US - DC Heroes
US - DC Heroes
US - DC Heroes
By Mark Manzano
Conversion Notes
Stat Conversions: As DC: Heroes has 9 and only four of them are really
needed for basic stat conversions. The conversions take the APs (In a
given range.) of a given DC Heroes stat and attempts to find the closet
value in GURPS terms.
APs Formula
1 to 5 x 1.5 +5 = ST
6 to 10 x 2 + 5 = ST
11 to 20 x 2.5 + 5 = ST
21 to 30 x 2.5 + 10 = ST
31 to 40 x 2.5 + 15 = ST
41 to 50+ x 2.5 + 25 = ST
APs Formula
1 to 5 x 2 + 5 = DX
6 to 10 x 2. + 10 = DX
11 to 30 x 2 + 15 = DX
31 to 50 + x 2 + 20 = DX
APs Formula
1 to 5 x 1.5 + 5 = IQ
6 to 10 x 2 = IQ
11 to 20 x 2 + 5
21 to 50+ x 2 + 10
APs Formula
1 to 10 x 2 + 5
11 to 20 x 2.5
21 to 30 x 2.5 + 5
31 to 50+ x 2.5 + 10
As for the other DC: Heroes stats the following conversions are
suggested, at least the ones that have any effect in GURPS.
WILL: If a character has a will score of 10 +. They should have the Strong
Will advantage at the rate of 1 per 5 APs of the character's Will Stat.
INFLU: Divide this by 5. If any of the results are 1+ then give that
character +1 levels of the Charisma advantage equal to the resulting
As for the rest of the DC: Heroes stats (MIND, AURA, SPIRIT) none of them
Area Knowledge: This one in the DC Heroes rule book costs a minimum of
twenty points. As far as this goes the character should buy the
appropriate Area Knowledge skills at the character's IQ Level.
Intensive Training: A character with this advantage ether has the GURPS:
Martial Arts; Trained by a Master, or the Weapons Master advantage or
both. Depending on the character's background.
And of course these die rolls are subject to any modifiers that the GM can
think of..
Scholar: This is a the same as having a high level mental skill. Treat
this as the equivalent skill at IQ + 4 level.
Silent Assistant: The character has an unknown ally who know the
character's secret ID, and is willing to help the character. This is just
like a normal Ally for frequency of appearance. However the character does
not know who this ally is so the point cost of this Ally has a -5 point
Drawbacks / Disadvantages
AGE: This is ether the Age disadvantage, for older characters. Or it's the
Youth disadvantage.
Authority Figure: Characters with this one get the following. A high
status level, coupled with a sense of duty towards ones home country, and
sometimes a fanaticism about it as well. Assess the appropriate point
values as per the GURPS Basic Rules Book.
Strange Appearance: This is the same as being hideous looking (-20 Pts).
Artist APs 10 + IQ
Actor APs 5 + IQ
Musician APs 10 + DX
Painter As per artist
Photographer APs 5 + IQ
Sculptor APs 5 + DX
Writer APs 5 + IQ
Charisma NA
Interrogation APs 5 + IQ
Intimidation APs + 5 + IQ
Persuasion (Fast Talk)APs 5 + IQ
Martial Artist: See the GURPS Martial arts book for ideas on this.
Military Science NA
Camouflage APs 3 + IQ
Cartography APs 5 + IQ
Demolition APs 5 + IQ
EMC APs 5 + IQ
Tracking APs 5 + IQ
Occultist APs 5 + IQ
As for the rest of the occultist skills see GURPS: Magic and Magic items
for their equivalents.
Thief NA
Escape Artist APs 10 + DX