The document outlines the competency standards for Caregiving NC II. It details the basic, common and core competencies required including providing care to infants/toddlers, children, elderly, people with special needs and maintaining a healthy environment. It describes the training standards and assessment arrangements for certification in this qualification.
The document outlines the competency standards for Caregiving NC II. It details the basic, common and core competencies required including providing care to infants/toddlers, children, elderly, people with special needs and maintaining a healthy environment. It describes the training standards and assessment arrangements for certification in this qualification.
The document outlines the competency standards for Caregiving NC II. It details the basic, common and core competencies required including providing care to infants/toddlers, children, elderly, people with special needs and maintaining a healthy environment. It describes the training standards and assessment arrangements for certification in this qualification.
The document outlines the competency standards for Caregiving NC II. It details the basic, common and core competencies required including providing care to infants/toddlers, children, elderly, people with special needs and maintaining a healthy environment. It describes the training standards and assessment arrangements for certification in this qualification.
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DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SECTOR Technical Education and Skills Development Authority East Service Road, South Superhighway, Taguig, Metro Manila Technical Education and Skills Development Act of 1994 (Republic Act No. 9!" Section 22, Estabis!"ent an# A#"inist$ation o% t!e Nationa T$a#e S&is Stan#a$#s' o% t!e RA (()* &no+n as t!e TESDA Act "an#ates TESDA to estabis! nationa occ,-ationa s&i stan#a$#s. T!e A,t!o$it/ s!a #e0eo- an# i"-e"ent a ce$ti%ication an# acc$e#itation -$o1$a" in +!ic! -$i0ate in#,st$/ 1$o,- an# t$a#e associations a$e acc$e#ite# to con#,ct a--$o0e# t$a#e tests, an# t!e oca 1o0e$n"ent ,nits to -$o"ote s,c! t$a#e testin1 acti0ities in t!ei$ $es-ecti0e a$eas in acco$#ance +it! t!e 1,i#eines to be set b/ t!e A,t!o$it/. The Training Regulations (TR) serve as basis for the: 1. Competency assessment and certification; 2. Registration and delivery of training programs; and . !evelopment of curriculum and assessment instruments. "ach TR has four sections: #ection 1 !efinition of $ualification % refers to the group of competencies that describes the different functions of the &ualification. #ection 2 Competency #tandards % gives the specifications of competencies re&uired for effective 'or( performance. #ection Training #tandards % contains information and re&uirements in designing training program for certain $ualification. )t includes curriculum design* training delivery; trainee entry re&uirements; tools and re&uirements; tools and e&uipment; training facilities and trainer+s &ualification. #ection , -ational .ssessment and Certification .rrangement % describes the policies governing assessment and certification procedure T./0" 12 C1-T"-T# HEALTH, SOCIAL, AND OTHER COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SECTOR CAREGIVING NC II 3age -o. SECTION 2 CAREGIVING NC II 3UALI4ICATION 2
SECTION 7 TRAINING STANDARDS 7.2 C,$$ic,," Desi1n 5asic Co"-etencies (8 Co""on Co"-etencies (: Co$e Co"-etencies (*6(; 7.2 T$ainin1 Dei0e$/ () 7.7 T$ainee Ent$/ Re<,i$e"ents ;9 7.8 List o% Toos, E<,i-"ent an# Mate$ias ;96;2 7.: T$ainin1 4aciities ;2 7.* T$aine$s= 3,ai%ications ;7 7.( Instit,tiona Assess"ent ;7 SECTION 8 NATIONAL ASSESSMENT AND CERTI4ICATION ARRANGEMENTS ;8 AC>NO?LEDGEMENT TRAINING REGULATIONS 4OR CAREGIVING NC II SECTION 2 CAREGIVING NC II 3UALI4ICATION The CAREGIVING NC II $ualification consists of competencies that a person must achieve to provide care and support to infants4toddlers* provide care and support to children* foster social* intellectual* creative and emotional development of children* foster the physical development of children* provide care and support to elderly* provide care and support to people 'ith special needs* maintain healthy and safe environment* respond to emergency* clean living room* dining room* bedrooms* toilet and bathroom* 'ash and iron clothes* linen* fabric* prepare hot and cold meals. The 5nits of Competency comprising this $ualification include the follo'ing: UNIT CODE 5ASIC COMPETENCIES 67711176 3articipate in 'or(place communication 67711178 9or( in a team environment 6771117: 3ractice career professionalism 6771117; 3ractice occupational health and safety procedures UNIT CODE COMMON COMPETENCIES <C#2271 )mplement and monitor infection control policies and procedures <C#2272 Respond effectively to difficult4challenging behavior <C#227 .pply basic first aid <C#227, =aintain high standard of patient services UNIT CODE CORE COMPETENCIES <C#271 3rovide care and support to infants4toddlers <C#272 3rovide care and support to children <C#27 2oster social* intellectual* creative and emotional development of children <C#27, 2oster the physical development of children <C#276 3rovide care and support to elderly <C#278 3rovide care and support to people 'ith special needs <C#27: =aintain healthy and safe environment <C#27; Respond to emergency <C#27> Clean living room* dining room* bedrooms* toilet and bathroom <C#217 9ash and iron clothes* linen and fabric <C#211 3repare hot and cold meals . person 'ho has achieved this $ualification is competent to be a: Ca$e1i0e$ o% an in%ant @ to##e$ Ca$e1i0e$ o% a c!i# Ca$e1i0e$ o% an e#e$/ Ca$e1i0e$ o% -eo-e +it! s-ecia nee#s TR Caregiving -C )) %1% SECTION 2 COMPETENCY STANDARDS This section gives the details of the contents of the basic* common and core units of competency re&uired in CAREGIVING NC II. 5ASIC COMPETENCIES 5-)T 12 C1=3"T"-C? : PARTICIPATE IN ?OR>PLACE COMMUNICATION 5-)T C1!" : :9972229: 5-)T !"#CR)3T1R : This unit covers the (no'ledge* s(ills and attitudes re&uired to gather* interpret and convey information in response to 'or(place re&uirements. ELEMENT PER4ORMANCE CRITERIA Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of @ariables 1. 1btain and convey 'or(place information 1.1 #pecific and relevant information is accessed from appropriate sources 1.2 "ffective &uestioning* active listening and spea(ing s(ills are used to gather and convey information 1. .ppropriate medium is used to transfer information and ideas 1., .ppropriate non%verbal communication is used 1.6 .ppropriate lines of communication 'ith supervisors and colleagues are identified and follo'ed 1.8 !efined 'or(place procedures for the location and storage of information are used 1.: 3ersonal interaction is carried out clearly and concisely 2. 3articipate in 'or(place meetings and discussions 2.1 Team meetings are attended on time 2.2 1'n opinions are clearly eApressed and those of others are listened to 'ithout interruption 2. =eeting inputs are consistent 'ith the meeting purpose and established protocols 2., Workplace interactions are conducted in a courteous manner 2.6 $uestions about simple routine 'or(place procedures and matters concerning 'or(ing conditions of employment are tas(ed and responded to 2.8 =eetings outcomes are interpreted and implemented . Complete relevant 'or( related documents .1 Range of forms relating to conditions of employment are completed accurately and legibly .2 9or(place data are recorded on standard 'or(place forms and documents . /asic mathematical processes are used for routine calculations ., "rrors in recording information on forms4 documents are identified and properly acted upon .6 Reporting re&uirements to supervisor are completed according to organiBational guidelines RANGE O4 VARIA5LES TR Caregiving -C )) %2% VARIA5LE RANGE 1. .ppropriate sources 1.1 Team members 1.2 #uppliers 1. Trade personnel 1., 0ocal government 1.6 )ndustry bodies 2. =edium 2.1 =emorandum 2.2 Circular 2. -otice 2., )nformation discussion 2.6 2ollo'%up or verbal instructions 2.8 2ace%to%face communication . #torage .1 =anual filing system .2 Computer%based filing system ,. 2orms ,.1 3ersonnel forms* telephone message forms* safety reports 6. 9or(place interactions 6.1 2ace%to%face interactions 6.2 Telephone conversations 6. "lectronic and t'o%'ay radio communication 6., 9ritten communication including electronic mail* memos* instruction and forms 6.6 -on%verbal communication including gestures* signals* signs and diagrams 8. 3rotocols 8.1 1bserving meeting 8.2 Compliance 'ith meeting decisions 8. 1beying meeting instructions TR Caregiving -C )) %% EVIDENCE GUIDE 1. Critical aspects of competency .ssessment re&uires evidence that the candidate: 1.1 3repared 'ritten communication follo'ing standard format of the organiBation 1.2 .ccessed information using communication e&uipment 1. =ade use of relevant terms as an aid to transfer information effectively 1., Conveyed information effectively adopting the formal or informal communication 2. 5nderpinning (no'ledge and attitudes 2.1 "ffective communication 2.2 !ifferent modes of communication 2. 9ritten communication 2., 1rganiBational policies 2.6 Communication procedures and systems 2.8 Technology relevant to the enterprise and the individual+s 'or( responsibilities . 5nderpinning s(ills .1 2ollo' simple spo(en language .2 3erform routine 'or(place duties follo'ing simple 'ritten notices . 3articipate in 'or(place meetings and discussions ., Complete 'or( related documents .6 "stimate* calculate and record routine 'or(place measures .8 /asic mathematical processes of addition* subtraction* division and multiplication .: .bility to relate to people of social range in the 'or(place .; Cather and provide information in response to 'or(place Re&uirements ,. Resource implications The follo'ing resources MUST be provided: ,.1 2aA machine ,.2 Telephone ,. 9riting materials ,., )nternet 6. =ethod of assessment Competency MUST be assessed through: 6.1 !irect 1bservation 6.2 1ral intervie' and 'ritten test 8. ConteAt of assessment 8.1Competency may be assessed individually in the actual 'or(place or through accredited institution TR Caregiving -C )) %,% 5-)T 12 C1=3"T"-C? : ?OR> IN TEAM ENVIRONMENT 5-)T C1!" : :9972229* 5-)T !"#CR)3T1R : This unit covers the s(ills* (no'ledge and attitudes to identify role and responsibility as a member of a team. ELEMENT PER4ORMANCE CRITERIA Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of @ariables 1. !escribe team role and scope 1.1 The role and objective of the team is identified from available sources of information 1.2 Team parameters* reporting relationships and responsibilities are identified from team discussions and appropriate eAternal sources 2. )dentify o'n role and responsibility 'ithin team 2.1 )ndividual role and responsibilities 'ithin the team environment are identified 2.2 Roles and responsibility of other team members are identified and recogniBed 2. Reporting relationships 'ithin team and eAternal to team are identified . 9or( as a team member .1 "ffective and appropriate forms of communications used and interactions underta(en 'ith team members 'ho contribute to (no'n team activities and obDectives .2 "ffective and appropriate contributions made to complement team activities and obDectives* based on individual s(ills and competencies and workplace context . 1bserved protocols in reporting using standard operating procedures ., Contribute to the development of team 'or( plans based on an understanding of team+s role and obDectives and individual competencies of the members. TR Caregiving -C )) %6% RANGE O4 VARIA5LES VARIA5LE RANGE 1. Role and obDective of team 1.1 9or( activities in a team environment 'ith enterprise or specific sector 1.2 0imited discretion* initiative and Dudgment may be demonstrated on the Dob* either individually or in a team environment 2. #ources of information 2.1 #tandard operating and4or other 'or(place procedures 2.2 Eob procedures 2. =achine4e&uipment manufacturer+s specifications and instructions 2., 1rganiBational or eAternal personnel 2.6 Client4supplier instructions 2.8 $uality standards 2.: 1<# and environmental standards . 9or(place conteAt .1 9or( procedures and practices .2 Conditions of 'or( environments . 0egislation and industrial agreements ., #tandard 'or( practice including the storage* safe handling and disposal of chemicals .6 #afety* environmental* house(eeping and &uality guidelines TR Caregiving -C )) %8% EVIDENCE GUIDE 1. Critical aspects of competency .ssessment re&uires evidence that the candidate: 1.1 1perated in a team to complete 'or(place activity 1.2 9or(ed effectively 'ith others 1. Conveyed information in 'ritten or oral form 1., #elected and used appropriate 'or(place language 1.6 2ollo'ed designated 'or( plan for the Dob 1.8 Reported outcomes 2. 5nderpinning (no'ledge and attitudes 2.1 Communication process 2.2 Team structure 2. Team roles 2., Croup planning and decision ma(ing . 5nderpinning s(ills .1 Communicate appropriately* consistent 'ith the culture of the 'or(place ,. Resource implications The follo'ing resources MUST be provided: ,.1 .ccess to relevant 'or(place or appropriately simulated environment 'here assessment can ta(e place ,.2 =aterials relevant to the proposed activity or tas(s 6. =ethod of assessment Competency may be assessed through: 6.1 1bservation of the individual member in relation to the 'or( activities of the group 6.2 1bservation of simulation and or role play involving the participation of individual member to the attainment of organiBational goal 6.. Case studies and scenarios as a basis for discussion of issues and strategies in team'or( 8. ConteAt of assessment 8.1 Competency may be assessed in 'or(place or in a simulated 'or(place setting 8.2 .ssessment shall be observed 'hile tas( are being underta(en 'hether individually or in group TR Caregiving -C )) %:% 5-)T 12 C1=3"T"-C? : PRACTICE CAREER PRO4ESSIONALISM 5-)T C1!" : :9972229( 5-)T !"#CR)3T1R : This unit covers the (no'ledge* s(ills and attitudes in promoting career gro'th and advancement. ELEMENT PER4ORMANCE CRITERIA Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of @ariables 1. )ntegrate personal obDectives 'ith organiBational goals 1.1 3ersonal gro'th and 'or( plans are pursued to'ards improving the &ualifications set for the profession 1.2 )ntra and interpersonal relationships are maintained in the course of managing oneself based on performance evaluation 1. Commitment to the organiBation and its goal is demonstrated in the performance of duties 2. #et and meet 'or( priorities 2.1 Competing demands are prioritiBed to achieve personal* team and organiBational goals and obDectives. 2.2 Resources are utiliBed efficiently and effectively to manage 'or( priorities and commitments 2. 3ractices along economic use and maintenance of e&uipment and facilities are follo'ed as per established procedures . =aintain professional gro'th and development .1 Trainings and career opportunities are identified and availed of based on Dob re&uirements .2 Recognitions are sought4received and demonstrated as proof of career advancement . Licenses and/or certifications relevant to Dob and career are obtained and rene'ed TR Caregiving -C )) %;% RANGE O4 VARIA5LES VARIA5LE RANGE 1. "valuation 1.1 3erformance .ppraisal 1.2 3sychological 3rofile 1. .ptitude Tests 2. Resources 2.1 <uman 2.2 2inancial 2. Technology 2..1 <ard'are 2..2 #oft'are . Trainings and career opportunities .1 3articipation in training programs .1.1 Technical .1.2 #upervisory .1. =anagerial .1., Continuing "ducation .2 #erving as Resource 3ersons in conferences and 'or(shops ,. Recognitions ,.1 Recommendations ,.2 Citations ,. Certificate of .ppreciations ,., Commendations ,.6 .'ards ,.8 Tangible and )ntangible Re'ards 6. 0icenses and4or certifications 6.1 -ational Certificates 6.2 Certificate of Competency 6. #upport 0evel 0icenses 6., 3rofessional 0icenses TR Caregiving -C )) %>% EVIDENCE GUIDE
1. Critical aspects of competency .ssessment re&uires evidence that the candidate: 1.1 .ttained Dob targets 'ithin (ey result areas (FR.s) 1.2 =aintained intra and interpersonal relationship in the course of managing oneself based on performance evaluation 1. Completed trainings and career opportunities 'hich are based on the re&uirements of the industries 1., .c&uired and maintained licenses and4or certifications according to the re&uirement of the &ualification 2. 5nderpinning (no'ledge and attitudes 2.1 9or( values and ethics (Code of Conduct* Code of "thics* etc.) 2.2 Company policies 2. Company operations* procedures and standards 2., 2undamental rights at 'or( including gender sensitivity 2.6 3ersonal hygiene practices . 5nderpinning s(ills .1 .ppropriate practice of personal hygiene .2 )ntra and )nterpersonal s(ills . Communication s(ills ,. Resource implications The follo'ing resources MUST be provided: ,.1 9or(place or assessment location ,.2 Case studies4scenarios 6. =ethod of assessment Competency may be assessed through: 6.1 3ortfolio .ssessment 6.2 )ntervie' 6. #imulation4Role%plays 6., 1bservation 6.6 Third 3arty Reports 6.8 "Aams and Tests 8. ConteAt of assessment 8.1 Competency may be assessed in the 'or( place or in a simulated 'or( place setting TR Caregiving -C )) %17% 5-)T 12 C1=3"T"-C? : PRACTICE OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SA4ETY PROCEDURES 5-)T C1!" : :9972229; 5-)T !"#CR)3T1R : This unit covers the outcomes re&uired to comply 'ith regulatory and organiBational re&uirements for occupational health and safety. ELEMENT PER4ORMANCE CRITERIA Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of @ariables 1. )dentify haBards and ris(s 1.1 afet! regulations and 'or(place safety and haBard control practices and procedures are clarified and eAplained based on organiBation procedures 1.2 "azards/risks in the 'or(place and their corresponding indicators are identified to minimiBe or eliminate ris( to co% 'or(ers* 'or(place and environment in accordance 'ith organiBation procedures 1. #ontingenc! measures during 'or(place accidents* fire and other emergencies are recogniBed and established in accordance 'ith organiBation procedure 2. "valuate haBards and ris(s 2.1Terms of maAimum tolerable limits 'hich 'hen eAceeded 'ill result in harm or damage are identified based on threshold limit values (T0@) 2.2"ffects of the haBards are determined 2. 1<# issues and4or concerns and identified safety haBards are reported to designated personnel in accordance 'ith 'or(place re&uirements and relevant 'or(place 1<# legislation . Control haBards and ris(s .11ccupational <ealth and #afety (1<#) procedures for controlling haBards4ris(s in 'or(place are consistently follo'ed .23rocedures for dealing 'ith 'or(place accidents* fire and emergencies are follo'ed in accordance 'ith organiBation 1<# policies .$ersonal protective e%uipment &$$'( is correctly used in accordance 'ith organiBation 1<# procedures and practices .,.ppropriate assistance is provided in the event of a 'or(place emergency in accordance 'ith established organiBation protocol ,. =aintain 1<# a'areness ,.1'mergenc!)related drills and trainings are participated in as per established organiBation guidelines and procedures ,.2*" personal records are completed and updated in accordance 'ith 'or(place re&uirements TR Caregiving -C )) %11% RANGE O4 VARIA5LES VARIA5LE RANGE 1. #afety regulations =ay include but are not limited to: 1.1 Clean .ir .ct 1.2 /uilding code 1. -ational "lectrical and 2ire #afety Codes 1., 9aste management statutes and rules 1.6 3hilippine 1ccupational #afety and <ealth #tandards 1.8 !10" regulations on safety legal re&uirements 1.: "CC regulations 2. <aBards4Ris(s =ay include but are not limited to: 2.1 3hysical haBards G impact* illumination* pressure* noise* vibration* temperature* radiation 2.2 /iological haBards% bacteria* viruses* plants* parasites* mites* molds* fungi* insects 2. Chemical haBards G dusts* fibers* mists* fumes* smo(e* gases* vapors 2., "rgonomics 3sychological factors G over eAertion4 eAcessive force* a'('ard4static positions* fatigue* direct pressure* varying metabolic cycles 3hysiological factors G monotony* personal relationship* 'or( out cycle . Contingency measures =ay include but are not limited to: .1 "vacuation .2 )solation . !econtamination ., (Calling designed) emergency personnel ,. 33" =ay include but are not limited to: ,.1 =as( ,.2 Cloves ,. Coggles ,., <air -et4cap4bonnet ,.6 2ace mas(4shield ,.8 "ar muffs ,.: .pron4Co'n4coverall4Dump suit ,.; .nti%static suits 6. "mergency%related drills and training 6.1 2ire drill 6.2 "arth&ua(e drill 6. /asic life support4C3R 6., 2irst aid 6.6 #pillage control 6.8 !econtamination of chemical and toAic 6.: !isaster preparedness4management 8. 1<# personal records 8.1=edical4<ealth records 8.2)ncident reports 8..ccident reports 8.,1<#%related training completed
TR Caregiving -C )) %12% EVIDENCE GUIDE 1. Critical aspects of competency .ssessment re&uires evidence that the candidate: 1.1 "Aplained clearly established 'or(place safety and haBard control practices and procedures 1.2 )dentified haBards4ris(s in the 'or(place and its corresponding indicators in accordance 'ith company procedures 1. RecogniBed contingency measures during 'or(place accidents* fire and other emergencies 1., )dentified terms of maAimum tolerable limits based on threshold limit value (T0@). 1.6 2ollo'ed 1ccupational <ealth and #afety (1<#) procedures for controlling haBards4ris(s in 'or(place 1.8 5sed 3ersonal 3rotective "&uipment (33") in accordance 'ith company 1<# procedures and practices 1.: Completed and updated 1<# personal records in accordance 'ith 'or(place re&uirements 2. 5nderpinning (no'ledge and attitudes 2.1 1<# procedures and practices and regulations 2.2 33" types and uses 2. 3ersonal hygiene practices 2., <aBards4ris(s identification and control 2.6 Threshold 0imit @alue (T0@) 2.8 1<# indicators 2.: 1rganiBation safety and health protocol 2.; #afety consciousness 2.> <ealth consciousness . 5nderpinning s(ills .13ractice of personal hygiene .2 <aBards4ris(s identification and control s(ills . )nterpersonal s(ills ., Communication s(ills ,. Resource implications The follo'ing resources MUST be provided: ,.1 9or(place or assessment location ,.2 1<# personal records ,. 33" ,., <ealth records 6. =ethod of assessment Competency may be assessed through: 6.13ortfolio .ssessment 6.2)ntervie' 6. Case #tudy4#ituation 8. ConteAt of assessment 8.1Competency may be assessed in the 'or( place or in a simulated 'or( place setting TR Caregiving -C )) %1% COMMON COMPETENCIES 5-)T 12 C1=3"T"-C? : IMPLEMENT AND MONITOR IN4ECTION CONTROL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES 5-)T C1!" : HCS727292 5-)T !"#CR)3T1R : This unit is concerned 'ith infection control responsibilities of employees 'ith supervisory accountability to implement and monitor infection control policy and procedures in a specific 'or( unit or team 'ithin an organiBation. This unit does not apply to a role 'ith organiBation%'ide responsibilities for infection control policy and procedure development* implementation or monitoring. ELEMENT PER4ORMANCE CRITERIA Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of @ariables 1. 3rovide information to the 'or( group about the organiBation+s infection control policies and procedures 2.2 Relevant information about the organiBation+s infection control policy and procedures* and applicable industr! codes of practice are accurately and clearly eAplained to the 'or( group. 1.2 )nformation about identified hazards and the outcomes of infection risk assessments is regularly provided to the 'or( group. 1. 1pportunity is provided for the 'or( group to see( further information on 'or(place infection control issues and practices. 2. )ntegrate the organiBation+s infection control policy and procedure into 'or( practices 2.2 Infection control polic! and procedures are implemented by supervisor and members of the 'or( group. 2.2 0iaison is maintained 'ith person responsible for organiBation% 'ide infection control. 2. The #upervisor+s coaching support ensures that individuals4teams are able to implement infection control practices. 2., 9or( procedures are adopted to reflect appropriate infection control practice. 2.6 )ssues raised through consultation are dealt 'ith and resolved promptly or referred to the appropriate personnel for resolution. 2.8 9or(place procedures for dealing 'ith infection control ris(s and haBardous events are implemented 'henever necessary. 2.: "mployees are encouraged to report infection ris(s and to improve infection control procedures. TR Caregiving -C )) %1,% ELEMENT PER4ORMANCE CRITERIA Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of @ariables . =onitor infection control performance and implement improvements in practices .1 )nfection control haBardous events are investigated promptly to identify their cause in accordance 'ith organiBation policy and procedures. .29or( procedures to control infection ris(s are monitored to ensure compliance. . 9or( procedures are regularly revie'ed and adDusted to ensure improvements in infection control practice. .,#upervisor provides feedbac( to team and individuals on compliance issues* changes in 'or( procedures and infection control outcomes. .6Training in 'or( procedures is provided as re&uired to ensure maintenance of infection control standards. .8)nade&uacies in 'or( procedures and infection control measures are identified* corrected or reported to designated personnel. .:Records of infection control ris(s and incidents are accurately maintained as re&uired. .;+ggregate infection control information reports are used to identify haBards* to monitor an improve ris( control methods and to indicate training needs. TR Caregiving -C )) %16% RANGE O4 VARIA5LES VARIA5LE RANGE 1. )nfection Control 3olicies and 3rocedures This may include but not limited to: 1.1 Cleaning procedures and schedules 1.2 Cleaning agents 1. Cleaning e&uipment 1., <andling* storage and disposal of all types of 'aste 1.6 2ood handling and food safety 1.8 <ygiene procedures 1.: )nfection control ris( management 1.; )nfection control incident and haBard reporting 1.> #teriliBing 1.17 0inen production and handling 1.11 =aintenance procedures 1.12 #torage re&uirements 1.1 3ersonal protective clothing 1.1, 9or( flo's 1.16 =anagement of blood and body fluid spills 1.18 #ingle use of disposables 1.1: .septic techni&ues 1.1; #(in preparation procedures 1.1> )mmuniBation 1.27 -eedle stic( inDuries 1.21 3ersonal contact 'ith infectious patients 1.22 #tandard and additional precautions 1.2 Confidentiality 1.2, "mployee training 1.26 Contractors 2. )ndustry Codes of 3ractice 2.1 -ational <ealth and =edical Research Council Cuidelines for )nfection Control 2.2 0ocal and -ational Covernment Cuidelines and #tandards 2. =anufacturer+s recommendations and operating manuals . )dentified haBards and the outcomes of infection ris( assessments =ay include but not limited to: .1 #harps .2 Class . 9aste ., <uman 'aste and human tissues .6 3ersonal contact 'ith infectious patients .8 .nimals* insects and vermin .: #toc(* including food* 'hich has passed Hused%byI dates .; )ncorrect concentration of disinfectants and chemicals .> Cleaning 3rocedures .17 0inen handling procedures .11 9or( flo's .12 5se of personal protective clothing .1 2ood safety .1, 3ersonal hygiene TR Caregiving -C )) %1% VARIA5LE RANGE ,. )nfection Control =onitoring 3rocedures ,.1 1bservations ,.2 )ntervie's ,. #urveys and inspections ,., $uality assurance activities ,.6 Revie' of outcomes ,.8 !ata analysis 6. !esignated personnel 6.1 =anager 6.2 )nfection Control Coordinator 6. $uality )mprovement Coordinator 6., )nfection Control Committee 6.6 1ccupational <ealth and #afety Committee 8. .ggregate infection control information 8.1 Records of needle stic( inDuries 8.2 <ospital%ac&uired infection rates 8. !1< healthcare standards clinical indicators 8., <.CC3 records 8.6 <aBard reports TR Caregiving -C )) %2% EVIDENCE GUIDE 1. Critical aspects of competency .ssessment re&uires evidence that the candidate: 1.1 Communicated 'ith team and individuals on organiBational policy and procedures for infection control. 1.2 .pplied infection control policies ad procedures 'hich impact on 'or( processes of the specific 'or( unit. 1. .pplied procedures for adopting appropriate infection practices 'ithin 'or( unit. 1., 3rovided appropriate supervision of 'or( group 2. 5nderpinning (no'ledge and attitudes 2.1 9or(ing (no'ledge* consistent 'ith the elements of competence of the organiBation+s applicable infection control policy and procedures and relevant industry codes of practice. 2.2 The hierarchy ris( control measures from most to least preferred* that is* elimination* engineering controls* administrative control and lastly personal e&uipment. 2. Fno'ledge of infection ris(s and control measures in specific 'or( processes. 2., The significance of patient confidentiality in relation to infection control. 2.6 The significance of other management systems and procedures for infection control. 2.8 0iteracy levels and communication s(ills of 'or( group members and conse&uent suitable communication techni&ues. 2.: 1rganiBational procedures for monitoring and training. 2.; /asic understanding of communicable disease transmission. . 5nderpinning s(ills .1 "ffective communication and interpersonal s(ills including: - language competence - literacy and reading competence .2 -egotiation . 9or( planning and management ., =anagement of change of 'or( processes .6 =onitoring compliance 'ith policy and procedures .8 =aintain and interpret infection control records ,. Resource implications The follo'ing resources MUST be provided: ,.1 9or(place infection control and health and safety policies and procedures ,.2 9aste management procedures ,. 2ood safety procedures ,., 1ther organiBational policies and procedures ,.6 !uties statements and4or Dob descriptions 6. =ethod of assessment Competency may be assessed through: 6.1 1bservation 6.2 )ntervie' 6. 3ortfolio 6., !emonstration 'ith &uestioning 8. ConteAt of assessment 8.1 .ssessment may be done in the 'or(place or in a simulated 'or(place setting. TR Caregiving -C )) %1% 5-)T 12 C1=3"T"-C? : RESPOND E44ECTIVELY TO DI44ICULT@CHALLENGING 5EHAVIOR 5-)T C1!" : HCS727292 5-)T !"#CR)3T1R : This unit covers the (no'ledge* s(ills and attitudes to effectively respond to difficult or challenging behavior of patient. ELEMENT PER4ORMANCE CRITERIA Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of @ariables 1. 3lan responses 2.2Responses are planned to instances of difficult or challenging behavior to maAimiBe the availability of other appropriate staff and resources. 2.2#pecific manifestations of difficult or challenging behavior are identified and strategies appropriate to these behaviors are planned as re&uired. 1. #afety of self and others is given priority in responding to difficult or challenging behavior according to institutional policies and procedures. 2. .pply response 2.1!ifficult or challenging behavior is dealt 'ith promptly* firmly and diplomatically in accordance 'ith institutional polic! and procedures. 2.2Communication is used effectively to achieve the desired outcomes in responding to difficult or challenging behavior. 2.+ppropriate strategies are selected to suit particular instances of difficult or challenging behavior. . Report and revie' incidents .1 )ncidents are reported according to institutional polices and procedures. .2 )ncidents are revie'ed 'ith appropriate staff and suggestions appropriate to area of responsibility are made. . !ebriefing mechanisms and other activities are used and participated in. ., .dvice and assistance is sought from legitimate sources 'hen appropriate. TR Caregiving -C )) %2% RANGE O4 VARIA5LES VARIA5LE RANGE 1. 3lanned responses 1.1 1'n ability and eAperience 1.2 "stablished institutional procedures 1. Fno'ledge of individual persons and underlying causes 2. !ifficult or challenging behaviors 2.1 .ggression4.ssaultive behavior 2.2 Confusion or other cognitive impairment 2. -oisiness 2., =anipulative 2.6 9andering 2.8 #elf%destructive 2.: )ntoAication 2.; 9ithdra'n4depressed 2.> -egativistic 2.17 )ntrusive behavior 2.11 @erbal offensiveness . #trategies for dealing 'ith challenging behaviors .1 !iversional activities .2 Referring to appropriate personnel e.g. supervisor* security officer . 2ollo'ing established emergency response procedures ,. #election of strategies for dealing 'ith challenging behaviors ,.1 The nature of the incident ,.2 3otential effect on different parties* patient* staff and others ,. "stablished procedures and guidelines 6. )nstitutional policies and procedures 6.1 )ncident reporting and documentation 6.2 1perational guidelines for handling incidents and4or cases involving difficult and challenging behavior 6. !ebriefing of staff involved in the incident TR Caregiving -C )) %% EVIDENCE GUIDE 1. Critical aspects of competency .ssessment re&uires evidence that the candidate: 1.1)dentified specific manifestations of difficult or challenging behavior and strategies are planned* selected and applied as re&uired. 1.2=aintained personal safety and the safety of others. 1.Reported incidents* revie'ed and responded &uic(ly and effectively to contingencies. 1.,!ebriefing mechanisms are used. 2. 5nderpinning (no'ledge and attitudes 2.11#< and issues relating to difficult and challenging behavior 2.23atient issues 'hich need to be referred to an appropriate health professional 2..bility to interpret and follo' the instructions and guidance of health professionals involved 'ith the care of patient4client . 5nderpinning s(ills .1 "ffectively using techni&ues for monitoring o'n service area including client satisfaction .2 #pea(ing in affirm* diplomatic and culturally appropriate manner . Remaining calm and positive in adversity ., Thin(ing and responding &uic(ly and strategically .6 Remaining alert to potential incidents of difficult or challenging behavior .8 =onitoring and4or maintaining security e&uipment .: .bility to 'or( 'ith others and display empathy 'ith patient and relatives ,. Resource implications The follo'ing resources MUST be provided: ,.1.ccess to relevant 'or(place or appropriately simulated environment 'here assessment can ta(e place ,.2Relevant institutional policy* guidelines* procedures and protocols ,."mergency response procedures and employee support arrangements 6. =ethod of assessment Competency MUST be assessed through: 6.1 1bservation 'ith &uestioning 6.2 !emonstration 'ith &uestioning 8. ConteAt of assessment 8.1 .ssessment may be done in the 'or(place or in a simulated 'or(place setting. TR Caregiving -C )) %,% 5-)T 12 C1=3"T"-C? : APPLY 5ASIC 4IRST AID 5-)T C1!" : HCS727297 5-)T !"#CR)3T1R : This unit covers the (no'ledge* s(ills and attitudes re&uired to provide an initial response 'here 2irst .id is re&uired. )n this unit it is assumed that the 2irst .ider is 'or(ing under supervision and4or according to established 'or(place 2irst .id procedures and policies. ELEMENT PER4ORMANCE CRITERIA Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of @ariables 1. .ssess the situation 2.2 $h!sical hazards to self and casualty+s health and safety are identified. 1.2 )mmediate ris(s to self and casualty+s occupational health safety (1#<) are minimiBed by controlling the haBard in accordance 'ith 1#< re&uirements. 1. Casualty+s vital signs and physical condition are assessed in accordance 'ith 'or(place procedures. 2. .pply basic first aid techni&ues 2.1,irst +id management is provided in accordance 'ith established 2irst .id procedures. 2.2Casualty is reassured in a caring and calm manner and made comfortable using available resources. 2.2irst .id assistance is sought from others in a timely manner and as appropriate. 2.,#asualt!-s condition is monitored and responded to in accordance 'ith effective ,irst +id principles and 'or(place procedures. 2.6!etails of casualty+s physical condition* changes in conditions* management and response are accurately recorded in line 'ith organiBational procedures. 2.8Casualty management is finaliBed according to his4her needs and 2irst aid principles. . Communicate details of the incident .1 .ppropriate medical assistance is re&uested using relevant communication media and e&uipment. .2 !etails of casualty+s condition and management activities are accurately conveyed to emergency services4relieving personnel. . Reports to supervisors are prepared in a timely manner* presenting all relevant facts according to established company procedures. TR Caregiving -C )) %6% RANGE O4 VARIA5LES VARIA5LE RANGE 1. 2irst .id =anagement This may include but not limited to: 1.1 9or(place policies and procedures 1.2 )ndustry4site specific regulations* codes 1. 1#< 1., #tate and territory 'or(place health and safety re&uirements 1.6 .llergies the casualty may have 2. 3hysical <aBards This may include but not limited to: 2.1 9or(place haBards 2.2 "nvironmental haBards 2. 3roAimity of other people 2., <aBards associated 'ith casualty management processes . Ris(s =ay include but not limited to: .1 9or(site e&uipment* machinery and substances .2 "nvironmental ris(s . /odily fluids ., Ris( of further inDury to the casualty .6 Ris( associated 'ith the proAimity of the others and bystanders ,. Casualty+s Condition =ay include but not limited to: ,.1 .bdominal inDuries ,.2 .llergic reactions ,. /leeding ,., /urns%thermal* chemical* friction* electrical ,.6 Cardiac conditions ,.8 Chemical contamination ,.: Cod inDuries ,.; Crush inDuries ,.> !islocations ,.17 !ro'ning ,.11 "ye inDuries ,.12 2ractures ,.1 <ead inDuries ,.1, "pilepsy ,.16 =inor s(in inDuries ,.18 -ec( and spinal inDuries ,.1: -eedle stic( inDuries ,.1; 3oisoning and toAic substances ,.1> #hoc( ,.27 #mo(e inhalation 6. "&uipment and Resources 6.1 !efibrillation units 6.2 3ressure bandages 6. Thermometers 6., 2irst .id Fit 6.6 "ye'ash 6.8 Thermal /lan(ets 6.: 3oc(et 2ace =as(s 6.; Rubber Cloves 6.> !ressing TR Caregiving -C )) %1% VARIA5LE RANGE 6.17 #pace !evice 6.11 Cervical Collars 8. Communication #ystem 8.1 =obile phone 8.2 #atellite phones 8. <24@<2 radio 8., 2lags 8.6 2lares 8.8 T'o%'ay radio 8.: "mail 8.; "lectronic e&uipment :. @ital signs :.1 /reathing :.2 Circulation :. Consciousness ;. 2irst .id 3rinciples ;.1 Chec(ing the site for danger to self* casualty and others and minimiBing the danger ;.2 Chec(ing and maintaining the casualty+s air'ays* breathing and circulation TR Caregiving -C )) %1% EVIDENCE GUIDE 1. Critical aspects of competency .ssessment re&uires evidence that the candidate: 1.1 Complied 'ith institutional re&uirements* 1#< la's infections control and manual handling procedures and relevant health organiBations. 1.2 )dentified physical haBards of the casualty and minimiBed immediate ris(s. 1. .ssessed and monitored the physical condition of the casualty. 1., Responded to emergency using basic life support measures. 1.6 3rovided initial response 'here 2irst aid is re&uired. 1.8 !ealt 'ith compleA casualties or incident. 1.: 3repared reports to concerned personnel in a timely manner. 2. 5nderpinning (no'ledge and attitudes 2.1 /asic anatomy and physiology 2.2 Company standard operating procedures (#13s) 2. !ealing 'ith confidentiality 2., Fno'ledge of the 2irst .ider+s s(ills limitations 2.6 1#< legislation and regulations 2.8 <o' to gain access to and interpret material safety data sheets . 5nderpinning s(ills .1 Resuscitation .2 #afe manual handling of casualty . Consideration of the 'elfare of the casualty ., Report preparation .6 Communication s(ills .8 .bility to interpret and use listed documents ,. Resource implications The follo'ing resources MUST be provided: ,.1 .ccess to relevant 'or( station ,.2Relevant institutional policy* guidelines* procedures and protocols ,."&uipment and materials relevant to the proposed activities 6. =ethod of assessment Competency may be assessed through: 6.1 !emonstration 'ith &uestioning 6.2 )ntervie' 6. Third 3arty Report 6., 3ortfolio 8. ConteAt of assessment 8.1 .ssessment may be done in the 'or(place or in a simulated 'or(place setting. TR Caregiving -C )) %1% 5-)T 12 C1=3"T"-C? : MAINTAIN HIGH STANDARDS O4 PATIENT SERVICES 5-)T C1!" : HCS727298 5-)T !"#CR)3T1R : This unit covers the (no'ledge* s(ills and attitudes re&uired in the maintenance of high standards of patient services. ELEMENT PER4ORMANCE CRITERIA Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of @ariables 1. Communicate appropriately 'ith patients 2.2 "ffective communication strategies and techni&ues are identified and used to achieve best patient service outcomes. 1.2 Complaints are responded to in accordance 'ith organiBational policy to ensure best service to patients. 1. Complaints are dealt 'ith in accordance 'ith established procedures. 1., )nterpreter services are accessed as re&uired. 1.6 .ction is ta(en to resolve conflicts either directly* 'here a positive outcome can be immediately achieved* or by referral to the appropriate personnel. 1.8 3articipation in 'or( team is constructive and collaborative and demonstrates an understanding of o'n role. 2. "stablish and maintain good interpersonal relationship 'ith patients 2.1Rapport is established to ensure the service is appropriate to and in the best interests of patients. 2.2"ffective listening s(ills are used to ensure a high level of effective communication and &uality of service. 2. 3atient concerns and needs are correctly identified and responded to responsibility and accordingly established procedures and guidelines. 2., "ffectiveness of interpersonal interaction is consistently monitored and evaluated to ensure best patient service outcomes. . .ct in a respectful manner at all times .1 Respect for differences is positively* actively and consistently demonstrated in all 'or(. .2 #onfidentialit! and privacy of patients is maintained. . Courtesy is demonstrated in all interactions 'ith patients* visitors* carers and family. ., .ssistance 'ith the care of patients 'ith challenging behaviors is provided in accordance 'ith established procedures. .6 Techni&ues are used to manage and minimiBe aggression. TR Caregiving -C )) %1% ELEMENT PER4ORMANCE CRITERIA Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of @ariables ,. "valuate o'n 'or( to maintain a high standard of patient service 8.2.dvice and assistance is received or sought from appropriate sources on o'n performance. ,.2 1'n 'or( is adDusted* incorporating recommendations that address performance issues* to maintain the agreed standard of patient support. TR Caregiving -C )) %1% RANGE O4 VARIA5LES VARIA5LE RANGE 1. 3atients This may include but not limited to: 1.1 3atients 1.2 3rospective patients to the service4s 1. 3atient may be in contact 'ith the institution through appropriate health care personnel and professionals or other advocates or agencies 2. 1thers 'ith 'hom interaction is re&uired in regard to patient services 2.1 1ther staff and team members 2.2 #ervice units or departments 2. 2amily members* carers and friends of patients 2., 3rofessional representatives or agents of patients such as: - =edical specialists - -urses - #ocial 'or(ers - !ietitians - Therapists - .llied health professionals - @olunteers - Teachers and4or spiritual - Community 2.6 Ceneral 3ublic . Communication .1 "nglish4Tagalog4@ernacular .2 #ign language . Through an interpreter ., Community language as re&uired by the service4organiBation ,. =odes of communication ,.1 Continuing interaction 'ith patients and clients ,.2 @erbal conversations either in person or via telephone ,. 9ritten notes by post or electronic media ,., 9or(er* family member friend or professional interpreter 'ho has relevant languages 6. Respect for difference 6.1 3hysical 6.2 Cognitive4mental or intellectual issues that may impact on communication TR Caregiving -C )) %1% VARIA5LE RANGE 6. Cultural and ethnic 6., Religious4spiritual 6.6 #ocial 6.8 .ge 6.: 0anguage literacy and numeracy abilities 6.; #eAuality and seAual preference 8. Confidentiality and privacy of patients 8.1 2ees 8.2 <ealth fund entitlements 8. 9elfare entitlements 8., 3ayment methods and records 8.6 3ublic environments 8.8 0egal and ethical re&uirements 8.: 9riting details (i.e. medical and consent forms) 8.; Conversations on the telephone 8.> #ecure location for 'ritten records 8.17 1ffering a private location for discussions 8.11 )nformation disclosed to an appropriate person consistent 'ith one+s level of responsibility :. 3erformance monitoring :.1 #elf%monitoring :.2 #upervisor assessment :. 3atient feedbac( TR Caregiving -C )) %1% EVIDENCE GUIDE 1. Critical aspects of competency .ssessment re&uires evidence that the candidate: 1.1 Communicated appropriately 'ith patients 1.2 <andled complaints and resolved conflict* or referred matters to supervisors 'hen re&uired. 1. Complied 'ith relevant policies* protocols* guidelines and procedures of the organiBation. 1., "stablished and maintained good interpersonal relationship 'ith patients 1.6 !emonstrated courtesy in all interactions 'ith patients* their visitors and family. 2. 5nderpinning (no'ledge and attitudes 2.1 Roles and responsibilities of self and other 'or(ers 'ithin the organiBation 2.2 9hen client4patient issues need to be referred to an appropriate health professional 2. 1rganiBational policies and procedures for privacy and confidentiality of information provided by patients and others 2., Fno'ledge of cultures relevant to the particular service 2.6 )nstitutional policy on patient rights and responsibilities . 5nderpinning s(ills .1 "stablishing and maintaining relationships ta(ing into account individual differences .2 5sing effective listening techni&ues . 5sing appropriate verbal and non verbal communication styles ., .bility to interpret and follo' the instructions and guidance of health professionals involved 'ith the care of patients4clients .6 1ral and 'ritten communication .8 3roblem solving s(ills re&uired include the ability to use available resources and prioritiBe 'or(load .: .bility to deal 'ith conflict .; .bility to 'or( 'ith others and display empathy 'ith patient and relatives ,. Resource implications The follo'ing resources MUST be provided: ,.1 .ccess to relevant 'or(place or appropriately simulated environment 'here assessment can ta(e place. ,.2Relevant government and organiBational policy* guidelines* procedures and protocols. ,. .ny relevant legislation in relation to service delivery. 6. =ethod of assessment Competency may be assessed through: 6.1 !emonstration 'ith &uestioning 6.2 )ntervie' 6. Third 3arty Report 8. ConteAt of assessment 8.1 .ssessment may be done in a simulated 'or(place setting. TR Caregiving -C )) %1% CORE COMPETENCIES 5-)T 12 C1=3"T"-C? : PROVIDE CARE AND SUPPORT TO IN4ANTS AND TODDLERS 5-)T C1!" : HCS727792 5-)T !"#CR)3T1R : This unit covers the (no'ledge* s(ills and attitudes re&uired to provide care and support to infants and toddlers ages from birth to three years. ELEMENT PER4ORMANCE CRITERIA Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of @ariables 1. Comfort infants and toddlers 1.1Tools and e%uipment are prepared according to the need of the infant4toddler. 1.2.istressed infants and toddlers are responded to based on appropriate methods* activit! and non)verbal cues. 1.)nfants and toddlers are pic(ed up and cuddled according to procedure. 2. /athe and dress infants and toddlers 2.1)nfants and toddlers+ vital signs are chec(ed based on procedure. 2.2. 9ater &uantity and temperature are chec(ed as per re&uirement. 2.)nfants and toddlers are bathed according to procedure. 2.,#omforters are made available to infant and toddler 'hen needed. . 2eed infants and toddlers .1)nfants and toddlers+ feeding bottles are cleaned and steriliBed as needed. .2=il( formula is prepared as prescribed. ,. 3ut infants and toddlers to sleep ,.1)nfants and toddlers+ crib is prepared based on procedure. ,.2)nfants and toddlers are put to sleep based on procedure. 6. "nhance social* physical* intellectual* creative and emotional activities of infants and toddlers 6.1)nfants and toddlers are eAposed to family members* relatives and playmates for communication and interaction purposes. 6.2)nfants4toddlers are provided 'ith manipulative or creative toys and games as needed. 6.)nfants4toddlers are given eAercise activities as re&uired. TR Caregiving -C )) %1% RANGE O4 VARIA5LES VARIA5LE RANGE 1. Tools and "&uipment 1.1)nfants crib4bed 1.2/lan(et4comforters 1.)nfant carrier 1.,#troller 1.6/assinet 1.8/athing paraphernalia (e.g. /aby bath tub* baby toiletries* to'el* etc.) 1.:/aby+s 0ayettes 1.;2eeding bottles 'ith cap* ring and nipple 1.>Thermometer 1.17 Thermometer Tray 1.11 #teriliBer 1.12 )nfant+s4Toddler+s 2ormula 1.1 /ibs 1.1, -ursery Rhymes 1.16 Toys for the Crib (=obile) 1.18 )nfants4Toddlers Toys 1.1: #tory /oo(s 2. .ppropriate method or .ctivities 2.1)mitating babies+ vocaliBations 2.2Tal(ing 2.#inging 2.,0aughing 2.6Rhymes 2.82inger Cames 2.:<olding 2.;!ancing 2.>Centle /ouncing 2.17 #ubstituting .ctivities 2.11 3laying 2.12 !istraction to an activity 2.1 Cuddles* comfort 2.1, 0istening* tal(ing 'ith the infant or toddler &uietly 2.16 5se of transition obDect . )nfants4toddlers may sho' distress by: .1Crying .2.ppearing 'ithdra'n .#&uirming .,0ac( of eye contact .6#leeping difficulties .8 9hining TR Caregiving -C )) %2% VARIA5LE RANGE .: -ot playing or not playing creatively .; Repetitive display of trauma .> .ggression .17 Regression .11 #peech difficulties (e.g. #tuttering) .12 Toilet training difficulties .1 -ervous tics (e.g. Cough) .1, <unger .16 Tiredness .18 !iscomfort .1: 2ear .1; .nAiety .1> /oredom .27 Clinging behavior ,. -on @erbal Cues ,.1 Cues to indicate distress ,.2 Response to an interesting activity ,. #miling ,., Cues that eApress a desire to engage in an activity of interaction 6. Comforters 6.1 #pecial toys 6.2 /lan(ets 6. !ummies TR Caregiving -C )) %% EVIDENCE GUIDE 1. Critical aspects of competency .ssessment re&uires evidence that the candidate: 1.1 Responded to distressed infants and toddlers in a relaAed and calm manner. 1.2 Too( vital signs* bathed and dressed4undressed infant4toddler. 1.3 3repared mil( formula and fed infant as prescribed. 1.4 Cleaned and steriliBed feeding bottles. 1.5 3ut infants4toddlers to sleep. 1.6 "nhanced social* physical* intellectual* creative and emotional activities of the infant4toddler. 1.7 !emonstrated the ability to assess infants4toddlers+ needs appropriately. 2. 5nderpinning (no'ledge and attitudes 2.1The !ependent -ature of )nfants4Toddlers 2.2/athing 3araphernalia and ; Types* 5ses* #pecification 2.3rocedures in Ta(ing @ital #igns 2.,/asic )nfant Care 2.63rocedures in /athing and !ressing45ndressing of infants 2.8)nfant !iet 2.:3rocedures in 2eeding 2.;Types and 5ses of Clothes and 5nder'ear 2.>#pecifications and 5ses of -on%#lip Rubber =at 2.17 <and 9ashing 3rocedures 2.11 #pecifications of !ifferent Types of Thermometer 2.12 Table "ti&uette 2.1 #igns of )nfants4Toddlers !istress . 5nderpinning s(ills .1Communication #(ills ( listening* spea(ing* verbal and non% verbal) .2"mpathy .)nterpersonal #(ills .,Creative #(ills .6.bility to establish bonding 'ith infant4toddler .8/asic =easurement ,. Resource implications The follo'ing resources MUST be provided: ,.1 . childcare 'or(place ,.2 2acilities* e&uipment and materials relevant to the unit of competency 6. =ethod of assessment Competency MUST be assessed through: 6.1 !emonstration 'ith &uestioning 6.2 )ntervie' 8. ConteAt of assessment 8.1 Competency may be assessed in the 'or(place or in a simulated 'or( setting. TR Caregiving -C )) %,% 5-)T 12 C1=3"T"-C? : PROVIDE CARE AND SUPPORT TO CHILDREN 5-)T C1!" : HCS727792 5-)T !"#CR)3T1R : This unit covers the (no'ledge* s(ills and attitudes re&uired to provide care and support to children bet'een three () years old and t'elve (12) years old. ELEMENT PER4ORMANCE CRITERIA Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of @ariables 1. )nstill personal hygiene practices to children 1.1<ygiene practices are eAplained clearly to children based on established procedures. 1.23ersonal hygiene procedure is demonstrated to children based on health and safety procedures. 1.Children paraphernalia are maintained based on healthy procedures. 2. /athe and dress children 2.1Children+s vital signs are chec(ed before bathing based on procedures. 2.2/athing paraphernalia are prepared as per procedure. 2./ath 'ater &uantity and temperature are chec(ed based on health re&uirements of the child. 2.,Children are assisted in dressing up according to prevailing 'eather condition 2.6Children+s preferences and decisions are ac(no'ledged* respected and follo'ed 'henever appropriate and possible 2.8Children 'ith difficult behavior in bathing are dealt 'ith appropriately as per procedure. . 2eed children .1 /utritional re%uirements of children are determined according to their developmental stage. .2 0enu is prepared in accordance 'ith children+s nutritional and cultural re%uirements. . +ppetizing food and drin( are prepared and served sufficiently and appropriately according to the child+s health needs and preferences. ., Children are fed follo'ing healthy procedures. TR Caregiving -C )) %6% RANGE O4 VARIA5LES VARIA5LE RANGE 1. Children+s paraphernalia 1.1/athing paraphernalia and toiletries 1.2!iaper 1.Clothes 1.,Crooming Fit (baby hairbrush* comb* nail scissors) 1.61ral <ygiene (toothbrush* toothpaste) 1.82eeding 5tensils 1.:/ibs 1.;<igh Chair4/ooster #eat43ortable #eat 1.>Thermometer 1.17 Thermometer Tray 2. -utritional re&uirements 2.1-utritious food 2.2/alance !iet 2.Relevant nutritional needs according to age level . =enu .1 /rea(fast .2 0unch . !inner ., #nac(s ,. Cultural re&uirements ,.1=eal patterns over a day ,.2!rin(s provided ,.2oods used ,.,<ot or cold meals ,.6#pices and flavorings used ,.8)nclusion of s'eets 6. .ppetiBing food 6.1 Color 6.2 #hape 6. TeAture 6., @ariety 8. <ealth needs of children 8.1 =edical advice and diet 8.2 .llergies to certain foods :. 2ood and drin( preferences :.1 Culture :.2 !ietary Re&uirements :. Religion :., .ge :.6 2amily 3atterns :.8 )ndividual Tastes :.: #tage of the !ay TR Caregiving -C )) %8% EVIDENCE GUIDE 1. Critical aspects of competency .ssessment may re&uires evidence that the candidate: 1.1!emonstrated ability to prepare nutritious foods suitable for children. 1.2)nstilled personal hygiene practices to children. 1.Too( vital signs before bathing the child. 1., !emonstrated feeding procedures. 2. 5nderpinning (no'ledge and attitudes 2.1 /athing and !ressing45ndressing 3rocedures 2.2 3rocedures of 2eeding Children 2. 3rocedures in Ta(ing @ital #igns 2., 3roper <ealth Care of Children 2.6 <and 9ashing 3rocedures 2.8 Table "ti&uette 2.: Cood Crooming 2.; -utritional -eeds of Children 2.> 2at Contents of 2oods 2.17 !ietary Re&uirements for )nfants 2.11 Cultural 3ractices and /eliefs about 2ood 3rovision 2.12 )mpact of 2oods and !rin(s on !ental <ealth 2.1 #torage of 2ood G Temperatures 2.1, 2ood 3reparation and Coo(ing . 5nderpinning s(ills .1 Coo(ing and 3reparing 2ood .2 =enu 3lanning . /asic =easurements ,. Resource implications The follo'ing resources MUST be provided: ,.1 . childcare 'or(place ,.2 2acilities* e&uipment and materials relevant to the unit of competency 6. =ethod of assessment Competency MUST be assessed through: 6.1!emonstration 'ith &uestioning 6.2)ntervie' 8. ConteAt of assessment 8.1 Competency may be assessed in the 'or(place or in a simulated 'or( setting. TR Caregiving -C )) %:% 5-)T 12 C1=3"T"-C? : 4OSTER THE SOCIAL, INTELLECTUAL, CREATIVE AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT O4 CHILDREN 5-)T C1!" : HCS727797 5-)T !"#CR)3T1R : This unit covers the (no'ledge* s(ills and attitudes re&uired to foster the social* intellectual* creative and emotional development of children from 1%12 years old. ELEMENT PER4ORMANCE CRITERIA Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of @ariables 1. 2oster children+s independence and autonomy
1.1 *pportunities to develop self help s(ills and independence are provided as needed. 1.2 Children are given opportunities to ma(e choice in appropriate 'ays ta(ing into consideration their individual differences1 1. Children are encouraged to accept responsibility for their o'n actions. 1., 1pportunities are created for children to participate in decision ma(ing. 2. "ncourage children to eApress their feelings* ideas and needs 2.1 Children are encouraged to eApress their feelings* ideas and needs based on social norm. 2.2 Children are provided 'ith activities as means of releasing their feelings according to their interests and needs. 2. Children are encouraged to respect each other+s individual needs* abilities and interest. . #timulate children+s a'areness and creativity .1 Children are encouraged to eApress their imagination and creativity based developmental needs. .2 Children are provided 'ith activities that 'ould support a'areness of the range of movements of their o'n body based on developmental needs. . =aterials and eAperiences are provided that 'ould stimulate their various senses based on their interests. ., "Aperiences that develop and enhance imagination and creativity are provided based on their interests. ,. 2oster children+s self esteem and development of self concept ,.11pportunities are provided for children to eAperience their individual strengths and needs. ,.2 .c(no'ledgement and positive support are given based on child eAperience negative feeling (frustration* aggression* depression* fear and anAiety). ,. .ctivities that present a challenge 'ithin the child+s needs and capabilities are provided based on developmental stage. ,., )ndividual differences are ac(no'ledged and respected based on child+s development stage. ,.6 Children+s achievements are ac(no'ledged and appreciated based on preference. ,.8 Children+s positive self%'orth and self esteem are enhanced. TR Caregiving -C )) %;% RANGE O4 VARIA5LES VARIA5LE RANGE 1. 1pportunities 1.1#ocio dramatic play 1.2=ovement 1.0istening to music 1., .rt eAperiences including day and finger painting 2. )ndividual differences 2.1 .ge 2.2 Cender 2. 2amily bac(ground and lifestyle 2., .bilities and disabilities 2.6 #tyle of social interaction 2.8 .ppearance 2.: Cultural beliefs and practices 2.; Temperament 2.> )nterests 2.17 3eer group acceptance* membership or isolation . Children+s activities Children+s activities are carried out 'ith the use of the follo'ing: .13laypen 'ith approAimate toys according to age group (cradle toys* obDects to eAplore by mouth* s'inging toys* rattles* toys to po(e* s&ueeBe and push along .2.udio @isual "&uipment (radio cassette* T@) .Coloring /oo(s .,Crayons .63encils .83eg /oards .:/eads to #tring .;Construction #ets .>#cissors .17 3aper .11 Color .12 3aint4#hort 2at 3aint /rushes .1 3lay !ough .1, .ctivity Fit .16 3uBBles .18 /oo(s .1: =anual TR Caregiving -C )) %>% EVIDENCE GUIDE 1. Critical aspects of competency .ssessment re&uires evidence that the candidate: 1.1 !emonstrated ability to evaluate the emotional and psychological stage of the child and to plan activities 'hich 'ill enhance their development 1.2 !emonstrated ability to assist children to be creative through providing a stimulating and challenging environment* ta(ing into account child+s age* development* culture and abilities 1. !emonstrated ability to engage children in a range of developmental opportunities 'hich are matched to their developmental stage and specific needs 2. 5nderpinning (no'ledge and attitudes 2.1 3sychology of Children 2.2 Cultural .'areness 2. 3rocesses for Creative and .rtistic "Apression 2., Children !evelopmental #tages 2.6 5nderstanding of Children+s 3hysical and #(ills !evelopment 2.8 Children+s -eeds* )nterests and 3roblems . 5nderpinning s(ills .1 3lanning .2 )nterpersonal #(ills . =otivational #(ills ,. Resource implications The follo'ing resources MUST be provided: ,. . childcare 'or(place ,., 2acilities* e&uipment and materials relevant to the unit of competency 6. =ethod of assessment Competency MUST be assessed through: 6.1 !emonstration 'ith &uestioning 6.2 )ntervie' 8. ConteAt of assessment 8.1 Competency may be assessed in the 'or(place or in a simulated 'or( setting. TR Caregiving -C )) %17% 5-)T 12 C1=3"T"-C? : 4OSTER PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT O4 CHILDREN 5-)T C1!" : HCS727798 5-)T !"#CR)3T1R : This unit covers the (no'ledge* s(ills and attitudes re&uired to foster specific physical development of children from 1%12 years old. ELEMENT PER4ORMANCE CRITERIA Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of @ariables 1. "nhance physical activities of children 1.1 Children are provided 'ith tools and e%uipment based on physical development needs. 1.2 Children are given eAercise or activities based on needs. 2. Create opportunities for children to develop a 'ider range of physical development 2.1 Children are provided opportunities to develop their ph!sical skills based on development needs. 2.2 Children are given the opportunities to develop themselves physically in accordance 'ith resources available. 2. "&uipment and tools are made available based on needs. 2., *pportunities for ph!sical development are provided based on child+s stage of gro'th and development. 2.6 Children are monitored and encouraged to develop healthy sleeping patterns and practices based on physical needs. ,. 3rovide eAperience to support physical development of children ,.1 "Aperiences are provided 'hich 'ill develop and enhance ph!sical fitness1 ,.2 "ncouragement is given to children to learn to develop habit forming physical activities ,. 9ays and means for the child to participate in physical fitness are communicated* modeled and practiced TR Caregiving -C )) %11% RANGE O4 VARIA5LES VARIA5LE RANGE 1. Tools and e&uipment 1.1 3laypen 'ith approAimate toys according to age group (cradle toys* obDects to eAplore by mouth* s'inging toys* rattles* toys to po(e* s&ueeBe and push along 1.2 .udio @isual "&uipment (radio cassette* T@) 1. Coloring /oo(s 1., Crayons 1.6 3encils 1.8 3eg /oards 1.: /eads to #tring 1.; Construction #ets 1.> #cissors 1.17 3aper 1.11 Color 1.12 3aint4#hort 2at 3aint /rushes 1.1 3lay !ough 1.1, .ctivity Fit 1.16 3uBBles 1.18 /oo(s 1.1: =anual 2. 1pportunities to support children+s development 'ill vary according to a number of factors such as: 2.1 Child49or(er Ratios 2.2 3hysical "nvironment G Constraints J 3otential 2. 3urpose of the #ervice 2., The amount and type of support from parents and participation by parents 2.6 The level of support available to the service from eAternal bodies e.g. advice specialist services* resource 'or(ers 2.8 The fre&uency and regularity of use of the service by the child 2.: .ge of the Child . 3hysical s(ills .1 #(ills in motor areas G fine and gross motor .2 !eAterity . "ye G <and Coordination ., /alance .6 0ocomotion .8 Coordination ,. 1pportunities to develop physical fitness s(ills may include: ,.1 .ctive Cames ,.2 #ports ,. "Aercises ,., #etting up venue4environment ,.6 Range of environments and e&uipment ,.8 #ocio dramatic play ,.:3lay 'ith construction materials ,.;.rt activities 6. 1pportunities to develop relevant physical s(ills 'ill vary according to the age4disability of the child % 6.1 2or infants 6.1.1 "&uipment and toys such as cradle toys* obDects to eAplore by mouth* s'inging toys* rattles* toys to po(e* s&ueeBe and push along 6.2 2or Toddlers 6.2.1 1pportunities provided to practice ne' s(ills of 'al(ing* climbing* balancing and pushing and pulling 'heeled toys 6. 2or to 6 years old TR Caregiving -C )) %12% VARIA5LE RANGE 6..1 1pportunities to develop fine motor s(ills such as puBBles* peg boards* beads to string* construction sets* crayons* brushes* scissors 6..2 1pportunities to practice large muscle s(ills such as running* Dumping* catching a ball etc. 6., 2or 8 to 12 years old 6.,.1 1pportunities for development of balance* s(illed climbing* riding* s(ating opportunities to develop s(ills in running (ic(ing* catching* s(ipping* thro'ing* 'riting* dra'ing* gluing etc. 8. 1pportunities provided to develop s(ills may be needed to adapt to factors such as:
8.1 )ndoor and 1utdoor 2acilities 8.2 "nvironment 8. @enue40ocation 8., Type of #ervice 8.6 9or(ers o'n physical capabilities 8.8 The desire for children to set up e&uipment themselves 8.: #afety considerations 8.; 3eer group pressure :. .dvice may be sought from:
:.1 3hysiotherapist :.2 1ccupational Therapist :. 1ther #taff :., 3arents TR Caregiving -C )) %1% EVIDENCE GUIDE 1. Critical aspects of competency .ssessment re&uires evidence that the candidate: 1.1 !emonstrated ability to engage children in a range of developmental opportunities 'hich are matched to their developmental stage and specific needs 2. 5nderpinning (no'ledge and attitudes 2.1 Fno'ledge and understanding of children+s physical development and s(ill development 2.2 .cceptance of each child+s rate of development* needs* interests and strengths 2. "Aperiences that 'ill target specific areas of physical development 2., -eeds of children 'ith a sensory4physical disability 2.6 "&uipment* toys and resources that can be used to stimulate physical development 2.8 Fno'ledge of interaction bet'een physical development and other areas of development G especially social and psychological development 2.: Relevant organiBational standards* policies and procedures . 5nderpinning #(ills .1 3lanning .2 )nterpersonal #(ills . =otivational #(ills ,. Resource implications The follo'ing resources MUST be provided: ,.1 . childcare 'or(place ,.22acilities* e&uipment and materials relevant to the unit of competency 6. =ethod of assessment Competency MUST be assessed through: 6.1 )ntervie'4oral &uestioning 8. ConteAt of assessment 8.1 Competency may be assessed either in the 'or(place or in a simulated 'or(place setting. TR Caregiving -C )) %1,% 5-)T 12 C1=3"T"-C? : PROVIDE CARE AND SERVICES TO ELDERLY 5-)T C1!" : HCS72779: 5-)T !"#CR)3T1R : This unit covers the (no'ledge* s(ills and attitudes re&uired in providing support and assistance to maintain &uality care for the elderly to meet his4her daily needs including nourishment* mobility* personal hygiene and other support 'ithin the plan of care. ELEMENT PER4ORMANCE CRITERIA Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of @ariables 1. "stablish and maintain an appropriate relationship 'ith the elderly 1.1#elf introduction by the caregiver to the elderly client is done based on established procedures. 1.2.ppropriate attitudes such as confidentiality* privacy* courtesy and respect are adhered to and demonstrated to'ards the elderly based on established procedures. 1. The elderly+s o'n interest* rights* freedom and decision%ma(ing are supported and respected based on established procedures. 1.,hort interpersonal exchanges 'ith the elderly in establishing* developing and maintaining rapport are encouraged. 2. 3rovide appropriate support to the elderly 2.1 .ll support is provided to the elderly in accordance 'ith the elderl!-s needs2 rights* self determination and individual differences1 2.2 The elderly is encouraged and supported to participate in ceremonial* cultural* educational* recreational* religious* social* and spiritual activities as appropriately planned. 2. +ssistance is provided at all times in order to maintain a safe and healthy environment* including minimiBing physical dangers and ris( of infections based on established procedures. 2., 3roper response to situations of ris(s to health and safety is provided and maintained based on established procedures. . 3rovide assistance 'ith elderly+s personal care needs .1 3ersonal preferences are identified in consultation 'ith the elderly and a plan for eAecution is mapped out based on established procedures. .2 The elderly is supported and encouraged in eAercising their rights and personal preferences 'ithout compromising their safety and those of others and in accordance 'ith established procedures. . #hort interpersonal eAchanges* clarifying meaning and maintaining interaction to identify the elderly+s preferences are conducted based on established procedures. ., Time is scheduled to effectively listen to the elderly+s preferences to maximize his/her well being. ,. 3rovide assistance ,.1 The elderl!-s personal care needs (aids to daily living) are TR Caregiving -C )) %16% ELEMENT PER4ORMANCE CRITERIA Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of @ariables 'ith the elderly+s personal care needs identified and assistance provided. ,.2 #pecific concerns and difficulties in meeting some personal care needs are identified* clarified and modified 'ith the elderly in order to effectively address such concerns and problem needs. ,.+ssistive devices for providing assistance for the elderly are identified and used as appropriate. ,.,1rganiBational policies and practices for reporting are follo'ed as appropriate. ,.6The elderly+s self esteem and confidence are enhanced. ,.83rovisions for interaction bet'een the elderly and the community are researched and developed. ,.:!evelopmental and progressing personal care needs are identified* ac(no'ledged and provided for as appropriate. ,.;"mpathy is demonstrated in supporting and caring for the elderly+s feelings of grief and loss. TR Caregiving -C )) %18% RANGE O4 VARIA5LES VARIA5LE RANGE 1. "lderly rights may be detailed in: 1.1 #ervice4outcomes standards documents 1.2 0egislation 1. 1rganiBational policies and practices 2. #hort interpersonal eAchanges 2.1 Chatting in friendly manner 2.2 )n&uiring about the elderly+s health 2. #hort casual eAchanges 2., "ffective communication 2.6 !ialogue 2.8 $uestion and ans'er4intervie' techni&ues . -eeds of the elderly .1 3hysical* seAual .2 2inancial . <ousehold assistance and maintenance ., Religious .6 Cultural .8 #piritual .: Recreational .; #ocial and emotional .> )ntellectual ,. 2actors contributing to individual difference ,.1 Culture ,.2 .ge ,. "conomic ,., #ocial ,.6 Cender ,.8 3hysical ,.: )ntellectual ,.; 0anguage ,.> #piritual ,.17 =arital #tatus 6. .ssistance 6.1 3roviding information and advice 6.2 .ccompanying or providing specific services 6. "ncouragement and support for decisions and actions 6., Companionship 8. =aAimum 'ell being 8.1 )ndependent living 8.2 1bservation of o'n customs and cultural practices coming and going from environment 'ith safety 8. /elonging to social groups 8., 2re&uent visits to and from family* relatives and friends 8.6 Companionship 8.8 "fficient care from caregiver :. 3ersonal care needs :.1 !aily living including: :.1.1 =aintaining personal safety :.1.2 Communication (speech* 'riting* non%verbal communication) :.1. "ating and drin(ing :.1., "liminating :.1.6 /reathing :.1.8 =obiliBing and transferring (moving from place to place and position to position) :.1.: .ttending to personal hygiene (bathing* laundering personal linen) :.1.; !ressing and undressing TR Caregiving -C )) %1:% VARIA5LE RANGE :.1.> .ttending to o'n spiritual needs :.1.17 Crooming and eApressing seAuality :.1.11 Toileting :.1.12 Feeping appointments (!octors* !entists* /an(ers* 0a'yers) :.1.1 #3)C" (#pice* 3hysical* )ntellectual* Creative and "motional) activities :.2 !aily Routine :.2.1 .ccessing education and employment :.2.2 .ccessing financial resources and allo'ances :.2. 3aying bills and regular outgoings :.2., #hopping :.2.6 3reparing meals :.2.8 Climbing stairs :.2.: =aintaining household (cleaning* laundry* dKcor* repair) :.2.; Traveling by private and public transport :.2.> )nteracting 'ith others and socialiBing :.2.17 .ccessing leisure* recreational and sporting activities :. .ssisting 'ith self%administration of medication according to: :..1 1rganiBational practice and policy :..2 Covernment regulation* policy and legislation :.. )nstructions from the elderly* their trustees* medical team and significant others :., 3hysical comfort and rest :.,.1 .ppropriate rest :.,.2 3roper clothing :.,. 2it dentures :.,., .ids ('heelchairs* braces* 'al(er* reading glasses) :.,.6 Comfortable bed and chair :.6 3rivacy :.8 Confidentiality :.: To be treated in a dignified* safe and comfortable manner :.; To eApress success* satisfied or o'n feelings ;. .ssistive !evices ;.1 9heelchair ;.2 9al(er ;. Cane ;., Crutches ;.6 3arallel /ars ;.8 2eeding 5tensils ;.: <andrails ;.> Commode ;.17 Reading =aterials >. .ppropriate communication and relationship building processes >.1 Courtesy >.2 "mpathy >. -on Dudgmental manner >., 0istening >.6 Treating the elderly person as an individual >.8 Respect for difference >.8.1 Cultural >.8.2 3hysical >.8. "motional >.8., /eliefs >.8.6 Customs TR Caregiving -C )) %1;% VARIA5LE RANGE >.8.8 @alues >.8.: Religions 17 .ssistance may vary according to: 17.1 The ability of the 'or(er 17.2 =ental 'ell being 17. 3hysical 'ell being 17., #ocial 'ell being 17.6 "motional 'ell being 17.8 Creative 'ell being 11. 2actual information to identify the elderly+s preferences may be gathered by: 11.1 .s(ing &uestions 11.2 1bserving the elderly 11. .s(ing for clarification from the elderly 11., .s(ing other significant people such as relatives* friends* staff 11.6 0istening for relevant information concerning the elderly+s preferences 11.8 1ffering choices and suggestions 11.: Consulting professionals+ opinions and suggestions for the elderly to consider 12. .ssistance may vary according to: 12.1 The ability of the 'or(er 12.2 =ental 'ell being 12. 3hysical 'ell being 12., #ocial 'ell being 12.6 "motional 'ell being 12.8 Creative 'ell being 1. 3rocesses and aides may include: 1.1 =eals on 'heels 1.2 .ll e&uipment and aids 1. Transport services 1., .round the cloc( caregiver 1.6 1ccasional caregiver 1.8 #enior lodges accommodation 1.: Trips to or visits from medical team 1,. Reporting may include: 1,.1 Changes in appearance and behavior in accordance 'ith reporting instructions 1,.2 =edicine chart 1,. 1bservation log boo( 1,., )ncident and .ccident Reports 16. Reporting may be to: 16.1 #upervisors 16.2 Colleagues 16. <ealth 'or(ers 16., .dministrator 16.6 <ealth care services 16.8 "mergency services 16.: Community care 16.; #ocial services 16.> Relatives 18. Reporting may be via: 18.1 Telephone 18.2 <and over reports 18. 2ace to face 18., 9ritten TR Caregiving -C )) %1>% VARIA5LE RANGE 1:. #ocial and personal 'ell being may include: 1:.1 /eing independent 1:.2 =aintenance of personal contacts 1:. Control of financial affairs 1:., Coming and going from environment 'ithin safety re&uirements 1:.6 1bservation of o'n customs and cultural practices 1:.8 "Aercising legal* social and other obligations and responsibilities 1:.: Feeping and maintaining personal possessions 1:.; 3rivacy 1:.> .ccess and entitlement to respite and other services 1:.17 =aintaining community participation 1:.11 3articipation in programs and activities 1:.12 #haring (no'ledge and s(ills 1;. 9ell being may vary according to: 1;.1 #ervice provision environment e.g. independent living* residential care facility* day center 1;.2 <ealth #tatus 1;. 9or(er+s Role 1;., #3)C" #tatus 1>. 3rovision of aids may include: 1>.1 Referral to advisory centers 1>.2 )nformation 27. #piritual needs may include: 27.1 2ormal and informal religious observance 27.2 -eed for private time and space for contemplation 27. Ceremonial 1bservances 21. .ids may include: 21.1 =obility 21.2 <earing 21. #peech 21., @ision 22. The elderly+s self esteem and confidence may be encouraged by: 22.1 .ssisting the elderly 'ith difficult tas(s 22.2 Clarifying and discussing the elderly+s abilities and disabilities 22. "ncouraging the elderly to try ne' activities 2. 3sychological needs 2.1 2reedom from undue stress 2.2 #elf%esteem 2. 3urpose 2., 3ersonal identity 2.6 0ife stage development
TR Caregiving -C )) %27% EVIDENCE GUIDE 1. Critical aspects of competency .ssessment re&uires evidence that the candidate: 1.1 9or(ed 'ithin roles and responsibilities in a manner 'hich accommodates and accepts individual differences of the elderly 1.2 "stablished and maintained appropriate relationship 'ith the elderly 1.2 3rovided appropriate support and assistance 'ith the elderly+s personal care needs 1. 5nderstood and adhered to o'n roles and responsibilities 1., 5nderstood accountability and responsibility of supervisors and colleagues 1.6 Consulted 'ith the elderly* including as(ing &uestions* observing* listening and suggesting 1.8 RecogniBed and understood the elderly+s rights and personal preferences including the ability to list the elderly+s preferences. 1.: !emonstrated a non%Dudgmental attitude to the different emotional* psychological and spiritual needs of the elderly in all communications 2. 5nderpinning Fno'ledge and .ttitudes 2.1 Types* uses* specifications and maintenance of bathing paraphernalia 2.2 3rocedures of bathing and dressing the elderly 2. 3roper care of elders 2., 3rinciples and procedures in ta(ing vital signs 2.6 Common signs and symptoms of common illnesses 2.8 3rinciples and procedures of medicine administration 2.: Relevant plan of care* roles and responsibilities of caregiver ,. Relevant policies* protocols and practices of the certain organiBations in relation to services to the elderly 2.> 3rocess of ageing 2.17 !ifferent religious* cultural* spiritual* physical and ceremonial perspectives 2.11 Causes* implications and treatment of dementia and other elderly related conditions 2.12 !epending on the 'or(* roles or services provided* specific (no'ledge of particular groups or issues may be re&uired li(e: 2.12.1 .lcohol and other drugs 2.12.2 Cultural and linguistics diversity 2.12. Ris( of self harm 2.12., 9omen 2.12.6 =en 2.12.8 Community education 2.12.: =ental health 2.1 Common problems of the elderly and their ramifications 2.1, !ifferent cultural re&uirements and preferences 2.16 2actors giving rise to grief and loss in the elderly 2.18 #afety ris(s to the elderly 2.1: =aDor systems of the body TR Caregiving -C )) %21% . 5nderpinning s(ills .1.bility to establish and maintain a relationship that ta(es into account the elderly+s individual differences (e.g. age* abilities* disabilities* cultural bac(ground) .21ral communication s(ills (language s(ills) and non%verbal communication s(ills (e.g. touch* smiling* etc.) necessary to develop a trusting relationship 'ith an elderly. 0anguage s(ills may be "nglish* mother language or technical language (medical terms) as re&uired by employment service or organiBation .1ral communication s(ills (language competence) re&uired to fulfill Dob roles as specified by the employment organiBation4service. 1ral communication s(ills include as(ing &uestions* clarifying understanding of the elderly+s preferences and eApressing encouragement in oral communication. #ervice4organiBation may re&uire competence in "nglish or native language* as re&uired by the elderly. ., Reading and 'riting s(ill (literacy competence) re&uired to fulfill Dob roles as specified by employment organiBation4service. The level of s(ills may range from the ability to 'rite short messages or a shopping list* to assist the elderly 'ith ban(ing* reading of mail* ans'ering the phone* receiving messages etc. the employment service4organiBation may re&uire competence in a language other than "nglish* depending on Dob re&uest .6 /asic counseling ,. Resource implications The follo'ing resources MUST be provided ,.1 . childcare 'or(place ,.2 2acilities* e&uipment* supplies and materials relevant to the unit of competency 6. =ethod of assessment Competency MUST be assessed through: 6.1!emonstration 'ith &uestioning 6.2)ntervie' 8. ConteAt of assessment 8.1Competency may be assessed in the 'or(place or in a simulated 'or( setting. TR Caregiving -C )) %22% 5-)T 12 C1=3"T"-C? : PROVIDE CARE AND SUPPORT TO PEOPLE ?ITH SPECIAL NEEDS 5-)T C1!" : HCS72779* 5-)T !"#CR)3T1R : This unit covers the (no'ledge* s(ills and attitudes re&uired in providing support and assistance to maintain &uality care for people 'ith special needs to be able to enhance their abilities to communicate and be independent; responding to the physical* medical* health and safety* personal care and home maintenance re&uirements of people 'ith disabilities. ELEMENT PER4ORMANCE CRITERIA Italicized terms are elaborated in the Ran1e o% Va$iabes 1. "stablish and maintain appropriate relationship 'ith people 'ith special needs 1.1 .ll dealings 'ith people 'ith special needs are aimed at generating a trusting relationship 'hich include protecting confidentiality* privacy* individual choices and the right to decision ma(ing. 1.2 Respect for individual differences is demonstrated in all dealings 'ith people 'ith special needs. 1. #upport for the interests* rights and decision ma(ing of people 'ith special needs is demonstrated in all dealings. 1., 3eople 'ith special needs are actively encouraged and supported to communicate ideas* feelings and preferences. 2. 3rovide appropriate support to people 'ith special needs 2.1.ll support to people 'ith special needs are provided in accordance 'ith their needs* rights and self determination. 2.2+ssistance is provided to people 'ith disabilities according to the employment organiBation guidelines. 2.)nformation re&uired by people 'ith special needs are identified and provided. 2.,Reactions and limitations regarding differences are recogniBed and appropriate assistance is sought to ensure that the rights of people 'ith special needs are upheld. . .ssist in maintaining 'ell being of people 'ith special needs. .13eople 'ith special needs are provided 'ith support in maintaining a clean* safe and comfortable environment. .2#ituations of ris( to health and safety are responded to in accordance 'ith established and approved health and safet! procedures. .3eople 'ith special needs are actively encouraged to practice self eApression. .,Rights and responsibilities of people 'ith special needs are discussed 'ith them professionally and in a non%threatening and non%critical 'ays. .6trategies are developed for people 'ith special needs to assert self terms of accomplishments and achievements. TR Caregiving -C )) %2% ELEMENT PER4ORMANCE CRITERIA Italicized terms are elaborated in the Ran1e o% Va$iabes ,. .ssist people 'ith special needs to identify and meet their needs ,.1 The dignity* privacy and personal choice of people 'ith special needs in relation to needs are upheld. ,.2 3eople 'ith special needs are assisted to identify* select and prioritiBe their specified nursing needs. ,. 3eople 'ith special needs are assisted to identify* select* prioritiBe and fulfill or implement their social* physical* intellectual* creative and emotional activities. ,.,3eople 'ith special needs are assisted to select and develop strategies to meet their re&uirements in order to achieve their nursing needs. 6. .ssist people 'ith special needs in maintaining an environment that enables maAimum independent living 6.1 The types* fre&uency and triggers of challenging behaviors of a person 'ith special needs are identified* assessed and researched. 6.2 #trategies for the prevention and management of challenging behavior/s are planned and implemented according to approved safety procedures. 6. 3eople 'ith special needs are encouraged and supported to eApress self. 6., )ndependent thin(ing (such as decision* opinion and preferences) by people 'ith special needs are encouraged and supported. 6.6 #trategies that 'ould promote independence of people 'ith special needs are developed and implemented. TR Caregiving -C )) %2,% RANGE O4 VARIA5LES VARIA5LE RANGE 1. Tools and e&uipment 1.1 /ed 'ith side rails 1.2 -ight 0ight 1. <andrails 1., .ssistive device ('heelchair* cane* 'al(er and crutches 1.6 Commode 1.8 2eeding 5tensils 1.: Cloc( 1.; Reading =aterials 1.> .ctivity Fit 2. )ndividual differences 2.1!aily living such as: 2.1.1 Culture 2.1.2 .ge 2.1. "conomic 2.1., #ocial 2.1.6 Cender 2.1.8 3hysical 2.1.: "motional 2.1.; )ntellectual 2.1.> 0anguage 2.2 Rights may be detailed in: 2.2.1 #ervice4outcomes standards 2.2.2 0egislation 2.2. 1rganiBational policies and practice 2. #upport 'ill be in the ConteAt for services offered including: 2..1 3ersonal support 2..2 "mployment support 2.. Community access 2.., .ccommodation support 2..6 0ifestyle support . .ssistance .1 3roviding information .2 .ssistance 'ith mobility or providing specific support such as transport . "ncouragement and support for decisions and and actions ., Ceneral household assistance and maintenance ,. !ifferences ,.1)ndividual (age* gender* ability* history* personal preferences) ,.2 Cultural ,. #piritual ,., #eAual preference 6. Rights 6.1 Choose for oneself TR Caregiving -C )) %26% VARIA5LE RANGE 6.2 <ave meaningful 'or( 6. 3rivacy 6., !ignity 6.6 Confidentiality 6.8 #elf determination 6.: .ppropriate support 6.; #(ill development 6.> .dvocacy 6.17 /eing treated as a valued individual 6.11 2air treatment 6.12 Right to enter into a relationship 6.1 Right to eApress seAuality 8. Responsibilities
8.1 .ct 'ithin the la' 8.2 Treat others 'ith consideration and respect 8. .bide by family obligations 8., .bide by the policies and procedures of the services being used :. 3ersonal needs may include providing assistance 'ith: :.1!aily living including: :.1.1 =aintaining personal safety :.1.2Communication (speech* 'riting* non% verbal communication) :.1. "ating and drin(ing :.1., "liminating :.1.6 /reathing :.1.8 =obiliBing and transferring (moving from place to place and position to position) :.1.: .ttending to personal hygiene (bath% ing* laundering personal linen) :.1.; !ressing and undressing :.1.> .ttending o'n spiritual needs :.1.17 Crooming and eApressing seAuality :.2 3hysical4instrumental activities of daily living: :.2.1 .ccessing education and employment :.2.2 .ccessing financial resources and allo'ances :.2. 3aying bills and regular outgoings :.2., #hopping :.2.6 3reparing meals :.2.8 Climbing stairs :.2.: =aintaining household (cleaning* laundry* dKcor* repairs) :.2.; Traveling by private and public transport :.2.> )nteracting 'ith others and socialiBing TR Caregiving -C )) %28% VARIA5LE RANGE :.2.17 .ccessing leisure* recreational and sporting activities :. .ssisting 'ith self%administration of medication according to: :..1 1rganiBational practice and policy :..2 Covernment regulation* policy and legislation :., 3hysical comfort and rest :.6 3ain management :.8 =aAimiBation of independence and personal preferences :.: "mpo'erment e.g. "nhancing of clients ability to communicate* act independently and uphold rights and responsibilities ;. #trategies to meet needs ;.1Responding to re&uirements arising from differences ;.25tiliBing personal support e&uipment e.g. chair lifts* 'heelchairs* hearing impaired phones* etc. ;. "nlisting specialist s(ills >. #upport may be provided: >.1 )n the clients home >.2 .t residential or other services 17.Relevant legislation and policies on health and safety 17.1 1ccupational health and safety 17.2 #tate health acts 17. ""1 legislation 17., 1rganiBational policies and guidelines 17.6 !aily living 17.8 =edications 17.: !ealing 'ith changes in physical or mental 'ell being 17.; 1ccupational <ealth and #afety 17.> #eAual <arassment 17.17 .buse prevention 11.3revention and management of challenging behavior 11.1 RecogniBing triggers and deflecting them 11.2 5sing active listening and observation s(ills 11. "nsuring effective communication 11., #ee(ing eApert assistance TR Caregiving -C )) %2:% EVIDENCE GUIDE 1. Critical aspects of competency: .ssessment re&uires evidence that the candidate: 1.1"stablished and maintained appropriate relationship 'ith people 'ho have special needs 1.23rovided appropriate support to people 'ith special needs 1..ssisted in maintaining the 'ell being of people 'ith special needs 1.,.ssisted people 'ith special needs to identify and meets their needs 2. 5nderpinning (no'ledge and attitudes 2.1 Relevant organiBational policies and procedures and responsibilities 'ithin it 2.2 Relevant policies* protocols and practices of the organiBation in relation to o'n 'or( activities 2. /asic (no'ledge of different types of disabilities and their effects on clients need 2., 5nderstanding of support re&uirements for people 'ith special needs 2.6 !ifferent religious* cultural* spiritual* physical* specific (no'ledge of particular groups or issues may be re&uired li(e the follo'ing: 2.6.1 .lcohol and other drugs 2.6.2 Cultural and linguistic diversity 2.6. Ris( of self harm 2.6., 9omen 2.6.6 =en 2.6.8 Community education 2.6.: =ental health 2.8 1rganiBational philosophy and goals 2.: 0egislative provision in relation to the rights of people 'ith disabilities 2.; /asic (no'ledge of human* social* psychological* cognitive and physical development ,.,Role and responsibility of self and others in the organiBation ,.61rganiBation+s definition of challenging behavior ,.8Relevant support e&uipment (and technologies) and related occupational health and safety re&uirements regarding their use 2.17 )mpact of particular types of disability 2.11 3rinciples of empo'erment4disempo'erment in relation to people 'ith special needs 2.12 1ccupational health and safety guidelines 2.1 Cultural factors affecting people 'ith special needs re&uirements TR Caregiving -C )) %2;% 2.1, 5nderstanding of regulations and guidelines governing the handling of medication . 5nderpinning s(ills .1)nterpersonal s(ills appropriate to 'or( 'ith people 'ith special needs .21ral communication s(ills (language s(ills) necessary to develop a trusting relationship 'ith people 'ith special needs. 0anguage may be "nglish or community language as re&uired by service or organiBation . Communication ., Team 'or( .6 -egotiation .8 5se of e&uipment .: )nterpersonal communication .; 1bservation as re&uired by Dob role .> .ssessment as re&uired by Dob role ,. Resource implications The follo'ing resources MUST be provided: ,.1. child care 'or(place ,.22acilities* e&uipment* tools* supplies and materials relevant to the unit of competency. 6. =ethod of assessment Competency MUST be assessed through: 6.1!emonstration 'ith &uestioning 6.2)ntervie' 8. ConteAt of assessment 8.1 Competency may be assessed in the 'or(place or in a simulated 'or(place setting. TR Caregiving -C )) %2>% 5-)T 12 C1=3"T"-C? : MAINTAIN A HEALTHY AND SA4E ENVIRONMENT 5-)T C1!" : HCS72779( 5-)T !"#CR)3T1R : This unit covers the (no'ledge* s(ills and attitudes re&uired to maintain various aspects in home maintenance ta(ing into consideration health and safety environment. ELEMENT PER4ORMANCE CRITERIA Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of @ariables 1. =aintain a clean and hygienic environment 1.1 #leaning occurs as an ongoing process as per regulations. 1.2 .ppropriate cleaning agents2 tools and e%uipment are used in accordance 'ith established procedures. 1. )nfection control procedures are follo'ed according to established procedures. 1., @entilation* lighting and heating4cooling are ade&uately maintained. 1.6 3ersonal hygiene4health procedures are adhered to at all times. 1.8 /eds and beddings are cleaned to conform to health* hygiene and safety re&uirements as relevant. 2. 3rovide a safe environment 2.1 1rganiBational policies and procedures on safety are implemented as re&uired. 2.2 "nvironment protection policy is implemented. 2. Tools* e&uipment* toys and games are appropriate to the age of the child. 2., "&uipment is selected* chec(ed and maintained to ensure safety. 2.6 The environment is set up to ensure safety of the client. 2.8 .rea is chec(ed for hazards and risks reduction strategies are implemented 2.: 2ire eAits are (ept unobstructed 2.; .isposal of waste materials is conducted in a safe and hygienic 'ay 2.> Cleaning materials are stored safely . #upervise the safety of clients .1 Clients are supervised in accordance 'ith legal re%uirements and regulations1 .2 Rules for safe pla! are eAplained* modeled and implemented. . !irect contact 'ith individuals4group is maintained. ., $otential risks are identified and acted upon to prevent4minimiBe ris(s. ., "azards and potential haBards in the environment are identified and clients are informed accordingly. .6 "mergencies and evacuation procedures are discussed and practiced 'ith clients. .8 #upervision is used as an opportunity to interact 'ith clients. TR Caregiving -C )) %7% RANGE O4 VARIA5LES VARIA5LE RANGE 1. Tools and e&uipment 1.1 Cleaning materials (e.g. detergent soap* brush* broom* mop* rags* glass 'iper) 1.2 @acuum Cleaner 1. 3lay area 'ith appropriate toys and padding 2. 0egal re&uirements and regulations regarding supervision 2.1 #taff4children ratios 2.2 /abies are never left unattended in the bath or on change table . Cleaning .1 !isinfecting nappy change areas .2 9ashing floor . @acuuming ., !isinfecting toilet areas ,. !isposal of 'aste materials ,.1 -appies ,.2 #oiled tissues4'ipes ,. .lternative =ethod for rest e.g. <ammoc(s 6. 1rganiBational procedures implemented for safety 6.1 0egal4legislative re&uirements 6.2 1rganiBational policies regarding eAcursions 8. Chec(ing area for haBards may include chec(ing for: 8.1 -eedles4sharp implements in outdoor areas 8.2 .nimal droppings in outdoor areas :. =aintaining direct contact 'ith child 'ill vary according to: :.1 Child+s age :.2 Child+s level of independence4dependence :. Child+s safety4ris( ta(ing behaviors :., .ctivity child is involved in :.6 .bility of child ;. Contact can include: ;.1 #ight ;.2 #ound ;. Class vie'ing 'indo's ;., 0ine of #ight ;.6 9ithin physical reach >. 3otential ris( may be: >.1 /abies learning to eat solid foods >.2 Children learning ne' s(ills such as 'al(ing* balancing >. 3articular HcombinationsI of children playing together >., /abies going to sleep 'ith a bottle >.6 Ris( of dehydration on very hot days >.8 #)!# >.: 9hen children are attempting an activity that may be beyond their previous ability 17.Rules for safe play 17.1 5se of e&uipment 17.2 <o' children play together 11.3roviding a safe environment and ris( reduction strategies 'ill vary according to 'hether the location is: 11.1 . purpose designed and built center 11.2 -on purpose built center 11. . home 11., .ppropriate for the age range of children 12.<aBards may be identified to children in a range of 'ays: 12.1 @erbally 12.2 /y signs 12. /y symbols TR Caregiving -C )) %1% VARIA5LE RANGE 1.Ris( reduction4strategies 1.1 Cates on stairs 1.2 Covers on electrical soc(ets 1. Removal4loc(ing a'ay of dangerous substances 1., Close supervision of any children in (itchens 1.6 2ences and gates* loc(ing mechanisms 1.8 1ut of bounds areas 1.: @acuuming4s'eeping floors to remove small dangerous obDects 1.; 3articularly close supervision in some areas 1.> 3lacing babies4infants to sleep in positions recommended for prevention of #)!# TR Caregiving -C )) %2% EVIDENCE GUIDE 1. Critical aspects of competency .ssessment re&uires evidence that the candidate: 1.1 !emonstrated ability to provide a clean and safe environment for children 1.2 1bserved personal hygiene4health procedures 1. )mplemented environment protection policy 1., "Aplained and implemented rules for safe play 1.6 )dentified potential ris(s and haBards and eAplained to clients 1.8 !iscussed and practiced 'ith clients the emergencies and evacuation procedures. 2. 5nderpinning (no'ledge and attitudes 2.1 5p to date (no'ledge of regulations are understood 2.2 Regulations on safety* health and hygiene 2. 3otential haBards to children 2., <aBards of traffic for children 2.6 Ris( minimiBation strategies and ris( reduction strategies 2.8 The spread of infectious diseases and cross infection 2.: #trategies to minimiBe the spread of infectious diseases 2.; !evelopmental stage 2.> .ppropriate toys and e&uipment G safety and ris(s 2.17 0egal re&uirements for supervision including 'or(er and child ratios 2.11 1rganiBational standards* policies and procedures 2.11 <aBards in the home environment . 5nderpinning s(ills .1Ris( minimiBation strategies and ris( reduction strategies .2#trategies to minimiBe the spread of infectious diseases .)nterpersonal safe use of e&uipment and materials ,. Resource implications The follo'ing resources MUST be provided: ,.1. childcare 'or(place ,.22acilities* e&uipment* supplies and materials relevant to the unit of competency 6. =ethod of assessment Competency MUST be assessed through: 6.1!emonstration 'ith &uestioning 6.2)ntervie' 8. ConteAt of assessment 8.1This unit could be assessed either in the 'or(place or in a simulated 'or(place setting. TR Caregiving -C )) %% 5-)T 12 C1=3"T"-C? : RESPOND TO EMERGENCY 5-)T C1!" : HCS72779; 5-)T !"#CR)3T1R : This unit covers the (no'ledge* s(ills and attitudes re&uired to respond to emergencies 'hich include various aspects of disease control and prevention and emergency measures that can be administered effectively. ELEMENT PER4ORMANCE CRITERIA Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of @ariables 1. )mplement procedures for infection control and prevention 1.1 "Aclusion guidelines for children and others suffering from an infectious condition are follo'ed. 1.2 "!giene and health principles are implemented in care practice. 1. )nfection control guidelines are follo'ed. 2. RecogniBe and respond to signs of potential illness 2.1 #igns of potential illness are reported. 2.2 =edical assistance is sought as necessary according to policies and procedures. 2. Clients and relatives are informed as soon as possible. 2., Client is comforted and settled. . Respond to emergencies and accidents .1 The safety of self and others is ensured. .2 )mmediate 2irst .id is provided as re&uired. . #trategies to calm* reassure and comfort clients are implemented. ., !etails of emergency are recorded and reported accurately. .6 )nformation is provided to others according to established policies. .8 "mergencies and accidents are responded to according to the established guidelines and legislative re&uirements. ,. .dminister medication 'ithin guidelines ,.1 =edication is administered according to organiBational policies and legislative re&uirements. ,.2 0edication is stored according to re&uirements. ,. =edication is chec(ed for name* instructions and use by date. 8.2.ll administered medications are documented in accordance 'ith re&uirements. 6. Respond to threats and situations of danger 6.1 Remove client from threat4danger or remove danger4threat from client. 6.2 The level of immediate danger is assessed and the situation is reported to an appropriate person. 6. .ppropriate emergency procedures are implemented to ensure the safety of children and 'or(ers. TR Caregiving -C )) %,% RANGE O4 VARIA5LES VARIA5LE RANGE 1. Tools and "&uipment 1.1 !ummies (baby and adult) 1.2 @ital signs (it (thermometer* /3) 1. /ed /oard 1., !isposable Cloves 1.6 Cleaning e&uipment 1.8 5tensils 1.: #oft toys 1.; 3rotective .prons 2. <ygiene and <ealth 3rinciples 2.1 <and 9ashing 2.2 5se of disposable gloves 'hen cleaning up body 'astes 2. Removal and disposal of infected articles 2., Cleaning e&uipment 2.6 !isposal of unused foods4mil( 2.8 Cleaning of utensils after use 2.: Regular disinfecting of soft toys 2.; Removal of body 'aste products (e.g. feces* urine* saliva* vomit) and disinfection of affected area 2.> 5se protective aprons 'hen changing babies 2.17 !isinfection of nappy change areas after each use . =edication Re&uirements for storage of medication may include but not limited to the follo'ing: ,.10egislative guidelines ,.2 1rganiBation procedures TR Caregiving -C )) %6% EVIDENCE GUIDE 1. Critical aspects of competency .ssessment re&uires evidence that the candidate 1.1!emonstrated ability to respond &uic(ly to emergencies and implement correct procedures including administering first aid 1.2)mplemented procedures for infection control and prevention 1.RecogniBed and responded to signs of potential illness 1.,Responded to emergencies and accidents 1.6Responded to threats and situations of danger. 2. 5nderpinning (no'ledge and attitudes 2.1 !isease spread and transmission 2.2 Cuidelines for inspection control 2. )ndicators of child abuse 2., !ifferent types of child abuse 2.6 Child protection policy of service 2.8 #tate4territory re&uirements about responding to indications of abuse and reporting process 2.: 1rganiBational standards* policies and procedures . 5nderpinning s(ills .1 Common childhood illnesses G recognition* management strategies .2 9riting incident records . =a(ing decision under pressure ,. Resource implications The follo'ing resources MUST be provided: ,.1 . childcare 'or(place ,.2 2acilities* e&uipment* supplies and materials relevant to the unit of competency 8. =ethod of assessment Competency MUST be assessed through: 8.1 !emonstration 'ith &uestioning 8.2 )ntervie' :. ConteAt of assessment :.1Competency may be assessed in the 'or(place or in a simulated 'or(place setting. TR Caregiving -C )) %8% 5-)T 12 C1=3"T"-C? : CLEAN LIVING ROOM, DINING ROOM, 5EDROOMS, TOILETS, 5ATHROOMS AND >ITCHEN 5-)T C1!" : HCS72779) 5-)T !"#CR)3T1R : This unit covers the (no'ledge* s(ills* and attitudes re&uired to perform home management by providing clean* secure and safe environment. ELEMENT PER4ORMANCE CRITERIA Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of @ariables 1. Clean surfaces and floors 1.1 .ppropriate removal/cleaning e%uipment2 supplies2 materials* procedures and techni&ues are used in accordance 'ith soil and litter types and established procedures. 1.2 .ll wastes are removed from surface based on procedures. 1. #uitable maintenance procedures is selected and applied based on identified floor t!pes and surface textures1 1., Cleaning* polishing and s'eeping are performed according to standard operating procedures. 1.6 Cleaning* polishing and s'eeping e&uipment* supplies and materials are used follo'ing safety procedures and manufacturer+s specifications. 1.8 Cleaning4polishing e&uipment are cleaned after use in accordance 'ith relevant safety procedures and manufacturer+s instructions. 1.: .ll cleaning* polishing* s'eeping materials and e&uipment are stored as per standard operating procedures (#13s). 1.; Routine maintenance is carried out as per #13s. 2. Clean furnishing and fiAtures 2.1,urnishings and fixtures are cleaned in accordance 'ith standard operating procedures. 2.22urniture positioned based on comfort and convenience and room lay out. 2."&uipment is cleaned after use in accordance 'ith relevant safety and manufacturer+s instructions. 2.,.ll cleaning materials and e&uipment are stored follo'ing #13s. 2.6Routine maintenance is carried out or arranged as per standard operating procedures. . =a(e up beds and cots .1 =attress is aired* freed from and vacuumed in accordance 'ith #13s. .2 #oiled linens an pillo'cases are replaced in accordance 'ith #13s. . 0inens are centered and mitered 'hen replaced as per #13s. ., /eds and cots are made%up according to prescribed procedure. ,. Clean toilet and bathroom ,.1 #eilings and walls are cleaned in accordance 'ith standard operating procedures and techni&ues. ,.2 9indo' edges and sills are 'iped clean in accordance 'ith standard operating procedures. ,. /ath tub* lavatory and toilet bo'ls are scrubbed and disinfected in accordance 'ith standard operating procedures and techni&ues. ,., .ccessories are 'ashed and cleaned in accordance 'ith standard operating procedures and techni&ues. ,.6 3athroom supplies are replenished and defective accessories replaced as per #13s. TR Caregiving -C )) %:% ELEMENT PER4ORMANCE CRITERIA Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of @ariables ,.8 "&uipment is cleaned after use in accordance 'ith manufacturer+s instruction. ,.: .ll cleaning materials and e&uipment are stored in a safe place as per #13s. ,.; Routine maintenance is carried out or arranged as per standard operating procedures. 6. #anitiBe rooms
6.1 anitizing agents are 177L accurately measured and miAed in accordance 'ith relevant safety regulations. 6.2 "Acess miAtures of sanitiBing agents are disposed according to environmental re&uirements. 6. Rooms are sanitiBed in accordance 'ith standard operating procedures. 6., "&uipment is cleaned after use in accordance 'ith manufacturer+s instructions. 6.6 .ll cleaning materials and e&uipment are stored in a safe place as per #13s. 6.8 Routine maintenance is carried out or arranged as per standard operating procedures. 8. =aintain clean room environment 8.1 .ll e&uipment and cleaning paraphernalia are chec(ed and maintained according to manufacturer+s instructions. 8.2 .ll 'astes are removed and disposed of in accordance 'ith employer+s re&uirements. 8. .ll movable furniture and fittings are shifted to allo' access to hidden dust4'aste4dirt and as per #13s. 8., Rooms are chec(ed regularly for orderliness4tidiness in accordance 'ith employer+s re&uirements. :. Clean (itchen :.1 #oiled dishes* pots* pans and linen are 'ashed in accordance 'ith standard operating procedures. :.2 Cleaned4dried dishes* pots and pans are stored as per standard operating procedures. :. 4itchen appliances are cleaned in accordance 'ith standard operating procedures. :., Fitchen fiAtures* tables and chairs are 'iped in accordance 'ith standard operating procedures. :.6 2loor is mopped and dried in accordance 'ith standard operating procedures. :.8 4itchen supplies are inspected and replenished in accordance 'ith standard operating procedures. TR Caregiving -C )) %;% RANGE O4 VARIA5LES VARIA5LE RANGE 1. Cleaning "&uipment* #upplies and =aterials 1.1 /rooms 1.2 !ust pan and brush 1. Cleaning implements 1., @acuum cleaner 1.6 2loor Carpet 1.8 9ater <oses 1.: /uc(et 1.; /ed 1.> !ining Table 1.17 9ater 3itcher 1.11 Table Cloth 1.12 2lo'ers 1.1 /ed Cover 1.1, #poon 1.16 2or( 1.18 Fnife 1.1: 3late 1.1; 9ine Class 1.1> #erving 5tensils 1.27 Table -ap(in 1.21 3aper To'el 1.22 2lo'er @ase 1.2 !rin(ing 9ater 1.2, #erving Tray 1.26 #oiled Table 1.28 Cleaning !etergent 1.2: 0i&uid !etergent 1.2; Cleaning #olution 1.2> #crubbing 2oam 1.7 2lat #heets 1.1 2itted #heet 1.2 3illo' 1. 3illo' Case 1., /ed =attress 1.6 !ish 3an 1.8 !ish #ponge4!ish Cloth 1.: 3an 'ith <ot 9ater 1.; Rolled -e'spaper 1.> Cleaning Rag 1.,7 9aA 3aper4.luminum 2oil 1.,1 Talcum 3o'der 1.,2 /o'l Cleaner 1., Toilet !isinfectant 1.,, .cid Cleaner 1.,6 Cup 1.,8 #oup 3late 1.,: #oup /o'l 1.,; !rin(ing Class4Coblet 1.,> #erving !ish 1.67 Rubber #patula 1.61 2loor =op TR Caregiving -C )) %>% VARIA5LE RANGE 1.62 Toilet /o'l #'ab 1.6 Toilet Caddy 1.6, #pray /ottle 1.66 Cuess =odel 1.68 .ntistatic !uster4Cleaning Cloth 1.6: @acuum Cleaner 'ith Circular /rushes 1.6; #ponges 1.6> #courer 1.87 Class Cleaning "&uipment 1.81 !rop #heets 1.82 M.I 2rame 0adders 1.8 Cob'ebber 1.8, 0int 2ree Cleaning Cloths 1.86 #&ueegees (@arious #iBes) 1.88 "Atension 3oles 1.8: <oses 2. 2loor Types4#urface TeAtures 2.1 Concrete 2.2 TerraBo 2. @inyl 2., #late 2.6 Ceramic Tile 2.8 9ood 2.: =arble 2.; /ric( 2.> 3ar&uetry 2.17 Rubber 2.11 3olished 9ood . 9aste (9et or !ry) .1 !ust .2 3aper . 2ood ., #tones .6 Cravel ,. 2urnishings42iAtures ,.1 !es(s ,.2 Tables ,. Chairs ,., Computers ,.6 2iling Cabinets ,.8 Cloc(s ,.: #toves ,.; 0amps ,.> Railing ,.17 9indo' #ills ,.11 #(irting ,.12 !oors ,.1 !oor <andles ,.1, 0ight #'itches ,.16 Telephone <andsets ,.18 .ir Conditioning @ents ,.1: 0ights ,.1; Ceiling 2ans ,.1> /linds ,.27 Curtains ,.21 Crilles TR Caregiving -C )) %,7% VARIA5LE RANGE ,.22 Refrigerators ,.2 3icture 2rames ,.2, #helves ,.26 Compactus ,.28 9or( #tations ,.2: #ho'cases ,.2; /ars ,.2> /eds ,.7 /edside Cupboards 6. Ceiling 2ittings 6.1 Recessed 0ights 6.2 1rnamental <anging 0ights 6. 3roDected 0ights 6., Ceiling 2ans 6.6 Televisions 6.8 #pea(ers 6.: #mo(e !etectors 6.; #prin(ler #ystems 6.> @ents and Crilles 6.17 #(ylights 6.11 Cameras 6.12 Chandelier 8. Ceiling 8.1 2lat 8.2 #uspended 8. <ard :. /athroom #upplies4 .ccessories :.1 0i&uid and /ar #oap :.2 Toilet 3aper :. /athroom !eodoriBer :., Cloth43aper To'els :.6 3ersonal Toiletries :.8 /athroom #lippers :.: 2loor To'el :.; Trash Can ;. #anitiBing .gents ;.1 #olvent #pray ;.2 .nti%#tatic #olution ;. .nti%#tatic #pray >. #anitiBing "&uipment* #upplies and =aterials >.1 0adders >.2 @acuum 5nit >. !ust =op >., 0int 2ree Clothing Cloths >.6 =op <ead and /uc(et >.8 !ust 3an >.: /room 17.0inens 17.1 -ap(ins 17.2 Tablecloths 17. #erving Cloths 17., Tea To'els 17.6 Clothing 17.8 Cleaning Cloths 11.Fitchen .ppliances 11.1 2ood 3rocessor 11.2 Crill 11. <igh 3ressure #teamer 11., =icro'ave 1ven TR Caregiving -C )) %,1% VARIA5LE RANGE 11.6 1ven ("lectric4Cas) 11.8 Range 11.: Refrigerator 11.; Tilting #(illet 11.> Toaster 11.17 "lectric Fnife 11.11 Euice =a(er 11.12 Rice Coo(er 12.Fitchen #upplies and =aterials 12.1 .ll%3urpose !etergent 12.2 .ll%3urpose #oap 12. Coffee* Tea* Cream 12., Condiments 12.6 !isinfectants 12.8 !rain #olvent 12.: 2ood )tems (dairy* vegetable* bread* meat and fruits) 12.; Carbage /ag 12.> #couring 3ad 12.17 Coo(ing 1il 12.11 )ngredients
TR Caregiving -C )) %,2% EVIDENCE GUIDE 1. Critical aspects of competency .ssessment re&uires evidence that the candidate 1.1 Cleaned surfaces and floors. 1.2 Cleaned furnishings and fiAtures. 1. =ade%up beds and cots. 1., Cleaned toilets and bathrooms. 1.6 #anitiBed rooms. 1.8 =aintained clean room environment. 1.: Cleaned (itchen. 2. 5nderpinning (no'ledge and attitudes 2.1 3rocedures in Cleaning* 3olishing* !isinfecting and #anitiBing Rooms (0iving Room* !ining Room* /edrooms* Toilets and Fitchen) 2.2 Types and Characteristics of 2loors 2. =ethod of Removing #uitable !irt4#tain 2., Types45ses42unctions of Cleaning "&uipment* #upplies and =aterials 2.6 Class Types* including defects 2.8 =ethod of )dentifying #tains* =ud* !irt and Crease 2.: #tain Removal Techni&ues 2.; "ffects of 3re%"Aisting Conditions on #afe 9or( 3ractices 2.> 3rocedures in .rranging 2urniture 2.17 Types and Characteristics of furniture and 2urnishing 2.11 3rocedures in /ed =a(ing 2.12 Fno'ledge on !ifferent 0inen and 2abric 2.1 3rocedures in Cleaning and =aintaining Room 2urniture and 2urnishings 2.1, Fno'ledge on !ifferent .reas 9here !irt and !ust Can "asily .ccumulate 2.16 #chedule of <ouse Chores 2.18 Types of .ncillary Rooms 2.1: Types of <ome #et%5p 2.1; Types of 0iving Room .ppliances and 1rnament . 5nderpinning s(ills .1 Cleaning Rooms G 0iving Room* /edroom* /athroom and Fitchen .2 =a(ing%5p the /ed . .rranging the 2urniture ., =aintaining )n%!oor 3lants .6 Chemical <andling and !isposal Techni&ues .8 =anual <andling Techni&ues .: Reporting and Recording )nformation .; 3lanning and 1rganiBing 9or( .> Communication 'ith 1thers .17 "&uipment 1peration and Cleaning .11 9or( 3lanning and 1rganiBation .12 9aste =inimiBation .1 !ecanting Chemicals TR Caregiving -C )) %,% ,. Resource implications The follo'ing resources MUST be provided: ,.1 Copies of Relevant #tandards* Training /oo(s and .ssessment 3lanning Cuides ,.2 .ccident Report 2orms ,. Eob #pecifications and Reporting 2orms ,., .ccess to a #uitable @enue ,.6 =anufacturer4"nterprise 3roduct #pecifications ,.8 . range of e&uipment* including personal protective e&uipment and relevant cleaning or spot removing chemicals ,.: =aterial safety data sheets and e&uipment operating manuals* if relevant ,.; .ccess to a registered provider of assessment services ,.> Chemical Color Charts 6. =ethod of assessment Competency may be assessed through: 6.1 9ritten Test4"Aamination 6.2 !emonstration 'ith &uestioning 6. 1bservation 'ith &uestioning 8. ConteAt of assessment 8.1 Competency may be assessed in the 'or(place or in a simulated 'or( setting. TR Caregiving -C )) %,,% 5-)T 12 C1=3"T"-C? : ?ASH AND IRON CLOTHES, LINEN AND 4A5RIC 5-)T C1!" : HCS727729 5-)T !"#CR)3T1R : This unit covers the (no'ledge* s(ills and attitudes re&uired to perform home management by providing clean* safe environment. ELEMENT PER4ORMANCE CRITERIA Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of @ariables 1. Chec( and sort clothes* linens and fabrics 1.1 #oiled clothes* linen and fabrics are sorted according to teAture* color* siBe and defects. 1.2 orted items are prioritiBed according to the cleaning process re&uired ad the urgency of the item. 1. !efective clothing* linen and fabric are se'n4darned using appropriate threads and stitches. 2. Remove stains 2.1 $ersonal protective paraphernalia are 'orn in accordance 'ith standard operating procedures (#13s). 2.2 tain removing agents and chemicals are used in accordance 'ith manufacturer+s instruction. 2. tains are treated and removed using correct chemicals or agents. 2., .ll stain removing agents and chemicals are stored follo'ing safety procedures. . 3repare 'ashing e&uipment and supplies .1 Laundr! area is cleaned and made ready at all times. .2 Laundr! supplies and materials are prepared and made available at all times. . 9ashing machine is chec(ed and prepared for operation per manual procedures. ,. 3erform laundry
,.1 Correct laundry method is selected as per #13s. ,.2 Clothes* linen and fabric are 'ashed according to the labeling codes and 'ashing instructions. ,. 0aundry e&uipment is used in accordance 'ith manufacturer+s instruction. ,., Clothing* linen and fabric are freed from stain* dirt and unpleasant odor after 'ashing based on procedures. ,.6 9ashed clothes* linen and fabric are sun%dried4machine dried as per instructions. ,.8 !ried clothes* linen and fabric are freed from unpleasant odor and static cling. ,.: 9ashing area is cleaned in accordance 'ith safety and health procedures. ,.; "&uipment is cleaned after use in accordance 'ith TR Caregiving -C )) %,6% ELEMENT PER4ORMANCE CRITERIA Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of @ariables manufacturer+s instructions. ,.> .ll cleaning materials and e&uipment are stored follo'ing safety procedures. ,.17 Routine maintenance is carried out or arranged as per standard operating procedures. 6. !ry clothes* linen and fabric
6.1 9ashed clothes* linen and fabric are dried according to procedures. 6.2 !rying machine is prepared according to procedure. 6. !ried clothes* linen and fabric are removed 'hen dryer bell rings or stops to prevent 'rin(les and to minimiBe need for ironing. 6., Clothes* linen and fabric are dried 'ithout 'rin(les according to procedures. 8. )ron clothes* linens and fabrics 8.1 )roning is done in accordance to the standard procedures 8.2 )roned clothes* linens and fabrics are folded* placed in a hanger and stored in designated cabinets as per instructions. 8. Ironing e%uipment and materials are stored in the appropriate area follo'ing safety procedures. TR Caregiving -C )) %,8% RANGE O4 VARIA5LES VARIA5LE RANGE 1. #orted )tems 1.1 #oiled4!efective Clothes 1.2 0inen 1. 2abrics 2. 3ersonal 3rotective 3araphernalia 2.1 Cloves 2.2 .pron . #tains .1 Coffee .2 Cola . Cordial ., Che'ing Cum .6 2ood .8 =ud4!irt .: Crease .; /lood .> 2ruit #tains .17 9ine ,. #tain ,.1 .cid Cleaners ,.2 .l(ali Cleaners ,. Chlorine /leach ,., .ll%3urpose !etergent 6. 0aundry .rea 6.1 9ashers 6.2 !ryers 6. Clothesline 6., Clothes 3ins 6.6 Clothespin /ag 6.8 Clothes Rac( for )ndoor !rying 8. 0aundry #upplies and =aterials 8.1 #orting /as(ets4#helves 8.2 <angers 8. #tain Removing .gents 8., 2abric #oftener 8.6 Chlorine /leach 8.8 0aundry /ag 8.: 0aundry /as(et TR Caregiving -C )) %,:% EVIDENCE GUIDE 1. Critical aspects of competency .ssessment re&uires evidence that the candidate: 1.1 Chec(ed and sorted soiled clothes* linen and fabric. 1.2 Removed stains. 1. 3repared 'ashing e&uipment and supplies 1., 3erformed laundry. 1.6 !ried clothes* linen and fabric. 1.8 )roned clothes* linen and fabric. 2. 5nderpinning (no'ledge and attitudes 2.1 3rocedures in #orting 0aundry 2.2 3rinciples and 3rocedures in !arning <oles and Tears 2. <ygiene* <ealth and #afety issues #pecific to 0aundry 1perations 2., Types45ses and <andling of 0aundry Chemicals 2.6 3rinciples and 3rocedures in Removing #tains 2.8 Types45ses of #tain Removing .gents 2.: 0anguage 0abel (2abric and Carments 0abels) 2.; Types and Characteristics of Clothes* 0inen and 2abric 2.> #tandard 3rocedures in Chec(ing and 3reparing 9ashing =achine 2.17 3rocedures in 3reparing 0aundry #upplies and =aterials 2.11 3reparing =iAtures or /leaching #olutions 2.12 Types and 5ses of 9ashing =achines and !ryers 2.1 3rinciples and 3rocedures in 9ashing* !rying and )roning Clothes* 0inen and 2abric 2.1, <ygiene* <ealth and #afety )ssues of #pecific Relevance to 0aundry 1perations 2.16 =aintenance of 0aundry .rea 2.18 3rocedures in !rying Clothes* 0inen and 2abric 2.1: 3rocedures in )roning Clothes* 0inen and 2abric 2.1; Types45ses of )roning "&uipment* Tools and 3araphernalia 2.1> 3rocedures in #toring Clothes* 0inen and 2abric 2.27 /asics of 3ressing 2.21 Types and 5ses of )rons* )roning /oards and )roning .ccessories 2.22 Types and 5se of <angers 2.2 2olding =ethod and Techni&ues 2.2, 3ressing 3rocedures . 5nderpinning #(ills .1 Chec(ing and sorting soiled clothes* linen and fabric .2 Removing #tains . 3reparing 'ashing e&uipment and supplies ., 3erforming laundry .6 !rying clothes* linen and fabric .8 )roning clothes* linen and fabric ,. Resource )mplications The follo'ing resources MUST be provided: ,.1 2acilities* e&uipment* supplies and materials relevant to the unit of competency 6. =ethod of .ssessment Competency maybe assessed through: 6.1 9ritten Test 6.2 !emonstration 'ith &uestioning 6. 1bservation 'ith &uestioning 8. ConteAt of .ssessment 8.1 Competency may be assessed in the 'or(place or in a simulated 'or( setting. TR Caregiving -C )) %,;% 5-)T 12 C1=3"T"-C? : PREPARE HOT AND COLD MEALS@4OOD 5-)T C1!" : HCS727722 5-)T !"#CR)3T1R : This unit covers the (no'ledge* s(ills and attitudes in coo(ing basic hot food and cold meals. )t includes preparation of ingredients* coo(ing meals and dishes according to recipes* present* prepare coo(ed dishes4sauces* preparation of appetiBers* butter designs* desserts* salads* sand'iches* sauces* dressing garnishes and preparing centers pieces. ELEMENT PER4ORMANCE CRITERIA Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of @ariables 1. 3repare ingredients according to recipes 1.1 )ngredients are purchased in accordance 'ith purchase list. 1.2 H=ise en placeI is chec(ed as per #13s. 1. Thawing is prepared according to tha'ing procedures. 1., =eat are prepared according to procedures and prescribed recipe. 1.6 5egetables are prepared according to the manner of preparation1 1.8 eafood are prepared according to method of preparation. 2. Coo( meals and dishes according to recipes 2.1#oup is coo(ed as per menu. 2.2@egetable dishes are coo(ed according to recipe. 2.=eat dishes are coo(ed according to culinar! 0ethod1 2.,3oultry and game dishes are coo(ed according to recipe. 2.6#ea food dishes are coo(ed according to recipe 2.8"gg dishes are coo(ed according to client+s preference 2.:3asta grain and farinaceous dishes are coo(ed according to recipe . 3resent coo(ed dishes .1 #erving portion is standardiBed. .2 3resentation of coo(ed dishes are developed and corrected in accordance 'ith #13s. . 2ood &uality is maintained and chec(ed as per #13s. ., Time and temperature condition of foods is ensured before serving based on freeBing temperature. ,. 3repare sauces* dressings and garnishes ,.1 =aterials* e&uipment4utensils are prepared prior to preparation of sauces* dressings and garnishes as per #13s. ,.2 #auces* garnishes* hot and cold dressing are prepared as per #13s. 6. 3repare .ppetiBers 6.1 !+oeuvres are prepared according to re&uirement and preference of client. 6.2 Canape+s are prepared according to re&uirement for preference of client. 6. 2inger foods are prepared according to re&uirement or preference of client. TR Caregiving -C )) %,>% ELEMENT PER4ORMANCE CRITERIA Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of @ariables 8. 3repare desserts and salads 8.1 =aterials* e&uipment4utensils used for coo(ing are prepared as per #13s. 8.2 #herbets* ices and ice cream are prepared in accordance 'ith prescribed procedures. 8. 2ruit desserts are prepared as per prescribed procedures. 8., 3astry desserts are prepared as per prescribed procedures. 8.6 =ousse is prepared as per prescribed procedures. 8.8 Cold salads and molded salads are prepared as per prescribed procedures. :. 3repare sand'iches :.1 "ot sandwiches are prepared as per #13s. :.2 #old dressings are prepared as per #13s. :. <ot sauces are prepared as per #13s. :., Cold sauces are prepared as per #13s. ;. #tore eAcess foods and ingredients ;.1 5nconsumed food are stored according to procedures. ;.2 "Acess ingredients are stored according to client+s re&uirement. ;. 3roper method of refrigeration and proper storing of dry food is implemented as per #13s. ;., 9et and dry food ingredients are properly stored as per #13s. >. Convert unconsumed coo(ed food >.1 5nconsumed coo(ed food is converted4transformed into ne' dishes as per #13s. >.25nconsumed coo(ed food is store4froBen at temperature of Bero degrees and in accordance 'ith #13s. >.3ac(ed4'rapped uncoo(ed food are froBen at Bero degrees 2 temperature and in accordance 'ith #13s. >.,3ac(ed4'rapped food for storage is prepared as per #13s. >.65ncoo(ed food is maintained at proper temperature and as per #13s. TR Caregiving -C )) %67% RANGE O4 VARIA5LES VARIA5LE RANGE 1. )ngredients =ay include but not limited to the follo'ing: 1.1 =eat 1.2 @egetable 1. #eafood 1., 3oultry and Came 1.6 #toc( 1.8 Cold 2ood 1.: Condiments 1.; =il( 1.> !airies 1.17 Cereals 1.11 2lour 1.12 /utter #auces 1.1 2ruits 2. =is en 3lace
.ssessment re&uires evidence that the candidate 1.13repared ingredients according to recipes. 1.2Coo(ed meals and dishes according to recipes. 1.3resented coo(ed dishes. 1.,3repared appetiBers. 1.63repared sauces* dressings and garnishes. 1.83repared desserts and salads. 1.:3repared sand'iches. 1.;#tored eAcess foods and ingredients. 1.>Converted unconsumed coo(ed and uncoo(ed food. 2. 5nderpinning (no'ledge and attitudes 2.1 2ood Theory 2.2 =aterials #pecifications and 5ses 2. Tools and "&uipment: 5ses and #pecifications 2., Codes and Regulations 2.,.1 3ertinent food and drin( sanitation la's* rules and regulations 2.6 =aintenance 1peration 2.8 /alance !iet 2.: -utrition 2.; #erving 2.> #afe 9or( 3ractices and 2irst .id Regulations 2.17 3ersonal <ygiene 2.11 3roviding #afe 2ood 2.12 2ood and #afety <aBard 2.1 #afe 2ood <andling 2.1, 2ood Costing and 3ortioning 2.16 2ood #torage 2.18 =ethod of 3reparing #alad 2.1: <andling of Fitchen "&uipment . 5nderpinning s(ills .1 Coo(ing =ethod .2 <andling of Fitchen "&uipment . 3roper #toring ., 2ood Costing and 3ortioning ,. Resource implications The follo'ing resources MUST be provided: ,.12acilities* e&uipment* supplies and materials relevant to the unit of competency 6. =ethod of assessment Competency may be assessed through: 6.1 9ritten Test 6.2 !emonstration 'ith &uestioning 6. 1bservation 'ith &uestioning 8. ConteAt of assessment 8.1 Competency may be assessed in the 'or(place or in a simulated 'or( setting. TR Caregiving -C )) %6% SECTION 7 TRAINING STANDARDS This set of standards provides Technical and @ocational "ducation and Training (T@"T) providers 'ith information and other important re&uirements to consider 'hen designing training programs for CAREGIVING NC II. This includes information on curriculum design* training delivery* trainee entry re&uirements* tools and e&uipment* training facilities and trainers &ualification and institutional assessment. 7.2 CURRICULUM DESIGN Course Title: CAREGIVING -C 0evel: NC II -ominal Training !uration: (;* HRS. Course !escription: This course is designed to enhance the (no'ledge* s(ills and attitudes of Caregivers in accordance 'ith industry standards. )t covers basic* common and core competencies in -C )). 5ASIC COMPETENCIES A2; Ho,$sB UNIT O4 COMPETEN CY LEARNING OUTCOMES METHODOLOGY ASSESSMENT APPROACH 1. 3articipate in 'or(place communication 1.1 1btain and convey 'or(place information Croup discussion )nteraction !emonstration observation )ntervie's4 $uestioning 1.2 Complete relevant 'or( related documents 1. 3articipate in 'or(place meeting and discussion 2. 9or( in a team environment 2.1!escribe and identify team role and responsibility in a team 2.2!escribe 'or( as a team member !iscussion )nteraction !emonstration 1bservation )ntervie's4 $uestioning . 3ractice career professionalism .1 )ntegrate personal obDectives 'ith organiBational goals Croup discussion )nteraction !emonstration observation )ntervie's4 $uestioning .2 #et and meet 'or( priorities . =aintain professional gro'th and development ,. 3ractice occupational health and safety ,.1"valuate haBard and ris(s ,.2Control haBards and ris(s ,.=aintain occupational health and safety a'areness !iscussion 3lant Tour #ymposium 1bservation )ntervie's TR Caregiving -C )) %6,% COMMON COMPETENCIES A2; Ho,$sB UNIT O4 COMPETEN CY LEARNING OUTCOMES METHODOLOGY ASSESSMENT APPROACH 1. )mplement and monitor infection control policies and procedures 1.1 3rovide information to the 'or( group about the organiBation+s infection control policies and procedures. 1.2 )ntegrate the organiBation+s infection control policy and procedure into 'or( practices. 1. =onitor infection control performance and implement improvements in practices 0ecturette /rainstormi ng 1bservatio n and oral &uestioning Crid &uestion 3ractical eAercise 2. Respond effectively to difficult4challen ging behavior 2.1 3lan and respond to emergencies. 2.2 Report and revie' incidents. 0ecturette /rainstormi ng 1bservatio n and oral &uestioning Crid &uestion 3ractical eAercise . .pply basic first aid .1 .ssess the situation. .2 .pply basic first aid techni&ues. . Communicate details of the incident. 0ecturette /rainstormi ng 1bservatio n and oral &uestioning Crid &uestion 3ractical eAercise ,. =aintain high standard of patient services ,.1 Communicate appropriately 'ith patients. ,.2 "stablish and maintain good interpersonal relationship 'ith patients. ,. .ct in a respectful manner at all times. ,., "valuate o'n 'or( to maintain a high standard of patient service. 0ecturette /rainstormi ng 1bservatio n and oral &uestioning Crid &uestion 3ractical eAercise TR Caregiving -C )) %66% CORE COMPETENCIES A(:9 Ho,$sB COMPETENCY LEARNING OUTCOMES METHODOLOGY ASSESSMENT APPROACH 1. 3rovide care and support to infants 4toddlers 1.1 "Aplain the concepts and principles of caring* gro'th and development of infants4toddlers !iscussion !emonstration $uestioning demonstration observation 1.2 3repare infants 4 toddlers for ta(ing vital signs* bathing and dressing 1. Clean* steriliBe feeding bottles and prepare mil( formula 1., 3repare and introduce ade&uate nutrition and semi%solid food. 1.6 3repare infant 4 toddlers crib. 2. 3rovide care and support to children 2.1 "Aplain the importance of instilling personal hygiene practices to children !iscussion !emonstration /rainstorming !emonstration observation $uestioning 2.2 =aintain children+s paraphernalia 2. 3repare children for ta(ing vital sign* bathing and dressing 2., 3erform after care activities for materials and paraphernalia 2.6 !etermine nutritional food re&uirements of children . 2oster social* intellectual* creative and emotional development of children .1 "Aplain the concepts and principles of social* intellectual* creative and emotional development of children (%12 yrs. 1ld) !iscussion Role play /rainstorming $uestioning !emonstration 1bservation ,. 2oster physical development of children ,.1 "Aplain the concepts and principles of physical development of children !iscussion Role play /rainstorming !emonstration $uestioning 1bservation !emonstration ,.2 "Aplain the importance of healthy sleeping patterns and practices ,. 3erform physical activities 6. 3rovide care and support to elderly 6.1 "Aplain the concepts and principles of basic nursing care of the elderly !iscussion /rainstormi ng 1bservatio n $uestionin g 6.2 )dentify appropriate physical* emotional* spiritual and intellectual needs. TR Caregiving -C )) %68% COMPETENCY LEARNING OUTCOMES METHODOLOGY ASSESSMENT APPROACH 6. 3rovide assistance in promoting the appropriate needs for roles* responsibilities* rights* freedom and activities of elderly. 6., 3rovide ade&uate nutrition and elimination 8. 3rovide care and support to people 'ith special needs 8.1 )dentify and eAplain the needs of people 'ith special needs !iscussion !emonstra tion $uestionin g 9ritten eAam !emonstra tion 8.2 )dentify personal care and assistance needed for daily living 8. "stablish and maintain appropriate relationship 8., 3rovide appropriate support for people 'ith special needs 8.6 .ssist in oral and 'ritten communication 8.8 3rovide ade&uate nutrition and elimination for people 'ith special needs :. =aintain a healthy and safe environment :.1 "Aplain the concepts and principles in maintaining a clean and therapeutic environment !iscussion !emonstra tion !emonstra tion &uestioning :.2 "Aplain the procedure in maintaining a clean and therapeutic environment :. .ssist client in implementing a safe and therapeutic environment ;. Respond to emergency ;.1 !iscuss signs and symptoms of various illnesses and diseases !iscussion !emonstra tion #imulation @ideo vie'ing !emonstra tion &uestioning ;.2 )dentify and eAplain appropriate first aid and basic emergency procedure ;. "Aplain the procedures in implementing infection control prevention ;., )dentify the appropriate procedures in medicine administration ;.6 )dentify dangerous* haBardous and threat to safety and 'ell being ;.8 3erform first aid procedures TR Caregiving -C )) %6:% COMPETENCY LEARNING OUTCOMES METHODOLOGY ASSESSMENT APPROACH >. Clean living room* dining room* bedroom* toilet and bathroom >.1 "Aplain the principles and proper procedures in cleaning and polishing (living room* bedroom* bathroom* and (itchen) !iscussion !emonstra tion @ideo vie'ing !emonstra tion &uestioning >.2 Clean and sanitiBe toilet and bathroom >. )dentify different (inds of cleaning agent >., =a(e up beds and cots. (open and closed bed) >.6 =aintain a clean environment >.8 3erform after care activities of materials and e&uipment 17. 9ash and iron clothes* linens and fabrics 17.1 "Aplain the principles and procedures in 'ashing and ironing clothes !iscussion !emonstra tion !emonstra tion &uestioning 17.2 "Aplain the procedures in operating tools and e&uipment 17. 3erform laundry 17., )ron clothes* linens and fabrics 17.6 3erform after care activities of materials and e&uipment 11. 3repare hot and cold meals 11.1 "Aplain the procedures in preparing hot and cold meals !iscussion !emonstra tion !emonstra tion &uestioning 11.2 3repare hot and cold meals 11. 3repare appetiBers* sauces* dressings and garnishes 11., Coo( meals and dishes according to recipe4 dietary re&uirements 11.6 #et table and serve coo(ed dishes 11.8 3erform after care activities of materials and e&uipment 11.: !emonstrate personal good grooming and hygiene 11.; !emonstrate clear and effective communication on the Dob. 11.> =aintain professionalism at the 'or(place TR Caregiving -C )) %6;% 7.2 TRAINING DELIVERY The delivery of training should adhere to the design of the curriculum. !elivery should be guided by the 17 basic principles of competency%based T@"T. The training is based on curriculum developed from the competency standards; 0earning is modular in its structure; Training delivery is individualiBed and self%paced; Training is based on 'or( that must be performed; Training materials are directly related to the competency standards and the curriculum modules; .ssessment is based in the collection of evidence of the performance of 'or( to the industry re&uired standard; Training is based both on and off%the%Dob components; .llo's for recognition of prior learning (R30) or current competencies; Training allo's for multiple entry and eAit; and .pproved training programs are -ationally .ccredited The competency%based T@"T system recogniBes various types of delivery modes* both on and off%the%Dob as long as the learning is driven by the competency standards specified by the industry. The follo'ing training modalities may be adopted 'hen designing training programs: The dualiBed mode of training delivery is preferred and recommended. Thus programs 'ould contain both in%school and in%industry training or field'or( components. !etails can be referred to the !ual Training #ystem (!T#) )mplementing Rules and Regulations. =odular4self%paced learning is a competency%based training modality 'herein the trainee is allo'ed to progress at his o'n pace. The trainer Dust facilitates the training delivery. 3eer teaching4mentoring is a training modality 'herein fast learners are given the opportunity to assist the slo' learners. #upervised industry training or on%the%Dob training is an approach in training designed to enhance the (no'ledge and s(ills of the trainee through actual eAperience in the 'or(place to ac&uire specific competencies prescribed in the training regulations. !istance learning is a formal education process in 'hich maDority of the instruction occurs 'hen the students and instructor are not in the same place. !istance learning may employ correspondence study* audio* video or computer technologies. 3roDect%/ased )nstruction is an authentic instructional model or strategy in 'hich students plan* implement and evaluate proDects that have real 'orld applicants. TR Caregiving -C )) %6>% 7.7 TRAINEE ENTRY RE3UIREMENTS Trainees or students should possess the follo'ing re&uirements: can communicate both in oral and 'ritten; physically and mentally fit; 'ith good moral character; and can perform basic mathematical computation. This list does not include specific institutional re&uirements such as educational attainment* appropriate 'or( eAperience* and others that may be re&uired of the trainees by the school or training center delivering the T@"T program. 7.8 LIST O4 TOOLS, E3UIPMENT AND MATERIALS CAREGIVING NC II Recommended list of tools* e&uipment and materials for the training of 26 trainees for Caregiving -C )) are as follo's: TOOLS E3UIPMENT MATERIALS $ty !escription $ty !escription $ty !escription 2 pcs. .irpot (<ot 9ater) 1 pc. /ed 1rdinary 2 btls. .lcohol 1 pc. #(illet 1 pc. /ed surgical 2 pac(s .ll purpose detergent soap 6 sets Carbage bin (biodegradable and non%biodegradable 2 units /lender 4 Duicer 2 pcs. /aby oil 2 pcs. 5rinal 2 pcs. /p apparatus* aneroid 17 pcs. #oap 12 pcs. /asin (small) 2 pcs. /p apparatus* mercurial 6 pcs. 2eeding bottles '4 cover and nipples 1 pc. /aby bath tub 1 unit Coffee ma(er , pcs. /ib and baby layettes 12 pcs. 2lat sheet 1 pc. Crib 1 gal. /leaching solution 12 pcs. Cloves %household 1 unit !ish 'asher '4 drier 1 pac(4 each Coffee* Cream and sugar 1 boA Cloves % surgical 1 unit 2ood processor 1 pac(s Cotton buds 12 pcs. 2ace to'el4 to'elette 2 pcs. 2lat iron 'ith ironing board 1 set Condiments 12 pcs. /ath to'el4 to'elette 1 unit =icro'ave oven % digital 1 gal. 2abrics softener , pcs. /lan(et 1 units 1ven (electric* gas) 2ood items use for preparing meals , pcs. Comforter 26 pcs. Chairs 'ith arm 1 pac( !iaper (child and adult) 2 pcs. /edpan 1 unit !ining set 1 gal. 0i&uid soap (cleaning bottles) 2 pcs. /ottle brush (cleaning feeding bottles) 2 pcs. 9hite board 1 (ilo )nfant formula 2 pcs. /urping cloth 1 unit 1<340C!N 8 pac(s Table nap(ins TR Caregiving -C )) %87% TOOLS E3UIPMENT MATERIALS $ty !escription $ty !escription $ty !escription 6 pcs. /aby clothes 1 unit Computer '4 printer 2 pc#. Table cloth 6 pcs. /aby blan(et 1 unit Refrigerator 1 pac( Carbage bags 1 pc. Carpet , ft. A ; ft. 1 pc. #phygmoma% nometer 2 sets4 each /athing paraphernalia (adult and child) 1 pc. Clothes brush 1 pc. /ottle #teriliBer* electric TRAINING MATERIALS@ RE4ERENCES 1 pc. Clothes humper 1 pc. #tethoscope 1. =other and Care /aby 1 pc. Clothes rac( 1 unit #tove 2. )nfant Care 2eeding 2 each Clothes* linen and fabrics for laundry 1 unit 1perational telephone unit . #tory boo(s e.g. Cinderela* sno' 'hite* etc. 1 set China 'are 17 sets Thermometer (1ral* rectal* .Ailla* Tympanic) ,. Ceriatrics . #tudy of =aturity 1 set Coo(ing utensils 1 unit /read toaster 6. Complete "arly Childhood 6 pcs. Cutting board 1 unit 9ashing machine G <eavy !uty 8. /aby 3lay 1 set Cutlery 1 unit !rier :. 2undamentals of -ursing 1 pc. "lectric (nife 1 pc. 9eighing scale ;. Coo(boo( 1 pc. "lectric opener 1 pc. 9heel chair >. Toddler 3lay 17 pcs. Co'n (hospital) 1 unit @acuum cleaner G <eavy !uty 17. Care of the .dult 1 pc. <ot 'ater bag 1 pc. Commode 11. 2irst .id /oo( 1 pc. )ce cap 1 pc. Cane or 'al(er 12. Cleaning of !ifferent .reas of the house 1 pc. Fettle 1 pc. <igh chair4 booster seat4 portable seat 1 set 3ots and pan 1 unit !ressing trolley '4 1 set4 each TOYS 17 pcs. 3ot holder cotton balls medicine glass thermometer 'ound dressing set 1. Crayons 1,. 3lay !ough 16. #hape sorter 18. Coloring /oo( 2 pcs. .pron 1 set 2irst aid (it 1:. =usical =obile 1 set Crutches (adDustable ) 1 each !ummy (baby and adult) NN % use for bathing 1;. 3ush J pull toys 1 set Crooming (it (hairbrush. comb* nail cutter* nail brush) 1 each !ummy for C3R (infant* child and adult) NN 1>. Toys (assorted)* games and accessories 6 pcs. <and to'el O44ICE E3UIPMENT@ 4URNITURE TAPES@DISC 1 set 2eeding utensils (Child and adult) 1 unit 2aA machine 27. C3R ()nfant* Child and .dult) TR Caregiving -C )) %81% TOOLS E3UIPMENT MATERIALS $ty !escription $ty !escription $ty !escription 1 set =easuring cup 1 unit Television 21. .rtificial Resp. ()nfant* Child and .dult) 1 unit =edical tray 1 unit @<#4C!4!@! 3layer 22. 2racture 1 set =iAing bo'l 1 set #ofa set 2. #prained .n(le , pcs. 3ail 2,. /urns 6 pcs. 3eeler 26. Child safety: films about playing and safe 1 pc. 3ic( up forcep 28. =ultiple Casualty =anagement 12 pcs. 3illo' case ; pcs. 3illo' 1 unit 3ortable miAer 1 unit 3otato masher 2 pcs. Record boo( 8 pcs. Rubber sheets 1 set #ilver 'are 17 pcs. #oap dish 1 pc. Tong (plastic4 rubber) N 1ptional NN =ultipurpose or conventional 7.: TRAINING 4ACILITIES Ca$e1i0in1 NC II The Caregiving 0earning 2acility must be of concrete structure. /ased on a class inta(e of 26 students4trainees* the space re&uirements for the teaching 4 learning and curriculum areas are as follo's. S-ace Re<,i$e"ent SiCe in Mete$s A$ea in S<. Mete$s Tota A$ea in S<. Mete$s .dministration 1ffice !emonstration Room % Child care 7 s&. m. 7 s&. m. % <ome =anagement 87 s&. m. 87 s&. m. % "lderly Care 7 s&. m. 7 s&. m. % Care for people 'ith special needs 7 s&. m. 7 s&. m. .cademic room 7 s&. m. 7 s&. m. #tudy room40earning Resource Center Clinic #eparate restrooms for female and male 0ibrary holdings must not be less than five (6) titles related and for each title at least copies each TR Caregiving -C )) %82% Tota +o$&s!o- a$eaD 2;9 s<. ". TR Caregiving -C )) %8% 7.* TRAINERES 3UALI4ICATIONS CAREGIVING NC II TRAINER 3UALI4ICATION I AT3 IIB =ust be a holder of -C ))) =ust have undergone training on Training =ethodology )) (T= ))) =ust be physically and mentally fit N=ust have at least 2% years Dob4industry eAperience on supervisory4managerial level N 1ptional. 1nly 'hen re&uired by the hiring institution. Reference: T"#!. /oard Resolution -o. 277,%7 7.( INSTITUTIONAL ASSSESSMENT )nstitutional assessment is underta(en by trainees to determine their achievement of units of competency. . certificate of achievement may be issued for each unit of competency. TR Caregiving -C )) %8,% SECTION 8 NATIONAL ASSESSMENT AND CERTI4ICATION ARRANGEMENTS ,.1 To attain the -ational $ualification of Caregiving -C ))* the candidate must demonstrate competence through proDect%type assessment covering all units listed in #ection 1. #uccessful candidates shall be a'arded a -ational Certificate signed by the T"#!. !irector Ceneral. ,.2 The &ualification of Caregiving -C )) may be attained through G ,.2.1 .ccumulation of Certificates of Competency (C1Cs) in the follo'ing areas G ,.2.1.1 3roviding care and support for infants* toddlers and children 3rovide care and support to infants4toddlers 3rovide care and support to children 2oster* social* intellectual* creative and emotional development of children 2oster the physical development of children =aintain healthy and safe environment Respond to emergency Clean living room* dining room* bedrooms* toilet and bathroom 9ash and iron clothes* linen and fabric 3repare hot and cold meals ,.2.1.2 3roviding care and support for the elderly and people 'ith special needs 3rovide care and support to elderly 3rovide care and support to people 'ith special needs =aintain healthy and safe environment Respond to emergency Clean living room* dining room* bedrooms* toilet and bathroom 9ash and iron clothes* linen and fabric 3repare hot and cold meals ,.2.2 !emonstration of competence through proDect%type assessment covering all re&uired units of &ualification. ,. .ssessment shall focus on the units of competency. The basic and common units shall be integrated or assessed concurrently 'ith the core units. ,., The follo'ing are &ualified to apply for assessment and certification: ,.,.1 Craduates of formal* non%formal and informal including enterprise%based training programs.
,.,.2 "Aperienced 'or(ers ('age employed or self%employed). ,.6 Reassessment is allo'ed only after one month from the date of assessment. Reassessment for a -ational Certificate shall be done only on the tas(4s that the candidate did not successfully achieve. ,.8 . candidate 'ho fails the assessment for t'o (2) consecutive times 'ill be re&uired to go through a refresher course before ta(ing another assessment. TR Caregiving -C )) %86% ,.: 1nly certified individuals in this $ualification may be nominated by the industry sector for accreditation as competency assessor. ,.; 1nly accredited competency assessors are allo'ed to conduct competency assessment* ho'ever trainers 'ho are accredited competency assessors are not allo'ed to assess their trainees. ,.> .ssessment of competence must be underta(en only in the T"#!. accredited assessment center. The performance assessment (demonstration of competence)* ho'ever* may be done in any venue or 'or(place duly designated by an accredited assessment center. ,.17 The guidelines on assessment and certification are discussed in detail in the 3rocedures =anual on .ssessment and Certification. TR Caregiving -C )) %88% C 1 = = 1 -
C 1 = 3 " T " - C ) " # C 1 R " C 1 = 3 " T " - C ) " # COMPETENCY MAP CAREGIVING NC II 3rovide care and support to infants4toddlers 3rovide care and support to children 3rovide care and support to elderly 3rovide care and support to people 'ith special needs )mplement and monitor infection control policies and procedures Respond effectively to difficult4 challenging behavior .pply basic first aid =aintain high standard of patient services 2oster social* intellectual* creative and emotional development of children =aintain healthy and safe environment / . # ) C
C 1 = 3 " T " - C ) " # 3ractice career professionalism 3ractice occupational health and safety procedures 3articipate in 'or(place communication 9or( in team environment 2oster the physical development of children Respond to emergency Clean living room* dining room* bedrooms* toilet and bathroom 9ash and iron clothes* linen and fabric 3repare hot and cold meals AC>NO?LEDGEMENT The Technical "ducation and #(ills !evelopment .uthority (T"#!.) 'ishes to eAtend than(s and appreciation to the many representatives of business* industry* academe and government agencies 'ho donated their time and eApertise to the development and validation of this Training Regulation. The T"#!. .dvisory and "Apert 3anels (T.3%T"3) for the <ealth* #ocial and 1ther Community !evelopment #ervices #ector G AL4REDO P. PALMIERY Concorde )nternational #ervices ED?ARD 5. MALFAN 3rimacare Training !evelopment Center EVARISTO A. TECSON 3hilippine .ssociation of #ervice "Aporters* )nc. (3.#")) GULIE V. >ALLAL #)C"# 3hilippines* )nc. The )ndustry "Aperts 'ho developed the Competency #tandard ANNETTE M. DOMINGUEF #)C"# 3hilippines* )nc. CARMELINA R. SALAFAR ..C <uman Resource Training Center TERESITA A. LLAMAS ..C <uman Resource Training Center ANGELINA G. SU5ANG =arian Care )nternational Corporation SALES L. ROYOL )C.-.C.R" Training and !evelopment* )nc. ROLANDO G. TALAG Colden =iles 2oundation and Training Center )nternational The .!<1C Committee 'ho revie'ed the #tandard ENGR. FENAIDA G. GORDON Chairperson MR. ISIDRO ANTONIO C. ASPER =ember MR. RENE LUIS TADLE =ember DR. TERESITA U. 3UIRINO =ember DR. NONA S. RICA4ORT =ember MS. CONCEPCION G. DODD =ember The $uality .ssurance Committee ATTY. RANUL4O P. PAYOS Chairperson DR. AL5ERTO VICTOR P. 4ENIH =ember MR. RENE LUIS TADLE =ember DR. TERESITA U. 3UIRINO =ember DR. NONA S. RICA4ORT =ember MS. CONCEPCION G. DODD =ember List o% P,bis!e# T$ainin1 Re1,ations .nimal 3roduction -C )) .&uaculture -C )) .utomotive /ody 3ainting42inishing -C )) .utomotive /ody Repair -C )) .utomotive "ngine Rebuilding -C )) .utomotive #ervicing -C )) /artending -C )) /uilding 9iring )nstallation -C )) Carpentry -C )) Commercial Coo(ing -C )) Computer <ard'are #ervicing -C )) !ec( #eafaring -C )) !ressma(ing -C )) !riving -C )) "ngine #eafaring -C )) 2ood and /everage #ervices -C )) 2oot'ear =a(ing -C )) <eavy "&uipment 1peration -C )) <orticulture -C )) <ousehold #ervices -C )) <ouse(eeping -C )) =achining -C )) =asonry -C )) =otorcycle and #mall "ngine #ervicing -C )) Ca$e1i0in1 NC II 3lumbing -C )) 3yrotechnics -C )) R.C #ervicing -C ) R.C #ervicing -C )) #ecurity #ervices -C )) Tailoring -C )) Tour Cuiding #ervices -C )) Transport R.C #ervicing -C )) Travel #ervices -C )) 9elding -C )) These mate#ials a#e available in both p#inted and elect#onic copies. $o# mo#e info#mation please contact% Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) Telephone Nos.% &9'(&')'* &9'(+1'9, &1(4)! to &+ loc. !1- to !1 o# visit ou# .ebsite% ....tesda./