Quality Metrics Tool For Object Oriented Programming: Mythili Thirugnanam and Swathi.J.N
Quality Metrics Tool For Object Oriented Programming: Mythili Thirugnanam and Swathi.J.N
Quality Metrics Tool For Object Oriented Programming: Mythili Thirugnanam and Swathi.J.N
5, October, 2010
AbstractMetrics measure certain properties of a software
system by mapping them to numbers (or to other symbols)
according to well-defined, objective measurement rules. Design
Metrics are measurements of the static state of the projects
design and also used for assessing the size and in some cases the
quality and complexity of software. Assessing the Object
Oriented Design (OOD) metrics is to predict potentially
fault-prone classes and components in advance as quality
indicators. To perform the assessment accurately, a sequential
life cycle model and a well-known OO analysis/design method
for java programming language is used. Design metrics helps to
identify potential problems in the early stages of the
development process. The quality metrics tool has been
developed to determine the various design metrics and the
quality attributes of Object Oriented program. These quality
attributes determines the complexity and efficiency of the
Index TermsMetrics, Object Oriented Program, Quality,
Design Metrics.
Object Oriented Design and development are popular
concepts in todays software development environment and
in solving software problems. In reality, Object Oriented
development has proved its value for systems that must be
maintained and modified. The concepts of software metrics
are well established, and many metrics relating to product
quality have been developed and used. With object-oriented
analysis and design methodologies gaining popularity, it is
time to start investigating object-oriented metrics with
respect to software quality. Producing a high quality software
system is a goal required by all the stakeholders involved in
any software system project. A major prerequisite to attain
high quality software is the continuous and early assessment
of its quality. Assessing the quality in the early stages of its
development life cycle signals any omissions or weaknesses
in quality that need to be addressed, and allows taking the
essential measures to deviate such deficiencies as early as
possible, thus, reducing the overall cost of software
development process, and increasing the software quality
level. The difficulty is that, depending on design practices
used in a development environment, two metrics may be
redundant in one software system, but not in another. There is
no such thing as a canonical set of non-redundant metrics that
captures all important design properties and is valid for all
systems. Therefore, Software Design Metrics features a rich
set of metrics, to minimize the risk of missing important
design aspects, at the cost of some redundancy among the
metrics. There are many tools available but there is no tool to
comprise various Object Oriented Design metrics to
determine the quality of Object Oriented Program. The
proposed tool provides different features to compute project
level metrics, module level metrics and class level metrics for
Object Oriented Programming.
Object Oriented Analysis and Design methods, Object
Oriented languages, and Object Oriented development
environments are currently popular worldwide in both small
and large software organizations. The Object Oriented
methodology has created new challenges for software
companies which use product metrics tool for monitoring,
controlling and improving the way they develop and maintain
software. The studies have concluded that traditional
product metrics are not sufficient for characterizing,
assessing, and predicting the quality of Object Oriented
software systems. To address this issue, OO metrics have
recently been proposed in the literature [3], [5], [6].
Object-Oriented Design Metrics Using UML Class
Diagrams describes a brief survey of object-oriented design
considerations. A software design metric approach, known as
Factor-Criteria-Measurement, is enhanced to adopt the use of
Unified Modeling Language (UML) class diagrams to derive
useful object-oriented design metrics. A structural method to
present the metrics is also discussed [1]. The Software
Assurance Technology Center's (SATC) approach was to
select OO metrics that apply to the primary, critical
constructs of OO design. The suggested metrics are
supported by most literature and also now found in some
Object Oriented tools. The metrics evaluate the OO concepts:
methods, classes, cohesion, coupling, and inheritance. The
metrics focus on internal object structure, external measures
of the interactions among entities, measures of the efficiency
of an algorithm and the use of machine resources, and the
psychological measures that affect a programmer's ability to
create, comprehend, modify, and maintain software. Object
Oriented Design
Quality Metrics [11] proposes strategies on how analysis
of source code with metrics can be integrated in an ongoing
software development project and how metrics can be used as
a practical aid in code- and architecture investigations on
existing systems. [2] Proposed work focused on defining 12
categories and a set of metrics for each category in order to
assess software suitability to meet user's needs. A possible
extension of proposed work to measure the forecasted
success of open source projects is discussed. A key idea of
the proposed extension is to systematically use quantitative
metrics that can be automated, taking advantage of the
information that can be found in the Web. A neuro-fuzzy
approach together with statistical techniques to reveal the
Quality Metrics Tool for Object Oriented
Mythili Thirugnanam
and Swathi.J.N.
International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 5, October, 2010
relationship between metrics and dependent variables, and
the correlations among those metrics also has to be
considered. Customized neuro-fuzzy approach, validate
design metrics like CK metrics suite and also investigate
other process and personnel metrics [7]. Jie Xu introduced
the basic metric suite for Object Oriented Design. The need
for such metrics is particularly acute when an organization is
adopting a new technology for which established practices
have yet to be developed [8]. An improved hierarchical
model for the assessment of high-level design quality
attributes in object-oriented designs is proposed [4]. In this
model, structural and behavioral design properties of classes,
objects, and their relationships are evaluated using a suite of
object-oriented design metrics. This model relates design
properties such as encapsulation, modularity, coupling, and
cohesion to high-level quality attributes such as reusability,
flexibility, and complexity using empirical and anecdotal
information. Empirical evidence supports the role of OO
Design complexity metrics, specifically a subset of the
Chidamber and Kemerer suite, in determining software
defects. Robert Martin proposed a set of metrics that can be
used to measure the quality of an object oriented design in
terms of the interdependence between the subsystems of the
design [14].
This paper is organized as follows. Section 4 presents the
proposed work and different metrics namely Project Wide
Metrics, Module Wide Metrics, C.K. Metrics Object
Oriented Metrics and Quality Attributes. Section 5 and 6
concludes the paper by presenting results, conclusion and
future work.
The proposed system assesses various software design
metrics for Object Oriented program like C++ and Java.
Metrics are considered as quality indicators of software
development process. The metrics assessed in this system are
project level metrics, module level metrics and class level
metrics. The project level metrics mainly includes reuse ratio,
specialization ratio, and average inheritance depth. The
module level metrics namely total lines of code, physical
lines of code, number of statements, number of blank lines,
number of comment lines, Count of all lines Non-comment
Non-blank (NCNB) and Executable Statements
(EXEC).Class level metrics namely Weighted methods per
class (WMC) -Class/Method, Response for a class (RFC)
-Class/Message, Lack of cohesion of methods (LCOM)
-Class/Cohesion, Coupling between objects (CBO)
Coupling, Depth of inheritance tree (DIT) Inheritance,
Number of children (NOC) Inheritance. In addition to that
the developed system has proposed to compute various
design quality attributes. Those design quality attributes are
coupling cohesion, message size, abstraction, inheritance,
polymorphism, encapsulation, reusability and flexibility.
A. Metrics Description
1) Project Wide Metrics
1.1 . Reuse Ratio (U):
The reuse ratio (U) is given by
U=number of super class/total number of class.
1.2 . Specialization Ratio(S):
This ratio measures the extent to which a super class has
captured abstraction. S=number of subclass/number of
super class.
1.3 . Average Inheritance Depth:
The inheritance structure can be measured in terms of
depth of each class with in its hierarchy. Average inheritance
depth =sum of depth of each class/number of class.
2) Module Wide Metrics
2.1. Lines of code (LOC): This measure provides a count
of total number of lines in the module. It includes source lines,
blank lines, comment lines.
2.2. Physical lines of code: This measure provides a count
of total number of source lines in the module.
2.3. Number of statements: This measure indicates total
number of statements in the module. It includes if, else,
switch, case, while, do while, for statements.
2.4. Comment lines: This measure indicates total number
of comment lines in a module.
2.5. Blank lines: This measure indicates total number of
blank lines in a module.
2.6. Non-comment Non-blank (NCNB): This measure
provides count of all lines that are not comments and not
2.7. Executable Statements (EXEC): This measure
provides a count of executable statements regardless of
number of physical lines of code.
3) C.K. Metrics Object Oriented Metrics
3.1. Weighted Methods per Class: It is an average of the
number of methods within the classes of the software system
for which the metrics are being collected. Average Number
of Methods per Class reflects the degree of responsibility
attributed to a class i.e., it is a predictor of how much time and
effort is required to develop and maintain the class. A large
number of methods mean a greater potential impact on its
derived class, since the derived class inherits all the method
of the base class. A class in a system should not be
overloaded with large number of functions.
3.2. Depth of Inheritance Tree (DIT): It is a class level
design metric. The DIT for a particular class calculates the
length of the inheritance chain from the root to the level of
this class. Deep trees promote reuse because of method
inheritance. High DIT increase faults. Most fault-prone
classes are the ones in the middle of the tree. A recommended
DIT is five or less.
3.3. Number of Children: It indicates the number of
immediate subclasses of a class. NOC is counted via the
inherited statement. NOC is equal to number of immediate
child classes derived from a class via the inherited statement.
It measures the breadth of a class hierarchy. High NOC
indicates high reuse, fewer faults.
3.4. Coupling between object Classes: It is the number of
classes to which a class is coupled. Two classes are coupled
when methods declared in one class use methods or instance
variables defined by the other class. High CBO is undesirable.
High coupling indicates fault-proneness. Only methods and
International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 5, October, 2010
variable references are counted. Other types of reference,
such as use of constants, calls to API declared, handling of
events, use of user defined types, and object instantiations are
ignored. If a method call is polymorphic (either because of
overrides or overload) all the classes to which the call can go
are included in the coupled class.
3.5. Response for a Class (RFC): It is a class level design
metric. Response for a class is a set of methods that can
potentially be executed in response to a message received by
an object of that class. Response for a class defines the
number of methods available in the class. The number of
available methods in the class is the sum of the number of
local methods in the class and the number of methods called
by the local methods. Larger values for this metric imply that
more testing is required for that class because of the increased
coupling issues.
3.6. Lack of Cohesion (LCOM): It is a class level design
metric. It measures the number of disjoint sets of local
methods. Disjoint sets are a collection of sets that do not
intersect with each other. Any two methods in one disjoint set
access at least one common local instance variable.
3.7. Structural Complexity: Complexity is calculated by
number of predicated node or decision plus one. Decision
include conditional statements like if, else, select, for, do
loop, while and end loop.
3.8. Hierarchical Model: Hierarchical Model is used to
determine the overall quality of Object Oriented system by
evaluating the structural and the behavioral design properties
of classes and their relationship. Design properties include
encapsulation, polymorphism, modularity, coupling,
cohesion, etc.,.
3.9. Abstraction: Abstraction is a measure of the
generalization-specialization aspect of the design. Classes in
a design which have one or more descendants exhibit this
property of abstraction.
3.10. Cohesion: Assesses the relatedness of methods
and attributes in a class, strong overlap in the method
parameters and attributes types in an indication of strong
3.11. Complexity: Complexity is a measure of the degree
of difficulty in understanding and comprehending the
internal and external structure of classes and their
3.12. Composition: Measures the
part-of, has,consist- of or part-whole relationship,
which are aggregation relationships in an object oriented
3.13. Coupling: Define the interdependency of an object
on other objects in a design. It is a measure of the number of
other objects that would have to be accessed by an object in
order for that to function correctly.
3.14. Design Size: A measure of the number of classes
used in a design.
3.14.1. Encapsulation: Defined as enclosing of data and
behavior within a single construct .In Object Oriented design
the property specifically refers to designing classes that
prevent access to attribute declarations by defining them to
be private, thus protecting the internal representation of the
3.14.2. Hierarchies: Hierarchies are used to represent
different generalization specialization concepts in a design.
It is the count of the number of non-inherited classes that
have children in a design.
3.14.3. Inheritance: A measure of is a relationship
between classes. This relationship is related to the level of
nesting of classes in an inheritance hierarchy.
3.14.4. Messaging: A count of number of public
methods that is available as services to other classes. This is a
measure of services that a class provides.
3.14.5. Polymorphism: Polymorphism refers to the
ability to substitute objects whose interfaces match for one
another at run time. It is a measure of services that are
dynamically determined at run time in an object.
3.15. Quality Attributes:
3.15.1. Reusability: Reusability means reflects the
presence of OO Design characteristics that allow a design to
be reapplied to new problem without significant. Reusability
formula= (-0.25*coupling) + (0.25*cohesion) +
(0.5*messaging) + (0.5*design size).
3.15.2. Flexibility: Characteristics that allow the
incorporation of change in a design. The ability of a design to
be adapted to provide Functionality related capabilities.
Flexibility formula= (0.25*encapsulation)-(0.25*coupling) +
(0.5*composition) + (0.5*polymorphism).
3.15.3. Understandability: The properties of the design
that enable it to be easily learned and comprehend.
Understandability formula= (-0.33*abstraction) +
(0.33*encapsulation)-(0.33*coupling) +
0.33*design size).
3.15.4. Functionality: The responsibilities assigned to
the classes of design, which are made available by the classes
through their public interfaces. Functionality formula=
(0.12*cohesion) + (0.22*polymorphism) + (0.22*messaging)
+ (0.22*design size) + (0.22*hierarchies)
3.15.5. Extendibility: It refers to the presence and usage
of properties in an existing design that allow for the
incorporation of new requirements in the design.
Extendibility formula = (0.5*Abstraction)-(0.5*coupling) +
(0.5*inheritance) + (0.5*polymorphism).
3.15.6. Effectiveness: It refers to a design's ability to
achieve the desired functionality and behavior using OO
Design concepts. Effectiveness formula= (0.2*abstraction) +
(0.2*encapsulation) + (0.2*composition) + (0.2*inheritance)
+ (0.2*polymorphism)
International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 5, October, 2010
Fig .2 Screenshot Shows the Choosing the Input File From the File Menu
Fig.3. Screenshot Shows Content Display for the Given Program
Fig.4 Screenshot shows the Module Wide Metrics details for the given input
Fig.5 Screenshot shows the Module Wide Metrics details for the given input
Fig.5. Screenshot shows the Project Wide Metrics details for the given input
International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 5, October, 2010
Fig.6. Screenshot shows the C.K .Metrics details for the given input program.
Fig.7. Screenshot shows the Hierarchical metrics details for the given input
The developed system is a comprehensive tool which
calculates project wide metrics, module wide metrics,
chidember kemerer metrics, design quality attributes and
hierarchical metrics for Object Oriented program. The
Assessment tool is used to assess the quality of the java
application. The tool can be enhanced to assess other Object
Oriented languages such as C++, C sharp, etc., The enhanced
assessment tool will be helpful in assessing the quality in
advance to develop awareness for quality issues such as
reliability, testability and maintainability.
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Prof. Mythili Thirugnanam is currently working as
Assistant Professor, School of Computing Science and
Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore,
India. She is having 2 years of research and 3 years of
teaching experience. She has pursued her M.S degree in
Software Engineering from VIT University, Vellore. She
is currently pursuing Ph.D in VIT University. She is
member of CSI. Her research interest includes Software
Quality and Digital Image Processing.
Prof. Swathi.J.N. is currently working as Assistant
Professor ,School of Computing Science and
Engineering , Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore,
India. She is having 4 years of teaching experience. She
has pursued her M.S. degree in Software Engineering
from VIT University, Vellore. She is currently pursuing
Ph.D in VIT University. Her research interest includes
Software Quality and Data Mining.
International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 5, October, 2010
Fig .1 Overview of the Proposed System
PWM-Project Wide Metrics
MWM Module Wide Metrics
CKM- Chidamber , Kemerer Metrics
DQA-Design Quality Attributes
HM-Hierarchical Metrics
Inspect the File
Extract the
Compute HM
Accept Input
Display the
metrics for given
input file