Parent Bulletin Issue 34 SY1314

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2 Grade 8 Service Day

6 - 16 Art Exhibit
9 - 10 MS Play
15 Parent Cofee
ISSUE # 34
SY 2013 2014
Weekly Publication for Middle School Parents
Friday Bulletin
Inside this issue:
8 ISM Upcoming Events
Treasury Department
6 Superintendents Ofce
Athletcs & Actvites
2 Admissions & Advancement
Superintendents Ofce
MAY 12 TO 16
Events & Actvites:
19 - 23 MS Tour & Talk
23 MS Party
29 Advocatng for Change
30 Grade 8 Dinner Dance
Dear Parents,

Are you looking for some family entertainment this weekend? Then come and
watch Searching for Heroes, this years Middle School Play. The show opens
May 9 at 6:00 P.M. with additonal performances on Saturday, May 10 at 2:30
and 6:00. The cast and crew have worked long hours and dedicated lots of tme
and energy to learn their lines and refne their drama skills so please come out
and support our aspiring performers. A big thank you to Cath Rankin and her
producton team for their commitment and eforts in bringing this show to the

Not to be missed is also the Middle School Art Show. Before watching the MS
Play, save some tme to wander around the FAT lobby and gaze at student art-
work. Some colorful and creatve pieces are on display that represent our stu-
dents ideas and view of the world. The art show carries on through May 15 so
visitors can enjoy the artwork throughout the coming week. Our appreciaton
goes out to Morgan Jacobs, Carmel Lim-Torres and Dennis Respecki for their
eforts in nurturing the artst in our students.

By now you should have received a copy of your childs MAP test scores. It has
come to light that the reports are missing the District Average score, which indi-
cates the average score for ISM and provides an indicaton of where your child
scored relatve to other ISM students. The District Average scores are listed in
the table below.

If you would like a reprinted copy of
your childs report, which includes
the District Average score, please
contact the Middle School Guidance
Ofce at 840 8555.

This Thursday on May 15, we will be
hostng a Parent Cofee in the Litle
Theater startng at 7:45. During this
tme we will be sharing the progress
that has been made on the school-
wide goal on assessment and grad-
ing. Please join us and hear about
the changes that will be implement-
ed next school year.

Have a relaxing weekend!

Yours in Educaton,
Simon Gillespie Clarissa Sayson
Middle School Principal Middle School Assistant Principal

Returning for school year 20142015?
Dear Parents,

Please take a moment to review the re-enrollment procedure for your child to atend classes on August 7,

STEP 1 - Online Re-enrollment must be completed by May 22.

Afer May 22nd you will not have access to POWERSCHOOL and this may re-
sult in a delay for your child to atend classes on the frst day of school for
school year 2014-2015.

Please follow this link for the detailed step-by-step guide and required forms for students entering Grade 1,
6 and 9. To access the Parent Portal and PowerSchool, please download the PDF instructons here.

The forms should be completed and submited to the appropriate ofces at any tme prior to the start of
school in the Fall. We encourage you do start this process NOW to avoid long lines.

For informaton regarding your POWERSCHOOL access informaton please contact the school in which your
child is currently enrolled.

For informaton regarding our Health Clinic Clearance procedures, please contact the Clinic

For informaton regarding billing or tuiton and fees, please contact our Treasury department
at (for billing) and or (for tuiton and

May we request that if you are NOT RETURNING that you send the Admissions Ofce your of-
cial WITHDRAWAL NOTIFICATION FORM immediately as this will help us to clear student account(s) in a
tmely manner. We request one form per child.

Please note: Parents who fail to notfy the school by Friday, 9th May that their children are leaving ISM
will forfeit US$1,000 from each Facilites Upgrade Deposit.

We appreciate your assistance with this procedure as we have many anxious families awaitng word regard-
ing spaces for their children for school year 2014-2015.

Stephanie H. Hagedorn
Director of Admissions & Advancement

st b

, 2
Re-enrollment: SY14-15 Returning Students Medical Update

Dear Parents:

As you may know, for a number of years we have had required medical check-ups for students at diferent stages
in their school lives: G1; G5; G9. In recogniton of the increasing concern about heart health, especially in conjunc-
ton with physical exercise in a tropical climate, we shall be introducing a mandatory Electro-Cardiogram (ECG)
test for older students.

Sudden Cardiac Death in Adolescents, especially during sportng actvity, is a recognized syndrome and well over
100 children a year die of this in the USA. Medical advice is that it makes sense to test only students who are 12
years old and beyond. In light of this, we shall now have two thresholds for medical examinatons instead of the
present three. These will be in Grade 1 and Grade 6. At Grade 1, there will be a physical examinaton performed
by a duly accredited doctor as is the case at present. At Grade 6, there will be a similar physical examinaton but
with the added component of an ECG. All new students between G1 and G5 will have a physical examinaton; all
new students from G6 onward will have a physical examinaton and the ECG.

In order to "grandfather out" our present cohort of students, please note:
Incoming G6 students will have an ECG, but will not need a physical examinaton, since this was done when
they entered G5
Incoming G9 students will have the full medical examinaton and an ECG.
Incoming G7 and G8 will have the full medical examinaton and an ECG when they enter G9.
We shall contnue to encourage very strongly all athletes partcipatng in Varsity sports to take an ECG.

Over the course of the next years, this will mean that all ISM students from G6 onwards will have had a basic heart
check-up. The ECG is not defnitve, and there is a more sophistcated check that the doctor will recommend if any-
thing in the ECG causes concern. The test itself is very reasonably priced and is readily available at St Lukes and
Makat Medical Center as well as other hospitals.

Please take a moment to review our re-enrollment tme-line and procedures for all students returning for school
year 2014-2015: RE-ENROLLMENT

I do understand that adding this requirement of an ECG may be seen as an additonal chore for parents and stu-
dents at the tme of re-enrollment, but if such a test saves even one life then it will be well worth the extra efort.

David Toze


4th season practces contnue this week for
HS Boys and Girls Volleyball, HS Boys and
Girls Soccer and HS Girls Basketball. If you
are interested in trying out for one of these
teams next school year, come along and join
in. Grade 8s you are very welcome and en-
couraged to join these practces if you are
planning on trying out for teams next school
year. Please come along and meet the
coaches. If you have ques-
tons talk to the following
coaches for informaton
Boys and Girls Volleyball-
Coach Atkinson and Coach
Child, Boys Soccer- Coach
Ayling and Coach MacInnes,
Girls Soccer Coach Dodd
and Girls Basketball Coach

This coming Saturday May
10 is the annual Goodwill
Gymnastcs meet; with 250
gymnasts entered this year
it is going to be a great
event. Meet starts
at 8am and runs untl 5pm.
Come along and support
our ISM Gymnastcs team in

May 10 is also set for our
TaeKwondo team to com-
pete at the annual Interna-
tonal Schools tournament.
This year it will be held at
Everest Academy close to
ISM. Good luck to all our
team members.

May 17 ISM will host our
annual Judo tournament at the MS gym, this
will be our fnal event of the year and is al-
ways a day full of acton and Judo compet-
tors from all over the Philippines come to-
gether to test their skills.

Mark Pekin
Director of Athletcs/ Actvites

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