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Converting DC Heroes to GURPS Supers

By Mark Manzano

This article is an attempt at making general conversions of DC:

Heroes to GURPS: Supers. As most of the DC characters are relatively
powerful these should be taken as guidelines, with the resulting
conversions tailored to a given Supers Campaign. However conversions that
use these conversion notes will not be balanced, and again they should be
adjusted to fit a given campaign.

Conversion Notes

Stat Conversions: As DC: Heroes has 9 and only four of them are really
needed for basic stat conversions. The conversions take the APs (In a
given range.) of a given DC Heroes stat and attempts to find the closet
value in GURPS terms.

DC: Heroes STR to GURPS ST

APs Formula
1 to 5 x 1.5 +5 = ST
6 to 10 x 2 + 5 = ST
11 to 20 x 2.5 + 5 = ST
21 to 30 x 2.5 + 10 = ST
31 to 40 x 2.5 + 15 = ST
41 to 50+ x 2.5 + 25 = ST


APs Formula
1 to 5 x 2 + 5 = DX
6 to 10 x 2. + 10 = DX
11 to 30 x 2 + 15 = DX
31 to 50 + x 2 + 20 = DX


APs Formula
1 to 5 x 1.5 + 5 = IQ
6 to 10 x 2 = IQ
11 to 20 x 2 + 5
21 to 50+ x 2 + 10


APs Formula
1 to 10 x 2 + 5
11 to 20 x 2.5
21 to 30 x 2.5 + 5
31 to 50+ x 2.5 + 10

As for the other DC: Heroes stats the following conversions are
suggested, at least the ones that have any effect in GURPS.

WILL: If a character has a will score of 10 +. They should have the Strong
Will advantage at the rate of 1 per 5 APs of the character's Will Stat.

INFLU: Divide this by 5. If any of the results are 1+ then give that
character +1 levels of the Charisma advantage equal to the resulting

As for the rest of the DC: Heroes stats (MIND, AURA, SPIRIT) none of them


Area Knowledge: This one in the DC Heroes rule book costs a minimum of
twenty points. As far as this goes the character should buy the
appropriate Area Knowledge skills at the character's IQ Level.

Attractive: This is the equivalent of the Appearance: Handsome / Beautiful


Connection: This is the equivalent of the contact advantage. Treat them

basically like their GURPS equivalent.

Connoisseur: This is basically the GURPS Savior-Faire skill and should be

bought at the character's IQ level.

Gadget: Treat these a Gadgets under the GURPS supers rules.

Genius: This is the Gadgeteer advantage.

Gift of Gab: This is the Bard skill bought at IQ + 2 (four Pts). In

addition any character who has this advantage gets Charisma +1 (5 Pts).

Headquarters: There is no equivalent.

Insta-Change: This is basically a costume advantage with a special effect.

It lets the character change instantly from their street clothes into
their super costume just by thinking about it. For a costume to do this
add 5 points to the costume advantage.

Intensive Training: A character with this advantage ether has the GURPS:
Martial Arts; Trained by a Master, or the Weapons Master advantage or
both. Depending on the character's background.

Iron Nerves: A character with this gets Strong Will +2.

Leadership: A character with this has the Leadership skill at their IQ

level +1.

Lighting Reflexes: This is the same as the Combat Reflexes advantage.

Luck: This is the Luck advantage at the 30 Pts level.

Omni-Connection: There is in GURPS equivalent. But here's a suggested new

advantage to cover this.

Universal Contacts (Varies)

A character who has this advantage as a chance of developing a temporary
contact in any situation. The amount of points needed for this depends on
the roll needed to find such a connection in a given situation.

Roll Needed Frequency Pts

15 or less All of the time. 200
12 or less Quite often. 100
9 or less Fairly Often 50
6 or less Rarely 25

And of course these die rolls are subject to any modifiers that the GM can
think of..

Pet: See GURPS: Bestiary for this one.

Popularity: This is a Reputation +4 (Everybody, all of the time).

Rich Family/Freinds: A character with this advantage has a Patron who is

richer then they are.

Scholar: This is a the same as having a high level mental skill. Treat
this as the equivalent skill at IQ + 4 level.

Sharp Eye: The character has Acute Vision +1.

Silent Assistant: The character has an unknown ally who know the
character's secret ID, and is willing to help the character. This is just
like a normal Ally for frequency of appearance. However the character does
not know who this ally is so the point cost of this Ally has a -5 point

Miscellaneous Advantage: Use the appropriate GURPS advantage.

Drawbacks / Disadvantages

AGE: This is ether the Age disadvantage, for older characters. Or it's the
Youth disadvantage.

Authority Figure: Characters with this one get the following. A high
status level, coupled with a sense of duty towards ones home country, and
sometimes a fanaticism about it as well. Assess the appropriate point
values as per the GURPS Basic Rules Book.

Dark Secret: This one is a secret that will destroy a character if it

becomes known. Secret: (-30 points).

Exile: This is a negative reputation on the character home world, or

country. It is good for a -4 reputation (Everybody, all the time, home
country or planet only) (-4 Pts).

Guilt: Treat this as ether a -1 point quirk if mild enough, or treat it as

a -5/-10 disadvantage. At the -5 point level the character worries about
the problem that caused his/her feeling of guilt. Or at the -10 level the
character has to make a will roll on a weekly basis or they suffer from
overwhelming guilt. Ant they are a -1 for all mental skills. In addition
they suffer a -1 for subsequent will roll to pull out of their current
"guilt trip"

Innocent: This is the Gullibility disadvantage.

Irrational Fear: Treat this as the appropriate Phobia disadvantage from


Irrational Attraction: This is ether a quirk if minor enough. Or it's a

major mental disadvantage. Some of them include; Compulsive Behaviors,
Fanaticism, Greed, Lecherousness, etc.
Married: This is a variation of the Dependents disadvantage. Basically
the character is married to a normal who knows the character's super ID.
Take an additional -10 points for this.

Mistrust: This is a negative reputation with law enforcement personnel it

is a -2 reaction, all of the time. and is worth - 4 points.

Physical Restriction: take the appropriate physical disadvantage from


Psychological Instability: Take the appropriate mental disadvantage from

GURPS, or Supers.

Public Identity: This is just like the Supers disadvantage.

Rage: This is the GURPS Berserk disadvantage. If a character has this at

the catastrophic level add bloodlust as well.

Secret Identity: Just like the Supers disadvantage.

Strange Appearance: This is the same as being hideous looking (-20 Pts).

Traumatic Flashbacks: Treat these a the Flashback disadvantage (Su18).

Uncertainty: This is a -10 point disadvantage. When a character who has

this disadvantage, they because of self doubt might hesitate before taking
action. They have to make a successful will roll to act, in any crisis

Vulnerably: These should be taken as the appropriate GURPS disadvantages.

Miscellaneous Drawbacks: Buy the appropriate disadvantages from GURPS.


To convert DC: Heroes skills to GURPS the following Formulas should be

used. As DC Heroes skill all have sub skills, they are all listed here for
your convince. Also most of the sub skills have obvious GURPS
counterparts. Any of these conversions with a modifier of less then on
count as one.
Skill Conversions
DC Heroes Formula
Acrobatics APs 10 + DX
Climbing APs 5 + DX
Dodging NA
Gymnastics NA

Animal Handling APs + 10 + IQ

Animal Training APs 5 + IQ
Animal Riding APs + 5 + DX

Artist APs 10 + IQ
Actor APs 5 + IQ
Musician APs 10 + DX
Painter As per artist
Photographer APs 5 + IQ
Sculptor APs 5 + DX
Writer APs 5 + IQ
Charisma NA
Interrogation APs 5 + IQ
Intimidation APs + 5 + IQ
Persuasion (Fast Talk)APs 5 + IQ

Detective: All of these should be bought as ether, Criminology (APs 5 +

IQ) or Forensics (APs 10 + IQ).

Gadgetry: Buy the appropriate technical skills.

Martial Artist: See the GURPS Martial arts book for ideas on this.

Medicine (Physician) APs 10 + IQ

First Aid APs 5 + IQ
Medical Treatment NA
Surgery APs 20 + IQ

Military Science NA
Camouflage APs 3 + IQ
Cartography APs 5 + IQ
Demolition APs 5 + IQ
EMC APs 5 + IQ
Tracking APs 5 + IQ
Occultist APs 5 + IQ
As for the rest of the occultist skills see GURPS: Magic and Magic items
for their equivalents.

Scientist: buy the appropriate science skills at: APs 10 + IQ.

Thief NA
Escape Artist APs 10 + DX

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