Curriculum Vitae of MARY LOU GUERINOT

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Curriculum vitae 10-1-11

Curriculum vitae of MARY LOU GUERINOT

Ronald and Deborah Harris Professor in the Sciences
Department of Biological Sciences
Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH 03755
Telephone: (603) 646-2527
Fax: (603) 646-1347
1975 B.S. Biology: with distinction. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
1979 Ph.D. Biology: Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia
David G. Patriquin, advisor
1979-81 Postdoctoral Fellow, Microbiology Department, University of Maryland,
College Park, MD Rita R. Colwell, advisor
1981-85 Postdoctoral Fellow, DOE-Plant Research Laboratory, Michigan State
University, East Lansing, MI Barry K. Chelm, advisor
Scholarships and Honors
1971-72 Panhellenic Association Scholarship
1971-75 New York State Regents Scholarship
1971-75 Cornell University Scholarship
1974-75 Jessie Noyes Foundation Scholarship
1975 Mortar Board, National Senior Women Honorary
Ho-nun-de-kah, Cornell Universitys College of Agricultural and Life
Sciences Senior Honorary
1975-79 Dalhousie University Graduate Fellowship
1976-79 Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Scholarship
1989 Dartmouth College Junior Faculty Fellowship
1996 Award for Special Creativity, National Science Foundation
2000 Honorary Master of Arts, Dartmouth College
2000 Honorary membership, Phi Beta Kappa
2000 Women in Science Project, Special Contribution Award
2005 Ronald and Deborah Harris Professor in the Sciences
2006 Women in Science Project, Recognition Award: 15 years as a WISP sponsor
2007 Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science
2008 Presidential Lecture, Dartmouth College
2009 Fellow, American Society of Plant Biologists
2009 Graduate Mentoring Award, Dartmouth College
2009 Dartmouth Senior Faculty Fellowship
Curriculum vitae 10-1-11
Professional Positions
1985-91 Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Dartmouth College
1990 Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical
School & Department of Molecular Biology, Massachusetts General Hospital
1991-97 Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Dartmouth College
1994-98 Chair, Department of Biological Sciences, Dartmouth College
1997- Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Dartmouth College
1998-01 Associate Dean of Faculty for the Sciences, Dartmouth College
1999 Visiting Professor, Universit de Nice Sophia-Antipolis
2001-04 Vice Provost, Dartmouth College
2005 Ronald and Deborah Harris Professor in the Sciences
2009 Visiting Scientist, Center for Genomics and Systems Biology, NYU
2010 Visiting Scientist, Salk Institute for Biological Studies
Professional Activities (last 10 years)
Advisory Boards
1995 - Member, Steering Committee, Iron Nutrition and Interactions in Plants
1999-06 Member, Multinational Arabidopsis Steering Committee
2002-09 Member, Advisory Committee for Biological Sciences Directorate,
National Science Foundation
2003- Member, Dartmouth/Montshire Institute Advisory Committee
2005 Member, Committee of Visitors, Molecular and Cellular Biosciences
Division, NSF
2004-11 Board of Directors, TAIR (The Arabidopsis Information Resource)
2008-11 Member, Dartmouth Ethics Institute Faculty Advisory Board
2008-11 Member-at-Large, Gordon Research Conferences Council
2008-11 Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
2011-14 Member, Scientific Advisory Board, The Institute for Quantitative Biomedical
Sciences at Dartmouth
Editorial Boards
1996-05 Editorial Board member, Journal of Bacteriology
1998-07 Editorial Board member, International Journal of Phytoremediation
1999-09 Associate Editor, Plant Molecular Biology
2002-09 Faculty of 1000 member
2005- Associate Editor, Plant, Cell and Environment
2006-11 Editorial Board member, Applied and Environmental Microbiology
Grant Panels
1995 -09 Panel member, American Society for Microbiology Undergraduate Research
Fellowship (URF) Program
2006 Panel member, USDA/CREES National Research Initiative Competitive
Grants Program Biology of Plant-Microbe Associations
Curriculum vitae 10-1-11
2006- Member, K99 Pathways to Independence Study Section, NIGMS
2007 Chair, K99 Pathways to Independence Study Section, NIGMS
2009 Member, ARRA Faculty Recruitment Study Section, NIGMS
Meeting Organizer
2000 Co-organizer, 11
International Conference on Arabidopsis Research,
Madison, WI
2001 Co-organizer, 12
International Conference on Arabidopsis Research,
Madison, WI
2007 Session chair, 14
International Workshop on Plant Membrane Biology,
Valencia, Spain.
2008 Co-organizer, FASEB Meeting on Trace Metal Metabolism: from Model
Organisms to Humans, Snowmass, CO.
2009 Co-organizer, Plant Genomes: Gene Networks and Applications, Cold Spring
Harbor, NY
2011 Co-organizer, Plant Genomes: Gene Networks and Applications, Cold Spring
Harbor, NY
Professional Offices
2000-05 Awards Selection Committee, Gibbs Medal, American Society of Plant
2002-03 President-Elect, American Society of Plant Biologists
2002-03 Member, Program Committee, American Society of Plant Biologists
2002-05 Member, Executive Committee, American Society of Plant Biologists
2002-05 Member, Nominating Committee, American Society of Plant Biologists
2002- Member, Education Foundation Board of Directors, American Society of
Plant Biologists
2003-04 President, American Society of Plant Biologists
2003-04 Member, Search Committee for Executive Director, American Society of
Plant Biologists
2004-05 Immediate Past President, American Society of Plant Biologists
2004-05 Member, Public Affairs Committee, American Society of Plant Biologists
2005-06 Member, Board of Trustees, American Society of Plant Biologists
2009-11 Chair, Board of Trustees, American Society of Plant Biologists
2010-13 Chair, Biological Sciences Section, American Association for the
Advancement of Science
Current Grant Support
7/07-7/14 NSF (DBI 0701119): TRMS: Ionome to Genome: Mapping the Gene
Networks Controlling Nutrient Content in Rice Grain. PI David Salt, Purdue
University, co-PIs Shannon R. Pinson Texas A &M University, Mary Lou
Guerinot. $1,745,120 total costs.
6/11-5/15 NIH (R01 GM78536): The Genetic Basis of Natural Ionomic Variation; co-PI
David Salt. $1, 403,748 total costs.
Curriculum vitae 10-1-11
4/08-3/13 NIESH (5 P42 ES007373): Toxic Metals in the Northeast: From Biological to
Environmental Implications. Program Project Grant, Bruce Stanton, PI.
Guerinot is PI on Project #9: Arsenic Uptake, Transport and Accumulation in
Plants. $189,706 direct costs in year 4.
8/09-7/12 DOE (DE-FG02-06ER15809): From the soil to the seed: Metal transport in
Arabidopsis. $500,000 total costs.
8/09-7/12 NSF (IOS-0919941): NSF Collaborative Research: Integrating iron uptake
and distribution in plants; with Erin Connolly, University of South Carolina
$310,000 total costs to each institution.
8/09-7/12 NSF (DBI-0923008): MRI: Acquisition of Net !eneration DNA "equencin#
$qui%ment& 'it( )rai# *(omlinson+ Ro, Mc)lun#+ Mar- an/ !eor#e
01*oole2 3490+110 total costs2
Previous Grant Support
Research Grants received:
8/83-8/85 USDA (83-CRCR-1-1307): Genetic Regulation of the Rhizobium/Legume
Symbiosis, $76,000 total costs. Co-PI with B.K. Chelm
3/87-9/90 NSF (DMB-8615190): Iron Uptake and Metabolism in the Bradyrhizobium-
Soybean Symbiosis, $232,000 total costs
3/88 NSF REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) supplement for
DMB-8615190 $8000
6/89 NSF REU supplement for DMB-8615190 $4000
9/90-10/94 NSF (IBN-9005421): Iron uptake and metabolism in the
Bradyrhizobium/soybean symbiosis, $240,000 total costs
1/91 NSF REU supplement for IBN-905421 $8,300
7/9-8/93 NSF (IBN-9110080): Iron uptake in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Career Advancement Award, $60,000 total costs
3/92 NSF (IBN-9246770): REU supplement for IBN-910080, $5000
8/92 NSF (IBN-9270233): REU supplement for IBN-910080, $5000
9/91-8/94 USDA (91-37100-6722): Iron uptake in Arabidopsis thaliana,
$85,900 total costs
6/9-5/95 Department of Energy (DE-FG02-91ER20032) Regulation of gene
expression in the Bradyrhizobium/soybean symbiosis, $267,000 total costs
7/94-6/98 NSF (IBN-9318093): Iron uptake in Arabidopsis thaliana.
$395,956 total costs
7/94 NSF (IBN-9442876): REU supplement for IBN-9318093, $5000
1/95 NSF (IBN-9540907): Equipment supplement for IBN-9318093, $9150
3/95 NSF (IBN-9541583): REU supplement for IBN-9318093, $5000
9/96-6/99 NSF (IBN-9643998): Creativity Extension for Iron uptake in Arabidopsis
thaliana, $216,000 total costs, bringing award total to $631,106
"Based on outstanding scientific/technical progress achieved under this grant."
9/96-8/98 USDA (9603243): Iron metabolism in Bradyrhizobium japonicum.
$96,994 total costs
Curriculum vitae 10-1-11
3/97-2/98 NREL, Department of Energy (XCG-7-17015-01): Pathway engineering to
improve ethanol production by thermophilic bacteria. co-PI with Lee Lynd,
Thayer School of Engineering. $190,000 total costs
9/97-8/01 Department of Energy (07-97ER20292): Characterization of a new family of
metal transporters. co-PI with David Eide, University of Missouri.
$600,000 total costs
9/99-8/03 NSF (IBN-9974837): Metal Uptake in Arabidopsis thaliana
$375,000 total costs
1/99-11/03 USDA (99-03686): Iron Metabolism in the Bradyrhizobium japonicum/
Soybean Symbiosis. $240,000 total costs
4/00 NSF REU supplement for IBN-9974837 $10,000 total costs
9/00-8/05 NSF (DBI 0077378): Gene Discovery in Aid of Plant Nutrition, Human
Health and Environmental Remediation, co-PIs David Eide, University of
Missouri; Jeffrey Harper, The Scripps Research Institute; David Salt,
Purdue University; Julian Schroeder, UCSD. $4,414,644 total costs
7/02 NSF Supplement for DBI 0077378 $134,628 total costs
9/02-8/05 NIH (1 S07 RR018181-01 & 1 S07 RR018181-02) The Networked IRB
database. $600,000 total costs
6/04-11/08 NSF (IBN 0344305): Metal Uptake in Arabidopsis thaliana, co-PI Erin
Connolly, University of South Carolina. $500,000 total costs
8/06-7/09 DOE Energy Biosciences (DE-FG-2-06ER15809): From the Soil to the Seed:
Metal Transport and Homeostasis in Arabidopsis. $390,000 total costs.
9/04-8/10 NSF (IBN-0419695): The Ionome, co-PIs Jeffrey Harper, University of
Nevada, Reno; David Salt, Purdue University; Julian Schroeder, UCSD; John
Ward, University of Minnesota. $3,490,000 total costs.
3/07-2/11 NIH (R01 GM78536): The Genetic Basis of Natural Ionomic Variation. PI
David Salt, Purdue University, co-PI Mary Lou Guerinot. $262,744 total
Education grants received:
7/95-6/98 Department of Education (P200A50008): Graduate Assistance in Areas of
National Need, co-PI with Carol Folt, Department of Biological Sciences.
$501,753 total costs
9/9 -8/00 Department of Education (P200A70107): Graduate Assistance in Areas of
National Need (GAANN), co-PI with Carol Folt, Department of Biological
Sciences. $366,765 total costs
3/99-8/00 Beckman Scholars Program $33,300 total costs.
8/00-7/03 Department of Education (P200A000105) Graduate Assistance in Areas of
National Need, co-PI with Carol Folt, Department of Biological Sciences,
$459,000 total costs
5/00-5/01 DOE (DE-FG02-00ER1505): 11th International Conference on Arabidopsis
Research. co-PI with Detlef Weigel, Salk Institute. $4960 total costs
6/00-5/01 NSF (IBN-0081048): 11th International Conference on Arabidopsis
Research. co-PI with Detlef Weigel. $15,000 total costs
11/00-11/01 USDA (2001-35318-09906): 11th International Conference on Arabidopsis
Research. co-PI with Detlef Weigel, Salk Institute. $10,000 total costs
3/01-8/03 Beckman Scholars Program $56,750 total costs.
Curriculum vitae 10-1-11
5/01 NSF supplement for DBI 0077378 $64,385 total costs. Sub-contract to the
Montshire Museum of Science for Summer Institute: Environmental
5/08-4/09 NSF (IOS-0820095): Conference - Trace Element Metabolism: From Model
Organisms to Humans, held at Snowmass, Colorado June 15 - 20, 2008.
$14,250 total costs.
5/08-4/09 USDA: Conference - Trace Element Metabolism: From Model Organisms to
Humans, held at Snowmass, Colorado June 15 - 20, 2008. $5,000 total costs.
5/09-4/10 NSF (IOS-0927928): 5
.an American Mem,rane Biolo#y 6or-s(o% to be
held in Puebla, Mexico May 27-30,2009. $10,000 total costs.
Teaching Experience at Dartmouth
1985-86 Bio 106: Genetic Control Mechanisms. Bio 20: Genetics.
1986-87 Bio 64: Microbiology. Bio 20: Genetics. Bio 61: Molecular Genetics of
Prokaryotes and Lower Eukaryotes. Bio 87: Supervised one Honors thesis.
1987-88 Bio 64: Microbiology. Bio 20: Genetics. Bio 61: Molecular Genetics of
Prokaryotes and Lower Eukaryotes. Bio 87: Supervised two Honors
1988-89 Bio 64: Microbiology. Bio 20: Genetics. Bio 61: Molecular Genetics of
Prokaryotes and Lower Eukaryotes. Bio 87: Supervised one Honors
1989-90 Bio 64: Microbiology. Bio 87: Supervised one Honors thesis.
1990-91 Bio 64: Microbiology. Bio 16: Genetics. Bio 87: Supervised one Honors
1991-92 Bio 64: Microbiology. Bio 16: Genetics. Bio 87: Supervised one Honors
1992-93 Bio 64: Microbiology. Bio 110: Plant-Microbe Interactions. Bio 61:
Molecular Genetics of Prokaryotes and Lower Eukaryotes. Bio 87: Supervised
one Honors thesis.
1993-94 Bio 64: Microbiology. Bio 61: Molecular Genetics of Prokaryotes and Lower
Eukaryotes. Bio 87: Supervised three honors theses. Bio 101.
1994-95 Bio 64: Microbiology. Bio 61: Molecular Genetics of Prokaryotes and Lower
Eukaryotes. Bio 87: Supervised two honors theses. Bio 101.
1995-96 Bio 64: Microbiology. Bio 78: Biochemistry. Bio 87: Supervised two honors
theses. Bio 101.
1996-97 Bio 64: Microbiology. Bio 78: Biochemistry. Bio 87: Supervised one honors
thesis. Bio 101.
1997-98 Bio 64: Microbiology. Bio 87: Supervised two honors theses. Bio 101.
1998-99 Bio 64: Microbiology. Bio 87: Supervised one honors thesis. Bio 101.
1999-00 Bio 64: Microbiology. Bio 87: Supervised one honors thesis. Bio 101.
2000-01 Bio 64: Microbiology. Bio 87: Supervised one honors thesis. Bio 101.
2001-02 Bio 64: Microbiology. Bio 87: Supervised one honors thesis. Bio 101.
2002-03 Bio 64: Microbiology. Bio 87: Supervised one honors thesis. Bio 101.
2003-04 Bio 64: Microbiology. Bio 87: Supervised two honors theses. Bio 101.
2005-06 Bio 64: Microbiology. Bio 61: Molecular Genetics of Prokaryotes and Lower
Eukaryotes. Bio 87: Supervised one honors thesis.
Curriculum vitae 10-1-11
2006-07 Bio 46: Microbiology. Bio 11: Emerging Infectious Diseases. Bio 269:
Plant Molecular Biology. Bio 97: Supervised two honors theses.
2007-08 Bio 46: Microbiology. Bio 11: Emerging Infectious Diseases. Bio 269:
Plant Molecular Biology. Bio 97: Supervised one honors thesis.
2008-09 Bio 46: Microbiology. Bio 11: Emerging Infectious Diseases. Bio 269:
Plant Molecular Biology. Bio 97: Supervised one honors thesis.
2009-10 Bio 97: Supervising three honors theses.
2010-11 Bio 46: Microbiology. Bio 11: Emerging Infectious Diseases. Bio 269:
Plant Molecular Biology. Bio 97: Supervised one honors thesis.
2011-2012 Bio 46: Microbiology. Bio 11: Emerging Infectious Diseases. Bio 269:
Plant Molecular Biology.
Brief description of courses taught:
Bio 11 is the introductory course for all students interested in pursuing study in biology.
The course has two main goals: stimulate interest in the science of life and encourage
critical thinking in the life sciences. Expected enrollment: 120 students.
Bio 16 was an entry-level course in Genetics. I team taught this course to enrollments
of 300 students.
Bio 61 is an upper level course in Molecular Genetics that is taken mainly by seniors
and first year graduate students. Enrollments of 30 to 40 students.
Bio 64/46 is an upper level Microbiology course with an intensive laboratory.
I team teach this course with faculty members from the Microbiology Department
at DMS. Enrollments have varied over the years from 25 to 60 students. I give 14
lectures in this course and oversee the labs.
Bio 78 was the second term of a two term, upper level biochemistry course.
Enrollments of 60 to 70 students.
Bio 101 is the first term of a three term, graduate core course in Cell and Molecular
Biology. I gave 3 hours of lecture on prokaryotic transcription.
Bio 106 and 110 were small enrollment, graduate courses in my specialty area.
Bio 269 is a journal-based class for graduate students.
Teaching other than at Dartmouth
The Scientist as Humanist Project (summer course for high school teachers), sponsored
by the National Endowment for the Humanities and NSF Lecturer, St. Pauls
School, Concord, NH Summer, 1991; summer 1992.
Physiology course, Marine Biology Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA Course instructor,
summer, 1994; summer 1995.
DOE/NSF Plant Biochemistry course, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Guest lecturer, summer, 1995; summer, 1997.
Arabidopsis Molecular Genetics course, Cold Spring Harbor, NY.
Guest lecturer, summer, 1997.
NATO Advanced Study Institute Plant responses to biotic and abiotic stress: molecular
mechanisms and implications for agriculture, Roscoff, France
Course instructor, May, 2000.
Curriculum vitae 10-1-11
Environmental Detectives (program for middle school students and teachers), sponsored
by the Montshire Museum of Science with support from NIEHS and NSF.
Summer, 2002; summer 2003. Lectured to teachers attending the summer
institute and interacted over the school year to provide support to teachers.
Postdoctoral Research Associates Trained and their current positions
[1] Ora Plessner. 1988-90. Instructor, Hebrew University, Rehovot, Israel
[2] Harry Kurtz. November, 1991 to August, 1994. Recipient, USDA postdoctoral
fellowship. Assistant Professor, Genetics, Biochemistry and Life Sciences,
Clemson University, Clemson, SC.
[3] Jenny Saleeba. January, 1992 to January, 1994. Lecturer, School of Biological Sciences,
University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
[4] Janette Fett. January, 1995 to February, 1997. Associate Professor, Departmento de
Botanica, Universidad Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
[5] Quentin Groom. November, 1996 to March, 1997.
[6] Dave Westenberg. August, 1993 to July, 1997. Recipient, USDA postdoctoral
fellowship. Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Missouri University
of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO.
[7] Tama Fox. August, 1996 to August, 1998.
[8] Erin Connolly. February, 1997 to August, 2000. Recipient, USDA postdoctoral
fellowship. Associate Professor and Associate Department Chair, Department of
Biological Sciences, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC
[9] David Stevenson. August, 1997 to August, 1999. Microbiologist, USDA-ARS, US
Dairy Forage Research Center, Madison, WI.
[10] Elizabeth Rogers. September, 1997 to August, 2001. Recipient of Life Sciences
Postdoctoral Fellowship. Research Molecular Biologist, Agricultural Research Service,
USDA, Parlier, CA.
[11] Eric Boncompagni. January, 1998 to August, 2000. Matre de confrences, Universit de
Nice-Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France.
[12] Sophie Marquis. May, 2002 to November, 2003. Postdoctoral fellow, Physiology
Department, Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, NH
[13] Suman Rawat. May, 2002 to August, 2004. Research Associate, Department of
Biochemistry, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Jersey
[14] Sun A Kim. January, 2001 to present.
[15] Natasha Grotz. Croasdale teaching fellow. Department of Biological Sciences,
Dartmouth College. May, 2004 to April, 2006. Lecturer, Department of Biological
Sciences, Dartmouth College.
[16] Tracy Punshon. July, 2005 to present.
[17] Sichul Lee. March, 2010 to present.
[18] 78l9ne Zuber. May, 2010 to December, 2010.
[19] Heng Hsuan Chu. May, 2010 to present.
[20] Alicia Sivitz. October, 2011 to present.
Graduate Students trained and their current positions
[1] Karen Page. Ph.D. 6/94. The effect of iron, oxygen and heme on the expression of the
Bradyrhizobium japonicum hemA gene. Currently, Senior Staff, Glycofi, Lebanon, NH.
Curriculum vitae 10-1-11
[2] Ying Yi. Ph.D. 1/95. Iron uptake in Arabiodpsis thaliana. Currently, Research
Associate, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.
[3] Kristin LeVier. Ph.D. 6/96. Iron acquisition in Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Currently,
on maternity leave. Formerly, senior scientist, Pfizer, Inc.
[4] Heather Prince Benson. Ph.D. 6/03. Iron uptake in Bradyrhizobium japonicum. NIAID
trainee. Recipient, NIH NRSA postdoctoral fellowship. Currently on maternity leave.
[5] Natasha Grotz. Ph.D. 6/04. Metal distribution in Arabidopsis. Recipient of the Amy
Lutz Rechel Award for an outstanding student in the field of Plant Biology, Association
of Women in Science. Currently, Lecturer, Department of Biological Sciences,
Dartmouth College.
[6] Brenda Parson Hall. Ph.D. 2/05. Molecular characterization of ZIP metal transporters in
Arabidopsis thaliana. Department of Education GAANN fellow. Currently, on maternity
[7] Elizabeth Colangelo Ph.D. 5/06. NIGMS Trainee. Ruth L. Kirschstein National
Research Service (NRSA) postdoctoral fellow, Salk Institute for Biological Studies.
Currently on maternity leave.
[8] Aaron Atkinson Ph.D. 8/06. Recipient of the Young Scientist Award, Council for
Biotechnology Information. Department of Education GAANN fellow. Currently,
postdoctoral fellow, University of Utah Medical School.
[9] Stephanie Batchelet - Ph.D. 5/08. NIGMS Trainee. Department of Education GAANN
fellow. Currently, assistant professor, James Madison University, VA.
[10] Jeeyon Jeong Ph.D. 8/08. Currently, postdoctoral fellow, University of Wisconsin.
[11] Joohyun Lee Ph.D. 1/09. ASPB student Ambassador. Currently, postdoctoral fellow,
University of Wisconsin.
[12] Joseph Morrissey Ph.D. 10/10. Currently postdoctoral fellow, Ecole Normale
Suprieure, Paris.
[13] Christine Palmer Ph.D. 5/11. Department of Education GAANN fellow. NIGMS
trainee. Currently, postdoctoral fellow, UC Davis.
[14] Jessica Weng 3
year student.
[15] Maria Hindt 3
year student. Recipient of NSF predoctoral fellowship.
[16] Amanda Socha 2
year student. Department of Education GAANN fellow
Undergraduate Students trained
Undergraduate Honors thesis students:
[1] Erik J. Meidl 87. M.D., University of Pennsylvania.
[2] Barbara Anne Morisseau 88. M.D , Syracuse University.
[3] Molly Hoult 88. NSF REU awardee. M.B.A., Stanford University.
[4] Rick Furman 89. M.D.
[5] Erin Connolly 90. NSF REU awardee. Ph.D. UC Davis.
[6] Michael Nead 91. Presidential Scholar. M.D./Ph.D., University of Rochester.
[7] Gregory York 92. Ph.D., MIT; Law student, University of Michigan
[8] Carolyn Riley 93. NSF REU awardee. Ph.D. Harvard University.
[9] Alex Szidon 94. NSF REU awardee. Ph.D., Harvard University.
[10] Sangwoo Lee 94. Presidential Scholar. M.D., Brown University.
[11] Ellen Friday 94. M.S., Clinical Genetics, University of Texas, Houston
[12] Brooke Anne Parry 95. Presidential Scholar. M.S. University of Melbourne, Australia.
Ph.D., Yale University.
Curriculum vitae 10-1-11
[13] Justin Genant 95. Presidential Scholar. American Society for Microbiology
Undergraduate Research Intern. M.D., Stanford University
[14] Sarasa Kimata 96. Presidential Scholar. NSF REU awardee. M.D., Brown University.
[15] Newrhee Kim 96. M.D., Syracuse University.
[16] Beth Marston 97. Presidential Scholar. Howard Hughes intern. American Society for
Microbiology Undergraduate Research Intern. NSF REU awardee. M.D., University of
Maryland, Baltimore County.
[17] Laura Guogas 98. Women in Science intern. Presidential Scholar. Howard Hughes
Intern. Ph.D., Harvard University. Postdoctoral research, MIT.
[18] Erica McAuliffe 98. Presidential Scholar. M.D., Harvard University.
[19] Jennifer Blair 99. Women in Science Intern. Presidential Scholar intern. M.D.,
Columbia University.
[20] Shreeram Akilesh 00. M.D./Ph.D., Washington University.
[21] Andrew Gray 01. Presidential Scholar. American Society for Microbiology
Undergraduate Research Intern. Ph.D., Harvard Medical School.
[22] Laura Rogers 02. Women in Science Intern. Presidential Scholar. Ph.D. student,
Cornell University.
[23] Ramona Hoh 02. Ph.D. student, Stanford University.
[24] Peter Colabuono 04. Analyst, Frazier Healthcare Ventures.
[25] Ryan Braun 04. Masters student, Columbia University.
[26] Sara Thiebaud 06. Women in Science Intern. Presidential Scholar. Ph.D. student,
Harvard University.
[27] Rachel Ruiz 07. Women in Science Intern. Presidential Scholar. Medical student,
Vanderbilt University.
[28] Kelli Hvorecny 07. Ph.D. student, MCB Program, Dartmouth.
[29] Jimmy Zhuang 08. Beckman Scholar. Ph.D. student, Harvard University.
[30] Carla Williams 09. Women in Science Intern. HHMI intern. Presidential Scholar.
Beckman Scholar. Medical student, Johns Hopkins University.
[31] Tomi Jun 08. Presidential Scholar. Valedictorian. Medical student, Harvard Medical
[32] Adi Rattner 10. Women in Science Intern. HHMI intern. Presidential Scholar.
[33] Zieanna Chang 10. Women in Science Intern. Intramural Researc( *rainin# A'ar/
(IR*A) .ro#ram, NIH.
[34] Ilda Bajraktari 11. Women in Science Intern. HHMI intern. Intramural Researc(
*rainin# A'ar/ (IR*A) .ro#ram, NIH.
Undergraduate independent study projects (in addition to honors theses listed above):
[1] Kelley Miller. 87. Mount Holyoke College. Independent study, Summer, 1986.
[2] George Farmer 87. Independent Study (for credit as Bio 85).
[3] Tim Lukovits 88. Independent Study. NSF REU awardee.
[4] Marc Farraye 89. Independent Study (for credit as Bio 85).
[5] Craig Spencer 89. Independent Study (for credit as Bio 85)..
[6] Stephanie Ann Williams 92. Independent Study.
[7] John Bagnal 92. Presidential Scholar Intern. Fall, 1990.
[8] Beth Parento 94. Women in Science Intern. Fall, 1990; Winter, 1991
NSF REU awardee.
[9] Richelle DeMayo 92. Fall, 1991.
Curriculum vitae 10-1-11
[10] Gillian Jacob 95. Women in Science Intern. Winter, Spring 1992.
[11] Sonal Patel 95. Women in Science Intern. Winter, Spring 1992.
[12] Joanne Roy 95. Summer, Fall, 1992.
[13] Sacha Rajack 96. Women in Science Intern, Winter, Spring, 1993.
[14] Melissa Strafford 97. Women in Science Intern. Winter, Spring 1994.
[15] Karen Tompsett 95. Summer, Fall 1994. NSF REU awardee.
[16] Steven Haddad 96. Presidential Scholar intern. Fall, 1994; Spring, 1995.
[17] Julie Herron 98. Women in Science intern. Winter, Spring, Fall 1995.
[18] Michelle Lee 99. Women in Science intern. Winter, Spring, Fall 1996; Winter, 1997.
[19] Jill Anne Perring 99. Research assistant, Fall 1996; Winter, Summer, 1997.
[20] Amy Thomas 99. Women in Science intern. Winter, Spring, 1997. Research assistant,
Summer, 1997.
[21] Elizabeth Morgan 00. Women in Science intern. Winter, Spring, 1997.
[22] Arthur Desrosiers 99. Research assistant, Spring, 1997.
[23] Angela Darko 99. Howard University, Leadership Alliance Intern. Summer, 1997.
[24] Benita Perch 01. Women in Science intern. Winter, Spring, 1998.
[25] Eva Liu 01. Women in Science intern. Winter, Spring, 1998.
[26] Susan Tucker 02. Women in Science Intern. Winter, Spring, 1999.
[27] Kapua Medeiros 03. Women in Science Intern. Winter, Spring, 2000. Research
assistant, Winter 2001.
[28] Jennifer Ross 03 Women in Science Intern. Winter, Spring, 2000. Research assistant,
Winter, 2001. Presidential Scholar intern, Summer, Fall, 2001.
[29] Katie Walters 04 Women in Science Intern. Winter, Spring, 2001. Research assistant,
Fall, 2001.
[30] Lisa OConnor 04. Women in Science Intern. Winter, Spring, 2001.
[31] Jenna Holmen 02. Research assistant, Summer, Fall, 2001; Winter, 2002.
Independent study (for credit as Bio 85). Spring, 2002.
[32] Jessica Wang 05. Women in Science Intern. Winter, Spring, 2002.
[33] Kathryn Christensen 05. Women in Science Intern. Winter, Spring, 2002.
[34] Allan Mabardy 02. Independent study (for credit as Bio 85). Winter, 2002.
[35] Hannah Byrne 04. Presidential scholar, Summer, 2002.
[36] Rashmi Jain 06. Women in Science Intern. Winter, Spring, 2003. Research assistant,
Fall, 2003, Spring, Summer 2004.
[37] Chad Valderrama 05. Presidential scholar, Summer, Fall 2003.
[38] Julia Treseder 07. Women in Science Intern. Winter, Spring, 2004.
[39] Kristin Hayden 05. Research Assistant, Winter, Spring 2005.
[40] Ka Yan Luk 09. Women in Science Intern. Winter, Spring 2006.
[41] Stephanie Hu 11. Women in Science intern. Winter, Spring, 2008. HHMI Intern,
Spring, Summer 2009.
[42] Carmit Schatz. SURF program, Summer 2008.
[43] Larry Bowman 11. HHMI Intern. Fall, 2008; Winter 2009.
[44] Jennifer Bares 12. Women in Science Intern. Winter, Spring 2009.
[45] Tara Henn 12. Women in Science Intern. Winter, Spring 2009.
[46] Joie D. Cooper 11. HHMI Intern, Spring, Summer 2009.
[47] Greg Challener 12. Presidential Scholar, Summer 2010; Winter 2011.
[48] Sage Dalton 12. Presidential Scholar, Fall 2010; Winter 2011.
[49] Patriot Yang 13. HHMI Intern Fall, 2010; Summer 2011.
[50] Maria Hernandez 14, Women in Science Intern, Winter 2011.
Curriculum vitae 10-1-11
[51] Jennifer Estrada 14, Women in Science Intern, Winter, Spring, 2011. Research
Assistant, Summer 2011.
[52] Sean Beckwith. SURF program, Summer 2011.
Membership on Graduate Advisory Committees (Dartmouth unless noted)
[1] Tom Templeman. Ph.D. 1987. Thesis advisor: Gus Demaggio
[2] Jon Dinsmore. Ph.D. 1988. Thesis advisor: Roger Sloboda
[3] Bob Corell. Ph.D. 1990. Thesis advisor: Bob Gross
[4] Lynn Sheldon. Ph.D. 1990. Thesis advisor: Ed Berger
[5] Sam Friedlander. M.S. 1991. Thesis advisor: Bob Gross
[6] James DeCamp. Ph.D. 1991. Thesis advisor: Gus Demaggio
[7] Natarajan Venkataraman. M.S. 1990. Thayer School of Engineering. Thesis advisor:
Lee Lynd
[8] Nafsika Kronidou. Ph.D. 1991. Thesis advisor: Roger Sloboda
[9] Peter Clancy. Ph.D. 1991. Thayer School of Engineering. Thesis advisor: Lee Lynd
[10] Peter Eden. Ph.D. 1991. University of New Hampshire. Thesis Advisor: Richard
[11] Lenny Dobens. Ph.D. 1991. Thesis advisor: Ed Berger
[12] Karen Rudolph. Ph.D. 1992. Thesis advisor: Ed Berger
[13] Jennifer Johnston. Ph.D. 1992. Thesis advisor: Roger Sloboda
[14] Marsha Pilgrim. Ph.D. 1993. Thesis advisor, Rob McClung
[15] Peter Thygesen. Ph.D. 1993. External Examiner. Australian National University.
Thesis advisor: David Day.
[16] Cindy Davis. Ph.D. 1994. Thesis advisor: Rob McClung
[17] Tayrn Klapatch. Ph.D. 1994. Thesis advisor: Lee Lynd
[18] Jane Ye. Ph.D. 1996. Thesis advisor: Roger Sloboda
[19] Hai Hong Zhong. Ph.D. 1997. Thesis advisor: Rob McClung
[20] Amponash Fordjour. M.S. 1997. Thesis advisor: Ed Berger
[21] Julie Frugoli. Ph.D. 1998. Thesis advisor, Rob McClung
[22] Jane Marsh. Ph.D. 1998. Thesis advisor: Ron Taylor
[23] Dan Stevens. M.S. 1999. Thayer School of Engineering. Thesis Advisor: Lee Lynd.
[24] Christine Mathieu, Ph.D. examination committee, 1999. Universit de Nice-Sophia
Antipolis. Thesis advisor: Alain Puppo
[25] Christian LaPointe. Ph.D. 2001. Thesis advisor: Ron Taylor
[26] Brian Waters. Ph.D. 2002. University of Missouri. Thesis Advisors: Dale Blevins
and David Eide
[27] Mindy Nye, Ph.D. 2003. Thesis advisor: Ron Taylor
[28] Tom Kirn, Ph.D. 2003 Thesis advisor: Ron Taylor
[29] Yingzhen Yang, Ph.D. 2003. Thesis advisor: Tom Jack
[30] Sunil Desai, Ph.D. 2003. Thayer School of Engineering. Thesis Advsor: Lee Lynd
[31] John P. Connolly, M.S. 2004. Thesis advisor: George OToole
[32] Shannon Hinsa, Ph.D. 2005. Thesis advisor: George OToole
[33] Robin Hulbert, Ph.D. 2005. Thesis advisor: Ron Taylor
[34] Jay Sutherland, M.S. 2005. Thesis advisor: Ron Taylor
[35] Dan MacEachran, Ph.D. 2008. Thesis advisor: George OToole
[36] Emily Stonehouse. Ph.D. 2008. Thesis advisor: Ron Taylor
[37] Judy Merritt, Ph.D. 2009. Thesis advisor: George OToole
Curriculum vitae 10-1-11
[38] Carla Cugini, Ph.D. 2009. Thesis Advisor: Deborah Hogan
[39] Pete Newell, Ph.D. 2010. Thesis Advisor: George OToole
[40] Raquel Martinez, Ph.D. 2009. Thesis Advisor: Ron Taylor
[41] Timothy Carlton, External Examiner, Ph.D. thesis, 2006. University of Otago,
Dunedin, New Zealand
[42] Jarrad Marles, currently enrolled. Thesis Advisor: Ron Taylor
[43] Adel Malek. Qualifying exam committee. Thesis Advisor: Deborah Hogan
[44] Kyle Cady, currently enrolled. Qualifying exam committee and Ph.D thesis committee.
Thesis Advisor: George OToole
[45] Patrick Loughlin, External Examiner, Ph.D. thesis, 2008. The University of Adelaide,
[46] Diana Morales, currently enrolled. Qualifying exam committee and Ph.D. thesis
committee. Thesis advisor, Deb Hogan
[47] Chelsea Boyd, currently enrolled. Qualifying exam committee and Ph.D. thesis
committee. Thesis Advisor: George OToole
[48] Alicia Ballok, currently enrolled. Qualifying exam committee and Ph.D. thesis
committee. Thesis Advisor: George OToole
[49] Elizabeth Barrett, currently enrolled. Qualifying exam committee and Ph.D. thesis
committee. Thesis Advisor: Lee Lynd
[50] Devin Currie, currently enrolled. Qualifying exam committee. Thesis Advisor: Lee Lynd
[51] Dae Gon Ha, currently enrolled. Qualifying exam committee and Ph.D. thesis committee.
Thesis Advisor: George OToole.
[52] Caitlyn Hauke, currently enrolled. Qualifying exam committee and Ph.D. thesis
committee. Thesis advisor: Ron Taylor.

College Committees (last 15 years; member unless noted)
1992-02 Chair, Presidential Scholars Committee
1995 -03 Molecular Biology Core Advisory Committee
1995 -02 Center for Biological and Biomedical Computing Advisory Committee
1996 -98 Montgomery Endowment Steering Committee
1996 -98 Faculty representative to the Alumni Council
1998 Presidential Search Committee
1997- 04 WISP Advisory Board
1998-02 Council on Sponsored Activities
1998-02 Chair, Science Division Council
1998-01 Committee on Withdrawals
1998-03 Chair, Dartmouth Max Planck Institute Internship Program
1998- Governance Committee, NIAID Molecular Pathogenesis Training grant
Host-Microbe Interactions
1998- MCB Training Grant Executive Committee, NIGMS Training Grant
1999 Search Committee for Genetics Department Chair, DMS
1999 Steering Committee for Accreditation of Dartmouth College by the
New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC)
1999 Chair, Self Study on Undergraduate Research at Dartmouth
(for NEASC Accreditation)
1999-03 Executive Steering Committee, Humanitates Vitae Program
1999-03 Director, Beckman Scholars Program
Curriculum vitae 10-1-11
2001-04 Institute for Security Technology Studies (ISTS) Advisory Committee
2001-04 Academic Affairs Committee, Dartmouth Alumni Council
2001-04 Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center Board of Trustees (Ex officio)
2001-04 Emergency Management Group
2001-04 Provosts Council
2001-04 Academic Planning Committee
2001-04 Dartmouth Medical School Board of Overseers (Ex officio)
2001-04 Thayer School of Engineering Board of Overseers (Ex officio)
2001-02 Search Committee for Associate Provost for Research
2002-03 Search Committee for Executive Vice-President
2002-04 Search Committee for Director of Foundation Relations
2003 Review Committee for the Women in Science Project
2005-09 Molecular and Cellular Biology Graduate Committee
2005- Life Sciences Building Steering Committee
2006-09 Council on Academic Freedom and Responsibility
2006-07 Search Committee for Dean of the College
2008-10 Member, Committee on Standards
2010-11 Member, Committee on Undergraduate Research
2010-11 Chair, Search Committee, Vice President for Development
2010-13 Member, Review Committee
2011-12 Member, Research, Scholarship & Creativity Working Group
2011- Member, Montgomery Endowment Steering Committee
Professional Societies
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Society for Microbiology
American Society of Plant Biologists
Association for Women in Science (local chapter executive board, 1987-89; 1991-92)
Genetics Society of America
International Society for Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions
The International BioIron Society
Invited Lectures (last 10 years)
2001 Metals and Cells, Society for Experimental Biology, Canterbury, UK
2001 Plenary Speaker, Northeast Regional Plant Physiology meeting, Worcester
Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA.
2001 Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Kansas Medical
Center, Kansas City, KS
2001 12
International Plant Membrane Transport Meeting, Madison, WI
2001 Plant Environment Interactions: Genes, Proteins, and Biotechnology. Taipei,
2002 Department of Biochemistry, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska
2002 Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Rice University, Houston, TX
2002 New England Arabidopsis Meeting, MIT, Boston, MA.
2002 Department of Biochemistry, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA
2002 Biometals 2002, Kings College, London, UK
Curriculum vitae 10-1-11
2002 Department of Biological Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
2002 XI International Symposium on Iron Nutrition and Interactions in Plants, Udine,
2002 9
New Phytologist Symposium, Heavy Metals and Plants. University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
2002 NSF workshop: Microbial and Plant Metabolism - Function through Genomics.
Maui, Hawaii
2003 Invited Speaker, Plant Winter Conference, Postech University, Pohang, South
2003 Tools for Environmental Cleanup: Engineered Plants for Phytoremediation.
University of Washington, Seattle, WA
2003 Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, St. Louis, MO
2003 PHYTAC/METALHOME meeting, Amsterdam, Netherlands
2003 Invited Speaker, 1
Pan American Plant Membrane Biology Workshop,
Cuernavaca, Mexico
2003 Keynote speaker, XXI Congress of the Scandinavian Plant Physiology Society.
Bornholm, Denmark
2004 Mid-Atlantic section, American Society of Plant Biologists, College Park, MD
2004 Plant Biology, Penn State University, State College, PA
2004 Plenary Speaker, 12
International Symposium on Iron Nutrition and Interactions
in Plants, Tokyo, Japan
2004 Invited Speaker, Metals in Biology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
2004 Invited Speaker, FASEB, Trace Element Metabolism, Snowmass, CO
2004 Plenary Speaker, 13
International Workshop on Plant Membrane Biology,
Montpellier, France
2004 Invited Speaker, International Conference on Arabidopsis Research 2004, Berlin,
2004 Presidents Symposium, Plant Biology 2004, Orlando, FL
2004 Invited Speaker, ComBIO 2004, Perth, Australia
2004 Invited Speaker, 1
Annual ACPFG (Australian Center for Plant Functional
Genomics) Research Symposium, Adelaide, Australia
2004 Queensland Institute of Medical Research, Brisbane, Australia
2005 Interdisciplinary Life Sciences Graduate Program, Purdue University
2005 Invited Speaker, 22
Annual Missouri Symposium, University of Missouri-
2005 The Salk Institute, La Jolla, California
2005 Invited Speaker, Gordon Research Conference on Cell Biology of Metals,
Lewiston, ME
2005 Plant Biology 2005 Career Workshop on Getting and Keeping a Job
2005 Sigma Xi Distinguished Lecturer, Clemson University
2005 Department of Plant Biology, Carnegie Institution, Stanford, California
2006 Plenary speaker, Norwegian Biochemical Society, Storefjell, Norway
2006 Colloquium in the Life Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
2006 Department of Biology, Washington University, St. Louis, MO
2006 23
Annual Missouri Symposium entitled Plant Roots: From Genes to Form &
Function, Columbia, MO
2006 Invited speaker, FASEB conference "Trace Element Metabolism: Integrating
Basic and Applied Research" Snowmass, CO
Curriculum vitae 10-1-11
2006 Plenary speaker, XIIIth International Symposium on Iron Nutrition and
Interactions in Plants, Montpellier, France
2006 Invited speaker, Presidents Symposium, Plant Biology 2006, Boston, MA
2007 Invited speaker, Plant Genomes meeting, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
2007 Invited speaker, Microbiology Department, University of New Hampshire,
Durham, NH
2007 Invited speaker, Horticulture Department, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
2007 Invited speaker, Microbial and Plant Genomes Institute, University of Minnesota,
St. Paul, MN
2007 Invited speaker, 18
International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, Beijing,
2007 Invited speaker, Gordon Research Conference on Cell Biology of Metals,
Newport, RI
2007 Invited speaker, Gordon Research Conference on Plant Metabolic Engineering,
Tilton, NH
2007 Genetics and Genomics Program, Duke University, Durham, NC
2007 Invited speaker, HarvestPlus Rice meeting, Bangkok, Thailand
2007 Invited speaker, BioAsia, Bangkok, Thailand
2008 Invited speaker, Genetic Analysis: Model Organisms to Human Biology,
Genetics Society of America. San Diego, CA.
2008 Invited Speaker, Crop Biofortification and Human Nutrition, Ohio State
University, Columbus, Ohio.
2008 Invited Speaker, HarvestPlus technical meeting on Improving Bioavailability of
Minerals from Biofortified Staple Food Crops, Washington, DC.
2008 Invited Speaker, Gordon Research Conference on Plant Molecular Biology,
Holderness School, NH
2008 Invited Speaker, Banbury Conference on Nutrient Sensing in Plants, Cold
Spring Harbor, NY
2008 Invited Speaker, 2008 Donald Danforth Plant Science Center Fall Symposium
2008 Invited Speaker, 14
International Sympoisum on Iron Nutrition and Interactions
in Plants, Beijing, China
2009 HHMI Workshop on Future Horizons in Plant Science, Chevy Chase MD
2009 Pathology Department, Dartmouth Medical School
2009 Invited Speaker, Plant Genomes: Genes, Networks and Applications, Cold Spring
Harbor Laboratory
2009 Invited Speaker, BioIron, Porto, Portugal
2009 Invited Speaker, Women in Plant Biology, ASPB Plant Biology 2009 meeting
2009 Invited Speaker, Biology Department, New York University
2009 Invited Speaker, 9
International Plant Molecular Biology Congress, St. Louis
2010 Invited Speaker, III Pan American Plant Membrane Biology Workshop, Puebla,
2010 Invited Speaker, La Jolla Symposium, La Jolla, CA
2010 Instituto de Biotecnologia/Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM),
Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico
2010 Institute for Integrative Genome Biology, UC Riverside
2010 Invited Speaker, International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, Yokohama,
Curriculum vitae 10-1-11
2010 Invited Speaker, FASEB meeting, Snowmass, CO
:010 Keynote Speaker, 15
International Symposium on Iron Nutrition and Interactions
in Plants, Budapest, Hungary
2010 Plenary Speaker, Plant Biology 2010, Montreal, Quebec
2010 Invited speaker, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
2011 Invited speaker, Cal State Northridge
2011 Invited speaker, International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, Madison, WI
2011 Keynote Speaker, Gordon Research Conference on Cell Biology of Metals,
Newport, RI
Public Understanding of Science
Speaker in the Frontiers of Knowledge series on The mixed blessing of genetic
research. Is there a genetically engineered food on your menu? Concord, NH
Panel member, Genetically modified food crops: playing god or feeding the world?
Public Forum sponsored by the Environmental Studies Program, the
Department of Biological Sciences and the Ethics Institute at Dartmouth
College. 2/24/00
Symposium speaker, Genetically Modified Foods: Benefits and Risks, Science Center
of Eastern Connecticut, New London, CT. 2/17/01
Symposium speaker, Gene Hysteria, Dartmouth Club of Chicago 3/3/01
Speaker in the 6-week series Heal thyself offered by Dartmouth Community Medical
School: The secret lives of vitamins, drugs, supplements and genetically
modified foods, Hanover, NH 4/10/01.
Speaker in the 6-week series Heal Thyself offered by Dartmouth Community Medical
School: Nutrition and the secret lives of genetically modified foods,
Manchester, NH 10/24/01
Womens Network of the Upper Valley, 11/13/01. Genetically modified foods.
My article The green revolution strikes gold, originally published in Science (2000;
287:241-243), was reprinted in Genetically Modified Foods: Debating
Biotechnology, edited by Michael Ruse and David Castle. Prometheus Books,
Participant, 12
Annual Coalition for National Science Funding, Capitol Hill, June, 2005
Demonstrator for hands-on activities at the American Society for Plant Biologists
Education booth. AAAS Family Science Days, San Diego CA 2/20/10-2/21/10
Guerinot, M.L. and D.J. Eide. 1998. Metal-regulated metal transporters and uses
thereof. U.S. Patent #5,846,821.
Guerinot, M.L. and D.J. Eide. 2000. Metal-regulated metal transporters and uses
thereof. U.S. Patent #6,162,900.
Guerinot, M.L. and D.J. Eide. 2003. Metal-regulated metal transporters and uses
thereof. U.S. Patent #6,590,140.
Curriculum vitae 10-1-11
Guerinot, M.L. and E.E. Rogers. 2007. Isolated ferric reductase defective polypeptides
and uses thereof. U.S. Patent # 7,189,891
[1] Guerinot, M.L., W. Fong and D.G. Patriquin. 1977. Nitrogen fixation (acetylene reduction)
associated with sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) feeding on seaweeds and
seagrasses. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 34: 416-420.
[2] Guerinot, M.L., and D.G. Patriquin. 1981. The association of nitrogen-fixing bacteria with
sea urchins. Marine Biol. 62:197-207.
[3] Guerinot, M.L., and D.G. Patriquin. 1981. Nitrogen-fixing vibrios isolated from the
gastrointestinal tract of sea urchins. Can. J. Microbiol. 27:311-317.
[4] Guerinot, M.L., P.A. West, J.V. Lee and R.R. Colwell. 1982. Vibrio diazotrophicus, sp.
nov., a marine nitrogen-fixing bacterium. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 32:350-357.
[5] Carlson, T.A., M.L. Guerinot and B.K. Chelm. 1983. Isolation of Rhizobium japonicum
glutamine synthetase genes. pp 291-302. In Plant Molecular Biology, R.B. Goldberg
(ed.), UCLA Symp. Molec. Biol., New Series, vol. XII. A.R. Liss Inc., New York, N.Y.
[6] Guerinot, M.L., and B.K. Chelm. 1984. Isolation and expression of the Bradyrhizobium
japonicum adenylate cyclase gene (cya) in Escherichia coli. J. Bacteriol. 159:1068-
[7] Carlson, T.A., M.L. Guerinot and B.K. Chelm. 1985. Characterization of the gene encoding
glutamine synthetase I (glnA) from Bradyrhizobium japonicum. J. Bacteriol. 162:698-
[8] Guerinot, M.L., and R.R. Colwell. 1985. Enumeration, isolation and characterization of
nitrogen-fixing bacteria from seawater. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 50:350-355
[9] Guerinot, M.L., and B.K. Chelm. 1986. Bacterial 5-aminolevulinic acid synthase activity is
not essential for leghemoglobin formation in the soybean/Bradyrhizobium japonicu
symbiosis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 83:1837-1841.
[10] Guerinot, M.L., and B.K. Chelm. 1986. Molecular aspects of the physiology of symbiotic
nitrogen fixation in legumes. pp 103-146. In Plant-Microbe Interactions, vol. 2, T.
Kosuge and E.W. Nester (eds.), MacMillan Pub. Co., New York, N.Y.
[11] McClung, C.R., J.E. Somerville, M.L. Guerinot and B.K. Chelm. 1987. Structure of the
Bradyrhizobium japonicum gene hemA encoding 5-aminolevulinic acid synthase. Gene
54: 133-139.
[12] Jacobs, N.J., S.E. Borotz and M.L. Guerinot. 1989. Protoporphrinogen oxidation, a step in
heme synthesis in soybean root nodules and free-living rhizobia. J. Bacteriol. 171:573-
[13] Guerinot, M.L., E. J. Meidl and O. Plessner. 1990. Citrate as a siderophore in
Bradyrhizobium japonicum. J. Bacteriol. 172:3298-3303.
[14] Guerinot, M.L., B.A. Morisseau and T.Klapatch. 1990. Electroporation of
Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Mol. Gen. Genet. 221:287-290.
[15] Jacobs, J.M., N.J. Jacobs, S.E. Borotz and M.L. Guerinot. 1990. Effects of the
photobleaching herbicide, acifluorfen-methyl, on protoporphyrinogen oxidation in barley
organelles, soybean root mitochondria, soybean root nodules and bacteria. Archiv.
Biochem. Biophys. 280:369-375.
[16] Scott-Craig, J., M.L. Guerinot and B.K. Chelm. 1991. Isolation of Bradyrhizobium
japonicum DNA sequences that are transcribed specifically in bacteroids. Mol. Gen.
Genet. 228:356-360.
Curriculum vitae 10-1-11
[17] Guerinot, M.L. 1991. Iron uptake and metabolism in the rhizobia/legume symbioses.
Plant Soil 130: 199-209.
[18] Guerinot, M.L. 1991. Iron in the rhizobia/legume symbioses. pp 239-249. In Iron
Nutrition and Interaction in Plants, Y. Chen and Y. Hadar, (eds.), Martinus Nijhoff
[19] Plessner, O., T. Klapatch and M.L. Guerinot. 1993. Siderophore utilization in
Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 59: 1688-1690.
[20] Guerinot, M.L. 1993. Iron and the nodule. pp 197-217. In Iron Chelation in Plants and
Soil Microorganisms, L.L. Barton and B. Hemming, (eds.), Academic Press, New York.
[21] Yi, Y. and M.L. Guerinot. 1994. A new member of the small GTP-binding protein family
in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiol. 104:295-296
[22] Page, K.M., E.L. Connolly and M.L. Guerinot. 1994. The effect of iron availability on
expression of the Bradyrhizobium japoncium hemA gene. J. Bacteriol. 176: 1535-38
[23] Guerinot, M.L. and Y. Yi . 1994. Iron: nutritious, noxious and not readily available. Plant
Physiol. 104: 815-820.
[24] Guerinot, M.L., Y. Ying and J. Saleeba. 1994. Iron uptake in Arabidopsis thaliana. pp.
295-307. In Biochemistry of Metal Micronutrients in the Rhizosphere, J. Manthey and
D. Luster, (eds.), Lewis Publishers, Inc.
[25] Guerinot, M.L. 1994. Microbial Iron Transport. Ann. Rev. Microbiol. 48: 743-72.
[26] Page, K.M., and M.L. Guerinot. 1995. Oxygen control of the Bradyrhizobium japonicum
hemA gene. J. Bacteriol. 177: 3979-3984.
[27] Saleeba, J.A. and M.L. Guerinot. 1995. Induction of ferric reductase activity in response
to iron deficiency in Arabidopsis. Biometals 8: 297-300
[28] Eide, D., M. Broderius, J. Fett and M.L. Guerinot. 1996. A novel, iron-regulated
transporter from plants identified by functional expression in yeast. Proc. Natl. Acad.
Sci. U.S.A. 93: 5624-5628.
[29] LeVier, K., D. Day and M.L. Guerinot. 1996. Iron uptake by symbiosomes from soybean
nodules. Plant Physiol. 111: 893-900.
[30] Klapatch, T.R., M.L. Guerinot and L.R. Lynd. 1996. Electrotransformation of Clostridium
thermosaccharolyticum. J. Industrial Microbiol. 16: 342-347.
[31] Yi, Y. and M.L. Guerinot. 1996. Genetic evidence that induction of Fe(III) chelate
reductase activity is necessary for iron uptake under iron deficiency. Plant J. 10: 835-
[32] LeVier, K. and M.L. Guerinot. 1996. The Bradyrhizobium japonicum fegA gene encodes
an iron-regulated outer membrane protein with similarity to hydroxamate-type
siderophore receptors. J. Bacteriol. 178: 7265-7275.
[33] Westenberg, D.J. and M.L. Guerinot. 1997. Regulation of bacterial gene expression by
metals. Adv. Genet. 36:187-238.
[34] Eide, D. and M.L. Guerinot. 1997. Metal ion uptake in eukaryotes. ASM News. 63:199-
[35] Grotz, N., T. Fox, E. Connolly, W. Park, M.L. Guerinot and D. Eide. 1998. Identification
of a family of zinc transporter genes from Arabidopsis that respond to zinc deficiency.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 95: 7220-7224.
[36] Eng, B., M.L. Guerinot, D. Eide and M.H. Saier. 1998. Sequence analysis and
phylogenetic characterization of the ZIP family of metal ion transport proteins. J.
Membr. Biol. 166: 1-7.
[37] Fox, T. and M.L. Guerinot. 1998. Molecular biology of cation transport in plants. Annu.
Rev. Plant Physiol. Plant Mol. Biol. 49: 669-96.
Curriculum vitae 10-1-11
[38] Fett, J., K. LeVier and M.L. Guerinot. 1998. Soil microorganisms and iron uptake by
higher plants. pp. 187-214. In Metal Ions in Biological Systems, vol. 35, Iron Transport
and Storage in Microorganisms, Plants and Animals, A. Sigel and H. Sigel, (eds.), Marcel
Dekker, Inc.
[39] Connolly, E.L. and M.L. Guerinot. 1998. Reduction and uptake of iron in plants. pp. 179-
192. In Plasma Membrane Redox Systems, H. Asard and R. Caulbergs, (eds.), Kluwer
Academic Publishers.
[40] Robinson, N., C. Procter, E.C. Connolly and M.L. Guerinot. 1999. A ferric-chelate
reductase for iron uptake from soil. Nature 397: 694-697.
[41] Korshunova, Y.O., D. Eide, W. Gregg Clark, M.L. Guerinot and H.B. Prakasi. 1999. The
IRT1 protein from Arabidopsis thaliana is a metal transporter with a broad substrate
range. Plant Mol. Biol. 40: 37-40
[42] Westenberg, D.J. and M.L. Guerinot. 1999. Succinate dehydrogenase (Sdh) from
Bradyrhizobium japonicum is closely related to mitochondrial Sdh. J. Bacteriol.
[43] Guerinot, M.L. and D. Eide. 1999. Zeroing in on zinc uptake in yeast and plants. Curr.
Opin. Plant Biol. 2: 244-249.
[44] Gasser, C.S. and M.L. Guerinot. 1999. Arabidopsis in Australia: back to the future.
Trends Plant Sci. 4: 381-382.
[45] Rogers, E.R., D.J. Eide and M.L. Guerinot. 2000. Altered selectivity in an Arabidopsis
metal transporter. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 97: 12356-12360.
[46] Guerinot, M.L. 2000. The green revolution strikes gold. Science 287:241-243.
[47] Guerinot, M.L. 2000. The ZIP family of metal transporters. Biochim. Biophys. Acta.
1465: 190-198.
[48] Guerinot, M.L. 2000. Molecular mechanisms of ion transport in plant cells. In
Phytoremediation of Toxic Metals: Using Plants to Clean Up the Environment, B.D.
Ensley and I. Raskin, (eds.), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. pp. 271-285.
[49] Chory, J., J. R. Ecker, S. Briggs, M. Caboche, G. M. Coruzzi, D. Cook, J. Dangl, S. Grant,
M. L. Guerinot, S. Henikoff, R. Martienssen, K. Okada, N. V. Raikhel, C. R. Somerville,
and D. Weigel. 2000. National Science Foundation-Sponsored Workshop Report: The
2010 ProjectFunctional Genomics and the Virtual Plant. A Blueprint for Understanding
How Plants Are Built and How to Improve Them. Plant Physiol. 123: 423-426.
[50] Guerinot, M.L. 2000. To improve nutrition for the worlds population. Science 288:1966-
[51] Boncompagni, E. and M.L. Guerinot. 2000. A requirement for the iron-regulated outer
membrane protein FegA in the Bradyrhizobium japonicum/soybean symbiosis. pp. 479-
480. In Nitrogen Fixation: From Molecules to Crop Productivity, F.O. Pedrosa, M.
Hungria, M.G. Yates, and W.E. Newton (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers.
[52] Ozkan, M., S.G. Desai, Y. Zhang, D.M. Stevenson, J. Beane, M.L. Guerinot and L.R. Lynd.
2001. Characterization of 13 newly isolated strains of anaerobic, cellulolytic,
thermophilic bacteria. J. Industr. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 26:1-6.
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[54] Guerinot, M.L. and D.E. Salt. 2001. Fortified foods and phytoremediation: two sides of
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[55] Guerinot, M.L. 2001. Improving rice yields: ironing out the details. Nature Biotechnol.
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[56] Moreau, S., R.W. Thomson, B.N. Kaiser, B. Trevaskis, M.L. Guerinot, M.K. Udvardi, A.
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[59] Rogers, E.E. and M.L. Guerinot. 2002. FRD3, a member of the MATE transporter family,
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[60] Grotz, N. and M.L. Guerinot. 2002. Limiting nutrients: an old problem with new
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[61] Rogers, E.E. and M.L. Guerinot. 2002. Iron acquisition in plants. p. 359-373. In
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[64] Lahner, B., J. Gong, M. Mohmoudian, E.L. Smith, K.B. Abid, E.R. Rogers, M.L. Guerinot,
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[71] Grossoehme, N., S. Akilesh, M.L. Guerinot and D. Wilcox. 2006. Metal binding
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[73] Kim, S.A., T. Punshon, A. Lanzirotti, L. Li, J.M. Alonso, J. R. Ecker, J. Kaplan and M.L.
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[74] Colangelo, E. and M.L. Guerinot. 2006. Put the metal to the petal: Metal uptake and
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[75] Grotz, N.M. and M.L. Guerinot. 2006. Molecular aspects of Cu, Fe and Zn homeostasis in
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[76] Hall, B. and M.L. Guerinot. 2006. The role of ZIP family members in iron transport. pp.
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[77] Bauer, P., H-Q. Ling and M.L. Guerinot. 2007. FIT, the fer-like iron deficiency induced
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[79] Kim, S.A. and M.L. Guerinot. 2007. Mining iron: Iron uptake and transport in plants.
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[80] Baxter, I., B. Muthukumar, H.C. Park, P. Buchner, B. Lahner, J. Danku, K. Zhao, J. Lee,
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[81] Jeong, J. and M.L. Guerinot. 2008. Biofortified and Bioavailable: The gold standard for
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[82] Jeong, J., C. Cohu, L. Kerkeb, M. Pilon, E. L. Connolly and M.L. Guerinot. 2008.
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[83] Baxter, I., O. Vitek, B. Lahner, M. Borghi, J. Morrissey, M.L. Guerinot and D.E. Salt.
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[84] Baxter, I., O. Vitek, M.L. Guerinot and D.E. Salt. 2008. Reply to Evens and Niedz:
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[85] Bender J, Benfey P, Bergmann D, Borevitz J, Coruzzi G, Dangl J, Dean C, Ecker J, Estelle
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[86] Punshon, T., A. Lanzirotti and M.L. Guerinot. 2009. Using synchrotron x-ray fluorescence
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[87] Morrissey, J. and M.L. Guerinot. 2009. Trace Elements: Too little or too much and how
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[88] Lee, S., J.C. Chiecko, S.A Kim, E.L. Walker, Y. Lee, M.L. Guerinot and G. An. 2009.
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[90] Palmer, C. and M.L. Guerinot. 2009. Facing the challenges of Cu, Fe and Zn homeostasis
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[91] Guerinot, M.L., I. Baxter and D.E. Salt. 2009. From the ionome to the genome:
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[92] Ravet, K., B. Touraine, SA Kim, F. Cellier, S. Thomine, M.L. Guerinot, J-F. Briat and F.
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[93] Morrissey, J. and M.L. Guerinot. 2009. The good, the bad and the ionome. Chem. Rev.
[94] Morrissey, J., I.R. Baxter, J. Lee, L. Li, B. Lahner, N. Grotz, J. Kaplan, D.E. Salt and M.L.
Guerinot. 2009. The ferroportin metal efflux proteins function in iron and cobalt
homeostasis in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 21: 3326-38. PubMed PMID: 19861554.
[95] Guerinot, M.L. 2010. Iron In Cell Biology of Metals and Nutrients R. Hell and R. Mendel
(Eds.), Plant Cell Monographs 17; 75-94 DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-10613-2_4
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[101] Carey, A-M, G.J. Norton, C. Deacon, K.G. Scheckel, E. Lombi, T. Punshon, M.L.
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[104] Lee, S., N. Ryoo, J-S. Jeon, M.L. Guerinot, G. An. 2011. ActiEation of Rice Dello'
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B10?C )arey+ AAM2+ $2 ;om,i+ $2 Donner+ M2 D2 /e <on#e+ *2 .uns(on+ B2 .2 <ac-son+ M2;2
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B104C Donner+ $2+ *2 .uns(on+ M2;2 !uerinot an/ $2 ;om,i2 :0112 Functional characterisation
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plant molecular biology. Anal2 Bioanal2 )(em2 In .ress2

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