ACI 375-10!17!2011 - Proposed Guidline-Table of Content
ACI 375-10!17!2011 - Proposed Guidline-Table of Content
ACI 375-10!17!2011 - Proposed Guidline-Table of Content
Oct. 2011
Performance Based Design of RC Building for Wind Loads
Creation of a Design Guideline, (this will be the continuation of the committee work done in SP-240.)
The following is a suggested sections /Task Groups:
Sections /Task Groups:
I. Performance Criteria
a. Inter-story Drift (Group-1)
b. Human Comfort (Group-2)
II. Performance Parameters for Modeling
a. Structural damping for serviceability and ultimate state and
Mass consideration (Group-1&2)
b. Stiffness Modifiers for Serviceability & Ultimate State
i. Shear wall (Group-3)
ii. Moment Frame; Column, Beam & Link Beam (Group-3)
iii. Flat Slab (Group-3)
c. Foundation effect (Group-4)
Volunteers for task groups:
(Please let me know whoever wants to volunteer for any of the groups)
Group-2: A. Rahimian,
Group-3: A. Rahimian,
Suggested References:
I-a: Inter-story Drift (Group-1)
J.F. Horvilleur, V.B. Patel, and K.A. Young, SP240-5: Components of Lateral Deflection in Sway Frames, American
Concrete Institute, 2006.
ACI Committee 224 (1992), Cracking of Concrete Members in Direct Tension, ACI Manual of Concrete Practice.
ACI Committee 318, 2005, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-05) and commentary (ACI
318R-05), American Concrete Institute, Farmington, Michigan, 430 pp.
Dilger, W.H. and Abele, G., "Initial and Time-Dependent Shear Deflections of Reinforced Concrete T-Beams,
Deflections of Concrete Structures, ACI SP 43-20, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, Mich., 1974, pp.
Griffis, Lawrence G, Serviceability Limit States under Wind Load, AISC Engineering Journal, Q1, 1993
I-b: Human Comfort (Group-2)
P. Mendis, T. Ngo, N. Haritos, A. Hira, B. Samali, J. Cheung, Wind Loading on Tall Building, EJSE Special Issue:
Loading on Structures (2007)
J. Kilpatrick, J. K. Galsworthy, N. Isyumov, Serviceability Criteria for Tall Buildings:
A Review and Comparison with Recent Full-scale Data
Tamura, Y., S. Kawana, O. Nakamura, J. Kanda, & S. Nakata, Evaluation perception of wind-induced vibration in
buildings, Proc Inst Civil Eng: Str & Bldgs, 159 (2006) 283.
K.C.S.Kwok, _, P.A.Hitchcock, M.D.Burton, Perception of vibration and occupant comfort in wind-excited tall
buildings, J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 97 (2009) 368380
ISO-10137 , Bases for design of structures - serviceability of buildings and walkways against vibrations, 2007, ISO
R. Bashor, A. Kareem,, Probabilistic Performance Evaluation of Buildings: An Occupant Comfort Perspective,
Kamal Handa, Comments on ISO 10137 Serviceability of buildings and walkways against vibrations, Gteborg
II-a: Structural damping for serviceability and ultimate state and Mass Consideration (Group-1&2)
AIJ (2000), Damping in Buildings, AIJ.
TAMURA, Y., et al. (2005), Damping in buildings and estimation techniques, Proceedings of the 6th Asia-Pacific
Conference on Wind Engineering, Seoul, Korea,
J. Y. Kim, D. Y. Kim, and S. D. Kim, Evaluations of the dynamic properties for a residential tall building in Korea,
CTBUH 8th World Congress 2008
R. Haviland, A study of the uncertainties in the Fundamental Translational Periods and Damping Values for Real
Buildings, MIT, 1976
by D. Boggs and J. Dragovich, The Nature of Wind Loads and Dynamic Response, SP-240-2, American Concrete
Institute, 2006.
D. Boggs, A. Lepage, Wind Tunnel Methods, SP-240-6, American Concrete Institute, 2006.
II-b-i: Stiffness Modifiers for Serviceability & Ultimate State: Shear wall (Group-3)
A. Rahimian, Lateral Stiffness of Concrete Shear Walls for Tall Buildings, ACI Structural Journal, Nov. 2011
J.F. Horvilleur, V.B. Patel, and K.A. Young, SP-2404: Modeling Assumptions for Lateral Analysis, American
Concrete Institute, 2006.
ACI Committee 318, Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete (ACI 318-08) and Commentary (318R-
08), American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, Mich., 2008, 465 pp.
Paulay, T., Ductility of Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall for Seismic Areas ACI Publication SP-53, 1977
MacGregor, J., G., Hage, S., V., Stability Analysis and Design of Concrete Frames, Journal of Structural Division,
ASCE, October 1977, pp. 1953-1970.
MacGregor, J., Design of Slender ColumnsRevisited, ACI Structural Journal, May-June 1993, pp. 302-309.
Khuntia, M., Ghosh, S., K., Flexural Stiffness of Reinforced Concrete Columns and Beams: Analytical Approach, ACI
Structural Journal, Vol. 101, No. 3, May-June 2004, pp. 351-363.
Khuntia, M., Ghosh, S., K., Flexural Stiffness of Reinforced Concrete Columns and Beams: Experimental
verification, ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 101, No. 3, May-June 2004, pp. 364-374.
Paulay, T., Priestley, M., J., N., Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Buildings, John Wiley and
Sons, Inc., 1991.
Priestley, M., J., N., Hart, G., C., Design Recommendation for the Period of Vibration of Masonry Wall Building,
Research report SSRP 89/05, University of California, San Diego and Los Angeles, 1989.
FEMA 273, NEHRP for Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington
D.C., 1997
Ibrahim, A., M., M., Adebar, P., Effective Flexural Stiffness of Concrete Walls in High-Rise Buildings, 2000 Spring
Convention, American Concrete Institute, San Diego, Calif., USA, March, 2000.
CAN/CSA A23.3-04, Design of Concrete Structure, Canadian Standard Association, 2004
Bazant, Z., P., Oh, B., H., Deformation of Progressively Cracking Reinforced Concrete Beams, ACI Structural
Journal, May-June 1984, pp. 268-278.
Vecchio, F., J., Collins, M., P., The Modified Compression Field Theory for Reinforced Concrete Elements Subject to
Shears, ACI Structural Journal, March-April 1986, pp. 219-231.
Orakcal, K., Wallace, J., W., Flexural Modeling of Reinforced Concrete Walls-Experimental Verification, ACI
Structural Journal, Vol. 103, No. 2, March-April 2006, pp. 196-206.
ACI Committee 435, Control of Deflection in Concrete Structures (ACI435-95) American Concrete Institute,
Farmington Hills, Mich., 2008, 88 pp.
II-b-ii: Stiffness Modifiers for Serviceability & Ultimate State: Shear wall Moment Frame; Column,
Beam & Link Beam (Group-3)
J.F. Horvilleur, V.B. Patel, and K.A. Young, SP-2404: Modeling Assumptions for Lateral Analysis, American
Concrete Institute, 2006.
Mehanny, Sameh S. F.; Kuramoto Hiroshi and Deierlein, Gregory G. Stiffness Modeling of Reinforced Concrete
Beam-Columns for Frame Analysis, ACI Structural Journal, V98, No.2, March, 2001, PP 215-225.
Paulay, T., M.J.N. Priestly, Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Buildings John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
II-b-iii: Stiffness Modifiers for Serviceability & Ultimate State: Flat Slab (Group-3)
J.F. Horvilleur, V.B. Patel, and K.A. Young, SP-2404: Modeling Assumptions for Lateral Analysis, American
Concrete Institute, 2006.
Pan, A., J.P. Moehle, Lateral Displacement Ductility of Reinforced Concrete Flat Plate, ACI Structural Journal, June
Zee, H.L. Moehle, Behavior of Interior and Exterior Flat Plate Connections Subjected to Inelastic Load Reversal
EERC, University of California Berkeley, Aug. 1984
L. M. Dovich , J. K. Wight, Effective Slab Width Model for Seismic Analysis of Flat Slab Frames, ACI Structural
Journal, Dec. 2005
II-c: Foundation effect (Group-4)