmetric in more than two indices will be identically zero in two dimensions since at least two indices cannot fail to be the same. Ex. (13.1) (a) How can one tell by inspection that is an invariant? (b) That is a tensor of second rank? (Hint: how many free indices does each have?) Ex. (13.2) (a) If and are arbitrary vectors and is known to be an invariant, show that must be a covariant tensor of the second rank. (b) If is an arbitrary vector and is known to be an invariant, show that is a covariant tensor of the second rank. Hence show that is a second rank covariant tensor if it is symmetric. (Hint: Write out all terms in two coordinate systems and assign to the successive sets of values and Ex. (13.3) Determine the conditions under which is a tensor if: (a) is an invariant, arbitrary; (b) is an invariant, and arbitrary; (c) is an invariant, and arbitrary. Ans. (a) completely symmetric in , , ; (b) symmetric in and ; (c) independent of any symmetry in , , and . We have now defined tensor s in general, pr oved the impor tant Quotient Law for them, and recognized the possibility of symmetry and antisymmetry for tensors of rank two or higher. It is time to confront the inevitable and persistent question: What is a tensor? A literally correct but unedifying answer is that a tensor is a set of quantities which obey the appropriate law of tensor transformation. In the end, this answer will have to suffice, though it is somewhat disappointing that whereas tensors of rank zero and one can be visualized, this is no longer possible for tensors of higher rank. Two remarks may offer some slight comfort in this respect, however. First, examples of quantities represented by second rank tensors include stress, strain, viscosity, angular velocity, and electromagnetic field. To the extent that these are familiar physical quantities, so are tensors. Second, a tensor of the second rank may be regarded from a mathematical viewpoint as a linear operator. Thus a tensor will transform a vector into the vector This operation is not difficult to picture in the minds eye. Since this is a linear operation, the tensor becomes a linear operator. This is true not only of mixed tensors but of covariant and contravariant tensors as well. By extension, tensors of higher rank may also be thought of as linear operators. The higher the rank, however, the more remote is the operation from any direct pictorial apprehension. In this matter, therefore, one should expect to rely more upon the familiarity which Chapt er 1: Tensors i n Rect i l i near Coordi nat es i n Two Di mensi ons 44 comes with long acquaintance and abundant usage than on ready mental imagery. Beyond tensors of the second rank, one must in general reluctantly forsake geometric habiliments. Ex. (13.4) Show that the tensor regarded as an operator, has upon the effects: (a) rotates by an angle (13.8) and multiplies it by a factor (13.9) (b) rotates by an angle (13.10) and multiplies it by a factor (13.11) Here is the angle between the coordinate axes. (Hint: use equations (8.1), (8.2), and (8.3), regarding as the coefficients of a linear transformation of coordinates.) Ex. (13.5) Let and be four definite vectors and let a mixed tensor of rank two, be expressible (see Ex. (1.15.12)) as Then show that the effect of the operator upon any contravariant vector is to transform it into Similarly, show that the effect of the operator upon any covariant vector is to transform it into Thus, by choosing and to be vectors along the and axes, respectively, and by choosing and to be vectors perpendicular to the and axes, respectively, interpret the components of the tensor 14. The Fundament al Tensor and t he Li ne El ement 45 14. The Fundamental Tensor and the Line Element C onsider the tr ansfor mation fr om given var iables to new variables If we take differentials of both sides, we get (14.1) From this equation it is clear that the contravariant coordinate differentials transform as contravariant vectors. They are differ ential vector s. It may seem arbitrary that we have chosen the differentials of the contravariant coordinates to consider. Could we not have chosen the differentials of the covariant coordinates as well? True, this could have been done, but as we have seen in 12, it is the contravariant coordinates which are the point variables, the covariant coordinates which are the line variables (or surface variables in three dimensions, hyper-surface variables in four or more dimensions). Since we customarily desire to think of a set of variables as a set of point coordinates, we thereby tacitly elect to regard them as contravariant. Let us further note, in anticipation of developments to come, that only in rectilinear coordinate systems is it true that Therefore it is only in such coordinate systems that the coordinates are themselves the components of a position vector. In contrast, equation (14.1) remains valid in all coordinate systems, rectilinear or not. Hence the differentials of point coordinates are unexceptionably contravariant vectors. Let us now form from the differential vector a differential invariant of particular interest. For this purpose we define a covariant tensor whose components in a Cartesian coordinate system are (14.2) (Beware of confusing this a symmetric second rank covariant tensor whose components are 0 and 1 only in Cartesian coordinate systems, with a second rank mixed tensor without symmetry whose components are 0 and 1 in all coordinate systems whatever.) In any coordinate system the components of this tensor are, by definition, (14.3) With the aid of the tensor we form the differential invariant (14.4) Chapt er 1: Tensors i n Rect i l i near Coordi nat es i n Two Di mensi ons 46 The expression on the right, written out in fully in Cartesian coordinates, is the square of the line element between adjacent points in the plane. Since by equation (14.4) the tensor is so intimately associated with such a fundamental quantity as the square of the differential of the line element, it is called the fundamental tensor . Since by equation (14.2) it is symmetric in its indices in a Cartesian coordinate system, it is symmetric in its indices in any coordinate system, i.e., (14.5) The fundamental tensor defines lengths in an invariant way by means of equation (14.4). This equation therefore expresses what is also known as a congr uence r elation. That is to say, it sets up a standard independent of location or direction by which lengths of vectors may be determined (and thereby compared). Since it defines the standard of measure at each point and in every coordinate system, it is also called the metr ic tensor . In rectilinear coordinate systems, where the contravariant coordinates may also be taken as the components of a position vector, the equation (14.6) analogous to equation (14.4), amounts to a statement in a general rectilinear coordinate system of the cosine law (see Ex. (11.2)), which reduces to the Pythagorean Theorem in Cartesian coordinates. In non-rectilinear coordinate systems, we shall find that only the coordinate differentials (rather than the coordinates themselves) are contravariant vectors and only for these is there any analogue of the cosine law or Pythagorean Theorem. Therefore equation (14.4) is entirely general whereas equation (14.6) is not. Had we formed the covariant differentials by taking perpendicular projections of ds upon the coordinate axes rather than parallel projections, we could as well have formed the invariant By evaluating and interpreting this invariant in a Cartesian system, we could readily show that this too is Consequently we have This can be true for arbitrary only if (14.7) It is clear that for coordinate differentials, at any rate, the fundamental tensors relate the covariant and contravariant forms of the infinitesimal displacement vector. Equation (14.7) must therefore be the relation between the covariant and contravariant forms of any vector. That is, (14.8) for any vector The fundamental nature of the tensor is thus further demonstrated by its providing the direct link between the contravariant and covariant forms of any vector 14. The Fundament al Tensor and t he Li ne El ement 47 It is obvious, however, that to complete the symmetry of the relation between the contravariant and the covariant forms of any vector, we must also define a contravariant tensor of the second rank, designated such that (14.9) Then from equation (14.8) we have that (14.10) Thus, if the contravariant components of a vector are known, its covariant components are at once obtainable from equation (14.8). Conversely, if the covariant components of the vector are known, its contravariant components are at once obtainable from equation (14.10). The compatibility of the relations between covariant and contravariant components is guaranteed by the equation (14.9). The tensor defined by equation (14.9) is therefore called the contr avar iant fundamental tensor to distinguish it from the covariant fundamental tensor The and are mutual inverses. Either may be gotten from the other by equation (14.9). From equations (14.8) and (14.10) together it is clear that (14.11) Either one of the forms of equation (14.11) therefore suffices to define the square of the magnitude of any vector or Looking at equation (14.8) from a purely mechanical standpoint, it is clear that from a superscripted quantity we have generated an associated subscripted quantity We may say, therefore, that by equation (14.8) we have lowered the index. Indices may thus be raised or lowered at will with the aid of the covariant and contravariant fundamental tensors. This holds true not only for vectors but for any or all indices in tensors of any order. For example, equation (14.9) may be thought of as the result of raising one index of Hence from equation (14.9) it will be seen that the Kronecker delta is the mixed form of the fundamental tensor. Similarly, One final result concerning the fundamental tensors should be noted here. If we apply equation (14.9) in a Cartesian coordinate system, the equation becomes whose solution is Thus in a Cartesian system, the contravariant fundamental tensor is symmetric. It is therefore symmetric in all coordinate systems. Chapt er 1: Tensors i n Rect i l i near Coordi nat es i n Two Di mensi ons 48 Ex. (14.1) (a) Given Cartesian coordinates what are the components of the fundamental tensor in a coordinate system where ? (b) How do you account for the fact that the components of are the same as those of ? (Hint: see Ex. (3.1a).) Ans. (a) (b) The transformation is a pure rotation. Ex. (14.2) Given that the Cartesian coordinates are what are the components of ? What do the components become in the coordinate system of Ex. (14.1)? Ans. Ex. (14.3) If the fundamental tensor has components in a rectilinear coordinate system what do the components become in the coordinate system of Ex. (14.2)? Ans. Ex. (14.4) Compare equation (14.8) term-by-term with the results of Ex. (8.8). Since the vector is wholly arbitrary, what do you conclude about the meaning of the several components of ? Ans. Ex. (14.5) Compare equation (14.10) term-by-term with the results of Ex. (8.8). Since the vector is wholly arbitrary , what do you conclude about the interpretation of the several components of ? Ans. Ex. (14.6) Prove that Ex. (14.7) Show by writing out in full, that if then 15. Uni t Vect or s and t he Basi s Syst em 49 Figure 18 15. Unit Vector s and the Basis System C onsider two adjacent points in the plane, such as and with coordinates and as in Fig. 18. The differential vector has the magnitude Therefore it must be true that the vector (15.1) has unit magnitude, since (15.2) Any vector having unit magnitude is called a unit vector . Thus any vector is a unit vector. Consider the case when lies parallel to the axis for example, suppose that and both lie on the axis. Then denoting such a vector as Chapt er 1: Tensors i n Rect i l i near Coordi nat es i n Two Di mensi ons 50 Since this is a unit vector, Similarly, a unit vector parallel to the axis can be shown to have components (15.4) Now since it is apparent that the coordinate differential and the length are in the ratio or * Evidently is the scale factor between coordinate differential and invariant length differential along the axis. In the same fashion, we may show that is the scale factor between coordinate differential and invariant length along the axis. The contravariant unit vectors have a form which is at the same time so simple and so suggestive that it at once prompts the query as to whether there are analogous covariant unit vectors and what interpretation they have. Clearly, there is nothing to prevent our considering a vector of the form (15.5) (We have here chosen the negative square root, for reasons given below.) Analogously, we may define the unit vector (15.6) Note that since is not a perfect differential of a point function, we may not take partial differentials; * i.e., we may not set 15. Uni t Vect or s and t he Basi s Syst em 51 Figure 19 To give a concrete meaning, we note that by Ex. (11.6) In other words, is the unit normal to the axis and is the unit normal to the axis. By reference to Fig. 19, it is clear that the first component of the projection of on the axis, is negative; this is the reason for choosing the negative square root in equation (15.5). Otherwise, would be the negative normal to the axis. Now consider the inner product of and We call that the inner product of two vectors is the product of their magnitudes times the cosine of the angle between them. Since these particular vectors are unit vectors, their respective magnitudes are both 1, and since they are respectively parallel to the coordinate axes, the angle between them is Therefore where the middle term results from the actual substitution of equations (15.3) and (15.4) into the left-hand expression, and where the right-hand term is the product of the magnitudes times the cosine of the angle between the vectors. We see, then, that in complete generality (15.7) Chapt er 1: Tensors i n Rect i l i near Coordi nat es i n Two Di mensi ons 52 Since we have already determined that we can also say that (15.8) Summing up, we say that where and are the same scale factors as in equation (8.5). Moreover, the result (15.8) may be derived directly (see Appendix 1.4). In general, (15.9) Ex. (15.1) Show that in general (no summation over or ). Hence determine that (15.10) Now consider any vector with magnitude Clearly we may define from it a unit vector which has the direction of In other words, for any vector it is possible to write it as the product of its scalar (invariant) magnitude times a unit vector in the same direction as the vector. Since is a unit vector, Constructing a unit vector from any vector is called normalizing Consider a Cartesian coordinate system in which are defined two vectors (15.11) and with associated covariant vectors (15.12) and Given any vector it is clear that (15.13) and whence (15.14) 15. Uni t Vect or s and t he Basi s Syst em 53 We say that the and associated form a basis system. Clearly, any vector may be expressed as a sum of scalar multiples of the basis vectors.* Our particular illustration of basis vectors has been misleading in two respects; let us hasten to forestall the possibility of misunderstanding. First, the vectors and are unit vectors in a Cartesian coordinate system. This need not be so generally, where unit vectors parallel to the axes will, by equations (15.3) and (15.4), have the form (15.15) (no summation over ); unit normals to the axes have the form (15.16) where the minus sign applies when the plus sign when Hence in general the basis vectors have the form (15.17) and are not unit vectors. Secondly, in a Cartesian system This is true in orthogonal coordinate systems but not in general. Hence, though the basis vectors bear a close relation to the unit vectors and the distinction between them must not be overlooked. Ex. (15.2) Write down the fundamental tensor for a coordinate system in which This statement, implied by equations (15.13) and (15.14), is sometimes interpreted to mean that the * numbers which we have called the components ought rather to be regarded as invariants, the invariant projections of a directed line segment in a particular coordinate system. According to this interpretation, it is only the basis vectors which undergo change when subjected to a transformation of coordinates. Though such a point of view is logically permissible, it is of no utility for our purposes; we will adhere to our understanding of the meaning of the components of a vector. Chapt er 1: Tensors i n Rect i l i near Coordi nat es i n Two Di mensi ons 54 (Hint: use equation (15.9).) Ans. Ex. (15.3) How may one identify orthogonal coordinate systems by inspection of the components of the fundamental tensor? Ans. If Ex. (15.4) Find the components of the contravariant fundamental tensor corresponding to the coordinate systems of Ex. (15.2). Ans. Ex. (15.5) Show that Use this result to check your answer to Ex. (15.4). Now consider mor e gener ally two unit vector s and not necessar ily in a Cartesian coordinate system. To insure that these vectors are distinct, we require that where is the angle between them. Let us now formally represent an arbitrary vector as (15.18) Are there values of and which make this equation true? If so, the and constitute a basis system. To determine and , we first form the inner products of with and Thus, 15. Uni t Vect or s and t he Basi s Syst em 55 Solving for and and using the fact that and are unit vectors, we find (15.19) Clearly, when and are perpendicular, as in a Cartesian system, the results (15.18) and (15.19) agree with those previously found. The present results are entirely general, however, in a space of two dimensions. This is sometimes expressed by saying that for arbitrary and the vectors span the two-space of the coordinate plane. It might be asked at this point how we can be assured that a representation such as equation (15.18) is invariably possible. The answer is that we have assumed the number of independent basis vectors is two. If for some value(s) of and were true as well as the conditions on the the vector would by definition exist in a higher number of dimensions than two. We will not here concern ourselves further with this matter.* Ex. (15.6) Show that Hence interpret for fixed as the contravariant components of the unit normal to the non-j axis. Ex. (15.7) Normalize the vectors Assume Cartesian coordinates. ) Express the vector in terms of the two preceding vectors. Simply by lower ing indices in equation (15.18) we can der ive the anticipated result that (15.20) the are given, as before, by equation (15.19) and the unit covariant vectors are the covariant forms of the considered previously. We have seen that there is some advantage in the use of basis vectors which are orthogonal. It is a relatively simple matter to construct from a given pair of basis vectors and an orthogonal pair. First, choose Then define (15.21) The point of these comments is irrelevant, in any case, when we adhere to the notation which has been * our practice, for by assuming that i has the range (1, 2) we have thereby specified that the number of dimensions is two. The question of dimensionality is an important matter, however, particularly for the representation of generalized vectors in function space. This then calls for tests of the completeness of any basis system. Chapt er 1: Tensors i n Rect i l i near Coordi nat es i n Two Di mensi ons 56 It is clear that whence and are orthogonal. We then normalize by requiring that The pair then forms an orthogonal basis system of unit vectors or an or thonor mal system. The expansion of a given vector in terms of other vectors suggests an inquiry as to whether tensors in general may be expanded as products of the appropriate number and kind of vectors. The answer is contained in a general Pr oduct Theor em that any tensor may be r epr esented as the sum of pr oducts of vector s. To prove that this is so, we need only provide a general construction by which such a representation might be achieved in one particular coordinate system. Since the sum of tensors is a tensor and since a product of vectors is a tensor, it then follows that the sum of the products of vectors is a tensor. It suffices, therefore, if the constructed tensor has the given components in the given coordinate system. Suppose that the tensor is of order q, with components Let these components be arranged dictionary-wise, i.e., arranged in order of the values of the first contravariant index, then the succeeding contravariant indices, and finally the several covariant indices. Now define vectors, enumerated dictionary-wise according to (j, ... k, l, ...), whose components are respectively, in the given coordinate system; here the parentheses are meant to indicate that the indices are purely enumerative and do not possess tensorial character. The components of the tensor have thus been distributed over the components of the vectors. The next step in the construction is to form the sum of products where the various and are basis vectors. The several sums are the components of the tensor whose components are To be convinced of this, consider one sum at a time; thus etc., until finally all parentheses are removed. One may also simply observe that the contracted product with summed over j simply substitutes m for j. The end result is again the same. 15. Uni t Vect or s and t he Basi s Syst em 57 The theorem we have just proven is important not so much because it prescribes to us how actually to resolve given tensors into sums of products of vectors, but because it amounts to an existence theorem, guaranteeing that some such resolution is possible. Clearly, it is in some respects a converse of the Quotient Theorem, which it complements in a useful way. We will have occasion in what follows to appeal to this Pr oduct Theor em. Ex. (15.8) Form an orthogonal system from the Cartesian vectors Ans. Ex. (15.9) (a) Show that (b) Show that where Ex. (15.10) Show that if a tensor is the simple product of two vectors, then it is necessary that the determinant (b) Can the fundamental tensor be so represented? (c) How many vectors are required for the representation in Ex. (15.9)? Ans. (a) (b) Since by Ex. (14.4) (none of nor can be zero), the fundamental tensor cannot be represented as the simple product of vectors. (c) Four. Ex. (15.11) (a) Show that any vector may be written as where is the tensor and being unit basis vectors, the angle between them. (Hint: combine equations (15.11) and (15.18).) (b) Show that Such a tensor is called a projection operator. (c) Hence show that the Kronecker delta is a projection operator, and that its resolution in terms of the basis vectors is that given in (a). Chapt er 1: Tensors i n Rect i l i near Coordi nat es i n Two Di mensi ons 58 Ex. (15.12) Show that in two dimensions any mixed tensor can be expressed as for suitably chosen vectors Ex. (15.13) (a) Given the transformation of Ex. (14.2) and the resultant fundamental tensor, what are the scale factors along the new axes and the angle between the axes? (b) What are the unit vectors along the new axes in both the old and new coordinate systems? (c) Calculate the inner products of the unit vectors along the and axes with the unit vector along the axis. Since these are the cosines of and determine these angles. (d) The angle between the axes of the coordinates is Use the result of (a) to check your answer. (e) What is the inverse of the transformation of Ex. (14.2)? (f) Use the coefficients together with the equation from Appendix 1.3 to check your determination of Ans. 16. Anti symmetri c Tensors and the General i zed Kronecker Del ta 59 16. Antisymmetr ic Tensor s and the Gener alized Kr onecker Delta W e have noted that a tensor of or der two or higher may be antisymmetr ic in any pair of covariant indices or any pair of contravariant indices. This means, for example, that is antisymmetric in and if In two dimensions, a tensor of higher order may be antisymmetric in at most pairs of subscripts or pairs of superscripts or both, since antisymmetry in more than two subscripts, for example, would require every component to be equal to its own negative, hence zero. Aside from sign, therefore, a completely antisymmetric second order tensor has but one non-zero component, as The only other non-vanishing component is Consider now the tensor which is antisymmetric in and as well as in and . Let its non-zero components be (a) +1 if and are both distinct pairs and both even or both odd permutations of 12, (b) 1 if and are both distinct pairs and one is even and the other an odd permutation of 12, and (c) zero otherwise. This tensor is called the gener alized Kr onecker delta, of rank four. The generalized Kronecker delta may be simply expressed in terms of the usual Kronecker delta, namely as (16.1) Such a decomposition is oftentimes useful in reducing inner products of tensors with generalized Kronecker deltas. So also are such relations as (16.2) Since the components of have the same values in all coordinate systems, by equation (16.1) so also do the This is an exceptional property. Consider now a tensor of rank two whose components in a Cartesian coordinate system are (16.3) Its components in some other coordinate system will be Chapt er 1: Tensors i n Rect i l i near Coordi nat es i n Two Di mensi ons 60 This is clearly antisymmetric in and . Hence it is zero unless The only non-vanishing component is numerically equal to This may be given a more familiar and more useful form. To this end, we write (16.4) Therefore (16.5) In equation (16.5) we have chosen the positive square root on the assumption that the coordinate system is right-handed. This means that unit vectors along the two coordinate curves are in the same relation as thumb and forefinger of the right hand when the pointer finger is parallel to the axis. More generally, it means that the positive axis makes an angle less than with the positive axis. If the coordinate system were left-handed, we should need to choose the negative square root of , whence equation (16.5) would be replaced by (16.6) By a similar development, we may readily define a contravariant antisymmetric tensor of the second rank which is given by (16.7) where in a Cartesian coordinate system. The relation between the and the is very simple, namely (16.8) as may be verified most simply by considering the values of the separate components. The generalized Kronecker delta is often useful for the purpose of forming or isolating the antisymmetric part of any second rank tensor. Thus, if a tensor is the sum of a symmetric part and an antisymmetric part we have that But 16. Ant i symmet r i c Tensor s and t he Gener al i zed Kr onecker Del t a 61 Figure 20 and since it is zero if Therefore (16.9) A similar procedure is clearly possible for contravariant tensors The usefulness of the antisymmetric tensor may be illustrated by giving it a representative application. Thus, we form from and two arbitrary vectors and the invariant Because this is an invariant, its value and meaning in one coordinate system is the same as in any other. We therefore choose as a most convenient coordinate system a set of Cartesian axes, of which the axis lies along (see Fig. 20). This implies that while Then, since , (16.10) This is clearly the area of the parallelogram AOBC. The result is as true when and are differential vectors along the coordinate axes; this result will be helpful in computing areas by integration, especially in non-rectilinear coordinates. Ex. (16.1) Show that the condition that two unit vectors and be distinct is that either Chapt er 1: Tensors i n Rect i l i near Coordi nat es i n Two Di mensi ons 62 Ex. (16.2) Derive vectorially the law of sines of plane trigonometry. Ans. Using the figure and notation of Ex. (11.2), we have Multiplying both sides of this equation by gives This and the analogous equations which follow by multiplying by or instead, are the statement of the law of sines. Ex. (16.3) Show that is orthogonal to (Hint: take the inner product of with 17. Isotropy I t may sometimes happen that a physical or geometric quantity is independent of direction. When this is so, the quantity is said to be isotropic. Often, isotropy characterizes invariant (or scalar) quantities, as a radially symmetric distribution, for example. Isotropy may also be a property of tensor quantities, however. For instance, we have seen that the Kronecker delta has components which are unchanged under any reversible transformation. That is to say, in every admissible rectilinear system of coordinates, the components of are the same in spite of the fact that ordinarily such quantities as vectors and tensors change their values under a change of coordinate system. In other words, the directions of the axes are implicitly reflected in the components of the vectors and tensors when the components are given with reference to those axes. Therefore, if a quantity does not change with a change of axes, it must be independent of dir ection, or isotropic. Can a vector be isotropic? If it were, its components in a new coordinate system would be the same as its components in the old; i.e., But if it is a vector, it must also satisfy the condition that Hence 17. Isot ropy 63 These equations have no real non-zero solutions unless the determinant of coefficients is for every reversible rectilinear transformation. Hence we cannot attach a meaning to the isotropy of a vector. Consider, however, the tensor (17.1) where is some invariant function of the coordinates. In a new coordinate system it has the components It is therefore an isotropic tensor. Its contravariant and covariant forms are had by the straightforward process of raising or lowering an index and are clearly of the form (17.2a) (17.2b) We may infer that isotropic tensors are always of even order, for as we have seen, any tensor may be represented as a sum of products of vectors. Hence the same sort of argument by which isotropy was ruled out for vectors will likewise rule out isotropy for all tensors of odd order. On the other hand, we may at the same time conclude that all isotropic tensors, when expressed as tensors which are covariant and contravariant to the same rank, will be expressible as functions of the Kronecker deltas and the fundamental tensors, of which the Kronecker deltas are the mixed form. For example, consider the isotropic fourth order tensor symmetric in m, n and in r, s. We may give its general form as where and are two invariant functions. On the other hand, had been antisymmetric in r and s, this would have to be modified to etc. Note that it is also antisymmetric in m and n. Evidently, the symmetry or antisymmetry must match that in the superscripts, and vice versa, for isotropic tensors. Ex. (17.1) Determine the form of an isotropic tensor which is antisymmetric in and as well as in and but symmetric to interchange of with . Ans. where is an invariant. Ex. (17.2) Show that the tensor of Ex. (17.1) is the wholly covariant form of the tensor Chapt er 1: Tensors i n Rect i l i near Coordi nat es i n Two Di mensi ons 64 18. Eigenvector s C onsider the isotropic tensor Because it is isotropic, we have for any vector Evidently an isotropic mixed tensor may be regarded as a linear operator which transforms any vector into a multiple of itself. This is obviously not true of second order mixed tensors in general. Is it true under any circumstances? Let us examine the conditions under which (18.1) The only solution to such an equation which is not the solution will be one for values of for which or The roots and of this deter minantal equation are called the eigenvalues of the tensor The solution of equation (18.1) for these values of are, aside from a scale factor, the eigenvector s of Since both and are invariants, as is plain from the notation, the eigenvalues and must also be invariants. From the determinantal equation we see that the roots and will be real and distinct provided Expanding and simplifying, this becomes which will always be the case provided and are of the same sign (or both are zero and There is one case of particular interest and importance when this condition is automatically fulfilled. That is the case when or i. e., when and are symmetric. In such an event, we may also show that the eigenvectors are orthogonal, for 18. Ei genvect ors 65 Therefore and since it follows that whence the two eigenvectors are orthogonal. Let us now compare and contrast an isotropic tensor with a general symmetric tensor In their covariant or contravariant forms, both are symmetric. In their mixed forms, they satisfy similar equations and respectively. However, the first of these equations is true for any vector the secondonly for two orthogonal eigenvectors and determinate in direction though not in magnitude. These various properties are invariant under reversible transformations of the coordinates. The directions of the eigenvectors of are called the invar iant dir ections. For an isotropic tensor, all directions are invariant directions. Ex. (18.1) Show that the determinantal equation may be written generally as Ex. (18.2) (a) What are the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the tensor whose components in a Cartesian system are ? (b) Are the eigenvectors orthogonal, and if not, why not? Ans. (a) where and are arbitrary. (b) No, because is not symmetric. Ex. (18.3) (a) What are the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the tensor whose components in a rectilinear system are those of Ex. (18.2) but in which the fundamental tensor is Chapt er 1: Tensors i n Rect i l i near Coordi nat es i n Two Di mensi ons 66 (b) Are the eigenvectors orthogonal, and if so, why? (c) What is the angle between the axes and what are the scale factors? Ans. (a) Same as in Ex. (18.2a) . (b) Yes, because is symmetric. (c) Ex. (18.4) (a) What are the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the tensor whose components in a Cartesian system are (b) How is this tensor related to that in Ex. (18.2)? (c) How are the eigenvalues to those in Ex. (18.2)? (d) How are the eigenvectors related to those in Ex. (18.2)? Ans. where and are arbitrary non-zero real numbers. (b) (c) (d) Identically the same. We must now consider one r esult of gr eat inter est concer ning the eigen- vectors and invariant directions of a symmetric tensor We have seen that the invariant directions of are orthogonal. Let us therefore adopt these invariant directions as those of a set of orthogonal axes. In such a system, the eigenvectors are evidently and Then, since we have, on substituting the components of with analogous results for the substitution of We therefore see that the components of in this coordinate system are We say that a transformation to these axes diagonalizes the tensor Its symmetric covariant form now becomes if we remember that in an orthogonal coordinate system when It therefore differs from the fundamental tensor only in that is multiplied by 19. Deri vat i ves of Vect or s and Tensors i n Rect i l i near Coordi nat es 67 and by But where is the scale factor along the Hence, at least when and are both positive, operates as would if we were to multiply the scale factor by the scale factor by Let us now consider all position vectors for which where is a constant. In the orthogonal coordinate system based on the invariant directions, this evidently reduces to Then, if where It is therefore the equation of an ellipse with the center at the origin and axes and if and are of the same sign. If is opposite in sign to and , we can then set and have which is the equation of a hyperbola with axes and If the sign of is opposite the sign of and then no position vector satisfies the equation. If then the locus becomes a pair of straight lines, provided and are of opposite signs; otherwise the locus degenerates to the single point at the origin. 19. Der ivatives of Vectors and Tensor s in Rectilinear Coor dinates W e have seen that the gener al vector and tensor transfor mation laws per mit non-homogeneous linear reversible transformations and that this implies an arbitrariness of the origin of coordinates, hence of position of the vector in the plane. There is therefore no difficulty in comparing vectors at different points, for they may be treated as though they were at a common point; this is a most significant property, for it is in general not true in non-rectilinear coordinates. In rectilinear coordinates, however, we are thereby guaranteed that we may form differences of neighboring vectors, hence derivatives. Thus, consider a plane curve, , as in Fig. 21. On it, choose two points and corresponding to invariant curve parameter values and where is small. If a vector is defined such that each component is a function of , we then define the derivative of as the vector whose components are Chapt er 1: Tensors i n Rect i l i near Coordi nat es i n Two Di mensi ons 68 Figure 21 Actually, there is somewhat more to this definition than meets the eye, for the coordinates along the curve may also be functions of the parameter . Therefore, in greater generality, we must allow for a functional dependence of the vector components in the form Then For a vector rooted to a fixed point, like a weather vane, the second term on the right drops out. On the other hand, if the vector changed only with displacement along the curve C, the first term on the right side would vanish. Thus, the hands of a clock on the wall define vectors of the first sort, whereas the velocity of a bird in flight is a vector of the second sort; the hands on a clock in a plane in flight would illustrate the completely general case. In each instance, however, the left hand side is a vector, the derivative of a vector with respect to a scalar. Ex. (19.1) (a) In a Cartesian coordinate system with origin at the center of a clock face, positive axis in the 12 oclock direction and positive axis in the 3 oclock direction, what are the components at time of the position vector representing a minute hand of length ? Take time to be the moment when the hand is in the 12 oclock position. Measure time in minutes. (b) What is the velocity of the tip of an hour hand of length ? Ans.
19. Deri vat i ves of Vect or s and Tensors i n Rect i l i near Coordi nat es 69 Ex. (19.2) If a ball is projected horizontally with velocity v and allowed to fall freely under the action of gravity, what are the components of the position vector from its starting point? Take the axis to be vertical, the axis horizontal, the starting time to be , the acceleration of gravity to be , the origin at the point of projection. (b) What is the balls velocity vector? Ans.
Ex. (19.3) (a) Suppose that instead of a ball as in Ex. (19.2), a clock is projected horizontally, etc. What are the components of the position vector of the tip of the minute hand? (b) What is the velocity vector of the minute hand? Ans. (19.4) (a) Suppose that the vector depends upon position and time according to the equations What is the time derivative of the vector ? (b) What is the time derivative of along the curve Ans. Let us consider , then, the case when Now is a differential vector since by definition hence Therefore is a non-differential vector. But the curve is entirely arbitrary, so that in turn the vector may be chosen at our pleasure. We now invoke the Quotient Theorem: since is known to be a vector and since is an arbitrary vector, the quantity is a mixed tensor of the second rank. Chapt er 1: Tensors i n Rect i l i near Coordi nat es i n Two Di mensi ons 70 Figure 22 The same may be seen to be true of covariant vectors. Therefore, in rectilinear coordinates the partial derivatives of a contravariant vector constitute a tensor of second rank. The same may be seen to be true of covariant vectors. Moreover, since we have shown that any tensor may be resolved into the sum of products of vectors, we can say further that in a rectilinear system the partial derivatives of any tensor form a tensor of one greater covariant rank. (Beware of incautiously extrapolating these results to non-rectilinear coordinate systems, where they are not true!) A curve such as C (Fig. 22) is a one-dimensional manifold of points. When, therefore, a vector is defined at every point along a length of arc of a curve, the set of vectors so defined is called a vector field with par ameter . The vectors themselves are two-dimensional though the field is a one-parameter field. However, we may also elect to define each component of the vector as a function of position, as The vectors so defined constitute a vector field over the entire region of definition of the functions Henceforth, we tacitly assume that any vector or tensor is, more accurately, a vector or tensor field with respect to the coordinate variables or some relevant parameters. Let us now illustrate the differentiation of vectors and tensors with a few simple applications. Consider the curve C. Let arc length from some definite point be chosen as the curve parameter. Then the differential of arc length is, as we have seen, (19.1) 19. Deri vat i ves of Vect or s and Tensors i n Rect i l i near Coordi nat es 71 Now consider the vector , where is a point on the curve and is a neighboring point on the curve. It is a unit vector since (19.2) Its direction must be tangent to the curve C, for the vector is the difference of the coordinates of two neighboring points on the curve, hence is directed along the arc . Therefore is the unit tangent to the curve C. If we differentiate the equation (19.2), we get remembering that the are constants in a rectilinear coordinate system. Evidently the vector is orthogonal to It is therefore called thenor mal to the curve. Though is a unit vector, of course need not be. In fact, its magnitude would be calculated, as for any vector, as (19.3) We then define the unit nor mal as (19.4) To interpret consider the case when the curve C is a circle of radius about the origin. Then in Cartesian coordinates where is the arc length measured from the axis. Hence Chapt er 1: Tensors i n Rect i l i near Coordi nat es i n Two Di mensi ons 72 Hence is a unit tangent, therefore perpendicular to the radius vector; is a unit normal, perpendicular to the unit tangent and directed inward along the radius of the circle. The quantity is called the cur vatur e of the curve at the given point and its reciprocal is ther adius of cur vatur e of the curve at the given point. Though a circle is obviously a very special case, it shows how we may interpret our results in general. At any point of a continuous, sufficiently differentiable curve, the vector is a unit tangent. The vector is the unit normal, directed inward along a radius of the osculating cir cle to the curve at the given point. The radius of the osculating circle is Though we have found it convenient to derive these results in a Cartesian coordinate system, tangency and orthogonality are invariant relations and is an invariant quantity. Therefore our results are true in all rectilinear coordinate systems. Ex. (19.5) Given the curve in a Cartesian coordinate system, find the unit tangent and unit normal. Ans. Since we have One kind of cur ve of special note is, of cour se, the str aight line. If we define it as a curve of zero curvature, we see at once that its differential equations are, from equation (19.4), Appendi x 1.1 Transf or mat i on of Obl i que Rect i l i near Cont ravari ant Coordi nat es 73 Figure 23 On the other hand, we may also define it as a curve whose tangent is always parallel to itself. In rectilinear coordinates this means that where and are the coordinates of any two points and on the line. In other words, is a constant vector, whence the same equation as was found previously. Appendix 1.1 Tr ansfor mation of Oblique Rectilinear Contr avar iant Coor dinates In Fig. 23 a point has coordinates and in a system whose axes are and In a new system whose axes are and the coordinate of is . Now drop the perpendicular onto . Then Next, draw through the line perpendicular to and therefore parallel to . In the triangle the angle is and the side Hence Further, in the triangle the angle is equal to and the side so that Chapt er 1: Tensors i n Rect i l i near Coordi nat es i n Two Di mensi ons 74 Figure 24 Now is a rectangle by construction. Therefore or (4.4) (4.5) where Appendix 1.2 - Tr ansfor mation of Oblique Rectilinear Covar iant Coor dinates In Fig. 24 the point P has coor dinates and r elative to the original axes and through the origin . In a new coordinate system in is a new axis, however, the coordinate of is . Now which Appendix 1.3 - Interpretation of an Arbitrary Transformation in Rectilinear Coordinates 75 Figure 25 from which it follows that But . and Hence Since and since we have finally that (5.5) Appendix 1.3 - Inter pr etation of an Ar bitr ar y Tr ansfor mation in Rectilinear Coor dinates Assume in the fir st instance that the change of scale follows the change of axes. Now a point (in Fig. 25) at unit distance on the axis will have coordinates Therefore the coordinates of this same point must satisfy the relations Chapt er 1: Tensors i n Rect i l i near Coordi nat es i n Two Di mensi ons 76 Figure 26 of which the solution is But from Fig. 25 it is apparent that Therefore Since the angle between the original axes may be assumed known, only the coefficients and need be known to determine the angle between the original axis and the new axis. Clearly, the ratio is independent of subsequent scale changes if scale changes follow axis transformation. In a similar fashion, we may determine that the point on the axis whose coordinates are will have coordinates Appendix 1.3 - Interpretation of an Arbitrary Transformation in Rectilinear Coordinates 77 Figure 27 Hence from Fig. 26 it is apparent that and Therefore (8.9) Again it is clear that this result is independent of subsequent changes of scale, for the ratio will be unaffected by them. The remaining steps are straightforward. From the relations we may calculate the from equations (4.3) and (4.6). Then (8.4) and Let us now consider how a covariant transformation may be interpreted. Given the covariant transformation let us apply it to the point P (Fig. 27) whose covariant coordinates are Then the coordinates relative to new axes must be Chapt er 1: Tensors i n Rect i l i near Coordi nat es i n Two Di mensi ons 78 Figure 28 Now from Fig. 27 we can also see that when the scale factors are unity, Substituting the values of and we see that (A1.4.1) Similarly, we see from Fig. 28 that the point whose coordinates are must have new coordinates while at the same time Therefore we must have that (A1.3.2) Appendi x 1.4 - Int erpret at i on of t he Component s of t he Fundament al Tensor 79 It will be more useful if we put the second of equations (A1.3.1) into the form Substituting from equation (A1.3.2) the value of gives Therefore In the same fashion, since from equation (A1.3.1) we can show that whence It is clear from these equations, together with the results of Ex. (7.2a) that the change of axes is not affected by the changes of scale if the scale changes follow the change of axes. The scale changes may then be found from equation (7.6) as (A1.3.3) where the are given by equations (5.4) and (5.5). Appendix 1.4 - Inter pr etation of the Components of the Fundamental Tensor W e wish to find the values of the fundamental tensor components after transformation from a Cartesian coordinate system with axes and to an oblique coordinate system with axes and (see Fig. 29). For this purpose we use the tensor transformation . The quantities are given, by equations (5.4), (5.5), and (7.8) as Chapt er 1: Tensors i n Rect i l i near Coordi nat es i n Two Di mensi ons 80 Figure 29 Since we find then for the expression whence Similarly, And finally, as was to be shown. Not es Chapt er 1 81 Notes Chapter 1 U pon this chapter mor e than any of the r est falls the bur den of defining and applying fundamental terms, concepts and usages. As so often happens, an appreciation of their finer points usually cannot be achieved except in that retrospect which is possible only after having extensively penetrated the subject in an unsophisticated or brute-force fashion. It seems desirable, however, to call attention to some of these matters in passing, in the hope that the anticipation of them may obviate difficulties for the especially acute reader or illuminate the minutiae for the unwary. 1.21.5. For example, the terms invariant, covariant and contravariant are introduced in Sections 1.2-1.5. The first two of these terms, at least, have shades of meaning which must be judged from the context of their usage. Thus, invariant literally means unchanging. It implies that whatever is invariant remains fixed despite changes or differences in kindred or related quantities. In this sense, a plane vector is invariant to a change of origin, for neither its length nor its direction will have been altered thereby. In a somewhat more sophisticated sense, we may even say that the vector is invariant to a rotation of axes, for the rotation induces no change in the length or direction of the vector; it is this kind of invariance which is the key to the power of vector equations. Beware of understanding invariant thusly, however. Most often, the term invariant is intended to be taken as an abbreviation for invariant function, a single-valued point function. Such might be the density distribution of matter, the temperature distribution within a star, or the length of a particular line segment. Plainly, no mere change of coordinates will affect these quantities. In practice, however, there is seldom occasion to decry this ambiguity, for the invariance of a vector to change of axes may be as well expressed in the covariance of its components. Literally, covariance means changing with. As applied to vectors, it expresses the fact that a vectors components are so altered by a transformation of coordinates that the length and direction of the vector remain the same. Thus, covariant may refer figuratively to any vector-like change of components which is induced by a transformation of coordinates, or it may refer to the specific type of transformation considered in 1.5. Which sense is intended must be inferred from the context of its usage. The term contravariant (varying oppositely) is intended to contrast to covariant in its latter meaning, and is therefore used to identify a specific mode of transformation of components under a change of coordinates. It is only superficially paradoxical, therefore, to note that it would be proper to say that a contravariant vector is covariant in the more general sense though not in the specific sense. Let it be noted again that the invariance of a vector is embodied in the covariance of its components because the latter refers implicitly to a particular set of coordinate axes. The role of the coordinate axes in injecting the distinction between a vector and its components seems like an intrusion only because it has so often been allowed to be a tacit role. To compensate, we have labored the point somewhat. 1.2 The index notation is an integral part of tensor analysis. Much of the mystery of tensor analysis resides in this very simple device. The beginner would be well advised to practice translating equations in index notation into their explicit expanded forms until he is thoroughly at ease with the compact notation and can think in terms of it. In doing this, it would be advantageous to include equations which also employ the summation convention, introduced in 1.4; such are Exercises 4.13 and 4.14. At the risk of seeming tedious, it can be said that facility with the index notation is a virtual sine Chapt er 1: Tensors i n Rect i l i near Coordi nat es i n Two Di mensi ons 82 Figure 30 qua non for mastery of tensor analysis. Fortunately, such facility can be come by with very little effort. The rewards are disproportionate, for the indices will be found to compress a great deal of information that can be read at a glance. The index notation may be contrasted with the index-free notation, which depends upon the use of bold face or other type fonts to designate vector or tensor quantities. The commonly used Gibbs notation for vectors is an example; thus a plane vector might be written as where is the vector, is the length of its projection upon the axis, is the length of its projection upon the axis, is a unit vector along the axis, and is a unit vector along the axis. If we were to limit our consideration to vectors in two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate systems, there might be little to choose between the notations. However, in non-Cartesian systems, in tensors of rank higher than one, and in more than two dimensions, the index notation greatly facilitates the expression of symmetries and antisymmetries and renders almost trivially transparent the invariance of inner and triple products, the orthogonality of cross products, etc.; the index-free notation posits these relations in what can only appear a pragmatic but cabalistic manner. For other comments upon index-free notation, consult Laugwitz (8), p. 94. 1.4 The summation convention, closely related to the index notation, is another notational device which for reasons inscrutable seems to present a difficulty to many beginners. Perhaps its very simplicity is a clue to the difficulty, for the tyro is prone to seek a deep significance which is not there; he is misled because he cannot credit the notion that such a luminously simple convention could by itself be as supremely economical and functional as experience will prove it to be. It might be well, therefore, for him to juxtapose equations (4.13), (4.14) and (4.15) thusly and contemplate them at such length as will secure forevermore his automatic and unhesitating translation of repeated subscript and superscript into implied summation. Let these equations be read both forward and backward. Let the same be done for Exercises 1.4.13 and 1.4.14. Not es Chapt er 1 83 1.4, 1.5 For an optional discussion of the geometrical meaning of covariance and contravariance, consult Kreyszig (5), pp. 101-105, after reading Section 14 of this chapter. An interesting alternative to the method of defining rectilinear coordinates as intercepts upon the axes is given in Wells (21), p. 12. The coordinates are instead taken as the distances from the axes. For example, consider Fig. 30. It is evident from the figure that It follows, then, that Clearly, in Cartesian coordinates, with the coordinates are identical with the usual contravariant coordinates but not otherwise. 1.13 (a) An antisymmetric second order tensor is an example of a quantity whose indices have a significant order. Later, as in 3.5, for example, we will find it convenient to consider closely related quantities of the form or whose index order is conspicuously preserved by the insertion of dots where necessary. (b) Any covariant or contravariant tensor of rank two may be resolved uniquely into a sum of a symmetric and an antisymmetric part. As much cannot be said for tensors of higher rank. We make use of this characteristic resolution in 16. In any case, the generalized Kronecker delta may be employed to isolate the completely antisymmetric portion of any set of indexed quantities. 1.15 (a) It is shown in Adler, Bazin and Schiffer (1), pp. 25-28, that in general is the minimum number of products of vectors into the sums of products of which a tensor of rank may be decomposed in dimensions. Since each vector has components, this provides a total of components. Thus in two dimensions a second rank tensor requires products of two vectors, such as for example. However, in three dimensions a second rank tensor requires 3 products, as etc. (b) Projection operators arise not only in ordinary geometry but also in the geometry of function space. It can easily be shown that if and are projection operators, then (i) is a projection operator if , i.e., if and commute; (ii) is a projection operator if , i.e., if and anticommute; (iii) is a projection operator if , as in (ii), or if is the identity operator . The latter case is the one which arises in 4.10; the operator is called the complement of . 1.17 It would be well to note two points respecting the definition of isotropy here given. First, the condition of isotropy may be achieved at an isolated point. However, unless the condition is satisfied throughout some connected region, it is of very little significance or interest either physically or mathematically. We are therefore really discussing isotropic tensor fields (see 1.19). Second, we exclude vectors whose components are not real. Isotropic vectors with complex components are defined in spinor theor y.