Thursday Thoughts: Open Night
Thursday Thoughts: Open Night
Thursday Thoughts: Open Night
recognise the
contributions, cultures
and histories of
Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander peoples.
What is recognition?
Recognition means
different things to
different people. The
Macquarie Dictionary
says that recognition
means the
acknowledgement of
something as valid or
entitled to consideration.
What another great
success. Rooms were a
hive of activity. Students
performed in front of a
large group of parents
and friends.
Open Night
Thursday Thoughts
L a u n c h i n g P l a c e P r i m a r y S c h o o l
Issue 17
Newsletter Date 29th May 2014
Important Dates:
Aussie Sport Expo
Grade 5/6 students
Grade 3/4 Camp
Book Club due
Queens Birthday
School Photos
School Council 7pm
Aerobics Comp
End of term 2 finish
Student Absent
Hot Line Number
5964 7783
National Reconciliation
Week (NRW) is celebrated
across Australia each year
between 27
May and 3
June. The dates
commemorate two
significant milestones in
the reconciliation journey
the anniversaries of the
successful 1967
referendum and the High
Court Mabo decision.
NRW is a time for all
Australians to learn about
our shared histories,
cultures and achievements
and to explore how each of
us can join the national
reconciliation effort.
The theme for this year is
Lets Walk the Talk -
with a continued focus on
how Australians can better
National Reconciliation Week
Recognition can take lots
of different forms, such
saying a simple thank
you when someone lends
you a helping hand
cheering on your friends
or being cheered on
during a game
being praised at work or
school for your hard work
and effort.
Think about how much
you value recognition.
When you are sincerely
means to you and why its important
in building a national conversation
about reconciliation. National
Reconciliation Week is also the
perfect opportunity to celebrate the
importance of respect, different
perspectives and diverse cultural
experiences. Learning about
reconciliation helps students to
become active and socially aware
citizens in many aspects of society.
recognised for whom you are and
what you contribute, you feel proud,
valued and connected.
Being recognised is good for your
self-esteem. It energises you and
encourages you to recognise the best
in others.
Recognition is an important part of
reconciliation. During National
Reconciliation Week, think about
the value of recognition, what it
More information about National
Reconciliation Week can be found
Page 2
Thursday Thoughts
Launching Place Primary School Carter Street Launching Place 3139 Telephone 5964 7783 Fax 5964 6171 Email
ABN 96 199 518 803
Cont from page 1
education for Prep students. By
2025, languages education will be
universal from Prep to Year 10. It is
pleasing to know that we are one
step ahead, with all children from
Prep-6 learning Japanese.
No matter what your childs ability,
research shows that learning another
language can:
Stimulate brain development
Learning another language helps
develop essential areas of childrens
brains. It also helps them to think
more creatively, connect ideas and
solve problems more easily.
Significantly enhance English
literacy skills
Learning another language means
more than just memorising lists of
words. Languages all use different
systems. Children automatically
compare and contrast the system of
the new language they are learning
with English. This gives them an
insight to how English works, which
accelerates their ability to read and
Improve memory, concentration
and numeracy skills
Learning another language
The Victorian Governments Vision
for Languages Education
Quite often we are asked Why do
we learn another language at
primary school? While it is
important to gain a firm grasp of the
English language in these formative
years, the benefits of learning a
second language are numerous.
Learning another language is an
exciting experience for young
children. While they have fun
discovering new and unusual ways
of expressing themselves, they also
exercise and strengthen their brains.
That is why the Victorian
Government is putting young
children first in its plan to revitalise
languages education.
According to research, the best time
to start learning a language is early
in life, so from 2015, all government
schools will provide languages
How Languages Can Boost Your Childs Brainpower
strengthens childrens memory for
sequences and their ability to
concentrate and build connections.
Improve overall performance at
Learning another language is
associated with excellent, long-term
academic results.
Encourage respect and
understanding of other cultures
Learning another language sparks
childrens curiosity for other cultures.
It opens their minds to different ways
of living and promotes harmony and
respect in the schoolyard and beyond.
Remember, learning any language
whether its Italian or Indonesian,
Japanese or Portuguese helps
children to become better thinkers,
better communicators and better
global citizens. For more
information please go to:
Page 3
Parents and Friends
Next upcoming event is the Disco on Friday 13th June, date will be confirmed and information will be sent home soon.
Next meeting is Monday 2nd June in the staffroom just after assembly. So come along have a cuppa and chat about
future fundraising activities.
Student Awards
Grade Prep F Jake R
Jayden D
Grade 1/2 B Jerikai J
Grade 1/2 N Connor W
Anelise McC
Alex J
Grade 1/2 S Lizzy McI
Hunter K
Matthew McC
Grade 5/6 G Brayden K
Jim H
Grade 5/6 L Will R
Oscar D
If you send your child/rens lunch order on an envelope please include
10 in the order for the cost of a paper bag.
Slushies are NOT available this term.
5th Fiona T, Gillian S, Bianca D
12th Janie G, Jodie D, Jaimie C
19th Jo R, Kelly W, Barb F
26th Janine K , Maryann E, Bianca D
Extra envelopes are available at
the school office upon request.
Please enclose correct money as
no change is given. Online
payments can also be made using
VISA, MasterCard or PayPal.
For any enquiries, please feel free to
contact the office.
Have a great week,
Narelle Messerle and Debbie Hobbis
School Photo Day is June 11
Please take time to read the relevant
information on the SchoolPix
Photography payment envelopes and
remember these helpful points:
Dont seal envelopes inside each
other. You can pay for all
children in one envelope
however each child needs to have
their own envelope on photo day.
School Photo Day
Hillcrest Fire Station Open Day
Next Sunday, the first of June,
Hillcrest Fire Brigade will be holding
an open day at the new station. The
station will be open to the public
from 10am 2pm.
You may have noticed the station
under construction on the Warby
Hwy over the past 12 months or so
and now you have the chance to
inspect the latest addition to the Yarra
down and see what we do. Or if youd
just like a bit of a sticky beak, come
right along.
Any further enquiries, contact Sam
Livesay on 0430 514 631.
Hope to see you next Sunday,
SC President and CFA volunteer.
Please Note: That other advertisements and publications published in this newsletter do not imply school or Department of Education and Early
Childhood Development endorsement.
Valleys fire fighting infrastructure.
On hand will be the ubiquitous
Captain Koala, a jumping castle, a
sausage sizzle and a range of other
activities for both big and little kids.
Brigade members will be on hand to
answer any questions and show people
around the station, trucks and
equipment. If youve ever wondered
what its like being a volunteer, come
Page 4
Thursday Thoughts
colour scheme to suit their space.
This was achieved with watercolour
pencils which are applied like
pencil, then when a damp brush is
used over the pencil, it creates a
beautiful watercolour effect.
Congratulations to Alex S 5/6R &
Josh E 5/6L on your beautifully
constructed perspective lines, your
lovely colour schemes and the
effort, detail and persistence you
have both shown to complete your
works of art to such a high standard.
Heather Taylor
Visual Art Teacher.
Artist of the Month
The grade 5/6 children have been
learning about Perspective in their
drawings. Not only have they
learned that objects appear smaller
in the distance, they learned the
technique or formula for drawing
lines correctly to a one point
perspective. It creates a scene as
though you are looking down to the
end of a corridor.
The children had to apply all this
knowledge in their drawings, and
the two drawings I have chosen this
month display it very well one is
an Art Gallery and one is an
The children then used their interior
design skills to create an interior
Writing Competition
Last week was Education Week.
We asked students to submit a
poem of their choice about their
grandparent or special friend. We
got a range of different entries
from prep to grade 6.
The Grandparents Song
Twinkle twinkle little stars,
I love my grandparents how
they are.
Glasses, coffee, cups of tea,
Doing fun things with my
brother and me.
Twinkle twinkle little stars,
I love them just the way
they are.
By Zara R (Prep F)
Generous and kind
Really fun
Awesome people
Nanna is loving
Delightful company
Pop is funny and strong
Always spoiling me
Reads to me
Enjoys looking after me
Nice and friendly
Takes good care of me
Special cuddles and kisses
By Taleisha B
(Grade 1/2 B)
Next week it is Grandparents Day
It will make you shout a hooray!
It is really fun
But hot when its done
It will be a cool, awesome May!
By James D (Grade 3/4S)
A true friend is always there close to your heart.
A true friend is an open book.
A true friend you can trust with all your secrets.
A true friend is loving and caring.
A true friend always helps without even thinking.
A true friend has hope and faith.
A true friend inspires you with new ideas.
A true friend is warm in their presence.
A true friend helps you through the tough times.
A true friend never forgets you.
A true friend is special just like you.
By Shantelle D (Grade 5/6L)
Page 5
Family Day Care
Hoddles Creek
Personal home based
childcare with small groups.
Play based learning with no
Family Day Care is supported
by Murrindindi Shire Council.
Childcare Benefit and Rebate
can be applied for.
Vacancies for 2014 now
Enquiries welcome please call
Lisa 0402 730 126
Page 6
Thursday Thoughts
A locally run scheme, providing warm, nurturing care to
small groups of children
At Lets Go Family Day Care, we put the "Family" into Family
Day Care.
Children are cared for in a warm, safe, homely environment
that consists of only a small group of children.
We have vacancies for care in Warburton, Yarra Junction, Wesburn and Millgrove.
Our educators are qualified and trained to provide the best possible care for your child. Each
educator is monitored and supported by our coordination unit, to enable them to continually grow
professionally within themselves.
Reduced fees are available as we are CCB and CCR approved through the Department of
If you have any enquiries in relation to finding care for your child, or if you would like to find out
how to become an educator, please call Olivia Moller on 59 647 244 or 0402315332.
Piano is hard work! Piano takes years to get anywhere! You need to
practice scales and exercises for a long time before you get to have
any fun and play great songs...
Piano can be fun straight away. You can learn to play two-handed
tunes in your first lesson! Piano instruction has come a long way in
the last few decades. New techniques and approaches allow for the
student to enjoy the learning process and experience making music
straight away. Piano is a journey, not a destination, so the experience
should be enjoyable.
I specialise in absolute beginners for children and adults. Cost is $20
upfront for materials, and $20 per 25 minute lesson. Students will
take home songs and exercises to practice. Private lessons are being
offered for the kids at Launching Place Primary School each
Thursday morning starting on the 13th of March. Private lessons are
also available for children and adults outside these hours by
If you or your child have always wanted to learn piano, I would love
to help you make this come true.
Contact Corrie on 0401 096 079 or check out
Corrie Wade
"Choreography for Life"